November 1, 2023 - April 30, 2024

November 1, 2023 - April 30, 2024
Meg Mahoney A long-time donor to Sweet Adelines International, Meg Mahoney recently made a generous gift to help fund the Scholarship for Directors of Small and Midsize Choruses. Meg has sung baritone with Pride of Baltimore, Buffalo Gateway, Spirit of the Gulf, and her current chorus, Toast of Tampa, but her introduction to barbershop music came from hearing the small Minot Chorus when she was growing up in North Dakota (USA). Meg says providing these directors with time and resources for education through the Scholarship is a great way to support small and midsize choruses, who often don’t have the funding of larger ensembles.
“One need only look at any Sweet Adelines chorus and analyze what it takes to make a rehearsal happen every week to realize how many hands are involved…I value that feeling of contributing to the team and doing my part as I see all the people around me doing their part. But another reason I want to contribute is out of gratitude for the things that I have gained in my own life through Sweet Adelines – not only the musical training, but, just like everyone says, the wonderful relationships and friendships and the sense of community.”
Jamy Claire Archer was among the first cohort of directors to receive the Sweet Adelines International Scholarship for Directors of Small and Midsized Choruses. An almost 15-year member of the organization, Jamy Claire directs Heart of Columbia Chorus and sings with Song of Atlanta Chorus, both in Region 14. She says the education provided by the scholarship has far-reaching effects, as directors bring everything they learn to their choruses.
“[A small chorus has] the same responsibilities as a large chorus, but we have fewer people to accomplish those things, so every member has more responsibility, on and off the risers. From a financial standpoint, we have to be extra financially conscious and fiscally responsible with everybody’s money. Education is a pillar of Sweet Adelines, and the scholarship for directors of small and midsized choruses really does allow for members of small choruses to have access to high-quality education through their director.”
Alana Butikofer
Idaho Falls A Cappella Chorus, #8
Alex Charlton
Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus, #35
Allison Lynskey Potomac Harmony Chorus, #25
Anna-Lisa Glad Bella Voce Chorus, #8
Annette Gary Pride of West Texas Show Chorus, #23
Annette Lambrecht
Windsong Chorus and High Plains Harmony Chorus, #8
Brooke Dufton
Festival Sounds Chorus, #2
Carol Ludwig
Delmarva Chorus, #19
Carolyn Currington Faultline Chorus, #35
Claire Gardiner
Vienna-Falls Chorus, #14
Danil Biba
Harmony North Chorus, #16
Dawn Krones
Sooner Sensations Show Chorus, #25
Debbie Scott Queen Charlotte Chorus, #14
Denise Brinkerhoff Vista Hills Chorus, #21
Diane Warner Eastside Harmony Chorus, #16
Drew Osterhout Pride of Portland Chorus, #13
Elvera Collier Peace Arch Chorus, #26
Hannah Barton
The Heartland Singers Chorus, #16
Hanna-Märtha Bergström Baltic Harmony Chorus, #32
Iris Christ Show Notes A Cappella Chorus, #9
Janelle Peck Coeur d’Alene Chorus, #13
Janice Caravan
Desert Sounds A Cappella+ Chorus, #26
Jennifer Hunter Saratoga Soundtrack, #15
Jennifer Jones Voices in Harmony Chorus, #17
Jenny Harris
The Annapolis Blend Chorus, #19
Joan Borden
Orangeville Show Chorus, #16
Karen Phillips
Tulsa Metro Sound Chorus, #25
Karen Randall
Lincolnaire Chorus, #5
Karla Callaway
Texas Harmony Chorus, #10
Kim Wonders
Metro Nashville Chorus, #4
Kimberly Graham
Vocal Matrix Chorus, #14
Laurel Peterson
Riverport Chorus, #3
Leslie Dalton
Vocal Connection Chorus, #21
Lindsay Chartier
Note-Ably North Texas Chorus, #25
Lora Wright
The Heart of Illinois Chorus, #3
Lori Jo Whitehaus
Vocal Harmonix Chorus, #19
Lucy Heinkel
Rolling Hills Chorus, #13
Marge Zimmerman
Vermillion Valley Show Chorus, #3
Megan Argall
Acapella Express Chorus, #6
Melynnie Williams
Wichita Chorus, #25
Michael Giddens
Harmony Hills Chorus, #4
Mike Elliot
Spirit of Spokane Chorus, #13
Monica Tautkus
Agoura Hills Harmony Chorus, #11
Patty Pennycook
Pacific Empire Chorus, #12
Sandy Salsbury
Northern Blend Chorus, #2
Sherry Barron
Baton Rouge Chorus, #10
Sherry Berkley
River Bend Chorus, #17
Sherry Stanton
Capital Accord Chorus, #19
Sheryl Brook
Hearts of Harmony Chorus, #26
Twilla Duvall
Heart of Missouri Chorus, #5
Valerie Taylor
Vocal Dimension Chorus, #31
On International Women’s Day, March 8, Sweet Adelines International launched the “In Honor Of” Program. Supporters were invited to make a gift to honor a Sweet Adeline who has positively impacted their lives. Generous donors stepped up to recognize role models, mentors, directors, singers, and friends by contributing to the organization that brings them together in song.
Gifts made between February 27-March 31, 2024 designated with an honoree were part of the program. Eligible funds for donation included Education, Scholarship, Young Singers, and Greatest Need. Honorees were recognized on the Sweet Adelines International website in a special virtual celebration. The program resulted in 70 honorees, raising over $10,000.
To see the honorees and read the heartfelt tributes, visit www.sweetadelines.com/give/in-honor-of.
Dear Donors,
What a remarkable year it has been for Sweet Adelines! I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support throughout fiscal year 2023/2024. Together, we have achieved extraordinary milestones.
Your generosity has far exceeded our expectations, allowing us to surpass our philanthropic goals. Your contributions have directly impacted our members by funding 51 scholarships for Small to Mid-sized directors, spearheading the launch of our innovative Learning Management System, supporting an Academic Scholarship, and providing grants for youth outreach. Your influence is both deep and tangible.
The messages we have received through the In Honor Of program have been truly touching, showcasing the bonds and friendships forged through our shared love of singing. Sweet Adelines has always been more than just about the music—it is about the connections and support systems that blossom through our harmonies.
Your commitment, whether through your time, talent, or financial support, is deeply cherished. Your steadfast backing enables our organization to flourish and leave a lasting musical legacy for future generations of singers.
As we embark on new initiatives guided by our fresh strategic plan, we are filled with excitement for the journey ahead knowing that together we can create lasting change and make a meaningful difference. Because of you, our legacy continues.
With sincere appreciation,
Thank you for your generosity and support of our vision. Together we see the future!
The following is a list of donors who contributed between November 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024.
Education Fund
Anonymous Donor
Aucello, Ann
Barry, Anita
Berardinelli, Beverly
Bonin, Karen
Chaney, Alyson
Clark, Diane
Clements, Linda Collins, Claire Collins, John
Cox, Reggie
Crary, Shara
Crowe, Jeanne d ‘Arc (JD)
Davis, Paula
Delargey, Martha
Delude, Jo
Denman, Marguerite
Devos, Sharon
Diana, Juliet
Diaz-Fares, Erin
Dickinson, Sheri
Dunphy, Patricia
Edwards, Anne Farrell, Alycen
Fethke, Denise
Freeman, Audra
Galle, Karen
Gibson, Wendy
Hawkins, Darice
Hewitt, Dawn
Jernigan, Sabra
Jet Cities Chapter
Johnsen, Susan
Kemp, Eileen
Kinney, Rosaleen
Kinney, Erin
Klemz, Nancy
Klier, Pam
Kudela, Mary Lou
Kutner, Tonna Lake, LeAnn
Langmeier, Janet
Lucas, Pat
Lukas, Karren
Martinez, Sheila
Mason, Debra
Matthews, Karen
McCallum, Jamie
McCurdy, Elizabeth
Meyer, Jan
Newman, Patricia
O’Brien, Emily
O’Malley, Berni
Orton, Lisa
Pinvidic, Marcia
Plaat, Nancy
Prete, Janet
Pyeatt, Ann
Rothberg, Diane
Saul, Nancy
Schoenlank, Jean
Scott, Susan
Standerfer, Ann
Starr, Julie
Tallsjo, Annika
Terry and Darren Hurst Legacy Foundation
Thomas, Lloyd-Ellen
Walaszek, Mary
Wellborn, Nancy
Welsh, Eileen
Greatest Need Fund
Anonymous Donor
Amodeo, Adele
Anthony, Missy
Antonini, Thérèse
Arntzen, Susan
Ash, Debra
Aucello, Ann
Barford, Jean
Barlow, Mary Ann
Berenberg, Lynn
Bezeau, Karen
Boehme, Meg
Bond, Caroline
Bosma, Marcia
Boyer, Sharon
Brinkman, Amy
Brust, Carol
Burroughs, Kathryne
Burstein, Barbara
Burton, Jill
Carovillano, Patricia
Carr, Amy
Cartwright, Sharon
Casey, Leslie
Cetel, Shelley
Chalmers, Lee
Chowning, Jeanne
Chrispell, Cindy
Christopher, Carol
Collins, Claire
Croy, Kathleen
Cushman, Barbara
Darrow, Brandy
Devine, Sean
DeVine, Alice
Douglas, Nancy
Dow, Kathy
Dreyer, Lori
Dugan, Susan
Ellinger, Dori Ann
Elliott, Diane
Ellison, Vera
Emert, Debora
Ferenc, Deb
Field, Carol
Frantz, Becky
Freeman, Audra
French, Rosanne
Frey, Cathy
Friedmeyer, Marjorie Galle, Karen
Giarmo, Janet
Girard, M. Eileen
Gove, Ruth Gray, Betty Hall, Terri
Harmony Travel
Hartke, Debby
Healey, Carolyn
Heinsman, Patricia
Hubel, Judy
Ivey, Marion
Johnson, Jody
Kallman, Daniel
Karpinsky, Sylvia
Katz, Judy
Koehnlein, Denise
Kudela, Mary Lou
Latch, Diana
Lee, Heather
Lehman, Charles
Lim-Zembower, Melinda
Longmuir, Laura
Lucas, Pat
Lunman, Gene and Joan
MacCaskill, Jan
MacDonald, Leslie
Mack, Barbara
Mann, Suzanne
Marlowe, Donna
Mary Byers Inc.
Maybury, Vickie
McAlexander, Ann
McDermott, Marian
Middleton Family Fund
Mitchell, Priscilla
Montgomery, Sarah
Morrison, Joanne
Mulligan, Janet
Neben, Gail
Nevins, Betty
North by Northwest Region 13
O’Brien, Emily
Ogasawara, Frances
Oyama, Charlene
Pardis, Shelly
Parke, Karen
Parkell, Phyllis
Peck, Janelle
Peters, Debra
Peterson, Lynda
Porzel, Renée
Ramey, Al
Reiter, Elizabeth
Rightor, Linda
Ringer, Sarah
Rippetoe, Leah
Roberts, Evelyn
Rubino, Jan
Salley, Valerie
Sancrainte, Mary
Schmidt, Jacquelyn
Schultz, Laura
Schwarz, Katherine
Schwenk, Suzann
Segard, Christine
Selmi, Connie
Sherman, Judith
Shoemaker, Jo
Sieb, Sheryl
Sieloff, Meagan
Sims, Michele
Smith, Susan
Sprigings, Ginny
Steve, Julia
Strakowsky, Lenore
Strenge, Rebecca
Stromsoe, Carol
Swanston, Helen
Talbot, Tammy
Teed, Mary
Thomas, Lloyd-Ellen
Thompson, Susan
Thompson, Jennifer
Thomson, Denise
Thuman, Olga
Towne, Kathryn
Triola, Karen
Twardosky, Doris
Velardo, Kirsten
Vetri Reynolds, Virginia
Walker, Joyce
Warner, Diane
Weaks, Joni
Whyte, Janet
Wiles, Carolyn
Wiseman, Jennifer
Wolf, Rose
Wolff, Jane
Worthington, Frances
Young, Margretta
Youngquist, Julia
Zink, Carol
Scholarship Fund
Anonymous Donor
Allen, Linda
Andrews, Kim
Archer, Rebecca
Bernard, Karen
Brown, Laura
Brust, Carol
Cousino, JoAnne
Cowan, Kelly
Curlee, Sheryl
Davis, Blair
DeCook, Rebecca
Dee, Diane
DiSunno, Peggy
Dow, Kathy
Drake, Pamela
Early, Robin
Engel, Pamela
Estes, Katy
Ford, Joan Clare
Freeman, Audra
Galbreath, Leslie
Galle, Karen
Gregg, Diana
Hager, Elizabeth (Beth)
Hartke, Debby
Hass, Andrea
Hayes, Annie (Setsuko)
Haynie, Kathy
Heins, Mary Jo
Herdahl, Karen
Hewitt, Dawn
Hone, Jennifer
Honig, Kimberly
Hoppes, Cherron
Horgan, Melody
Johnsen, Susan
Nash Jones, Patsy
Kerrigan, Debra
Klier, Pam
Krall, Jane
Krening, Hannah
Loomis, Lizzie
Louden, Barbara
Lucas, Pat
Lyttle, Mary
Mahoney, Meg
Marlow, Shirley
Martinez Foster, Jennifer
McCann, Mary Pat
McKenzie, Carol
Meyer, Jan
Mickle, Robin
Miller, Gayle
Miner, Rachel
Mitchell, Peggy
Munnell, Cindy
Newton, Gayle
Nordeng, Melinda
Norder, Amy
Peart, Christine
Peterson, Nancy
Ridout, Karen
Rothberg, Diane
Scott, Wanza
Scyphers, Susan
Shavit, Inbar
Simon, Karyn
Smith, Susan
Staats, Beverly
Temperante, Christina
Ten Eyck, Marcia
Thomas, Lloyd-Ellen
Traynor, Kathleen
VanHecke, Rosalyn
Wadsley, Cindy
Walz, Patricia
Wescott, Dee
Whitmore, Susan
Wilson, Vivian
Windey, Judy
Zetterower, Sheri
Young Singers Fund
Adam, Heidi
Barrett, Michelle
Bucholtz, Cathy
Buehler, Stephanie
Carmen Miller Group
Coffman, Shirley
Cordero, Amy
Curl, Nancy
DiFederico, Jacquie
Estabrook, Jonathan
Farrell, Alycen
Freeman, Audra
Galle, Karen
Garland, Fran
Gem City Chapter
Grand Rapids Chapter
Guyse, Jeanne
Guzman, Beth
Hanamura, Marbeth
Harvie, Marilyn
Hebert, Kathy
Heuser, Teresa
Higgins, Jennifer
Huffman, Molly
Hughes, Shelly and Gehrke, Mike
Jacksonville Harmony Chapter
Johnson, Dana
Johnson, Stacey
Kaplan, Eva
Kaufmann, Dottie
Kiser, Margaret
Konke, Lenore
Lakeshore Audiovisual Inc
Lombillo, Nicole
Lovejoy, Marti
Lucken, Kathleen
Mariner Wealth Advisors
Meyer, Jan
Miller, Deborah
Monroe, Charity
Moses, Elaine
O’Brien, Emily
Peck, Janelle
Pride of Portland Chapter
Reid, Christy
Reigel, Patricia
Richard, Carol
Rolling Hills Chapter
Romig, Lynette
Savarese, Margaret
Scheel, Kathy
Seivert, Jennifer
Spence, Annie
Spirit of Harmony Chapter
Spirit of the Gulf Chapter
Spirit of the Midwest Region 5
Stromfeld, Jodi
Swift, Nancy
Teeters, Jill
Ten Eyck, Marcia Thomas, Lloyd-Ellen
Watkins, Beth
Welch, JoEllyn
Williams, Lori Willis, Majorie Wilson, Vivian Wolf, Rose
Nancy Bergman Legacy Society Members • November 1, 2023 - April 30, 2024
Katherine Roberts Greatest Need Fund
Nancy Klemz Greatest Need Fund
This report reflects donors who made a contribution November 1, 2023 - April 30, 2024. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. If we missed your name, we extend our sincere apologies. Please reach out to philanthropy@sweetadelines.com so we can be sure to include you in the next publication.