The Key Times, October 2017-2018

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The Key Times

New York District Key Club/Division 9 Midwood High School Key Club Volume 2, Issue 6

About Key Club Key Club Pledge

Key Club Mission Statement

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

What is Key Club? Key Club International, a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, is the oldest and largest service organization for high school students, and gives its members opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership skills. Started in California in the 1925, Key Club today thrives on more than 5,000 high school campuses with a total membership of 270,000 in 38 countries, including North America, the Caribbean nations, Central and South America, and most recently, Asia and Australia. Key Club attributes its success to the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. In other words, as members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Among the opportunities provided to members are: ● Leadership development ● Vocational guidance ● College scholarships ● Service-learning ● Personal enrichment ● Value-added member benefit programs ● Liability insurance coverage Originally, Key Club adopted as its motto, “We Build,” the same motto as its parent organization, Kiwanis International. In 1976, the program changed its motto to, “Caring—Our Way of Life,” to more clearly convey members’ reasons for helping others. Dues paid by every member fund Key Club, and its officers are high school leaders elected by the members at district and International conventions.

Core Values Leadership » Leadership is grounded in humility and service to others. A true leader listens, recognizes, and empowers. Character Building » Character is built by everyday acts of kindness, integrity and teamwork to grow stronger relationships and communities. Caring » Compassion for others is a cornerstone of the Key Club experience, inspiring action and service to one’s community. Inclusiveness » We welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving and making a positive difference in our world.

Objectives of Key Club International Key Club aims to cooperate with school principals and teachers to provide high school students with invaluable experience in living and working together and to prepare them for useful citizenship. Our members develop initiative and leadership skills by serving their schools and communities. In doing so, we hope to promote and accept the following ideals: ● To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life. ● To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. ● To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts. ● To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship. ● To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities. ● To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill.

Key Club Structure INTERNATIONAL: Key Club International encompasses all clubs within the group’s 33 organized districts and in foreign countries that are not included in any specific district. Key Club International is led by the International Board, which is composed of the International president, International vice president, and 11 International trustees, all students and active Key Club members. DISTRICT: A district is normally defined by a state, a group of states, or nation and tends to match a similar Kiwanis district. Each district is chaired by a governor, elected by delegates at the district annual convention, and the District Board consisting of executive officers and lieutenant governors, either elected by delegates or appointed by the governor. DIVISION: Each district is divided into territories called divisions, made up of various clubs. Each division has a lieutenant governor, a student leader who carries out the district’s policies and provides support to the clubs. CLUB: Key Clubs are established in a high school or equivalent institution, or a community-based club may be chartered. Elected officers are president, one or more vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, editor, webmaster and one director from each class.

Members Club Officers District Board International Board

Table of Contents About Key Club


The Key Times Table of Contents


Midwood Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New Club Board


NYDKC Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New District Board


Letter From The Editor


President’s Message


Mid-Autumn Moon Festival


Colour Wars


MAKING STRIDES Against Breast Cancer Walk


Out of the Darkness Walk


19th Annual Great Pupkin Dog Costume Contest




District and Governor’s Projects


Credit System/Officer Requirements


Upcoming Events


Key Club “Caring - Our Way of Life”

Find us on

Midwood High School Key Club

Social Media


Presenting Our New Club Board Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Tiffany Yong


Vice President

Josephine Wu Secretary

Justin Chow Webmaster

Lillian Chen Treasurer

Anthony Guan Editor

Find the NYDKC on

New York District Key Club

Social Media




Presenting Our New District Board Gavin Li

Natalie D’Onofrio

District Governor

Matthew Portnoy

District Secretary

Dante Gil-Marin

District Treasurer District Webmaster

Clara Lee

Sherry Yu

District Editor

District Executive Assistant

Josephine Leung District Executive Assistant

Letter From The Editor

Hey Kiddos! Welcome back to another edition of The Key Times! Can you believe it’s already November? Woah, where did October and September go? Haha! Time is passing so quickly when you’re having so much fun in Key Club! Fall Rally is just in a few days and I’m so excited to see all of you guys there! If you guys are interested in being an officer like me, make sure you attend to Fall Rally if you can’t make it to LTC. But I know what you guys are all waiting for. We all know you guys already want that winter break to come already. It’s so far yet so close! But worry not, we have many exciting events that’s coming up soon! We have chosen our new committee members for Scrapbook and Outreach and I’m excited to announce that Sarah Cen is our new Co-Head for the Scrapbook Committee and Cathy Ching is our new Co-Head for the Outreach Committee! Congrats!! If you guys are interested in attending LTC or just want to know more about it we will release more information in the coming weeks, but if you guys have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to message me or ask me during school!

Yours in care and service Anthony Guan

President’s Message

Hey there my beautiful Key Clubbers! We are only two months away from the new year, how exciting! In these next two months I hope that we continue to serve our community like we’ve done these last two months. As of today we are approximately 93% of the way through our service hour goal of 1,500 hours! Thank you guys so much for going out of your way to serve our community and make other people’s lives a little better. Some exciting events for this month include Fall Rally, Little North Pole, and our volunteering event on Thanksgiving! I am so excited to continue serving others alongside you and can’t wait to see even more of you at our upcoming events. We have also chosen our committees and I’m very excited for our committees to get to work on making a beautiful scrapbook and poster for our annual Leadership Training Conference this March. We will let you guys know more about LTC in the coming weeks and I hope that many of you decide to join us. I’m excited to see everything you guys will do this month and as always Happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in care and service, Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

As a junior, this was my second time attending the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival event. Every year, Better China, a non-profit organization, holds a festival for the Mid Autumn Moon in Brooklyn, along side 8 ave. As volunteers we help set up tents, the stage, the dragons and as well as help set up stations where we sell things or give out food. This year wasn’t the best day to hold a festival since it was raining the morning of and as well there was an overflow of volunteers because we worked alongside with volunteers from Red Cross. Since there was an overflow, there wasn’t much to do for a lot of us. Most of the volunteers were just sitting and eating food while some had a job to do. During the Festival there was a parade with dancers and singers as well. Attending this event is a great experience but at the same time not the best considering there was a lot of volunteers and it was a rainy day. BUT make sure to look out for the Chinese New Years events since they are more exciting to attend to!

Anthony Guan Bulletin Editor


I got to Color Wars with an umbrella in my hand. While I was excited, I didn’t really want to get rained on. I met up with my friends and got war paint. I was on a team with Midwood and CCNY, which was really nice because I got to know a bunch of new people. Plus, our color was pink, which meant that I could rep pink war paint on my cheeks! We quickly played a game of Ninja (I only got one arm taken away!) before the scavenger hunt began. We were to look for things in the park and take pictures of them. One team captain (which was Alfredo) had to send them to Flora so that we got points. We first shot a video of ourselves saying the Key Club chant before going our separate ways in the park. Admittedly, some of the clues were really hard. There was one about glass panels that had me and my team stumped. In addition, the rain really started to pour during the scavenger hunt, and that really drained our energy. After the scavenger hunt, we got lunch, and luckily, a bunch of pizzas were ordered. I got a slice and a can of Sprite, eating it under a building that protected me from the rain. After lunch, the weather started to clear up, so we started to pie people. I recorded them all; they were just so funny! It was amazing that Flora got $100 to get pied. We then started other games like tug-of-war and an egg-spoon race. However, after I participated in tug-of-war, I had to go. I had a lot of fun at Color Wars, and I can’t wait for the one happening next spring. Tiffany Chen Stuyvesant Bulletin Editor


This event was hosted on Columbus Day (ew Monday's) by a selection of organizers from Midwood, Cardozo , and Stuyvesant. It took a lot of effort and hard work and planning to make sure the event would be successful and ran as smoothly as possible. However the forecast of rain had discouraged the many of us, but we still pushed forward to see what would work and what wouldn't work. It was bewildering to me that on the day of, a 100 people still showed up. That was a little bit more than half the sign ups and I was only expecting like 30 people. The event was messy but everyone was having fun and that warmed my heart in the cold pouring rain. When people were enjoying the food, I was so happy because that was so much of hard work that my friends and I had put in to make sure people would enjoy. Scavenger hunt and the activities were fun to watch people rummage around and my primary goal of the event was for everyone to make new friends and I think I was pretty successful on that one. I hope that people will come to Color Wars 2.0 , where it'll be even better ! (And not raining !!)

Flora Tsui Member

MAKING STRIDES Against Breast Cancer Walk On October 15 I attended the Breast Cancer Walk along with many other Key Club members at MCU Park. We walked on the boardwalk and got to see cheerleaders perform as well as our step team. It was the first breast cancer walk I've ever attended and I got to experience coming together with everyone to support a cause that affects millions of people all around the world. Everyone who walked did it for those who are suffering and those who have passed. This walk raises awareness as well as honors those diagnosed. This walk is important because it raises money for breast cancer research and helps people take steps into preventing breast cancer. At the end of the walk people were cheering and some were emotional which is a great thing to see because you know that by walking you make a difference and it lets them know you're supporting them. Nicole Lopez Member

The Breast Cancer Walk was again, another great walk! Having it so close to my neighborhood, the Coney Island boardwalk made it so memorable and convenient for me. The weather was perfect, not too sunny or cold for a walk. I had a great time with everyone from Midwood High School’s Key Club along with all of Division 9’s members. We walked from Surf Avenue to Brighton Beach and back while listening to music and chanting for Midwood’s Cheerleading team. Holding up our Midwood Key Club poster made me extremely excited because I love showing school spirit. By spending my Sunday morning with people who dedicated their time to walk for this cause, showed me just how important it is. I look forward to walking and volunteering for many other causes in the future with Key Club.

Lillian Chen Treasurer


of the

The Out of the Darkness walk I attended in Battery Park City, Sunday October 22, 2017, was a very important walk for many people in the community, including myself. The Out of the Darkness Walk focuses on the main theme of suicide prevention. This is a very prevalent issue in society, especially amongst teenagers nowadays. Even though there were no speeches or lectures held to address the problem of suicide in society today, the mere existence of this walk was important in letting those who are suffering that they aren’t alone. Along the walk, we got to see many people who had stickers/pins saying “Today I am walking for …..” where the general. I found it a nice, sweet moment, knowing that all these people had lost loved ones because of suicide and how they still managed to stand strong together. I also found it to be a place/scene of love where everyone was able to come together despite their differences and unite under a common cause. During this walk, we walked around a big circle along the skyline across the waters, Stuyvesant High School, children’s playground and other beautiful buildings in Manhattan. It was a very enjoyable walk for em as well as my other peers and I highly encourage going to walks such as these in the future. It allows us to be able to support a cause and most importantly show our support in our community as well as get a good workout, along with hanging out with friends. Esther Lee Member

Darkness Walk In honor of suicide awareness, we had the opportunity to walk alongside fellow sharks at the Out of the Darkness Walk this year! We had a meet up at the Giovanni Da Verrazzano statue near Bowling Green where we were able to catch up with Key Clubbers from other schools in Division 9. When the walk started we were able to get necklaces of all different colors with each color representing a different thing. As we walked, we were able to see people from all different ages show their support for this great cause. We saw people walking for relatives and friends that had attempted suicide and had passed away from suicide. It was truly beautiful to see so many people come together to walk for suicide prevention and let people know that if they’re considering suicide there are people who can help them get through whatever it is they’re going through. I think that by walking we were able to spread this message and I hope it helped someone find help.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

19th Annual Great PUPkin Dog Costume Contest My experience volunteering at the PUPkin event was very enjoyable. It was really cool seeing so many people participate in the contest as well as how many people showed up to watch. The people running the contest were very nice and welcomed our help. As a volunteer, I helped with crowd control and also made sure that all the contestants were lined up in order to be ready to go on stage. Some of my friends also volunteered and helped with crowd control and also collected donations from the audience. There were over 120 participants, all with really cute and creative costumes on their dogs. Other Key Club members that volunteered also had a really good time at the event. Overall, it was a really fun experience and I hope that I will be able to volunteer again next year. Vivian Chong Member

On October 28th, I volunteered at the 19th Annual Great PUPkin Dog Contest. The event was a dog costume contest for the spirit of Halloween and was also accepting donations in order to keep Fort Greene Park a clean park. These donations were meant to buy more doggy bags and more dispensers to put around the park so that it was easier for dog owners to clean up after their dogs. As a volunteer, we were either there for crowd control or going around asking for donations; I personally was helping keep some of the staircases required for the contest clear. I really enjoyed seeing all of the dogs in their costumes; some of them were really creative such as dragons from Game of Thrones and one dog was even a lobster in the pot. Despite this enjoyment, I felt like the event was a little bit unorganized and very crowded, making the event less enjoyable. Also, as a person that was supposed to help with crowd control, it was kind of boring just standing there and telling someone that they needed to move every half hour. In order to make the event better for next year, I think the event organizer themselves should have a ticketing system so that they aren't over capacity like this year, and should also have volunteers come a little earlier to help with setup since I felt like I personally wasn't doing much. The event idea itself was really cool, I just think it could've been executed better. Kimberly Nunez Member

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began 67 years ago as a way to help kids still affected by World War II. Since then, millions of children across the United States have gone door to door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes, calling out, "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!" The annual tradition of Kids Helping Kids® — involving donations big and small — has helped to raise more than $175 million since 1950. Worldwide, many kids need medicine, nutrition, clean water, emergency relief and education. When kids Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, the donations they collect, help save lives. Kids also learn about global citizenship and the value of helping others. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has empowered generations to make lasting change in their global community by collecting donations on Halloween to help save and protect children. Key Club has been Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF since 1994, raising over $7 million. Combating iodine deficiency worldwide and HIV and AIDS in Kenya and Swaziland are just some of the programs Key Club has supported. Since 2011, Key Club’s Trick-or-Treat donations have funded The Eliminate Project, which supports the elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus globally. MNT (Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus) is a disease that affects a baby when they’re born by making them sensitive to light and touch. This disease is transmitted through unsanitary tools used to cut the umbilical cord and transmits to both the newborn and mother. With just a few dollars, you can provide vaccines to mothers and their babies in order to prevent them from contracting this disease.

District Project

Sunrise Day Camps are the world’s only dedicated day camps for children with cancer and their siblings, provided completely free of charge. Providing memorable summers since 2006 for children 3½-6, Sunrise Day Camps bring the simple pleasures of childhood back to children struggling with cancer, changing months of loneliness and isolation into summer’s filled with sunshine, laughter, and happiness. And because Sunrise is a day camp, it does all this while allowing the children to continue their medical treatment and enjoy the comfort and safety of their own homes at night.

Governor’s Project

The Honeybee Conservancy is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2009 in responses to the bee crisis. To help the bees, they inspire communities to plant bee habitat and act as stewards for bees, support bee research in an effort to end bee population declines, advance science and environmental education, support local food initiatives, and encourage communities to support their local beekeepers.

Credit System For every 25 points you earn 1 credit. The maximum credits you can receive per semester is 10. The spreadsheet with everyone’s points is posted on our Facebook page. -

Base of 2 credits for official members (paid dues) Events: 6 points for every hour (1 point for every 10 minutes) * Time In/ Time Out* Divisionals: 10 points each Club Meetings: 5 points each Committees: 3 credits (maximum) Articles for club and division: 5 points each Pictures: 1 point for 2 non-duplicate pictures Fundraising Boxes/Cans: 5 points

Officer Requirements This coming April we will be retiring and new officers will be installed. In order to become an officer there are a few things you have to do. One of these is to attend either Fally Rally or LTC or both and get training for the position you are thinking of applying to. If you’re interested in applying for a position you MUST attend either of these conferences or else you will not be considered eligible to run for a position. In addition to these, some other requirements include: Attending at least 2 divisionals Attending at least 3 division events (Ex. Breast Cancer, Out of the Darkness, Fall Rally, etc.) Attending at least 7 club events (including one fundraiser) Attending at least 65% of club meetings Attending a workshop we’ll be hosting at a library later this year

Upcoming Events Fall Rally Fall Rally is THIS SATURDAY! Join Key Clubbers from all over NYC at this mini-LTC in which you’ll get to attend many workshops that range from how to tie a tie to workshops on the importance of members and officer positions. It is always a lot of fun, and I encourage you to come and learn more about Key Club! There is a specific dress code for this event as well. In addition to filling out the google form, you will also have to sign a permission slip Date: Saturday, November 11th Time: 9:00 AM- 3:30 PM Location: Stuyvesant High School Price: $8.00 which includes food! Dress Code: Business Casual Sign Up Form: Fall Rally Google Form! Permission Slip: Print, Sign, and Bring this Permission slip on the day of!

Little North Pole Join us and bring in the Holidays filled with joy and love! TV coverage, singing, food and fellowship for this wonderful cause. All proceeds benefit Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Wear Santa Hats and your Key Club T-Shirts! It is a crowded big event for Kiwanis and Juvenile Diabetes. At this event we will be volunteering with other Key Clubbers at this fun event where we’ll helping serve food as well as making sure the event goes smoothly. Date: Sunday, November 12th Time: 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM Location: Mure Home 144-03 Neponsit Avenue, Neponsit, NY 11233 Sign Up Form: Little North Pole Google Form!

Project FIND Senior Citizen Outreach Volunteering This Thanksgiving, we will be volunteering with Project FIND to serve meals to senior citizens around the area! We will be delivering and making food for senior citizens that live independently and are homeless. All volunteers that signed up will be meal deliverers! Date: Thursday, November 23rd Time: 9 AM-1 PM Location: 331 West 42nd Street, between 8th and 9th Avenue, New York, NY 10036 ** SIGNUPS ARE CLOSED**

Thank You for reading The Key Times!

If you guys have any questions, comments, or concern please don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. Please send any feedback to and continue sending in any articles and pictures as well for the next newsletter!

Happy Key Clubbing!!

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