The Newsvine, Summer 2017

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A Word from the Editor



n Monday, August 21, I was able to be in Salem, Oregon, at 9:00 a.m. The sky was clear, free of clouds in all directions. I chose the Target store parking lot to get an unobstructed view of the phenomena. It paid off! As the eclipse began, the temperature began to drop, the colors on the buildings began to change, and the edges of my shadow on the pavement became fuzzy. Right before the sun was completely obscured, the street lights began to turn on along with most of the neon signs in the shopping center. All the employees of the Target store had come outside the store. As it quickly began to darken, I looked one more time through the eclipse glasses and saw the last sunlight disappear behind the moon. Then the sun’s corona seemed to burst all around the pitch blackness of the orb of the moon. The crowd gathered around me gasped. You could see the corona with the naked eye. What a wondrous display it was! For two minutes and two seconds the star of Venus appeared near the orb. I noticed all around me the horizon glowed like a sunset except toward the east where the shadow of the moon would traverse across the United States for the next ninety minutes. I had traveled to Salem on my own, determined not to miss this opportunity to see God’s mighty wonder. As I stood there enjoying the once in a lifetime event, I couldn’t help but wonder what the return of our mighty King, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, will be like, coming back will all His raptured saints. All eyes will see Him. Now that is an event I will not miss! In this issue we have loaded the pages with articles and photos of a phenomenal summer. The Lord keeps blessing our congregation with A NEW THING, this year’s theme. Dear reader, don’t forget to access the expanded version of this issue online by simply typing into Google: thenewsvine. More pages are there to enjoy! And keep in your prayers, the churches in the path of Hurricane

Maranatha, the Lord cometh!, Editor LEO AGUILERA



“Aiming for Awareness!” Summer 2017 REVIVAL CENTER UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Business Phone: 209-522-5365

email us at

Google us at thenewsvine or follow us on EDITOR LEO AGUILERA


Virginia Aguilera Joshua Aguilera Charlene Wilson Leo & Virginia Aguilera Leo Aguilera, Grover Hunt Gabriel Chavoya, Isaac Pena Jim Campbell, Carol Castillo Josh Aguilera Virginia Aguilera Norbert Feliciano

CHURcH SERVICES SUNDAY - 9:30 A.M. Sunday School-Children - Tuolumne 9:45 A.M. Sunday School - Adults - Sanctuary 10:30 A.M. 2:00 A.M. 5.30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. MONDAY - 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Thursday - 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY - 10:00 A.M.


Starting Point for New Converts Morning Service - Sanctuary Spanish Service Prayer in Youth Chapel REVIVAL SERVICE All-Church Prayer Mid-Week Service, K.R.E.W Pulse (Youth Service) Spanish Service Saturday Morning Outreach


Church staff


assistant pastor assistant pastor youth PASTOR resident missionaries church secretary SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR K.R.E.W. Kids prayer ministries Word Ministry Choir world missionS ladies ministries (S.H.E.) discipling ministries L.E.A.D. director PURPOSE INSTITUTE OUTREACH Life groups community relations apostolic man ministry BUFF (Men’s 50+) HYPHEN (Young Adults) THRIVE (Young Marrieds) spanish services Nursing Home Ministry Food for Thoughts & Food PantrY BIBLE QUIZZING

Uday Narayan Dana Le Blanc Jonathan Quinones Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah Charlene Wilson Mary Aguirre Kim Johnson Charles Bispo Dana Le Blanc Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre Jerry & Andrea Powell Priscilla Gomez Chris Harris Carol Castillo Jerry Powell & Carol Castillo Leonard Alvarez Jonathan Quinones Jeremiah Williams Alex Diaz Herb Jenkins Jeriann Powell Aaron & Shannon Gomez Antonio Gutierrez Joyce Jones Nancy Williams Sujay Diaz

NEWVINE is published quarterly by the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto, Inc., 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Postage paid at 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Newsvine, 825 7th St., Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to the Newsvine are subject to Pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.



he very existence of Jesus has been questioned by historians through the ages, and even more in the present age. But the major historians of the past centuries admit they cannot deny the power and testament of the four Gospels. Though Bible skeptics will find a hundred contradictions between the four evangelists’ writings, these contradictions are minute. In fact, Will Durant, the most noted historian of the 20th century and author of the elevenvolumed Story of Civilization, said, “in essentials, the synoptic Gospels agree remarkably well, and form a consistent portrait of Christ.” He ends his argument for Christ having lived as depicted in the vivid accounts described by the Gospel writers with this exclamation of historical logic: “no one....can doubt the reality of the figure behind them. That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels.” The Jewish scholar J. Klausner wrote in his work From Jesus to Paul (1943), “If we had ancient sources like those in the Gospels for the history of Alexander or Caesar, we should not cast any doubt upon them whatsoever.” WHAT ABOUT THE ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS? How reliable is the authenticity of the ancient copies of the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament? Although the original manuscripts are lost, throughout the archives of educational institutions and museums there exists approximately 25,000 manuscripts of the 27 books of the New Testament hand-copied from 125 A.D. to the Gutenberg printing press era in the 1400s. There exists over 5,300 ancient Greek copies from the New Testament alone, the rest are 10,000 copies of Latin, and 9,300 copies in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Coptic. These manuscripts are either whole compositions of the 27 books or in fragments. But one incredible feature stands out from all those copies made in the past - what we read today in our own Bibles is remarkably accurate with those manuscripts from ancient times through the Middle Ages. The ancient scribes and monks who hand-copied the sacred scriptures were convicted of keeping the Gospel message pure and intact. Perhaps they believed the divine warning found in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation against altering any sacred passage of what John wrote applied to the entire Bible. The narrations of the life of Jesus we read today were exactly what the first Christians read and heard in the ancient church 2,000 years ago! Also, the earliest non-Christian manuscripts are numerous. Josephus, the ancient Hebrew historian, wrote before the end of the first century in his Antiquities of the Jews (90 A.D.): “At that time lived Jesus, a holy man, if man he may be called, for he performed wonderful works, and a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. And he was followed by many Jews and many Greeks.

He was the Messiah. When Pilate, upon hearing him accused by men of the highest standing among us, had condemned him to be crucified, those who in the first place came to love him did not give up their affection for him, for on the third day, he appeared to them restored to life. The prophets of God had prophesied this and countless other marvelous things about him. And the tribe of Christians, so called after him, have still to this day not died out.” The ancient accounts of Pliny and Tacitus, Roman historians, verified the crucifixion of Christ under Pontius Pilate. Then there is this historical fact - there is no reference in ancient times that any Roman or Hebrew historian debated Jesus existed! WHAT ABOUT THE SUPERNATURAL CLAIMS? This is the question which divides the skeptic from the believer. The composing of the writings of Paul and the apostles by them have been proven to be an historical fact. Historians also place the dates of these writings beginning within thirty years after Jesus lived and taught. Scholars especially focus on Paul and his writings. Paul is accepted by the secular world as one of the greatest minds in history. His passages can be found in AP English exams subject to analysis. And yet, he started out as an enemy to the ancient church by his own admission. His conversion did not alter his intelligence, but rather reinforced the “facts” that changed his world view. His epistles to the first generation of the church are filled with references to the life, miracles, and teachings of Jesus either told to him by eyewitnesses who saw the miracles or he had access to the books of Mark and Luke, the first Gospels scholars believe were written. In fact, Mark and Luke were Paul’s traveling companions during his missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire. This begs the question why such a brilliant scholar and zealot of the Jewish faith had an about face in his beliefs. In fact, with Paul, hundreds of thousands in the first generation after Christ lived on earth were also converted. If the supernatural claims of miracles, divine interventions, and the resurrection of Christ were mere fabrications, why would these multitudes of Christians believe in lies, myths, and narratives admittedly filled with astonishing literary qualities of vivid descriptions and emotional impact? Why would they suffer to be tortured and give their lives during the persecutions of the Roman emperors for a lie? The power of eye-witness accounts and writings of absolute conviction helped develop a tremendous faith in Christ’s followers right after His death, burial and resurrection. But nothing reinforces more the living Christ than the miracles, divine interventions, and God’s favor that continues among His believers to this day. The Christian’s faith today is rewarded with such powerful evidence that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28


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Vinney Zapien

Taryn Chavez

Cody Broyles-Rodela

Kiara Denney

Eliza Flores

Oakdale High School College: CSU, Stanislaus Career Plans: Biological Studies

Davis High School College: MJC Career Plans: Nursing

Lauren Hunt

Whitmore Charter High School College: MJC Career Plans: Nursing or Teaching



Enochs High School College: CSU, Stanislaus Career Plans: Physician Assistant

Davis High School College: MJC Career Plans: Optometry

MaKayla Johnson

Whitmore Charter High School College: MJC Career Plans: Veterinarian

CSU, Stanislaus BA in Liberal Studies Credential Program, CSU, Stanislaus Career Plans: 4th/5th Grade Teacher

Abigail Gutierrez Davis High School College: MJC Career Plans: Pharmacist

John Marciel

Denair High School College: MJC Career Plans: Veterinarian



Newsvine photographer Isaac Pena took this great shot of the wives of our pastor and bishop on Mother’s Day. Sister Sharon Keyes gazes with love and admiration for her daughter, Sister Kim Johnson, as only a mother can. God bless them both!

Teacher of the Year!

Newsvine Associate Editor Virginia Aguilera was honored by the Ceres Unified School District as Teacher of the Year for Whitmore Charter High School. Virginia has taught for sixteen years. Currently, she teaches American Sign Language, Yearbook, and ASB Leadership, overseeing student activities. The photo to the left shows District Superintendent Scott Siegel and School Board President Teresa Guerrero making the presentation. Below left, Virginia’s proud family, Jeannette, Joshua, and Leo, pose with her. The photo below has Pastor Johnson presenting the district’s plaque to Virginia before the congregation. Several of our young people attend her school. Congratulations, Mrs. Aguilera!

Western District Choir Arrives Youth singers of our district called THE WAY choir, led by Brother Luis Lenzi (left) of East Valley Pentecostal Church of San Jose, gave an inspirational concert at Revival Center. They went on to bless other churches in our district this summer. God bless their ministry.

The Way Choir Director Luis Lenzi


Sister Bonnie Ketner 1924 - 2017

An excellent woman, who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls. ~ Proverbs 31:10 (AMP)

By Associate Editor Virginia Aguilera


mighty Mother of Zion has passed from these shores to the waiting arms of her Savior, a good and faithful servant to the end. How can we put into words the impact Sister Ketner has left on Revival Center? It is a legacy of prayer, faithfulness, loyalty, and a deep love for souls. We will try, but surely fall short. In prayer, She was a fierce prayer warrior. Her fervent prayers would boom across the prayer room in her deep, commanding voice. Without a doubt, demons would shutter and angels stood alert when she would pour out her petitions before her Lord. Her family attested that she would pray every morning and evening, calling out names of her loved ones and covering the church with her prayers. It meant a great deal that she would include The Newsvine ministry in those prayers. She knew that “effective, fervent prayer...availeth much.” (James 5:15 KJV). Bishop Keyes remembers that many times when he 6


would go down to the old church, he would find Sister Ketner faithfully praying. She never let up and could always be found before church praying and during Monday night prayer meeting. I would like to think that if I opened a dictionary and looked for the definition of “faithful” I would find a picture of Sister Ketner. For 57 years, she sat in the same seat in church, worshipped and prayed with the same fervency, no matter what circumstances came her way--and there were some very devastating ones. She was a rock: unmovable, unshakable. She was someone we could count on to stay the course. Her faithfulness and deep faith and trust in God caused her to be absolutely loyal to the doctrine, to the church, and to the man of God. God forbid that anyone would criticize the church or her pastor in front of Sister Ketner. Look out; you would get a piece of her mind. When Bishop Keyes felt it was time to announce Pastor Johnson as his future successor, there was no hesitation in this great lady. She knew Bishop Keyes had prayed and felt it was God’s will, so that was good enough for her. She loyally supported the Johnsons from day one. Was there anyone who spent more hours knocking on doors or calling to invite people to church than Sister Ketner? How many souls has she touched? Her deep burden for the youth led her to teach the Young People’s Sunday School class for years until her health would no longer permit. How she would pray for

them with a deep burden, knowing the challenges they faced. She also opened her home up for fellowship and even from time to time invited young girls to live with her. Sister Gracie Delgadillo is a product of her love and compassion. Sister Ketner was considered a mother to many. How can we go on without her? - by emulating the example she left us. We can be prayer warriors, calling on the armies of heaven to protect and defend, calling down miracles and blessings. We can come early for prayer and work the altars, helping to birth new souls and encouraging others. We can push aside our weariness, pain, and problems to come faithfully to church. We can eagerly and enthusiastically worship God, remembering all His mighty blessings. We can be loyal to the Apostolic faith and to our pastor as he follows Christ. Finally, we can, as Sister Ketner did, faithfully work for His kingdom, looking for opportunities to witness and to minister to others. Yes, Sister Ketner was a precious jewel, and we will greatly miss her. But let us continue in her example and be found faithful when the Lord calls us home. I want to say a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the family to everyone for their cards, visits, food, calls, and prayers. Thank you also for those who traveled far and near to attend her service. Your support and show of love for my mother is greatly appreciated and means the world to us. ~ Sister Lana Fletcher

Teaching the youth Sunday School class. Faithful altar worker Bishop Keyes commends Sister Ketner at her 80th birthday celebration.

Honoring Newsvine editors, the Aguileras, at the Senior Banquet

Sister Ketner honors Sister Keyes.

Praying with Bishop Mark Morgan, District Superintendent of the Western District

“She loved souls like nobody I’ve ever known.” - Pastor Keyes Another lap for Jesus!

Her children, Jodi, Jack, Lana, and Debbie honor her at her 80th birthday celebration. Sister Ketner takes a victory lap with Brother Julio Hernandez.

Testifying with Sister Narayan

Evangelist Greg Godwin with Sister Ketner, Brother Jeremiah, and Brother Todd, show their support for the Johnsons.

“Revival Center has lost a spiritual giant.” - Pastor Johnson

With her friends Sister Milroy & Sister Taylor

Google: thenewsvine for more photos


Brother Michael Ensey preaches on “The Faith Factor.�

General Superintendent David Bernard welcomes all to the event.

Brother Anthony Trimble, one of the praise singers, testifies of his divine healing of stage-4 colon cancer.



hat a historical and spectacular gathering occurred in the last week of July when 34,000 young people from the student and Hyphen groups of the United Pentecostal Church assembled for three days of anointed services in the Lucas Oil Stadium of Indianapolis, Indiana. This was perhaps the greatest Apostolic oneness gathering on our continent ever! Organized by National Youth President Michael Ensey and his team, the line-up of speakers, teachers, worship singers and the wellorganized events were truly led and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Every two years the premier youth congress of our organization gathers in a city in North America for what is called the North American Youth Congress (NAYC). Along with the great services and events, this gathering is an advantageous opportunity for great fellowship among our young people representing churches from everywhere in our nation.



The church of tomorrow praises with a dance of enthusiasm!

Pastor Sam Emory of Merced, CA, preached on Thursday night, “Is That This?”

Permission of photo taking given to Editor Leo Aguilera by Director of Promotion Justin Reinking

Brother Victor Jackson from Belleview, FL, preaches on, “A Call to Greatness!”

The people of Indiana were very friendly and welcoming to our mighty host of attendees. There was a welcome letter read to the great gathering from the Vice President of the United States, former governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, who also sent salutations from President Trump. This editor walked a mile and a half up downtown north for camera equipment and was graciously given a ride back to my hotel by the owner of the camera shop. Talk about neighborly! Revival Center sent 54 from our church. The trip was organized by our Youth Pastor John Quinones and Hyphen Director Jeriann Powell. All who went were thrilled they were able to attend, including this editor and his son Joshua. The next NAYC gathering is scheduled for August 2, 2019, (should the Lord tarry) at The Dome at America’s Center in St. Louis, Missouri. So now‘s the time to start saving up for another historical Youth Congress.


Many pastors accompanied their youth and were a welcomed presence, especially when it came to the end of the preaching. Above, Pastor John Genn from Lone Grove, OK, prays for his youth, as our own pastor, left photo.



he NAYC team had General Superintendent David Bernard and our own Youth Pastor John Quinones teach in convention center rooms side by side. Brother Bernard talked to young ministers and those feeling the call. He focused on the “Ministry of the Gospel”, concentrating on a personal relationship with Christ and all that comes with it, then outreach, inreach, and the opportunity to speak. From there he spoke on having a firm foundation on experience and doctrine, having a horizontal and vertical approach with the church and finally ensuring that the young minister must accept all the gifts of the Spirit to be operating in and around his ministry. He encouraged those desiring to enter the ministry to visit, a step-by-step site to obtaining a license through courses and training. Brother Quinones spoke to youth leaders from around the nation on the topic, “The Difference a Youth Leader Makes.” He used humor and wit when he focused on three areas: initiative, being relentless and intentional, for variables can happen in reaching goals and targets with what a leader wants to accomplish working with young saints. God bless the messages these great teachers taught to those who attended! Right photo, aspiring minister Nick Frizzle from Lufkin, TX, listens to Dr. Bernard and is inspired.

Many traveled from foreign countries to experience NAYC. The Amadors with grandson Gavin pose with Pastor Eric and Sister Yvonne Winkelaar from the Netherlands.

Brother Joshua, Pastor Johnson. Brothers Amador & Quinones pose for the camera, as do chaperone Angel Padilla, and her daughter. Adina.

CENTER PARTICIPATES BIG Modesto Celebrates REVIVAL TIME! Independence Day

When it comes to the 4th of July, Modesto does it big, with fireworks and even a parade through the streets of downtown. What’s amazing is that the parade has been a Modesto tradition since 1874! Currently the parade is organized by the Modesto Kiwanis Club, and chaired by our very own Jeremiah Williams. The parade opened with a tribute to Deputy Wallace and CSO Johnson who recently passed away in the line of duty. A spectacular 1000 foot American flag was dropped from 10,000 feet, guided down by sky diver Kent Lane. It was followed by Brother Josh Aguilera’s singing of The National Anthem. In fact, it seemed everywhere you looked, there were Apostolics, from Brothers Danny and Darren Gregory who ran the sound, to a very patriotic Meryl Fletcher who assisted the Williams, and Nancy Williams worked hard to see that the VIP tent was well stocked with refreshments. Brother and Sister Williams are to be commended for their dedicated service not only to Revival Center, but to the community of Modesto.

Parade Chairman Jeremiah Williams

Meryl Fletcher

Danny & Darren Gregory

Jeremiah Williams & Josh Aguilera Nancy & Jeremiah Williams

Care Pastors


ur church is blessed to have faithful men who are Care Pastors to assist Pastor Johnson in ministering to the members of Revival Center. They are (from left): Paul Winter, Ruben Domingues, Leonard Alvarez, Antonio Gutierrez, Andrew Amador, Bill Paul, Steve Vargas, Charlie Bispo, Jim Campbell, Aaron Gomez, Floyd Havner, and Vinny Zapien. (Chris Castro and Lonnie Loftus are not pictured). If you do not know who your Care Pastor is, or if you haven’t been assigned one yet, please see Brother Uday Narayan.


Focus on Recent Events



evival Center was blessed recently by the annointed ministries of Evangelist Mark Drost (left), Evangelist Josh Herring (above, directing a powerful prayer line for healings, and on the right with his beautiful family), and Pastor Jeniva Mpofu (right) of Calvary Apostolic Assembly in Birmingham, England, and formerly of South Africa. All three of these men have dynamic ministries which draw both the visitor and the saint to the altar. God is greatly using these powerful preachers to build and strengthen His kingdom.


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rother Andrew Amador (above photo) was approached by Pastor Johnson to organize a men’s age group for 20 to 50 year olds, that would be vital for fellowship and Bible studies. Thus Devout Men came into being. One of their first events was going into the Mother Lode foothills and having a great barbecue at the home of Brother Richard Farias. Not only did they feast well (above, center photo), but they also visited the waterfall of Lion’s Den Reservoir (left photos). They opened the Word and made a covenant with one another to support each other spiritually. The next event is to join with the older men’s group, BUFF, for a men’s retreat at Oakhurst Ranch.



rother Todd Lauderdale is spearheading a new outreach into our local Gospel Mission. His fervor and anointed preaching and teaching have caught the attention of the mission directors. They have scheduled him to preach and teach the full Gospel several times each month. Brother Uday Narayan has also participated in coming to speak, along with Brother John Ryan from our Gustine daughter work. Brother Todd has also been invited to preach at the Manteca and Turlock missions. Since he has started, almost 20 have been baptized in our church. These new converts take up the first pew of our church. All glory be to our Lord Christ Jesus!

Are You Fit For Duty? “... Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” 2 Tim 2:21


maintenance worker suffered a head injury and later began behaving and responding erratically. His concerned employer began to question the worker’s ability to do his job and required him to take a fitness-for-duty exam. This medical and psychological evaluation would determine whether the worker’s condition prevented him from doing his job safely and without undue risk. Did you know that God requires a fitness for duty evaluation before He employs us? You’d think the qualities required would be impressive spiritual gifts, amazing talent, intelligence and abilities, impeccable Christian lineage, or superb Biblical scholarship. But in Tim. 2:20-22, Paul told Timothy the qualification of a vessel fit for God’s use is that it be cleansed. That’s it. Not smart or gifted. Not articulate or having a wonderful personality. Cleansed! God is holy and will not put a dirty, polluted vessel to good use any more than the host of a dinner party would

serve the pot roast in a cat litter box. Cleansing ourselves is our responsibility. James tells us to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, laying aside all filthiness. That means we must watch what we do, and whom we are friends with. We must be careful what we think, what we say, and how we act. And, if we know that we have sinned, we must confess our sins and keep our hearts clean. Cleansing ourselves sets us apart, or sanctifies us, for special use. Cleansed vessels are also prepared. They have been through the refining fire and purification process and have been shaped by God’s hand for a particular use. Some are employed for a special reason that calls for a uniquely qualified vessel. Like a golden serving platter, that vessel may sit on the shelf a large part of the time, waiting for that special occasion when God proudly displays it for use. When God gives us a fitness for duty evaluation, does he see a cleansed, sanctified and prepared vessel? If our desire is to be the person God uses, we must pursue righteousness daily with all our hearts. Then we will know the unequaled joy, the honor and the blessing of being fit for the Master’s use.


LOOKING BACK TO OUR FIJI OUTREACH During the tenure of Bishop Randy Keyes and Pastor Todd Johnson, we have sponsored many foreign and home missions efforts. But our most ambitious support has been in the Fiji Islands and India. In this article we will focus on our Fiji outreach. Currently in Fiji, we sponsor churches on both the main islands of Vanua Levu and Viti Levu. This took tremendous effort and expense to establish these works. Since 1984, literally thousands have been converted to the Apostolic faith because of the journeys of our resident missionary Uday Narayan and his family. In the next several issues, The Newsvine will begin a series of historical accounts of this tremendous outreach that has spanned thirty-three years. The primary source will be past Newsvines dating to 1989. A tremendous trove of incredible highlights focusing on bold witnessing and preaching that resulted in the miraculous and divine favor of God will inspire you, the reader, to once again remember your sacrificial giving to missions has made a difference in Christ’s kingdom on earth.



hen Brother Uday Narayan and his wife, Sister Isneh, became members of our local assembly in 1981, they came with a heavy burden for their people. In 1984, Pastor Keyes felt in the Holy Ghost that Brother Narayan should go visit and witness to his family in the Fiji Islands. Brother Narayan left for twenty-one days. During this time, he baptized his brother and 20 other people. Then in 1986, Brother Narayan took his family back to Fiji for one year, as was reported last year in our 2016 Winter Newsvine when their daughter Sister Arti gave her insightful testimony of this sacrificial venture. Even though the United Pentecostal Church, International, had a work already started there, most of the converts had been of the native Fijian people. Not until Brother Narayan went did the church began to have Hindu converts from the Indian population. During that year, he and his family preached at street corners, the marketplace, and made many home contacts. When Brother Narayan returned to Modesto, he presented a need to Pastor Keyes that ministers must be licensed among the new believers. In 1987, Brother Narayan returned for three months and trained three preachers to pastor and evangelize. In 1988, four ministers were licensed and started three churches in the islands. By this time almost 400 people have been baptized. It was also during this time Pastor Keyes went to visit the Fiji churches. He personally baptized three persons. He would return in June, 1990, with Sister Keyes and both would see firsthand the blessings and results of Brother Uday Narayan’s devoted missionary work. By 1993, the churches on both islands had reached a membership of over 2,000! The key converts who became charged with the call of evangelizing were Brother and Sister Venket (David) Raju and Brother Sam and Sister Chandra Narayan (no relation to the Modesto Narayans). Also the families of Brother Pastor David and Apostle Narayan back in 1990.



Bhoop and Sister Uthura Narayan, who are such a blessing in our Modesto church today, would eventually be converted from these key converts. The following testimony was given to the Newsvine by Brother Eric and Sister Evangeline Newasun when they visited our church during a Stewardship Missions Conference in the early nineties. Here is the story how key converts were evangelized by Brother Narayan right out of a Trinitarian congregation with his boldness to preach truth.

APOSTOLIC TRUTH EXPLODES IN A TRINITARIAN CHURCH IN FIJI Brother Eric Newasun was raised as a Hindu until the age of ten when miraculously his mother was healed of an ailment in a Trinitarian church. His family began to attend that church faithfully. In 1984, when Eric was 16 years old, his family transferred their membership to another Trinitarian church. There Eric noticed the pastor’s beautiful daughter named Evangeline. They began a friendship that would eventually blossom into love. The Newasuns In the fall of 1986, Eric noticed a visiting evangelist from America was invited to come and preach at a wedding in the church. Eric had never heard such fervor as from the fiery preacher named Uday Narayan. His heart was touched. Even the pastor was entranced by the preaching he heard and invited Brother Narayan to hold a two-week crusade. It was during the first meeting Eric heard the evangelist preach on one God in Christ and Jesus’ name baptism. After the altar call, Brother Narayan asked who would like to be baptized in Jesus’ name. Eighty percent of the congregation stood. That made Evangeline’s father very upset and made them sit down. Even then, thirty members insisted on being baptized. Among them were Eric and his parents. Brother Narayan continued preaching at the outreach churches of Evangeline’s father. Many of the mother’s church members came to these gatherings with hungry hearts for truth. Eric was

unsure of all that Brother Narayan was teaching, so Brother Narayan began to hold Bible studies at the Newasun home to solidify the new converts in Apostolic doctrine. Meanwhile, Pastor Naikar was becoming very unsettled with his members. So many of their lives began to change. He even noticed his daughter was hungry to know this oneness truth. At the end of four months, he got behind the pulpit and denounced Brother Narayan’s teachings and the truth he preached. That is when one of his young men, Venket (David) Raju, stood up and proclaimed the true oneness doctrine to all the assembled congregation. The infuriated pastor ordered him to leave, but ten other members stood up and marched out with him. Among them were Eric’s parents. Then Eric looked to Evangeline and saw the anguish in her eyes. He decided to stay. Brother David Raju immediately started an Apostolic oneness church and had the joy of Brother Narayan visiting several times in the next two years. The church began to grow in membership. Eric was blessed to have his parents bring home tapes of Brother Keyes teaching and preaching back in Modesto, California. His eyes were opened, and he made the decision to leave the church of Evangeline and her family, even though he and Evangeline were making plans to marry. In 1988 he began to attend Brother Raju’s church. Evangeline’s father was furious and forbade her to see Eric. He refused to honor their engagement and sent her away to a small island nearby for eight months, hoping this would end her feelings for Eric. When she came back home, Eric found out and secretly began to communicate with her. They eloped! Before she married Eric that night, she insisted on being baptized in Jesus’ name! From that moment the young married couple began to assist Brother Raju and headed many outreach programs. Sister Evangeline became a worship leader, and her husband was placed in charge of a daughter work that grew to thirty members, many of them young people. Today, many years later, they have settled in Seattle, Washington, where they faithfully attend an Apostolic church.


“One thing that left a lasting impression with my wife and me when we traveled to Fiji was seeing Brother Narayan’s convert, Brother David Raju, dedicated in taking the gospel to the entire island of Vanua Levu. Not only does he pastor his congregation in Labasa, the principal city of the island, but he also has six preaching stations scattered throughout the island. The purpose of these stations are for those converts who cannot find a means of transportation to the church in Labasa. Our church purchased an older model van that he can use to pick up worshipers for these stations. Getting to these believers means traveling on unpaved roads for sometimes hours out of his already busy schedule. Sister Keyes and I admired Brother David’s sincere commitment in shepherding his flocks with the utmost diligence. “One afternoon he invited Sister Keyes and me to ride with him and Brother Narayan to two preaching points. When the

Bishop Keyes & Brother Narayan preach at the Labasa church.

van arrived to pick us up, we noticed that he had converted it into a minibus. With what he could find on Fiji, he had made wooden benches for the back of the van. We sat on these as we embarked on our journey. It would take us two hours to reach the first preaching station in 90 degree tropical heat with no air conditioning. Despite the rough drive, Sister Keyes and I were enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way. As we went higher in elevation, the vistas were breathtaking. The beautiful tropical jungles stretched into the horizon, green and verdant. “When Brother David turned off on a side road and had us pass by a small village, I remember him saying, ‘You see that water spigot surrounded by those people? It is the only source of drinking water for this area.’ “Once we got to the first preaching point, I told the congregation that I was literally bruised from this ride, I was not exaggerating. As I said before, the roads are unpaved, and Brother David had no means of avoiding the bumps and chuckholes along the way. Needless to say, keeping the van in alignment must be futile. “On our way back, we drove up a little hill and parked in front of a small house with a roof of corrugated metal. Beyond the house we saw a man plowing with two oxen and a single-blade plow. The family came out of the house, and the farmer stopped his work and joined us. They were thrilled to see Pastor David and us. ‘These are our new converts from the Hindu religion,’ Brother David said to us. ‘Our sister here was afflicted with a crippling disease, but when we prayed for her, she was miraculously healed. She received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, was baptized in Jesus’ name, and she won all her family to God.’ “The family could not do enough for us to make us comfortable. They sat us down under a shed near the cooking area and served us hot tea. The oldest son climbed a palm tree to cut down coconuts so his mother could serve us coconut milk. It was funny to see Sister Keyes sip and taste as little as possible what was served before us. As Brother Narayan and Brother David translated for us, this family expressed to Sister Keyes and me their immense appreciation for our sending these men into their lives. “I sat on the hill with tears in my eyes, moved by the Holy Spirit, in love for these people. At that moment, I wanted more than ever for my Modesto congregation to be here with us, to see that all the giving and sacrifice for this work thousands of miles away was truly worth it.” In spirit, you were there!




of The Way Choir’s Visit

Soloist Kadee Sullivan




evival Center was blessed by the ministry of The Way Choir this past summer. This Western District program was started in 2003 with a mission to further develop our district’s youth as singers, musicians, choir directors, section leaders, and preachers.” This year’s choir tour CD, “The Way Choir Live! Forever Faithful,” may be purchased for $15 at God bless these talented and dedicated young people.

A ND....

Praise singers gave their all in every service.

of Youth Congress 2017


outh Congress 2017 was an unforgettable experience! What a blessing that so many of our youth were able to attend. Pictured here are a few more memories. Be sure to mark your calendar for the next Youth Congress at The Dome at America’s Center in St. Louis, Missouri, from July 31 to August 2, 2019. Start saving now for this amazing event!

Daniel and Angela Warren

Pastor Johnson prays for C.J. Escobedo Aunt Jeriann with her niece Jocelyn

Uncle Josh with his niece Alexis

The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument in downtown Indianapolis.

Jason Staten preaches “I’m the Map.”

Eleanor a

nd Angel

Josh and Leo visit the Indy 500 museum.



of Summer Revival Services

Pastor Johnson leads a special allchurch prayer meeting.



A ND....

of Summer Memories


s you can see from the photos on both of these pages, summer has been filled with many exciting events, highlighted by revival services with Evangelists Mark Drost and Josh Herring and Pastor Mpofu. Above, Lindsay Castro and Grandmother Betty Hemmingway share the pew with new arrival, Everley. Our second semester of Life Groups is in full swing, and the first Wednesday night of each month is now dedicated to all-church prayer. In addition to the anointed preaching of our pastor, we are also blessed by the ministries of Student Pastor Jon Quinones, Matt Aguirre and Aaron Gomes (from top right). Below super-sales-lady Dwanda Scott faithfully raises money for the church with her pie and cake sales. She will be moving soon to our new refreshment center. Below left, our nursery provides a respite for parents; below right, KREW kids lift their hands in worship. Wow! What a summer!


Back to School Service

Our church prays for our students!


tarting back to school, whether it is elementary, high school, or college, can be a time of excitement as well as stress with peer pressure, homework deadlines, tests, and report cards. Knowing this, Pastor Johnson focused on our students in a recent service, as well as on our teachers and administrators. All were called to the altar for a time of prayer. May God keep our children safe and use them as a witness as they face the challenges this school year brings. May they be salt and light in their world!

You Are Now Entering The Mission Field By Editor Virginia Aguilera

Our church recently posted up signs on our gates that can be read as we drive off after service: “You Are Now Entering The Mission Field.” You may wonder, “Me...a missionary? What exactly is my mission field?” Since I am a teacher and a new school has recently begun, I would like to address our young people. Consider approaching this school year in perhaps a different manner than you have in the past. Ask yourself, “How can I be effective in the mission field in which God has placed me--my school?” First off, how can you be a witness to the adults in your school: your teachers, the school secretary, the custodians, the administrators? Well, think about your own past record and compare it to the actions and attitude of a missionary. Are there areas in your life in which you need to make some adjustments? If you are to consider anyone in authority over you to have been placed there by God and are supposed to work for them with the same dedication as if it were the Lord Himself, are you doing so? What is your attitude and behavior in class? Is it that of a missionary? Are you planting seeds to be watered and hopefully harvested sometime in the future? Words are cheap. Actions are everything. Our Apostolic young people need to be that student who stands out in class. How do you do that? Come to class everyday prepared and on time. Turn your homework in by the due date and completed to your best ability. Respectfully ask for help from the teacher if you are confused or struggling. Try your best. Be engaged in the lesson. Remember, you are not only establishing a reflection of


your character, but that of every Apostolic Pentecostal young person with whom that adult meets in the future. You may think these things are not important, but I can speak from the experience of a teacher, they are. You may think it is enough to share your faith in an essay but if your actions do not measure up to the Christian you proclaim to be, they are wasted ink on a piece of paper. Young people, you are not only a missionary to the adults in your school, but you are also a witness to your peers. This may seem more obvious to you, but may be the more challenging of the two. Think about how you may be perceived by the students around you. Do you just hang out with other Apostolics, avoiding and excluding your other classmates? You might be surprised how others view this; they may think that you are standoffish, that you think you are better than others. How can you be fruitful in your mission field if you do not interact with those that do not know the Lord? How can we show Christ’s love and compassion if we do not reach out? It is not enough to participate in the school’s Christian club. How are you reaching out to those God put in your mission field? Jesus said He did not come for those who are healthy, but to those who are sick. Be quick to offer to pray for someone when they are struggling and slow to criticize. Remember you are a missionary, and you are a witness everyday to everyone in your mission field. You may not have been commissioned to go to Africa or India, but you are a missionary all the same at your school. Now go and plant some seeds for Jesus. You are now entering your mission field.

The Newsvine


United Pentecostal Church of Modesto 825 7th street Modesto, CA 95354

Congratulations to the Newlyweds!

Joshua & Kiah Williams Both Joshua and Kiah have been actively serving Revival Center for years, Joshua in the sound ministry and Kiah in the choir. Joshua finally succumbed to Pastor’s Johnson’s persistent invitations at his drive-up window and not only came to church and received the Holy Ghost, but also found a wife!

Shane & Bethany Mendonca Bethany met the man of her dreams when Shane entered her life. Both have been very involved in church, Bethany singing in the choir at Revival Center Modesto and Shane supporting Pastor Floyd Lozada, Jr., at West Valley Revival Center. Bethany recently earned her AA degree from Modesto Junior College, all while she was being courted by her future husband.

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