The Key Times, June 2017-2018

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The Key Times

New York District Key Club/Division 9 Midwood High School Key Club Volume 2, Issue 2

Contact Us! Midwood High School

Cabinet: Wendy Lliguichuzhca, President Tiffany Yong, Vice President Midwood High School Key Club Josephine Wu, Secretary Lillian Chen, Treasurer Follow us @midwoodhskeyclub Justin Chow, Webmaster Anthony Guan, Editor

Key Club Pledge

Key Club Mission Statement

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Table of Contents Letter From The Editor


President’s Message


Introduction of Our New District Executive Assistant


Figment NYC


LaGuardia’s Tie Dye Fundraiser


Kiwanis Anti-Bullying Walk


HSMSE BBQ Fundraiser


Bensonhurst Clean-Up


Stuyvesant’s Dave & Buster’s Fundraiser


Divisional Training Conference


Relay For Life


NYC Famous Food Festival


Bronx Science’s 5th Annual Water Wars


Dream Prom


Housing Works Thrift Shop


Upcoming Events


Letter From The Editor

Hey Key Clubbers! Welcome back to the second issue of The Key Times! I am excited to say school is finally over, but wait, Key Club doesn’t stop as the school year ends! It continues throughout summer. Wow doesn’t that sound awesome! I hope to see more of you guys at future events and write some amazing articles for me!! I would like to say, I’m gonna miss all my graduating senior friends, you guys should definitely join Circle K! I had so much fun getting to know you all and hanging around you during Key Club events and outside of events. This won’t be the last time you hear for me and if you guys ever need pictures just hit me up!! If you guys have any incoming freshmen friends tell them all about how fun Key Club is and ask them to join!! Well this is all I have to say for now. I hope all of you guys have an amazing summer.

Yours in care and service, Anthony Guan

President’s Message

Hey there my lovely Key Clubbers! Summer vacation is finally here! I want to thank everyone that attended our last meeting on June 6th and attended our end of the year celebration after the 11th period meeting. I had a blast and it was all because of you guys. Also, I would again like to say thank you to our graduating seniors! You guys served as an inspiration to me and many others these past few years. Seeing you guys at events and seeing how dedicated you guys were to this club was always something beautiful. I will truly miss you guys and I wish you all the best in college. You guys should definitely join Circle K and continue making a difference in your community. To everyone else, I hope to see you guys next school year at our meetings and events and don't forget that Key Club doesn't end in the summer! As you'll see in this newsletter, we still have events coming up and we are very excited to be partnering up with Bayside and Stuyvesant High School for our first inter-club fundraiser of the service year. I hope to see all of you guys there and enjoy your summer! I'll see you at our future events!

Yours in care and service, Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Introduction of Our New District Executive Assistant Let’s congrats and welcome our IP President on becoming our new District Executive Assistant of External Functions!! Hi my lovely Midwood Hornets, My name is Josephine Leung, and I am honored to serve the mighty New York District as an executive assistant. It has been a privilege serving as the immediate past President of Midwood Key Club. As a club, we accomplished a tremendous amount in just a year, from raising over $1,000 for various organizations to serving over 1,800 hours! That’s incredible! I’m excited to see all that you will accomplish this service year. I’m even more excited to volunteer along side all of you. As executive assistant, I will be assisting all the Lieutenant Governors in planning their fall rally as well as plan this year’s leadership training conference. I hope to see as many of you as possible at these events! If you have any questions or just need a friend, feel free to contact me at As always, happy key clubbing and I’ll see you every Tuesday!

Yours in care and service, Josephine Leung

Figment NYC

Figment NYC took place in Governor’s Island every year. This was my first time volunteering at this event and I can say it was pretty fun. Mainly our job as the volunteer was to walk around and asks the artists if they needed any help with their booth such as the golfing course and the costume tent where they gave out free costumes for those people who were there that day. There wasn’t as much people as it should be because it was raining that day, so for us we had less work to do. We explored around the area Figment NYC was being held and there was a stage where many different people were performing songs which was pretty cool. Overall this experience was really fun and I hope to see more people come next year!

Anthony Guan Editor

LaGuardia Tie Dye Fundraiser

On June 8th, I went to LaGuardia Tie-Dye Fundraiser which took place at Pilgrim Hill in Central Park. I helped LaGuardia's Board setup since I got there early so I helped setup the the tie dye stations for the other Key Clubbers. Then, I tie-dye a shirt with other Key Clubbers from Brooklyn Tech, LaGuardia, etc. Then, people brought food for the fundraiser and the food was amazing and tasted amazing. It was so cool to hang out with people from Division 8,9,and 11 and being able to see some of my friends for the last time as a Key Clubber was sad but really fun. This event was one of the last events I did as a Key Clubber but one of the most fun events this service year.

Anthony Annunziato IP Committee Head

Kiwanis Anti-Bullying Walk

Oin June 10th, we had the Kiwanis Anti-bullying walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a beautiful day to meet people from the K-Family. The Brooklyn Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor, members from Circle K and obviously, members from Key Clubs all over New York City were presentIt was a lively atmosphere with a beautiful view of the Manhattan skyline. After the walk, we had a rally in front of the Brooklyn Borough Hall. It was a touchy rally where members of every K-Family spoke about their bully experience. It’s heart breaking to hear some stories where those beng bullied took their own life.This rally was really important because we as members learned about what we can do to help prevent bullying. Overall, the event was interactive and informative.

Josephine Leung Distict Executive Assistant

HSMSE BBQ Fundraiser

Attending HSMSE’s BBQ Fundraiser was extremely fun despite the fact I came from a different event earlier that day. I may have been late to the BBQ but there was still a lot of food left surprisingly. As I came with my group of friends, they heated the grill to cook more food for us which was amazing! I love myself some good hot dogs. Since we got there late we were just chilling around and played volleyball. I walked around the Lighthouse Park since some people asked for photos from me and I was gladly to take them. The most exciting part of attending this fundraiser is actually going to Roosevelt Island since it was held there and also taking the tram for the first time ever. I really hope more people attend next year because you get to socialize with new people and as well eat amazing food!

Anthony Guan Editor

Bensonhurst Clean-Up

The Bensonhurst Clean-Up, organized by Kenny Zheng, President of the Young Democrats of South Brooklyn, was a very successful event, despite rain that challenged the tough-spirited volunteers. Key Clubs from throughout New York City partook in this event, but the most represented was from Midwood High School. Hundreds of volunteers showed up on a humid Saturday morning and took to the streets, armed with shovels and brooms. They wanted to not only clean up the streets, but also set an example for all the surrounding businesses and community members. They clean-up is the first of many as part of the Speak-Up, Clean-Up campaign, overlooked by Kenny Zheng and Assemblyman William Colton

Kenny Zheng President of the Young Democrats of South Brooklyn

Stuyvesant’s Dave & Buster’s Fundraiser I got to Dave and Buster’s at around 1:00pm, excited for what the day had in store for me. I’ve only gone to Dave and Buster’s once, and that was for a friend’s birthday party six years ago. Therefore, I was excited to play all the arcade games and try to win some prizes with my friends. I quickly bought my card from Justin before heading into Dave and Buster’s. I saw a lot of my friends here, not just from Stuy, but from many other different schools. I joined them as I tried out many different games in an attempt to get the jackpot. There was this one game I tried out in the beginning where you have to balance out a ball onto several platforms that you move with a gear. On the bottom, there are different slots where the ball can land. The jackpot one is in the middle, and there are different point values on the sides of the jackpot. The first time I played, I balanced the ball so carefully that the ball went into the jackpot. However, it bounced out at the last second! Instead of receiving 470 tickets, I only got 10. I was so salty for the next few minutes as I told many of my friends. I later noticed that the game was basically rigged, with the slots with the smaller ticket values (i.e. 10 and 20) had their walls shooting out so that if a ball ended up landing on the wall, it would be much more inclined to go to the smaller point value because of the ramp. My salt persisted nonetheless. It’s okay though, because I did end up getting the jackpot in a different game. It was the one where you push down on a lever so that a huge cylinder-like thing rotated, and whatever number the arrow landed on when the cylinder stopped rotating was the amount of tickets you received. It was the last attempt I wanted to make, but the arrow landed on the 1000 ticket jackpot! I even got an extra spin! (That time, I got 40 tickets.) I rushed to get a picture, which took so long that others started to approach me to tell me I had an extra spin. However, I needed the photo, and once I got it, it immediately went on my Snapchat story. I was so proud. After that jackpot, I could finally go for more things than just a stuffed Pokeball. I played random games to waste my credits, not caring about the amount of tickets I received. (Along the way, I learned I suck at beer pong. Whoops.) Once I was completely out of credits, I went to redeem everything. I ended up getting a Pokeball plush, a Pikachu plush (for my friend Anthony), a scented candle, five Fun Dips, a sticky hand, and a splat pig. I have no regrets; that was amazing. I enjoyed myself completely during that fundraiser. I cannot wait until next year’s, where I can possibly get more jackpots and more prizes. Tiffany Chen Stuyvesant Editor

Divisional Training Conference The Divisional Training Conference was held at LIU Brooklyn on June 24, 2017. I found out about this event through my friends Josephine Leung and Josephine Wu. They encouraged me to come to this event to learn more about Key Club and meet people from different divisions. There were many workshops that sparked the interest of many Key Club members and there were lots of fun activities. The first workshop I attended was 'The Art of Advertising' and it was an engaging workshop that brought laughter to the audience while teaching all of us something new. I learned that there is a lot of hard work that comes with something as simple as an event poster. Creating event ads took a lot of time and required a lot of artistic talent. The next workshop I attended was the Members workshop that was hosted by the Executive Assistants of each division. At that workshop, we learned more about Key Club and what the different positions in Key Club meant. I realized my duty as a member and how important my voice is in Key Club. There were also icebreakers and a fun game of Kahoot! After lunch, the third workshop began and since I wanted to learn even MORE about Key Club, I attended the Key Club Trivia workshop. The workshop taught me a lot of specific Key Club and it made me realize how special and incredible this club really is. Following the workshops, there was a guest speaker that told us about his experience as a Key Clubber and how he's continuing to be a part of the K family even after high school. The speech really left an impression on me because it allowed me to realize the change that one individual is capable of. The cookies were great too. The K-fair allowed me to meet a lot of new friends and talk to people from different divisions so it was really exciting as well! Overall, DTC was very well organized and I definitely enjoyed my Saturday! I can't wait to attend more Key Club events in the future and continue to make change in the world. Sarah Cen Member

Divisional Training Conference My experience at DTC was definitely one I can never forget. I was a real eye-opener for me in terms of what Key Club actually is. I was a recent member in my school that signed up a few months ago, but I never really attended an official Key Club meeting before. Having a few divisions coming all together was at first a bit frightening from thought, but once I went to the convention at LIU, everyone was so welcoming and warm. It felt as if I was already included in the family. Aside from the terrible rain in the morning, the convention was meaningful where I was able to learn so much about my own peers, peers from different divisions, and about the different workshops students leaders hosted. The different workshops that I attended consisted of The Art of Advertising, Members Workshop and Photography. I learned more about how to make eye-catching posters to appeal to new coming members of Key Club, rankings, and the basics of photography using more expensive equipment. My favorite workshop was definitely the Photography Workshop because I do have a slight interest in taking pictures and receiving information on the basic equipment as well as useful tips and tricks was beneficial. Lunch and the K-Fair were moments that surprised me; I didn’t expect the atmosphere to be so loud and energetic, but it helped me open up more and I was able to talk and network with peers even on different divisions. The Keynote Speaker session was very momentous in terms of inspiring me to keep pushing forward in Key Club events and always have a passion to give back to others. DTC was an extraordinary event and I was glad that it became my introduction to a new family. I’m excited for the Fall Rally!

Justin Jiang Member

Relay For Life

I attended Relay for Life almost immediately after Divisional Training Conference. It was already a very hectic and tiring day, and I almost didn't want to go. But despite my fatigue and the rest of my board going to get ice cream at Snowdays, I pushed through and took the train to Manhattan. While I was there, I managed small activities. In "Hope Lives Here", there was a table covered with paper, and people put stickers to indicate where they lived in Manhattan. I also oversaw "Hands of Hope", where people would trace their hands to show unity towards the fight against cancer. The hands were so nice and colorful, and those who were cancer survivors drew their hands with purple Sharpie. Next, I filled paper bags with sand. These bags were decorated and sold for $10, as a way of honoring people who passed away or are still battling cancer. They were then lined up along the track and lit up in a beautiful ceremony called Luminaria. Although I was at first reluctant to go to Relay for Life, I left the event happy and more informed about the fight against cancer.

Josephine Wu Secretary

NYC Famous Food Festival

The Famous Food Festival was a very nice event. This event was hosted at Grand Bazaar near the American Museum of Natural History. It featured a bunch of food stands and trucks selling things from fried ice cream and fresh lemonade to cheesecake and rice bowls. There were also stands that were selling vintage items such as vinyl records and radios. As volunteers, we were able to enjoy the food while also cleaning up the venue in order to make clean up much easier later on. While it was very hot outside, there was a multitude of people from all different backgrounds there that were open to trying different types of food and seeing that was great. It was one of those events that showed me just how diverse New York is and makes me grateful for living in such a diverse place.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

NYC Famous Food Festival

The NYC Famous Food Festival was held at the Grand Bazaar on June 25th. During the event, we were able to explore around the festival and see the different booths as we volunteered. We were able to enjoy some food and refreshments that they offered as well. Throughout the time we were there, we helped the organizers with clean up and made sure the event went smoothly. Personally, I had a great time there. We were able to have fun as we served our community!

Tiffany Yong Vice President

Bronx Science’s 5th Annual Water Wars On June 26th, Bronx Science held their annual Water Wars and it was my first time attending it! Even though it was in some location that was in the middle of nowhere it was so much fun. There was so many people that attended this event and surprisingly Bronx Science raised over $1,000! WOOHOO!! I actually ended up spending $70 dollars that day and I was lowkey very shook, like that killed my wallet haha. But I knew it went to a good cause. Seven dollars went to the picnic part of the event and $63 dollars went the auction they had where you get to throw water balloons at one of the board members if you won, which I did. I can’t express how much fun it is to attend to these type of events in Key Club, so I hope more people attend to events like these in the future. I want them to enjoy the experience like I did!!

Anthony Guan Editor

Dream Prom

After a full day of classes on June 27th, I attended Dream Prom, an event organized by the 86th Street Kiwanis to ensure that teenagers with autism had a magical prom. At first, I showed up not too excited about what the night had ahead for me. I arrived an hour late because of problems with the train, and I missed out on a limousine ride. However, I was greeted with some familiar faces and the venue decorated with yellow and blue balloons (the Key Club colors!) Initially, I didn’t want to dance at all. Then I saw my friend and Brooklyn Tech’s new vice president, Ziyin get out on the dance floor and interact with the kids. Watching her dance without a care in the world made me abandon my fears and just strive towards one goal: to make sure that the kids will have an amazing night. I was so surprised to realize while in my pursuit to make them have the time of their lives, I ended up creating memories I wouldn’t forget. I would dance with anyone, whether they asked me or if I ended up creating a circle with them. Other aspects of the night such as dinner and taking pictures in the photo booth were great. My friends and I went back to the photo booth so many times that I’m sure the photographers still resent us. Despite being constantly sweaty, thirsty, and in pain from dancing so much, I had a blast. Towards the end of the night, the girls and I designated people as Prom King/Queen and we gave flowers to them. Our Prom King was someone that we all danced with, and he was so happy that he took the time to thank all six of us before leaving. Finally, it was nearing 11pm and everyone had to go. Although Dream Prom was a week ago, I’m still reminiscing about the memories as I’m writing this. It was a truly a night I’ll never forget and I want to thank Patricia, Wendy, Ziyin, Kathy (Brooklyn Tech’s new president), Elizabeth (Madison’s new president), and Mr. Gioia (our Kiwanis Committee Representative) for sharing these memories with me. Josephine Wu Secretary

Housing Works Thrift Shop

The Housing Works Thrift Shop event was tiring but great. As volunteers, we were in charge of helping with inventory which meant organizing the items donated and counting how many there were. I had to separate books from home decor items as well as organize bins filled with home decor items and art pieces. Other volunteers had to count jewelry pieces and separate the broken items from the rest. After we were done we went to the actual thrift shop area and did double checks of the items throughout the shop. All in all, this was a very nice and tiring event. Everyone involved in the functioning of the thrift shop was really nice and knowing that what were doing made their job easier was great. Also, since this organization is trying to fight AIDS and homelessness in New York, I feel like volunteering there was me trying to help with that and that feeling is always the best.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

Upcoming Events Clean & Green- Gowanus Canal Conservancy Date: Saturday, July 8th Time: 10:00 AM Location: 431 Carroll St, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Description: Join other volunteers at this great event as we help improve our environment by stewarding tree beds. We will be adding compost to tree beds as well as picking up any trash that may be on a tree bed. At our past Clean & Green, we had a bunch of fun and encourage you all to attend. There are only 5 spots available for this event and a waiver must be filled out. Inter-Club Ice Skating Fundraiser Date: Saturday, July 15th Location: World Ice Arena (13135 Avery Ave, Flushing, NY 11355) (First floor of the Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center building) Time: 12pm-5pm Prices: $11 (if you have your own skates) OR $15 (if you need to rent one) Description: We also have our very first interclub event of the service year coming up! Midwood has teamed up with Bayside High School and Stuyvesant High School for an ICE SKATING FUNDRAISER! We will be skating into the summer at this fun filled event where you'll be able to meet Key Clubbers from divisions 8, 9, and 11! All proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Honey Bee Conservatory and Bayside High School Key Club. There will be two meetups for this event: - Queens Meetup: Flushing Library at 11:30AM - Brooklyn Meetup: Atlantic Ave-Barclays Center at 10:00 AM 1st American Cultural Parade Date: July 23rd, 2017 Time: 10 AM - 4 PM Location: The parade will begin at the corner of 28th street and Broadway. It will end at Washington Square Park. Description: For the first time in New York history, a cultural parade will be held in June by Better Chinatown! The purpose of the parade is to represent the many cultures we have in New York City by having many groups marching in the parade and showing off their culture. We need YOUR help to make sure the parade is as successful as it possible!

Thank You for reading The Key Times!

If you guys have any questions, comments, or concern please don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. Please send any feedback to and continue sending in any articles and pictures as well for the next newsletter!

Happy Key Clubbing!!

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