LehighValley LehighValley FOOD FOOD W H E R E C O M M U N I T Y A N D F O O D C O M E T O G E T H E WR H E R E C O M M U N I T Y A N D F O O D C O M E T O G E T H E R I S S U E 7 S E P T E M B E R | 2 0 2 2 On The OCover n The Cover Nonna Sulina's in Bethlehem Ngets onna Sulina's in Bethlehem gets ready for fall with their rfamous eady for fall with their famous Jack Daniel's Bison Short JRibs ack Daniel's Bison Short Ribs Risotto Risotto THE LEHIGH VALLEY'S RESTAURANT TGUIDE HE LEHIGH VALLEY'S RESTAURANT GUIDE


610.419.8100 1426 W Broad Street, Bethlehem www.patsbethlehem.com Home of the famous "Pasta Flight"3

FollowUs: 15Broadway BangorPA18013 Tasting Room Phone 484-484-8907 Email us at clevergirlwinery@gmail.com Fridays 1:00-7:30pm Saturdays 12:00-7:30PM Sundays 12:00-5:00pm Don'tMiss Sangria Trios! Every Fri-Sun September 4

When you walk through the doors of the Tavern at the Sun Inn, you are surrounded by history. Built in the late 1700s, this unique establishment has many benefits to enjoy. Not only is the food delicious, but everything that is prepared is based on colonial times. Of course, it's modified with some extra seasonings and yummy flavors to best satisfy the customer's modern-day tastebuds. But it's all colonial times. Each item on the menu is inspired by someone in history. They update their menus every few months adding another person from history who inspired the dish. So much history is on the floors of the tavern, and so many historical figures have spent the night there. From George and Martha Washington to John Adams and Samuel Adams and so many more historical figures. The building has a walk-through exhibit and you can even see the names of the people who signed the declaration of independence. The Tavern at the Sun Inn has periodic events where you can come mingle and eat some yummy food, and learn about the history of this restaurant. Some people who visit claim it's haunted so guess what's coming up in time for Halloween? A mixer where you can come to learn and potentially be visited by a person from our history who stayed there. The next time you find yourself near this delicious restaurant, come in and sit, have a drink, maybe even a wine slushy and enjoy the history behind The Tavern at the Sun Inn. www.suninnbethlehem.org drink,relax,enjoy


Main St #2
by Bailey Shereshevsky 564 Bethlehem, PA 18018 (610) 419-8600

5 6 4 M a i n S t # 2 B e t h l e h e m , P A 1 8 0 1 8 ( 6 1 0 ) 4 1 98 6 0 0 Restaurant Museum Distillery Wed-Thursday Noon - 8pm, Fri-Sat 12-9pm Join us for the best fall outdoor dining the Valley! Book your Special event in a Special Place 6

TopgolfSwingSuiteSimulators CHOCOLATE TORTE GF Flourless chocolate cake with blackberry syrup BUNKER BURGER Montreal steak seasoned Angus burger, applewood smoked bacon, cheddar, crispy onions, lettuce, tomato and A1 on brioche bun BANK SHOT GF Pan seared chicken, creamy parmesan mushroom sauce, sautéed spinach and rosted baby bakers Optional: Add lump crab "TreatYourselftoOurFullRestaurantandBar" 2805 Lehigh Street Allentown , PA 18103 (610) 756-1963 7

610-257-1111 Doyourselfafavor andvisitthisexceptionalrestaurant Topnotchfoodtastingandextensive varietymenuwithfairpricesandhighquality presentation,serviceandinventiveness.Ifyou thoughtgourmetkitchenwillleaveyouhungry,think again.Youshouldskipseveralmealsbeforevisiting thisamazingplace.Everythingissotasty,youcannot restrainyourselffromhavingallofthepizzasand dishes.Ihighlyrecommendit WissamMasri Reviews 8

R RContents Contents 31 Check Out This Month's Editor's Choice Recipe: Texas Red Chili 12 Featured Restaurant: Blue Grillhouse: NEW Dining Out With Dietary Restrictions! 15 Cheers From LVF Our exclusive drink guide featuring drinks from Blue Grillhouse 27 Return of Tastings: October: Hacienda de los Agaves! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM Mike & Steph from iHeart Radios B104 Mjoined ike & Steph from iHeart Radios B104 joined Chris and Austin on their Musikfest Cspecial hris and Austin on their Musikfest special edition with Travis from Honest eTravs dition with Travis from Honest Travs 39 September Family Events: from the Tristate Traveling Mamas9

Instagram saw it first! IFollow nstagram saw it first! Follow @LVFOODMAGAZINE for all of @our LVFOODMAGAZINE for all of our foodie fadventures. oodie adventures. Check out Monsieur Meringue for exceptional High Quality French Macarons! Ever want a GIANT Macaron? Try their Mega 4” Mac. Need party packs or favors- they've got you covered. The Lehigh Valley Is TYour he Lehigh Valley Is Your Foodie FDestination! oodie Destination! We have so many amazing restaurants, bakeries and dives all over the region, in Allentown, Easton, Bethlehem, New Jersey and beyond. Our area is the one of the hottest and fastest growing food economies in eastern Pennsylvania. Follow us as we eat and drink our way through your favorite restaurants. Lehigh Valley LFood ehigh Valley FoodA WORD FROM TOP TREATS AROUND THE VALLEY Look what Chris & Austin are up to this month! "The sushi from MYST in Jim Thorpe is out of this world good! We had to try one of the tempura rolls with lobster" 10

Yourcasualfamily-friendly, neighborhoodsportsbar&grille. 400 Illick’s Mill Road Bethlehem, PA 18017 610.625.0060 Hours Monday - Wednesday 11am-8pm Thursday - Friday 11am-9pm Saturday 10am-9pm Sunday 9am-8pm Lunch / Dinner and Brunch on the Weekends Check out of Daily Specials and Menu www.theclubhousegrille.com11

It’ssafetosaythatmostpeopleenjoydiningout;theabilitytotrynewexcitingfoods,being inawell-decoratedplacethat’sdifferentfromyourhome,beingabletosocializewithyour partyinacomfortableenvironmentand,honestly,nothavingtoworryaboutwhatareyou goingtocook.Thesesentimentsarealmostuniversallysharedamongfoodies. Unfortunately,thereisalargepercentageofthefoodiepopulationthat,whetherforhealth reasonsorbasicdietaryneeds,haverestrictionsthathindertheirabilitytoenjoyalotofthe foodsthatotherssoeasilyorderandenjoy.Assomeonethatwasrecentlydiagnosedwitha healthconditionthatcausedanoverhaultohowandwhenIeat,itwaseasytolookatthis changeaslosingoutornegative.However,afterexploringthemenusatmanyofmy favoriterestaurantsIhavediscoveredthattherearetonsofdishesthatarenotonlywithin mydietaryrestrictions,butalsodelicious.Myoutlookhaschangedcompletely.These restrictionsarehelpingmefindamazingdishesthatI’dneverhadbeforeandevenhelping pushmeoutofmycomfortzonetotrynewfoodsandingredients.WithDiningOutwith DietaryRestrictions,wehopetoofferaguideforthoseofusfoodiesouttherewith: Diabetes,CeliacDisease,LactoseIntolerance,FoodAllergies,etc.withjustabriefglanceat someamazingdishoptionsthatcanfitwithinourrestrictions.
Dining Out with Dietary Restrictions Featured Restaurant: ByJarredHuertas 12

Brown Sugar Miso Glazed Chilean Sea Bass: Stuffed Zucchini Boat: 13
AsabonustotheLehighValleyFood CommunityandMagazineReaders, wehadtheprivilegeofgettingaSecret Off-the-Menuitem.
GrilledChileanSeaBass,toppedwithaBrown SugarMisoGlaze,servedwithSautéedBroccolini, GrapeTomatoes,CitrusFurikake,andJasmine Rice.Forthosewhohavetowatchtheirsugar, BlueGrillhouseisopentomodifyingthisorany menuitemtofitwithindietaryneeds.For diabetics,thisdishisequallydeliciouswithoutthe BrownSugarMisoGlaze.Foranyonewatching theircarbs,theJasmineRiceisadecent-sized portionsoyoucanenjoysomewiththemealand thenbringtheresthometoenjoyatalatertime.

Featured Restaurant:

Thisitemisnotfeaturedonthemenu.Toorderit, youmustinformtherestaurantbeforeyouarrive toprovideampletimeforthemtoprepareit.Itis recommendedtomentionitwhenyouplaceyour reservationifyouintendtotrythisdish.Slow RoastedZucchinistuffedwithQuinoa&Slow RoastedRedPeppers.Thedishcanbeservedwith orwithoutthehouse-madeherbbreadcrumbs. BlueGrillhousedoesnothavequinoainanyother dishonthemenu.Thequinoathattheyhavein restaurantisspecificallyforpeoplethatorderthis dish. Diningoutwithrestrictionsdoesn’thavetobelimiting!


ManhattanNoir: Sophisticated,Unique&Modern HouseBourbon,Liqueur43 LemonJuice,SimpleSyrup& PinotNoirfloat Garnished anOrangePeel(Rind) MidnightInParis: Classic,Elegant&Deliciou RaspberryVodka,Blackberry Liqueur,LemonJuice& BlackberrySimpleSyrup. GarnishedwithRaspberriesand Blackberries YearRoundBestSeller! ThePatioMojito: AStaple,Light&Refreshing q Strawberries,Lime,Basil,Simple Syrup,HouseRumandaMixof ClubSodaandSprite.Garnished withaLime 15 Drink Guide 4431 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, PA 18020 bluegrillhouse.com (610) 691-8400

PARTNER @LEHIGHVALLEYFOOD Times Live Media Group | Times Live Radio Studios | Rum Runnas Podcast TNetwork imes Live Media Group | Times Live Radio Studios Rum Runnas Podcast Network 25 S Main Street, Nazareth PA | 2wwwtimeslivemediagroupcom 5 S Main Street, Nazareth PA | www.timeslivemediagroup.com LEHIGHVALLEYFOOD.COM IN PARTNERSHIP WITH PRESIDENT Christina Russo SALES | MARKETING Austin James PRODUCTION Times Live Media Group Rum Runnas Podcast Network CONTENT CREATORS Cassi Lelko TriState Traveling Mamas Times Live Media Group The Rum Runnas CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bailey Marie Austin James PROOFREADER Angela Mozeko LehighValley FOOD MEET THE TEAM ISSUE 7 | SEPTEMBER 2022 16



Events Bethlehem WindCreekEventCenter GabrielIglesias–September2nd AnEveningwithAliceCooper–September 7th DianaRoss–September10th BoyGeorge&CultureClub September11th ProfessionalBoxing–September23rd IlVolo–September29th ArtsQuest SangriaFest–September3rd BuilttoSpill–September4th PatMethenySideEye September6th MastersofSoul–September16th BrettEldredge–September17th Verivery–September17th HereCometheMummies–September18th BrokenArrow September23rd TheGinvitational–September25th MovementMovesMediapresents:The LehighValleyMediaMixer September25th AndyMontanez–September25th Easton StateTheater ThePianoGuys September15th TheBronxWanderers–September16th ColinMochrie&BradSherwood–September30th OneCentreSquare ATTILAXTWIZTID–September4th TheSpillCanvas September17th TylerBraden–September24th Allentown AllentownFairgrounds ColeSwindell–September2nd TheWonderYears September4th J&JDemolitionDerby–September5th PPLCenter FlyervsRangers:RookieGameSeries–September16-17th LynyrdSkynyrd:BigWheelsKeepOn Turnin’Tour September30th Poconos PennsPeak BountyHunter–September2nd KeystoneGroove September4th ChrisCagle–September9th TheMachinePerformsPinkFloyd–September16th IntheAirTonight–September17th LightsOut September20th TedVigil–September21st PhilVassar–September23rd BeatlemaniaNow September27th BoyinBlack–September28th EltonRohn–September29-30th 19


6610.810.829.1404 29.1404 56 S 3rd St, 5Easton 6 S 3rd St, Easton tthirdandferry.com hirdandferry.com 21 Outdoor OSeating utdoor Seating


Docent Tours September 17 & 18: Visitors get to learn about the unique history of the farm and visit the 1748/1818 house, colonial garden, and summer kitchen, 1841 barn and very unusual high horsepower wheel. These are not typically open to the general public.

Petting Zoo September 17 & 18 Read to Therapy Dogs September 17 & 18 11:00-5:00 Canine Agility Demonstrations September 17 & 18
Onsite Activities:

rT i StateTraveli n g Mamas 23
Friendly Dogs Welcome! Bring your pooch along to shop the many pet related vendors. Find a scrumptious treat or jazz up his collar with a new bandana All dogs must be leashed, owners are responsible for cleaning up messes 1461 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA Get ready for all things Fall! Apple Days is presented September 17 18, 2022, 10 AM 5 PM and Market to Go is September 19, 2022, 10 AM 2 PM Experience all that Fall at Burnside has to offer with a range of on site activities for all ages! Tour historic buildings, barns and gardens with their dedicated volunteers and docents Kids can enjoy crafts in the Kid's tent, hands on history with colonial games and the interactive high horsepower wheel Everyone loves trying their hand at making cider in the Apple Cider Press, which is over 200 years old! With gardening, historic demonstrations, pie eating contests, and more, there is no shortage of fun on their Farm in the City!
Pony Rides (with ticket) September 17 & 18
Baking Competition Adults: September 17 at 1:00, Kids: September 18 at 1:00 Donut Eating Contests Adults and Kids: September 17 & 18 at 2:15 One Room Schoolhouse September 17 & 18 at 1 & 3 Museum on the Move with Curator, Brett Peters September 17 & 18
Hands on 1800s Apple Press Demonstration September 17 & 18

Discover Something Unique! Apple Days welcomes dozens of local vendors and crafters from around the Lehigh Valley to showcase their wares. From handmade crafts like jewelry and pottery, to gourmet treats and unique fashion. Take a walk through the Crafter Village to find creative gifts and items!

rT i StateTraveli n g Mamas 25 Cooking With CKids ooking With Kids Baked BApples aked Apples 4 Apples 1/2 c Brown Sugar 2 tsp Walnuts1/4Cranberries1/2CinnamoncDriedorRaisinscupChoppedorOtherNuts4TbspButtervanillaicecream(optional) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Slice a little off the top of the apples and scoop out the core. In a bowl, mix brown sugar, cinnamon, cranberries/raisins, walnuts or other nuts. Use a fork and blend well. Stuff each apple with the mixture. Place apples in a deep baking dish. Top apples with a tbsp of butter and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Pour about 1/2” of water or apple cider in baking dish around the apples. Bake for about 50 60 minutes or until tender. Serve warm, with vanilla ice cream and topped with caramel drizzle if desired.

rT i StateTraveli n g Mamas IngredientsIngredients•1bottlesparkling cider• 1 bottle sparkling cider • 5 1/4 cups apple cider• 5 1/4 cups apple cider • 1 1/4 to 2 1/2 TBS caramel syrup• 1 1/4 to 2 1/2 TBS caramel syrup • whipped cream for garnish• whipped cream for garnish • caramel syrup for garnish• caramel syrup for garnish • fall sprinkles for garnish• fall sprinkles for garnish 26 Kid Friendly KMocktails: id Friendly Mocktails: Fall FCaramel all Caramel Apple ADrink pple Drink Instructions: Divide 2/3 cups of apple cider into 8 highball glasses, add 1 tsp of caramel syrup and mix. Top each glass with 3/4 cups of sparkling cider. Garnish by adding whipped cream, caramel syrup and sprinkles. To make it extra fun, cut some slices of caramel apples to hang on the rim. Serve chilled, and be sure to have extra caramel syrup on hand for anyone looking for an extra shot of fall flavor! A delicious sparkling caramel apple drink that is kid-friendly, fun, and festive! All you need is a few ingredients to make this yummy caramel apple cider mocktail!

TastingMenu October Date: 10/26/22 Mex i S d Quesabirria Cheese flautas Carnitas Agaves fajitas Rice & Beans Elotes Guacamole and chips Sour cream | pico de gallo | salsa verde Entrées Sides Extras Drinks Tickets: $45.00 665 Northampton St, Easton PA 18042 27

700 Main Street Stockertown, 7PA 00 Main Street Stockertown, PA (610) 365-2495 28 "Great food and service! I highly recommend the pizza and garlicparm fries!" -Kristin

BehindTheScenes with Lehigh Valley Food We have so much fun behind the scenes onWe have so much fun behind the scenes on our show with iHeart Radio. Blue's Eventour show with iHeart Radio. Blue's Event Center is the perfect place to host your nextCenter is the perfect place to host your next event. The food is amazing!event. The food is amazing! StudentFinalTasting StudentFinalTasting 3835 Green Pond Rd 3Bethlehem 835 Green Pond Rd Bethlehem | |610.861.4549 610.861.4549 Wants us at your next event? Want us to debut a new dish to the Lehigh Valley? Contact us! Musikfest2022 Musikfest2022 An annual tradition in the Lehigh Valley for over 20 years.An annual tradition in the Lehigh Valley for over 20 years. Chris & Austin had a ton of funChris & Austin had a ton of fun this year at Musikfest meetingthis year at Musikfest meeting up with their foodie fans,up with their foodie fans, getting dunked for charity andgetting dunked for charity and eating their way through one ofeating their way through one of the countries largest musicthe countries largest music festivals. There was such afestivals. There was such a selection of food it was insane!selection of food it was insane! Senior chef students at NCC prepared final dishes to taste before graduation. What a beautiful space the Hampton Winds is. The students did a great job. PodcastatBlueEventCenter PodcastatBlueEventCenter 4431 Easton Ave Bethlehem4431 Easton Ave Bethlehem| 610.691.8400| 610.691.8400 29


3 tsp vegetable oil, divided 5 lbs beef chuck roast cut into 1 ½ inch cubes 2 tsp kosher salt 2 large onions, diced ½ tsp kosher salt. 2 chipotles en adobo with sauce ½ cup chili powder 3 tsp cumin powder 1 Tbsp dried oregano 6 cloves of garlic, peeled and minced 2 diced jalapeno 1 (28 ounce) can diced or crushed tomatoes 4 cups water or stock 1 cup masa harina (Mexican corn flour) 1 tsp chili powder ½ cup water Juice of 2 limes Salt and fresh ground black pepper
What do you call a really happy cowboy? A Jolly Rancher!
Preheat your oven to 325. In a preheated cast iron dutch oven, sear off the beef in batches building up a deep fond, be careful not to burn this. Remove the beef and reduce heat. Sauté onions, being sure to scrape up all that delicious fond from the bottom of the pot. Cook until soft and taking on color from the left over fond. Make a hole in the middle of the onions and toast off the spices. Add the chipotles and sauce, chili powder, cumin, and oregano, and cook for about a minute before mixing into the onions. Add the garlic and jalapeno and stir until the garlic becomes fragrant. Add the tomatoes and water or stock. Make sure to scrape up any spices that are stuck to the bottom. Add back the beef and the juices it released. Bring to a boil, cover, and place in the preheated oven for 3 hours. Mix the mesa harina with 1 Tbsp of water and 1 tsp of chili powder until it becomes a thick creamy consistency. Add water if needed. Remove the chili from the oven and add the mesa harina mixture. Bring to a simmer on the stove. Stir in lime juice and salt and pepper to taste.
By Kyle Naylor Rum Runnas/the indie Podcast
DIRECTIONS SERVES 8 12 Ready to try it? Tag @lehighvalleyfood R#lehighvalleyfood eady to try it? Tag @lehighvalleyfood #lehighvalleyfood Texas Red Chili 31 Link to the Dutch Oven I use


Dalgona Dalgona Drunkin Drunkin Pumpkin PSpice umpkin Spice ¼ cup of your favorite Instant ¼Coffeecupbrown sugar ¼ cup hot water 4 tsp canned pumpkin puree ½warmtsppumpkin pie spice PumpkinSpicedCoffee 1 cup milk ½ teaspoon vanilla ½ oz spiced dark rum ½ oz praline liqueur 1 cup ice SpikedSpicedMilk 32 Warm pumpkin puree in microwave for 10-20 seconds. In a large bowel combine coffee, brown sugar, pumpkin puree, pumpkin spice and hot water. Use an electric hand mixer on high until fluffy firm peaks form. Stir milk, vanilla, rum, Praline Liqueur in a glass with ice. Top with your whipped coffee and enjoy! To enjoy warm take out ice and warm milk to desired temp before mixing. Needed tools: Hand Mixer Link Here to my mixer

127 S Broad Street, Nazareth PA 610.614.1018 610.614.1018 Book Your Next BReservation! ook Your Next Reservation! www.riosbr.com www.riosbr.com "Meat" Your Best Dining Experience Catering & Takeout CAvailable atering & Takeout Available 33

CHEF AND COWNER HEF AND OWNER Beth BRaynock eth Raynock 267-280-3699 localmamacatering@gmail.com Local Mama Catering offers private chef services, cooking classes, and catering for all occasions 34

"Simply the best homemade Italian food and Italian specialty items around. Original subs & sandwiches, meatballs, sauce, roasts and of course sausage!! Great service, personable & friendly staff." - Anna 35 700 Cattell St, Easton 610.438.1945 giacomositalianmarket.com

LVF Magazine Is NOW Print on Demand! Email: lehighvalleyfoodmarketing@gmail.com for details 36

Nonna Sulina's, located off Bath Pike on route 512 in Bethlehem serves authentic Sicilian food. Giacomo, the owner of this delicious restaurant, was interviewed by Lehigh Valley Food. His customers are extremely important to him, so he wants to highlight them. In honor of Giacomo's grandmother, Nonna Sulina's name was inspired by her. She is his greatest source of inspiration when it comes to his love of food. Just a few days before the pandemic began, they opened their doors. His customers helped the new business stay open. They supported him by making this a very popular spot for takeout. With that being said, this restaurant made it through and is still a thriving establishment. Using recipes that date back hundreds of years, Giacomo prides himself on the freshness of his food. Everything that leaves the kitchen is fresh and homemade. Giacomo's parents spend the entire day rolling and making the Gnocchi from scratch. Married 50 years, Giacomo's Mother taught his Father how to cook and from that point on they've made a great impact on Nonna Sulina's. Coming from Sicily, Giacomo truly enjoys making his customers happy through his delicious food. He was so happy to bring these recipes back to life and make his country happy. Nonna Sulina's gets fresh products from Fossil Farms in New Jersey. He makes sure everything that is brought into his restaurant meets each one of his standards. If you find yourself wanting some delicious authentic Sicilian food, make your way over to Nonna Sulina's. You will leave with one happy stomach! Bath Pike, Bethlehem, PA 18017 (610) 419-1051


By: Bailey Marie
154 Northampton Street Easton, PA 18042 (484) 541-9686 lehighvalley-bbq.com "Amazing friendly service. Great tasting food. Love the brisket and pulled pork. Home made BBQ is tasty. Family loved the Mac n cheese as well as whopper pie! Highly recommend." #Yum - Kevin R 38 Menu & Catering

Sept 17th- Richland Township Community Day, 10-2pm (Breakfast begins at 9am), SRichland ept 17th- Richland Township Community Day, 10-2pm (Breakfast begins at 9am), Richland Township Veterans TPark ownship Veterans Park Sept 17th- Pocono Organics Annual Fall Fest at Pocono Organics, S10:30-3:30pm ept 17th- Pocono Organics Annual Fall Fest at Pocono Organics, 10:30-3:30pm

September 15th-18th- St. Nicholas Fall Greek Food Festival at St Nicholas Greek SOrthodox eptember 15th-18th- St. Nicholas Fall Greek Food Festival at St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Bethlehem, C4-6pm athedral in Bethlehem, 4-6pm Sept 17th- Farewell to Summer Festival, Emmaus Triangle, S11-3pm ept 17th- Farewell to Summer Festival, Emmaus Triangle, 11-3pm

Sept 10th- Harvest Festival with Historic trade demonstrations, building tours, and Solde ept 10th- Harvest Festival with Historic trade demonstrations, building tours, and olde time games at the Olde Stone House Historic Village in Sewell, NJ t10-2pm ime games at the Olde Stone House Historic Village in Sewell, NJ 10-2pm Sept 10th- Firetruck Storytime at the Main Library, Bethlehem, 11-12pm (There will be San ept 10th- Firetruck Storytime at the Main Library, Bethlehem, 11-12pm (There will be an actual firetruck there, atoo!) ctual firetruck there, too!)
Sept 23rd-25th- 35th Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, SPA ept 23rd-25th- 35th Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, PA Sept 24th- 90th Anniversary Fall Festival at Quakertown Farmers Market, S11-3pm ept 24th- 90th Anniversary Fall Festival at Quakertown Farmers Market, 11-3pm Sept 24th & 25th- 13th Annual Free Fall Event at Free Fall in Quakertown. (Events Sare ept 24th & 25th- 13th Annual Free Fall Event at Free Fall in Quakertown. (Events are planned with middle school and high school students in mind but the whole family pis lanned with middle school and high school students in mind but the whole family is welcome! Register at freefallactionpark.com/registration to compete in wcomps!) elcome! Register at freefallactionpark.com/registration to compete in comps!)

Promenade Shops at Saucon Valley, P10-11am romenade Shops at Saucon Valley, 10-11am and Vicinity, 6:30-7pm (Registration arequired) nd Vicinity, 6:30-7pm (Registration required)
Also check out Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center for their Sept happenings Alike lso check out Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center for their Sept happenings like Weekly Readers, Tales for Tots, Hike for Health, Mentored Youth in Conservation, WIntro eekly Readers, Tales for Tots, Hike for Health, Mentored Youth in Conservation, Intro to Mountain Biking, and Dutch Oven Campfire tCooking! o Mountain Biking, and Dutch Oven Campfire Cooking!
rT i StateTraveli n g MamasSept 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th- Toddler Tuesdays at The Patio in Sthe ept 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th- Toddler Tuesdays at The Patio in the Sept 7th & 21st- Sign Language Storytime at Memorial Library of SNazareth ept 7th & 21st- Sign Language Storytime at Memorial Library of Nazareth Sept 9th- Coffee with a Cop at Bitty & Beau’s in Bethlehem, S8:30am ept 9th- Coffee with a Cop at Bitty & Beau’s in Bethlehem, 8:30am Sept 10th- AG Daze fall family event at Molasses Creek Park in Quakertown, S11-4pm ept 10th- AG Daze fall family event at Molasses Creek Park in Quakertown, 11-4pm
908.213.2132 665 Columbus Ave, Phillipsburg NJ "Visit us and enjoy our specialty Italian cuisine, exceptional flavor, environment, and 5 star service" www.ilgaetanoristorantenj.com 40


Kids are back to school & everyone is back in a routine Routines are key to consistency which leads to success This tends to be a great time of year to commit to making healthy & positive changes to your health & wellness. I offer in home workouts & sustainable meal systems along with one on one support for the ultimate total solution Once you join, you will have access to my monthly challenge groups and connect with other like minded individuals You will have full access to over 700+ workout programs that can be streamed right to your home tv or through a firestick or roku, or simply through a phone, ipad, or computer! You will have access to hundreds of delicious recipes that coincide with the meal systems that you will quickly familiarize yourself with If you're tired of your own excuses, let's connect head to my interest form, fill it out, and we will discuss your roadblocks, concerns, hesitations, etc & get you set up for success It starts with YOU! Let's gooooo!
In Good Health, Cassi & Habits are Key
Sleep! Getting enough sleep is also critical to staying healthy and thriving at school. Not getting enough sleep can affect memory, concentration, creativity and learning. In fact, lack of sleep is linked with lower academic performance, school attendance and tardiness.
Exercise! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids 6 years and older get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on most days of the week This can come from walking to and from school, for example, or a sports practice.
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Nutrition! Studies show that children who eat a nutritious breakfast function better at school, for example Many children qualify for free or reduced price food at school, including breakfast 1 2. 3 Follow me on FB: http://www.facebook .com/cassi.lelko/
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WWW.AGINGMOON.COM THEAGINGMOON@GMAIL.COM Happy Summer! Celebrate with an expertly paired cheese board! Use the code LVFM for 15% OFF all orders for the month of August 43

Become a Sponsor! LEHIGHVALLEYFOODMARKETING@GMAIL.COM Feature your restaurant in LEHIGH VALLEY FOOD MAGAZINE and help us on our mission to keep our region up-to-date with the latest and greatest food and drink destinations. Reach a whole new market and help support a small business. Message us to get started today!