The Key Times, September 2017-2018

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The Key Times

New York District Key Club/Division 9 Midwood High School Key Club Volume 2, Issue 5

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Statement Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

What is Key Club? Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club has approximately 260,000 members in approximately 5,000 clubs. Key Club is represented in 37 countries.

Table of Contents Midwood Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New Club Board


NYDKC Social Media’s Page


Presenting Our New District Board


Letter From The Editor


President’s Message


7th Annual K-Family Picnic


2nd Annual Friendship Day (Day 1)


2nd Annual Friendship Day (Day 2)


Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen


September Divisional


District and Governor’s Projects


Upcoming Events


Key Club “Caring - Our Way of Life”

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Midwood High School Key Club

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Presenting Our New Club Board Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Tiffany Yong


Vice President

Josephine Wu Secretary

Justin Chow Webmaster

Lillian Chen Treasurer

Anthony Guan Editor

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New York District Key Club

Social Media



Presenting Our New District Board Gavin Li

Natalie D’Onofrio

District Governor

Matthew Portnoy

District Secretary

Dante Gil-Marin

District Treasurer District Webmaster

Clara Lee

Sherry Yu

District Editor

District Executive Assistant

Josephine Leung District Executive Assistant

Letter From The Editor

Hey Key Clubbers! I hope you had a good start in school for the first month! Wow I can’t believe it’s already October! I would like to thank everyone who made it to our first three meetings. For our new members, Welcome to our club and of course Family! For the returning members, Welcome back! You guys are the real MVP for being in this amazing family! Without any of you guys we wouldn’t be here. I hope you guys enjoyed our 2nd Annual Friendship Day events we had planned for you cause I know i definitely enjoyed it. I hope to see more of you guys at our future events cause believe me, it’s so fun!!!!! If you guys haven’t already make sure to sign up for Color Wars that's coming up on October 9th. If you have anything against me (no hard feelings man) :( or just want to do it for fun you will have a chance to pie me! Woah pieing me that sounds fun am I right? I can’t wait to see all of you guys there! Happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in care and service, Anthony Guan

President’s Message

Hey Key Clubbers!

Ah September has come to a close and we're already in full swing! Thank you to those who came to our first two meetings of the school year and our past events! I had a lot of fun at the club fair and hope that you guys did as well. In this edition of The Key Times, you guys will see a few of our past events for the month of September! From our annual friendship two-day event to our Bowery Mission volunteering, it was a month full of service and meeting new people. I can't wait for you guys to see what we have in store; from raffles to a few fundraisers, we have a lot to look forward to. One of the most exciting events is our first Color Wars with Cardozo and Stuyvesant Key Club as well as the annual Breast Cancer Walk and Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! I can't wait to see you guys at our upcoming events and meetings!

Yours in care and service, Wendy Lliguichuzhca

7th Annual K-Family Picnic

On Saturday, September 2nd, I attended the Kiwanis Family Picnic. When I first arrived, the picnic looked pretty lowkey. It seemed like most people who were there were either from Division 11, or Circle K (essentially Key Club for college students.) However, many of my friends were already there and I was excited to go talk to them and catch up. I paid my $5 and grabbed some cookies and sandwiches. The cookies were really good and I'm still thinking about them as I'm writing this. I remember bringing a book with me in case I was bored, but I didn't need it at all. I had such a great time playing charades and volleyball. The circle that started out small expanded to almost over 20 people, and we started counting to see how long we could keep the ball up. I sucked at volleyball because I haven't played it in a while and missed many times, but everyone was still super supportive. There was also an eventful, but not my favorite part of the picnic: the pieing. Our district governor and lieutenant governors, as well as certain executives of Circle K, were auctioned off to get pied. At first bidding was slow, with our district governor going first and only getting pied for $9, while our lieutenant governor Patricia got pied for $65. I personally found it gruesome watching them get shaving cream in their hair and crevices, but everyone else had fun and the money all went to a good cause. In the end, we raised over $350 for Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. I'm so glad that I went to the picnic, having bonded with friends both old and new, and enjoying my last few days before school starts.

Josephine Wu Secretary

2nd Annual Friendship Day (Day 1)

Last year, I sadly wasn't able to attend the first Friendship Event, but I knew this year I couldn't miss out. When I woke up I was excited to see everyone at this event and enjoy all of the day's events. When I first got to Grand Army Plaza I met a few members of Madison Key Club and Brooklyn Tech Key Club. While we waited for everyone else to arrive, we all talked amongst ourselves and it was great. Some people got lost but we all managed to meet up and go to Sheep Meadows. Once we got there we were starving and ate all the snacks everyone brought in. We played icebreakers like Soulmate and Zip Zap Zop. and after finding some people's soulmates, we took a bunch of pictures with feather boas and silly hats and just had a fun time. We played mafia using cups and had mini photoshoots. I loved this event and it was great meeting so many new people. I'm really excited to attend this event next year and can't wait to meet even more people!

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President

2nd Annual Friendship Day (Day 1)

The Midwood and Brooklyn Tech Key Clubs’ first part to their 2nd Annual Friendship Event was an enriching bonding experience for both schools! Both clubs met up in front of Central Park to walk to Sheep Meadow together. It was the perfect day to have a picnic because it wasn’t too hot or cold, the sun was shining, and it was a great stress reliever for the upcoming week. Along with that, they accepted clothing and canned foods for the Hurricane Harvey Drive that was going on in Midwood HS, receiving a donation totaling five huge bags. Students from both schools got to know each other by doing an ice-breaker: sharing names, the school they attend attend, and something they like. Students also got the chance to bond through music, food, and games such as “Mafia” and “Soulmate.” Brooklyn Tech was also able to gather a bag of water bottles to recycle from Central Park. Overall, I enjoyed getting to know Brooklyn Tech’s Key Club better in addition to spending time with Midwood’s newest members. I hope that in the future, the Annual Friendship Event continues and that the members of Brooklyn Tech and Midwood Key Clubs share an opportunity to attend it.

Lillian Chen Treasurer

2nd Annual Friendship Day (Day 2)

On the second day of the Midwood x Brooklyn Tech Friendship event, members volunteered at the Xavier Mission Soup Kitchen. Making my way there, I was excited to see how they would organize the distribution of food as well has how many people they would able to serve. Once I got there I saw familiar faces and was greeted with nothing but smiles. The first thing we all did together was wrap a fork with salt and pepper in a napkin for distribution later on. Once people started coming in, we were all helping to distribute the tray of food consisting of chicken, rice, broccoli, corn bread, coffee, and more. It put a smile on my face when people expressed their gratitude for us bringing food for them. After that, we were either assigned to carrying out direct requests by the organizers, working in the kitchen, or washing the trays. In the end, this event was extremely tiring, but worth it. It was truly rewarding to see how our work was helping to make something greater function. In the future, I would definitely continue volunteering at soup kitchens.

Alice Mo IP Bulletin Editor

2nd Annual Friendship Day (Day 2)

On the second day of our 2nd Annual Friendship Day event we attended a soup kitchen to help the staff serve the less fortunate. At first we were just wrapping forks with pepper and salt packets together in napkins, but afterwards we were assigned jobs to do. Most of us was assigned to help wash the trays since they were short on them and we were serving as much as 1000 meals that day. When we opened up the soup kitchen to the homeless people we helped serve the food that was giving out at first than headed to our station to start our work on the trays. I thought “Oh doing trays can’t be that hard can it?” well I thought wrong haha. There were so many trays that kept coming where we washed, shook off extra water and dry constantly. It was a fun experience, but my wrists were hurting the day after cause of all trays that I had to shake off the extra water and passed down to dry. Personally I think attending events like these are the best and I would, of course, suggest more people to attend!

Anthony Guan Bulletin Editor

Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen

The Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen was held on Sunday, September 24th and this was my second time volunteering for them. When we arrived, we were welcomed by the wonderful staff. Despite it being so early in the morning, they were very energetic and it helped us wake up a bit. Since there was time before the shift began, we helped out in the kitchen, and unpacked some mushrooms and broccoli. Finally, it was time to serve. We lined up at our stations and I was in charge of handing out the fruits. One by one, we served everyone who came in for breakfast. It was very nice to see their smiles and how thankful they were to receive the food. We served a total of about 195 people! This event is one of my favorite Key Club events and I would encourage more of our members to come to the next Bowery Mission that we will be attending soon. It allows me to have a chance to give back to my community and serve those in need.

Tiffany Yong Vice President

Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen

The Bowery Mission Event was an event that allowed me to serve food to the less fortunate. Being able to volunteer here meant that I didn’t need always need to get a reward out of doing something good. Through this event, I was able to help and make a difference in this world, which felt rewarding to me. The people working/volunteering there were particularly nice, and the many people I served were friendly. Being able to serve people created a sense of duty which I fulfilled, and was a great learning experience for me. By helping feed people, it also made me realize how many people don’t have this basic necessity of food. It also demonstrated how many people take these essentialities for granted, including me. Overall, this event was generally a great success, and I would recommend it for anyone looking for a great volunteer opportunity as well as a way to benefit the community.

Victor Zheng Member

September Divisional

Attending the Divisionals has always been a fun experience from meeting new people from different schools to learning more about Key Club! At our September Divisional, we spoke about our past and upcoming events as usual and after that Mr. Gioia, the Division 9 and 10 KCR, spoke about many things such as dues, Icon, and elections for next year. We did start the divisional later than usual our LTG, Patricia, had to rush through to the end since we were gonna be kicked out of our school after 6 PM. The fun part about this divisional especially is that my friends from Bronx Science showed up! WOAH! Talk about dedication am I right haha. Coming all the way from Bronx to Brooklyn. At the end of our Divisional Patricia gave us donuts and cookies to eat and who couldn’t resist some free food though. If any of you ever want to learn more of what's going in Key Club, the Divisional is always the first place to start off!

Anthony Guan Bulletin Editor

District Project

Sunrise Day Camps are the world’s only dedicated day camps for children with cancer and their siblings, provided completely free of charge. Providing memorable summers since 2006 for children 3½-6, Sunrise Day Camps bring the simple pleasures of childhood back to children struggling with cancer, changing months of loneliness and isolation into summer’s filled with sunshine, laughter, and happiness. And because Sunrise is a day camp, it does all this while allowing the children to continue their medical treatment and enjoy the comfort and safety of their own homes at night.

Governor’s Project

The Honeybee Conservancy is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2009 in responses to the bee crisis. To help the bees, they inspire communities to plant bee habitat and act as stewards for bees, support bee research in an effort to end bee population declines, advance science and environmental education, support local food initiatives, and encourage communities to support their local beekeepers.

Upcoming Events 15th Autumn Moon Festival & Parade Better Chinatown will be running the 15th Autumn Moon Festival & Parade this year on Sunday, October 8th. At this event, we will assist with setup, breakdown, and running activities. LUNCH WILL ALSO BE PROVIDED!!! Date: Sunday, October 8, 2017 Time: TWO SHIFTS- 9:00am-2:30pm, 2:30pm-6:00pm Location: Leif Ericson Park (8th Ave & 66th St, Brooklyn, NY)

Color Wars Color Wars is less than a week away! If you guys enjoy making friends, doing fun outdoor activities, pie-ing people and most of all winning this is the right event for you! We have teamed up with Stuyvesant and Cardozo to bring you guys this extremely fun event. Don't wanna play? It's ok, we got food for you guys as well! Date: October 9, 2017 (Columbus Day - You can use your student metrocards!) Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Location: Rockefeller Park (Near Stuyvesant High School) Admission: $10if you don’t bring food and $7 if you bring food to share! Meet Up Location: Queens - Flushing Library (9:00 AM) Hosted by Evan Zou Brooklyn - Atlantic Barclays Center (9:00 AM) Hosted by Anthony Guan

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk Join us at the annual breast cancer walk to help raise awareness for breast cancer and bond with the division! Date: Sunday, October 15, 2017 Time: 8:00am Location: MCU Stadium, Coney Island Boardwalk

Out of the Darkness Walk Every year, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention hosts thousands of Out of the Darkness Walks across the country. With mental health issues on the rise, it's more important than ever to address the causes and let those who have mental disorders to know that they are not alone. The Out of the Darkness Walks are proof that when people work together they can make big changes in the world. In addition, these walks help produce millions for suicide prevention programs, unite those who have been affected by suicide, and create communities that are smart about mental health. Date: Sunday, October 22, 2017 Time: 10:00AM Location: Wagner Park (20 Battery Pl, New York, NY 10004)

Thank You for reading The Key Times!

If you guys have any questions, comments, or concern please don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. Please send any feedback to and continue sending in any articles and pictures as well for the next newsletter!

Happy Key Clubbing!!

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