Church Directory A guide to Pampa’s Faith Community
PAMPANEWS a special publication of The
CHURCH GUIDE - 2 - The Pampa News
CHURCH GUIDE - 3 - The Pampa News
Hi-Land Christian Church Hi-Land Christian Church has been a staple in the Christian community of Pampa for several decades. Originally started in 1959 by Harold Starbuck, the church met in a parsonage that was located on Hobart Street. In 1960, the parsonage was moved to Banks Street and met in the garage until the building
was completed in late 1960. Starbuck started the church as an independent Christian church and was the pastor for the better part of 17 years. Between Starbuck and Sublett there were six other pastors, all of which were independent Christian church leaders. In 1992, after Sublett became the pastor, the church leadership and moved to make the church more in-
Highland Baptist
irst IS
HLCC cont. on page 4
1633 N. Nelson “ D i s c i p l e s o f669-3225 christ” ST
Sunday School ... 9:45am
Sunday School .................................................................................... 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship ................................................................10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday Activities (Children, Youth, Adult Bible Study) ..........................7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services
Sunday WorShip and children’S church... 10:50am WedneSday evening ... 6:15pm
1301 N. Banks • 665-3300 Corner of Banks & Kentucky
during a city-wide revival. “Historically our church had rarely been involved in those things,” Sublett said. “But I wanted us to expand our view of the Kingdom.” Now the church is involved in projects such as Fifth Sunday Sing, Vacation Bible School and other multi-church, multi-denominational projects in Pampa.
F C • CH R
~A place for You ~As You are ~Where You are
volved in various projects and functions involving other churches in Pampa. “When I first came here our get-togethers with other churches were mostly with other independent Christian church folks,” Sublett said. Hi-Land Christian Church eventually started working with other churches, outside of the independent Christian church umbrella. The first time was
By John Lee Twitter: @jcl1987
Schedule may vary, call for additional activitieS)
Snack Supper & youth group nurSery provided
…reaching up to Jesus, reaching out to Pampa 29419
Continued From Page 3
HCC also made a conscious decision roughly 15 years ago to move their worship from traditional to contemporary. “Our songs may be very contemporary but we’ve learned from some visitors that we are not as fast or loud as some churches who also play contemporary,” Sublett said. Sublett said his church has a good mixture of the elderly, middle-aged and young adults congregation. “We’re not an older church, I would say probably close to a middle-aged church,” Sublett said. “We’re kind of a mixture of all ages.” HCC also has a few ministries they are involved in; probably most recognizable is CREATE-a-beat. “It’s not actually part of our church. Our music minister (Julie Long) did start it and they are housed here,” Sublett said. “The impact of CAB with young people in
CHURCH GUIDE - 4 - The Pampa News
Pampa is significant. We give them our facilities for free to use any way they want to and they have some from our church as volunteers working for them.” CAB is an after-school and summer program for children which teaches arts, crafts, singing, theater and many more activities. Two of the Hi-Land’s other outreaches include supporting families and missionaries in Ghana and the Philippines. The first family is Roy and Barbara Willingham. “They actually used to live in Pampa and Roy worked in the oilfield,” Sublett said. “They went to our church for years and then God just called them to Africa. We love supporting them.” Willingham teaches in Ghana Christian University, preparing students to churches in Ghana and by spreading spread the word of God. The other missionary HCC supports is Nic Celis in the Philippines.
Pastor Mike Sublett and Sal, the Salvation Bear whose many colors represent the colors of Salvation.
Nic originally worked in the Philippines with her late husband, Roger. Following Roger’s death, sadly some churches dropped support, HCC did not. Following an accident that has left her mostly bed-ridden, even more churches dropped support. Again HCC did not. “She’s been in a hospital bed off-and-on for the past 4 years and we still support her and we will continue to support her until she dies,” Sublett said. “I believe that’s a huge statement from our
church leadership. We will not cut her off because she has served faithfully for years and we will be there with her until she goes to her heavenly home.” Sunday school at HCC starts at 9:45 a.m. followed by worship at 10:45 a.m. HCC has evening service at 6 p.m. on Sundays and Bible study at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. For more information or questions call the church Mike’s cell phone at 806669-6700 630-730-8015.
CHURCH GUIDE - 5 - The Pampa News
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel By John Lee Twitter: @jcl1987
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel was founded in 1993 and was originally founded as a mission of First Baptist Church, Central Baptist and various other Southern Baptist Church. By the early 2000s, the church was established under its current name. Iglesia Bautista Emanuel still continues to work with First Baptist Church often. As a mission, it’s purpose was to cater to minister the Spanish-speaking church-goers in Pampa. Jaramillo came Iglesia Bautista Church ministering vocationally in 2005. When he retired in 2012, he took on the role as full-time minister of the church. Jaramillo has seen the church grow from five or six members to as many 60 members. Currently the congregation averages 30 members, but still continues to see new members interested in the church. “We’re reaching out to people,” Jaramillo said. “I
was talking to a boy the other day and we are baptizing him on Sunday. We’re just encouraging and talking to people about joining.” The services are solely conducted in Spanish. “Once in a while someone shows up and doesn’t know Spanish to which I do it in English, also,” Jaramillo said. “We do our Sunday school for the children in English, but the Sunday school for the adults are in Spanish.” While there has been some Spanish contemporary worship in the past, the church’s music is traditional. Even though Iglesia Bautista Church is primarily a Spanish-speaking church, Jaramillo said the church is open to anyone. “We’re here for the Spanish people but anybody can come,” Jaramillo said. “Cause if there is anyone who needs it in English we’ll do it in English [too]. I don’t want people to feel their shut-out just
First Presbyterian Church Please join us as we worship and serve as witnesses of God’s love in the world. You can learn more about First Presbyterian Church on our website at • Growing in the Gospel • Expanding Youth and Christian Education programs and activities • Committed to learning and sharing God’s love
Service Schedules Sunday Mornings
9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages 10:45 a.m. Worship
IGLESIA cont. on page 12 29408
Wednesdays September thru May 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
WOW - classes for kids & adults Meal for all Youth program Choir practice
525 N. Gray St. | Pampa, Texas 79065 806-665-1031
CHURCH GUIDE - 6 - The Pampa News
Calvary Baptist Church re-focuses to make disciples of Jesus Christ By John Lee Twitter: @jcl1987
Calvary Baptist Church was founded in 1931 at Grace Baptist Church’s present location at 834 S. Barnes. In 1975 it moved to it’s current location located at 900 E. 23rd Street. Calvary Baptist Church welcomes people from “all walks of life.” “We’re a pretty contemporary church and have a full worship band,” pastor Paul Beam said. “As I’ve come in it’s a church that runs about 300
members or so.” Beam said the church has seen a lot of people come, get baptized and leave; a trend Beam would like to see turn into a full discipleship. “We’ve kind of re-focused thing to be a church that’s about making disciples,” Beam said. “Not just about seeing people come and get saved, which is a great thing but trying to see people become disciples and walking in faith with Christ. That their relationship with Christ affects their daily life.” As a part of this re-focusing, Calva-
ry Baptist Church has re-worked their visuals such as logo, website and mission statement. The Church has also developed more opportunities to live and grow in faith. “In the fall we are launching New Member Mentorship so when someone comes to the church they go through a process of meeting with someone else over a period of time and help them understand what it means to come and know Christ and what it means to join CALVARY cont. on page 11
Church of Christ Mary Ellen & Harvester 1342 Mary Ellen • (806) 665-0031 • Keith Feerer - Preacher
“….Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Revelation 2:10
Sunday School–9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship–10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship– 5 p.m. Wednesday Worship–7:00 p.m. 29416
CHURCH GUIDE - 7 - The Pampa News
Zion Lutheran Church By John Lee Twitter: @jcl1987
Zion Lutheran Church has been in Pampa for 77 years with Reverend Michael Erickson heading the pulpit for 15 years. Zion Lutheran had its humble beginnings in Pampa in the 1940s. In the fall of 1941 several families requested that Rev. Horace Frerking of Trinity Lutheran come from Amarillo and begin conducting regular worship services in
Pampa. Services were held in the chapel of Nelson Funeral Home. Later in 1942 land was purchased on Duncan Street and in 1943 the Davis Schoolhouse was purchased, moved to the Duncan location, and was renovated to a suitable church structure. This building served the congregation until 1957 when the second building was built dedicated to the glory of God. Zion’s curZION cont. on page 14
Zion Lutheran Church 1200 Duncan • 669-2774 Rev. Michael Erickson, Pastor
The word of the Lord endures forever. I Peter 2:25
Our mission is for people to…
KNOW Christ… GROW through discipleship… GO tell others of God’s love!
A church dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A church dedicated to the teaching of our Savior and His Apostles.
Sunday 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Celebration of Praise Child Care Children’s Church Wednesday 7:00pm Life Enrichment Children’s Ministry Student Ministry
A church dedicated to reverence with traditional liturgical worship.
Ed and Brenda Sattesahn Lead Pastor
500 S. Cuyler St. • 806-665-5941 •
Divine Service each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Class at 9:15 a.m. 29418
CHURCH GUIDE - 8 - The Pampa News
St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
Hi-Land Christian Church 1615 N. Banks • 669-6700 Pastor: Mike Sublett
“Everyone has a place and a job in our church. We are a small, close knit family that works together for Jesus. And, we have a place for you,too” ~Mike Sublett
Sunday 9:45 Sunday School 10:45 Worship 6:00 Service Wednesday 7:00 Bible Study
We preach and teach the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, which has been described as “an appeal from a loving Father to wandering and estranged children to come home where love is waiting for them.”
Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday
5:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Spanish Reconciliation Saturday 4:30 p.m. Faith Formation Sundays: 10:30-11:45 Sept–May
Weekday Masses
Monday No Mass Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Spanish Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed Friday Pastor Rev. Francisco Pérez
810 W. 23rd Ave. 665-8933 • Fax 806-665-2840 29407
CHURCH GUIDE - 9 - The Pampa News
Trinity Fellowship Church By Patrick Allen Twitter: @PatrickJ_Allen
Trinity Fellowship, located at 2225 N Hobart St., has become quite a popular church within the Pampa community. Mike Borger, who has been the head paster for two and a half years, talked about his past before arriving at Trinity. “Before this I was in the equipment leasing business for about 37 years,” Borger
said. “My wife and I then wanted to something that really mattered to us, and we sought God and asked for directions on what we should do. He led us to paster Trinity here in Pampa. Before this, we lived in Amarillo our whole life and after we moved here we loved it. It is a really blessed place to be, there are many great people here, and it continues to grow.” TRINITY cont. on page 12
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am Broadcast live on KOMX FM 100.3
First United Methodist Church of Pampa
For info on Children’s Ministry, Youth Group & Adult Small Groups visit Pastor - Rev. Ruby Moultrie
201 E. Foster 806.669.7411
CHURCH GUIDE - 10 - The Pampa News
First Baptist Church By Patrick Allen Twitter: @PatrickJ_Allen
First Baptist Church, located at 203 N West St., is a great place for families to attend worship services. Ryan Clark, the assistant pastor for First Baptist, spoke about his church. “Here we have a very good mix of everything in our worship,” Clark said. “We sing everything from hymns to the newest of new songs, and we also have a band that plays.
There are around six or seven instrumentalists leading with us at all times on the platform. We are very well-mixed in our types of worship.” Clark then went on to talk about their head paster, Byron Williamson. “Williamson is a great Godly man,” Clark expressed. “He is extremely compassionate to others and is a man of the word. He has a great sense
Ryan Clark, assistant pastor at First Baptist Church
FBC cont. on page 15
Pentecostal Holiness Church 1700 Alcock
“Where you’re never a stranger, but a new friend.”
Morning Worship Evening Worship Bible Study Gospel Singing
Sunday Sunday Wednesday Second Sunday of each month
10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
Celebrating 90 years in Pampa 1928-2018 Rev. Albert and Mary Maggard, Pastors 29415
A loving welcome, anointed preaching, joyous worship
CHURCH GUIDE - 11 - The Pampa News
Continued From Page 6
the church,” Beam said. The church is in the process of finding their new youth minister who will manage the youth program and help grow the children’s program. The children’s program meets on Wednesday night’s at 6:30 p.m. and caters to nursery through fifth grade. Then the students go into student ministry in sixth grade through high school. Calvary Baptist Church’s ministries include Church at Work, which helps with people who are having issues with repairs and construction projects and a disaster relief team. “We have two disaster-relief trailers, one of which is a shower trailer with shower stalls that goes everywhere,” Beam said. “We also have a trailer that we’re putting together for chain-saw crews.” The church has an outreach welcoming team and is also planning a “Serve-Day” outreach in the fall. Worship services are at 6:30 p.m. (except through the summer), Sunday morning Bible Study groups at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. is morning worship. Anyone interested in the church who would like to meet the staff and ask questions can meet in the atrium at 9 a.m. “At Calvary Baptist Church you’re going to find a group of people who are loving, accepting, concerned about you and who you are,” Beam said.
“We long to see people come to Christ and to know and follow him. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a suit, jeans or shorts on. It’s a place that’s very free in worship.” Calvary Baptist Church’s mission: At Calvary, we believe that Christ’s clear mandate for the church is to make disciples that make disciplesfully devoted followers of Christ who have been transformed by the Gospel of Jesus. We believe that the process of becoming a disciple of Christ is a life-long process of being transformed from who we once were to who He calls us to be. It is our passion to encourage people along this process by: Connecting people with Christby preaching and teaching that the only way to salvation and forgiveness of sin is through Jesus Christ. Connecting people with His Truth- by helping believers to follow
and apply God’s Word through Christcentered Bible Study, Worship, and Discipleship. Connecting people to His Churchby helping believers to connect to other believers in both the local and global church for encouragement, support, and accountability. and Connecting people with His Mission- by providing believers the opportunity to participate in mission and service projects- locally, nationally, and internationally. We encourage our members to use the gifts and talents that God has given them to serve and give unto others. We are a sending church that seeks to send our members on mission, with God, proclaiming Christ and the Gospel, which is “the power of God unto Salvation.”
CHURCH GUIDE - 12 - The Pampa News
Continued From Page 9
Borger talked about the demographic of their congregation, saying that many who attended were young. “There are a lot of children here, along with young couples,” Borger stated. “We do have some older folks too, but for the most part I would say that our demographic is young professionals with children. Typically on a Sunday, we will have 150 elementary-aged kids and under and another 70 or more junior high and high school kids. There are many children and young families who attend our services.” In regards to the type of worship that is practiced in the church, Borger said that they were free in worship and there is much engagement in the services, with the atmosphere being very lively.
Continued From Page 5
cause we’re in Spanish.” The church has one service on Sunday mornings and has a Bible study on Sunday nights. The church’s youth program isn’t as strong as Jaramillo would like to see but they have seen some come in. As for outreaches, Iglesia Bau-
Trinity also offers outreach to the community for those who need it. “We do a lot of benevolence in the community,” Borger stated. “We help those who are struggling with their bills and who are struggling financially. We also help the Harvest House every year, which was actually born in this congregation, but now it has become a standalone non-profit. We also do a lot for the members of our church. If you are here and you are in a bind financially, the church stands ready to lend a helping hand.” Many churches have traditions that they practice in their worship, but Trinity takes a different route. Borger explained that Trinity wasn’t as focused on tradition as it was with freedom and the ability to change. “One of the things I love about Trinity is we aren’t strong on tradition,” Borger said. “We feel that we have freedom in Christ and we often change things, such as move to dif-
ferent schedules or try new things. We choose not to hold to tradition as much.” Borger then explained what he loved about Trinity and it’s members. “The most blessed thing about this church is that when you come in here, you feel love,” Borger expressed. “There is a lot of broken people that come to Trinity Fellowship who maybe expect to be judged or looked down upon because of the situation they are in, but when they come in here they find that is not the case at all. They are loved, embraced and accepted just as they are. Trinity Fellowship is also a place of honesty. I try to be honest with everyone about my weaknesses, my journey and my need for a Savior. Everyone is open and honest, there is no judging here.” For more information on Trinity Fellowship, you can call 806-6653255
tista Emanuel offers ESL classes during the school year as well as an effort to evangelize in July. “We teach ESL,” Jaramillo said. “We’re going to have a mission team of about 30-35 members and we’re going to do an outreach effort Friday, Saturday and they’ll be here Sunday for church. Friday and Saturday night we’re going to have a church in the park.” The dates are July 6-8 with July
6-7 being at Central Park from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Emanuel Sunday include Sunday School at 10 a.m. and worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday night Bible Study is at 6 p.m.
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel is lo-
cated at 1021 S. Barnes or call 806663-2716.
CHURCH GUIDE - 13 - The Pampa News
Hi-Land Christian Church’s ministry CREATE-A-beat
Aaron Martinez
Ayden Martinez and Sierra Sutherland
Phoenox Lopez
Ada Genn
Natalie Mulanax
Jasmine Rodriguez, Melanie Rodriguez, Aaliyah Torrez, T’Aira Taylor and Tyler Collier
Continued From Page 7
rent church building was built and dedicated in 1984 which serves our congregation as we gather around the preaching of God’s Word and the administration of the blessed sacraments. Zion celebrated its 75th anniversary on July 31, 2016. Zion Lutheran is very traditional church which follows a liturgy and compared to many churches, doesn’t have a children’s church. “We want all of our families together when they come to our services,” Erickson said. “We want them together when they’re taking in the Word, it’s for everybody.” Zion Lutheran is a member of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. Synod means “walking together.” The church body was formed in 1847 in St. Louis, Missouri by German Lutherans who desired to remain faithful to Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. The LC-MS has 2.2 million members with 6,100 congregations throughout the United States. We have nine universities and
CHURCH GUIDE - 14 - The Pampa News
colleges and over 2,200 parochial schools. The church offers Bible Study and Sunday school prior to their regularly-scheduled service at 10:30 a.m. Divine Service with Holy Communion is held every Sunday at during the service and the church also has Wednesday services during the seasons of Advent and Lent at 7 p.m. The church maintains many of their Lutheran values and welcomes new members to join and become catechized. “We catechize adults when they’re thinking about joining the church and instruct,” Erickson said. The average Sunday at Zion Lutheran is around 50 members and while they are on their third building, they have always been in the same location. As for fundraisers and outreach, the Big Z BBQ is their largest fundraiser with almost all of the proceeds going to various charities. “We’re very thankful for that,” Erickson said. “Some of the charities we have given to is Tralee Crisis Center, the Pregnancy Center, Good Samaritan, etc.”
Zion Lutheran Church also supports Siberian Lutheran Church in Siberia. “The bishops have visited us and they are a very small and poor church,” Erickson said. The support was enabled when long-time, underground Lutherans worshipers were finally able to worship publicly following the Cold War. “When the wall came down in the late 1980s this one bishop went to the Slovic nations and became a pastor, was ordained and then went back to Lutheran folks,” Erickson said. “The church covers several time-zones and I don’t know how many pastors they have.” Zion Lutheran Church has a small youth group who once every couple years goes to a seminar called “Higher Things.” “Last one we went to was to Montana State University in Bozeman,” Erickson said. “We go and worship and learn and do fun stuff too.” There are three on staff with an organist, a part-time secretary and, of course, Reverend Erickson. Zion’s pastor is Reverend
Erickson. Born in Wayne, Nebraska he received a biology degree from Wayne State College in 1989. He graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri in 1993. From there he served Grace Lutheran Church and Our Savior Lutheran Church in Hobbs and Lovington, New Mexico from 1993 to 2002. Rev. Erickson came to serve Zion in November of 2002. He has a wife and two boys. He enjoys doing things with his family and his hobbies include running, soccer, and hiking. For those looking for a church home, Erickson said worshipers will experience the grace of God weekly. “Yes, we are sinners,” Erickson said. “But we have a gracious God who sent His son to die on the cross and forgive your sins. There’s such joy in receiving and growing in the faith. And that happens every week here. You get to be absolved, start-up anew and things are right with God.” Zion Lutheran Church is located at 1200 N. Duncan and can be reached at 806669-2774.
CHURCH GUIDE - 15 - The Pampa News
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of humor and really loves his church family.” Clark also spoke on what the demographic of their congregation was. “When it comes to age, we are a very well mixed church,” Clark explained. “Those who attend our services are everything from newborns to 100 years old. We are very diverse in age.” First Baptist Church has a wide outreach when it comes to missions, as they travel
around the world to spread the word of God. “We have had mission trips going to Haiti, have embarked for China and we are currently sending teams down to Houston for disaster relief,” Clark stated. “We are currently beginning a relationship with the Gwendolyn Apartments as well. We are always looking for ways to infuse into our community.” Clark has been with First Baptist for 10 months now and has loved the atmosphere that the church creates. “I really enjoy the church-
es love for people,” Clark said. “I have been a part of many churches and I don’t know if I have seen one that has wanted to be involved with the community more,
and love the people that God has given us as much as this church has.” For more information on First Baptist Church, you can call 806-669-1155.
In our world of uncertainty…
Remember Jesus Loves You For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
9:45 a.m. Bible Study 11 a.m. Worship (broadcast on KGRO) 6 p.m. Worship
6:30 p.m. Adults, Youth, Children & Preschool Activities
Central Baptist Church
Norman Rushing, Pastor 513 E. Francis • 665-1631 •