The Key Times, August 2017-2018

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The Key Times

New York District Key Club/Division 9 Midwood High School Key Club Volume 2, Issue 4

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Statement Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

What is Key Club? Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club has approximately 260,000 members in approximately 5,000 clubs. Key Club is represented in 37 countries.

Table of Contents Midwood Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New Club Board


NYDKC Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New District Board


Letter From The Editor


President’s Message


Mr. Gioia’s Pool Party


Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen


Backpack For Kids


Miles for Melanoma


District and Governor’s Projects


Upcoming Events


Key Club “Caring - Our Way of Life”

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Midwood High School Key Club

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Presenting Our New Club Board Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Tiffany Yong


Vice President

Josephine Wu Secretary

Justin Chow Webmaster

Lillian Chen Treasurer

Anthony Guan Editor

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New York District Key Club

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Presenting Our New District Board Gavin Li

Natalie D’Onofrio

District Governor

Matthew Portnoy

District Secretary

Dante Gil-Marin

District Treasurer District Webmaster

Clara Lee

Sherry Yu

District Editor

District Executive Assistant

Josephine Leung District Executive Assistant

Letter From The Editor

Hey Fellow Key Clubbers!! The school year just started and I’m so excited to see you guys at our first meeting!! The date will be announced on a later date. I hope you guys enjoyed summer as much as I did cause oh man I spent a lot of money and attended a lot of events haha. I would like to thank anyone who came out to our summer events especially Mr. Gioia’s Pool Party! Also we recently sent out the applications for our two wonderful committees which are Scrapbook and Outreach. If you guys are interested, please sign up! It would be amazing to have you guys and also you get to learn a little bit more about Key Club along the way. If you guys have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me on facebook! P.S Our 2nd Annual Friendship Day Event is tomorrow and it is not too late to sign up!!! I hope to see you guys all there and have an amazing time.

Yours in care and service, Anthony Guan

President’s Message

Hey Hornets! Ah school is so close! I can't wait to see you guys at our first meeting of the new school year and at our upcoming events. We have many fun things planned and I'm super excited for you guys to see them! To begin, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who came out this summer to one of our events. It was great seeing all of you guys there and I can't wait to see even more of you guys. Also I want to give a shout out to our past members who graduated who still came out to our events. Dedication like that is truly admirable. This month we had many fun events such as D9 Week and Bowery Mission. We also recently sent out our committee forms. I've already read some great applications and I'm excited to read even more. This month we have our Second Annual Friendship Event and I'm so excited to see all of you have fun at these events. Be on the lookout for more update emails and I'll see you guys soon!

Yours in care and service, Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Mr. Gioia’s Pool Party

The pool party was an amazing experience. I was able to have a fun time talking to Murrow's members. They were such great people! I also was able to do some photography for my club! I was happy to see many guests such as Division 11's LTG and members! Also our previous Lieutenant Governor made an appearance and was presented with the outstanding LTG award that was announced at ICON. The greatest dedication I had seen for Key Club was the fact the already graduated seniors came to the divisional to show their support. The catering was amazing thanks to Mr.Gioia! I hope to go to this event next year!

Justin Chow Webmaster

Mr.Gioia’s Pool Party

After two years of not being able to attend I finally got to go to D9's annual pool party, and it was a blast! We met up at the South Ferry station in Manhattan and from there rode the ferry to Staten Island. Once we got to Staten Island we rode the train then walked to Mr. Gioia's house. Once we got there we were met with a bunch of fellow sharks and also D10 Key Clubbers. Throughout the whole event people were hanging out by the pool and talking and everything felt like a giant family gathering. During the divisional portion of the pool party, our immediate past lieutenant governor, Raymond, received his Outstanding LTG Award from ICON. We also heard a bit more about ICON and everything going in our division. Overall it was a fun experience filled with music, food, and mingling and I can't wait to go back next year!

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen

Interesting and self-fulfilling is what volunteering at the Bowery Mission was like. You, in a way, know what you're getting yourself into and what to expect when you walk through the door. Nonetheless, you don't fully embrace the entire experience until you see smile after smile and thank you after thank you. You don't feel genuinely good until you see the students and workers sitting together at the tables chatting and eating. What topped it off for me was when mothers with their children received their food and the children thanked me with their tired, yet high-pitched morning voice. Volunteering at events like this make you feel like you made that difference in your community. You helped those less fortunate. You lended a hand where needed.

Albina Kukic Member

Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen

As a Key Clubber last year, there was an age requirement to volunteer at the Bowery Soup Kitchen and as a sophomore, of course I didn’t meet it. But this year I got a chance to volunteer at this wonderful event during the summer. Even though I came a bit late, it was a great experience volunteering here. The staff at the Soup Kitchen told us to help give out food to the homeless and it was really nice seeing all of their warm smiles and how thankful they are for the food. The staff was extremely nice and very enthusiastic which in all made this event more fun and enjoyable. After we finished giving out the food to the homeless, we helped clean up the section where we gave out the food and mopped the floor as well. I highly suggest more people to come to this event! Events like these where you help out the community makes you feel good inside. Like you’re giving back to the community!!

Anthony Guan Editor

Backpack For Kids

Backpack for kids was held on Thursday, August 24th right under the D Train. It was a fun event as I enjoyed rocking out to old songs from the huge speaker placed right next to me. Many of my friends came along to this event so it was even more fun being able to talk to them while also giving people their share of school supplies. If you have a small fair of OCD, this is the perfect event to go satisfy it as I was able to color code folders, color pencils and stack them neatly. With warm weather and even warmer people, this event is something I could look forward to in the future!

Flora Tsui Member

Backpack For Kids On August 24th, I attended the Backpack for Kids event. It was the first volunteer event that I would be attending in almost a month, and I was anticipating it. On the day of the event, I woke up at the time it was supposed to start, and led me to arrive two hours late. Essentially, we helped the organization Reaching Out Community Services host a successful “Big Backpack Giveaway,” where low-income families received free backpacks filled with school supplies. The giveaway was still in full force, so I made my way into the assembly line that was created and got to work. My task was to give out folders to the kids, and they received two folders per ticket. Although it didn’t seem like much, I tried my best to make it fun and exciting. I cheerfully asked each kid or parent which colors they liked best, and put the folders into their open backpacks. The music was blasting and the kids moved quickly, but I didn’t feel rushed or overwhelmed at all. I ended up dancing to some of the songs, which made some of the parents and my fellow volunteers laugh. We stopped to have some pizza that the organization bought for us, which was completely unexpected and great. I conversed with other members from Division 9, and even members from Division 11! During our break, some passerby entered our booth and were curious to see what was going on. Unfortunately, we could not provide them with supplies because they did not have tickets, or weren’t desperately in need of supplies. When we were done eating, we went back to pack more supplies into backpacks for the people who came a little later. The giveaway ended at 3pm, an hour later than expected, and helped the organizers pack up. Before we all took a group picture, Tom (the director of the organization) thanked us and invited us to volunteer at future events. I was so happy to been helpful and give back to my community. I remember attending a back to school giveaway as a child, and enjoyed all of the free school supplies. However, being on the opposite end of the giveaway and being able to share the same joy with other kids was even better. I think it’s safe to say that the event was a success and everyone who came out to volunteer had a great time.

Josephine Wu Secretary

Miles for Melanoma

Usually waking up super early is a really hard task for me. While on that day it was still difficult, once I was up and on my way to this event I was glad to be doing something to help others. At the Miles for Melanoma 5K, I met up with fellow sharks and we helped organizers with the food table and as course marshalls. We directed runners and walkers along the race and also answered any questions they had. It was great seeing so many people genuinely excited and enthusiastic for this race and it definitely made me feel happier about being there. At the conclusion of the event we helped with break down and overall it was a great morning. I got to meet new people in Division 9 while also helping raise awareness about such a deadly disease

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

District Project

Sunrise Day Camps are the world’s only dedicated day camps for children with cancer and their siblings, provided completely free of charge. Providing memorable summers since 2006 for children 3½-6, Sunrise Day Camps bring the simple pleasures of childhood back to children struggling with cancer, changing months of loneliness and isolation into summer’s filled with sunshine, laughter, and happiness. And because Sunrise is a day camp, it does all this while allowing the children to continue their medical treatment and enjoy the comfort and safety of their own homes at night.

Governor’s Project

The Honeybee Conservancy is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2009 in responses to the bee crisis. To help the bees, they inspire communities to plant bee habitat and act as stewards for bees, support bee research in an effort to end bee population declines, advance science and environmental education, support local food initiatives, and encourage communities to support their local beekeepers.

Upcoming Events Annual Friendship Day Event Do you love making new friends? Need something to do over the weekends? Love volunteering? Well I have some very exciting news for you! We have teamed up with Brooklyn Tech Key Club to host our Annual Friendship Day Event! This event is a two-day event and you can choose to go to either day or both. On the first day we will have a picnic at Sheep Meadows in Central Park where we'll bond with one another and make new friends. We'll have many games and fun ice breakers. That day we will also be collecting non-perishables and clothing for victims affected by Hurricane Harvey and also water bottles to fundraise for the Thirst Project. Also be sure to bring snacks to share with everyone else! Day 1 - Bonding/Picnic: Date: Sunday, September 10th Time: 11:30 A.M - 3:00 P.M (Meet Up at Grand Army Plaza in Manhattan at 11:00 AM) Location: Sheep Meadows, Central Park On the second day we will be volunteering at the Xavier Mission Soup Kitchen! There are only 15 spots for this event so sign up quickly Day 2 - Service Date: Sunday, September 17th Time: 11:30 AM- 3:15 PM Location: 55 West 15th St, NY, New York 10011

Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen This amazing event is coming up in a few weeks! By volunteering at the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen you will be able to help serve food to the needy and also get that amazing feeling one gets when you know you've helped someone. This is by far one of my favorite events and I hope that you guys come out and volunteer. Those that participate must be at least 16. There are only 10 spots so sign up ASAP.

Date: Sunday, September 24th Time: 7:30 A.M - 9:30 A.M Location: 227 Bowery, New York, NY 10002

Thank You for reading The Key Times!

If you guys have any questions, comments, or concern please don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. Please send any feedback to and continue sending in any articles and pictures as well for the next newsletter!

Happy Key Clubbing!!

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