Every page an altar to His works!”
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A Focus on Missions
Charlene Wilson
Lindsay Castro
Leo & Virginia Aguilera
Leo Aguilera, Gabriel Chavoya & Creative Team
Joshua Aguilera, Autumn Amador, Alexis Diaz, Jocelyn Powell
Carol Castillo
Alexis Diaz
Virginia Aguilera
Norbert Feliciano
Dana Le’Blanc
Uday Narayan
B.U.F.F. (MEN 50+)
Jerry Powell
Jonathan Quinones
Jeremiah Williams
Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah
Joshua & Jeannette Aguilera
Tim & Jeriann Montes
Charlene Wilson
Antonio Gutierrez
Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre
Nancy Holston, Tim Montes
Dana Le'Blanc
Sujay Diaz, Mary Aguirre
Herb Jenkins
Charles & Joyce Bispo
Jonathan Quinones
Alex Diaz
Chris & Lindsay Castro
Joyce Jones
Joyce Jones
Joshua Williams
Jeremiah Williams
MaKayla Johnson
SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.
THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.
FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.
In this issue, in addition to coverage of our local church, we have included several mission articles. Numerous new people in our congregation have no idea the outreach and influence we have had due to the sacrifices and burdens of modern day apostles who have come out of our church.
One of those is Resident Missionary Uday Narayan who has been laboring in the fields of Fiji and India for decades. In this issue, we have just skimmed the work he has and is doing nonstop in spreading the gospel to Hindi-speaking people locally and internationally. His experiences could easily fill a book.
Another modern day apostle who came from our church is Elder Julio Hernandez, who has established churches across the North Bay, Guatemala, Italy, and beyond. His son Richard, who pastors Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael, recently took a missionary trip to Guatemala in which 20 souls were baptized in Jesus' name in an area which heavily practices witchcraft. We thank him and his sons for providing us with pictures from their trip, and we want to congratulate him and his wife, Flor, for 25 years of marriage!
Finally in this missionary section is coverage of a recent crusade conducted by Albert Williams, who pastors several churches in India. Elder Uday Narayan witnessed to him many years ago during one of his missionary trips.
We are thankful to Pastor Todd Johnson and Bishop Randy Keyes for their burden and support for missions through the years.
Spanish/Service - Youth Chapel
Pre-service Prayer
Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW
Growth Track - Youth Chapel
All-Church Prayer
Mid-Week Service, KREW
Spanish Service
Revive Yth (Youth Service)
Saturday Morning Outreach
THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly (first week of January, April, July, October) by Revival Church, 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.
One last word from my interview with Elder Narayan: "If you cannot go as a missionary, you can financially support missions!" Let us partner together for the increase of kingdom of God. Maranatha! The Lord is coming! Newsvine Editors Leo and Virginia Aguilera
He was quite blunt about it; He said do it! On two occasions - in His early ministry (Luke 11:42) and at the end of His ministry (Matt. 23:23) - He says to the Pharisees: (NLT) “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law--justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.”
SHAME on writers of certain publications who say Christ was only speaking to that generation of Pharisees, therefore His words about tithing don’t pertain to Christians today. If the present church followed their way of teaching, then all of Jesus’ words found in the four gospels are not universal; that is, are not for everyone to relate to, or adhere to, or to not take warning that He was also talking to all His followers today. Is it not written in the first chapter of John, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”? And did not Jesus say in Matt. 24:35, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”? Whatever Jesus commanded here on earth, whether to His disciples or the Pharisees, became spiritual law for all Christians and is everlasting! If those writers say certain passages of Christ’s words were only for those present when He spoke, then they are demoting Him to only a Teacher of the Law, a mere Jewish prophet, Whose words are subject to pick and choose by anyone, and Whose words are out of date for a Christian today. In other words, they believe you have the right to remove some of Jesus’ words from our lives. The end of the Book of Revelation warns anyone not to add or take away anything from His word without risking eternal life (Rev 22:18,19). To those who think Christ's commands to the Pharisees don't pertain to them, why take the risk of disobeying your Lord? If you are willing to admit Jesus warned us not to commit all the sins of the Pharisees, then you also need to admit that what Jesus told the Pharisees to do you should do also, as He commands: “YOU SHOULD TITHE, YES!”
Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” All agree that the Mosaic law commanded the Hebrews to tithe. But tithing was practiced before the Law when Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, the high priest of God, and Jacob made his solemn promise in Gen. 28:22: “...and all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth onto thee.” If tithing was practiced by the patriarchs before the Law, then why should we question that tithing should be practiced by Christians after the Law?
Jesus was quite clear that He did not want to abolish the practice of tithing, but He was very concerned about the attitude we should have when we tithe. He warned the Pharisees and us today to give the tithe with "justice, mercy, and faith" in our hearts. As Moses commanded, the tithes were the first fruits of the harvest, and if livestock were to be given, there should be no blemish or deformity in the animal. In Deuteronomy 14:25, the Lord commanded the Jews that the tithe of livestock or farm produce could be exchanged into silver or money if the distance was too great to bring to the Tabernacle of Moses or the Temple of Solomon. The tithe had to be the first set
aside from income or produce. God deserved the highest quality of the material substance and the proper respect, devotion, and joy from the tither.
When the Hebrew people were about to leave Egypt, God told Moses in Exodus 11:2 to tell the people to borrow from their Egyptian neighbor, jewels of gold and jewels of silver. In Exodus 12:35 Israel did according to the word of Moses. The Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so they lent unto them such things as they required, and they spoiled the Egyptians. Psalms 105:37-38 says; “He brought them forth also with silver and gold; and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.” Egypt was glad when they departed: for the fear of them fell on the them. Why did the Lord have the Hebrews take the gold, silver, and valuables from the Egyptians? Because when it came time to build the Tabernacle in the wilderness, God spoke to Moses (Ex. 25:2-7) “To speak to the children of Israel that they bring an offering of everyman that giveth it willingly with his heart... gold, silver and brass...” and the fine cloths for the walls of the Tabernacle. Some of the material they used in the construction of the Tabernacle was 2400 pounds of
gold (today’s value, $46,080,000), 8400 pounds of silver (today’s value of $2,278,000) and 8400 pounds of brass (today’s value of $14,280). Also used were wood, stones, spices, oils, plus various fabrics of different colors - all of the finest quality of the time.
There was no beauty looking at the tabernacle from the outside because of the badger skins, but all this hid the beauty of the gold and fine fabrics on the inside. How much more beautiful are we inside where God’s Spirit dwells if we obey Christ’s command to tithe with respect and joy?
So return your tithes to pay the church’s light bills, pay the pastor’s salary, send missionaries around the world to preach the gospel, build Bible colleges worldwide, pay for outreaches to win the lost. When the Egyptians today, who are your secular employers or investment sources, pay you an income, do your part. Don’t shortchange yourself. As the Bible says in Malachi, don't rob the Lord of His tithes and offerings. The blessings of the Old and New Testaments will be yours. PAY YOUR TITHES! “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25 NLT).
God Still Performs Miracles!
Celebrating a Miracle! Sister Sherri Suriano's son, Brother Vinny Elardo, a US Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California, holds up his arm, testifying that the Lord healed him of a growth that grew in that arm this past year. Sister Sherri immediately requested prayer for her son on our church prayer lines. The doctors said the mass could not be surgically removed because it was surrounded by
vital tendons and nerves. They anxiously awaited for the biopsy results. Thankfully, not only was the mass deemed not cancerous, once the prayers began, the the growth shrank, almost disappearing, baffling the doctors. The Elardo family members are full of praise. (Right photo) Brother Elardo with his wife Sister Ceclia, son Isaac, daughter Briana, and baby Iris. Keep Vinny in your prayers as he serves our country.
Table of Contents
First Service of the Year
Elias Limones - Guest Preacher
January Volunteer of the Month - Alexis Diaz
AIMer to Greece - Chloe Espinoza
COVER STORY - Elder Uday & Isneh Narayan
Outside the Walls - Richard Hernandez
Outside the Walls - Albert Williams, India
Guest Preacher - Robert Martin
RC Newly Licensed UPCI Ministers
Guest Preacher - Taylor Fairbanks
Josh & Jeannette Aguilera Honored
New Student Pastors, Tim & Jeriann Montes
Hyphen Donates to Salvation Army
Revive with the Monteses
Bible Quizzers Excel!
Growth Track Studies the Oneness of God
JAM, Mature Ladies, & Good Book Luncheons
Pastor Johnson Preaches in Panama
Women's Shelter Team Ministers
Ministry Focus - Serve Team
Wisdom Begins with a Word - Carol Castillo, KREW
What Does the Bible Say About the Holy Ghost?
Guest Preacher - Floyd Lozada
Tribute to Richard Warren
First Sunday Service of the Year
“AS WE START this new year in 2023,” said Pastor Johnson, “I ask you and myself, what do we need to do to become better.” The words of the introduction of his sermon were a challenge to reflect and to initiate new and renewed commitments to spiritual self-disciplines. He first emphasized the importance of daily Bible reading.
“As we go into 2023,” he said, there needs to be a greater appreciation and a greater value placed on God’s word.” He quoted a survey that asked respondents how often they read the Bible–only 11% of Americans said they engaged with God’s word daily. It is a shocking statistic that the majority of Americans are not reading their Bible at all!
“I want to know what God is saying,” said Pastor Johnson. In addition to the lack of Bible literacy, he lamented about people’s disinterest in hearing preaching. “The devil is after the word of God to in the last days to undermine it and destroy it and to wash away its credibility,” he said. He went on to say that people are so distracted now, and they value their own opinion more than the Word of God. Quoting Amos 8:11, he spoke of a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. “You need to ask God to give you the right amount of respect to the office of the ministry,” he admonished. He told the congregation to “give place to the prophetic, to godly leadership, to your pastor, to the wise and the strong who help you be better. Don’t disinvite them because they speak the truth to you.”
The text for his sermon and this year’s theme for the year, was found in I Corin-
thians 3:8: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” This year, he said, will be a year of spiritual increase in prayer, fasting, Bible study, and finances. He spoke of people who have lost their faith, returning and families being restored. How will that happen? he asked rhetorically: by people being planted and people watering others, then God will give the increase.
Before you can plant somebody else, you must be planted yourself. At that point, Pastor Johnson had some helpers bring out a number of tumbleweeds and place them around the platform. Referring to Ephesians 4:14, he said many people are like tumbleweeds, constantly rolling, tossed to and fro, by every wind of doctrine. “You’ve got to find a ministry, a purpose, a passion and plant yourself,” he said. The Bible says in Psalm 1:3, Whatever you do will prosper if you are planted like a tree by the rivers of water, bearing fruit with leaves that don’t wither.
In addition to needing people to be planted, it is vital that we have people who are waterers, people who will encourage others. “You need to find somebody to pour water on,” he said. “We need people who know how to speak a word to somebody who is weary and battling and struggling.” Proverbs 11:25 (NLT) promises, “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
"This year will be a year of profound blessing,” said Pastor Johnson. “It will be a year or profound goodness, but it is not going to come without us doing our part.”
"The Lord of the INCREASE "
Elias Limones "Don't Ring the Bell"
No Suene La Campana
The last Sunday of the month was our first bilingual service of the year. We were blessed by the anointed singing of our RC Ensemble led by Oscar Hernandez and by our guest speaker, Pastor Elias Limones, and by Antonio Gutierrez who interpreted.
"Don't Ring the Bell," was the title of the sermon by Elias Limones, pastor of the Pentecostals of the Bay Area. He began by referring to the intense training of the Navy Seals during their "hell week" where candidates are pushed to their physical and mental limits. A bell, he said, is placed within easy access in case a trainee mentally breaks down and wants to give up. All they have to do to quit is to ring the bell.
He went on to describe how difficult it was for him when he stood watching his church building burn down to the ground, how heart-breaking it was! The mental attack by the devil was relentless. But he was determined not to give in and give up.
"We are in the middle of a spiritual battle," he said. "Don't ring the bell. Keep fighting. Keep moving forward. Make up your mind that there is no quit option." With determination in his eyes he said, "I'm not quitting. I will serve the Lord with everything within me!"
January Volunteer of the Month Alexis Diaz § §
One of our young people who has really stepped up to serve our church is January's Volunteer of the Month, Alexis Diaz. This college-bound young lady is dedicated, faithful, and incredibly gifted. When accessing the church's social media sites, you will be blessed and encouraged by her creative postings of photos and
videos promoting upcoming events and recapping precious moments. She is, indeed, a treasure and worthy of recognition. Thank you, Alexis, for setting an example of excellence. Revival Church is proud of you, and we pray God's blessings on your life.
AIMer to Greece Chloe Espinoza
At the end of January, one of our Hyphen-aged young people, Chloe Espinoza, left for a three-month missions trip as an AIMer (Associate in Missions), a shortterm missionary to Greece. She will be assisting missionaries Joshua and Christene Moreno who pastor Crossroads Church in Athens.
Greece, often called the cradle of Western civilization, is famous for its ancient ruins and fabulous resorts. It is considered the birthplace of democracy, the Olympics, and western literature. The Apostle Paul on one of his missionary trips traveled to Athens. Noticing a shrine to the "Unknown God," among those to their many gods, he preached to them Jesus Christ, the Almighty God!
God bless Chloe as she lives her burden for missions. May He use her mightily for His kingdom.
Uday Narayan's 40 Years of Missionary Service!
Church), he felt a pressing burden for his family in the islands. Soon after his conversion, he met with his pastor, Randy G. Keyes, in 1983 to share his burden for his home country. Moved, Pastor Keyes sent Brother Narayan to plant seeds of revival in the hearts of the Hindu people. Elder Narayan found himself heading back home in 1984, anxious, not knowing what to expect, but with a passion to share this gospel message.
After this initial visit, plans were made in 1986 for Brother Narayan and his family to make an extended missionary visit to his home-land in which he and his family stayed approximately one year. God blessed his efforts with many converts, and Brother Narayan was able to establish works in the previously unreached Hindi-speaking population. Brother Keyes and his wife, Sister Sharon Keyes, later visited these works, as well as Pastor Johnson, excited to see what God was doing in Fiji.
A CAll From indiA
It was a revelation when Elder Narayan was witnessed to by a fellow employee, Brother Chuck Maley, that there is only one God, and His name is Jesus. Brother Uday had grown up in the Fiji Islands as a Hindu, believing in and worshiping many gods. After receiving the Holy Ghost and being baptized in Jesus’ name at the United Pentecostal Church of Modesto (Revival
One day Elder Narayan received a request to come to India by Elder Satyam, who pastors approximately 17 churches in India. A church member from Fiji had sent a copy of The Newsvine with Elder Narayan's conversion from Hinduism to Christianity. Elder Satyam had read Elder Narayan's testimony, and was anxious to meet him. This would be the start of many missionary trips to India, in addition to those he made to Fiji. Although it was very dangerous to preach the life-changing message of Jesus
Christ in India, especially in the rural areas, in faith, Elder Narayan spoke out boldly, exclaiming there is only one God, and His name is Jesus! Several others from our church have traveled to India as well. “Our church has little fingerprints over many of the states of India since 1992,” said Elder Narayan.
A heAlTh sCAre
Elder Narayan for years had been traveling overseas to minister to churches in India and to Hindi-speaking churches in Fiji. However, while preaching on one of his missionary trips to Fiji, he felt an intense pain in his chest. Undeterred, he kept on preaching and managed to finish. When he arrived at the airport in Los Angeles, California, he was struck with a full-blown heart attack. Upon arriving at his home in Modesto, he was taken immediately to the emergency room at the hospital, and was notified that yes, indeed, he had been stricken by a heart attack. After he recovered, he went back once again to Fiji in 2019, but realized his traveling days were over when he had difficulty breathing on the plane due to the high altitude and almost passed out.
Were his days as a missionary over? Would he never again preach to congregations of hungry hearts in India and Fiji? All Elder Narayan could do was trust God. Little did he know that God was about to reinvigorate his ministry in a way he would never have imagined.
A WorldWide PAndemiC shuTs doWn The World
When the Pandemic hit in early 2020, pretty much the whole world shut down in terror. The medical world felt hopeless as they watched patient after patient in their overcrowded hospitals suffer and die with COVID-19, a new virus with no cure, no treatment, no vaccine. All that could be done with the worst cases was to hook the patient up to a ventilator and pray that the body could fight off the ravages of this relentless and unmerciful foe. Churches in many parts of the world even were closed to in-person services, in the fear that they would be mass conductors of this world-wide plague.
One of the countries hardest hit was India. Elder Narayan was soon contacted by pastors John Matthew and Albert Williams, an early convert of his, asking if he could minister to their congregations over the Internet using Zoom. He readily agreed, although this was new technology for him. Now instead of traveling from town
to town and village to village, he was ministering from his home. Because of the time difference, some of the services were very early in the morning, sometimes at 3:00. He felt a burden for these souls, now restricted to their homes, unable to congregate in their churches. “Zoom was the only way the church in India was fed during the pandemic,” said Elder Narayan. He estimates during this worldwide plague that he was ministering weekly to approximately 2700 to 2900 people in India, including some in Fiji. He also preached some conferences on Zoom for John Matthew.
A minisTry exPAnded
Now that the pandemic is over, Elder Narayan still min-
isters by Zoom. God has opened a door to him that he never anticipated, and it was from a connection made at one of our mission conferences approximately 5 years ago. There he met Eric Roy, who spoke of his desire to minister to Hindi-speaking people in the area. Roy, now pastor of Savior Church in Modesto, California, contacted Elder Narayan to aid in this endeavor. Elder Narayan now ministers once a week on Tuesday evenings for Savior Church via Zoom to a Pakistani family and to people in the (UAE) United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, California, Colorado, and New York. He teaches in English, and the various groups translate what is said into their own language. In addition to these weekly sessions, he also does Zoom services on Tuesdays to Hindi-speaking people in Modesto, Stockton, Seattle, Tracy, Fiji, and India. On Sunday, Monday, and Thursday evenings, he conducts a Zoom prayer group which includes a short Bible study to Hindi-speaking Christians in Tracy, Seattle, Stockton, Fiji, and all the Hindi-speaking members of Revival Church. On Fridays, he ministers a Zoom church service with a group of Hindi-speakers in Tracy, Seattle, Stockton, Fiji, and from Revival Church in Modesto.
The Internet has provided an avenue for him to simultaneously reach a larger and varied group of believers and to include his precious wife, Isneh, directly in his ministry.
The Book oF ACTs in ACTion!
We have several families from Fiji who have immigrated to the United States and attend Revival Church. One such member is Sister Pushpa. Feeling a burden for her family back home, she asked Elder Narayan to contact a local Fijian pastor to visit her family and to pray for a sick family member. The family member was healed, and family members were baptized after receiving a Bible study and follow up from Pastor David Venka and Pastor Nilesh Prasad. In January of this year, they held a large crusade. Because of the outreach to this island, after nine months, there is a new church of 60 believers. Also, Elder Narayan said because of our outreach in Fiji, we have about 12-13 believers in Seattle, Washington.
The first time he visited Fiji after his conversion, there were no Hindi-speaking Jesus’ name converts. In 21 days of intense preaching and teaching, 21 Hindi-speaking people were baptized in Jesus’ name. In 2014 on another missionary trip, he stayed there only 33 days. He preached 34 times in 25 different towns and villages on 3 different islands. People were getting baptized in almost every service. This had never been done in the history of
Fiji! Today in Fiji, we have four pastors with four major churches and many daughter works. One pastor oversees an entire island, ministering to people in their homes.
“The book of Acts is an open book,” says Elder Narayan, “and everyone can add a chapter. It’s an incomplete book. You can add to the book of Acts. If you do something for the kingdom of God, He keeps a record.”
Pictures on the following page are of Elder Narayan's many missionary trips to Fiji and India. Pastor Nilesh Prasad teaching a Bible study"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion,
"Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7 NIV
Testimony of Faith Elder Uday and Sister Narayan
of India. Brother Narayan's father owned a small farm in the country, whereas Slster Narayan's father was a carpenter in the city of Suva. Brother Narayan had six brothers and sisters, and Sister Narayan had ten.
(Editor's Note: It has been many years since we last ran the testimony of the Narayans. It is a story of a young couple raised in the Hindu faith in Fiji. They were taught to believe in a myriad of gods, and that death and destruction awaited them if they converted to another faith. They arrived in the United States, with the same dream as many, a better life. Little did the Narayans know that their journey will lead to a life dedicated to the service of Jesus Christ, the only true God. Read the story of this remarkable man who has poured his life out on the mission field in the countries of Fiji and India, and has never stopped preaching and teaching this life-changing gospel.)
Beginnings in the Hindu Religion
Both Brother and Sister Narayan are descendants of Hindus who came from India to the Fiji Islands before the turn of the 20th century to work as indentured servants on the sugar cane plantations. Brother Narayan believes his people came from the area of Calcutta. Both the Narayans speak Hindi, which is the major language
Both Brother and Sister Narayan were raised in the Hindu faith which teaches the worship of many gods. Although the Hindu gods appear in separate forms - the most important being Brahma, the creator of the universe; Vishnu, its preserver; and Shiva, its destroyer - these forms are believed to be part of one universal spirit called Brahma. One of the most important Hindu gods is Shiva's wife. She is worshiped as the beloved goddess of motherhood but is also feared as Kali, the goddess of destruction. Her idol depicts her with many arms extending out of her torso. According to Hindu doctrine, animals as well as human beings have souls. Hindus worship many animals as gods. Cows are the most sacred, but Hindus also worship monkeys, snakes, and other animals. Hinduism teaches the belief in reincarnation - when the body dies, the soul is reborn and never dies. The soul may be reborn in an animal or in a human. This is where the doctrine of the law of Karma becomes a major teaching of Hinduism. It states that every action of a person, no matter how small it is, influences how his or her soul wilt be born in the next reincarnation. If a person lives a good 1ife, the soul will be born into a higher state, perhaps into the body of a priest. lf a person leads an evil life, the soul will be born into a lower state, perhaps into a body of a worm. Hindus believe that a person's reincarnation continues until he or she achieves spiritual perfection. The soul then enters a new level of existence in Nirvana from which it never returns. Brother and Sister Narayan remember hearing about Christianity while growing up, but they were taught never to leave the Hindu faith on penalty of the curse of death and destruction by the gods. They also were taught the many superstitions and beliefs in demonic powers of the Hindu faith.
Fear and the Devil
Brother Narayan's uncle was a witch doctor. The Indian people prefer going to a witch doctor rather than to a medical doctor, not only because of the cost, but be-
cause they actually believe that the witch doctor has the power over life and death. Brother Narayan remembers his uncle telling him that the world is full of demons and devils. The rituals that his uncle performed had to be done correctly following strict laws or the demons would kill the witch doctor instantly. His uncle could put hexes - spells of sickness - on whomever he desired or was paid to do so. Many of the Indian people on the Fijian Islands believe so strongly in these hexes that they succumb to the power of the witch doctor and become sick or die.
Sister Narayan remembers that a friend of her family was hexed by a witch doctor not to bear children. This friend believed that the demons altered her body, and she could not bear children. She tried remedies and consulted with other witch doctors but to no avail.
Brother Narayan goes on to say that many Indians have witnessed the phenomena of animals speaking through the power of familiar spirits. There are accounts of people in his village seeing lights move among the tree tops in the jungle, sometimes taking the forms of figures. The people believe that these are manifestations of the spirits of demons.
The Narayans have witnessed fire walking many times. The witch doctor will cause the fire walkers to enter a trance and, after many rituals to invoke demonic powers, will proceed to have them walk on white hot coals heated to 700 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is interesting to note that these witch doctors will have nothing to do with Holy Ghost filled Christians. They cannot tolerate to be in the presence of true Christians. These witch doctors cannot even look them in the eye. They immediately sense the Holy Spirit and know their black magic power has no sway on born again believers.
The Narayans remember severe storms hitting the Fiji Islands as they grew up. Many times the roads and streets were flooded by the monsoon rains. Life was simple, but hard.
A Traditional Hindu Wedding
Even before Brother Narayan met his future wife, Isneh, he had been told about America. After finishing school, he found jobs scarce on the islands, and his prospects were not promising.
Sister Narayan says that even though here in America to be unmarried at 23 is nothing to worry about, Indian girls on Fiji are expected to marry before the age of 20. She believes that it was meant for her to meet Broth-
er Narayan at an ice cream shop when they were both 23. In their culture, couples cannot take the initiative to marry on their own, so Brother and Sister Narayan had to consult with their respective parents to arrange a formal courtship with the other's set of parents. Brother Narayan goes on to say that many of his friends' marriages were arranged by their parents without his friends ever looking upon their prospective spouses before their marriage. Brother and Sister Narayan were fortunate to have parents who agreed with their choice.
They were married according to the Hindu ritual. On the first day of the wedding, the girl's family will give money to the couple. On the second day of the wedding, both the bride and the groom's bodies are anointed with oil by family members. On the third day of the wedding, spices are sprinkled on their bodies. Finally, on the fourth day, the wedding ceremony actually takes place. The girl wears a marriage gown in pink or red, and the man wears a yellow robe. They are then married by a Hindu guru. Following the ceremony and feast, the girl is returned to her father's home where relatives from both sides meet to see her and give money. She remains in her father's home to say her farewells until her husband comes to claim her. This period of time will last from one to two weeks. Sister Narayan laughs when she says Brother Narayan promised to come and claim her in one week, but came a week later.
The Narayans lived another year in Fiji. During this time their daughter Arti was born. Most of Sister
Narayan's family had immigrated to America. Her sisters invited the Narayans to join them in California. Finally, when Arti was four months old, they applied for immigration and arrived in Berkeley in 1976.
An Incredible Revelation!
Brother Narayan found work at Handyman. He admits he started drinking, smoking, and swearing. One of the employees working with him was named Chuck Maley. In 1980, Brother Chuck had begun to faithfully attend the United Pentecostal Church in Riverbank. He had been inviting Brother Narayan to church even before he himself became faithful, but now Brother Chuck was determined to become a good soul winner. Finally in July, Brother Narayan allowed Brother Chuck to pick them up for church. The Narayans enjoyed the service and the people. They began to visit on a steady basis. However, they still held only their Hindu beliefs. Sister Narayan remembers still praying to her idols. Adding Jesus to their pantheon of gods was no problem.
During this time, Brother Narayan thought that the Hindu god, Krisna, was Christ. Gradually it became clear to him that Jesus Christ was an entirely separate entity. Also that God, Jesus, demanded sole worship. The Narayans were fascinated when people were filled with the Holy Ghost in front of them. Twice Brother Narayan went up to the altar to be prayed for, but nothing happened.
Then on October 10, 1980, both Brother and Sister Narayan decided to be baptized. When they came out of the water, they both felt tremendous joy and a powerful feeling, but they admit they did not understand the full revelation of salvation. Brother Narayan stopped all of his vices and seriously began to contemplate giving
up his Hindu religion. The Narayans began to argue during the weeks after their baptism. Sister Narayan was stubborn about keeping the idols in their home. She felt quite comfortable praying to the Hindu gods AND Jesus. She descibes her idols as being human images dressed in elaborate robes, and also animals belonging to various kings in the past. Brother Narayan wanted to make a clean start with the Christian faith, but she reminded him of the curse of death and destruction for anyone who left the Hindu faith. Brother Narayan gave her an ultimatum. She would have to leave if she would not comply with his demands.
On November 16, Sister Narayan was lying on her bed when she heard her husband leave for work. It was 6:00 in the morning when she began to pray to the God, Jesus, to show her the reality of His truth. She remembers that she started to cry until she began to feel a presence come upon her. Three hours later, she began to speak in other tongues! By the time Brother Narayan arrived at 2:00 p.m., she was completely drunk in the Spirit. He was frightened for her and thought she was going to die. He called Brother Chuck who came right over. Brother Church explained that there was nothing to worry about and then proceeded to remove the idols from their walls. This angered Brother Narayan, but he said nothing until Brother Chuck left. When Sister Narayan came to herself at 4:00 p.m., Brother Narayan noticed a a remarkable change in her personality. That night she dreamt that a holy presence demanded that she rid the idols from her home. They did so the next day.
One week later while Brother Narayan was driving to work, he too began to pray. He wanted the gift of the Holy Spirit like his wife had received. He began to weep and pray as he drove down Briggsmore Avenue. Suddenly, he began to speak in tongues with his hands raised. Someone drove the car several miles for him as he enjoyed the Spirit!
Since then the Narayans have changed history in this church and the nations of Fiji and India forever! God bless Brother Uday and Sister Isneh Narayan and their beautiful children, Arti, Ashish, and Edwin, their spouses, and their grandchildren! And God bless Elder Narayan as he continues his burden of missionary outreach, teaching and preaching about the one true God, Jesus Christ!
Mark 16:15 GNT
"He said to them, 'Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people."
We salute Uday Narayan for 40 years of missionary service
Family's Missionary Trip to Guatemala
Many years ago, a faithful and persistent Sunday School worker finally was able to get a promise from a parent that he would visit the church. Charlie Bispo, had been trying week after week to connect with Julio Hernandez, an alcoholic, who equally was determined not to go to church. The rest is history. Brother Julio came to the altar, received the Holy Ghost, and became a mighty witness for Jesus Christ, starting many churches in the North Bay of California and beyond.
One evening, he received a call from his estranged son Richard whose voice sounded very stressed. Richard had been planning on ending his life that night, but wanted to speak to his father one last time. Sensing his son's troubled spirit, Brother Julio urged his son to come to California and go with him to church. Thankfully, he did and received the same Holy Ghost, life-changing experience as his father. Today, Richard Hernandez and his wife Flor have been pastoring Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael since 2001. Recently Pastor Hernandez and his two sons, J.J. and Jonathan, traveled to the Central American country of Guatemala to visit family and to minister.
They began their trip in Xela, Guatemala, and then traveled inland where Pastor Hernandez preached at a conference where over twenty people received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in new tongues - this in an area that was full of witchcraft! The Hernandez family then traveled south to the land of their lineage where Pastor Hernandez baptized and married a couple, and also had the privilege of presenting his newborn nephew. It was an exciting and fruitful missionary trip. To God be the glory!
God bless Pastor Hernandez, a man with a great burden for souls, as he reaches beyond the walls of his church all the way to Guatemala!
A view of the city of Xela, Guatemala, the second largest city in this Central American country.Continue to pray for our daughter work, Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael, and the Hernandez family.
J.J. Hernandez prays for people to receive the Holy Ghost in the town of Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa.
More than 20 receive the Holy Ghost at the conference - in an area filled with witchcraft!
Pastor Hernandez has the honor of performing the wedding ceremony for his cousin and bride. Both have been baptized in Jesus' name. May God bless their marriage as they put their trust in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Hernandez baptizes a woman in Jesus' name in Concepcion Pinula, a village located in the mountains of southern Guatemala.
Pastor Hernandez preaches at a conference in Guatemala.THE YOUTH EXPLOSION 2023
"Declaring the glory of goD"
Hosted by Pastor Richard Hernandez and Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael
We rejoice with Pastor Richard and Sister Flor Hernandez on the amazing youth conference held at their church in March. Over 1,000 people attended over the two-day conference, with more than 50 people receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues for the first time!
Youth Explosion originated approximately seven years ago when Pastor Hernandez, moved by the suicide of a local young high school student, decided he wanted to do something explosive to reach out to the youth of the Western District, both Spanish and English speaking. The conference name came from Acts 1:8: "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Power in the Greek language is the word dynamis which translates to the English word "dynamite," an explosive.
During the three months prior to the conference, the pastoral family and some members of the church reached out to UPC churches from Eureka to Visalia, to San Francisco, and all the way to Carson City, Nevada. Pentecostal Lighthouse of San Rafael raised funds and received some offerings from individuals including
Revival Church to cover the building rental, various expenses, and an assortment of exciting raffle prizes. Help for worship services for our daughter work came from Revival Church, Carson Tabernacle, Pentecostals of San Francisco, Tabernacle of Sanger, and La Senda De Vida in Tracy. Speakers were: Reverend Emiliano Barquet, youth pastor at The Pentecostals of the Bay Area; Evangelist Dr. Dejon Davis of San Diego; Reverend Joshua Aguilera of Revival Church Modesto; Reverend Daniel Ramos, Western District Spanish Liaison, Section 6 Youth Director; Reverend Luis Hernandez, Western District Section 5 Youth Director; and Reverend Trent Sullivan, Western District Youth President. The Western District was also represented by Jon-Marc Morgan, Western District Section 5 Youth Director.
What a powerful, Holy Ghost fire fell in that building! With hands raised, tears falling, feet dancing, and voices raised in praise and worship, it definitely was a Holy Ghost explosion! Mark your calendar for next year's conference on March 1st and 2nd. Can't wait!
Feliz Animersario!
Pastor Richard and his wife Flor recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in a beautiful and moving ceremony officiated by his brother-in-law, Pastor Arturo Chavez of Napa with decorations by Frank Rodriguez.
Pastor Albert Williams Holds Crusade in India
In December Albert Williams, who pastors several churches and outreaches in India, held an apostolic crusade in Cochin, India. Many years ago during one of Elder Uday Narayan's missionary trips to India, they met and Elder Narayan opened his eyes to the one-God, Jesus' name and Holy Ghost baptism gospel message taught by the apostles in the early church. He was convinced, and after attending Bible College, became a pastor and evangelist in India. Elder Narayan has continued to stay in touch with Pastor
Williams. In this issue, we felt it was important for you to see the results of your giving to missions. Because you gave - and some of you went as well - the gospel has spread to areas of India that previously had not been reached. What souls may come up to you in heaven and thank you for sending and for giving. On these two pages are photos from that crusade. Please pray for those who labor in India where there is great persecution of Christians. May God protect them and send even greater revival!
Much preparation went into preparing for the crusade, incorporating the support of many of the churches Pastor Albert Williams oversees. Numerous flyers were created (see above) and distributed, encouraging people to attend to learn about Jesus, the one true God. Much prayer and labor paid off as many hungry hearts made their way to the crusade.
Pastor Albert Williams with his wife Becky, and his children, Sharon, Stephen, and George.about the one true living God who manifested Himself in flesh to make a way of salvation for us all; Pastor
baptizes two women in Jesus' name for the remission of their sins on the second day of the crusade. May the seeds that were planted in this crusade produce many new souls for the kingdom of God.
Robert Martin "Hope Remains"
Setting the Stage for the Miraculous!
An amazing personal testimony gripped the congregation as Evangelist Robert Martin brought the scriptures alive through his own battle against a seemingly hopeless situation.
He began his sermon relating the time the Apostle Paul faced shipwreck. It appeared that the ship carrying him and the other prisoners was facing inevitable destruction during an unexpected, furious tempest. While the Roman soldiers contemplated killing all the prisoners and abandoning the ship, an angel appeared to Paul and assured him that as long as all stayed in the ship, no lives would be lost. They obeyed Paul, and were saved.
From there, he used this traumatic event to connect it to our own lives. He said the sailors reached their point of hopelessness when it appeared that heaven itself wasn't going to help them. "This is like hell on earth," he said,
"when you have no hope." As all the men on that ship made it safely to shore, he assured us that we all are going to make it. He asked, "How can I say we are all going to make it? Because I know the power, and the mercy, and the grace, and the provision of my God - and He is greater than anything that comes against you."
He then addressed those who may feel they have sinned too much to come back to God. "If you feel you are a million miles away from God, God will go a million miles to get to you. You can't undo everything you've done, but you can speak a word and say God, have mercy on me." He emphasized there is hope in a hopeless situation.
He then related the incredible story of his son who, three years ago, fell down dead after playing the first half of a competitive basketball game. The heart-rending words of this preacher who watched as school personnel frantically tried to revive his son are gripping. You can hear him recount the events at: com/live/aZBk9jWIssA?feature=share.
Concluding with these words he said, "Sometimes He wants you to be a vessel. Never think that what you are doing is insignificant. Everything you do is setting the stage for the miraculous!"
on to something."Whatever you are facing, you are going to make it," he declared. Pictured right: Well-respected retired cardiologist, Dr. Endsley, spoke on the importance of being prepared for a cardiac emergency by knowing CPR and having an AED device at hand.
Congratulations to our 6 Newly Licensed Ministers!
Pastor Johnson introduced the newest UPCI licensed ministers from Revival Church to the congregation in February. Each one of these, upon approval of Pastor Johnson, had to complete extensive coursework, passing examinations on each section, and to go before two interview panels made up of Western District board members. Pastor Johnson was pleased to say that they were all unanimously approved to be locally-licensed ministers in the Western District. He told the congregation, "I'm proud of them because they worked hard.
They have served oversees, many of them. They serve, they teach, they preach. They are an extension of pastoral care in this church. Some of them came from tremendous adversity to be standing here today." He then had the ministry come up and pray for them (pictured below). Pastor Johnson prayed that God would bless them and give them the talent and the words to help hurting people as they serve locally and in foreign fields. From being youth pastors, to Hyphen directors, to supporting our Spanish, music, and streaming ministries, to being Growth Track teachers and more, these outstanding young men and women of God have loved and served God with all of their heart, soul and strength. Congratulations!
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." - Jeremiah 3:15
"If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen."
- 1 Peter 4:11 (NKJV)
"The Tragedy of an Untold Story" Taylor Fairbanks
"God is ready. The question is are we?"
Your Testimony, a Lifesaver for the WorLd!
What does a life preserver have in common with your testimony? Plenty, according to Taylor Fairbanks, pastor of Vessel Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who was a guest speaker at Revival Church in February. "Your testimony can ignite faith in the life of somebody," he said, "that does not have faith. Your testimony can spark a conversion. Your testimony has the power to deliver. It has the power to save the lost." He went on to say what good is a testimony if you don't share it. "When you withhold your testimony," he said, "you now become the judge or who God can and cannot save." Every day we carry something very valuable, something life-changing for someone. "You carry what can lift people out of crippling depression," he said. "You carry the only peace that is available in this world that will be able to withstand any form of anxiety." He showed a short video clip of a famous magician who is an atheist. In the video the man said, "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize, to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that." God help us to be that life-saving witness to others by sharing our own unique testimony of what God has done for us. Your story could be the life line to someone who is desperately grasping for hope in a hopeless world.
Happy PastoraBirthday,Johnson! • •
In February, Pastora Kim Johnson's birthday was recognized by the church. Sister Jacqueline Aguirre (right) was chosen to speak for the church. She praised Pastora Johnson, for her attention to detail, and the way she loves and makes time for people. Pastor Johnson then, with emotional words, praised his wife saying, "We would not be where we are as a church had not Sister Johnson been there to shoulder the load, to work behind the scenes for decades, I mean decades." Revival Church loves you, Pastora Johnson, and we appreciate all that you have done for us through the years. May this birthday be extra special for an EXTRA SPECIAL woman of God.
Congratulations, Pastor and Sister Johnson on 30 Years of Marriage!
Joshua & Jeannette Aguilera Honored for Six Years Serving as Youth Pastors
Pastor Johnson praised Joshua and Jeannette Aguilera for an outstanding job as he announced their transition in February from being youth pastors to focus on other areas of service. "The time is shifting for their ministry," he said. "Their energy and attention is going to change as they are going to focus on Spanish ministry, on short-term missionary trips around the world, and livesteaming." He praised them for volunteering their time during the past six years for Friday Night Revive youth services and Monday night youth prayer. They have done this, he said, because of their burden for student ministries. The Aguileras have "created a culture of prayer in our students," Pastor Johnson said. "They have taught them and led them to pray deep, intercessory prayer,
and God has used them in such a powerful, powerful way." He praised the Aguileras also for how well they have developed the young people, with many of them involved in praise and worship singing during services and supporting our streaming and social media ministries. Pastor Johnson reassured the congregation that the Aguileras are not leaving. "They will continue to serve here," he said, "like they always have and will continue to be a blessing, not only to the Revival Church family, but to the work of God around the world." He ended by saying, "I want to say on behalf of the Revival Church family and all of the leadership staff, a big thank you to Pastor Josh and Jeannette for everything you have done. We are proud of them!"
New YOUTH PASTORS Announced Tim & Jeriann Montes
Aftermuch prayer, seeking God's will for Revival Church's next youth pastors, Pastor Johnson was excited to announce that Tim and Jeriann Montes have been chosen to fill this very vital position. "I want to tell you," he said, "I feel that it is 100% God's will for them to be the next student pastors."
The Monteses have served the church faithfully for many years. Tim is one of the four leaders on the Music Ministry team and is in charge of the sound for our streamed services. Jeriann has been ministering on the worship and streaming teams. "I can tell you," he said, "they serve with character, they serve with integrity, and they serve with principle and with passion."
Pastor Johnson then spoke directly to the parents
and grandparents. "Leading our kids and grandkids is one of the most important assignments that we can ever hope for in this world. It’s not just the church’s responsibility and the students pastor’s responsibility, it’s you moms and dads’ responsibility, you grandparents’ responsibility to bring them to student ministries, to bring them to events, to support the team, to participate. It’s a tall task in today’s culture to pray, to give guidance to, and direction to the students with what they are facing in the world today, and I tell you these people are up to the task. God has anointed them, and God has chosen them, and I need you to support them, to love them, and to encourage them."
Hyphen Donates to Salvation Army
Great job, Singles!
In keeping with our Hyphen theme this year, “Prayer & People" – along with the month of love and in conjunction with pastor’s series of “God's Love Languages" – we wanted to give back and love our community! The event theme was “Feel the Love.” We raised, through donations and offerings from within our young adults, monies to prepare 200 bags containing various hygiene items, snacks and, of course, chocolate! We
were not only able to walk through and distribute the bags, but had multiple moments of prayer and encouragement to guests of the facility, many of which were young adults that we’ve connected with!
REVIVE Student Ministries
Our new youth pastors, Tim and Jeriann Montes introduced themselves to our junior high and high school Revive students during a Q & R session at the end of February. They are leading with a mixture of Friday Revive Nite services, interspersed with a monthly activity night and a Shabbat night of rest. Parents, be sure that your young person is connected with REVIVE and the Monteses. Why? A poll conducted by Lifeway reveals that those who feel connected to a church and are involved, are more likely to stay connected to church as adults.
Upcoming Events
This is a very busy time of year for the youth with many upcoming exciting events including the Western District Youth Convention in April, Senior Camp, and UPCI Youth Congress. Mark your calendars so you don't miss anything! For more information about Youth Convention see: For those wanting to attend North American Youth Congress, information can be found at:
Bible Quizzers Excel!
February Invitational
Psalm119:15 (NKJV)
Congratulations to our Senior Immediate Team (above) who placed 4th at the February Invitational in Stockton. We also give a shout out to JJ Manangat (in red shirt) who was the second highest quizzer in his division. and to our junior team (above middle) that placed 9th. Logan D'Aquino and the Lighthouse of the Valley's beginner team placed 5th. It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice on the part of not only the quizzers, but also on the coaches, parents, and judges. We are proud of you all!
March Extravaganza
2023 Bible Quizzers and Coaches
RC Bible Quizzing Director
Senior Team Coaches
Joshua Williams
Jessica D'Aquino
Mariela Walls
Senior Quizzers
JJ Manangat
Melissa Walls
Eddie Solis
Junior Team Coaches
Anthony D'Aquino
Eleanor Lira
Josh Williams
Congratulations to our Senior Quiz team members JJ Manangat and Melissa Walls, coached by Jessica D'Aquino and Mariela Walls, standing with an official, who placed third in the Western Bible Quiz Extravaganza. Great job, Quizzers!
Junior Quizzing Team
Jazzlyn D'Aquino
Malachi Reddy
Kim Martinez
Mireya Gutierrez
Logan D'Aquino is competing on Lighthouse of the Valley's beginner team.
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
Southwest Region Extravaganza
Jazzy D'Aquino had a very impressive performance. She not only made the All Tournament team, but also was top scorer.
Our Bible quizzing teams competed again, this time at the Southwest Region Extravaganza at Truth Tabernacle in Merced. Wow! Logan D'Aquino is going to Nationals again for the second year in a row. His team placed second, qualifying him to travel to Branson, Missouri, this summer to compete with his team, the Lighthouse of the Valley of Stockton, California. He is pictured above left with his team
holding an amazing trophy! Congratulations, Logan! Our junior team came in 4th place. Great job! The excitement does not end here. Jazzy D'Aquino (pictured above right) received a trophy for being the Highest Scoring Individual on the All Tournament Team. Way to go, Jazzy! We are so proud of all of our quizzers, and commend them, their parents, coaches, and our Bible quizzing director, Joshua Williams.
Growth Track Studies the Oneness of God
This semester, Growth Track is focusing on the study of the Oneness of God using UPCI General Superintendent David K. Bernard's excellent book of the same title. Although Growth Track's original focus was on new believers, it has always been open to the seasoned saint who would like a deeper study of the scriptures. It is clear by this semester's attendance, there is a hunger to have a deeper understanding of this topic. Revival Church is unique in comparison to many United Pentecostal Churches as the membership is mostly made up of first generation Apostolic Christians. Thank you, Brother Dana and your team, for choosing such an important topic which is foundational to our faith.
When does Growth Track meet? Sundays at 12:30 p.m.
Where are Growth Track classes held?
In the Youth Chapel
Can anyone attend Growth Track classes?
Yes, classes are for new and long-term members
How do I enroll in Growth Track classes? You can join any time - just show up. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Powell.
Mature Ladies Enjoy Food & Fellowship
Although these "young ladies" usually only meet over the Internet for their weekly book club discussions, they met in March to include Sister Rose who came all the way from Arizona. They are currently studying fasting and will be moving onto the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. Enjoy that pasta, ladies!
The Good Book Club Fellowship Together JAM Celebrates Valentine's Day & Jesus' Love
Pastor Johnson Ministers in Panama
Recently, Pastor Johnson and Elder Elias Limones, pastor of The Pentecostals of the Bay Area, traveled to the Central American country of Panama for the 2023 Hacia Adelante conference. "TDR Panama 2023 Hacia Adelante has been an explosive and dynamic experience!" exclaimed Pastor Johnson. Pastor Ariel Chavez said, "The name of Jesus was raised high, and hundreds of pastors were inspired to reap the most copious harvest of souls in recent times. "Reverend Elias Limones and the TDR Conference are impacting countries around the world!
We are excited that our pastor has the opportunity to minister outside the walls of Revival Church to impact the lives of men and women in other countries. I am sure growing up in North Carolina, he could never
have imagined the places God would take him and people he would inspire, challenge, and encourage. The title of the conference in English means "Forward." God bless the churches around the world which are moving forward despite challenging situations to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Maranatha, the Lord is coming! The harvest is ready,
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! - Romans 10:14-15 NIV
OUTSIDE THE WALLS Ministering at the Women's Shelter
There was a special treat at the women's shelter in February. Bishop and Sharon Keyes donated boxes of Girl Scout cookies, enough for each woman. You can see by their smiles, the cookies were much appreciated.
A Report from Sister Grace Delgadillo
Sister Kay Hall shares her amazing testimony at the shelter as His presence fills the room.
RCWomen's Shelter Ministry was blessed by the testimony of Sister Marilyn Flores, Sister Carolyn Dimas, and an encouraging word from Sister Joyce Jones. Always grateful for the privilege to encourage these women with the hope we have in God.
Ministry Focus: Serve Team
When someone walks through the doors of Revival Church, whether it be a visitor or a longtime member, everyone is welcomed by our Serve Team with a friendly, sincere smile and greeting. Leader Jacqueline Aguirre said Pastor Johnson has asked the team to get acquainted with new people so "they feel welcomed and feel the love of God through us!" It is his goal for Revival Church to be known as the friendliest church in town. Jacqueline, assisted by Ashley Valencia, lead quite a team, not only of greeters at the door, but our first-line greeters who hold welcome signs at the entrance. The Serve Team is always looking for new volunteers, so if you are faithful and friendly, see Jacqueline or Ashley and smile! We love our serve team!
Serve Team memberS
Jacqueline Aguirre
Ashley Valencia
James Sanchez
Hailey Torres
Javier Cervantes
Jeanne Lozada
Jennifer Cameron
Jon Pina
Kali Valencia
Anthony Valencia
Lauren Hunt
Rosalina Estrada
Noah Wells
Rachel Henry
Zoë Warren
Gabriella Ramos
Carlos Aguirre
DeVina Aguirre
Adrienne Chavez
Angelica Giffen
Nick Giffen
Anjolene Rodela
Carolyn Paul
Casi Cervantes
Crystal Bubeck
Ethan Bubeck
Crystal Gregory
Chanel Aguirre
Mary Aguirre
Chloe Espinoza
Dimitri Montez
Edith Narayan
Eleanor Lira
Uriel Caraveo
Felicia Caraveo
Alejandra Guzman
Wisdom Begins with a Word
by Carol Castillo“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
It starts in middle school.
On the playground and in the classroom, the merciless measuring stick of comparison wields its first blow. Woe to any child whose nose, ears, height, weight, clothes, hair, speech or a thousand other attributes is perceived by other children as different.
It continues in high school. where young people taunt each other about grades, sports, popularity, and gender traits.
And if we think the comparison dragon is slain at adulthood, we’re just fooling ourselves. Grades and sports are simply traded for jobs, income, social status, houses, cars and spouses.
Having children ratchets up a whole new level of comparison-itis: whose child takes first steps, cuts first teeth, is first to be potty-trained, first to read, top in class, best looking, and most talented.
Social media adds to the syndrome.
People post their successes, highlights, and travels. They’re vacationing at the beach, enjoying amazing food, and redecorating their homes. No one posts photos of their kids melting down at Walmart, their family fight, broken dishwasher, bald tires, or past due bills.
Growing older only means comparing to see who looks older than you do.
We as Christians are not immune. We compare ministries, gifts, talents, church buildings, attendance levels and offering amounts. Even the disciples compared themselves and argued about who was greatest (Luke 9:4-626, Luke 22:24-30).
When we compare the worst of ourselves with the best of someone else, it only makes us feel bad about ourselves - jealous, inferior, insecure, frustrated, and anxious about our worth. At the opposite end, comparisons can lead us to pride, condescension, and self-righteousness. Remember, there will always be someone better than us at any given moment. And always someone not as good.
Scripture says those that measure
—Theodore Roosevelt
themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, are not wise (II Corinthians 10:12). The Book of Proverbs tells us the abundant benefits of wisdom: protection, wellbeing, favor with others, strong relationships, stability, and security. That’s enough to convince anyone to wise up.
Instead of indulging in fruitless comparisons, consider these appropriate frames of reference:
1) How do I compare myself now with myself a year ago? Do I see progress? “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves” (2 Corinthians 13:5).
2) How does my conduct and attitude compare with the Word of God? “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).
3) What does God think of me? “Fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:13).
Comparison is an endless merry go round trip to nowhere. Let’s stop looking around at others and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Contentment, gratefulness, freedom, and peace will flow over our souls. Comparison is the “thief [that] comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly” John 10:10.
EachSunday and Wednesday after the worship service, KREW Director Sujey Diaz and her team provide a time of worship and Bible-focused lessons which are geared to the level of our children. We appreciate these dedicated staff members who have a burden for our kids, the future of our church.
Below: Alyssa Suarez teaches about the Ark of the Covenant and the conquering of the walled city of Jericho. Then KREW kids reenacted the event, complete with carrying the "ark" and marching around the city until the walls fell down. God still knocks down walls of the enemy!
What Does the Bible Say About the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST?
WhaT did JeSuS Say abouT holy GhoST bapTiSm?
"Jesus replied, 'I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don't be surprised when I say, You must be born again. The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit." - John 3:5-8 (NLT)
(Speaking to the disciples before he ascended to heaven) "John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." - Acts 1:5 (NLT)
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 (NLT)
WhaT happened on The day of penTecoST, Which iS conSidered The birTh of The church?
"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." - Acts 2:1-4 (NKJV)
WhaT did The apoSTle peTer Say To The croWd ThaT GaThered afTer he and The oTherS received The GifT of The holy GhoST?
"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." - Acts 2:38 (KJV)
accordinG To The apoSTle peTer, Who can receive The GifT of The holy GhoST ThaT JeSuS promiSed?
"For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” - Acts 2:39 (NKJV)
WhaT iS The evidence ThaT you have received The holy GhoST?
The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too.. For they heard them speaking in other tongues and praising God. - Acts 10:45-46 (NLT)
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." - John 14:26 (KJV)
"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
Romans 8:26 (ESV)
"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." - John 16:13 (ESV)
"In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory."
- Ephesians 1:13-14 (KJV)
The apostles; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and others receive the gift: "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
(Acts 2:1-4 NKJV)
Ephesians received the gift: "Then when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied."
- Acts 19:6 (NLT)
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." -
Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."John 14:16-17 (KJV)
"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."
- Romans 8:11 (KJV)
Samaritans receive the gift: "The Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them, for they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.Then Peter and John laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the Holy Spirit."
- Acts 8:16-17 (NLT)
Gentiles receive the gift: "The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. For they heard them speaking in other tongues and praising God."
- Acts 10:45-46 (NLT)
Joel 2:9:28-29 promises that the Spirit will be poured out. The Apostle Peter said this gift is for ALL people (Acts 2:39). The Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day of Pentecost and is STILL being poured out today. This is a gift God wants to FREELY give YOU. Come visit us at Revival Church or any United Pentecostal Church near you. We look forward to praying with you to receive this life-changing experience and to support you on your walk with Christ.
Floyd Lozada "Now"
God Wants to Do Something NOW !
With firery conviction, Floyd Lozada, pastor of West Valley Revival Center in Gustine, stressed that God wants to do something right now in your life, in your family, in the church, in our community. We must heed the admonition in Psalm 1 and avoid walking, standing, and sitting with those who are scornful, who are critical, who are apathetic. He also referred to Paul's letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 3) in which he described to the younger pastor the problems he would encounter within the church in the last days. People would be lovers of pleasure, rather than of God. They would be proud and ungrateful and would have a form of godliness, but would deny the power thereof.
However, he said, "I believe the best days are right now!" He said he still believes it is going to take hunger and passion. "I believe God's equipped this generation to reach its world." He asked, "What could God do in your life if you stopped letting the enemy lie to you?"
He said some people think they have to get their life all cleaned up and perfect before coming to God. "You don't need to get your life together to get God, you need God to get change your life." He said, "When God gets involved, He does something right now that transforms your future, your thinking." With confidence he said, "We're going to see greater things now, greater outpouring of the Holy Ghost now!"
Richard Warren
1944 - 2023
See You in Heaven, Brother!
Another faithful saint crossed over to receive his reward - and he will be greatly missed. For fourteen years, Richard Warren was a member of our Newsvine staff. He was one of those who through the years pushed us to always do better. We literally spent hours, the Aguileras and the Warrens, word processing, collating, and one occasion, sorting out piles of Newsvine magazines according to zip code for the post office. ABS Direct, can thank Richard Warren for our business after countless agonizing hours bagging magazines for the post office, he finally said never again!
Brother Warren's journey to Christ was very unusual. After many years working and traveling in Asia, he was ready to come home. He told his boss, "I'm leaving because I have to find God. I have to find peace!" For three weeks as he traveled on the boat, he prayed and read the Bible, asking God to provide him with answers. He eventually ended up in Prescott, Arizona, at the office of Pastor Randy Keyes. Pastor Keyes was amazed that, without anyone witnessing to him, God had shown Brother Warren the Bible plan of salvation and the oneness of God. Once Richard found it, he was determined to live for Christ the rest of his life. He leaves behind his wife, Sherrie; and their three surviving children, Daniel, Faith, and Tony, plus numerous grandchildren. We will miss his laughter, his amazing tri tip, his brilliant mind, and his example of faithfulness and hard work. Until we see you again....