May 1 - October 31, 2024

“This organization is
May 1 - October 31, 2024
“This organization is
Singers who are living A Lifetime of Sweet Adelines share what it means to them and how our donors make it possible in this moving video, which was aired several times at the Sweet Adelines International Convention & Competition in Kansas City.
We hosted several events to acknowledge our donors at the Sweet Adelines International Convention & Competition. These events brought together donors whose generosity to the organization they love ensures that today’s Sweet Adelines receive the best in barbershop education and that those who come after will continue our legacy of excellence, harmony, and love.
We kicked off convention at Harmony Classic on October 29, 2024, with an exciting goal: to meet or exceed the Philanthropy Committee’s $12,100* challenge gift. Thanks to the incredible generosity of an anonymous donor, we quickly reached $24,200. Inspired to go further, we set a new goal to raise another $12,100 and reach $36,300. By the chorus finals on Saturday, November 2, our generous members had contributed an additional $14,500, surpassing even this ambitious goal.
Update: As of November 13, 2024, all contributions received from our members toward this challenge are more than $47,000.
*All amounts in this report are in USD.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported this effort. Together, we’re creating a vibrant future for all Sweet Adelines!
Watch International President Mary Rhea and CEO Tammy Talbot announce challenge gift for the 2024 Life on a High Note Campaign.
To watch more videos from members of the Philanthropy Committee and others about this year’s campaign and challenge gift, visit our YouTube Channel.
Thank you for your generosity and support of our vision. Together we see the future!
The following is a list of donors who contributed between May 1 – October 31, 2024.
Education Fund
Anonymous Donor
Alford, Annette
Baker, Gina
Barger, Pamela
Bottash, Jackie
Clipman, Betty
Copich, Cindy
Crandall, Olivia
Davis, Paula
Drastic Measures Quartet
di Pota, AJ
Faithful, Peg
Furtner, Fran
Gertson, Susan Gilliam, Jamie Lynn
Haughin, Jody
Horn, Judy
Hunget, Michelle
Johnson, Paul & Sherri
Katz, Ellen
Kring, Lena
Larson, Linda
Leon, Peggy
Lewis, Laura
Loos, Randy and Jolene
MacKinlay, Cammi
McLean, Susan
Mendo Lake Chapter Moore, Gail
Nainan-Newhard, Sarah
Nielsen, Barbara A.
Nortz, Nancy
O’Brien, Emily
Perlin, Rachel
Platt, Nancy
Reid, Dana
Smith, Beth
Smith, Sandra Smith, Susan
Staats, Beverly
Standerfer, Ann
Starr, Julie
The Annapolis Blend Chapter
Thomas, Lloyd-Ellen Wilson, JoAnn
Greatest Need Fund
Allen, Mary
Bachand, Kathy
Beatty, Scott
Bendik, Helenanne
Berger, Audrey
Boutilier, Joan
Brown, Shirley
Carovillano, Patricia
Chalmers, Lee
Cunningham, Judy Crowe, Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Davenport-Wheeler, Liesl Davidson, Louise
Dawson, Marcia
Dedrick, Dorothy
Dow, Kathy
Dreyer, Lori
Elliott, Diane
Ferenc, Deb
Forrest, Misti
French, Rosanne
Frey, Cathy
Friedmeyer, Marjorie
Gianopoulos, Jean Gilliam, Jamie Lynn
Godbole, Shyamali Goebelbecker, Michael
Gove, Ruth
Hamilton, Elaine
Hickey Price, Patricia Hooker, Elisabeth
Howlett, Cynthia
It’s About Time! Quartet
Katen, Gladys and Fred Kelley, Carran
Koehnlein, Denise
Koppenhaver, Susan
Kuhn, Kimberly
Lake Country Chapter
Larson, Linda
Luallin, Shellie
Luckstone, Catherine Lueck, Norene
Lysiak-Hannan, Bernice
Mancillas, Hilda
McAlexander, Ann
McKenna, Janice
McKenzie, Carol
Miller, Melva
Monismith, Linda
Murray, Bryce
Olson, Jean
Ottosen, Carolyn
Parkell, Phyllis
Paronto, Alta
Poole, Carol
Porter, Donald
Pruente, Susan
Rangachar, Madhavi
Sacramento Valley Chapter
Schultz, Laura
Shively, Karrie
Sims, Michele
Swartzmiller, Harriett
Talbot, Tammy
Teed, Mary
The Richard C Drayson Trust
Thomas, Lloyd-Ellen
Thompson, Sydney
Wells, Linda
Zabloudil, Thelma
Zottola, Adelina
Scholarship Fund
Anonymous Gift
Ashford, Mary
Bromert, Kay
Cartwright, Sharon
Dellås, Annika
Gilliam, Jamie Lynn
Kerr, Bonnie
Mouché, Carol
Patton, Sharon
Peters, Sandy
Randy and Donna Smith Giving Fund
Rhea, Mary
Taylor, Valerie
Young Singers Fund
Acapella North Chapter
Allen, Mary
Andress, Jacqueline
Buckmaster, Kendall
Campbell, Catherine
Copeland, Becky
Cotton, Mary
Davis, Joanna
Faithful, Peg
Finstad, Linette
Gilliam, Jamie Lynn
Glencree Neighborhood HOA
Gordon, Debi
Grand Rapids Chapter
Guzman, Beth
Harmony Heartland
Hogan Taylor
Keller, Elizabeth
Lucas, Pat
Massie, Heidi
McGinnis, Sarah
North by Northwest Region 13
Oregon Spirit Chapter
Ovation Champion Club Region 13
Pardis, Shelly
Patton, Sharon
Perlin, Rachel
Richard, Jane
Russell, Nancy
Scharr, Kathleen
Seattle Shores Chapter Dissolved
Smith, Maureen
Sparking City Chapter
The Woodlands Show Chapter
Vocal Matrix Chapter
Wallace, Sally and Bob
Hanson, Margaret Education Fund
Nielsen, Barbara A.
Judge Education
Evermann-Gibbs Estate, Anita Greatest Need Fund
Chernak Estate, Judy Young Singers Fund
Hoffa Estate, Anne Young Singers Fund
This report reflects donors who made a contribution May 1 – October 31, 2024. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. If we missed your name, we extend our sincere apologies. Please reach out to philanthropy@sweetadelines.com so we can be sure to include you in the next publication.