The Newsvine Fall 2013

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Fall / Winter 2013 Aiming for Awareness! International Magazine of REVIVAL CENTER UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Business Phone: 209-522-5365




Virginia Aguilera Joshua Aguilera Don Morris, Charlene Wilson Leo & Virginia Aguilera Leo Aguilera, Nicole Evans, Grover Hunt Carol Castillo, Aaron Gomez Josh Aguilera, Jim Campbell Virginia Aguilera Norbert Feliciano, Nathan Garcia

CHURcH staff BISHOP RANDY G. KEYES pastor TODD JOHNSON assistant pastor assistant pastor youth PASTOR resident missionaries aDministrative pastor church secretary SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR MUSIC DIREcTOR Youth PRAISE BAND prayer ministries world missions ladies ministries discipling ministries L.E.A.D. director bible quizzing connect groups community relations pastor’s corner apostolic man ministry heritage keepers Food PantrY & Good samaritan thrift Married Life ministries Hyphen college & career

Uday Narayan Adam Mendoza Jonathan Quinones Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah Don Morris Charlene Wilson Mary Aguirre Tim Montez Joshua Aguilera Charles Bispo Jerry & Andrea Powell Sharon Keyes, Kim Johnson Adam Mendoza Carol Castillo Sujey Diaz Paul & Jenifer Winter Jeremiah Williams Gracie & Greg Delgadillo Alex Diaz Darrell & Jennie Wilson Nancy Williams Santos & Cheryl Ramos Jeriann Powell

CHURcH SERVICES SUNDAY - 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 5.45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. MONDAY - 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY - 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY - 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY - 9:30 P.M.

Sunday School-Children - Tuolumne Sunday School - Adults - Sanctuary Morning Service - Sanctuary Prayer in Sanctuary & for the Sick REVIVAL SERVICE All-Church Prayer Starting Point for New Converts Mid-Week Congregational Service Pulse (Youth Service) Saturday Morning Outreach

NEWVINE is published quarterly by the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto, Inc., 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Postage paid at 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Newsvine, 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to the Newsvine are subject to Pastor’s approval and editing by the Newsvine staff.


A Word from the Editors

How the Newsvine Got Its Name


wenty-four years ago the Lord gave Bishop Keyes and my wife and I a burden to have a historical recording of the events of this church. God blessed us with the ministry of what was then called The Newsletter. It was only a one-page publication that announced a few events and featured the first Testimony of Faith, Brother Scott Mayo. But then in June of 1992, my wife’s Aunt Lee Johnson commented on our publication: “This is not the typical newsletter, but more of a magazine.” My wife and I both began to ponder on this comment and presented it to The Newsletter staff. The staff back then all agreed that what started out as a simple newsletter had evolved by all appearances into a monthly magazine of several pages, filled with reports and photographs. The staff suggested several names like “The Newsmagazine,” and others were more ruminating like “The Trumpeter” and “The Pentecostal Courier.” Finally, all agreed that “The Christian Newsvine” was the best of all that were recommended. The name was an inspiration from the verse: “I am the vine, ye are the branches…” (John 15:5). We then presented the magazine idea and the new name to Pastor Randy Keyes for final input and approval. He agreed The Newsletter had evolved into a publication that could be recognized as a magazine, and after looking at all the suggestions for a name, he too selected “The Christian Newsvine” with the suggestion that we simplify the name to just “The Newsvine.” The staff agreed on our pastor’s wisdom, and this became the official name for our church’s magazine. Through the years, the Lord has been good to our ministry. We have covered an incredible saga of events since November, 1989. And it has taken a considerable amount of effort to keep up with all the news that has happened to the saints of Revival Center. This issue is no exception. This fall has proven to be a spectacular event-filled season. Our reports starting on page 4 begin with the community outreach “Church Outside the Walls.” There is also the pictorial coverage of the very unique “Wailing Wall” service. This brought in a season of revival meetings with outstanding preachers and left our visitors awestruck. There was great preparation made for the annual Stewardship Missions Conference, and during the conference our saints were reminded what an impact they could make to the kingdom of God through our missionary giving. This Newsvine is packed with a lot more. It truly reflects the busiest season of the year for this church. We ask our readers to keep our ministry in your prayers, and we wish all of you a blessed new year with your families and loved ones. Until our next issue, Maranatha, the Lord cometh!

Leo & Virginia Aguilera,


Out of the many outstanding Christian ladies in our church, we focus on giving honor to nine, recognizing their committed service to God’s church.

Sister Bonnie Ketner

Sister Carol Castillo

She is our “Mother of the Church.” A great prayer warrior, Sister Bonnie has been saved since 1957, when she was baptized by Pastor J. E. Rode. For many Sister Castillo was baptized by Pastor Bill Yandres in the decades, she has taught Sunday school from intermediate to high school and Merced church back in 1974. Through the years, she has estabcollege-age youth. She has great rapport with the young people of our church. lished a professional career working for the university system She has participated in church outreach all her Christian walk, knocking on of the state of California. Currently, she is the risk manager for thousands of doors, and leading many visitors to the altar. Past 90, she still UC Merced, south of Modesto. Through her profession, she counsels and gives advice to many church members of all ages. She is a matrihas acquired commendable skills in leadership and managearch to her family and an inspiration to emulate a most gracious lady. ment. Our pastors have tapped into her skills to train our church leaders and new ministers through the church’s L.E.A.D. department. Sister Castillo coordinates all leadership seminars and provides invaluable curriculum for special leadership meetings. She shares her vision for exciting new projects in the future of our Sister Holly is one of our active youth who was church. saved back in 2007. Since then she has become active in outreach and youth services. She has also been a substitute teacher in Sunday school. She enSister Seah hails from O’ Canada. There in Ontario, she joyed being a signer in the Signs for the Time miniswas baptized by her pastor 27 years ago. As a youth, she was try and a lead singer in the Youth Praise Band for our active in teaching Sunday school classes and singing in the Pulse Youth Services. Currently, she is employed part-time at the Stanislaus youth choir. She also got a burden for missions and was an County Children’s Crisis Center. She is a junior at Stanislaus State University A.I.M. worker to Indonesia. She taught Sunday school and where she is majoring in child development. She plans on doing graduate did outreach for missionary Roger White. She also helped the studies for a Masters and PhD. She would like to be a family counselor and Willouby missionaries in Singapore. There she met her hustherapist but will always remain active in church. band Brother Xenn Seah who is currently our resident missionary to the Pacific Rim. Revival Center is thrilled to have the Seah family as members of our church. Sister Seah assists Sister Gracie of the Pastor’s Corner Ministry as a Bible study teacher for the homeless and poor whom she teaches for an hour every Thursday Sister Amador is our church office secretary and re- before a free meal is provided to them by the church. With strong conviction, Sisceptionist. She also assists our church bookkeeper, Sis- ter Seah has a burden for the lost and those hungry for truth. ter Charlene Wilson. Our bishop’s wife, Sister Keyes, commends her for being a constant help in many church projects and communicating skillfully with other churches and ministers. Sister Amador is also the wife of our resident Talk about a soul winner, Sister Angel has proven to have evangelist, Brother David Amador, and mother-in-law to our youth pastor. a burden and love for the lost of Modesto. She was baptized She is more active now than she has ever been since being saved at age 11! when she was 12 years old. Even at an early age, she was involved with door-to-door knocking in our outreach programs. She later became involved with bus ministry and Sunday school. She would eventually be promoted to coordinating all Sister Gracie was baptized at age 11. When she became bus ministry outreach with the bus captains and bus drivers under Sunday School a young adult, she received a strong conviction to serve Superintendent Bob Evans. When the church has had special events, Bishop the Lord and His church with all her heart. She became Keyes, from the pulpit, has challenged Sister Angel to fill the church vans and very active in Sunday school and bus ministry. For many even a whole bus with visitors. She has done it time and time again! She may hold years she taught junior high and early high school age stuthe record of getting visitors to our altars in recent memory. Sister Angel can be dents. She also sang in the choir for many years, but now depended on bringing visitors to this editor’s home Bible study when she attends. she has a strong conviction to help the homeless and the poor of Modesto. The Lord loves a soul winner, and Sister Angel is truly one of God’s favorites! Currently, she is codirector with her husband of the Pastor’s Corner Ministry. Every Thursday you will find Sister Gracie and her staff serving a free meal to well over 100 homeless and poor citizens from all over Modesto. Sister Scott is one of our precious ladies who through the Her staff also offers Bible studies before the meal is served. Her compassion years has been active in just about every ministry. She was for the poor is exemplary of Christ’s commandment in the Gospels. baptized 62 years ago in the Bakersfield church. There and here in Modesto, she has taught every grade level in Sunday school, picked up countless kids and adults for church Pastor Dansby baptized Sister Wilson when she was 17 years services, and sang her heart out in choir. But what she has old. Since then, she has been an invaluable help to the business excelled in has been her ability to fund raise for the church. of our church. She has lent her bookkeeping skills through the From peanut brittle to office forms, she has assisted our Ladies Auxiliary Departyears, and she has seen, firsthand, the growth of Revival Center. She is married to Brother Don Wilson who owns one of the most ment with her tireless labor. She has been appointed to coordinate the bakery fundsuccessful contracting businesses in the Modesto-Ripon region. raising for the past five years. She assigns ladies of our church to bake delicious In her early years of marriage, she assisted her husband in the bus cakes and pastries sold in the foyer of our church after services. Thousands of dolministry of our church. Today, she continues to do the bookkeeping for Revival lars have been raised for the general fund, and each department has benefited from Center, and she holds the office of church secretary. Every department is funded this sister’s dedicated service. She will receive a special reward at the Judgement Seat of Christ for the many souls she has saved through fund-raising. through her watchful eye. The church members appreciate her dedicated service.

Sister Holly Goodrum

Sister Barbara Seah

Sister Rhoda Amador

Sister Angel Padilla

Sister Gracie Delgadillo

Sister Dwanda Scott

Sister Charlene Wilson



Report by Joshua and Leo Aguilera


nspired by the Divas’ Community Outreach in the summer of 2012 (Newsvine Fall Issue 2012), the church leaders during the leaders retreat last January wanted to do something similar. At first plans were being made to have the event at a local park. But Brother Matthew Aguirre proposed the idea to have it in our parking lot in the month of August. There was plenty of room, it would focus on our church location, and the setup would be more convenient and practical. Our pastors liked the idea, and the event was renamed “Church Outside the Walls.” Brother Matthew and his wife Sister Jackie (above right) organized the event with several departments of the church participating. Brother Matthew is the warehouse operation supervisor for the Second Harvest Food Bank in the Manteca/Lathrop towns north of Modesto. With his talents to get big projects done, the tents went up in our parking lot, the food was donated to feed the expected hundreds of guests, and close to 200 backpacks for children were donated to draw students and parents. Over 500 showed up (top photo), raffle tickets and sign-ups for the backpacks were done at the entrance (above left), and Brother Steve Vargas (above center) dished out the delicious hotdogs, among other treats. The music was provided by our ensemble group, along with our children’s church choir (right top photos), led by Brother Tim Montez and Sister Amy Rodriguez. What was fasted and prayed for, the entertainment transformed into a Holy Ghost church service. When the altar call was made, scores came up towards the platform and several received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Baptisms in Jesus’ name were also done in the church, and more visitors came to our church services the next day and were baptized. Pastor Keyes, commemorating the event said, “It amazed me how people began to file out towards the altar – they responded to a 10 minute invitation. If the Apostolic church doesn’t wake up and realize how ripe the harvest is, someone else will. People are more hungry than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.” Pastor Johnson said, “It was a team effort. Stewart James (a personal professional friend of Pastor Johnson) helped sponsor the event. We give God the glory. People yesterday flooded our parking lot. Over 500 people came. They were looking for so much more than a temporary food; they were looking for something from another world that will satisfy their soul. These people matter to God. They are people; they have a soul.”


PEOPLE OF THE STREET by Brother Vincent Jones

(Editor’s Note: Brother Vincent gave me this poem shortly after our Church Outside the Walls event. He is a new convert and is active in our outreach programs. His heart-felt desire is to win souls, especially from the neighborhoods where he has lived.)

If the Apostolic church doesn’t wake up and realize how ripe the harvest is, someone else will.” – Bishop Keyes

“This is a true story and my experience with people of the street. I was one of them – one among many. I came to meet them with my time on the street – they are the ones whom Jesus wants to meet.” People of the street, they are out and about, walking around and not looking so neat, so tired and beat. Always hungry, hardly anything to eat – some can’t even stand on their own two feet. These are the lost sheep that God wants to keep, They are the ones whom we must come to meet.

These people matter to God… they have a soul.” – Pastor Johnson

People of the street, they’re trying to survive at all cost, while living in a world that’s truly lost. Most believe by being deceived, that there is no hope, so they start clinging to dope, not knowing they are heading down a downward slope. We need to let them know about Jesus and not the Pope People of the street living in a world full of greed, these people of the street have a true need. Living in a world full of push and shove, these are the ones that Jesus truly loves. People of the street, some of them are hiding, because they were once found walking with Jesus and are now backsliding. Trying to stay hid for something they did, they fell back to a world that is never kind, fell back to a world where again Satan controls their mind. People of the street, some of them are backsliders, who lost sight of seeing something brighter. People of the street begin to think more and more, they’re all washed up and have nothing to live for. But they are the ones we must not ignore, not forgetting where we were once before.

Above left, the tents served as booths featuring the various departments of the church. Above right, Sister Angie Todd and Sister Lindsay Maynard pray for a visitor who is a direct result of our Saturday Morning Outreach ministry. Sister Lindsay actively assists Director Jerry Todd and is adamant about praying for her guests. For the Church Outside the Walls event, she personally invited 25 guests! God bless Sister Lindsay’s burden for the lost.

The people of the street don’t need our rejection, we need to lead them back in the right direction and let the Lord do the fixing and correction. Jesus has the love, and so we are sent, to let them know with their knees bent, The plan of salvation - it’s time to repent!



Evangelist Greg Coon

Brother Coon hails from Jonesville, Louisiana. He gave us a powerful message on “Living on a Shout!” during a summer visit. He had us on our feet when he said the Christian walk should be from glory to glory, faith to faith, and victory to victory! God is calling His church to lift her voice with a shout. When we do so, God defends us and delivers us. Revival Center appreciated his words of encouragement.

Dr. James Hughes, UPCI Psychologist

Revival Center was honored to have Brother James Hughes visit us in September. With a PhD in psychology, Brother Hughes has been an invaluable resource and consultant for our general fellowship. Special services were arranged for a Tuesday and Wednesday. Our congregation was enlightened by his keen insight on various topics concerning individual issues, family relationships, and above all, our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Like chapters and springing from Proverbs 24:3,4, he addressed the following topics: prayers are hindered when a husband and wife do not get along; it’s what we do with each other that wrecks lives; the men of America are not making their homes safe; you’ve got to guard your garden, men; if you sin, it is not by nature but by choice; concluding with “knowledge changes lives.” On Wednesday night, Brother Hughes dealt with the topic, “Overcoming Adversity,” then proceeded to give us a powerful message on forgiveness. The altar call was phenomenal. Many, like (left photo) Sister Dwanda Scott’s grandson Joel Huber (she is featured on the front cover), sought divine intervention with the powerful anointing after he spoke. The men of Revival Center look forward to his visit at the April’s Men’s Conference.

Three Favorites of Revival Center Always welcomed and deeply loved, Pastor Sam Emery, Evangelist Mark Drost, and Pastor Dannie Hood came to visit us during the fall. Each one delivered inspired sermons to edify with great anointing our church members and visitors. Brother Emery (above left) spoke on “God’s Counter Measure,” Brother Drost (center) during the Sunday before Thanksgiving lifted us with “There Is Something in your Nothing,” and Brother Hood wowed us with “Positioned for the Supernatural!” Our congregation will always appreciate these men’s close bonds with Revival Center.


Wisdom Begins with a Word

Did You Know?

by Brother Jim Campbell

The Panic Room by Sister Carol Castillo

Revival Center Director of LEAD Communication Liaison


hat Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said (John 20:19). Terrorist alerts and weather disasters have made American household panic rooms more popular. This high-tech, fortified concrete and steel-walled room in the center of a house is a place where you can go to hide from danger. A panic room has its own ventilation and phone system and a bank of video security monitors. It’s intended to be a safe, secure mini-fortress in which to hunker down until danger passes. In their despair, the disciples sought out their own “panic room” to hide from Jewish leaders after Jesus was crucified. They ran to an upper room, a place of perceived safety, and barricaded the door. Inside, they huddled in dark shadows, overwhelmed by their failures and afraid for their lives. But Jesus did the impossible. In the midst of this safe, secure, and locked “panic room,” Jesus came and stood among them. He effortlessly stepped through their walls of defense and invaded their fortress from fear. What did Jesus bring into the “panic room”? “Peace be with you,” He said. Jesus brought grace and reconciliation, mercy and forgiveness, strength and joy. Soon the disciples go from fearful to faithful; they go from locked up to sent out. They may have been afraid, but they didn’t stay afraid. Have you shameful failures that you keep hidden from others? “Peace be with you.” Are you anxious about your health and paralyzed by fear for your future? “Peace be with you.” Do you despair of finding answers to your trouble and pain? “Peace be with you.” Jesus loves us in our locked rooms. He is able to appear in the places where we have fled in terror. Our only true refuge is God himself. He is our defense, our strong tower. Our only safety is in him, not in a “panic room” made from our own construction. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” (Psalms 91:1,2)



rayer is one of the highest privileges afforded the saint of God, whether newborn or a veteran of many years. It is also life’s greatest privilege to use the name of Jesus when we pray. Prayer is the offering of thanksgiving, needs, and desires to God in faith. Prayer is far reaching; it enables us to go into areas impenetrable by other forces. Every Christian needs to develop a consistent, faithful prayer life. The Bible teaches us that everything with prayer will make us stronger and will make us a powerful force in our Christian life. Verses in the Bible deal with prayer and obedience; prayer and the armor of God; prayer and faith; and so much more worthy of a personal Bible study. Through the power of prayer we can heal the sick, sanctify our food, unlock prison doors, cast out demons, find salvation, turn back the judgment of God - and so many more phenomenal outcomes. There are higher heights and deeper depths in prayer, and God wants to take us there. He wants to take us places we haven’t been before. There are new dimensions, but if we want God to do something new in our lives, we can’t do the same old thing. It will involve more sacrifice, but if we are willing to go there, we’ll realize that we didn’t sacrifice anything at all. It will involve more risk, but we didn’t actually risk anything at all. When you pray for something constantly until God answers, sometimes it may seem like an exercise in foolishness, but really it is a display in faith that God will answer. Faith is the willingness to look foolish. Noah looked foolish building a boat in the absence of water. The Israelite army looked foolish marching around Jericho blowing trumpets. A shepherd boy named David looked foolish charging a giant with a slingshot. The Magi looked foolish tracking a star across the night sky. Peter looked foolish getting out of the boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, and Jesus looked foolish wearing a crown of thorns. But the results speak for themselves. Noah was saved from the flood, the walls came tumbling down, David defeated Goliath, the Magi discovered the Messiah, Peter walked on water, and Jesus through his resurrection was crowned the King of Kings! The Israelites didn’t conquer Jericho because of a brilliant military strategy or brute force. They learned how to let the Lord fight their battles for them. Praying is far more powerful than any battering ram; it doesn’t just knock down doors, it fells fifty foot high walls. As they marched around those massive walls, it was awe-inspiring and frightening. They finally understood why the generation before them felt like grasshoppers and failed to enter the Promised Land because of fear. What is your Jericho? What promise are you praying for? What miracle are you marching around for? Jericho can be spelled many different ways like victory. If you have a cancer, it can be spelled healing. If your child is far from God, it can be spelled salvation. If your marriage is falling apart, it can be spelled reconciliation. So while God is for us, most of us have no idea what we want from GOD. There is nothing God loves more than keeping promises, answering prayers, performing miracles and fulfilling dreams. That is who He is. That is what He does. So what do you want from God? PRAY ABOUT IT!



Text by Virginia Aguilera, Photography by Grover Hunt & Leo Aguilera


ith hands uplifted to God, we began this year’s Stewardship Missions Conference. It’s theme of “Until the Whole World Knows, Every Tribe, Tongue, and Nation,” truly reflects the heartbeat of Revival Center. We met several of the home and foreign missionaries who were our invited guests, including Brother Elgie Griffin who said, “When God gives you a burden, it’s hard to say no.” A multimedia pre-

sentation by The Newsvine and created by Josh Aguilera highlighted the past missions work sponsored by Revival Center. This year’s conference was dedicated to Resident Missionary Xenn Seah and his wife Sister Barbara who have done a great work in various nations of the Pacific Rim. He has done several missionary trips to the Far East, sometimes risking his life, to spread the gospel to millions. Pastor Keyes prophetically said, “I believe this will be a memorial weekend!” Saturday night continued with the same fervor. We were blessed by the testimonies of more of our missionaries and with spirit-led worship by our Mass Choir. When Reverend Jerry Dean, our main speaker came to the floor, it felt as though there was a cloud of the Holy Ghost hovering over the sanctuary. “You Can’t Worship Without a Sacrifice,” was the title of his message. He reminded the congregation that Jesus talked about money often and actually watched how much money people gave. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21) Brother Dean told us that the danger was not in having money, but the danger was of money having us. He spoke of the man that built bigger barns to hold all that he had been blessed with, hoarding it all for himself, and that God called that man a fool. He went on to say he knew people who left their riches to their backslidden children after they died. Their children did not come back to God, he said, because they had no need of God.


Above, Guest speaker for the conference, Pastor Jerry Dean from Bossier City, LA, poses with our Foreign Missions Director Jerry Powell. At left, honored at the conference by Editor Leo Aguilera on behalf of our church was resident missionary Xenn Seah and his family for his dedicated missionary work in the Pacific Rim. When he was young and going out on outreach, he hoped no one would not come to the door because he was so shy. Then a missionary came to his church and informed them that for every $15 they give, a soul will be won to God. Today it is only $40! “I was excited. I could be a soul winner one way or another!” He spoke of how he was so moved by a Y.O.M missions trip to the Philippines. The missionary there showed them a church where the saints worshiped God on a dirt floor with a blue tarp for a roof. “Something got a hold of me,” said Brother Dean. “We have got to live under the crushing weight of eternity. Every one of us will stand before the judgement seat of Christ and will have to give an account.” Sunday morning we had the honor of hearing from the missionary wives. We were touched and moved by their sacrifice and burden. Sunday night was the culmination of many months of planning, prayer, and of weeks of fasting. After praying for each of our missionaries and their wives, Brother Dean stepped to the pulpit. The title of his sermon was “Redemptive Lift.” Hebrews 11:6 and Isaiah 1:19 were the texts. He gave accounts of faithful, giving people he knew who had been blessed, even in this recession. But, we need to use our finances to finance revival. As he stated Saturday night, we need to live like we are pilgrims, just traveling through this world and not weigh ourselves down with material pleasures. “Why don’t we decide how much we need to live on, and then put the rest into the kingdom of God?” he asked. He went on to say that the devil’s business is to keep our eyes on the battle. God, on the other hand, wants us to keep our eyes on the reward. “Jesus is coming,” he said, “nothing else matters!”

Bishop Randy and Sister Sharon Keyes, Pastor Todd and Sister Kim Johnson, and Sister Andrea Powell pose with this year’s missionary children before the church gave a special cash offering just for the children. What a wonderful group of young missionaries who also sacrifice as their parents follow God’s calling to win the lost.

Friday Night at Stewardship Missions Conference

Combined Spanish choir ministers. Praying for great revival and blessing for our missionaries.

The Mass Choir under the leadership of Music Director Tim Montez (on keyboard) sings “Jesus Is the Same.”

Missionary Terry McFarland (Ireland) prays for those who came forward during the altar call. - CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE -



Saturday Night at Stewardship Missions Conference

Above from left: Worshipping with the choir; Dr. Eugene Wilson and his wife Sister Kerri Wilson epitomize the spirit of the conference with their worship. He is the author of the book Realign and has labored in the Far East; and AIMers to India Leila Abdalla and Aubrey Amador are presented to the church. They will assist Brother Uday Narayan in January, 2014.

Above left, Western District Superintendant Mark Morgan honored us with his presence. Above left from top: Brother Ezekiel Rodriguez (National City, CA), Brother Jacob Palma (Uruguay), and Brother Tirso Gonzalez (Fresno, CA); Choir sings “We Bring Great Praise”; and a circle of united prayer with Pastor Sam Emery.

Sunday Night at Stewardship Missions Conference

From above left clockwise: A final laying on of hands; a bountiful sacrificial offering; Brother Jerry Dean exhorts the congregation to financially support the work of God; Resident Missionary Uday Narayan; Brother Ron Schuenke (Medford, WI); and Brother Dean with Brother David Amador dance with joy!


A Letter of Faith from India PRAISE THE LORD! “For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” (I Corinthians 2:2) First of all, I, Albert Williams, humble myself before the precious name of Jesus Christ. I was born and brought up in a Catholic family. My father was an alcoholic. That is the way our Pictured above is Brother Albert family properties were all lost. Our family had to suffer great financial crisis. During this tribulaWilliams, right, with Brother Raj who tion, Jesus came into my life. I would accept Jesus, as it was a turning point in my life. At the age pastors in Fiji. of 17, during the beginning of my college career, I received Jesus Christ. In the year 1992, I got the opportunity to meet Brother Uday Narayan. He taught me the oneness doctrine and Jesus’ name baptism through the word of God. After that, for eight years, we could not contact each other. Then I contacted Revival Center through the Internet. Brother Uday Narayan came to India again. He helped me in evangelism through the word of God and in many other ways. After taking classes in Bible college, last 19 years I have been a pastor and evangelist in India. Every year Brother Uday Narayan comes to India and encourages and helps me in God’s work. His visits and phone calls are a blessing for our work needed to do God’s ministry. Throughout this period, God used me as a vessel to establish five churches in Cochin area and in Shornur. By God’s grace, this year we could start a new church through our ministry. The average membership is 30 people in each fellowship so far. Through our ministry this year since January, six people have gotten baptized in Jesus’ name and one received the Holy Spirit. This year, our focus is according to Acts 20:20. We are preaching about Jesus publicly, presenting him by going house to house. This is most effective. But the problem we face is, the churches do not have full-time pastors. We are training the youth in our church, and they are conducting church services on Sundays. Soon I will let them conduct the Lord’s supper and other weekly programs and baptisms. During my Bible School time, God gave me a word: Philippians 2:21: “For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s.” I want to heed this verse and avoid being self-centered. “Our labor is not in vain in Jesus Christ.” I express our gratitude and thanks towards Bishop Keyes and Pastor Johnson and the Modesto church. In Christ Love, Brother Albert Williams, Unworthy servant in his service

Preparing for Stewardship Missions Conference with a “Wailing Wall” Service

The success of a missions conference like we have annually cannot happen without the divine favor of our Lord Jesus Christ. The saints at Revival Center must go through a season of prayer and fasting. Pastor Johnson called for a 21 day fast before the conference with several all-church prayer meetings on Monday nights. But before this season of fasting and prayer began, Pastor Johnson organized an unusual service at the end of August which would include a replica of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. When the announcement was made, Master Carpenter Jeremiah Williams and Newsvine Editor Leo Aguilera volunteered to construct the replica. Brother Leo had been to the actual site years before and knew the replica wall had to have faux stones where one could insert between the crevices the written prayer requests on small pieces of paper, which is a tradition at the actual wall. Brother Jeremiah constructed the stones on a frame with cut Styrofoam, and Brother Leo painted the cracks and texture simulating the blocks of stones at the holy site. The prayer service had a most unusual anointing. Pastor Johnson’s inspiration proved to be the ideal spiritual catapult for what was still to come. Brother Keyes and Brother Johnson requested the two replica walls be mounted indefinitely, flanking the front of our sanctuary (right photo) as a memorial of faith to our prayer requests. Let us believe that all those heart-felt requests will be answered.



Pastor’s Corner’s Thanksgiving Meal

On the Thursday before Thanksgiving, Sister Gracie Delgadillo (featured on the front cover) fed the homeless and poor of Modesto with her dedicated staff. Close to 200 attended. But not before Sister Barbara Seah (also on the front cover) gave most of them a Holy Ghost filled Bible study. Let us all continue to pray for this vital ministry reaching out weekly to those in need in our city.

A New Jacket and Usher Newly appointed usher, Brother Leo Wright, poses for a photo wearing one of the new jackets purchased for our usher team. They are black with white monograms. Brother Leo is formerly from East Palo Alto, CA, and is a new church member with his wife, Sister Sherry. She is a former student of this editor at Downey High School. Both are eager to have all their children saved. With such dedicated service, their prayers will be answered!

Revival Center’s Children’s Church on the Move!

Above, the children enjoy a puppet show. Below, invited guest speaker Sister Sujay Diaz inspires!



RC Kids Ministry, which meets in the Youth Chapel during Sunday morning worship service, is already preparing for 2014 with the theme, “World Changers.” In October 2012, when children’s church first started, the chapel was decorated with posters of the world declaring the theme, “We Can Make a Difference!” In just over a year’s time, our children contributed $500 in fund-raising to Africa and reached 1000 souls with the gospel. Just recently after the typhoon hit the Philippine Islands, our children sent 14 boxes of donated items to be distributed by our missionaries there. Now this ministry is preparing to reach out to the country of Uruguay. During the Stewardship Missions Conference, RC Kids Ministry Director John Rodriguez spoke with our visiting missionaries from that country. He found out that the country has a National Kids holiday every August. In just a few more months, our children will send some form of aid and gospel literature to Uruguay. Back at home plans are being made for each child to raise funds and pay their own way to Junior Camp this summer. We appreciate Brother John and Sister Amy Rodriguez (pictured below with their own kids) for their faithful dedication to keep our children involved with the Great Commission. The Rodriguez Family; Lance, John, Amy, & Gianna

(Editors Note: Some of our veteran readers will remember that we ran Brother Jeremiah Williams’ testimony in 1990 in our April issue of that year. It is worth reading again. Known nationwide for his carpentry skills, and even more so for his faith in the true gospel, Brother Williams is invaluable assisting our bishop and pastor. So many department heads have asked him for favors through the years, including this editor. His influence and impact on the political leaders of Modesto are widespread and well-deserving. A list of his numerous civic duties follow this testimony. The first time this editor ever saw Brother Williams was 25 years ago when he was preaching on the street corner of Dale and Briggsmore in front of the mall. I was impressed with his boldness. He may not do this anymore, but he is still a fanatic for Jesus. READ AND BE INSPIRED!)



was born in San Francisco to a mother and father who once believed in the Apostolic doctrine. But while I was still very young, my parents backslid. At the age of five, my father was incarcerated, leaving my mother to raise four children. I never understood exactly what crime it was my father had committed. My mother moved us to Oakland to a neighborhood of ethnic minorities. Even though I was black, I never had a problem getting along with the Hispanics and whites. However, I never did have a close friend during my childhood. At the age of 11, my father was released from jail. When he came home, I remembered the strain between my parents. He began to develop a problem with alcohol. He worked as a cook in restaurants, and then one day within earshot of our house, he wrecked the family car. He was not hurt, but the car was totaled. It wasn’t long afterwards that suddenly my mother left us. I remember my sister Esther tell me the news after school, and I would not believe her. My heart broke when I saw the evidence that all her belongings were gone. My father was overwhelmed. We couldn’t believe that my mother was now leading a sinful life and was determined to divorce herself from our family. It was the late 1970s and alternative lifestyles were becoming the trend. Being released from prison just a few months before and still feeling distant from his children, my father decided to place us in foster homes. I can’t remember most of what happened during this time. I suppose that this may be due to the shock and emotional trauma I experienced. Between the ages of 11 and 15, I was placed in 13 foster homes. One placement almost lasted two years. During this time, I became faithful to a Baptist church near the home I was staying. I remember the pastor liking me and appreciating my help in a develop-

ing carpentry skill that came natural to me. One time I built a 8 x 10 prop and painted it for a church drama. I carried it all the way to the church, three blocks away, just in time for the play. I loved the feeling of belonging to this congregation, and I learned that there was a The Williams family in a more happier God who cared for me. I time. Brother Williams is on Daddy’s lap. also worked in a department store. I did not get involved with drugs and alcohol, but was considered clean cut. The security of this placement was shattered when I was transferred to the Snedikar Cottage Placement Home in my mid-teens. The social workers enrolled me into the Oakland Renaissance Art School. They wanted me to develop my talents in artistic carpentry. There is where I heard my mother had moved to Modesto and had taken in my sisters to live with her. I wanted to move to Modesto to be near them. I asked if I could become a ward of the courts, and they granted my request. I was put on a bus to Modesto. When I arrived, a social worker met me at the bus depot and drove me to my new foster home.

A BIZARRE TURN OF EVENTS I was enrolled into Modesto High School and excelled in my art and shop classes. That is when I met two brothers who got me involved in drugs and rock ‘n roll. They were in their early 20s, and they petitioned the courts to make me their ward. I moved in with them, and started to party with them. I became fascinated with the organization of parties and discovered I had a talent for announcing, organizing, and playing the music. Yes, I became a disc jockey for gigs in the early 1980s. We began to have a reputation of being the best DJs in the Central Valley. I was deeply involved in selecting the best disco and pop music. The brothers and myself organized huge parties at Beard Brook Park, the Legion Hall, the California Ballroom, and the Stockton Civic Auditorium. We also organized concerts for local groups. We hired our own security, bouncers, and bartenders. Some parties gave us a profit of $10,000 in one night. I was also being booked for weddings, anniversaries, and quincerieras - a coming-out party for teenage Mexican girls.



THE PATH TO PERDITION By age 17, there was nothing I didn’t try. I was abusing alcohol, barbiturates, amphetamines, crack, and cocaine. Through my connections, I began to sell dope to students in high school and junior high. At that time, I considered selling recreational drugs strictly business and had no remorse selling to high school kids. The two brothers, Wesley and Olan, were the only ones I cared about - they had become my family. I also became involved with many women. I never told my age, and many times, I dated women several years older than I. It wasn’t long before the law caught up with me. Before I was arrested, I ran away to Oakland. I continued to be involved with drugs, but I kept myself low key. Before long I had connections again with money, women, and all the dope I needed. I thought I had lived a full life by the time I was almost 18 years old. That is when I decided to kill myself. I remember one night making my way to the beach at Old Cliff House on Ocean Boulevard in San Francisco. I set myself near a tunnel below the highway out of view of those who might be passing by. It was a cold winter night, and I knew I would be alone on the beach. I placed my ghetto blaster at my side and turned on my music. I heard the waves crashing against the rocks, and in that darkness, I took a full bottle of pills each containing 500 mgs of a sedative. The only thing I remember is lying still and the sensation of sleep coming over me. Then I had the horrible experience of pitch darkness. I was terrified. When I came to, someone had taken my radio, and I had no concept of time. I was groggy and still out of it. I thought for sure I would be dead, but now that I look back, I may have slept almost 3 days in that spot. Evidently, the drugs didn’t stop my heart, but they sure shut down my brain! It still amazes me that I can’t remember finding my way back to Oakland. If God had his eye on me then, I am grateful. I should have been dead.

A DIVINE INTERVENTION When my head cleared, I decided to go back to Stanislaus County and turn myself in. I was sentenced by a Modesto judge and transferred to an honor farm just outside Half Moon Bay, a small community south of San Francisco. I stayed there for eight months. Again, I became involved in wheeling and dealing among my fellow inmates. Amazingly enough, I also started an art school there. When I was released, I returned to Modesto, and I became more conscientious of avoiding the law. I moved in again with Olan and Wesley, and we again went into a business partnership, opening a record shop on ninth Street. While there, an old party friend named Joe Lorona knocked on my door and invited me to church. I thought he had come to make a dope deal, but this was definitely not the same person. Joe’s face was glowing like the sun. Even though I was impressed with his metamorphosis, it would be seven months before I would accept his invitation. One day, Wesley and Olan told me that they were closing the record store and wanted to know if I would move with them to Stockton where they had already opened another record shop. When they asked me, I couldn’t forget Joe’s invitation. I also re-


membered that at the last party where I had been the DJ, I had played a record backwards while zigzagging it on the record player. Suddenly, the words blared out, “I’ll see you in the house of hell! The house of hell! The house of hell!” For the first time I was revolted by the music I’d learn to love and worship. God began to deal with me. I felt a strong desire to start going to church. I decided that, if I was to go to church, it would have to be a church that would be strong enough to keep me in line. So I told Olan and Weslie that I would stay in Modesto. That night, which was a Wednesday night, I drove to Joe’s church which was the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto. I came in and recognized familiar faces who had been former party buddies with me. When the altar call was given, I walked down with a rather cool attitude. But then it hit me - I found myself spending two hours at the altar repenting. I cried and wept, feeling the powerful presence of God and my soul. There were 10 altar workers praying with me. When I went back to the record shop the next day, I began to have visitors from the church come by. Sister Jackie, Brother Reuben, Brother Floyd, Brother Joe, and Brother Kelly Howard kept coming in and encouraging me to come back to church. Through the consistent contacts with me, I kept visiting the church. I also brought a friend named Patrick Peterson to come along with me. I suddenly found myself reaching a crisis of the following decision: was I going to continue the life of the DJ, or was I going to be a child of God? On a Wednesday night, Patrick and I went to church a little high. While I listened to the preaching I fell asleep. I awoke at the end of the sermon quite sober. Instantly, I was determined to pray for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Patrick also went up at the altar call, and we both began to earnestly seek the in-filling of the Holy Ghost. Before I knew it, Patrick was speaking in tongues, and they were getting him prepared to be baptized in water. When he stepped into the tank, I became very excited. I approached the baptistery which is about five feet high from the floor. When I saw him go under the water, I leaped from the floor into the baptistry with all my clothes right into the water with him. Everyone told me later they were amazed by my impossible jump. Kelly Howard, drenched by the sudden splash, asked me if I wanted to be baptized. I shouted, “YES!” Then the Holy Spirit descended on me, my mouth was loosened, and the tongues burst forth. His Spirit has been with me ever since. From that moment on, the greatest desire in my life is to reverse the influence I had on so many during my sinful years of living. I am determined to touch more lives with my Christian testimony and Christ’s saving power! God bless Brother Williams and his family with his burden for lost souls.

Dedicated to His Church and Community Brother Williams not only is a vital church member to Revival Center, but he has also become a phenomenally active citizen of Modesto. Since he became a business owner of his carpentry business, Oak Crafts, over 20 years ago, he has immersed himself into community affairs, sparked by his membership with the local Chamber of Commerce. The following is an impressively prolific list of community

recognitions and the civic organizations with which he has actively been involved: * Past President Healthy Start School Base Clinic (1991-1992) • Past President Downtown Modesto Association • Vice President Modesto Chapter N.A.A.C.P. (2005) • Vice President Modesto Kiwanis Club (2005-2006) • Stanislaus County Human Rights Commission officer (2005• Modesto City School – Bond Oversight Commissioner (2004-2007) • Board of Director- Doctor’s Medical Center Foundation (1998-2009) • Board of Director – Modesto Chamber of Commerce (2005-present) • Board of Director - Downtown Modesto Association (1994-2006) • Northern California Director- Bio-ethical Reform (2000-2010) • Amegen – Co-Chairman/Festival Event (2008–present) • President of the Kiwanis Club (2006-2007) • Board of Trustee Gallo Performing Arts (2006-present) • City of Modesto Charter review committee (2007-2008) • Appointed City Modesto Co-Chair 2006 for the All American Cities Competition • Chair Community Action Coalition of Stanislaus County (1999-) • Chair (Logistic) International Festival (2001- present) • Chair African American Council Modesto Chamber of Commerce (2002-present) • Community gang task force member Modesto (present) • Licensed Minister- United Pentecostal Church International (1998- present) • Business Owner 22 years (Oak Crafts by Jeremiah) (1987- present) • Latino Community Roundtable past board member/member (2003present) • Latino of the Year award (2004) LCR • Motivational Speaker • CASA Board (2008 – 2009) • Project Uplift mentoring program charter member (2007- present) • Vice-chairman of internal operations Modesto Chamber of Commerce (2007-2009) • Elected-Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Division 46 (oversees 16 clubs) (2009-2010) • Gideon (2006- present) • Promise Scholar – CSUS Turlock Board member (2010 – present) • Greater Tree Foundation Board member (2008- present) • Greater Tree Foundation President (2010- present) • King Kennedy Board of Director (2010- present) • Celebration of Dad Founder (2005-present) • Weed & Seed Committee/Partner • Community Relations Directors United Pentecostal Church (2007- present) • Hispanic Leadership Council member (2005-present) • Attendee of the Historic Inauguration of The First Black President Washington, DC (2009) • National Night Out – Co-Block Captain (2009-present) • Yes for Library Campaign Member (2010-2012) • Organizer March Against Gang Violence (2004 & 2008) • CDC Charter Board Member/ Secretary (2009- present) •President King Kenndy Board of Directors 2012•100 Arch committee member /Celebration •Chairman- 4th of July Parade 2010-Present * Board member -Downtown Collaborative-2013-present * Board Member - Boys & Girls Club of Stanislaus Co 2011-present * Board Member- Modesto Gospel Mission- 2012-present * Crystal Clear award recipient for Lifetime Achievement business award/ community servant award of Stanislaus County-(2012) * Yr2011/Yr2012 Nominated /Community service presented by Modesto Chamber of Commerce

He also has formed many friendships with local leaders and many national leaders from Sacramento to Washington DC. A lot of his “political buddies” always stop by Revival Center, seeking our votes during election years. Many of our church members can’t wait for him to one day run for mayor. Modesto will be in much better hands should Brother Williams ever run for office.

These photos show some of his political friends who highly respect this one God believing Pentecostal. Above left, Brother Williams poses with former Mayor Jim Ridenour. Above right, County Sheriff Adam Christianson thanks the master carpenter for his contribution of memorials for recently slain officers on duty on display at our county building. In the photos below, Brother Williams poses with Senator Dianne Feinstein and State Assemblyman Sal Canella.


Brother Williams and Sister Nancy have been happily married since 1986. They are the proud parents of one daughter, Savannah, and two sons, Michael and Joshua. Sister Nancy has supported her husband in all his civic duties and has been very active at Revival Center as a Sunday school teacher, Mass choir member, juvenile hall spiritual counselor, our church food pantry director, and our senior banquet coordinator. They are truly awesome examples of disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ!




825 7th St. Modesto, CA 95354-3414

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