Volume 30, Issue 16 - Jan. 17, 2008

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withfundingloss struggle Students ByROBERTFISHER rfishel8emscd-edu Brandon Richardsonwas one of 753 students who receivede-mails tom the Officeof Financial Aid fan. 3, informing him his Perkins Loan wascancelled,with only weeksbefore the start of the spring semester. 'A monkey wrench has been throwu in rhis semester."Richardson said. ThePerkinsIoan fund is a poolof money that is loaned out to students who repayit with interest, As money comesbackinto the pool, that money is loanedout to current students,Until threeyearsago,the federalgovernment awardedmall allohents to the fund. Since then the federal government has cut those allotnents from its budget. Although the Ofrce of Financial Aid was ableto help Richardson male up the cancelled anount, he had to taheadditional Stallordloans, which carry a higher intercst mt€ and a shorter defennentperiod than the Perhns loan. 'In the long run, it is iust adding on to my increasingshrdentloan situafion," Richardson said. "I gotta do what I gotta do to fiDfsh,rightf For most fuIl-time studenb such as Rlcharilson, this first-time cancellafion of the PerkinsIoan means $1,500 less in aid and left students scrambling to find financial alternatves. Cindy Hejl, director of financid aid at Metro, adDib that the riming was short, but said that her ofrce found out about the cancellation right beforewinter break, wtrich r+ quired her to decidewhen to alert the students. "I had to mate a ilecision: Do I notify the studenb prior to going on Cbrishas brrak, when we would not be here to answershrdentquestions, or do I wait until after the break, when r,v,ewould be here to answer questions," Hejl satuL'I thought it rrrouldbestfor us to behere to answer questions,so that was wfo I did not sendout the noticesbeforeChrishas break." Cathq Lucas, tlirector of communlcations at Metro. said the 753 studenb allectedby the cancellation r€present 5 percent of all aid-seeking shrdentsat the college.The Perkins loans were cancelleddue to an increasein the nu:nber of students who requestedthem and the failure

of former studentsto repayoutstanding balances. Heil said tle Perkins Ioan firnd wasdown $362,555during the past six months. Most schools have seen its Perkins collectionsdown fhis past year, but Meho is the only schoolthat has had to cancelthe loans,Hejl said. Although Meho is the legallender and borrower of the Perkins[oan, collections are outsourced to ACS, a national collection company,who shouldhavemoreanswersfor the collegein upcoming months. "This is normal acrossthe nation that the Perkins repayments have gone down," Hejl said, "and they (ACS)are trying to look into the reaseningfor it." And while thosereasonsare formulated, Lucas said the immediate focusis on the studenb. "Right now,our concernis trying to work with studenb who havebeen alTectedby not receiving the krkins Ioans." Lucassaid. "We are really focusingon working with shrdentsto submit new loan Phoh byDWIlilAu,Rl/dnudun€nrccedu applications for alternatFe or adloan oncellation ofthePe*ins FinandalAidonJan.15.Ihe AlonglimofstudenBfurmsqrbidethedoortotfteOfficeof difistral [eans that wou]d cover ttris tpdngs€tttetererDemet forhundrcds ofstudenE hasousedmanytosmmblet0(ouerallthc canelled loan." One way the school has fid !o offsetthe cancelledamormt is by automatically a$rardiDgstudents who were eligiblefor the ColoradoCollege ResponsibilityGmnt an extra $500 to the amount therywereinitially awarded"However,not all alfcted studetrts peliod DStafford defement interett ntewithasixmonth Loans arefixedat6.8percent were eligiblefor the grant and there (approdmate fore not eligiblefor the extra $500. )'Astudent 4years) undelgraduate upt0Si16,000for anindependent canreceive Meho student Th€r€sa Baker, r Perkins period percent deferment intercst ntewithaninemonth loansa]efixed ata5 who had her Perkinsloan cancelled Family Contribution, ortFCof andmusthave anExpected anavera-ge 0f51,500 asemester Astudent canreceive u this s€mester,was eligible for the exasdetermined byFAFSA 53Jffiorless tra $50O. And although the exta money is appreciated,she is still left with the rcsponsibilityof making up the remaining $1,0OO. "We have to uphold our end of the bargain by paying backthe loan," Baker said. "If we were to ac.€pt a loan from a bank rhey wouliln't take r Subsidized oftinancial Aid.lf a need detemined bytheOffice Loans arebased onfinancial Fedenl Stafford back that money unless we were in paysforthe qualifies, govemment attends sdlooland dudng the interest rate while the student loans student the default. And as studentswe haven't period.lhe repayment begins interest 0ntheloanaccrues when deferment sixmonth doneanything to deservethat." As a nother and student, Baker However, >Unsubsidhed toalleligible studenr. 0nfinancial need andareanilable Federal StafudLoans arenotbased dependson aid for a variety of exuntiltheintercst rateispaid0ff. fortheloanlinterest ratefiomthetimetheloanisdisbuned isresponsible thestudent penses.The Perkinsloan was money she had budgeted for day care, an expenseshehas to pay upftont at the but maybethey should revarnptheir ofrce, she was advisedto look into minffiafiys scandals surrounding beginning of the semester. "When that got taken backit was systemso somethinglike this doesn't private loans, something she refuses private student loans. Perkinsloans are awardedin the to do becauseof recentnewsstories happenagain." really discouraging," Baker said. "ff When shecalledthe financial aid about inflated interest rates and ad- spring for the fall semester. the money is not there, that is ffne,

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takeabiteoutofDenver Contestants ByJAMBS KRUGER jkrugerlomscd.edu the Metro's Alrrmni Asrcciatiorn and sponsorsof the ApprenticeChallenge 'ffred' up cont€stanb for their first proiect, rvtich ofrcially hcked o{f Jan.1 1. With the 1O students who will be vying for a full-ride scholarship for the 2008-09 academicyear now chosen, Kaiser Permanante and LiveWell Colorado, sponsorsof the first event, challenged the contestants to work with local businesses in creating healthy and Dutritious menu items based on guidelines from the Colorado Department of Public llealth and Environrnent's Smart Mea.lprogram. "We're Just qcit€d to get them (the contestarts)gpitrg,"saidStefanie Carroll, assistantdirector of alumni pmgrams and communlcations. "I think it (the ffrst challenge)gp€swith the themeof the New Yearand being healthy and eating heafth5'." The students, dividd into two comDetlng teams, will approach donntown businessesto try and persuadethem in participafng in Smart Meal - a pnogramthat certiffesthat a rcstauiatrt olTers nufitious and health consciousmenu it€ms, the teamswil pitch the benefits of the program to fine dining r€stauranb located ilowntown and work with them to have their nenu items t€stcd for nuhitional content to see if they meet spocificguiclelines,and at tlmes, help restaurants seek out cr€ative ways in wbich items could bepairedor changedto adhereto the Smart Meal regulations, The students will be judged by sponsornepresentativeE on a variety of aspects,from how many restaurants they encourageto participate in the program, to the stratogies that they implement. The contest?rts have unfil Feb, 1 to complete the project. In order to participate in the program and display the Smart Meat sed on menus and entrances, the restaurant must offer at least

Stasiunaite Geidrc


Foos David

Kaleigh Bnun







Photo 5l{0$l/mor{j@msd.edu bi.l0HAl{t{A

11atdre notesJan. ftrisWltoxoflheTTeamcompate Ashley Gildrdstand fol thefirsthskin Department ofPublic Heahh andEnvironmem Colorado ftallenge. MettotApprcnti(e two entreesthat are low in sodiun, calories and include beans, fruits, vegetablesand whole grains. There is no fee required by restaurants {or participa.tion,other than coststo up datemenus and havefoodstestedfor nutitional content. Reg€sentativesfor CDPIIErhink that healthier options could lead to healthier decisions. 'We believe and are trying to get data to support that awareness and recogpition of menu it€rns will change people's choices in restauranB," Shanaktersaon, a registered dietitian and nuftition program coordinator for the ColoradoPhysical Activity and Nutrition (COPAN)Program, said. ht the very least,people will lnow that there ar€ options out there, and they will lnow clearly what they are" Many Coloradobusinessessuch as Beau fo's Plm, are active participants, and last year, COP{N succe€dedin drawing 1O8 McDonald's rcstaurants around the Denrer area into the program. The Apprenticeproject illushatec the Association'sdrive to make the nials challenging and interesting for the conte$ants, yet positivefor Metm's surrounding communities. "We want to get the students

connected with the community and also give them more of a connection with Meho State," ,anelle Lindserydirector of specialinitiatives [61alrrmni 6l6fi6ns and enrollnent services,said. After receiving tainlng hom rcpreseDtativesof COPTINand KaiEerPermanent€and learning details about the first ohallenge,the contcstaDtswer€excit8dto m€etit. "G€tf,Dginto contactwith restaurant owners I tlink will be the hardest part of the challenge,but selling this idea - I des'f think is going to be difrcult." cont€stant. member of the "'A team" and Metro marketing major Kaleigh Braun said. i{nyone who can get on the bandwagonfor this is going to seehow beneficialit is for their company" The next pmiect $'ill be sponsored by UMB Bank and Denver's Road Home and will be aimed at helping the homeless population. Other challengeswill researchways to improve education and energr sustainabllity. The winner of Metro's Apprenflce Challenge will be announced at the "Boardroom Finale Bvent" May 1, and will receivea frrll-tuition scholarship for the 2008-09 academ.icvear.

(ontestants u instore forthe Apprentite lThatt byUMB Bank andDerue/s Road Home Ihe UltBHomelesftallenge:Feb. &29.Sponsored (|l2t I Challenge: Mardr 7-28. Sponsorcd byff2M HillandColorado The llill Dreameriladr andSdence Have aDream Foundation Alliance forSustainable Colorado EroAudihApdlG25.Sponsored byThe Business

1950 303.477.

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Need another class forspring? Nutrition In launch

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an effort to Metro'snervbachelor's program,a Bachelorof Sciencein Human Nutrition-Dietetics. NUT190A:Introductionto Professionsin Nutrition and Dieteticswill be offeredasa one-creditcoursethis spring semester to studentsn'ho may be interestedin majoring in nutrition. The courseoffersan introductioninto the field of nutrition, dieteticsald food management with discussionon careeroptions,aca' demicrequirementsald field experience. The course is a requirement for all Nutrition maiors. Contact Professor Donner at cdormerQ. nrsc(l.r'du or 303-556-4390for moreinfo on course. lie

Communications Attention all Communications maiorsand DigitalMediaminors: Therewill be three coursesavailablespring semesterto enhanceyour educationfor the videoproductionindustrl'.Eachcourselt ill be taught using hands-ontraining in video and audioeditingandproducing. For Communicationsmajors and minors, thesecourseswill sen'easan elective.ForDigital lt{ediaminors,courses3400 and 3420 n'ill satisfyasan elective.The classesare: COM34(X):IntermediateVideoEditing COM3420: htemrediate VideoProduction COM39Of:Audio for VideoProduction For more infonnation contact Professor Amendat amendbtOmscd.edu


A[tention! AII Potential Spring 2OOB Degree Gandidates All Srudents WhoI[rill HaveCompleted All Degree Requirements 2008: bytheEndof SpringSemester,

Mustfile anApplicationfor Graduationin the (CNl05)by Officeof theRegistrar Friday,February1, 2008. TheApplication for Graduation is available in (CN105) theOfficeof theRegistrar andon-line: www.rnscd, edu/mrolIIregistrar IdocsIindex,btm (Maybefaxedto 303-tt6-2568.)


Needhelp with understandingyour computer?N{etro'sElectricalEngineeringand Technologyprogramis offeringthe "Nuts & Bolts" this spring and fall semester. '['he courseoffers intermediatetopics on the mechanicsof computers,management, troubleshooting, learninghorvto improveprogramsald featuresand much more. Thereare no prerequisitesfor the course. EET32203 ComputerNuts and BoltsSO212 nill be offered on T\resdaysand Thursdaysat 9 a.m.to 1O:50a.m.andMondaysand

'Psychology Thereare many psychologycourseso{fered this semester.One in particular is the Memory and Aging course,PSY39ON-OO 1. Studentswill focuson age-relatedchangesin rnemory,along with developingsolutions to today's scienffic researchon problemsdealingwith agingmema ries. A list of topicsstudentswill study include: effecb of aging on autobiographicalmemory that affectmemory what can diseaseprocesses be doneto preserveor enhancememory and a review of appliedliberatue/programin placeto promote healthy aging of memory.This course will be offeredelery Monday and Wednesday from10 a.m.to l1:15 a.m, For moreinforrnation contactDr. Ansburg, Ph.Dat arsburg@mscd.edu.

v -

Shouldhavea CAPP Reponrun Compliance NOWin theirmajordepartment or the Academic Advising Center(CN104).

Mustclearor explainatl CAPP (Not MeQwith the discnepancies Registrar'sOfficeby March7, 2008 in order to rcmaina degrcecandidate for this semester.

MonitortheSpring2008Graduationi Website Commencement on MetroConnect throughout thesemester.

you Think have what it takes tobe acopy editor? Us: Contact Sendinquiriesto dpollan@mscd. edu or fiIl out an applicationin the Metropolitanoffice locatedin the Office of StudentMedia, Tivoli313.

t7.2008. MEm0. A7 N. tAlluARY fiE MErRoPorn

justsaue you money could Saving ByDESIREE CLARK ddark6Tomscd.edu

payingoff the interest." There are three common outThe horror story that most col- comes after taking out loans to pay lege students fear and have night- for college. The bestresultis that onegradumares about is defaulting on their student loans, Kim Peacock, 30, ates,getsa goodpaying job and pays lived this nightmare. off the loans. After Peacockdefaulted on her An alternateversionis gradualoans,shedidn't know what wasgo- tion, failing to find a relatedjob ing to happen."My first reactionwas but still payingoff the loans. - oh my God, what do I do now2 And then there is the How will I evergetbackto school?" worst of the rvorstPeacockdid find a way back to accrulngan asaroschool.Shenow attendsMetro, ex- nomical amount pecting to graduatein the spring. of student loan Similar to other students,Pea- debt, not gradand cockaftendedanothercollegebefore uating her return at the beginning of the defaulting on semester. the loans. "I went to the University of Lily Northern Colorado from 199 5- Alves, 31, one 1999, rackingup well over$6O,O0O is in Federal Stafford student loan of the sucdebt,"shesaid. Becauseof her outstanding stu- c e s s s to ri es . dent debt, Peacockmust pay out-o! pocketfor school, Alves "I defaulted,soI am no longer el- r e c e n t l y ed igiblefor financialaid or any kind sf g r a d u a t o f student loans, and I have appliedfor from the University v nearly 100 scholarships,but I have Houston Iaw Center and found a goodpaying iob as as an attorney. yet to receiveone." "I still owe $54,970 in federal Since Peacockdefaulted on her loans, her interest rate peakedat an loansand $34,000 in privateloans, but I ma}e acceleratedpaymentson all-time high. "My interest rate is fixed at 16 my private loan ($1,000 a month) percent, so I haven't even started and a fixedpaymentof $238.65 on paying olT the actual loan. I am still mv federalloan." Alvessaid.

Alves has a decent interest rate, asmost are at 6.8 percentor higher. "My federalloan interestrate is fixedat 5.25 percent,but my private loan changes depending on how much moneyI pay each month. BecauseI make acceleratedpayments, they shaveoff interest points, making my current interestrate at about 6.5 percent." Like many students,Alves took out both subsidizedand unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans, which will take her the longest to pay offbecause it's about $2t.000 more than her privateloan. "I think lamona20year repayment plan, which estimates my payoff year to be 2025, but I would like to pay it off 1O yearsearlier, which is very possibleif I keepma-kpayments. " ing accelerated When askedif she had any advice for future college students, Alves answered,"Make accelerated payments." Meho is not nearly as expensile as other stateschools,but when

forcedto pay cash,it's a lot to handle. "lt's just over $2,000 for 15 credit hours at Metro, making it extremely difficult to pay cash," Peacocksaid. Shenow goesto schoolfour days a weekand waits tablesat night, so it's hard to makeenough money to live on her own. "It makesit easierliving with my parents.I usuallyhaveenoughmoney to pay my bills, includingrent for I have my parents,and occasionally, someextraspendingmoney." Peacockadmitsthat sheis notresponsibleenoughwith her finances. "I estimate that it will take me the restof my life to pay off my student loans- literally." The burden of debt is hard to carry for Peacock. "I am near $77,000 in debt. OnceI pay off my student loans, the first thing I am going to do is cry," shesaid. Peacockthinks there should be changesmade so more collegestudents don't end up like her financially. "I think young collegestudents really need to be taught and to be aware of what they are getting into when they take out studentloans," shesaid. "Thereshouldbefinancialcounseling, along with help every stepof the way or many more people will end up like me."

Steps tomanaging your money the smail waytt abudget for Stepl: (reate basic living expenses. Then setallyowbillsforautomatic payment. Step2: After allnecessary expenses arepaid, setpriorities you forthings need topurchase pay or forfrommostimportant toleast important. Step3:Putmoney intoa foryourself. savings account good lfyouaren't atputting money intoone, setup automatic withdrawal from your checking account. Step4:ltt ascary thought not tohave anymoney whenyou areold.One waytoprevent this istosetupaRoth lRA, oran individual retirement account your through bank. youhave Step5:Whether your health insunnce through employer orthrough apenonal donation, always remember thatit isaneeded expense.

itsstemcellprogram receives millions todevelop UCD ByAARONDUIGNAN duignanaomscd.edu Millions of dollars in new funding gifu will allow one of tle nation's most advancedstemcell programsto expandthe scopeof its research. This program, the Charles C. Gates Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology Program at the Universityof ColoradoDen'er School of Medicine,is at the forefrontof stem cell researchnationally,despitebeing a programin its infancjr The program began only 16 months ago after a $6 million gift from the GatesFrontier Fr:nd. Yet it

was officially dedicated 15 months after its creation. This, along with the opening dedicationof the new stem cell laboratories,which arelocatedon the Anschub Medical Campus, took place on Nov.30, 2007. The chancellorof ttre CU-Denver School of Medicine,Dr. M. Roy Wilson and the director of the program, Dr. DennisRoop,were presentat the dedication. [n addition, when this program wasstarted,part of the initial funding pledgedwas in the form of matching grantsin the sumof $1.75 million.

At the dedication cerâ‚Źmony, Roop announced that an additional $1.5 rrillion had been raised and matched. This consistedof three generous giftsof $ 500,000 eachfrom individualsherein Colorado.whoseliveshave beentouchedin somewayby the unilersity or by the debilitating diseases that the program hopesto fight. "We're very excited about this generousgift as it will allow us to expand the researchthat is currently underway," Roop said in a pressrelease. Eachof thesegifu were matched

to total $1 million to fund separate prograrns that center on fr[thering researchon specificdiseases. Another leading Colorado hospital, The Children's Hospital, announceda gift of $ 5 million from the sameGatesFrontier Fund at the dedication event. Thesead&tional funds will allow the stem cell research program to expand its reach to the field of pediatrics. The stem cell researchprogram deals with seven specific programs. Theseinclude liver disease,vascular disease,neurologicaldiseasesinclud-

ing Parkinson'sand Alzheimer's,type 1 diabâ‚Źtes,leulrcmiaand cancer.With the additionalfundsdonatedfrom tle Chililren's hospital, they will be able to take thesedisciplinesevenfurther. The prograrnplansto usesomeof thesefunds to advancethe technologiesthat allow for discoveryand harvestof the stemcells. The dedication of the new location on the Anschutz Medical Campus marks the opening of the two core locations of the new program and is the largestnew biomedicaland clinicalcamousin the U.S.

instemcellrcsearuh? medicalstudenB hinginvolved FR0MTHESTREET> Howdoyoufeelabout UCD Ghizal Naitayi "I'm a biology student,so I think that it'scool."

Alexis Sannoh "I think that if it can help savepeople's lives,why not?"

Sultan Alateeg "Every student should help (with stemcell research)."

Yaser Alsalhi 'Anyone should be able to participate."

Photo5 by|(RlSIlDtNXvkdenk@ms(d edu

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Ever. inasentence. ofwotds aperoncouldeverputtogether bestselection De'frnition: QuitePmsiblythe Erample:Oddis,"Heymanwutrup?"Jad,"QPotuffinj'Oddis,"llighFiveonthatone!"

29? Februory Isyourhirthdoy conmodel abikini? Doyouthinkyou a piece ofadvice? Doyouneed questions, yestoanyofthese wants totalk thenTheMetropolitan lf youanswered

male Year, and whowerebornonaLeap curently seeking students toyou.We're of thatnecangiveapiece andsizes andthehopeless modeh ofallshapes female youknow, citeria meetanyoftheafolementioned advice to.lf you,orsomeone please atngarci20@mscd.edu. editorNicGarcia e-mailfeatures




park govnr's

girls only

>672Logan St. - Saturday, ) Monday 11a.m-2a.m. >Sunday 10:3 0 a . m . - 2 a .m.

>AvenueTheater (17th andLogan) r Jan. 18- Feb. 24 >ThundaySaturday, 8p.m. >Sunday,2 p.m. n$20,303-321-5925 >wwwacecomedy.com/ girlsonly

>Known astheoriginal Denver tavern, Goy's hasbeen astaple on Capitol Hillforover20years. They portions generous serve offoodand drink. Withafantastic happy hour (two-for-one drinks), ahugepatio, pooltables several andtwobars, goback it'snowonder whypeople again andagain. CitySearch.com youtry'The suggests Cheesman." Think Denver's.version ofaLong lsland lced Tea. Served withtwo straws. t.I

0lllll(rr turkishdelight >2oz.VanGogh Espresso Double Vodka >1oz.Bailey's lrishCreme >1/2oz.Dekuyper deCacoa Creme >(ombine ina allingredients shaker. Shake thoroughly tofoam. glass Pour intoachilled martini lined withHershey's Chocolate syrup. Garnish withacheny.

tvr gossip girl >CW-2, Wednesdays at8 p.m. Moves toMonday onJan. 28 >Unlike The0.C., Gossip Girlhas almost acult-like following among itsfans. While it maynotcrack thetop100shows, theseries is outselling almost every other show oniTunes andfanwebsites popping keep up.Based onthe popular book series ofthesame name, thebreakout TVhitgives viewers achance toseehowthe privileged teenagers ofNewYork really live.(Well, withalittle maybe embellishment.) Centered around (huck,Nate thelivesofSerina, Blair, andDan, thisdrama form takes posts likeablog with about allthe getinto.Because trouble theteens weallcare. somuch.

The journey through womanhoodcan bring many memories and much anticipation for a woman of any age.Girls Onlgbrings a hilarious twist to the hials and joys a woman goesthrough, from the awkward teenageyears to the menopausalphaseand beyond. Linda Klein and Barbara Gehring have been

Badara Gebdng and Linda Klein. Photo byC0RA KtMP/ demp4@myd.edu

r,l'orkingtogetherfor the past 12 years. "Shewasmy first adult friend." Klein said. The two women began to talk about their childhoods and discoveredthey both had very similar ways of entertainment, most often they would put on showsin their bedroomsand charge their parentsmoneyto watch them perform.

"Our friendshiphappenedtotally organically" Gehringsaid. The chemistrybetweenthe two womenmakes for a show full of sparklingsurprisesand creative humor minute after minute, from dealing with brasand putting on panty hoseto their KotexCraft Cornerfor tlose other usesof feminineoroducts.

belt Noexcuse forblack shoes, whitesocks andbrown good pair of jeans is so hard to do. It could take weeks,months, maybe even a liletime to find a great pak. And in Colorado, where jeans are both lounge wear and of designer quality.it is vital to own something that's goingmakeyou and your junk look good, Now, having said that, I urge all of you to seekout that denim - whereverit may be - and wear it well. Buy a longer seam,and have NIE EARCIf, tailored to fit you perfectly, ngarciZ0@mscd.edu them Meanwhile,don't be afraid to have a cut that may show oJIa little more of the band of your boxersis too much the shoe.Jeansshould be anywhere information. between a half of an inch and iLn Iet's talk about two of the most inch off the ground. committed crimes against fashion. While men arestruggling to conWhite socks with black shoes and ceal their derriere women need to mismatchedbelt/shoecombos.First. pay specialattention to the girls. For never,under any circumstance,wear most women, a great deep V-neck MEN white sockswith black shoes.Even with a camisoleor tank underneath Men. men. men...Whereto be- iI your white socksare an ankle cut can do the trick. Not only will it cregin? How about at the beginning: and you think no one is going to see ate great vertical moment,but it will underwear. First and foremost, un- them, we are. And if you're near- also keep one looking respectable. less you are wearing an excessively ing black socks with black shoes And for the older female student, skinny pair of jeans that makes why would you wear any other color a geat jewel neck draws attention breathing alrnost impossible, wear around your waist?Now your belt to the shouldersand abovs Oh and it! Now, I'm an assman, but I really and shoesdo not by any meanshave please,no matter how fantastic your don't want to sâ‚Źeyours, No, not even to be a pei{ectmatch,but let'smake rack is, wear a bra. And treat youryours. And while you're out buying surethe two are from the samecolor self: get professionally measured. new drawers,may I suggestexperi- family. Survey alter survey shows women menting withdi{ferent cuts like boxon averagestill wear brasthat do not WOMEN er briefsor trunl<s.Further, like your fit correctly{ou'd beamazedat what buttocks,seeinganything more than I feel for you ladies.Finding a the right underwear can do for your I would never claim to be on the samelevelas fashionistasStacyLondon or Clinton Kelly (hostsof TLC's What Not To Wear). However,I do know a thing or two about what to weaf. Therearesomany fabulouslooking peopleon our fair campus.Several studentswho also work part time can realiy dressit up. Others,not so much. While Stacy and Clinton and many other couture experts have definitiven:les about what lashion is and is not, yours truly believesin the freedomto expressone's self via his or her wardrobe.But, there are some very particular no-nos which I'd like to take the time to discusswith all of you so you can prevent some laux pasthis spring.


ETC. Peopleoften laugh when I say the first two things I look at when meeting a new person is fust their smile and secondlytheir shoes.Take a look around. The wrong shoesare ruining so many wonderful oudts. This goesfor both you boysand girls. First and foremost,guys, let's talk aboutyour tennis shoes.Do not wear your running shoeswith your leans. Keepthem in the gym. Instead,seek out fashion forward sneakers like those made by Dieselor Aldo. And ladies,rounded shoes- savea nice flat - should be illegal. You should headoverto DSWwhereyou can find great dealson pointy toe mini heels, stileftos and boots. Shoesshould alwayselongateyour legs.Not to mention wintâ‚Źr clearanceis just around the corner.Stockup. Even I fall victim to this. Sometimes you just can't help it, but generally wearing sweatsin public should be avbidedat all costs.Fashion pioneerTim Gunn puts it best," if you want to dresslike you didn't get out of bed,don't get out of bed."A simpletip to avoidthis scenariois iust to plan ahead.Takefive or l0 minutes the night before, and pick out what you'd like to wear the next day.

17.2fi18 B{, JANUAffY

'filillHl'Jil?,f,11i,1':;,llJ',Hl ilHil1lii',,'i,H,xf'Jtrf; Drink it daily, especially afteranightofddnking.

BA(KTO must students hsrbsrnot dietwillhelp taketimefor BA(KTO deansebodythemselves r n$d2@mrd.edl SI0[UBYl{lcGIROA

If you're looking for sorrething to put a little pep in your st€por a grcat natural solution to the holiday hangovers,Herbalist Sarah Pattersonat the ApothecaryTlnctura can help you. Pattersonsaid anyonelooking for helpcleansinghis or her bodyafterthe smorgasbordof redmeatsand fatty foods of the holidaysshould start with a rich tea with multiple herbs.A common tea found at the Apothecary(locatedat 6th and Filbnore)- the Daily NourishingTea- contains ingredientslike oat sFaw rosehips,red cloverald nettles. Patiersonsaid the tea will help clean out someone'ssystem, including the liver, after a month of drinking about I 6 to 20 ouncesper day. 'You should make a big batch in the morning and carry it in a Nalgene botde throughout the day and drink it like water." shesaid. A three-weeksupply of the Daily Nourishing Teaand otherslike it r€tail for about $ I 0. The herbalist said anyoneon a studentbudgetshould look into hverherbs,especiallymilk thistle/burdock.An alc'oholextract addedto water is goingto help hrrerfunction, which is the primary tool your body usesto detoxify. "Blood is cleansedin the liver, the liver breaks down toxins and hormones,"Pattersonsaid. A bottle that will last for about a month goesfor $8.5O. Otherextractscan beusedto help someone'sskin and hormonal imbalance. For a more seriouspersonlooking 0ocleansethe body, the Apothecary olIers up CreenFirst, a water solublemix that includestons of veggiesand wheatgrass."It hasevery sqrer food 5roucan imagine," Patt€rsonsaid. GreenFirst msts$42.50. Finally Pattersonsuggestsstudentslooking for vitamin alternativeslook into essentialoils. Retailing at $12 a botde, the oils can help curb fioodcravings and boostenergy. Sherecommendedpeoplelooking to loseweight investin tle grapefruit oil.

Katlesterlifu weights withhertrainer, Jevon Vaqas, onlan.15inthe AunriaFitness Center. Inaddition toexercising withhertrainerregulady, Lester teaches acombined yoga andrcd climbing dass threedays aweek.

Metro and Auraria offer free programsall day to help studentsspenda little time on themsehesand forget the troubles of school and Me, said Healthy MorzesDirector Linda Wilkins-Pierce. "We haveso much for studentsdown here," shesaid. "Evenif studentsjust take 30 minutes and go for a walk, it's a beautiful area." Wilkins-Piercesaidstudentsneedto first examinetheir '[t's a todo list then ffnd placesto schedule"Me Time." new semester,and there are new demandsbeing put on students;afteryou getyour classesorganized,find 30 minutes for yourself." Time managementmay be the key to find a little free time to takea yqgaclassor to goto the gym, shesaid.Other ways to commit to new programsinclude examining why you want to participatein programsand settinggoals.'Ask yourself why and what you're doing for yourself,"shesaid. %sk yourself, what do you want to change?"Moreover, finding a friend to go to a classwith - like yogaor meditation - can help peoplebe accountable. Wilkins-Piercestressedtbat the mind and body aren't that different and are integrally connected.Studieslink a healthy body to a hea.lthymind, she said. She said being active after a sluggishbreak will help studentsthink again. Someof the classesand programsHealtlty Movesis ol fering this semester,besidesa regular lineup of yoga and meditation, include belly dancing, reflexolog5rand chair massages. Wilkins-Piercealsosuggestedpeoplewho haven't been acfve in ttre pasttake a month and experimentwith different forms of activities, be it a Healthy Movesprogram or goingto the fitnesscenteron campus. When asked if students should nap or be active, Mlkins-Pierce urged students to sleepas well. "I know we're all sleepdeprived,but th€y needto sleepsix to eight hours." shesaid.

Metrostudent TonSdulteworlsoutonJan.15intheAunriatitne* Shidentscan becomepr€tty can eat a lot and probablydrinl upon us, it's time to get back or But what about carrots,rosehi; Whether it's your mind or I prove,here are sometips to he holiday indulgencesand makey But beforeyou headto the g expertssa)4Creaiea positivemi plan and grab a buddyto help y

simpleroutin self-awarene keytostaying inthegym

r7.2OO8.85 JAJ.IUARY



planingwill keepmenu dean food,fats fromprocessed

:HEALTH '?HOIOS Bt lltcAil [YltSDllyler@nrd.edu

Getting backon a regular diet is the quickestand bestway for studentsto reclaim his or her health after the holidayssaid registereddietitian CindyDormer. "Eat plenty of fruit and veggies,lean pmtein and carbs," shesaid.'A lot of studenb are afraid of carbs,but whole wheat isn't somethingto fear." Studentsalsoneeda calcium source,shesaid. The dietitian suggestedstudenb also stay arrmyfrom prepackagedfood, sugary carbohydratesand food with ing€dientsthey can't pronounce. "It's OK to havea tr€at everyonc€in a while, but tossbaby carots into your backpack,other fruits, evena peanut butter and jelly sandwich.That's a grcat sourcefor carbs." Dormerpersonal$ties to eatan apple,bananaand orange everyday.Shrdentson a tighter budgetcan rotate betweenthe three for energ4potassiumand Vitamin C. Dormer who advisesagainststict cleansingand fastssuch as ltre Master Cleanser- a diet consistingof only of lemon iuice, water ard cayennepepper- suggestedupping tle number of vegetablesand ftuits a studenteats. "We cleansein tlree ways,sweating,urine and pooping," shesaid."It's all stimulatedby fiber and to stopeatingto cleans€ is not a goodidea,"

TIP! Watch forsales onproduce.l{,efound bagsof babyanosand Also, mix items fiom for at Safony. and match curumber 51 home andatschool. to leammoreaboutwhat Goto www.myfoodpryamid.gov youshould mud. beeating andhow

lenter. uy during the winter break.They nore. But with the new semester Fack. Classes,friends,Facebook. and leg presses? dy or both you're looking to imr you stay focused,recoverfrom ur overallhealth a little betier. n or to yoga,forgiveyourself,our il-setabout changing yonr ways, r along the way.

Studentswho lack gyrn experiencebut are looking to lean up should start with a r simple program including cardiovascular workouts and light weight lifting, said fevon Vargasa personal trainer at the fitnesscenterat Auraria. After maintaining a gooddietfor several weeksand regulating your bodywith clean and non-processedfoods,Vargassuggests studentsgetting three to five daysof cardio and two daysof total body workouts. "You need to have a mixture in your routine, but 30 minutes of cardio and an understandingof the equipmentis the best foundation for anyone,"Vargassaid. The trainer suggestedpeopledevelop . ing new routinesto keepa personaljournal to help hack their progress,or lack thereof.

heahhy takeamulti-vitamin, Every studentwho does nothave anexceptionally dietshould 0ndyDormer. supplements should according toregistered dietiatian Glcium and0mega-3 pottions ofdairy andfish. alsobetaken ifstudents don'tconsume therccommended


"Knowing what works will help you develop your own program," he said. Beginning a rout le, especiallyfor beginners, can be frighlening, Vargasrecognizes, but he suggeststhose wary of the glrn to forgetaboutanyoneelsebeingin the sameroom. "It's a self-pacething, you need to achieveyour goalsin your own time," he said."You'redoing this for yourself." Besidescardio,which shouldbethe first placeanyonestartsupon ent€ringthe S/m, Vargas said a total body workout would target key areasincluding the chest,back, Iegs.armsand for womenthe hips. "You need core shength too." he laughed. "The abdominals.a lot of people forgetaboutthem." Peoplein a crunch for time shouldcon-

siderdecreasingthe number of times they go to the gltn but increasetle time spent there. For beginners,Vargassaid,two total body workouts a week is a gr€at place to start. "You needto start with your coremuscles,back,legs,and asyou spendmoretime here,moveto the smallermuscleareas," he said. Vargassaid the most important thing regarding working out is consistencyand change. "If you only workout two days a weekbut are consistentabout it, you'll see changes,"he said. But he urges throughout a program to mix things up, "You have to constantly challenge your body either entire workouts, higher weight or more " reDs.

tr O

TIP! priorto Perform of pmgressive aerobic activity 5{0 minutes postural muscles and excercising to helpbloodfloWstretch ratefiomtheresting Dothisthree inaease themetabolic level. perweek. tofivedays Perform 0feightt0 10sepante uercises thattrain aminimum grcups. themajormusde Doat leastonesetof eightt0 12 repetitions ofeach exercise. Dothistwotothree days aweek. (Source: forExercise Testing AGM3 Guidelines andPresciptions)

forstudents Fitness Personal Tnining isavailable attheAuraria yougetanentire Forabout hourwitha Center, 517asession tniner.Contact Assistant Director ofGmous Recreation Louie Morphewfor more infoat303-556-3647.

Radiohead underreuiew

r up(onting shows thursday 1.17 TheEraveryd

ByJEREMYJOHNSON jjohn308omscd.edu

Consideringhow Radiohead'slatest album, In Rnirtbows,has recently scaledthe worldwidecharts,it's obr.iousthat the nearly2O-year-old band is truly the King Midas of ambient sound and alternatii€ style. Every track they touch turns to goldor. ir the caseof Radiohead,platinum, at leastin termsof recordsales. That may not necessarily be the casefor In nainbows,seeingas how the band fust releasedthe album (in mid-Octoberof 2OO7)on their personal rvebsiteas an online don'nload availableon a slidingmonetaryscale. Ending their longest gap betneen studiorecordings,(their slrlh album HalIToTheThieJwas released in 2003, nearly five years earlier) Radiohead chosethe onlinereleaseafterparting wayswith recordlabelENIL In Rainbot'sis the latest irxtallment of what many fans could consider the second,digital coming of Radiohead. Like previous post-millennium releasesbeginning with Kid (2001), and A (2000) and Amnesiac through the aforementionedThieJ,In Rainbows(both in its music and marketing) is digitally ddr€n with uDobFusive, underwater soundsthat are softenedby frontman Thom Yorke's warm, rusfic undertonesand falsetto lyrical plight. The opening track, "15 Step," launches into slick, digitaly composed percussionby &ummer Phil Seiway,lr'irich passionatebparallels the sickly sweet strumming of lead guitarist lonny Greenwood.In Rainbows follows up with a number of other energetictracks- albeitdarkly

introspectir€ - that include the secondsong. "Bodysnatchers,"the fourth lick, "WeirdFishes/Arpeggi," :rnd culminate with the ninth track !'ligsawFallingInto Place.""Jigsaw" released r,r.as asa singleJan.l4inthe U.K. and is typically pessimistic)'et representative of Radiohead'snelvest aspirations- as well as rather telling of Yorke'ssomewhatdubious and depressed stateof mind during the recording: 'As your bad day disappears/No longer wound up like a spring/Beforeyou'vehad too much/ ' Comebackin focusagain. ln Rainbowsis certainly a cohesivealbum that's very "in focus" (thougha goodpair compositionally of headphones is almostnecessary to really exposethe many conplex and rich layersof songssuch as "Nude" I Need.")But headphones and '1411 alone cannot help bring a pulse to the tempoof Rainbows,which, much like the rest of their enlightened,electronica era beginningwith Kid A, has lackedthe upbeatlus0erof the band's earlierefforts. Callme old-fashioned, bul I miss some of the standard hooks and shaight, strippeddown, cookie-cutter chorusesthat made Radioheada premier rocft'n' roll band in the first place. While Radiohead may have single-handedly changed the face of alternafve music. it seemsthat they'vesacrificedsomeof the energy and exuberancethat existedin their earlier touring days(suchasafter the refeaseof debut album PabloIloW and follow-up, sophomoresensation the Bends\. Sure, Radiohead'spushed the ambientalternativeenvelooeand has

Asecond ... opinioll By STEPHANIE DECAMP sdecamp@mscd.edu

to end. Theopener,"15 Step,"daresyou Radiohead has achieved a-o to resist its sweetslide guitar, as the makes amazingfeat for any band of this age. next hack, "Bodysnatchers," After six albums producedwith mul- sureyou rememberthat Thom Yorke tiplereincarnationsof sound,andyet and the guys can make yov move. Betweentracks of isolation and love thesamemembers, they have,afterl5 years,an incredibleseventhalbumto ('All I Need" and "Jigsan'Falling Into Place") and through tales of show for their tenacity. Releasedfor freevia their website thoughts and ideas broadly swept, and "Vidfor any price you like, In Rainbows' ("WeirdFishes/Arpeggio" implications for the record industry eotape")this is not only a modern are almost discussedmore than the mtror broughtto the westernworld music itself. But Radioheadfans do (sansdirectpolitics),but at the same not fear:this is one of the mostepic time an album full of personal and emotionalmoments. albumsto date. Comingfrom someonen'ho lor,'es Keeping in the mood and atmosphereof Kid A and Amnesiae. Radioheadfor their quiet as much as th"!' harrestruck gold by implement- theirloud,thisis an incrediblealbum, ing their razor-pop edge into finely staxtto finish. craltedsongsfully preparedfor a long journeyfrom beginningof the album

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rainbow. TakeThomS hands, andhe'llleadyoutotheothetsideofthemusic Greenwood GreenFrom left:PhilSelway, Ed0'Brien,Yorke, Jonny andColin seminalart rockers re(ently wood arealtemative superband, Radiohead.The toworldwide acclaim. released theilseventh album, /nf,ainbors, reachedmajor milestonesin their influenceon modern (and melancholy) music, but it would be nice to see Yorketransform from his pretentious,

favorite counter-culture 'creep" in the first place. Until then, we'll just har€ to wait and seewhat's on the other sideof ln Rninbows,

:TJxi:ii;".::,:JfffI"Til",A o o ( l tour stops up(olning l'lolth American

gdebuted VlthInRoi nbowshauin Atlanta NewYork 1onU.5. music charts atNo.1Jan. Philadelphia nationwide, Radiohead hasconfirmedBoston (ities up- Charlotte San the tobevis;ted ontheband's Diego No(h ng fticago coming Ameri(an tou', accord 5anFrancisco relations toa Nasty LittleManpublic Cleveland 5anta Barbara presrelease. pla(e Tl'e nMoseg- Dallas Seattle tour wiltake ments, oneprior t0andonefollowing Houston St,Louis lnerecently slmmer tourof announced Indianapolis Tampa theUK.and Europe. Angeles Toronto torlocal fans, Butunfonunately of Los thel9U.5. destinations0n theup(om- Miami Vancouver isnotoneofthem, Montreal Washington,D.(. inEtour,Denver despite thefactthatheysold ourRed Rock Amphitl"eatre in2002 and2001. ara ater flyermiles "Ald€blsofrietoJrwi beavaiable 5obreak outthefrequent g0t0 www.RADlOdat€. Formorc informati0n, make sure toseethem atoneof ,and HEAD.(om theothertour stoDsl


nstes Newreleasesfor a newyear hail gives records rundown on2008's most anticipated The Metmusic staff abrief ByJEREMY JOHNSON and STEPHANIE DeCAMP jjohn308omscd.edu, sdecamp@mscd.edu NngoSun, Iiverpool I Releas€ Date: Ul 5/8 Theunder-appreciated, but apparently proficientforrnerdrummerforTheBeadesreleasedthe l3th album of his careerJan,15 with helpftom his friends, namely hlythmics' perpetuallyovergeniusDa!€Stewart. shadowed MidrelJadson, lhnfllbr25fiAnniwsyEditiql Relense Date:2/1218 Just in time for Valentine'sDay, the King of Popreleasean oldy-butgoody that will scarethe funk right out of you. If Jackson'smonstrous nosehasn't alreadydoneso. PayDwtes,lilorktury l4arft(afe Release Date:2/19/8 Like the aforementionedStarr, lhis lorefatherof the Britishhvasion and former Kinks membercontinues to provethat rock 'n' roll life isn't over after 60. Caleis the higtr.lyanticipated follow-up ta OtherPeqle'sLives,Davies' only chart successsincehis 60's stint with The lGnks. 8lrut*tc,Going hwy White Releace Date: 3/tlA The high elders of gothic rock. Bauhausis nearlv as old as the turn-

(fomerlyoflhe lDeHolyGrail,RayDavies LikeMontyPython3 dramctertom prove oflheBeatles) thattheBdtishlnvasion Kink)andRingo Stan(formerly yefwiththeirwinter20llS Afterreturning tothe is'notdead rcleaser. Below: fiontman Zad< withRage Againstlhe Madine, stageinthesummer of2(X)7 question, isanother but returned tothestudio, byhimself.When delaRocha release. 2008 sources uy thiscould beonehotandsizlingsummer


of-the-century German art movement they're namedafter.Claimirg this to be the final album for them, they may be "going awaywhite," but their hearts will always remain as black astheir very tall boots.Is it true that Belategosi is truly dead? oevotdKa, Spinit Release Date: 3/18/08 Oneof the best(andmostsuccessfi:I) kdie bandsto comeout of Denver. DeVotcbkanelrr fails to thrill in lrrformance and on albums.This up comingreleaseis sureto cementtheir reputationasThe NextBigThing. IBA Death GbfuiCutie, IhePostalS€flice,IBA Release Llay2008 Date: BetweenDeath Cabfor Cutie and The PostalService,vocalistBenGibbard is sure to have his hands full this year.And thank God for his resilience.as theseare two of the most highly anticipated releasesamong die-hardand casualfansalike. ZaddelaRoda,TBA Release Date:2008 Is it true?Shouldrvedareto hope? If the stars are aligned for 2008 we may iust be seeingthe long- discussd and never releasedsolo album from RageAgainstthe Machine'sreclusive fronhnan.Keepyour fingerscrossedt

I ngW fglgaSgs

1.22 tuesday rednerks, road kitl tetteads,,. and Mountain Black lnlhetutwe Jagjaguwar wwwjagjagurvar.com

Buck 0wens andHisBuckaroos lnScorilonavio Live Rerods Sundand wwusudazed.com

Buzzcocks 30 Cooking VinylRecords wtt,wc00kingvinyl.c0m

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Chainsaw ASin Act (rash Inc Music www.mshmusicinccom

DSIS9 gets Phatcyde illed and uptlithtahzel up(olning *ows Drive ByTruckers {left)


SoundTtibe Sectort hasspawneda fan following that is asdedicatedasany to rvhich Widespread Panic or Phish can lay claim. In fact in many casesall three bands sharethe samegroove-seeking, funk-rock groupies.Their sound can bestbe describedas ambient, bass-cenhicand spacedout, but don't think this meansa sitdown show.Concertgoersnormally prone to shaking their tbing after a third cocktail may finil themselvesdancing alter only one. sets- is well wo,rth The TYibe- which specializesin trance-like,beyond-the-typical-jam-band seeingsolo.But for two showsat the Fillmoreon fan. 2 5-26, this group of mckersbringswith them . two iconsof old schoolhiphop that shouldnot berntssed. Rahzel,a.k.a,The Godfatherof Noise,is a memberof the hiphop group The Rootsand hasperfectedthe art of producing and embellishingbeatsusing only bis mouth - a talent otherwiseknown as beatboxing The resultant range of soundwould pleasethe lovechildre, of The Fat Boys and Michael Winslow (the sound effect-happycop from the Police Academymovies).Oneof Rahzel'smostfamoustracks, "II Your Mother Only Knew," featnres the soundmastersinging the choruswhile simultaneouslykeepingthe beatalive,It is a mind$lcwiog musicd feat and fans will clamor if he doesnt pull it off at leastonce at the Billnroreon the 2 5th. The Pharcydebeganas one of the most playful and bizarre hp-hop groups to ever male the mainstream.Bestbrown for their 1992 debut albun. Bimne RideII Ilrc Pharc de,the popaualiff and fluidity of this group is undeniable,but their latest effortj have met with tepid reviews.ThesedaysThe Pharcydeclaims only two original members,and their soundhasdrifted from their more accessibleearlier efiorts.At the show on the 26th, old-schootfansmay bedisappointedorrerall,but the group is sure to revlsit a few favorites, such as 'rYourMana" and "SheSaid.'

9 Sound TribeSector Filday, 1.25 w/ Rahzel Saturday, 1.26w/ThePharcyde

r this day inmusit hi$0ry 1996 Pink Floyd isinducted intotheRock h'RollHallof Waldorf-Astoria Fame inaceremony atthefamous Butduetohotelrules andregulations, Floyd3 big, Hotel inNew York. pink,inflatable pighadto.spend atakenneL theweekend

heations Erighterlhan NewWest Becords www.newwestrecords.com

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Doyou havethe btackheadblues? H o r i z o nC s l i n i c aRLe s e a r cCh e n t e rL,L Ci s c u r r e n t t y e n r o [ i n gp e o p Lwei t hm o d e r a t teo s e v e r ea c n et o p a r t i c i p a te in a re se a rch compar e stu d y.T h i sstudywiLl. a n i n v e s t i g a t i o n a t G e ngeerIitco a n a t r e a d ay p p r o v e d p r e s c r i p t i ogne La n dp [ a c e b o . Yo um a yb e a b teto p a rti ci p a tei f you: . A r e 1 2y e a r so f a g eo r o t d e r . H a v ea t l e a s t2 0 o i m o t e & k e a d so r w h i t e s 2 5b L a c h h e a d so n y o u rf a c e . C a nv i s i to u r o f f i c e4 t i m e so v e ra 7 0d a yp e r i o d

receive: :T:J"t:[';pantswitt . Compensation for timeandtraveI

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is looking for Insight boldnewwriters. point gota distinct lfyou've ofviewandclear, writing wewantyoulConservatives, effective skills, lifestyles women, andpeopie ofallcolors, and whowantto share theirstories beliefs areasked David Pollan, Editor inChief tocontact at edror (303)556-2507 dpollan@nscd Letters l0 theeditor areallrays rvelcome, an0mustbe yourletter Etheremail recevedby3 p.m.eachlllonday. or N4edia, Tivoi 313. deliver rttothe0fficeofStudent


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"i\AyFerrow al^ePrcaN9.

NIWIS BDIT{'R AmyWoodrmrd avdvnsemxd-et


urcol^f Ne eeecTtoN5...'


ASSISTAIITNEWEEDITIOR Jamesl('wer jl.,tuger7emscd.e.lu TBATI'RXSBDITON Nic Garcia ngarci2Oemscd.e&t MUSIC BDITOR Jeremy Johnson jjohn30Semscd.edu

sPoms EDrfor Eric Lanshg lansingomscl,edu I




ASSISTTNT SPORTS BDNOR ZacTaylot zuylor2emscd-edu

Illustratedby ANDBEWH0WERT$l\i'' ahnwertZ@mscd.edu

u gv;r:iierm@n-rscci.edu Writtenby GEIIFW0LLEBMAff

Republican candidates useless Rudy Giuliani, during a recent Republican debate,mentioned Ronald Reagan's '50 stat€ campaign" along with the historically famous ideathat a societycan achieve"peace through strength." GeorgeOrwell createda fictional governmentin his novel "1984," which promoted a similar axiom: 'War is Peace," Peace through strength and war is pea.ce... Uh huh. But I fhink it owht to be a commonly acceptednotion that Reagan was a malevolent criminal who inspired a huge gathering of the like, Giuliani very much included. Iet us hope the former Mayor falls on a slipperysidewalkand finds himself in a state of lrrmanent vegetatiotr. Mitt Romney cannot handle the truth. the only obvious stain his campaign has made on \is election has been Romney'ssilb crusade to convlnce people that Mormons are not, in fact, despicablechumpo. Perhaps his continuous babble about the Olympicsand medalsand a]l of his hard work had someelfect somewhere,but I hope not, In fact, I cannot say that Romney has ever shown any comprehensionof a difference between truth and flction.

regardlessof which he prefers.I find it hard to believethat Romney ever has any idea of wbat he is saying, and if you asked him, you would probably find that he doesn't even remember talking. His campaign is an example of what it would look like had a Ken doll decidedto run for political olEce. Mike Huckabee is a terrified, creepy little man. [Ie doesnot seem to have a single suggestionfor the future of this counhy @ond those commonly endorsedby the Republican war machine,and, of course,his ftantic insistrnc€ that the tax system ought to be revamped. Huckabee, though he will pretend otherwise, hasno ideahow or why his campaign was victorious in lowa, and it was such a silly and unreasonablething to havehappenthat most peoplehave now forgotten about it entirely, His hopes for the White House ride on his assumptionthat peoplewill vote for him becausehe can play the bass guitar. fobn McCain was once captured by a gang of psychotic Vietnamese militants and subjected to torture and humiliation. He has never failed to use his experienc€and familiarity with t960s and '70s North Viet-

JIMMTEBRATET jbraley@mscd.edu namese hospitality to promote his legitirnacyas a political leader.I have never understood why people cheer at political evenb and certainly never understood why they cheer even louder for politicians who have e4rriencein war. I have never been to war, but maybe being given government authorization to hll peopleat will pretty much qualifies and preparesanyone to be the commanderin chief. FrcdThompoonis and alwayswill be a ioke,whether he knows it or not. The fact that Reaganwas an actor is not enough information to make a legitimate comparison betweenhim and Thompson. He succeededHarlan Mathews,

a Democrat,in the 1994 Tennessee Senaterace and serl'edin that position until 2O02. Not many people know that though, and he is, and foreverwill be,that hideous,old man from the televisionwho mysteriously appearedon the 2008 presidential campaignhail. Ron Paul is a loser.I respectthe man, and believethat he might even believein himself,but his enthusiasm is, unfortunately, misplaced. Even though he has managedto capture thg imaginationsof a generouschunk of college-age voters,he doesnot have any hopeof winning a singleprimary and will drop out of the raceand disappearinto the political void to drink away his sorry memoriesof tr ing to run what might actually have been an honestcampaign. DuncanHunter ... lvho is Duncan Hunt€r? .., Someof you reading tbis may be curious why I have mentioned only Republican candidates, especially consideringhow unlikely their procpectsof winning, I have a word limit, but it is sufrcient to say,with regard to the Democrab,that I hope the PepsiCenterfalls iDto a pit leading straight to the ninth circle of hell when they get there.

pages?Want youread your Upset bywhat intheInsight Ihinkyouhave what ittakes t0have opinions heard aswell? tobeinprint? kndiny0ur lene6 totheeditor orvolunteer towrite asa(0lumnist. Direct e-mails todpollan@mscd.edu, or(ome byTivoli 313and filloutanappliction.

PHOTO BDI!1ON CoraKemp ckemo4emscd.edu

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t"DvtsBR Jane Hobad< The lvletopolitan is producedby and for the sh,rdentsof Metropolitan Stat€ Collegeof Denverand serles the Auraria Campus. The Mehopolitan is supportedby advertisingrcvenueand shrdent fe€s,and is published every Thirsday during the academicyear and montbb during the Summer semester.Ihe Mehopolitatr is dishibuted io all carnpusbuildings. No person may take more than one copyof each edition of ihe Metopolitatr without prior written p€rmission.Pleasedirec{ any qu€stions,comments,complainb or complimentsto l,leto Boad of Publications c/o lhe l\letropolitan. Opinions€rer€ssedwithin do not neessarib reflect thoseof ltetopolitan State Co[egp of Denver or its adv€rtisen. Deadlinefor calendar items is 5 p.m. Thurday. Mline for prcss releases is 10 a.m. Monday Displaya&Iertisitrg deadlineis 3 p.m. Thursday Classifiec a&€rfising is 5 p.m"Thursday. rrdiSnndifiin R0nl'13. (.n068d57, m lc 171!62, thnver, O80217-1162.

172008" ^ tii

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THlS ||lttl(n

Saturday 1.19 CROSS COUNTRY p.m. 1:45 atBoulder BAS|(ETBALL Women 6p.m.atColorado School of Mines inGolden Men School of 8p.m. atColorado Mines inGolden


"lt isveryimportant, especiallyfor ateam thatwantstobeontop oftheconference. You wingames thatyou're supposed towinand thengetsome that you're notsupposed to win.Having aveteran

headsto Wyoming Women's soccer coach leaves Metro forDivision I asCowgirls head coach By ERJCLANSING Iansingomscd.edu

It was only a matter of time beforeDanny Sanchezgot the call to Division I. And that call camefrom Wyoming to coachtheir women'ssoccer program. Now Sanchez leaves the program he built from the ground up at Metro to try his mast€ryat Division I soccerasa Cowboyin lwoming. "The past six yearsat Metro State havebeenthe mostspecialtime of my professionalcareer,"Sanchezsaid. "I feel very good that this soccerprogram is in great shapeand will continue to competefor championships for yearsto come." Sanchez began his career at Metro in 2002 and turned around a t€am that went 6-13-1 during the previousseason.He workedlr.onders in his firstyearasheadcoachleading - Linda l"appe, women's basketball the Roadrunnersto a 19-3-3 record oachonbeating twoteams witha while advancing to the NCAA Final ombined recodofonewinand25 Four. His Rocky Mountain Athletic Conferencerecord was astonishing losses. at l2-O-2 u'inning the school'sfust regular seasonRMACtitle along with the tournament title. IIis first season accomplisbrnents earned him the Metro woment basketball star NSCAA/Adidas Midwest Region and khleyMickens hasbeen named RMACCoachof the Yearhonors. Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference That year was only a glimpseof East Division Player oftheWeek things to come becausein the next twicethisseason. Theguadis four years, Sanchezaccunulated a 934-2 record,winning four RMAC ppg,as scoring ateamhigh14.3 championships, four RMAC Coach wellasgrabbing 8.2rpgwhich of tle Yearawardsand two National leads theRMAC '06. Championships in '04 and "l want to tbanh Danny for six great years," said Meho Athletic Director foan McDermott. "He is one of the best coachesat any level in 3-point fieldgoalpercentage for the entire countrj4 With his success, Metro's mentbasketballteam in Danny has given Metro State soccer theirgame against New Mexico national recognition.It is rare to find Highlands Jan.12,aseason record a coach of his caliber who has had such successon and off the field. He forthe'Runners. ftherseason will begreatlymissed." highs setinthecontest against the Sanchez'sgreatestseasoncame (owboys were25assists on29field in '04 wherehe guidedthe 'Runners goals madg13totalsteals andonly to a 2 5-1 recordandthe school'sfirst soccernationalchampionship. eight commifted. turnoven The followins seasonsar,llletro

Sanchez i

I *"J

team, theyunderstand

that,andI expect them tocome outandplay everynightandknow theimportance ofthose games."

r DID YoU l(ll0$l

r llUlilBtRS GAilIE .57',|

"0ne ol the other coachessai4'you lrnow Adrianne, he is one ol lhe gr€als'and I tuly

belieuehe is;"

the field, he is a very goodone off the field," Airnaraz said. '141Ithe players respectedhim, I respectedhim as a playerald evenasa headcoachhere, and that's one of the reasonswhy I came back to coach.He's very effective and efficientin what he does" The headcoach iob for the women'ssoccerteamwill behighly sought after, and the searchhas alreadybegun. Alnaraz has a shot at keeping the head coach iob for the '08 season becauseshe has the experience with the players,the systemand the recruiting well in her krowledge. Bul the two-timenationalchampion knows that the job won't be handed to her. "I think there is a good chance becauseif there wasn't, I probab$ wouldn't be here," Alrnaraz said. "But in the sarrresense,I am realistic that tlis is one of the top schoolsin the nation for Division tr. and there are going to be a lot of great applicants." March 14 is the set datefor the announcementof the school'snext lt'omen'ssoccerheadcoach,but whoeverreceivesthe job will only try and fill the shoesSanchez createdthat has madelvletro'sprograminto the elite of DivisionII soccerprograms. "One of the other coachessaid.

ADRIANNE ALM,qRAZ, $,1ETRO sOC{ER INTIRIM HTAD COACH goundefeatedduring the regular season at 23-O but tied in the EliteEight to SeattlePacific before the Falcons sent the Roadrunnershome on penalf kicks. The following seasonwas even more impressivefor Sanchezas he lost lO startersand deemedthe '06 seasonas a rebuildingyear.Lrstead,his team compileda 24-2 record in winning his secondnational championship. McDermottnamed Almaraz interim headcoachuntil a ner,r,' coach is found.Almarazplayedunder San'OJ '04 chez in and and coached '06. '05 alongsidehim in and ''Not only is he a goodcoachon

D fotwoment so((er - B llicoleGtq - MF, Vanessa Mais

- F,Becca Mays - M[ M.McQuilliams

- MDr.Montoya

- B,Jenna Oney - MF, r.Stephenson - B,(anieAversano - MF,Linnea Dengah

- F,fakkie Greer - M[,Gabby Klipp

- GK, Becca M4loney . MF, A.Munchiando - B,Jaclyn Percy - B,Nicole Renko 'you knorv Adrianne, he is one of the greats,'and I truly believehe is. He's donephenomenalthingslor this program, and whoevercomesinto his shoes,they r,r,'illhare high expectationsbecause he hasdonesomegreat thingshere,"Almarazsaid.

A12 ' SPtlHlSr JINUAIiY 17 2008 , TllE MEIX0P0LITAN

Newcoach hasswimming ontrack Metro fallstoSchool ofMines, posts individual successes in interim Story's second meet .


ByZACTAYLOR ztaylor2omscd.edu Coaching Mefro for only the secondmeet since taking over for former Meto swimming hâ‚Źad coachwinthrop Dyer last November,in. terim head coachCaseyStory led the Roadrunners' swim team to some notable wins and a diving victory beforegoing down on points to the larger Schoolof Mines squadin the swimming competitionjan- 12, in Golden. "We did as good as, or better than, enpected." Storv remarkedaftâ‚Źrward. Meho's All-American diver IGnny Rhoades tlid the expected- winning both diving events - and someof the une,xpected - beating his own recordin the one-meterand a 2001 record in the tbree-meter. Diving might have been Dyer's big contribution to the current team, but the men's and women's swimming teams are works in progressfor Story and it is work the former Roadrunners' swirnming standout is happy to have. Meho hasthe tatrent,swimmerAnnika Matneed lock said, but what the teams<lesperately is more depth on a squadthat carries only 15 athleteson both the men's and women'steams combined, Despitettrc lack of depth, both 'Runners' squadsleft Goldenwith top finishes. On the women'sside,LisaBIackshowedher pmwessin the backshokeby taking goldin both the 100- and 200-yard events.Matlock showed diversity in first-placefnishes in the 500-yard fteestyle and 200-frd butterfly. JessicaShaddock also took two events,dominating in both the 50 and l0Gyard freestyles. Onthe men'sside,freestyleexpertEvanVenrick took all tlree of his eventsto leadthe men's team. Alejandro Hernandezfollowed with two wins of his own in the 200-ynrd butterfly and 20Gyard medley.Kevin Braun addeda win in the loGyard bacJahoketo ffnish off the gold placing for Mefro'smen. "I +hink the team's real strong," Venrick said afterward. "I'm pretty happy with r,rfiere (the team has)gone." the erent was the ffrst after the winter break, althougb none of the swimmers ap pearedto have forgotten their commihent to

lr|etro Swimming and Diving Srhedule tullege Classic in Jan,25-27- (olorado Colorado Springs Feb.14-16- RockyMountain

"My swimming has complete$ turned around," Matlock said. "I had all besttimes today." It would appearthat, despitethe lossat the School of Mines, Meho's swimming team is improving, and the inhrim head coachis a big part of it. Story's currrnt position as interim adds to a few other 6ssshing gigs he currently has, including his coaching job at Bear CreekHigh School as well as a position as aquatics coordinator, Thesemay becomefactors in keeping Story around when it is time to considerwho will obtain the permanentposition. But despite having swurn at Meho from 2002 to the '06 season,he wasn t preparedto get a call to be his alma mater's interim head coach lessthan two yearsafter graduating, but he'sstill o<citedat the possibilitiesof beingback and competingat a higher lwel. "Coaching collegeis quite an opportunity for me," Story said. It isn't clear yet if the job will extend past the interim position.Story rcrnarkedthat at the end of the season,he will seeif he fits into the athletic director'splan. PhobbyJ.ISAAC SMAl-Ltmall4@nbctudLr Metro swimming and diving appearsto be heading in the right direction going into the Schoolof Mines onJan.12. Ronat in$e lfl!-yardbreaststrckeatColondo Metrcswimmerlom 2008 season.The programcarriesoverthe sucmenlostthemeet14993. xuingfourpoints fotMetro.Ihe'Runnen Ronat fnished secon( cessesfrom last semesterin diving, while iniecting new life and work ethic into the Metro swim swimming in the oll period, "Winthrop (Dyer)was a goodcoach," Ven- team. "He makesus work hard, and he'sencourag- rick said, 'but he had the friend aspect.Casey's "I absolutelyadore(tle coachingchange)," Matlock said. "The program before was more ableto yell at you." ing," Maflockmentionedof Story'scoaching. And soon after the interiew. Venrick him- lax, We're dolng twice as many laln now than The 'Runnerscoachdispla@ his work ethic by making his team do cooldown lapaafter sell causeda raisedvoice from the coach after we weredoing before." Story'steam competesnext at the Colorado the meethad finished.And despitea few groans the junior dicln't quick$ enter the pool for his from someof the swimners on doingexta laps, cooldown, The inftoduction of 5'elling how- CollegeClassicfan. 2 5 in ColoradoSprings. the tsam has noticeably inprwed since the errer,hasn't dampenedthe way the swimmers haveseenthemselvesimpoving, coacbingchange.

'Runnecruise roadtdp in2-Oweekend . At3 THEMETH0P0LITAN 17.2008. SPORTS " JANUARY


ByERICLANSING Iansing@mscd.edu

Division of the conference,one game back of Nebraska-Kearnel'.Lappe Thewomen'sbasketball teamand saysshe expectedher team to be in new head coach Linda Lappe may this position at this point in the season and expectsthings to vastly imhave found their stride winning four provelvith playerscoming back from straight games,including must win gamesover Western State and New injurlz and improvedplay from one of MexicoHighlandsthis pastweekend. her starters. Thesegameswere dubbed"must Starting forward CassondraBratton, who was pickedas an AII-R-IIAC win" as the two wins came against First Teamer,has shuggled since the t€amswith a combinedone win and 25 losses.According to tappe. it is beginning of the seasonand has averagedbelow 10 points per gamethis thosetypesof gamesyou shouldwin year after averagingover 12 the prethat will make your team a major player in the Rocky Mountain Athvtousseason. In an 82-65 lossto Adams State letic Conference. Photo byC0RA KEMP/d€mp4@mscd.edu "It is very important, especially on Dec.16, Bratton scoredone point, for a team that wants to be on top Metro woment 7game against Fort shooting 0-for-3 from the field with basketball teamgetsexcited before aDec. Lappesaid."You lewis.They only two rebounds.This may have of the conference," goneona6-2runt0theJan.12win. lostthegamebuthave since win gamesthat you're supposedto forcedLappeto sit herstarting forward win and then get some that you're who can run the show and I thinl< and freshmenforward ChelseatrFe- to helprejuranateBratton'splay. "She wasn't playing as hard we not supposedto win. Having a veter- everyonejust steppedup." brescoreda career-high1l points. get points "We're knew an team, they understandthat, and I Powers scored ll in the startingto everybody she could," Lappe said. "She "We play playing as well as we needed half Lappe had wasn't expectthem to comeout and ev- second and added two assists healthy again," said. guard games ery night and know the importance and two rebounds.But Ashley a few where we had eight to her to, and now she'sreally starting of winning thosegames." Mickenscontinued her great play by nine players healthy, and now we to stepit up and taking this team on In their 68-50 win over Western scoring 12 points, grabbing 14 re- have12, 13, 14 playershealthy,and her shoulders a little bit. The more shecan contribute,the befleroff we New Mexicoon Jan. 10 in Silver City, boundsand dishing out four assists. we're getting deeper." fell the winless The follou'ing night, Roadhas been a rocky one areasa team." N.M., Meho behind the Thisseason got points has The benching seemedto work as 32-24 by the half. But a rerunners 5 9 from the bench for the Mefo squad, which the Mustangs percent from the talent to be an RMACchampionship Bratton scoredher first career dousurgentRoadrunnersquadcameout while shooting 51 strong, outscoring their opposition field in their 85-68 point victory over contender. but the team has fallen bledouble againstWestern Stat€ on 44-18 to cruiseto their third straisht the Cowgirls of New Mexico High- short of consistentplay with injuries Jan.5 whereshescoredI 9 points and pulled down 13 rebounds. lands. wln. and underachievingstarters. "We didn't play two of our playplayers pine past games "I wasn't on my gameat the start Three from the But the four have "We ers in the fust half," Lappesaid. scoredin double figures and fonr"ard seen much improvement from the of the season,and I was missing my broughtthem out in the secondhalf Rae Bean led the way with her 16 team that was picked secondin the daughter,so I wasn't focused,"Bratand PaigePor.rerswas one of them. points on 7-of-10 shooting. Forn'ard preseason RMAC rarkings. The ton said."But I had a talk with Coach Powersis one of those point guards Anne-Marie Torp scored 14 points Roadrunnerslie second in the East Lappe,and I am trying to regain that

focus,and I think it is beginningto help." The points the Roadrunnersare lacking from Bratton haveledto some offensivewoes during the season. Offensively the Roadrunners have struggledfinding someoneotler t}ran point guardAshelyMickensto put in ' consistentpoint totals. \letro is sirth in the RMACin scoringat 65.3 points per game,but in their six losses,they averageonly5Tpoints. Mickens leads the team in scoring at 14.3 ppg, but no one elseon the team scoresin doublefigures.The senior point guard believesher team needsto male more quality shots to increasetheir shootingpercentage. "We needto passthe ball around more,"Mickenssaid,"Weneedtofind the open playersand just make our shots.We are usually a goodpercentage shooting team, but we haven't beenlmocking them down." With the secondhall of the sea- son comestime for Meto to kick-start their gameto the next level,and Iappe seemsexcitedto led the 'Runnerstoward the conferencetournament, "This is the most fun time of the year, espociallyfor coaches,for playersand for anybodythat lovesbasketball," Lappesaid. "This is what you put in all the preseasonwork for.This 'is what you havea tough nonconference schedulefor right now Everybody is coming together at the right time, so hopefullywe can continue that."

Metro shoots downCowboIs, can'tcatch Mustangs inNM ByZACTAYLOR ztaylo12emscd.edu

fir'efreethrorr.s. The Mustangs rvere also able Metro men's basketballsplit a to hold guard N{arquiseCarrinton, weekendtrip to New Mexicoby falling Metro's leading scorer,to just tweh,e to WesternNew Mexico 58-54 fan. points throughout the game. The 10, beforedispatchingNew Mextco usuall!'potentMetrooffenservasheld Highlands89-58 tn'odayslater. to 5-of-17 ftom three-pointrange,far Metro center Lawrence Billings, belowtheir average of 39 percent. a transfer student from Ba}ersfield Even with poor shooting from lunior College,had a career day de- outside, Metro came r,r'ithin four spite the loss,posting his first career points of getting evenwith the Musdoubledoublewith l3 pointsand 12 tangs beforetaking the close loss as rebounds. time expired. "Over the last two games,[aw"I think we have a shot at winrence has really been stepping up," ning every game," Hays said afterMetro headcoachBrannon Hayssaid wards. "It iust comesdown to how after the weekendset. well we play." play Billings' elevated had the Playing acrosstle statetwo days game tied at 42 with only 5:50 re later, Meno's offensewas given free maining, but a 12-5 run by the Mus- reign against a weak New Mexico tangs put the Roadrunners on the Higblanils tean that sits at the botlosingend of the score. tom of the RockyMountain Atbletic Freethrows were a key factor in Conferencestandings. the loss as Metro put Western Nen' After being held to five 3-pointMexicoon the line 29 timesthrough- ers against Western New Mexico, out the contest. And although the Meho drained 16 from behind the Mustangsonly made 16 of their ftee arc, including five by Carrington who throw attempts,it still put the battle endedthe garnewith 15 points. The of the line securelyon the sideof the Roadrunnersshot 57 percent from home team as Metro attemptedonly 3-point land, which was 3 percent

higherthan their overallshootingfor the game. Metro's backcourtstrengthwas on displayin Las Vegas.N.M. Along with Carrington'sdoublefigures,fellon' guardCuiseppeCiancioput in a game-high1 7 pointsto helpthe'Runners to their secondhighestscoring gameof the season,as well as a 5-l stretchovertheir lastsix games. "These guys are r,r'orking real hard, and they're understanding their roles better," Hays said of his team'srecentprogress. The split over the weekendputs Meho at 10-8 overallfor the season with a 3-4 recordin the RMAC,which is good for fiftb in the East Division. Metro's next opponent is Colorado Christian University on fan. 15. The Coug:arsare the top team in the East with a 7-0 conferencerecord. "We're looking forward to seeing how we measureup with them," Hayssaid. Metro lost to ColoradoChristian 76-9I lan. 15, breakinga 27 game unbeatenstreakvs.the Cougars.

Photo KtMP/ckemp4@mscd.rd byCoRA

game Metro forward Jesse Wagstaff dses fu alayup inaneady season vs.tort points. lewisDec. 7.IntheJan. l2 game vs.NM-Highlands hadseyen thejunior

At4 ' l/lNUAnY17.2008' fiE MEIB0P(ILITAN

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