The Key Times, July 2017-2018

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The Key Times

New York District Key Club/Division 9 Midwood High School Key Club Volume 2, Issue 3

Key Club Pledge

Key Club Mission Statement

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

What is Key Club? Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club has approximately 260,000 members in approximately 5,000 clubs. Key Club is represented in 37 countries.

Table Of Contents Midwood Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New Club Board


NYDKC Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New District Board


Letter From The Editor


President’s Message


Introduction of the International Board


International President’s Introduction


International Vice President’s Introduction


International Trustee Introduction


74th Annual Key Club International Convention


Gowanus Clean & Green Volunteering


Brooklyn Waterfront Tastes


Midwood, Stuyvesant, Bayside Ice Skating Fundraiser


Brooklyn Bike Rave


NYCRUNS Ice Cream Social 5K & 10K Run


HSMSE X LaG Scavenger Hunt Fundraiser


District and Governor’s Projects


Upcoming Events


Key Club “Caring - Our Way of Life”

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Midwood High School Key Club

Social Media


Presenting Our New Club Board Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Tiffany Yong


Vice President

Josephine Wu Secretary

Justin Chow Webmaster

Lillian Chen Treasurer

Anthony Guan Editor

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New York District Key Club

Social Media



Presenting Our New District Board Gavin Li

Natalie D’Onofrio

District Governor

Chevy Chen

District Secretary

Dante Gil-Marin

District Treasurer

Clara Lee

District Webmaster

Sherry Yu

District Editor

District Executive Assistant

Josephine Leung District Executive Assistant

Letter From The Editor

Hey Key Clubbers!! I hope you guys are enjoying your summer so far, cause I am! At the start of the month the 74th Annual International Convention took place in San Antonio, Texas, from July 5th-9th. Let’s all congratulate Raymond for getting the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award! We had a few fun events that took place this month and the one I enjoyed the most is our Midwood, Stuyvesant, Bayside Ice Skating Fundraiser!! It was a really fun experience to get to ice skate in the summer and seeing all of you guys enjoying you time. We have one more month of summer left so enjoy it while it lasts! If you haven’t gone to that one restaurant you’ve been itching to go, what are you waiting for?!? Go enjoy your time with friends and family and make all those wonderful memories you can share with. I hope to see more of you guys at our upcoming events. Happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in care and service, Anthony Guan

President’s Message

Hey there my beautiful Key Clubbers! Happy August! Only one more month left until school is back and I get to see all of you at our weekly meetings again! This past month we had a bunch of really interesting events and I can't wait for you guys to read all about it! ICON, the International Key Club Convention, took place at the beginning of the month and I'm very proud to say that our very own past distinguished lieutenant governor, Raymond Liao, was recognized for all the work he did during his term. I am also very excited for all the really great things we have planned this month. Stay tuned for an exciting fundraiser later this month and also our annual Division 9 pool party!! I hope to see you guys at our upcoming events and happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in care and service, Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Introduction of the International Board At the International Convention, the next International Board was chosen, without further ado here they are and their home district listed: International President: William Sims (Alabama) International Vice President: Minyoung Kim (Georgia) International Trustee: Lindsey Banks (Carolinas) Luke Gilmore (Kansas) Rohan Mekala (New Jersey) Jack Nannie (Illinois-Eastern Iowa) Emily Rice (Minnesota-Dakotas) Alisa Nguyen (Southwest) Jared Dutko (Illinois-Eastern Iowa) Saul Ontiveros (Southwest) Audrey Dilgarde (Rocky Mountain) Nhung Tran (California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN'S) Caleb Neale (Florida)

Top Row(From left to right): Jack Nannie, Luke Gilmore, William Sims, Jared Dutko, Rohan Mekala

Bottom Row(From left to right): Saul Ontiveros, Nhung Tran, Emily Rice, Minyoung Kim, Alisa Nguyen, Lindsey Banks, Audrey Dilgarde, Caleb Neale

International President’s Hello Midwood High School Key Club, My name is William Sims and I am your 2017-2018 International President! I am so excited for this new opportunity to serve y'all this year. Here is a little bit about myself. In case you could not tell by my use of "y'all," I am from the southern part of the United States, specifically Alabama. I love to play and watch sports, I can quote an embarrassing amount of Disney movies, and I love a good bacon cheeseburger. As a freshman, I was elected Lieutenant Governor. This was the beginning of what would be an amazing journey that would allow me to meet thousands of people and serve even more! As a sophomore, I was elected District Governor of the GREAT Alabama District. Serving as Governor allowed me to develop my leadership skills and meet people all around the world! Now, I am the International President of Key Club International. I still cannot believe it sometimes! I am thrilled to serve you this year!

Introduction A few weeks ago, the new International Board and all of the District Governors came together in Indianapolis for LeadCon. We became better leaders, became closer as an International Council, and had a lot of fun. After meeting the amazing District Governors and getting closer with my International Board, I can honestly say that this year will be an amazing one for Key Club International and the New York​​ District! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you just want to say hi! my email is Have a great year! Yours in Service,

William Sims International President of Key Club International Alabama District

International Vice President’s Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Minyoung Kim and I am so incredibly honored and humbled to serve as your International Vice President for the 2017-18 servce year! A little bit about myself -- I served as the Georgia District Governor for the 2016-17 term. In my free time, I love to watch Netflix (few of my favorite shows are the Flash, How to Get Away with Murder, and Sense 8), Take pictures, and explore through Yelp to discover aesthetic coffee shops near me! My job as vice president mainly entails three parts. First, I assist the International President as he supervises over the organization. Second, I work closely with the Western Canada District, to aid in membership growth and participation by providing resources. Lastly, I serve as the chairperson of the committee on Youth Opportunities Fund/Awards. For the 2017-18 service year, I hope to build more Key Clubs outside of North America as well as ensure that Key Club members experience Key Club to its full potential. In addition, I hope to charter 3 more clubs in the Western Canada District, to admit the district-in-formation as one of Key Club International’s official district! As the Chairperson of committee on Youth Opportunities Fund/Awards, I’ve placed focus on re-evaluating our award system and revising the award criteria for distinguished officers.

Introduction I can’t wait to get to know you all as we embark on another year of service. Let’s continue this year with one full of friendships and a community full of service. Never hesitate to reach out to me on my social platforms below if you ever have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat :) Facebook: Minyoung Kim Instagram: @minyounggkim Email: Thank you for serving your homes, schools & communities! Yours in Service & Caring,

Minyoung Kim Key Club International Vice President Georgia District

International Trustee’s Hello New York District! My name is Alisa Nguyen and it is my privilege to serve as your 2017-2018 International Trustee! As trustee, I work closely with three assigned districts, New York, Alabama, and Indiana, to ensure that international updates can reach all levels of our organization. In addition, I will work to foster a relationship between our sister districts, provide resources and advice, and overall, help you in achieving your goals. I currently live in Sierra Vista, Arizona and am proudly a part of the Southwest District. Here, I attend Buena High School as an incoming senior. My Key Club journey started freshman year where I have since served on the club, division, and district boards, most recently as District Governor. I hope to use my experiences to serve as a resource for you while representing your voice on the International scale.

Introduction As we progress throughout our service year, I encourage you to maximize your Key Club involvement and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Key Club serves as an outlet of incredible growth alongside like-minded servant leaders who can bring change to many lives. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, comments, concerns, or if you just want to talk, because I am here to serve you. Thank you for your passion and dedication to service, and I look forward to the year that lies ahead of us! Happy Key Clubbing,

Alisa Nguyen Key Club International Trustee Southwest District E: | C: (520)-234-6663

74th Annual Key Club International Convention On July 2nd, over thirty New York district key clubbers travelled to San Antonio, Texas for ICON! Since our flight was delayed, the downstate kids didn't arrive until four in the afternoon. Our first stop as a district was to the Spaghetti Warehouse! Later that night, we had our summer board meeting where we discussed the agenda for the week and got our district shirts! The next morning, we went down to downtown San Antonio for the Riverwalk Boat Tour. Not only was the view beautiful, we all learned a lot about the history of the area. That afternoon, we went to Six Flags Fiesta! We were able to go on both the roller coasters and water rides, woohoo! Some of us, me, screamed their hearts out and lost their voice. For the 4th of July, we visited the Alamo where we were able to see the remains from the Battle of the Alamo. It was truly a historical site. Later in the day, we went to SeaWorld for lunch and dinner. Since I love the adrenaline rush from rides, I went on almost all the rides at SeaWorld and watched a sea lion show. On our way back to the lodge, the adults treated us to ice cream from Dairy Queen! It was delicious. That was the end of our tour before the international convention. From July 5-8, we stayed at the Grand Hyatt for the international convention. Despite not having a voice, the convention was truly remarkable. I met people from various districts, learned so much more about Key Club and formed an inseparable bond with the New York district. The first night, we had a meet and greet with bouncy houses. I was in awe of all that I could do, from playing jumbo jenga to just dance, I decided to trade LTC pins with other districts. Throughout the convention, I attended workshops, dances, exhibit halls, caucuses, and much more! There were a lot of giveaways; I got free shirts, flash drives, stickers and more. It was truly a memorable first ICON experience. I cannot wait to make this year's district convention just as spectacular as the international convention. I would love to go to Chicago next summer for the 75th International Convention! Josephine Leung District Executive Assistant

Gowanus Clean & Green Volunteering

The Gowanus Clean & Green event was held on Saturday, July 8th. The Gowanus Canal Conservancy organized this event to clean and help our environment. As volunteers, we helped the organizers clean the block of 3rd Avenue and 10th Street. At the beginning, we had to take out all the weeds from the ground before doing anything else. After we cleaned the street, we were able to plant new grass and flowers. Since there were cars parked along the block, we set brick roads to prevent people from stepping on the new flowers. At the end of the event, we were able to enjoy some lunch provided by the organizers. Although it was very hot that day and part of the process was difficult, it felt very nice to cleanup and lend a helping hand to improve the area around us.

Tiffany Yong Vice President

Gowanus Clean & Green Volunteering

The Gowanus Clean and Green event was a event that brought key clubbers and other volunteers together to help clean the environment. This was a very fun but also very hardworking experience. In this event we pulled the weeds and other unwanted plants out of the ground. After doing this, we planted plants that would help this area be more green and eco friendly. We also created brick pathways for people that park in the area to cross over rather than trampling the plants and grass. Overall this was a very fun event that helped me create a better environment for our community.

Sidney Yee Member

Brooklyn Waterfront Tastes

On July 9th, I attended Brooklyn Waterfront Tastes. This annual benefit event is a fundraiser for the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative, an organization dedicated to building a 26-mile greenspace along the Brooklyn waterfront. This year’s event was held in the popular Industry City. From the moment I stepped into the buildings of Industry City, I was anticipating a glamorous event. When all of the volunteers arrived, we immediately started helping by carrying items to the venue, setting up tents, and placing tablecloths. The setup was much more tedious and heavier than other events I’ve done in the past, but I pushed through with the help of my friends, and the promise of free food. When we were finished, it was already 12 and time for the individuals who bought VIP tickets to trickle in the venue. I was tasked to greet the guests and sign in them in using an iPad, as well as promoting the organization’s upcoming event (Brooklyn Bike Rave, an event where I also volunteered at). By synchronizing our remarks of “Hi, welcome!” with my friend Michelle, the guests and everyone stationed at the table all had a good laugh. We would even say it to passerby, and to a couple who were walking their Samoyed (of course, we had to leave our assignment and take pictures with it first.) After a while, we were allowed to take a break, roam the vendors, and get food ourselves. The food was fancy, small and disappointing; their key lime pies and caviar did not suite my tastes. However, I did appreciate the cold brew coffee and assortment of tiny cupcakes given out. Overall, I don’t regret attending this event despite it not meeting my expectations. After all, I did get to meet a Samoyed, have free food, and have a good afternoon volunteering with my friends!

Josephine Wu Secretary

Midwood, Stuyvesant, Bayside Ice Skating Fundraiser The Key Club ice skating event at the World Ice Arena was a lot of fun! When I was a kid, I would go to the Recreational swimming pool a lot next to the rink, and coming back into Queens was definitely nostalgic. I have not been to Queens before by train, so I went with Alice on the 7 train early in the morning. It took maybe almost 2 hours to get there, so it was surely a long ride. Once we got there, the administration process was not as difficult as I thought; we all got a wristband and soon enough walked in and changed our shoes. It was my first time ice skating and patience played a big role in learning. It was awkward at first to learn how to walk, but once I got the hang of it, it was the matter of actually skating in the rink. I was glad I brought an extra layer; the rink did feel a bit chilly. Maintaining balance in the beginning was really difficult, and I am pretty sure I hugged onto the wall for the most part. Alice was a wonderful teacher, I was able to pick up the movement within a matter of time and after 2 hours, I would say I began to feel more stable in the ice. I will admit, I did fall plenty of times, especially when the ice was smoother, but I will keep in mind to have a pair of gloves next time. The ice is extremely cold! My feet got tired easily, so I needed to take several breaks, but overall, ice skating was a very nice experience. It wasn’t just the joy of the activity, but I was able to bond with the Key Club members from my school and others from different divisions. We ate, talked, and took pictures together. I would absolutely come back to the World Ice Arena!

Justin Jiang Member

Brooklyn Bike Rave

On Saturday, July 22nd, the Brooklyn Bike Rave event took place at Dumbo Archway. The event started at 6 P.M for the volunteers where we all checked in with the coordinators and as well got some stuff from them. They gave us a free T-shirt, some papers to guide the people who asked questions about the event, free water and as well a pink safety vest to indicate we are volunteering for the event. The main event for the bikers started at 8:00 so we had some free time on our hands. My friends and I went to go get some pizza so we don’t get hungry later. We sat, ate and talked until it was time for us to head back. One of my friends didn’t know how to bike so as we were heading back, we grabbed one of the city bikes that can be rented and taught him how to ride it before the bikers headed to the finish line. It got dark really fast, but we saw the bikers quickly approaching us with their colorful light up bikes; heading into the Rave. As soon as the last biker finished our job was pretty much done since our shift ends at 10 P.M. Attending this event was pretty fun since I have never been to Dumbo so it was a great experience for me.

Anthony Guan Editor

NYCRUNS Ice Cream Social 5K & 10K Run My first time ever to Roosevelt Island was as a result of the NYCRUNS Ice Cream Social 5K & 10K. While it was a very chilly day, and I underdressed like usual, it was a lot of fun. As volunteers, we served as Course Marshalls and had to guide runners along the course. We were placed near the start line and it was so great to see so many people that made the decision to go out that morning and run. The ages of the runners ranged from children to adults and it was so great to see so many people doing something I personally would never think to do. It's really cool to me to see so many people make the decision to run 5K or even 10K willingly and push themselves to their limit by doing so. After the event was over we returned to the Welcome Center and were able to get ice cream and help with cleanup. We helped move items to trucks and helped break down tents. All in all, despite the temperature, I had a great time volunteering with my fellow Key Clubbers and can't wait for the next event!

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

HSMSE X LaG Scavenger Hunt Fundraiser There's no better way to spend a Sunday than at a Key Club event! On July 30th, I decided to get off Netflix and out the house to Roosevelt Island, where a scavenger hunt fundraiser was being held. At first, I was nervous because I suck at finding things in real life (my mom is way better at that job). However, when I arrived, I was greeted by familiar and new faces, and was given a punchcard and our first riddle. With the help of the Guidebook app and my team: Wendy, Josephine and AJ, we were quickly running all over the island to wherever our riddle led us. Although it was really hot with the sun beating down on us, we all had a fun time solving the clues. We eventually got to the end of our hunt, and we came in fourth place! I was really proud of what we were able to accomplish by putting our heads together. Running around the island showed me how big and beautiful it is, and I had so much fun spending a day with friends. To top it all off, we got to see HSMSE, Laguardia, and D11's LTG get pied!

Patricia Ahmed Division 9 Lieutenant Governor

District Project

Sunrise Day Camps are the world’s only dedicated day camps for children with cancer and their siblings, provided completely free of charge. Providing memorable summers since 2006 for children 3½-6, Sunrise Day Camps bring the simple pleasures of childhood back to children struggling with cancer, changing months of loneliness and isolation into summer’s filled with sunshine, laughter, and happiness. And because Sunrise is a day camp, it does all this while allowing the children to continue their medical treatment and enjoy the comfort and safety of their own homes at night.

Governor’s Project

The Honeybee Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2009 in responses to the bee crisis. To help the bees, they inspire communities to plant bee habitat and act as stewards for bees, support bee research in an effort to end bee population declines, advance science and environmental education, support local food initiatives, and encourage communities to support their local beekeepers.

Upcoming Events Annual Pool Party Divisional This super fun divisional is back! Every year Mr. Gioia hosts a divisional at his home that is between divisions 9 and 10. There is always delicious food and you get to hang out with fellow sharks by the poolside. I hope to see many of you guys there!

Date: Saturday, August 13th Time: 12:00 P.M Location: Mr. Gioia's House in Staten Island. Meet Up Location: 4 Whitehall Street New York NY 10004 (Time TBA) Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen This amazing event is coming up in a few weeks! By volunteering at the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen you will be able to help serve food to the needy and also get that amazing feeling one gets when you know you've helped someone. This is by far one of my favorite events and I hope that you guys come out and volunteer. Those that participate must be at least 16. There are only 10 spots so sign up ASAP.

Date: Saturday, August 19th Time: 7:30 A.M- 9:30 A.M Location: 227 Bowery, New York, NY 10002 7th Annual NY District Kiwanis Family Picnic Are you in Circle K? Key Club? Kiwanis? Or any of the other Kiwanis Family branches? If so, join us on August 12th for fun filled day in the park at our 7th Annual Kiwanis Family Picnic. Meet other K-Family members from across the New York District, make new friends, indulge in food, and build fellowships.

Date: Saturday, August 12th Time: 12 P.M - 5 P.M Location: Prospect Park W, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (The Tennis House South Lawn) Admission: $5.00

Thank You for reading The Key Times!

If you guys have any questions, comments, or concern please don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. Please send any feedback to and continue sending in any articles and pictures as well for the next newsletter!

Happy Key Clubbing!!

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