Volume 23, Issue 32 - July 27, 2001

Page 1

.f 2 fhe Metropoliton luly 27, 20Ol




Pick up your Student Hondbook in Tivoli #313 or other Metro offices (lcross comPus.



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In the can



lalo torrrtt -lhelktnfliton graffition a boardto be usedat a backdrop for hip-hoPdancers a lletro student,spraypaints BenzelJimmerson, actsl et Radio werepartof numerous |leltdownF6tivalJuly24at the flagpole. Thedancers at the Summer hadat the festival.

R.eport: university president lurnover olten lroubled

"Sometimes,boards are anxious to find new leaders becausethey know they cannot and should not run the Doily Texon(Universityof Texos- Austin) university.Thereis a senseof urgency." But Jerry Gaston,deputy chancellorof the TexasA&M (U-WIRE) AUSTIN, Texas - The transition into the Universiff Systemand chairman of the system'ssearch officeof the presidencyat U.S. collegesand universitiesis commitbee,said the searth for a new TexasA&M System mcky and can often be detrinental to the school'sstability, presidentis thorough,lasting anywherefrom eight to 13 accordingto a report releasedJuly 21 by the American months. "It's my thought that the problemsthat surfacedin the Associationof State Collegesand Universities. The repor! ?residential Successionand'Ilansition: study are not as problematicas they seemto be," Gaston Besinnins,Ending and BeginningAgain" statesuniversity said."Our experienceto date is that candidatesknow how boards of trustees are often unprepared for handling systemswork." presidential transitions, which can lead to a stagnant Gastonand the committeeare cunrentlysearthingfor a campus. new presidentto replaccoutgoingpresidentRay Bowen, "Ample evidencesuggeststhat many presidential whowill resignin June2002. transitions are untimely, poorly managed,personally Gastonsaid what separatesthe selecfionprocessat the dissatisfying,and, in somecases,evendepganingfor the Texas A&M System and the tII System ftom other primary players the presidents themselves,"the report selectionprocesses is the opendialoguebetweencandidates states. and the schools'chancellors.He saidthere art manypeople The study was from conpiled interviews with current and former university and collegepresidentswho availableto ofer guidance,and a new presidentwlll feel belong to the association,along with suweys of those morerelaxedin seekingadvice. presidentsand reports from tbe Associationof Governing When finalists are announced,canilidatesat both the Boards of Universities and Collegesand the American tlT and TexasA&M Systemsspend at least two days Councilon Eilucation. visiting the campusat wherethey are applylng. While the report states new presidentsoften find their Edwin Sharpe, UT executive vice chancellor for transitions poorly managed,TomIngram, presidentof the academicaffairs and chairman of the UT selection Association of Governing Boards of Universities and committee,said that Davrd Watts, who recently assumed Colleges,said that to say the new presidents are left the role of president at Ul-Permian Basin, spent about unprep_ared is an overstatement. three weeksvisitilg the campusbeforestartrng. "I wouldn't sell presidentialcandidatesshort on their "An advantageof the University of TexasSystemis we moxie," Ingram said. 'There are always surprises.The don't do this every decade,"Sharpe said. "There is questionis how big the surpnseis." A problem institutionalmemoryin the selectionprocess. Ingram addedthat a valid criticismis, many times, with someuniversitiesis that they'retryrngto reinventthe boardsof trusteesare too rmpatientwhenselectilga new wheel. They haven't thought about it enoughor put collegeor universitypresident. togethera goodcommittee." "I think it's a fair criticismofmanyuniversities," hesard. EflC lJc|rZO




personally poorlymanaged, dissatisfying... prestdential areuntjmety, transitions {&t}any





4 TheMetropollonJuly27, 2AO1 - p\,rcs

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5 TheMetropoliton July 27, 2OOl

livoli pcrkit g lot repairs to be completed in August I;

Aimee Potler

been' connected to sewer lines along seventh stree! we A constructionprojectthat has been have alsobeenable to going on in the Tivoli parking lot tie in sewer lines from during the last year is scheduledto be the King building to completethe secondweekin August. minimize flooding The project has involved installing aroundthere." li;:r'h storm sewers to help prevent and Combined with the l{*isk* minimizeflooding. new sewer lines, workers have been "This is the final phase of the able to nodify and improve the project," said Tivoli director Barb curbsides,gutter,and.sidewalks. Weiske."The new storm sewershave Weiski also said tbey have The Metropoliton


purchased new parking toll booths. "The new huts are very efficient and wrll help keep our staff warm duriirg the winter. The new huts have beenorderedand we plan on installingthem by Aug. 13," she said. Wieski also said there has been a delay on the new huts, and if they do not arrive on time she plans to havethe old huts reinstalled until they arrive. Wieskisaid she couldnot recalltotal costsbut said, "Sincethe Tivoli parking

is a. user-pay system, the revenuesgo into a reserve. That's the moneywe used,no student feeswere usedat all."

The Metropolilon strives for acruracy.If you spot an error, call . SeanWeaverat 303.556.8353.



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lf you are, attendance at this session is REQUIRED. Friday, August ?Ar 2OOi . Tivoli Student Union, Room 32O . 3'4:30pm MSCD Office of Glinical Services . For more information, ciall (3O3) 55&2652


6 TheMetropohton JJy27, 2OO1



PamRollings,who has A{uttipleSclerosis, demonstratesProPer form during the "Yoga for Peoolewith A4S" clasrat the Washington ParkRecreationCenter July 25. JaimeJarrett/thGlletroPoliloa

Yogcr wirh cr purpose Nicolo Grun The Metropoliton The National Multiple Sclerosis Societv's C o l or ado c hapt e r a n d D e n v e r P a rk s a n d Recreation are hosting "Yoga for People with MS" at the Washington Park Recreation Center through Aug. 14. "I have MS, and I was walking with a cane when I began,"said Pam Rollings, who has been teaching the yoga class for four years. "[Yoga] has savedny life." Naomi Hiller-Reynolds and Martha Patt offered a free workshop in June for people with MS in addition to the regular class at the recreation center. It was funded by Patt's grant from Berlex Laboratories Inc. "We work on strength, flexibility and balance to restore range of movement," Rollings said. "Most of the moves are similar to original yoga, but they are modified so they benefit people with MS . " Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system that causesfatigue, vision loss, paralysis and walking diftculties. The muscles of people with MS that extend the limbs becomeweaker while the muscles that contract becomestronger. Symptoms appear when nerves in the brain and spinal cord lose their ability to transmit signals. MS has been diagnosed mainly in women who are between the ages of 20 and 40. "This class is so uplifting," said Mary Wells who has been attending the class for more than four years. "Everyone is so supportive of each other. It really helps everyone feel good about themselves." Hiller-Reynolds and Patt also teach a modified version of yoga especially for people with MS. Patt has worked with the Northern California chapter of the National MS Society since 1994 to develop this yoga program which was recently introduced to Colorado by the local MS society chapter. "When I was diagnosed,yoga really kept ne from dropping off the deep end." Patt said. "MS is like a buzzing, in my mind and soul. When I'm under stress,MS is li}e a buzz and I need to

lungs, which is important for MS sufferers who relax, center and focusby doing yoga." may not be able to achievethis through vigorous 26. Her IVIS at with diagnosed Patt, 43, was daily routine involves waking up in the morning exercrse, and doing 15 minutee of yoga. She works fuU' . Patt's Betaseron Champions of Courage Gront time and does auother 45 minutes of yoga in the funds "Yoga for People with MS." Berlex evenings. She said any hint of M5 fatigue is LaboratoriesInc, which producesthe medication Betaseron, also provides relieved by her daily yoga grants to people with X{S routines. in recognition of their has R el apsi ng P att in accom plishm ent s Remitting MS, and said the community achievrng pain in her legs has been service goals and who the biggest challenge for inspire others. Each grant her to manage during the r ecelves a r ecipient last 17 years. She signed of maximum $7000. yoga in 1982 class up for a Reynolds and Patt after she had her first donated mats and other problem with severe the to equipment balance. She realized the Colorado chapter so the simple movements and program can be continued meditation relieved the and im pr oved in bot h chronic and emotional Pain. Denver and Fort Collins. a Hiller-Reynolds, The ColoradoMS ChaPter graduate of the Iyengar hopes to run another of San Yoga Institute similar workshop similar Iyengar Francisco, taught next year. yoga techniques at the "Yoga is helpful for workshop in June. not just PeoPle everyone, "There are many styles of with MS." Patt said. "It's yoga." Hilier-Reynolds said. for clear thinking and a "Find your own yoga style bright mind. It can keep they all lead to the same us focused in this verY building goal. We are JaimeJarretVnc tettctCLn stressful world." mindfulness through bodily PamRolllngsleadsa yogaclassfor people "Yoga for people with awareness." Washington at the Sclerosis Muttiple with is being held at the MS" props while The use of ParkRecreationCenterJutY25. Park Washington doing Iyengar yoga helps euerY Center Recreation those with MS reach the classical postures and attain benefits. Most Wednesdayftom 10 11:30am through Att'E14' information about the you more like If would practiced while can be demonstrated exercises you like to uolunteer to ossist would seated or even lying down. Reynolds stresses classor if Pam Rollings at contact pafticipants the class, quality in that workshop participants "observe the 303'695-9356' smooth you find a can see if your and breath of More information about the grants can be breath." to writing by Breathing exercises,yoga and meditation can found info@championsofcourage'org MS stress be especially useful for reducing the Deep, slow, often causes, said Rollings. Jaime Jarrett contributed to this article rhythmic abdominal breathing allows for deeper in the exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide






t 7 TheMeropolitonJuly27, 2O0l





C are part of the Cremede I'Aurcria studentexhibition. Gllery Juty 25. The photographs ShilohRaderlooksat to photoEaphsby Lisakhafer at the Emmanuel


Fcrrewell lo Emmcrnuel Gclllery lnlerim direclor overreei whct might be her final show ot the ccmpus gollery






here,"Charlessaid."I know the studentswho Ryuichi Ogino even varied mediums within come in here...I really see first-handthe his untitled series. Four of the pieces were The Metropoliton mixed media, with the look of animation effectthe galleryhas on the students." of cel l s, and a f if t h was an oil on canvas artwork theme, the no central With This may be Katy Charles'final show at pai nti ng of the sam echar act ert hat appear ed to from artist varied de I'Aurario the EmmanuelGallery, so it is fitting in a Crdme i n the cel l s. medium. matter and in subject both way it representsthe best the c a mp u sh a s to artist, On the walls alongsidepaintings and "It's work," of broad cross-section a very offer. photographs was a series of posters by recently C h a rl e s graphic design students, various learned her contract advertisingeverythingfrom a show at the hadn't been renewed, DenverArt Museumto a programto quit meaning after July 31 smoking. she would no longer be Other uniquepiecesincludedan album the interim director of coverdesignfor the soundtrackto Pslclro gallery. The the by Charles Mountain and a book of University of Colorado KatyCharles Meditations on the Golden lliangle by at Denver, which is RandyGarcia. taking over the gallery,would hire a new There were also more traditional art director. forms,from the out of focusphotographsof The show, Crdme de I'Auro.ria, rs a corporate signs in Stephen Sanderson's showcaseof student work from the three ConformitxSeriesto Naomi Mandeville's campus schools.It openedJuly 19 and Color& SLopepatntingsto Gary Rawson's runs through August 23. The art was sculpture,"A Matter of Time." selectedwith namestaken off to avoidany Even though she may be leaving soon, possiblebias. Curators Manya Tan and hopes Emmanuel Gallery will Charles Charles selectedpieceswith an outside to serve the campus as it has continue juror. The results were "very Metro' in March. reopening since heavy,"Charlessaid. "There'sgreat work "We momentumgoing,and I had our from all the schools,Metro is just a big that momentum,"she to lose would hate Chrisward/Tictr.trcrcn n school." said. both "We had a great opening," Charles sard. Artist Naomit'landevillestandsnext to her paintings, "I think this galleryexistsfor everybody 25. Juty Gallery Emmanuel Space," at the & titled "Color people were at about 200 She estimated campus,"Charlessaid."In a lot of cases on the gallery the first night of the show, in the only art experiencethe students this said' Charles "which is great for an opening reception. have." ,,I faculty artist and of Denver College Community sho*i are successful


think the student


B TheMetropolitonlu y 27, 2OO1


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Olympic decision dighonots U.S. velercns It sat there on the bcdy. groundsin stark and Shover,after 30years,finally wrote Hicklen's mother. "I miss mocking contrast to my Texas friend, Hick." He continued, saying he wished he of moreofwhat the 30 yearshad erased..." the beauty of the July could"...remember '1'm oneof letter, day around us. Its the memoryof his friend. He said in another multi-paneled those guilt-ridden suwivors, barely alive and regretting that David the past; that past Vietnam...,"and that relief camethrough self' blackness. Hindman monolithic blocks of medication:alcoholand drugs. each The price that Shover,Gould,Tomlin and Hicklen paid was marble, pain tortured lives, denominatedin blood,fear, pain and death, and in Shover's of so many shatteredand representedthe lost case,the ongoingtorture of regret and the torment of dreams, and the impenetrablebarrier betweenthe living and their white not to mentionthe namesof dear friendswritten in the black flag flew a black and overhead, lovedones.The POW-MIA joining in the mrrror. the imagined cries of those echoof living torment, They fought a communist threat against the ideal of soldiers in Vietnam. black mirror; the dying the was a day of remembrance at democratic freedom,lile their countrymenbefore them who in July weekend The seconcr. permanent fought war in Korea. It was a dark threat fundedby version of the a similar a scaled-down "traveling wall," government in the form of troops,weaponsand a D.C., which came to the Chinese in Washington, Memorial Vietnam War it was soldiers, whoweretrying to kill the fear Ironically, the same supply of heroin to U.S. Hill Cemetery. at Crown Lakewood weekendthe Chinesecommunists,who helpedfund the deaths as muchas defeattheir enemies. of 58,000Americanservicemenand womenin Vietnam,began Tlagically,U.S. governmentof6cialsand U.S. corporations, celebratingthe InternationalOlympic Committee'sdecisionto supposedlyloyal to this country and the principles of our grant them the 2008Olympics,largelydueto the inlluenceand democratic republic,arefundinga little war of their ownagainst our nationalinterests,and spitting on the gravesof American investmentof major U.S. corporations. We joined a goodfriend, who lost her unclein the war, and freedom fighters in the process. Through a push for stoodin honoring silenceas she traced Graham R. Hicklen's globalizationand expansionof rrarkets, theseforcesof rvealth greed are and name from the memorial ultimately waging war with paperandpencil. Her against freedom and tracing seemedto set in self-determination, motion the unfolding of a pretending to be the story.A storyof four young American new men in their early 20'swho and revolutionaries. belonge&ethe sametmit: paid those who slapping Shover.Gould.Tomlin and the true price of liberty finally, Hicklen, who was in the face. Chanting ftom Texas,and naturally the mantra of freereceived the nickname, markets and democracy "Hick". for all Chinese people, Hicklen acted as an '.he they have created a bunch. olderbrotherto trade imbalance which Shover,the only surwiving has only served to memberof the four friends, Chinese (three having losr their strengthen nuclear and military lives on the same day), capability, and tighten wrote in a letter that "Hick" was a gentleperson,well-likedand alwaystakrngcareof the grip of the communistgovernmenton it's people,through his'younger brothers",warning them not to volunteeras the massexecutionsof political prisonersand supposedcriminals, point-manmore than necessaryand making sure they wrote as well as the heartypersecutionof religiousgroups. This Iast home often. "Hick" was upbeat,optimistic and, accordingto month saw a governmentcrackdownon the free exr:hangeof Shover,neverhad a negativewordto sayaboutanyone;not even informationin China at Internet cafes,leadrngto riictatorial monitoringand closures. the North Vietnamese. The underwriting of the 2008 Olympicsin China by U.S. Out of love for his country Hicklen enlisted in the Army, requestinga dangerouspositionin the infantry that he knew corporations,under the lie that it will help force Chinese would put him on the frunt lines. That sacrificialdecisionled democracy,coupledwith the attitude of Olympic athletes, him to a fateful day in April of '67,when courage,and devotion ("Humanrights violations? What human rights violations?') to a brotherhoodformedunder fire, led hrm to moveup under appearsas more of a bold and brazentreasonin the name of heavy enemyresistance,on a machinegun position,while he money,than a benignand altruistic effort at easingthe bondsof laid down coveringfire. The enemymachinegun was removed dictatorship. Th.enext time you thilik about buying something"Madein from service,but Hicklenfell silent with a mortal woundtc the China,"or from a companybent on expansionunder a brutal hcad. Hicklen'scommandingofficercomfortedhis motherwith the communistregime,considerwhom you're supporting. Then pain". He illustrated rememberthe persecutedin China, and the Americanswhose words"quick death"and "no unnecessary Hicklen's bravery, offering that enemy resistance was so namesare written in the blackmirror. intense,it took a napalm strile iust to be able to retrievehrs












ermee potet

nicora grun j'i}*+i t





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Tuesdays12:30-2pm.St. Francis the interviewingprocess.Central Center, Room #2. For more Classroom #203 llam-lpm. Call information,call (303)750-5390. MSCD Career Services for n registrationinformation(303)556- Sexual Harassment and Job AI;ANON - Meet on Wednesdays Moch Interuiews A free 3664. Discrimination Worhshop in the Auraria Library #205 from opportunity to practice and Free and confidential workshop 12-lpm.For moreinformation,call evaluateinterviewingtechniques. with steps to take at work and Billi at (303)556-2525 or (303)321- Dress for an actual interview through the legal systemif sexual 8788. bring your resumeand arrive 10 harassment or discrimination minutes in advance. Video Job Search Strategies - Initiate occur.For information call 9to5 at MSCD Student Gouernment equipmentwill be used. Call a job search,makecontacts,and (303)628-0925. Meeting - Get involved with (303)556-3664 to schedulean use resources.Central Classroom student government every appointment. #203, 10am-12pm.Call MSCD Thursdayfrom 3:30-5:30pm in the t Career Servicesfor registration SenateChambers, Tivoli#329.For information(303)556-3664. more information, call (303)556Chicano Music Festiual 3312. - Three Summer Pachanga ResumesThat Worh - Write an nights of musicand danceAug 10Ttuth Bible Study from a effective resume. Central 12, at El CentroSu Teatro,4725 Messianic Jewish PerspectiueClassroom #203, 2-4pm. Call join Converse Sneahers featuring High Street. Tickets $6-15, All are welcometo in Tivoli MSCD Career Services for Julia Lopezand MagdaMartinez weekendpass$22.For ticketsand #542 Wednesdays and Thursdays gistration re information(303)556at El CentroSu Teatro4725High showtimes,call (303)296-0219 from 3-4pm.For moreinformation, 3664. Street.For ticket informationcall callReubenat (303)355-2009. .f (303)296-0219 Brown Bag Worhshopon God's WilI - Bring a sacklunch.Hot and Fall 2001ClassesBegin cold drinks/chips provided. Interviewing Shills Review of Mondays 11:30am-lpm and



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Publication Schedule Thetr[etropolitan Fatl 2001 August24 August 3l September 7 14 September 21 September 28 September October5 October12 October19 October26 Norember 2 Norember 9 16 November Ncvember 30 December 7

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.