October Newsletter

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Volume 1 Issue 7 The Official Newsletter of the Garland High School Division 2C Key Club October Edition

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Dare to look at this issue Cover Page…..………..….……1 In This Issue……….….……..……2 Presidents’ Corner……...…...…3 Fall for Garland….….......….. 4 Homecoming Decorations...5 Genesis Women’s Shelter……..6 ELIMINATE………….….……...…..7 Walnut Glen Carnival……..……8 Girls with Goals.....………………9 DCON…………...............…..….10 Trick or Treat for Unicef….……11 New T-Shirts…..….……….…….12 Remind 101….…………….…..14 Attention Sophomores.……...15 Key Club Week….………...…15

Contact Page….……………16


Chilling Words from our Presidents! 3


President’s Corner: Juliana Zhang Hey guys! November brings around new opportunities of service for the club. There's Turkey Trot, helping out at the Friendship House, and participating in food drives as well. Not to mention, we're also celebrating Key Club week. We're almost through our first semester of school and I hope you've enjoyed Key Club so far. Let's finish the year off strong!

- Juliana Zhang, President

Vice President’s Corner: Hannah Oden - Brunson Hey Key Club! We’ve had a great year so far, and I’m constantly inspired by the heart for service of each member of this club. Thanks for making all of the events of the past month such a success, such as Trick-or-Treat for Unicef. With some of our favorite events of the year coming up, such as Turkey Trot and other holiday activities, I can’t wait to see what our club will accomplish!


Hannah Oden Brunson, Vice President

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Lorem Ipsum

Fall for Garland


On October 9th, Garland High Key Club helped in the annual Fall for Garland Fall Carnival by aiding various stations. Students helped direct traffic, paint faces, spray paint hair, hand out flyers and much more! We love helping our local community, and Fall for Garland gets better and better as the years progress!

We participated in a number of events at

themselves while supporting the city of

this festival. Key Clubbers aided in face

Garland at the dame time. And the fact

painting, working the coloring booth,

that Fall For Garland is an annual thing

bounce houses, concessions and more!

makes it that much more special and

We definitely love supporting our

anticipated every year.

community and having fun while doing it! There was quite a big turnout this year, making Fall For Garland 2013 one of the best yet. The firemen, games and crafts created an atmosphere that made having fun contagious! Events like these are always well - liked by our Key Clubbers because they are a fun way to benefit and connect with the https://www.facebook.com/addpage?ref=bookmarks community. Opportunities like this also allow us to help all age groups enjoy

Homecoming Decorations!

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It’s tradition at our school for every club to decorate a door, so of course Key Club had to participate! This year’s theme choices were Now You See Me, Crush the Colonels and Garland Spirit. I guess you can say we did a mixture of Now You See Me and Crush the Colonels. Although we may not have won the best door, we clearly had the most creative idea! We’re magically sawing the colonel in half with our key, get it? Anyway, our slogan was embrace the Magic of Service, so we did manage to decorate the door while advertising the importance of service, so I grant our club best door with a message. Yay! A special thanks to Sophomore Representative Christina Vu who drew the funny looking Colonel (cause everyone in South Garland looks funny of course) and the freshman who helped decorate the door, you guys are awesome! We also helped out with decorating the whole school, which was a complete success! Homecoming decorations take hard work, but with the help of some very talented kids from the art department, a wonderful director to make sure everything’s







everything was finished in time! Wonderful job everyone! We definitely upheld the tradition of displaying owl pride all over our school, and in the process, we spread a bit more information about the magic of service. What a win-win!

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Genesis Women’s Key Clubbers have aided in an organization that helps women in situations of abuse or neglect. Go to http://www.genesisshelter.org if you would like to volunteer or donate more items.

The Genesis Women’s Shelter promotes the shelter, safety and strength of women who have been victims of abuse or need counseling. It’s open 24/7 for women who need it. A couple of seniors made their Creative, Action and Service Project to help the shelter by donating supplies, so of course Key Clubbers

We aided the Genesis Women’ Shelter by donating supplies like

came to their aid by helping out!

shampoo and other toiletries that always needed. You can always

It’s always important to remember

donate supplies to them by going onto their website because they are

that treating someone with care is

always in need of something, or donating gently used clothing to

the best thing you can do for a

their store on Saturday.


You guys have done such an awesome job! This last month is the last month to donate because this CAS project will be wrapping up, soon so get all of your donations in! If you would like to keep donating, you can always go to the website above to see what supplies are needed or you can volunteer at the shelter as well!

An Update on ELIMINATE We have succeeded in our efforts to raise $1,000 for ELIMINATE! Expect more campaigns to come!


Help save

Do YOU believe in the power of ZERO?


Walnut Glen Carnival!


Having gone to Walnut Glen Academy as a youngin’ I was personally quite excited to know that we would be helping the kids again by aiding in the Fall Carnival Key Clubbers aided by helping at the baked goods/treat table, face painters, concessions, booths, prizes and clean - up crew! Honestly, I think I love this event more than the children, but don’t judge! It’s always wonderful to see the children dressed up in such adorable clothing! The carnival was definitely packed with excited kids dying to win some games and earn. Children always to a great job of highlighting the importance of having fun and maintaining a positive attitude! Sometimes hanging around them can teach us some very important lessons that we may forget as we get older. And as the youngest child, I enjoy entertaining these cuties whenever I can since I don’t have any little siblings of my own! Next time you work with children, I encourage you to take a step back and learn some valuable lessons. 6 and 7 year-olds cans be quite wise!

"Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun."

- Author, Mignon McLaughlin

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Girls With Goals


So wha t exa ctly wa s Girls with Goa ls a bout? It was basically a bunch of girls who are in middle school right now and a lot of them come from underprivileged families and they do activities to encourage education and there were speakers that talked about overcoming their own struggles from high school and it was really inspiring! Why did you ta lk a bout? “I just talked about dealing with pressure with high school because Guest speaker Mahi Senthilkumar

it is the last step and a you just need to push through and get

spoke at a function for the girls of

through those struggles to benefit in college.”

Bussey Middle School, encouraging them to stick to their studies and

-Mahi Senthilkumar, GHS Key Club Member

pursue a higher education in college. Wonderful job Mahi!

Key Club Week Theme Days: o 11/4 – Show your K in Every Way...wear your key club t-shirt! o 11/5 – Kudos to the Key Players...thank Mr. Stolar and Ms. Nila!! o 11/6 – Bring a friend to Key Club...you'll get one hour for bringing a friend to the general meeting! o 11/7 – Connect the K’s...attend a Kiwanis meeting! o 11/8 – Your Way...help us hand out Hershey Kisses ("kisses" from Key Cub)


DCON Theme Announced!

The new theme is finally here and you DON’T want to miss out on all the fun so make sure you save the date and arrangements to attend DCON 2014!


Garland High School Key Club participated in the annual Trick- Or Treat for Unicef event where we collect funds for ELIMINATE while receiving candy!

The wonderful people of Waterview were once again very generous with their donations. Special thanks to Freshman Representative Linh Nguyen for getting the okay

Many of our Key Clubbers dressed up and looked pretty awesome while they collected money. Who wouldn’t want to donate to Clark Kent and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle????


We have our new t-shirt design and theme for this year! Our theme is Uphold the Legend of Key Club! Sign up to order your shirts on Facebook by November 8th. The shirts are $15 each and they are really awesome! Bring your money to the following general meeting after you order online. We will not be ordering extra t-shirts, so make sure you sign up now! Special thanks to Nicha Meyer for her epic design!


Genesis Women’s Shelter- This is the last month to get hours for this event! You may donate up to four items for 2 hours max. Try and turn in donations before thanksgiving break. Middle School Fair– Details will be discussed at the next meeting. We will do what we did at Share Night and just set up a booth to encourage students to join. Through Thursday - 3-4:30 P.M. November 6th – Bring a friend to the Key Club meeting! Turkey Trot - Thanksgiving. Sign up online. This event is always so much fun! Canstruction – details will be discussed concerning how many cans you need for an hour. Go to the website for more updated info on upcoming events : http://ghskeyclub.tumblr.com/


Sign Up to receive messages and updates concerning our club straight to your phone! Text @55cbb" to the number 972-675-7475.

Attention Sophomores!


You have an opportunity to apply for the Kiwanis Sophomore of the Year Scholarship!! Follow all the directions and submit it by November 4th to Mr. Stolar in room 130. Download the application from the Facebook page. Last year, DCON Committee Head Kelly Mullins won last year and President Juliana Zhang won the year before. The winner(s) will receive a plaque with their name on it and a $600 scholarship towards college! 
I highly encourage you apply!

Participate in Key Club Week Novermber 5th9th!

Contacts! Juliana Zhang – Club President

Thomas Le – Club Historian



Hanhah Oden –Brunson – Club Vice

Angelo Echiverri – Club Webmaster

President hannah.vob@verizon.net Michael Nguyen – Club Secretary of Minutes Michaelnguyen86@yahoo.com

angeloechiverri@rocketmail.com http://ghskeyclub.tumblr.com/

Justine Phan – Club Treasurer Justine_phan@yahoo.com

Tiffany Yang – Club Historian

Frank Moreno – Secretary of Hours



Luke Broussard – District Governor

Steffi Lee – Division 2C LTG



Isaiah ValleQuinones – District

Usman Hyder – District Secretary



treasurer@tokeyclub.com Tashmira Hossein – District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

Henry Nguyen Sargeant at Arms buthead8888@gmail.com


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