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What is Key Club? Key Club is an international service organization that helps make people's lives better. It will help you grow as a person, build a community and become a part of a loving family. Mission KEY CLUB IS AN INTERNATIONAL, STUDENT-LED ORGANIZATION THAT PROVIDES ITS MEMBERS WITH OPPORTUNITIES TO PROVIDE SERVICE, BUILD CHARACTER AND DEVELOP LEADERSHIP


The core values of Key Club international are leadership, character building and inclusiveness.





members perform acts of service in their communities. They learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.


caring- our way of life


Table of contents presenting new club board

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goodbyes from the old board




our response to covid-19


midwood key club social media


a i d e m l a i c o s b u l c y e midwood k

@midwoodhskeyclub midwoodhskeyclub midwood high school key club



presenting the new board


Jaclyn Gendler


Nazokat Ibrohimova




comMittee head Meerim Taalaibek

Atika Hassan

Kate Sum

Elia Gorelik


hellos from the new board



Hey everyone! First and foremost, I’d like to acknowledge how strong all of you guys are. Times are tough and confusing, but key club will always thrive thanks to every single one of you simply by being here. I know for a fact we will come out 10x more united and ready to help our community once again. Now, enough of that mushy stuff and let me introduce myself. My name is Jaclyn, and as the president of Key Club 2020-2021, I hope to continue sparking every members passion for helping the community! I'm always open for questions and conversation, even if it’s not club related, so don’t hesitate to talk to me if you need to! I can’t wait to formally meet everyone, so stay safe until then!

Hey key clubbers, I’m Nazokat and I’m honored to say I’ll be your 2020-2021 Vice President. As your Vice President, I hope to be able to help you all in times of need. Please don’t be afraid to approach me and say hi. Remember, key club is not just a club-but a community! It is an opportunity to give back to others. A smile can go a long way! I can’t wait to build new memories with all of you and I hope our year together will be a memorable one!




Hi, my name is Atika Hassan and I will be your secretary for the 2020-2021 term. I hope you all have been doing well and are safe. Make sure to stay at home and wash your hands. I look forward to working with you all and getting to know you guys better. As many of the other officers have already said, if you have any questions or concerns don't be afraid to contact us through our email or social media. Once again, stay safe and I look forward to meeting you all :)). (I have no pics of me so enjoy this jerry) Hello key club, my name is Elia and it is my honor to serve all of you as your fellow key club 2020-2021 treasurer! I can’t wait to create so many new memories and bonds with all of you! I hope that we can all create a safe space where we can all come together to give back to our community! I also wish for everyone to understand how important it is to learn how we can give back to the people in need so we can form a group of future leaders who can potentially make our world a much better place. I aspire for everyone to learn that kindness always comes before selfishness and that you must always find passion in being selfless from being a key club member. Lastly, I hope that we have an absolutely spectacular year at key club! I can’t wait to meet all of you!



Committee Head

Hi everyone! My name is Kate and I'm the editor and webmaster of Key Club 2020-2021. I'm not the most tech savvy, but I am willing to work hard toward this club. My job is to make sure everyone is informed of the events we have going on in through the Key Club newsletter and website! A lil fact about me is that I like to paint- my medium is watercolor ! If any of you have questions, or just want to talk, don't hesitate to approach me. Key club is a family, and I hope we can become closer together!

Hello key clubbers! My name is Meerim, I enjoy dancing and watching anime such as naruto. I’m going to be the COMMITTEE HEAD!!! I want to make bright and colorful memories this year with you guys and show how key club can be a factory of fun!


goodbyes from the old board



Hi Key Clubbers! Being in Key Club for the past 3 years has changed me in ways that I can’t explain. 3 years with all of you amazing people has really inspired me to continue doing what I’ve done in Key Club, and I hope all of you continue to inspire others. Continue volunteering to help those in need; give back to the community in ways that we never could. I know it sounds cheesy but you guys really are the future. Don’t doubt the change you’re able to make. Being President has taught me just that. When we work together, we’re able to change so much more than we think we can. I hope you all take in this advice and strive to work your way up the Key Club structure. In a few years, you’ll look back and realize that this was the best thing that could’ve happened to you. I guess with that being said, it’s been real. Good luck to all of you! -victor zheng 10


Wow! Time flies by so quickly! I haven’t written one of these messages in a while since I was an editor making these newsletters… I was a Key Club member since my first year of highschool and now after 4 years, I can’t even remember a time where I wasn’t a Key Clubber. Key Club has been with me my entire high school career and I can wholeheartedly say that it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in high school. Key Club has helped me grow in so many ways -academically, personally, and professionally. The skills learned throughout the years by volunteering every weekend and being an officer in a variety of positions has been one of the core activities that has helped shape me to be such a well rounded individual. Because of Key Club, I was able to shape a path for the future revolved around selflessness and philanthropy. Although I am sad to finally leave Key Club and high school in general, I am confident that the future is bright with Key Club behind me as my support and a future with Circle K ahead of me. As my goodbye message I just want to say: enjoy these high school years and get as involved as you can, it is definitely a once in a lifetime experience… and remember our motto: caring our way of life ❤ Yours in care and service, Esther Lee 11 VP

co-secretary 1 I can’t believe it’s really ending. It feels like Color Wars was just yesterday, when I decided that I wanted to learn more about Key Club. And, I still remember how nervous I was during my interview, and then after at my first meeting. Even though that was years ago, the memories and feelings are still there. It’s been a wild journey from start to finish. There were so many changes and problems that all of us had to adapt to. It was difficult but we managed. I could not have done any of it without the help of my Board. Thank you. Thank you so much for everything. The past few years have been a blast because of all of you. Even though this is the end, it’s also a beginning. To the new Board, I believe in you. It will be difficult at first, but I know that all of you will do great. Good luck! Have fun with it. Key Club really is a one in a lifetime opportunity. 12 -Shabraiz Malik

co-secretary 2

Hi, From filling MRFs every month to recording meeting and event hours, YES, it is very strenuous, but it all worth it when it comes to the end. Three years ago I was a little sophomore attending a Tuesday meeting because my friend made me. I was shy and was not interested in this club at all. I thought it was a club for making keys, but NO! it was a club meant for opening doors and it opened up my eyes to so many wonderful things. Whether it is allowing me to face my shyness to creating and building a second family with my board and advisor, Key Club has become a part of me and I will not ever forget the times where we were all stressed because of events/fundraiser planning to singing along to throwback jams after weekly meetings. These memories are just unforgettable. Even though we didn’t get to go to LTC this year (sad), the rest of you and the new board can experience it next year. It definitely forms a tighter bond between everyone. You get to learn about trust and communication, which are the most important things between the board. While we built many friendships and connections, we must not forget the mission of Key Club. I am so proud to say that we truly made a difference to our home, school and community and I hope you guys will too! Yours in service, Alice Yee



Hey guys! This is my last time introducing my self. “Hi my name is Abby Borshchenko, and I am Midwood key clubs treasurer.” I can’t believe how fast these four years have gone by. When I first joined as a member, I remember I did not give much of my energy into the club. But then I realized how much good this club was doing to society and the family that is created. I ran for an officer position as a sophomore. I remember getting the treasurer position and freaking out. I definitely did not think of all the new people I would meet and experiences I would go through. Going to events and taking lead, meeting new members every year in Midwood and statewide. I'm going to miss everything about Key club; The community service, seeing my friends every Tuesday and laughing so hard, and being able to get to know the members. But most importantly I am going to miss ms.haney. She has helped me become the person who I am today. She taught me how to communicate with adults properly, handing in things on time, and also being there to listen to my problems. I never regret joining Key club. This experience has made me want to get involved in my community and grow personally. You guys are in for a very fulfilling and exciting experience and I am jealous I can’t be there with you. 14 -abby borshchenko


Hi everyone! Looking back at this service year, I feel fortunate to have been a part of something so great. Key Club has taught me a tremendous amount about myself, leadership, and service. Additionally, it allowed me to become a part of such a great community of people. As a member, I was able to see the willingness and selflessness of members when we were helping others. As editor, I was able to read through articles that each portrayed distinctive, but unforgettable experiences. In addition, I saw various memorable pictures that all showcased the hard work and dedication of members. I’m sad to say my farewell, but excited to see what’s yet to come. Best wishes to the new board, and thank you to everyone! Key Club will forever be, unforgettable. -Yesenia Peregrina

webmaster/media committee head

Hi Key Clubbers! Thank you for an incredible year! It’s been an honor being your webmaster and head of the media committee. It’s been amazing to see how we’ve grown and expanded as a club over the year and the four years I spent at Midwood. It’s too bad our time was cut short but I know next year everyone will go on to do awesome things and key club will be better than ever! Thank you! -Meghan Stern


scrapbook committee head Dear Key Clubbers,I’m sad to say that this is goodbye. It’s unfortunate that the rest of the board and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye in person. We are leaving you guys in the hands of an amazing new board and I know that they aspire to do great things for key club. I hope you guys have enjoyed the service year as much as I have. All I can say is that my time as a Key Club member and board member has to be one of my favorite high school experiences. I will cherish many of our memories together from our fundraisers and many events. I’m glad that I joined key club and it has improved my high school experience. Key Club has given me many opportunities to network, make new friends and learn what it truly means to be a key clubber. 16 -Yannah Rejouis

outreach committee head

Hey key clubbers! Key Club has been one of my favorite high school experiences and I’ve made many memories these last couple of years that I will never forget. Being in Key Club has taught me how to help others and give back to our community. It has also taught me many life skills that I will never forget. Key Club has challenged me in many ways and brought me out of my comfort zone. Whether it was meeting new people or presenting at our Tuesday meetings but I can’t say I won’t miss those moments. I hope all of you continue to volunteer and give back. Yours in love and care, Yonnah Rejouis



thirst project webinar

eliminate week virtual team engagement webinar


Thirst Project Webinar The thirst project webinar was a virtual meeting in which Key Club members from different schools came together to discuss a global project which aims to build water pumps and provide health education to third world countries.


Vanessa Huang At the thirst webinar, one member from the Thirst Project explained to us exactly what the project was all about. Midwood key clubbers got to join students from the rest of division 9 in educating ourself on the hardships those in third world countries face, specifically the lack of clean water in Africa, hence the “thirst� project. We got to see what they had to experience before being provided with clean water, which included walking 10s of miles a day and countless diseases. This truly opened my eyes to how privileged I am to live in a country without this problem, along with how thankful I am to witness an organization aiming to help end this crisis. All in all, the thirst webinar was really inspirational!


Aaron Xu I attended the thirst webinar and I learned many things from it. One member of the thirst project taught us about the lack of water in many places in the world. childrens education gets affected due to the lack of water. People turn ill and die. some have to walk many miles to even get access to water. thankfully, the thirst project is helping them- providing clean water and making their lives more convenient, thus making the world a better place.


Eliminate Week The eliminate project is an initiative to protect the lives of babies and mothers who have been fighting maternal and neonatal tetanus for centuries.


Kate Sum eliminate week was incredible. it was for a great cause, as it spread awareness about maternal and neonatal tetanus. it was cool to see people take part in the tasks over the week, especially eating a lemon on a wednesday. eliminate week was a great way to share information about the eliminate project. its really nice to see so many donations to the cause. 24

Virtual Engagement Webinar During the virtual engagement seminar, key club members from all over NYS gathered to learn about how to present ourselves as leaders and how to virtually engage our audience.


Jaclyn Gendler Recently, I was able to join students from all over the state in learning how to be efficient and good leaders during this digital era. We learned about various ways to engage our audience and keep them focused while on group calls or meetings. We had a dance party, listened to fun music, and enjoyed many activities to get to know the others in the call while learning how to do the same ourselves! We were taught ways to keep the audience comfortable and interested in meetings or calls, and how to get newer members comfortable with each other! The board and I can’t wait to use these new tips and activities when on meetings with you guys!


Nazokat Ibrohimova

The virtual webinar about team building was so much fun. At the beginning we listened to music and danced. After a couple of minutes the actual meeting had started. We were asked questions that were answered using polls. When everyone answered the question random people were chosen to explain their answer to the question. After a while we stopped and our host started to relate the activities to what he wanted to teach us. In the end we learned better ways to introduce icebreakers and much more.


Our response to covid-19 Our response to the pandemic


Jaclyn Gendler Covid-19 has taken the world by storm, making it a scary time to live in, but I know we’ll get out of this stronger than ever before. I hope everyone is staying indoors, social distancing and wearing face protection if you ever need to go out. this is one of the biggest ways we can help our communities through this tough time. thank you, everyone, and I hope all your families and friends are safe!


Kate Sum Covid-19 has deeply affected all of us in the past 3 months. targets, walmarts and many other stores have been ransacked of toilet paper, water and other supplies which has left many with nothing for their families due to panic. we have to remain calm in order to successfully fight through this pandemic. Hate crimes regarding the asian community have also devestatingly increased. It is utterly terrifying to hear these news, as people are beginning to commit extreme crimes in order to lash out their anger on innocent people for the outbreak of the virus in wuhan, china. I would like to speak out about this and how we can prevent ignorance from spreading. the virus came about just like how any virus has. ex: the flu, sars, influenza a, etc. handle this virus as a virus, do not treat any asian person differently simply because the virus broke out in china. that being said, i truly believe we can fight through this pandemic as long as we stay calm and perform proper social distancing measures. new york has already gone through opening phase 1. thank you all for attending the online events, i understand it is not the same as physical events, therefore i am very thankful for anyone who takes their time to attend. stay safe, everyone.


Atika Hassan

COVID-19 is a very scary thing for all of us. We can get through this, I'm sure of it. Although it seems like we can't do a lot in this situation even just staying at home, maintaining proper distance, and taking care of our health and well-being does a lot. By staying home you help limit the spread of COVID-19. Don't forget to take care of yourself whether it be physically or emotionally. Stay safe!


Vanessa Huang Amid the second wave of COVID-19 approaching, we shouldn’t let our spirits be brought down. keep yourselves busy and the days will be over in a flash. With the amount of time we have, we can start picking up new hobbies! perhaps Learn how to bake, study, or simply play videogames. However, if you don’t like staying indoors all day or need to pick up necessities, always be sure to wear a mask and gloves when you go out and wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds each time. Whatever the situation may be, we can get through this because we are Gen Z and we don’t let petty things get in our way except bugs.


That's all! thanks for reading! until next time

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