The Key Times, April/May 2017-2018

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The Key Times

New York District Key Club/Division 9 Midwood High School Key Club Volume 2, Issue 1

Contact Us! Midwood High School

Cabinet: Wendy Lliguichuzhca, President Tiffany Yong, Vice President Midwood High School Key Club Josephine Wu, Secretary Lillian Chen, Treasurer Follow us @midwoodhskeyclub Justin Chow, Webmaster Anthony Guan, Editor

Key Club Pledge

Key Club Mission Statement

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Table of Contents Lieutenant Governor’s Greetings


President’s Message


Hello From The New Board!


Leadership Training Conference


19th Annual Concern Run


Foundation For Letters Run


ConSERVE: Earth Day


April Divisional


Project GLAM


Peanut Day


March of Dimes Walk


HOD Society 5K Run


TD Five Boro Bike Tour


Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Movie Fundraiser


Japan Day


Table of Contents NYCRUNS: Mother’s Day 5K & 10K


Gowanus Canal Conservancy




HSMSE Board Game Fundraiser


May Divisional


Upcoming Events


Lieutenant Governor’s Greetings

Hello Midwood! My name is Patricia Ahmed, and I am extremely honored to be serving as your Division Nine Lieutenant Governor for the 2017-2018 service year. I joined Key Club in my sophomore year because I wanted to be an active presence in my school. However, I quickly learned that Key Club not only extended to the rest of Brooklyn, but across the world. As you already know, Key Club is a student led organization where we have the opportunity to volunteer and provide service throughout our community. Key Club has become much more than that. Through my term as my Club President last year, I expanded my Key Club knowledge, and met people from across the state. As Lieutenant Governor, I want to share my passion for service. Although you may feel like being a volunteer at an early morning event is not making a difference, I want to tell you that it is. Together, whether it be by walking in support of a cause, cleaning up a neighborhood, or raising funds for a local organization, we are making a difference in our community and in the world. If you ever see me at an event, come and say hi! Yours in Care and Service, Patricia Ahmed Division 9 Lieutenant Governor

President’s Message

Hey beautiful people! I, along with the board, am excited to share this newsletter with you guys! Since the beginning of our service year in April we have had a total of 16 events which includes fundraisers and the Elemonate Challenge we had on May 16th. The board and I have decided to set a service hour goal of 1,500 hours and a fundraising goal of $1,500. So far we have completed more than 350 service hours and I am excited to say that we are almost a quarter of the way through this service year's service hour goal. Thank you guys for being so welcoming to our new board members and for sticking with us while we adjust to our new positions. I am extremely excited to see our club grow next year and I am saddened to see our seniors graduate. I would like to say a big thank you to our seniors as they move on to college and encourage all seniors to join Circle K if your college has one. If it doesn't then I hope you take the initiative and begin a Circle K at your school. I would also like to thank our past board members, Josephine, Flora, Christine, and Alice, for all they did for our club. At the Leadership Training Conference, our newly elected board members were trained meanwhile our past board members were retired. Thank you guys for such an amazing service year and I can't wait to see what you all will do within and beyond Key Club. I also really hope that you all come out to our events this summer because Key Club doesn't end in the summer! We will be sure to have many exciting events all throughout July and August and I can’t wait to see you all there! Yours in care and service, Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Hello From The New Board!

Wendy Lliguichuzhca - President

Favorite Quote: “I want you to promise me something. If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared it will burn your life to the ground. You say it, and you say it loud. And then you go from there…” -Mark Sloan

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Wendy and I'll be serving as your 2017-2018 club president! I am very excited for everything that we will accomplish as a club together. This service year I plan on presenting many exciting events to you guys and to make a difference in our community. One of my main goals for this service year is to increase attendance at events and show you guys just how amazing Key Club is. Last service year I served as the club's webmaster and I absolutely loved the role I played with managing the website. I'm certain that our newly elected webmaster, Justin, will do an even better job and make the website as appealing and informative as possible. I am excited to use all of the unique qualities and ideas our new board has to create fundraisers that you'll all enjoy. One random fact about me is that I am currently obsessed with the band Oh Wonder. Their music is so catchy and upbeat and makes me want to get up and dance, although I can't dance for the life of me. If you're ever looking for some great music you should definitely check them out. Also, please don't ever hesitate to come up to me or any of the officers with any questions, concerns, or comments you may have relating to anything whether that be school or Key Club or life. I can't wait to see all that we'll accomplish this service year!

Tiffany Yong - Vice President

Favorite Quote: “Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.� -Matt Cameron

Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Tiffany Yong and I am your new Vice President. As you all may know, I was the secretary for the 2016-2017 service year as well. For the new service year of 2017-2018, I hope to continue to do well with the new board. Similar to the previous board, I hope to create a strong bond with my new officers. In addition to that, one of my other goals is to bond with our members. The members are very important and without them, there wouldn't even be Key Club. I hope to recruit new members and do more for our community and our club. I want to continue to show others what Key Club really is. That it is more than a club. It is a family. I joined Key Club as a member when I was a freshman. As I was new to the club, I thought of it as just for volunteering and earning service credits to look good for colleges. However, after becoming an officer, I realized that it was more than that. Key Club is international and every one of our actions can make a big difference. I was able to see the effort and dedication put into every event/ service project. In addition, I learned the importance of teamwork. Throughout the service year, I was able to bond with my fellow officers as we worked together to find events, fundraise, hold meetings, and etc. Although there were some hardships, we went through it together and overcame the conflicts. I am proud to have been able to contribute as the secretary of Midwood's Key Club in the service year of 2016-2017.

Josephine Wu - Secretary

Hey Key Clubbers!

Favorite Quote:

My name is Josephine Wu, and I am your secretary for the 2017-2018 service year, as well as Division 9's Executive Assistant. I'm currently a junior, and I love reading, watching Netflix, and sleeping when I'm not busy with homework and thinking about college. This service year is extremely significant for me, as it will be my first as an officer and my last as a member. However, there's still enough time for me to create change! My goals are to: increase membership recruitment and retention, fundraise towards local causes, and make Key Club fun for everyone! Please don't hesitate to contact me online or in person; don't forget that I am a person too and I am not scary or perfect! I hope to have another amazing and fulfilling service year!

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." -Theodore Roosevelt

Lillian Chen - Treasurer

Favorite Quote: "Confine yourself to the present" -Marcus Aurelius

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Lillian Chen and I will be serving as Midwood High School Key Club’s new treasurer. I am so excited to share this new service year with everyone and I hope that everyone looks forward to upcoming events and fundraisers we will have. I have served as the assistant treasurer for the 2016-2017 school year and it has hyped me up to improve communications and be able to achieve my goals successfully. I look forward to learning more about service with my community and school with dedicated key clubbers. I love serving our community and school but I also love swimming. I’ve been swimming for most of my life and now, I’ve been given the opportunity to also serve as Midwood girl’s swimming team captain. I’m excited to be captain and treasurer for the 2017-2018 school year!

Justin Chow - Webmaster

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Justin Chow! I am the current club webmaster and division 9 secretary for Key Club! I am currently a freshman! I am always open to talk if you need anything! I also highly open to any ideas regarding the website! One goal I have this year is to improve my public speaking and become distinguished webmaster in the New York District!

Favorite Quote: "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." -John F. Kennedy

Anthony Guan - Editor

Favorite Quote: “As we express gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Anthony Guan and I will be serving as your 2017-2018 Editor! I am currently a sophomore and Key Club is like another family away from home. There are two things I love and enjoy the most about being part of this dysfunctional family. The first thing is is being able to help someone even with the smallest things and making their day. Seeing other people’s warm smiles and hearing their laughter makes not only me happy, but the others around me happy as well. The second thing I love and enjoy most about being part of this dysfunctional family is all the friends that I have made throughout the past two years and all the new ones I will be making in the future. One of my goals for this service year is increase member recruitment because who doesn’t love this club? Another goal I would like to achieve is earning the Outstanding Editor Award and maybe other different awards! You might be wondering what I do outside of Key Club, because I indeed do have a life. One of my few favorite hobbies is playing music, taking pictures, and playing video games. I love to take pictures, so if you guys ever need, you can always ask me! What I love the most is being around my friends and getting to do so many different things with them, such as eating food because who doesn’t love eating food and even traveling around the city. If you guys have any questions for me, feel free to hit me up! I’m not going to bite I swear! Haha

Leadership Training Conference

This year's LTC was even better than the last. I have been fortunate enough to attend the past two LTCs and this year is unfortunately the last as I am a senior. I got room with Vincent Wu, another member of Midwood Key Club, and two Key Clubbers from Staten Island, Michael and Jason. Vincent brought his PS4 and Jason brought his Wii. The food was great and I enjoyed the leadership games. The dance was ok in my opinion. I am really sad that I won't be able to attend anymore. I recommend every single Key Clubber to attend LTC next year!

Alfredo Lozano Velez Member

Leadership Training Conference

Attending this year’s Leadership Training Conference was an amazing experience, but also really sad for me. I’ve got to be around with all my amazing friends I have made around the district and what made me sad most of all is not being able to attend LTC the following year with them. I wasn’t able to win talent show this year, but I still had a wonderful time. All the workshops were so fun and taking pictures for people was the best part cause I got to meet more new friends from it. Ever since last year, I have never complained about the amazing food the hotel serve and the best part is the breakfast! From all the running around the hotel to just spending time with people was truly a wonderful experience. I would love to recommend more people to attend next year’s LTC because who doesn’t want to enjoy some fun at a hotel in Albany for the weekend? I’ve made so many memories from this one trip and I hope you guys can to!!

Anthony Guan Editor

19th Annual Concern Run

The 19th annual concern run event started off in the cold morning in Central Park. Volunteers were given the option of hot coffee, tea, or water to warm themselves up. Bagels were also served with spreading available. Bright neon yellow tees were given out with the event name on it. Directions were given out and the event soon began. Some volunteers served as directors to not only make sure participants were going the right way but also as people who would hype the participants up and encourage them. If I had to tell you one thing I learned from having this job was that yes, randomly cheering people might get a little awkward but you gotta do what you gotta do. Calling out someone’s participating number along with a small compliment could possibly make their day. Other volunteers worked at the water booth where they laid out cups of water on a table for the participant’s availability. Now, if I had to tell you one thing I learned from this would be that free water might not be clean water. Of course, we did all try to make it work so that participants could enjoy mostly clean water. In the end, was it worth it? From one key club member to another, the answer is always yes. Caring IS our way of life. It felt great to help despite the grueling walk to our stations and the cold weather.

Bellody Chan Member

Foundation for Letters Run

The Foundation for Letters Run took place on Easter Sunday from 6:00am to 11:00am. Although I woke up at 4am, I wasn’t tired at all. Wendy and I were assigned to cheer on runners and direct 10K participants to turn around. I also walked back and forth to another checkpoint to grab water for the runners. The volunteers at our location especially hated the “electrolyte water” that tasted like extremely diluted orange juice. I really loved this event for many reasons. I had the chance to meet Key Clubbers from other schools, and became friends with Aaron from Bronx Science. We also received free T-shirts and breakfast after our shift was over. Foundation for Letters was a great event, and I would likely attend again if given the chance.

Josephine Wu Division 9 Executive Assistant/ Secretary

Foundation for Letters Run

Personally, the Foundation for Letters event was quite interesting. I woke up at around 4:30 AM in order to get to Prospect Park on time. Once I arrived, I met up with the rest of the volunteers and we were given different tasks. Two of our members were at the check in area and were in charge of helping sell merchandise and also give medals to the runners once they reached the finish line. Josephine and I were in charge of directing runners of the 10K race as well as cheering them on and giving out water and electrolyte water. It was pretty nice cheering on the runners because those who had started to slow down would pick up their pace when we started cheering. We volunteered alongside members of Bronx Science Key Club and overall it was a lot of fun.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

ConSERVE: Earth Day

I attended the the conSERVE NYC event at Riverbank State Park with our club on Earth Day. The sky that day was rainy and grey, but the energy of the people attending that event was as bright as the sun. When we got there, there were food, drinks and many booths set up. While waiting for the event to start, we played a recycling relay race. We split up into two teams and race to throw the items into the correct disposal basket. Not only was the game fun and active, it was also informational. When the event finally began, they separated all the attendees into groups, our club’s group was led by Giovanni, who we call Gio for short. We spread out across the park and surveyed the park goers about what they liked and disliked about the particular park. Normally, I would be too shy to even answer a simple question such as 2+2 in class. But being with the friendly park goers and club members made me open up. The highlight of that day for me wasn't really the event itself, but the people there. Gio, for example, was sarcastic, but witty, I found it easy to talk to him. Another highlight was the dogs there. Every corner we turned, there was a dog walker. I got to pet the fluffiest, friendliest dogs I've ever seen. Overall, although it was not as fun as anticipated, it was still an interesting experience.

Elva Chen Member

ConSERVE: Earth Day

The conserve event wasn’t what i expected it to be but i still had a fun time with my friends! In the beginning there was breakfast served to all the volunteers and were given a tshirt. Afterwards we played some games about ways we can protect and save the world. We all thought we would be painting park benches or planting trees but instead we had to do a survey and observe one of the parks. We were split into groups to do this and everyone went with their friends. In the end, we were all smiling since we were able to have a great time with our friends.

Tracy Ho Member

April Divisional

The April Divisional took place on April 27th, 2017 at Midwood High School. Since my school day ends at 3:35 and the divisional starts at 5, I needed to get there ASAP. My friend and I took the train from Harlem all the way to Midwood. Although we arrived at 5:10, people from the different clubs were still settling in. Soon after, the divisional started. Patricia wanted to start it off with a fundraiser, where people from opposite sides of the room would introduce themselves to each other. Although, i may not remember the person I met, it was a nice idea to get people out of their clics. After that, it was a pretty standard divisional. Patricia gave her updates and spoke about events. Mr. Gioia, Division 9’s KCR, spoke a lot as well. In the end, it was a pretty fun time. I met a guy that I don’t remember and I got to show my support to Patricia. Good divisional 9/10.

Eric Zhao Division 11 Lieutenant Governor

Project GLAM

Project GLAM is an initiative that was started by the organization WGIRLS. The “GLAM� in Project GLAM is an acronym for Granting Lasting Amazing Memories. WGirls does this by collecting donations of new and gently worn accessories, formal dresses, and new/unopened makeup for girls whose families may not be able to afford these items for prom. At this event, we helped sorted the dresses based on how appropriate they were, cleanliness, and if they were outdated or not. We then sized and hung the dresses before sorting several makeup products and accessories. It was nice to know that by doing this, we would be helping girls find anything they want for an event as special as prom.

Jeraya Kelly Member

Peanut Day

Peanut day was a great time and I got to connect with my friends! I had gotten to collect money for a great cause and giving people some peanuts for the morning commute. Though at first many people had refused to donate, as time progressed people became happier to donate. I hope to be able to do this again next year!

Justin Chow Webmaster

March Of Dimes Walk

The March of Dimes was an amazing and positive event. The tragic of events of the previous week brought great sadness to Midwood but this event was a new spark of positivity. It was so fun to walk the streets of Manhattan, singing and cheering with thousands of others. I enjoyed doing something possible and doing something to help the millions that are affected by premature birth. I would, without a doubt, do this event again. It is a great feeling to be surrounded by amazing people and doing amazing things.

Julie Margolin Member

March Of Dimes Walk

March of Dimes is one of my first walks I’ve done for Key Club. I had a wonderful experience walking on the streets of Manhattan creating awareness to help premature babies and also help more moms to have healthy pregnancies. Midwood walked with the rest of Division 9 together and as well with Division 8 and 11. We walked together to represent Key Club and showed our Key Club spirit by cheering!! The funny thing was when we walked, we saw a Starbucks about every two blocks on the route we walked in. When we finished the walk all of the city divisions joined up and took group pictures and hung out together. Overall this event was very fun and I hope more Key Clubbers get to attend next year!!

Anthony Guan Editor

HOD Society 5K Run

A few weeks ago fellow key clubbers and I ventured out on the beach to help prepare for a walk for organ donors and it was great. We helped with setup and awards preparation for this event and it really was eye opening. There are all types of reason why people do not donate organs and here at the HOD society they wanted to celebrate and raise awareness for people who do donate. As volunteers we put up posters along the boardwalk encouraging runners for what they were running for. We also set up the trophies honoring all the participants and their help in making this event possible. And after 2 granola bars and a water I honestly felt happy that I participated in this event. The event organizers were so kind and grateful for our help. And the participates were polite and sincere with their "thank you's". This event was kind of chilly for a beach setting but nonetheless it was great.

Carina Pierre- Louis Member

HOD Society 5K Run

On May 7th, the HOD Society 5K Race took place at Steeplechase Park in Coney Island. As volunteers we were in charge of set up and we helped move things to the boardwalk at Coney Island. We then hung up posters alongside the boardwalk while other volunteers went to the water station and handed out water. The day was pretty chilly and I hadn't worn enough layers so I was cold but overall it was really nice seeing so many people gather to support organ donation. One of the organizers spoke to us about how organ donation is a big problem in the Jewish community and this race serves as a good way to bring more awareness to this issue. I really enjoyed this event as it got me out of the house and took my mind off the AP tests that were coming up.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

TD Five Boro Bike Tour

Attending TD Five Boro Bike Tour was actually not that bad in the long run. Those who attended this event and volunteered at Astoria’s Rest Area for the bikers had to wake up really early in the morning. One of the first things we did was set up signs, so the bikers know where they are going and also help the instructors with what they need to get down. Other volunteers worked at the garbage post where they organized the trash from what can be composted to recycling. Surprisingly I found out Bill Nye The Science Guy was one of the bikers that was participating in this event and he happened to pass by me twice. Me and my friends regret not saying Hi to him and taking pictures with him, but maybe there’s always a next time! Going to this event was worth my experience because I got to meet new people and got to talk with others.

Anthony Guan Editor

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Movie Fundraiser On May 13th, the City Divisions 8-11 meet at AMC Empire 25 at 9:30. There all the EA's from all the divisions collected the money. There we proceeded to the theater to get our seats. I got some popcorn and soda and the line was pretty was short. The movie was amazing it was so fun and so funny and I had an amazing catching up with Kenji and Timmy. Then, me, our editor Guan, Michael and Kenji from Bronx Science and Chris and IP D11 LTG Kalvin from Stuy went to Sake for Sushi but overall a really fun event and waiting for the next one

Anthony Annunziato IP Committee Head

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Movie Fundraiser The Guardians of the Galaxy was surprisingly the first movie fundraiser that I attended. Despite the many fundraisers held, I always happened to be busy on those days. I was extremely excited for it because it was the first inter-divisional event (between city divisions 8, 8A, 9, 10, and 11) and I could celebrate the end of AP exams with a cool movie! The lobby was pretty chaotic since there were so many Key Clubbers and divisions in a small space. I also met Asia and Ryan, the Executive Assistants of Divisions 8 and 11, for the first time. My troubles weren't all over because as Executive Assistant, I was in charge of managing Division 9 and their money. It was a lot to do in a short time, but thankfully Stuy's treasurer, Justin, help me out. I had some trouble giving back change to those who needed it, and I'm sorry again if you were one of those people! We raised $300 for our divisional dance and had a great time doing it as well!

Josephine Wu Division 9 Executive Assistant/ Secretary

Japan Day

There was about less than 10 of midwood volunteers so we were all forced to make friends. It was overall a nice experience. Even though standing, handing out fliers for hours can become a drag it was all worth it in the end. The atmosphere and vibes created by all of the people working together was great. We were all here to celebrate Japan and I would say it was a success.

Mica Tonge Member

Japan Day

Have you ever wondered about life in a different country? What the people eat, what they wear, even the kind of music they listen to? If this country happens to be Japan, then the annual Japan Day at Central Park was the place to be. This event was created by the Japanese community of New York to promote a deeper understanding of the Japanese culture. There was a concert that featured J-Pop and traditional Japanese music, food and drink like onigiri and tea, and several stations for people to make calligraphy, origami, and Japanese toys. Volunteers were stationed at information desks, helped serve food and drinks, and some even helped with face painting. Others (like myself) handed out maps and flyers around the park to help promote the event. Afterwards, a few of us finished volunteering and went to enjoy all of the things Japan Day had to offer.

Jeraya Kelly Member

NYCRUNS: Mother’s Day 5K & 10K

The NYCRUNS: Mother's Day event was held on Sunday, May 14th on Roosevelt Island. When we got to Firefighter's Field, we helped out at the headquarters: unloading food and supplies. Afterwards, we were brought to the water station. The area was very beautiful there and we were able to enjoy the scenery as we volunteered. We helped set up the tables and water for the runners. As the runners passed by, we gave out the water and gatorade to help keep them hydrated. It was great to see families running together on Mother's Day. At the finish line, they passed out flowers to honor the mothers.

Tiffany Yong Vice President

Gowanus Canal Conservancy

The Gowanus Canal Conservancy event was a ton of fun. The volunteers were organized into groups based on the schools and organizations they came from and then we were assigned a task with a senior volunteer or worker guiding us. Some groups worked in the playground tending to the plants in the park, doing weeding and laying compost. Midwood Key Club worked on the tree beds in the vicinity, by breaking up the condensed soil surface so that water can get to the roots of the trees, and not be blocked by the compacted layer. We left compost and nutrient rich soil on the newly tended tree beds. We received a ten minute break in the middle of our shift, which we were allowed free snacks at the volunteer booth, and after we finished our shift we were given lunch. All the volunteers were in a good mood and happy to talk to each other. People were more than willing to put in extra effort because we were all given a break and promised lunch after our shift, giving us more incentive. No one felt over-worked and we all were happy we went. Half of us arrived asleep, but we all left in a good mood. On top of the free food, which is always great, Homage Skateboard Academy was offering free introductory lessons, and there was a plethora of non-volunteer food booths from smoothies, to gyros, and hamburgers. There were booths with history about the Gowanus, games for kids, a merch booth for shirts, hats, and job applications, and there was also an act with clowns making a satire of the pollution in the air, canal, and nearby bodies of water.The benefit of regulation by the EPA was spoken on, along with the effect of corporate polluting and small scale polluting

Ryan Channer Member

Gowanus Canal Conservancy

When I first heard of this event I was really excited to be doing something that involved nature. Wearing my Midwood key club hoodie, I headed to Thomas Greene Park, not sure of what to expect. After everyone arrived, we were assigned a task as a school to help put fertilizer on top of the old soil of young trees. The person that explained the task also told us interesting facts about soil, the effect trees in NYC, and how to take care of them. The most memorable moment of this event was when after the event was over, Josephine Wu and Wendy Lliguichuzhca went back to other trees we previously worked on and used plastic cups to remove the soil surrounding the tree trunk. This was because we found out in the middle of the event that putting soil near the trunk would hinder the tree's ability to absorb water. What they did emphasized how they truly cared about what they were doing. In short, this was one of my favorite events and I would definitely do it again.

Alice Mo IP Editor


"Click!" I hear my mouse go as I just signed up to walk 6.3 miles. "What did I just do?" I thought to myself. What I just did was sign up to raise awareness and support people living with HIV/AIDS. On a Sunday morning, I made sure to wear red as I headed to Central Park. As I started walking, I felt the energy of my fellow key clubbers. Though the walk involved a lot of uphills and there was a moment where I thought there was no end, I knew that I was walking for a purpose. In addition to that, the encouragement of the officers, Wendy and Josephine kept me going until the end. Overall, I'm very glad that I attended this event as I got to be apart of something greater than myself, as well as bonded with the amazing officers.

Alice Mo IP Editor


On May 21st, I took part on my last AIDS Walk as a Key Clubber. AIDS Walk New York is the largest single-day AIDS fundraising event in the world! This event has been something I’ve looked forward to every year for the past four years. This year was no different. The event serves as a landmark for a service year passing. I truly enjoyed the 6.2 mile walk to reconnect with old friends and make new ones through the spirit of service. Key Clubbers from across every borough came to raise awareness and combat HIV and AIDS. You get the unique opportunity to experience the culture of all the different divisions. In addition, the feeling of being surrounded by a wave of thousands of people all walking for their own reasons is humbling. The organizers gave out bananas, Muscle Milk, aloe water, and other refreshments to keep walkers hydrated and enthusiastic. AIDS Walk has always been a hallmark of my Key Club experience and I highly recommend everyone to attend at least once. Whether it be for the people, the food, or for the sights of Upper Manhattan.

Raymond Liao Division 9 IP Lieutenant Governor

HSMSE Board Game Fundraiser

HSMSE from Division 11 was holding their very first fundraiser of the service year and I knew I had to support them. Plus some of my friends from Division 11 asked me to go. Going to this fundraiser I actually got lost because I had never been in that part of Central Park before, so I had to google map it. As soon as I got there everyone was already playing board games, and one of my friends brought a volleyball net, so others also was playing volleyball. They served us pizza (that was cold shake my head, nah just kidding) and I just honestly had an amazing time there. Someone brought fried oreos and that tasted delicious. I was probably the only Division 9 Key Clubber there, but i encourage anyone to attend to any future fundraisers because in my experience any fundraiser is as fun as it really is.

Anthony Guan Editor

May Divisional

The May Divisional was a wonderful opportunity for members to reunite with their friends from other schools. For myself, I was excited to see fellow officers from Murrow and Brooklyn Tech! We bonded over what other events we’ll see each other at as well as the new district updates like the birthday bash theme for next year’s LTC! This is an extremely important service year, as it is the 70th annual leadership training conference! I hope to celebrate these years of service with as many of you as possible! We also had a special guest at the divisional where the Brooklyn Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor spoke about the memorial day parade. It was exciting to see how all the branches of the K-Family come together and support each other! Overall, this was a wonderful hour where key clubbers discussed past and upcoming events.

Josephine Leung District Executive Assistant

Upcoming Events Figment NYC Date: Sunday, June 4th Time: The earliest shift begins at 7:00 AM Location: Governor’s Island Description: Figment NYC seeks to build upon individuals’ creativity through free events and exhibitions. At this event you will be able to choose your shift which can range from checking in volunteers and artists to helping at the golf course. International Family Day Health Fair Date: Thursday, June 8th (Can use student metrocards because no school!) Time: 9:30 AM Location: Sunset Park Recreation Center (7th Avenue, 43rd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232) Description: One exciting event coming up this week is the International Family Day Health Fair! At this event, volunteers will be helping with setup and hand out flyers in order to advertise the health fair. LaGuardia Tie-Dye Picnic Date: Thursday, June 8th (Can use student metrocards because no school!) Time: 11:00 AM Location: Pilgrim Hill in Central Park Price: $7 WITH food and $9 WITHOUT food(includes food and dying one shirt) Description: LaGuardia Key Club’s Tie-Dye fundraiser is back! At this fundraiser you get to bond with other Key Clubbers from the city schools while eating some food and tie-dying t-shirts. If you don’t want the shirt you can give it to LaGuardia’s board and they’ll donate them to goodwill. Everyone is invited to this event! Kiwanis Anti-Bullying Walk Date: Saturday, June 10th Time: 11:00 AM Location: City Hall Park in Manhattan Description: Join Division 9 and Kiwanis clubs from throughout Brooklyn at this walk in order to raise awareness about the effects of bullying. We will be walking across the Brooklyn Bridge!

Upcoming Events HSMSE BBQ Fundraiser Date: Saturday, June 10th Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: Roosevelt Island Lighthouse Park Price: $5 WITH food and $9 WITHOUT food Description: Come and enjoy the outdoors with friends and fellow Key Clubbers while eating hamburgers and hot dogs. All proceeds go to our service project, Project EPIC, which is a wonderful organization that gives backpacks with various supplies to homeless shelters. Annual Bensonhurst Cleanup Date: Saturday, June 17th Time: 10:00 AM Location: 29 Bay 25th Street Brooklyn, NY 11214 Description: At this event we will be picking up trash from the streets in Bensonhurst in order to advocate for a cleaner environment. Every year it is a lot of fun and we get pizza afterwards! Stuyvesant Dave and Buster’s Fundraiser Date: Wednesday, June 21st (Can use student metrocards!) Time: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location: Dave & Buster's, 234 W 42nd St, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10036 Price: ALL GAMES WILL BE HALF OFF SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Stuyvesant will be selling 2 cards: one for $13 and one for $23. ($3 for the power card) Description: Need a break from all your regents and finals? Come and enjoy Stuyvesant’s Dave and Buster’s Fundraiser because what better way to relax then play some games!! For a special rate on Wednesday, June 21st, you will be able to play TWICE AS MANY GAMES as usual !! **YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KEY CLUBBER TO COME**

Thank You for reading The Key Times!

If you guys have any questions, comments, or concern please don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. Please send any feedback to and continue sending in any articles and pictures as well for the next newsletter!

Happy Key Clubbing!!

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