The Pitch Pipe January 2015

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January 2015 | Volume 68 — No.3

PitchPipe T h e

Vo i c e

o f

S w e e t

A d e l i n e s


I nt e r nat i o na l

2015 International Champion Quartet

Sp ringfield Metro Chorus 2015 Division A Champion Chorus • Region 25, Springfield, Missouri •

inTHISISSUE | Volume 68 — No.3

11 19 36 32



Fe a t u r e s

In Every Issue

11 Bling!

3 From Our President

19 Melodeers

5 From Our CEO

2015 International Champion Quartet 2015 International Champion Chorus

32 The Happiness Advantage

21 days to a happier & more positive YOU

36 The Winning Experience

8 Tips from Accomplished Directors to Instill Fun & Success in Your Chorus

38 Behond The Glitter

Rituals, traditions & superstitions of International Competition

42 Las Vegas

2015 International Convention & Competition Information & Fun Facts

41 Member Profile

Rachel Starling Region 31, Surrey Harmony Chorus

45 Staff Profile

Tena WooldridgE Senior Director of Marketing & Communications

47 The Low Down 49 Harmony Roundup 52 Regional Calender January 2015 | T hePit c hP ip e




2015 International Competition:

At a Glance

January 2015 | Volume 68 — No.3

Sweet Adelines International A worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performance. _________________________________________

Chorus Champion:

International Headquarters Dr. Kelly Bailey, Chief Executive Officer

Melodeers Chorus

Quartet Champion: Bling!

Harmony Classic Division A Champion: Springfield Metro Chorus

Tammy Talbot, Chief Operating Officer Tena Wooldridge, Editor in Chief Contributing Editors: Marcia Pinvidic • Carol Schwartz • Jennifer Hughes Janell Mason • Julie Kendrick • Angie Love-Callahan • Cammi MacKinlay Kim Vaughn • Sheridan Salmon • Karey Sarratt • Sheena Kaighin Graphic Design: Gabrielle Howell Photography: Jon Read • Joey Bertsch • Claire Gardiner

Harmony Classic Division AA Champion:

Brenda Monroe, Sales & Advertising Manager 918.622.1444 •

City of Gardens Chorus

Chorus Top 10:

International Board of Directors May 1, 2014 – April 30, 2015 Marcia Pinvidic, International President Renée Porzel, Immediate Past President Paula Davis, President-Elect Joan Boutilier, Secretary Patty Cobb Baker, Treasurer Thérèse Antonini Anne Cargill Fran Furtner Peggy Gram Cammi MacKinlay Carole Persinger Dale Syverson

Education Direction Committee Betty Clipman, Chair Joan Boutilier Cammi MacKinlay Diane Porsch Harriette Walters

Editorial Review Board Kali Caramia Patty Cobb Baker Paula Davis Harriette Walters

2nd Place: The Rich-Tone Chorus 3rd Place: Harborlites Chorus 4th Place: Pride of Portland Chorus 5th Place: Skyline Chorus 6th Place: City of Lakes Chorus 7th Place: Metro Nashville Chorus 8th Place: Pride of Kentucky Chorus 9th Place: Buffalo Gateway Chorus 10th Place: Spirit of the Gulf Chorus

Quartet Top 10: 2nd Place: Speed of Sound 3rd Place: Finesse 4th Place: HEAT 5th Place: Frenzy 6th Place: Lustre 7th Place: Milli Blink 8th Place: CRUSH 9th Place: Spritzer 10th Place: Vocality

Harmony Classic Division A: 2nd Place: Vocal Dimension Chorus 3rd Place: Honolulu Blend Show Chorus 4th Place: Fenton Lakes Chorus 5th Place: Spirit of Harmony Chorus

Harmony Classic Division AA: 2nd Place: Tucson Desert Harmony Chorus 3rd Place: Top of the Rock Chorus 4th Place: Alamo Metro Chorus 5th Place: Grand Rapids Chorus


January 2015 | TheP i tc hP i pe

_________________________________________ Sweet Adelines International members receive The Pitch Pipe as a benefit of their membership. Additional annual subscriptions are available for $12/year U.S. or $24/year Outside U.S. Subscription requests: The Pitch Pipe 9110 S. Toledo • Tulsa, OK 74137 Telephone 918.622.1444 • Toll-free 800.992.7464 Fax 918.665.0894 • Office hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CST ) Direct all correspondence, editorial copy, and photographs to: Communications Department; Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication. Not all submissions will be published. __________________________________________ THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International, 9110 South Toledo, Tulsa, OK 74137. Periodicals paid at Tulsa, OK and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S. Toledo Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137 Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408. Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Entire contents are copyright ©. 2015 by Sweet Adelines International. All rights reserved.

fromourPresident What knowledge and experience do you have to share? What is the best way for you to share your skills and talents? Consider members who share a common experience and have specific knowledge from which others could benefit. As an example, the members of the Coronet Club have dedicated themselves to showcasing past champions and to educating others because they believe that to “give back to other singers helps raise the musicality and vocal skills of the entire organization.” Each year at our International competition, the retiring champions present educational classes to pass on the knowledge and experience of working together to achieve a goal, and striving for musical and organizational excellence. I recently spent a day in Region 21 with Club 21, a group of past regional quartet champions. In this room of talented women were three past International Champion Chorus directors, several past International Quartet Champions, lifetime achievement recipients and Nancy Bergman, the woman who wrote Harmonize the World. It was inspiring to see and hear them working to learn more, and to keep abreast of changes in the organization so that they could share that with others in their region. There are many examples throughout our organization of those who are accomplished musically and volunteer to help educate others. Administrative leadership is another way for our members to share knowledge and experience. These skills are different from musical and vocal talents. Serving in leadership roles in your chorus and region is important, but in many cases it is the experience outside of Sweet Adelines that is most valuable. Perhaps you have served on a non-profit board of directors in the past, or you have specific knowledge of finance or business management. This is the kind of background that is valuable on a board of directors. It is a fact that organizations must change with the times and the method of governing must adjust with the organizational changes. What we did in the past worked then but with the information and education available now, we have the opportunity to strengthen our approach to governance. Nonprofit boards have learned to govern rather than manage, to be guided by policies rather than individual board members’ personalities, and to be aware of best practices rather than relying on familiar customs. In short, these boards have become more professional.

Marcia Pinvidic, International President The mandate of the International Board of Directors is to govern with the entire membership of Sweet Adelines International in mind. They are not elected to represent their choruses, their region or their country. A board member must in fact, let go of her personal biases and see instead, the big picture. She is there to serve the organization’s best interests and purposes as a whole, rather than any one of its parts. Whatever your experience, musical or administrative, there is a place for you to share what you have learned and to give back to this wonderful organization!

Marcia Pinvidic International President

January 2015 | T hePit c hP ip e



Our Moments


I can hardly believe that 2014 has run its course and a bright, shiny new year is yet again upon us. What an incredible year we had! In Tulsa, we are finishing up the remaining convention details, putting away the boxes, accounting for the expenses, ensuring the bills get paid and the credits get collected. It is difficult to fathom that we are only nine short months away from yet another Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition. This year we will be bringing our world class harmony to Las Vegas! There are so many awesome things in store for you this year at convention. In fact, we plan to offer our all events ticket holders free admission to the first ever Convention Closing Bash to be held on Saturday night after the chorus finals! I can’t reveal all of the details yet, but let’s just say you will want to stay and party the night away with all of your Sweet Adelines sisters as we ‘rock out’ to live music complete with special guest performances. Don’t miss it! We want to begin our convention with an incredible opening ceremony and end our annual soiree this year with a party fit for the Vegas strip! Our goal is to continue adding new programming to our convention each year and integrate innovative educational components so that your convention experience gets even better with each passing year. I am excited to add some bling and glitz to this year’s events and

Kelly Bailey, CEO I know you do not want to miss a moment! Also, if history is any indicator of convention attendance, Las Vegas is going to be another banner year! We had 7,600 in Baltimore, so let’s make sure we get at least 8,000 in Vegas! Isn’t is an incredible feeling to get thousands of Sweet Adelines together in one place? There is that palpable energy that takes over a venue, where you can see and feel joy in every molecule of the air, where hugs and kisses are exchanged between friends from every corner of the globe, where the thrill of competition completely engages the audience, and where overtones are heard in wild abandon! I wish all of you a very Happy New Year and hope with all my heart that this year brings you love like never before, happiness with each new day, and a life filled with harmony that brings us all together. Oh I can’t wait to see everyone in Vegas!

All my best,

Kelly Bailey CEO

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Sweet Adelines International Board Election/Appointment Results The election of two members to the International Board of Directors of Sweet Adelines International has concluded with Marcia Pinvidic, City of Gardens Chorus, Region 26 and Joan Boutilier, River City Sound Chorus, Region 3 being elected to three-year terms that begin on May 1, 2015. In addition, the International Board appointed two members to serve one-year terms beginning on the same date. The appointees are Thérèse Antonini, North Metro Chorus, Region 16 and Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Crowe, Canadian Showtime Chorus, Region 16. The International election concluded at 3:00 Central Time on Wednesday, December 3. International President Marcia Pinvidic was pleased that participation in the election stood at 92.2%, higher than the participation recorded in the 2013 election. Following the election, the Executive Committee met by teleconference to choose four members whose names would appear on the slate for appointment. By policy, the International Board of Directors appoints two members annually to serve one-year terms. In the 2014 election, five regions achieved 100 percent chapter vote participation: Harmony Heartland Region 4, Spirit of the Midwest Region 5, Pacific Shores Region 12, Greater NY/NJ Region 15, and Canadian Maple Leaf Region 26.

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In 2015, chartered chapters and members of the at-large chapters will elect four members to serve three-year terms on the Board beginning May 1, 2016. Two members will be appointed at the conclusion of the election.


January 2015 | TheP i tchP i pe

Marcia Pinvidic

Joan Boutilier

City of Gardens Chorus Region 26

River City Sound Chorus Region 3

Thérèse Antonini

Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Crowe

North Metro Chorus, Region 16

Canadian Showtime Chorus Region 16

Sweet Adelines International International Board of Directors • 267TH (Midyear) Meeting INTERNATIONAL UPDATE The International Board of Directors met on November 2, 2014, in Baltimore, Maryland. Following is a summary of actions taken. The charter and chapter membership for the following chapters were authorized: • Coastal Charisma Chorus, Region 34, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia • Carpe Diem Chorus, Region 11, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. Golden West Region 21 was chosen as the location of the 2015 Rising Star Quartet competition. In order to assure that competing quartets register for International Convention before the seating assignment process begins, members of competing quartets will be given until July 31 to register at the reduced, competing member, early bird rate. Competing quartet members choosing to register for International Convention after July 31 will be charged the member full registration fee. A recommendation that the quartet competition performance be limited to only the four people in the quartet was approved. This upholds the concept that a quartet consists of four people and that only the four quartet members may appear on stage during a competition performance. It further affirms that people not in the quartet may not be used as props, may not pass props to the members of the quartet, may not assist the four member quartet in any way during a competition performance, etc. Any quartet that uses an additional person or persons on-stage, for any reason, during a competition performance, will be disqualified. A recommendation was approved that competitors that are disqualified from any competition, in any division, will not receive a scoresheet.

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January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e




January 2015 | TheP i tch P i pe

January 2015 | T hePit c h P ip e


From Spirit of the Gulf to our Queens


You know you make me wanna’ SHOUT! Throw my hands up and SHOUT! BLING! BLING! BLING! BLING! SHOUT! 10

January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe

2015 International Champion Quartet Introduction By Tena Wooldridge

Bling! (left to right): Dayve Gabbard-Farnham, Angie Love-Callahan, Kim Elger-Griffin, and Deanna Kastler

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Bl in g!

Bling! Region #9 • Plantation, Florida • Score: 2817 Semifinals Songs: Shanghai (Bergman) If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy) Finals Songs: Cuddle Up A Little Closer (Hine), Love Letters Straight From Your Heart (Arns), A Classic Bling! Rehearsal (Wright, Delehanty, Payne), Forever Young (Meyer)


first met Bling! on a dark, rainy, and dreadfully early morning in Baltimore. That sounds like a clichéd start of a campfire story, I know. However, years from now my story of meeting these talented ladies will somehow become larger than life and that of which Sweet Adelines legends are made. Bling! had graciously agreed to be ready at 5:30 a.m. to sing a contemporary song for a Top 40 radio station in Baltimore. So generous were these ladies that they got up early on the day before their winning performance and the same day they competed with their chorus at International Competition just to help promote Sweet Adelines. One would think that at that time of the morning the feeling inside the vehicle would be more subdued and generally a quieter trip. These women had me laughing to the point of tears and regaled me with stories of packing and singing as well as the typical harmless tales of quartet mayhem. Though headed to a radio station, these ladies were camera ready- stylish and beautiful. They told me about the necklace they were wearing. Like all the pieces in their quartet wardrobe, the necklace had a nickname and was called “The Hoff.” Confused

about the name, I asked what it meant. The necklace had long tassels made of chains and was technically called “David Tasselhoff” after the actor David Hasselhoff. “The Hoff” was a shortened nickname for the necklace’s inventive moniker. As we neared the radio station, they began to warm up their voices. I was astounded that a group could sound that incredible that early in the morning after a day of competing. Bursting with pride, we walked into the Fox station, and got Bling! ready to let Baltimore hear some of the best barbershop singing in the world. The DJs introduced Bling! and turned back to their monitors to prep for their next commercial break. As they began singing “Home” by Phillip Phillips, the entire crew stopped what they were doing and stared in awe at the talent these women brought into a tiny radio station booth at 6 a.m. The phone lines lit up and Baltimore got a taste of why Sweet Adelines’ members do what they do and why they truly are the best of the best barbershoppers in the world. Congratulations to my new friends and champions Bling!, your 2015 International Champion Quartet. n

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Friendship, Harmony, and a whole lot of Bling!

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

By Angie Love-Callahan


ello Sweet Adelines around the world! I can hardly believe I am writing this article! I have spent many January months over the years running

to the mailbox every day as I anxiously awaited the Pitch Pipe with the new queens on the cover! This January, on the day the Pitch Pipe arrives, I’ll open my mailbox and it will be my own face starring back at me… wearing a crown! I hope I don’t pass out! The original Bling! formed in 2004. Kim came along in 2008 and in the summer of 2009, I got a phone call that changed my barbershop life for good! On the other end was my good friend, Dee Dee. “We are in need of a lead and want to know if you would like to audition to sing with Bling!” I hadn’t been quartetting for a few years but the possibility of singing with three of the most talented women in my region was more than enough to bring me back! I was so nervous the night I auditioned. It felt really great to be singing again, but the feeling of those 3 voices surrounding me was indescribable! It was like a warm blanket. I think we all knew it was meant to be in that moment, but they sent me away and said they would call me. I learned later that they did this just to torture me. This has become a trend… torturing the lead. But they do it because they love me… or so they say! Anyway, despite the fact that they sent me away to wait for their phone call, they called me before I even reached my driveway that night! And that was the beginning of our 5 year journey to that once in a lifetime moment in Baltimore! I’d like to tell you a little bit about these amazing women that I get to sing with. First let me introduce you all to our smooth, melodic and beautiful bass, Kim Elger-Griffin. Kim is one of the easiest people to talk to. She keeps Bling! organized and handles all the quartet business and finances. Without her we would surely all be lost and completely broke. Kim has a great ability to focus and is definitely the least distractible of the quartet. The rest of us tend to be drawn away by sparkly things, social media and even squirrels. Poor Kimmy! Kim has a laugh that is contagious and always impresses with her quick wit! Our tenor, Dayve Gabbard-Farnham is definitely one of a kind! The fact that she was a theatre major in college will probably be of no surprise to most of you! She is very comfortable on stage. I will always remember the first time I heard her sing in a small hospitality room at a regional event. I don’t remember the lyrics because I was so distracted by her amazing voice that I never heard the words. Dayve definitely has a gift for gab making her a fantastic emcee! Whenever we are unsure of what to say we just give Dayve a little shove towards the microphone and somehow something amazing always comes out!


January 2015 | TheP i tchP i pe

What can I say about my baritone, Deanna Kastler (Dee Dee)? From the moment I met her at her first regional event I was intrigued by her dry since of humor and her awesome baritone chops! I was shocked to learn that she had never sung before joining Sweet Adelines! Dee Dee has the best poker face on the planet! Meaning… you will NEVER know what she’s thinking just by looking at her… never. Dee Dee has the most extensive musical background out of all of us and we turn to her a lot when we have any questions or concerns about theory or crazy rhythms. She is also the quartet list maker, agenda keeper and warmer-upper extraordinaire! And now for me, Angie I am the quartet motivator. I make a playlist of songs every year that we listen to in the months leading up to each contest. The purpose of the playlist is to pump us up and keep us excited. It is also to keep us out of our own heads. We never want to take things so seriously that they’re not fun anymore. For that reason, we listen to the playlist in our hotel rooms while we’re getting ready to compete and many times we listen to it on the bus ride over to the stage! I also send out emails and texts with random motivational quotes and other silly nonsense. We are so thankful to be a part of this amazing organization and feel unbelievably blessed to have the opportunity to give back to Sweet Adelines International as the 2015 International Champion Quartet! We are grateful, we are humbled, and our hearts are full! You, our friends, family, supporters and fans, have made us who we are and we will never forget how we got here and why we do this- for YOU! n

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Top 10


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

S pe e d o f Sound • 2 nd Pla c e Qu ar t et Debora C. Landers, Ashley Wright, Carter L. Maysilles, Peggy L. Jones Regions #9, #14 Chapter-at-Large, Caroline Harmony Chorus, Sound of Sunshine Chorus Score: 2757 Semifinals Songs: I’ve Got A Feelin’ I’m Fallin’ (Bergman), He Touched Me (Wright) Finals Songs: Speed Of Sound Opener (Wright), Taylor, The Latte Boy (Wright), Someone Like You (Wright), All The Way (Graham, Gentry, Wright)

Fi n e sse • 3 rd Place Q uart et Helen J. Owen, Beth Brimmicombe, Tanya Jenkins, Nicky Salt Region #31, Chapter-at-Large Score: 2703 Semifinals Songs: You Turned The Tables On Me (Bergman), If You Love Me, Really Love Me (Bergman) Finals Songs: How Many Hearts Have You Broken (Arns), If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy), Its Your Song (Booles)

HEA T • 4 th Place Q uartet Michelle M. Hunget, Susan J. Ives, Sandi Wright, Donna J. Kready Region #5, Kansas City Chorus, St. Louis Harmony Chorus, Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chorus Score: 2629 Semifinals Songs: Time After Time (Wright), You’re From Heaven And You’re Mine (Wright), Finals Songs: How High The Moon (Wright), Stars Fell On Alabama (Wright), This Can’t Be Love (Wright), Cry Me A River (Wright), How High The Moon (Reprise) (Wright)

Fre nz y • 5 th Pla ce Q uarte t Melissa A. Pope, Nikki Blackmer, Anne Marteniuk, Judy Pozsgay Regions #13, #26, a cappella joy Chorus, Chapter-at-Large, Lions Gate Chorus, Westcoast Harmony Chorus Score: 2614 Semifinals Songs: It’s You (Rund), Lover Come Back To Me (Giallombardo) Finals Songs: Ain’t S/He Sweet (Hine), Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Hine), My Ideal (Hale), Popular (Wright), I Will Survive (Wright)


January 2015 | Th eP i tchP i pe

Lustre • 6 th P l ac e Qu ar t et Kathryn A. Morrical, Lori L. Crouter, Lori A. Dreyer, Jennifer L. Harris Region #19, Capital Accord Chorus, Harbor City Music Company Chorus Score: 2613 Semifinals Songs: Flirty Eyes (Hill, Bergman), Bandstand in Central Park (Bergman) Finals Songs: Hello, Hollywood, Hello! (Bergman), Let’s Talk About My Sweetie (Bergman), Yes Sir, That’s My Baby (Bergman), My Romance (Minshall), Get Me To The Church on Time (Dale)

Milli Bli nk • 7 th P l ac e Qu ar t et Hilleve Martinsson Billinger, Annika Krook, Maria Fabiansson, Susanna E. Berndts Region #32, Ronninge Show Chorus Score: 2591 Semifinals Songs: Let’s Burn Up The Town (Nasto), You Are So Beautiful (Johnson) Finals Songs: If This Is It (Ljung), Have I Told You Lately That I Love You (Johnson), Eight Days A Week (Harrington), Extraordinary (Johnson)

CRU SH • 8 th P l ac e Qu ar t et Stacey Lyn St. John, LeAnn Hazlett, Gretchen B. Holloway, Patti L. Britz-Stensaker Regions #2, #4, #14, Chapter -at-Large, Scioto Valley Chorus, Spirit of Detroit Chorus, Voice of America Chorus Score: 2561 Semifinals Songs: If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy), Georgia May (Dale) Finals Songs: Sweet Georgia Brown (Avener), Good Morning Baltimore (Guyen), Secret Love (Wright), Cow Patti (Gray)

Spri tzer • 9 th P l ac e Qu ar t et Karen E. Romanson, Susann McKinley, Hannah Barton, Sharon Demy Region #16, North Metro Chorus Score: 2534 Semifinals Songs: Bye Bye Baby (Wright), Baby Won’t You Please Come Home (Wright), My Romance (Craig) Finals Songs: At Last (Bergman), I Don’t Know Enough About You (Bergman), Being Green (Bergman), Gotta Be Me (Wright)

Vocali ty • 10 th P l ac e Qu ar t et Helena Clifford-Zenk, Ann-Louise Svensson, Katarina Ljung, Eva Stahl Region #32, Chapter-at-Large, Ronninge Show Chorus Score: 2533 Semifinals Songs: Jazz Me Blues (Minihane), If You Love Me Really Love Me (Bergman) Finals Songs: Happy (Ljung), Got To Get You Into My Life (Ljung), A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (Bescos, Harrington), Put Your Arms Around Me Honey (Dale), Don’t Stop Believing (Paulson)

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e





January 2015 | Th eP i tch P i pe

The Coronet Club’s Baltimore Recap By Heather Collins Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e


ttendees of this year’s annual Coronet Club Show were treated to “hot ringing chords” from the groundbreaking Growing Girls – the first quartet from outside North America to win a Sweet Adelines quartet championship in 1989 (at the tender age of 22) – and the Ringmasters, the youthful foursome from Stockholm who claimed the men’s barbershop title in 2012. “We can’t believe it’s been 25 years since we won, 35 years since we started singing together, and people still want to hear us,” laughed bass Naima Meyer during their set, which featured crowd-pleasers like “Birth of the Blues” and “Thank You For the Music.” Their appearance seemed particularly fitting, given that this year’s newly inducted Coronets, the 2014 champion LoveNotes, started their Sweet Adelines “careers” at roughly the same age and won after roughly the same amount of time together. The grown-up Growing Girls returned later in the show, joining Ringmasters to sing a Swedish folk song learned at the choir school all eight singers attended, Adolf Fredrik Music School. “It’s in Swedish, but we will express the lyrics as best as we can,” joked baritone Emanuel Roll. The Ringmasters offered a vivid example of how next-generation barbershoppers are updating the art form’s repertoire while lending new respect to classic arrangements. Their 26-minute set started on Broadway (“Tonight” from “Westside Story”) and traveled to Britain (The Beatles’ “Blackbird”) and Tennessee (Elvis Presley’s “All Shook Up”). “We have a responsibility as ambassadors of barbershop harmony to inspire the youth around the world. … It’s very important that we keep this kind of thing going everywhere,” Roll said, before introducing the quartet’s last song, an exquisite rendition of Charlie Chaplin’s “Smile.” Speaking of inspiration, I’d be remiss not to mention another one of the evening’s absolute highlights: a tribute to Renee Craig (“our queen of everything”) that featured the Coronets accompanying a recording of the legendary Cracker Jills lead crooning “Unsuspecting Heart” on a long-ago radio show. The new backup material, arranged by Renee’s son-in-law Brian Beck, offers another example of how the Coronet Club continues to expand on her “good sense of fun and showmanship.” More details on what’s in store for the Club’s 50th annual celebration – The REALLY Big Deal Show in Las Vegas – are forthcoming in April. n Photos courtesy of Claire Gardiner

January 2015 | T hePi t c h P ip e


Congratulations to the

2015 International Champions! 7 Time International Champion Chorus: Melodeers and International Champion Quartet: Bling!

We are so proud to represent Sweet Adelines International and very happy to be sharing this championship year with Bling! From Renée Porzel 18

January 2015 | TheP i tc hP i pe

Melodeers CHorus 2015 International Champion Chorus Introduction By Tena Wooldridge

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Melodeers Chorus Region #3 • Northbrook, Illinois • Jim Arns, director Score: 3129 Semifinals Songs: In The Wee Small Hours of the Morning (Arns), 8th Street Association Barbeque and Fancy Dress Ball (Arns)


Finals Songs: Happy (Arns), I’ve Grown Accustomed To His Face (Arns), Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella (Arns), When You’re Smiling (Arns), Happy Feet (Arns), Forty Second Street (Arns), Darktown Strutters’ Ball (Arns), Charleston (Arns)

Mo Enter st taining Awar d

itting backstage watching the Melodeers perform for the first time, it goes without saying I was in complete awe. They had me thinking “Wow, I can do that!” Of course, I can’t actually sing and dance like one of the Melodeers, but they made it look so effortless that I had half-assured myself by the end of their performance that I should blaze a trail to my own Sweet Adelines chorus stardom. One of over 565 choruses in Sweet Adelines International, the Melodeers have earned an unprecedented seven international gold medals. Their larger-than life leaders, Master Director 700, Jim Arns and Choreographer, Renee Porzel, bring a sense of style and panache that makes this group entertaining and marvelous at the same time. My first experience at International was full of “Happiness” watching the Melodeers inspire attendees to stand up, clap and dance along with them during their encore performance as the new reigning champions. International Board President Marcia Pinvidic announced the 2015 International Champion Chorus was “Contestant number 10, from Northbrook, IL, under the direction of Jim Arns, the Melodeers Chorus!” There were 130 women who were joyous, proud and humbled to be a part of the first Sweet Adelines chorus to earn seven international championships. Congratulations to the Melodeers, your 2015 International Champion Chorus! n January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


M elodeers Cho rus Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

7 Times a Charm


By Julie Kendrick

his is a dream come true.” These were the first

together is precious. Our dedicated administrative leaders

words our chorus director, Jim Arns, spoke to us

take care of business behind the scenes, using a minimum of

as he stood in front of the Melodeers at our first rehearsal

rehearsal time. Each chorus member records her own learning

together in 1988. We had no idea how many times we

tape—often every week—as interpretations, lyrics, and notes

would joyously share his sentiments in the years before and

change frequently. A day or two after each rehearsal, one of

since our first Sweet Adelines International Chorus

our music team emails to us the changes made that week.

Championship in 1994.

So we are “off the paper” after two or three rehearsals.

We are often asked, “Isn’t it a lot of hard work?” As the saying goes, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Many of our members travel long distances to rehearsals— literally, hundreds of miles each week—so the time we have


January 2015 | TheP i tch P i pe

Somehow, after three hours of standing on the risers each week, most of us return home too excited to fall asleep. Each of us is responsible for learning music and choreography. Rehearsals are conducted at the learning rate of the quickest, so many members get together in small groups between rehearsals to go over music. Before contests, every


Dina Hendershot

Debra Peters

Cori Albrecht

Judy Herrick

Kathy Peterson

Pam Arnold

Penny Hock

Sarajoy Pickholtz

Shelley Austin

Shelly Hughes

Renée Porzel

Jane Baines

Sarah Jaicks

Donna Ramon

Julie Barnett

Kaye Jensen

Dehne Rhoades

Debi Batchelor

Patti Johnson

Connie Richards

Donna Bates

Nancy Joslyn

Renee Rieboldt

Allison Beltramini

Leslie Kalec

Janis Romancik

Sherry Berkley

Krickett Kean

Suzy Rosenthal

Jan Berland

Erin Keever

Cindy Rosko

Rita Bertrand

Lynda Keever

Piali Roy

Jordan Bishopp

Julie Kendrick

Linda Rozema

Lori Bolsinger

Robin Kern

Mary Ryan

Brenda Bowman

Jean Kirsch

Mary Savard

Melissa Brady

Cathy Konczyk

Dorothy Schilling

Katie Bratton

Joyce Kozlowski

Jeanne Schmid

Phyllis Brose

Margaret Kraft

Peggy Schmidt

Sarah Burg

Amy Kritzman

Reath Schooley

Liz Canova

Diane Landry

Tiffany Schwabe

Sue Carey

Marge Mack

Amy Schwartz

Pat Catencamp

Kirsten Majeski

Pam Sheldon

Nancy Chung

Mary Mantis

Sylvia Shierk

Margaret Clementi

Aviva Mastandrea

Georgia Siemann

Nancy Cohn

Carolyn Mathewson

Cindy Slowik

Lisa Cole

Sue Menees

Roxanne Smith

Liz Cummings

Peg Menos

Kate Steimel

Barbara Dickens

Kathie Messmer

Dawn Stern

Jan Ebert

Debi Minske

Niki Stopoulos

Ann ElizabethNagel

Midge Monroe

Karen Stuedemann

Dori Ellinger

Sue Montgomery

Sue Swan

Karen Moran

Dawn Sylvester

Nancy Moreno

Carol Thompson

Nancy Morr

Vanessa Tulley

Bonnie Mucha

Bev Turbak

Lisa Mundo

Lynn Vaughn

Kathy Murphy

Deb Walter

Bonnie Murray

Jan Weiland

Mary Ann Neuman

Donna Weinstock

Karen Niederkorn

Wendy Witt

Linda O’Connell

Jean Woods

Sherry Oddo

Sally Young

Linda Ottum

Sara Zawila

Lynn Fillmore Kay Franzen Joanne Frediani Sue Geiss Helen Giallombardo Kathy Gildea Barb Godwin Nancy Grintjes Stacey Haskins DeAnne Haugen Sharon Heater

member must qualify musically and visually to be on stage. This is not punitive; assistance is readily available to those who may struggle. By “auditioning” to be part of the performing group, we express our dedication to one another—and to our audience—to give the finest performance we can. It’s not all grind. We take our music seriously, but we don’t take ourselves very seriously. A bit of devilish humor seems to creep into each of our rehearsals. For example, we rarely schedule extra rehearsals, but because we experienced so many weather-related rehearsal cancellations prior to the Baltimore contest, the chorus met for a one-day “school.” Each voice section dressed as high-school students: jocks, geeks, cheerleaders, and delinquents. Renée Porzel, our artistically gifted associate director and choreographer, complements the talents of our favorite music geek. Renée plans and adapts our choreography not only to enhance the music we sing, but also to reflect the personality of the Melodeers. Although Jim doesn’t yet dance like a gazelle, we have hopes that one day, Renée will prevail. We challenge ourselves to strive for higher levels of performance, and actively seek new insights and assistance to help us reach our goals. With gratitude, we applaud our terrific coaches Betty Clipman, Tony DeRosa, and Carole Persinger! By the way, our membership is no different from that of other choruses. We have formally trained singers and others who don’t read music; career women, home-based moms, and retirees; snowbirds and those who stay (teeth gritted) through the Chicago winters; long-time members and newbies. Our members’ ages span fifty years. We are united by the love of music. The Melodeers live for contests, yet we encourage and support the other competitors. Jim, Renée, and several other Melodeers coach and teach seminars and workshops throughout the organization. On-site at conventions, our rehearsals are planned so we can attend every event possible and reunite with friends. Sweet Adelines International is unique in its culture of helping women around the world thrive musically and individually—and the Melodeers are proud to represent you once again as your International Champion Chorus! n

Julie Kendrick (Melodeers #3) is a Past International President and founder of the Young Singers Foundation. A forty-fiveyear member of Melodeers Chorus, she proudly holds all seven of the International gold medals earned by her beloved chorus.

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Top 10

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

CH or u s e s

R ich -To ne Chorus

• 2 nd P l ac e CHORUS

Region #25 • Richardson, Texas • Dale K. Syverson, director • Score: 3085 SemiFinals Songs: Berkeley Square (Bescos), Hot Town Strutters’ Ball (Darktown Strutters’ Ball) (Minshall) Finals Songs: Dancing In The Street (Batholomew), Get Ready (Batholomew), I’ll Be Easy To Find (Minshall), Let Yourself Go (Wright), Beat It (Batholomew), Bad (Batholomew)

Harb orli tes Chorus

• 3 rd P l ac e CHORUS

Region #21 • Anaheim, Calif. • Pamela Pieson, director • Score: 3035 SemiFinals Songs: Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (Dale), Sweet Georgia Brown (Bescos) Finals Songs: When Day Is Done (Waesche), Cuddle Up A Little Closer (Hine), When October Goes (Briner), Oh Lonesome Me (Wright)

P ri d e o f Portland Chor u s

• 4 th P l ac e CHORUS

Region #13 (#24) • Portland, Ore. • Ryan Heller, director • Score: 2945 SemiFinals Songs: If I Had My Way (Hine), Floatin’ Down to Cotton Town (Wright) Finals Songs: I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine (Bergman), Steppin’ Out (Heller), Just The Way You Are (McGowan), Just A Dream (McGowan), Because Of You (Gray, Heller), Puttin’ On The Ritz (Wright)


January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe

S k y l i ne C hor u s

• 5 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #8 • Denver, Colo. • Vickie J. Maybury, director • Score: 2790 Semifinals Songs: Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Hine), My Honey’s Lovin Arms (Wright) Finals Songs: Angry (Bergman), Bill Bailey (Bergman), Vacation (Beck), Second Star From The Right (Gentry), Man in The Mirror (Reimnitz)

Cit y of Lak es C hor u s

• 6 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #6, Minneapolis, Minn. • Scott Kvigne, director • Score: 2784 Semifinals Songs: My Foolish Heart (Bescos), That’s How You Jazz (Lund), The Jam (Lund) Finals Songs: Rosie The Riveter (Ziegler),When Day Is Done (Graham), There’ll Be Some Changes Made (Bergman), Over There (Bergman), Rosie the Riveter (Reprise) (Ziegler)

Metro Nas hv i l l e C hor u s

• 7 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #4 (#23), Nashville, Tenn. • Kim Wonders, director • Score: 2772 SemiFinals Songs: Time After Time (Arns), Swanee (Waesche, Bescos, Beck) Finals Songs: Here And Now (Minshall), How Many Hearts Have You Broken? (Arns), If I Give My Heart To You (Clancy), Anyway- (Minshall), Anyways (Reprise) (Minshall)

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Top 10

CH or u s e s

P rid e o f Kentuck y Ch oru s

• 8 th P l ac e CHORUS

Region #4 • Louisville, Ky. • Debbie A. Hite, director • Score: 2719 SemiFinals Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine), I Love Jazz (Wright), Take Me To The Land of Jazz (Wright) Finals Songs: Brand New Day (Disney), If I Ruled The World (Waesche), Let Yourself Go (Wright), Alexander’s Ragtime Band (Volk)

Buf f a l o Ga tew ay Choru s

• 9 th P l ac e CHORUS

Region #16 • Buffalo, N.Y. • Diane M. Porsch, director • Score: 2669 SemiFinals Songs: If You Love Me (Bergman), Original Dixieland One Step (Volk) Finals Songs: It Don’t Mean A Thing (Rochefort), Arthur Murray Taught Me Dancing In A Hurry (Schmidt), My Foolish Heart (Bescos), This Joint is Jumpin’ (Wright)

Sp iri t of t he Gulf Ch oru s

• 10 th P l ac e CHORUS

Region #9 • Ft. Myers, Fla. • Michael Slamka, director • Score: 2578 SemiFinals Songs: If Ever I Would Leave You (Hine), Roll On Mississippi (Giallombardo), On The Mississippi (Giallombardo) Finals Songs: There’ll Be Some Changes Made (Craig), Change, Change, Change (Craig), Good Enough For Now (Gentry), Ballin’ The Jack (Getting’ the Knack) (Meyer, Rochefort, Twardosky, and Hoewischer), Where Does The Time Go? (Bergman), It’s Not Where You Start (Twardosky), Rose Colored Glasses, (Craig)


January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe

CH oru s


January 2015 | T hePi t ch P ip e


Top 5

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Division a

Springfield Metro Chorus D i v i si on A Ch ampi on Region #25 (#7) • Springfield, Missouri • John Stockstill, director • Score: 1274 Songs: Go The Distance (Dale), Once Upon A Time (Dale), Oh You Beautiful Doll (Giallombardo), Stronger (Keller)

Springfield Metro Chorus can be heard throughout the year, singing for civic and charitable organizations, private groups, churches, community events, and fundraisers. Additionally, these talented ladies raise money for the chorus by offering “Singing Telegrams” on Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, or any other special occasion. Springfield Metro Chorus is committed to singing and performing at the highest level possible, and competes each year at the Region 25 competition. They are passionate about sharing their music with others and learning more about the art of a cappella singing. Congratulations to Springfield Metro Chorus, your 2015 Division A Champion Chorus! n

V o c al Di mensi on Chorus

• 2 nd P l ac e CHORUS

Region #31 • Redhill, Surrey, England • Valerie Taylor, director • Score: 1270 Songs: I’ll Never Say Never Again, Again (Gentry), If I Had My Way (Hine), Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (Sharon, Raugh), Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (Hagerman)


January 2015 | Th eP i tchP i pe

Honolulu Blen d S how C hor u s

• 3 rd P l ac e CHORU S

Region #21 • Honolulu, Hawaii • Bonnie L. McKibben, director • Score: 1161 Songs: When That Midnight ChooChoo Leaves For Alabama (Giallombardo), Once Upon A Time (Dale), At Last (Bergman), Blue Skies (Hine)

Fen to n L ak es C hor u s

• 4 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #2 • Fenton, Mich. • Jeanne R. Lundberg, director • Score: 1080 Songs: The Muppets TV Show Theme Opener (Wright), Mahna, Mahna (Lundberg), When You Wish Upon A Star (Bescos), Sweet Georgia Brown (Avener, Bescos), Green (Craig), Reprise Muppets TV Show Theme Opener (Wright)

Spi ri t o f Har m ony C hor u s

• 5 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #6 • Spirit Lake, Iowa • Judy Weipert, director • Score: 1074 Songs: I Dig Rock and Roll Music (Keller), The Moment I Saw Your Eyes (Liles), Time After Time (Arns), 59th Street Bridge Song (Bailey)

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Top 5

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Division aA

C i t y o f Ga r d e n s C h o r u s D i vi si on AA Ch ampi on Region #26 • Victoria, British Columbia, Canada • Julie Smith, director • Score: 1238 Songs: Dancin’ In The Streets of New Orleans (Hill, Bergman), Mardi Gras March (Hill, Bergman), He Was There (Bergman), Blues In The Night (Coffman), Iko Iko (Butler), When The Saints Go Marching In (Volk)

Performing a Mardi Gras entertainment package, the 48-member City of Gardens Chorus sang and danced their way to a first place finish in the Harmony Classic Division AA. City of Gardens Chorus has been entertaining and competing since chartering with Sweet Adelines International in 1967 and includes members from all over greater Victoria and Vancouver Island. City of Gardens Chorus regularly performs at local events and festivals. They have the distinction of performing for a Governor General, three Lieutenant Governors, Canadian Naval Centennial and the 2010 Olympics. Congratulations to City of Gardens Chorus, your 2015 Division AA Champion Chorus! n

T ucson Desert Harmo ny C hor u s

• 2 nd P l ac e CHORUS

Region #21 • Tucson, Ariz. • Karen Jo Meade, director • Score:1226 Songs: Bye Bye Blackbird (Wright), Bye Bye Baby (Wright), Ten Feet Off The Ground (Bianchi), Drivin’ Me Crazy (Disney, Liles), You Can’t Stop The Beat (Prietto)


January 2015 | TheP i tchP i pe

To p o f th e R ock C hor u s

• 3 rd P l ac e CHORU S

Region #25 • Little Rock, Ark. • Kelly Causey and Peggy Gram, directors • Score: 1225 Songs: There’ll Be Some Changes Made (Lund), Runnin’ Wild (Lund), You’re My Best Friend (Lund), Come In From The Rain (Oliver), Before The Parade Passes By (Schmidt)

Alamo M etr o C hor u s

• 4 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #10 • San Antonio, Texas • Mary Ann Wydra, director • Score:1223 Songs: Fiesta Intro/Rhythm of the Night ( Wydra, Beck), You Keep Coming Back Like A Song (Bergman), Look For The Silver Lining (Wydra), Great Day (Wydra), Heat Wave (Wydra)

Gra nd R ap i ds C hor u s

• 5 th P l ac e CHORU S

Region #17 (#3) • Grand Rapids, Mich. • Denise Van Dyken, director • Score: 1196 Songs: Original One-Step Dixie (Craig, Sellers), Stars Fell On Alabama (Coffman), With A Little Help From My Friends (Wright), Friends (Wright), As Long As I’m Singing (Wright)

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e





January 2015 | TheP i tc h P i pe

mo st

E n ter t a i n i n g

Harmony Classic Most Entertaining Chorus

Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Vocal Di m e nsio n

Mo Enter st taining awar d

Vocal Dimension is based in Redhill, Surrey, UK, and was established in January 2010. In 2013 Vocal Dimensions won the small chorus gold medal at the Sweet Adelines Region 31 competition at The Sage, Gateshead which qualified them to compete in the Harmony Classic Division A. Following their self-described “eighteen months of feverish fundraising and rigorous rehearsing” Vocal Dimension’s 32-member chorus competed at International Competition in Baltimore. They performed a unique British themed set, The Ladies Finals At Centre Court” which earned them the “Most Entertaining” Harmony Classic Chorus award. Directed by Valerie Taylor and choreographed by Emma Duguid, the chorus performed four songs in the guise of a Wimbledon crowd complete with tennis aces, BBC commentators, and even Prince William and Kate! Congratulations to Vocal Dimension, the 2015 Harmony Classic Most Entertaining Chorus. n

Mo Enter st taining Quar tet

Speed of Soun d

Most Entertaining Quartet

Speed of Sound is a long-distance quartet with over sixty years of barbershop experience. Although they’ve been together for three years, they’ve already achieved major accomplishments as Sweet Adelines barbershop singers. In the spring of 2012, they won their very first regional contest with Region 14 and earned a record high score. They followed that up by placing 12th in the world at the 2012 Sweet Adelines International Competition in Denver, Colorado, 9th at the 2013 International Competition in Hawaii, and 2nd at the 2014 International Competition in Baltimore in November. Because they are a long distance quartet, Speed of Sound rehearses every three to four weeks for an entire weekend. Speed of Sound states that they are “committed to breaking the barbershop mold with cutting edge arrangements, thanks to Ashley’s dad, Larry Wright, and they are loving every chord of it!” Congratulations to Speed of Sound, the 2015 Most Entertaining Quartet. n

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


The Happiness Advantage: Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e


to a Happier & More Positive You By Cammi MacKinlay


ecently, a chorus friend decided she had too much stress in her life. Her time-consuming job, family obligations, and all of life’s challenges were compounding, and she was agitated and unhappy. Something had to go. So, she

quit chorus thinking she would be happier without the added stress of learning music and choreography.. Did it work? No! She gave up a vital component of her happiness. According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, giving up your social network and retreating inward is guaranteed to keep you away from the ultimate goal of happiness. He cited several studies showing the more social support we have, the happier we are. And the happier we are, the more advantages we gain in every aspect of our lives! As I wish my friend could have realized, being part of a chorus gives us so much more than just a place to sing. Happiness is contagious. Your brain can read and identify an emotion in others in 33 milliseconds, and that emotion can jump from person to person almost instantaneously. The director who comes to rehearsal in a buoyant, upbeat mood sets the tone for the whole rehearsal. The membership chair who enthusiastically and genuinely greets guests (and seasoned members) with a happy smile will create a positive atmosphere when people come in the door. If we as members are positive and happy at rehearsal, others around us will pick up on it and catch the happiness bug. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. I have a vivid memory of a quartet rehearsal years ago where I went on and on about the awful traffic on the drive there, which led to another member complaining about her kids acting up all day, which led to the third person telling us about a nasty co-worker she’d had to deal with. We asked the fourth member how her day had been, and she said, “Well, it was great until I got HERE!” Negativity breeds negativity and it isn’t good for our stress levels or mental health. (I learned my lesson and didn’t do that again.)


January 2015 | TheP i tc h P i pe

So why is genuine happiness so elusive for some? I have heard people say, “I’ll be happy when (fill in the blank)… ” Whether it is winning a gold medal, qualifying the new songs, finishing school, or getting a new job, the goal is what is driving them towards what they perceive as perfect happiness. What they don’t realize is that all those goals will be easier to achieve if they are happy to begin with. For my friend, leaving chorus did not make her happier. Her happiness needed to come from within. So how do you achieve happiness if you are not naturally inclined that way? Achor identifies a 21-day plan to create lasting positive change that will lead to more happiness in your life. Every day, you should: 1. Write down three things you are grateful for. These should be new and different each day. Doing this will significantly increase how optimistically you view the world. 2. Keep a journal. Write for two minutes a day describing one positive experience you had over the last 24 hours. If you scan your world for meaning, rather than focusing on a task-based list of to-dos, you will increase your happiness. 3. Exercise for 10 minutes a day. Your brain will learn that your behavior matters. 4. Meditate for 2 minutes, focusing on your breath going in and out. This will help you undo the negative effects of multitasking. Research shows you get multiple tasks done faster if you do them one at a time. 5. Write one quick email first thing in the morning thanking or praising someone in the chorus, on your team or in your work life. If that doesn’t feel appropriate, perform random acts of kindness – let someone go ahead of you in the checkout line or even pay for someone’s coffee. Happiness is achievable. Achor says that if happiness is on the opposite side of success, you will never get there. By focusing on being happy and training your brain to be positive, you will accomplish more and have fun doing it. These tips, in action, will offer you a happier, less stressful lifestyle – without having to quit your favorite hobby. n

For more information read Shawn Achor’s book The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work.

January 2015 | T hePi t c h P ip e




January 2015 | Th eP i tc h P i pe

Recipi e n t

L if eti mea chi ev em e n t


Lifetime of Harmony

Kim Vaughn T

© Becca Grimmer

Three-time Queen and Champion chorus director Kim Vaughn receives the Lifetime Achievement Award in Baltimore at International Competition Kim Vaughn, Master Director 700

hough she has announced her impending retirement in November 2015 as the Musical Director of the San Diego Chorus and Pacific Coast Harmony (BHS), Kim Vaughn will undoubtedly remain one of the most successful, well-known and instantly recognizable women in the field of barbershop harmony. This year in Baltimore, Sweet Adelines International honored Kim as the Lifetime Award recipient. Kim has served as a sound category judge as well as International Faculty for Sweet Adelines and often travels not only to coach choruses and quartets, but also to teach or judge. A vocal teacher and member of the

National Association of Teachers of Singing, Kim holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Education and Master of Arts Degree in Vocal Pedagogy from San Diego State University. Kim’s talents lie not only in her directing and teaching skills, but also in her performance accomplishments. She has won the coveted International Quartet Champion title three times, and has the distinction of being the first woman to ever do so. As a quartet singer, Kim won her first title in 1976 with High Society, again in 1988 with Savvy and won her third crown in 2001 with A Cappella Gold. She has been the musical director of the San Diego Chorus since 1985, leading the chorus to multiple successes including the International Championship in 2002. Kim has perennially placed in the top-ten at international and will coach San Diego chorus next year in Las Vegas where they will be competing as contestant #30. She is one of only eight women to have both won a crown and direct a champion chorus. Beginning in 2016, Kim and her husband, Dale, have decided to embark on a new adventure of traveling while continuing to coach and teach. Their journey will begin in January 2016 as they begin an extended stay in Australia. Kim is looking forward to new opportunities working with regions and choruses as an extended stay coach, voice teacher and an interim director. n

Photos courtesy of Claire Gardiner

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e



Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

The Winning Experience:



January 2015 | TheP i tchP i pe

from Accomplished Directors to Instill Fun & Success in Your Chorus By Kim Vaughn, San Diego Chorus, Region 21


he International Board had decreed that in 1973 Washington D.C. would be the site of the first International Chorus contest in Sweet Adelines International’s history. The Racine Chorus, under the direction of Jarmela Speta, won the International Champion Chorus title. Jarmela said, “We actually approached the International Competition that year with the same philosophy we had for any performance. Every audience we sing for deserves our best. And as singers, we sang for our own enjoyment as well as that of the audience.”

It’s been more than 40 years since that first contest and hundreds of choruses have competed in the International Chorus competition. Add to that the choruses from the Harmony Classic contests and you have a plethora of information and experience available to all of us. All we have to do is ask. What have some accomplished directors of the Harmony Classic and International Champion choruses learned from this winning experience? n

1. Dream Lofty Dreams Wanting to compete or win a contest cannot be just the director’s dream, but the choruses’ dream as well. You start by believing in your chorus members and in yourself. You must believe you can be a better singer, a better performer, a better director. You must allow yourself to be great and more importantly you must believe that you CAN.

2. Set High Goals, Have High Expectations Maintain high standards at all times. Insist on the basics of good vocal production, on accuracy of notes and words from every singer, every time. Accomplished directors consider vocal production goals both individually and collectively. Members must be determined and be brave; they must be willing to risk being disappointed. All members need to buy into the idea of winning, achieving. In the end, we can only do our best and we have no control over the actual “winning” but trying your best is what matters.

3. Plan Ahead and Be Prepared In a word, those choruses that accomplish their goals are prepared. Consistency is vital. Every chord, every word, every move, every emotion needs to be internalized for every singer, every time. It is important to make a plan that is realistic and that will help to motivate the chorus as well as build their stamina. Good preparation and real rehearsal plans are essential and every rehearsal must serve in some way to prepare the singer for competition. But of course members need to have a journey that is joyful. Instill fun into rehearsals, coaching sessions. This can’t all be work! Never, ever give up!

4. Trust Yourself but Don’t be Afraid to Ask For Help! It is important to know your strengths as well as your weaknesses. No one knows your chorus as well as you so learn to trust your own judgment. Try not to wait until you’re overwhelmed to ask for help. Remember, you are not alone. You do not have to know all of the answers. But you do have to find those answers somewhere, somehow. Having a co-director is a real strength for those who collaborate well.

5. Sing and Perform Music You Love Determine your own message and your own vision that you wish to experience and share. Choose music that is right for the abilities and the personality of your chorus. Singing is more joyous when your chorus LOVES the music! Exploit the inherently strong emotions that fill barbershop music and create packages that honestly reflect YOU! Sing well, but perform well too! Focus on winning over the audience, not winning a medal. Above everything, your chorus members should be honest, be sincere, and be themselves.

6. The Value of Teams Musical and administrative leaders must keep goals visible to the entire chorus and those goals must be at the forefront of every decision. Chorus leadership must surround and support the musical needs of all, but especially the director. Remember, there is no learning without also making mistakes and teamwork is imperative!

7. Individual Improvement Individual accountability is hugely related to achievement. One director noted that each chorus member dedicated herself to 10 minutes a day of focused individual improvement. Those who work individual vocal skills and individual performance improve overall performance for the chorus. Every musical leader can facilitate individual improvement by helping to build self-confidence in every singer.

8. Little Things DO Make the Difference Details count whether in emcee spots or hem lines. The chorus must feel confident when they reach the stage and not be worried about the details that could have been handled ahead of time. Flexibility is good but so is spontaneity. All singers need to be motivated in small and large ways to achieve and to make big strides.

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Fe a t u r e d A r t i c l e

Break a lash:

Behind Glitter the

A backstage look at the rituals, traditions and superstitions of competitors at International Competition By Tena Wooldridge


January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe


ost pre-performance rituals are closely guarded secrets, lest whispering it aloud to others degrade the magic or intangible luckiness that exists within the superstition itself. There have been rumors of quartets and choruses who had unique traditions such as only eating food that is a certain color or attentively staying in character until their performance is over. Some of these rituals are serious and others on the quirky side, but there is no denying that, psychologically, rituals ease performance anxiety. International Champion Quartet Zing! pre-performance ritual is simple and heartwarming. These Champions would stand backstage holding hands while saying a prayer. They expressed gratitude for each other and for being able to share the gift of music with their audience. Although rituals are performed with the intention of eliciting a desired outcome, from reducing anxiety to boosting confidence, many performers, competitors and athletes methodically have a pre-event routine. Traditions are practiced regardless of the level of competitor, age, gender or even the type of activity. However, athletes and performers are more likely to have rituals that are precisely performed. For example, former barbershopper turned pop star Lorde has said that she has a specific ritual she practices before her performances: she naps or hides in her dressing room using the same blanket every time, she eats berries, and experiences nervousness and nausea before she goes on stage.

Scientific American published an article that cites research into the phenomena of pre-event rituals and whether they improve performance or not. Those individuals that perform rituals before big events are better at focusing their attention, have increased confidence, and a sense of control before their performance. Before this year’s competition in Baltimore, 4th place Quartet Heat started a new ritual where they would meet at the top of every hour to go through their set, before going back to their rooms to prepare and dress individually. Michelle Hunget says, “We went back to the hotel and ran the set at 12:00 in Sandi’s room. Then we went back to our own rooms to get make up on. Came back to Sandi’s room and ran the set again at 1:00. Went back to our rooms, rested, ate a bite, and came back to Sandi’s and ran the set again at 2:00. Went back to our rooms, got our dresses on and met back in Sandi’s room at 3:00 for the last run through and start of the traffic pattern.” She thinks that it worked well for their quartet because it gave them both time together and time alone as well as creating a healthy balance for each person.

As for Bling!, the 2015 International Quartet Champion, these ladies indicate that they only have three rituals. They listen to a pep rally playlist while they get ready; they have a group “hand hug” before they take the stage; and right before they go on stage they repeat “Let’s do this for everyone in the audience! For someone out there it could be their first show and for someone else, it could be their last! Make it great for them!” One of the more quirky traditions comes from the Kansas City Chorus which has a tradition of buying their director fun undergarments to match the costumes worn by chorus members. Rumor has it the undergarments have been pretty interesting over the years, but you’ll have to ask members from the Kansas City Chorus for yourself! Whether a die-hard tradition, a good-luck inducing superstition or something to calm down nervous performers, the behind the scenes rituals of Sweet Adelines’ quartets and choruses are as interesting and varied as each of our members. n

Michelle says that rituals should reflect the group and give each person a tool for relaxing that works for them. While one of their quartet relaxes by talking, the other three are more introspective. Meeting every hour on the hour gave them each what they needed to be successful and confident before their performance.

January 2015 | T hePi t chP ip e


Singnotes W

e are very excited to present four new

published arrangements! You might remember Connie Francis singing, “Where the Boys Are.” CMA Marsha Zwicker has a beautiful Young Women in Harmony arrangement of this song that talks about

Submitted by Jean Flinn

Music Arrangements Coordinator, Certified Music Arranger, Certified Music Judge, Master Director, Greater Cleveland Chorus, Region 17

Heimburger, by starting with just one voice

show performances. It starts in the Key of F

part, followed by the other voice parts being

and modulates to the Key of G Flat. The voice

added one part at a time. This arrangement is

ranges are tenor, F – E Flat; lead, A – B Flat;

rated easy/medium and is best suited for show

bari, C – C Flat; bass, F – G Flat.

performances. It starts in the Key of C, then follows the key changes that are in the original

a girl’s dream of meeting the perfect boy. This

song, going from the Key of C, to the Key of F,

arrangement is rated easy/medium and is best

to the Key of D. The voice ranges are tenor, F –

suited for show performances. It is available in

F Sharp; lead, G – D; bari, A – B; bass, D – E.

two formats: TLBB and SSAA. It starts in the key of A and modulates to the key of B Flat for a more dramatic finish. The voice ranges are tenor, G – G; lead, C Sharp – E Flat; bari, B – C; bass, E – A. Barry Manilow’s popular song, “One Voice,” is cleverly arranged by Susan

CMA Kay Bromert has two new

“The Longest Time,” another arrangement by CMA Kay Bromert, is a Billy Joel song about being crazy in love (Oh, oh, oh, oh, For the longest time). Kay’s arrangement uses the Doo-Wop sounds that Billy Joel loves. This arrangement, rated easy/medium, will be a

arrangements for us: “Silver Bells,” from

real crowd pleaser and is best suited for show

the movie, “The Lemon Drop Kid,” is a

performances. It starts in the Key of A Flat and

well-known Christmas favorite. You will love

modulates to the Key of A. The voice ranges are

the way the bells “chime” at the beginning

tenor, G – E; lead, A Flat – D; bari, A Flat – D;

of the first verse! Such a fun arrangement! This

bass, A Flat – E. n

arrangement is rated easy and is best suited for

Congratulations to Region 25, Top of the Rock Chorus, Springfield Metro Chorus & Rich-Tone Chorus!

I am proud of you all! – Peggy Gram 40

January 2015 | Th eP i tchP i pe

m emb e rp r o f i le

© Press Association Images

© Press Association Images

Rachel St arling

“I was given instructions on the procedure for meeting Prince William. It was quite a performance, including not one but two curtseys.”


Fit for a Prince


f you’re about to receive an award from a member of the Royal Family, you know you’ve got to get the choreography of curtseying precisely right. And that’s where being a Sweet Adeline was the perfect practise for Rachel Starling, Performance Coordinator and Baritone with U.K. Chorus Surrey Harmony. By day Rachel is Environment Manager for HS1, the high speed rail link between London and the Channel Tunnel which links the U.K. with France. For the past 20 years it’s been Rachel’s job to implement strategies to minimise the environmental impact of the huge project. In June it was announced by Buckingham Palace that Rachel was being made a Member of the Order of the British Empire, or M.B.E. for her services to the rail industry. Her name was included in the Queen’s Birthday Honors, a tradition which stretches back over a century and the system under which the British Monarch recognizes the achievements of the famous and not so famous.

By Sheena Kaighin, Region 31, Surrey Harmony Chorus

Rachel received the award from H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge in a ceremony at Windsor Castle. She admits to being excited, but nervous. Rachel says, “I was given instructions on the procedure for meeting Prince William. It was quite a performance, including not one but two curtseys.” She adds, “ The advice was it doesn’t matter which foot, and don’t go too low!” Rachel says being a Sweet Adeline was the perfect practice for her meeting with Royalty. And Prince William helped to put her at ease by cracking a joke. “He asked me if my award was for the ‘rail’ industry or the ‘whale’ industry, “ she laughs. “Turns out he had some difficulty understanding the person who announced me.” Now Rachel has finished organizing her own performance, it’s back to regular choreography with Surrey Harmony. But if a new song ever calls for a curtsey, Rachel is the perfect Chorus member to demonstrate how to make it fit for a Prince. n

January 2015 | T hePi t c h P ip e


2 015 Las V e g as I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n v e n t i o n & C o mp e t i t i o n Registration Registration is OPEN NOW for the 2015 Las Vegas International Convention and Competition. Visit for information on how to register. Early registration ticket prices are available through May 1, 2015.

Housing Sweet Adelines International is excited to reveal that, for the first time in over 20 years, Competition, Housing, and Chorus Rehearsal Space is all under one fabulous roof! The MGM Grand truly lives up to its name, not only in sheer size, but also in its vast offerings. Located at one of the busiest intersections in Las Vegas, it provides a world of entertainment, dining and unwinding – both day and night. Recently, the resort completed a $160 million remodel to upgrade all of its rooms and suites, has added a brand new nightclub and several new restaurants.

 MGM Grand Hotel and Casino 3799 Las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Website:


January 2015 | TheP i tch P i pe

Convention Assistants All Events

Member All Events

International Chorus & Quartet Competitor All Events

Youth Member or Non-Member All Events

Non-Member All Events

Early Registration on or before May 1, 2015






Late Registration after May 1, 2015






*International Quartet Competitor Rate begins July 31, 2015

Las Vegas by the Numbers Here are a few facts to get you geared up for next year’s convention at the Entertainment Capital of the World. 6,500,000,000 The number of dollars that represent the Las Vegas Strip’s gaming revenue. 39,000,000 The number of people who visit Las Vegas annually. 150,000 Number of hotel rooms in Las Vegas. 80,000 The number of marriage licenses issued last year in Las Vegas. 22,000 The number of meetings and conventions held annually in Las Vegas.

Rates $174 Single/Double Occupancy per night plus tax $189 Triple/Quadruple Occupancy per night plus tax Above rate INCLUDES the MGM required Resort Fee Includes: • Complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi access • Daily newspaper available for pickup • $15 beverage credit per room per stay that is applicable at any MGM Grand owned bar or lounge • Complimentary printing of boarding passes, copies, and faxes up to 5 pages • Notary Services • Unlimited local and toll free telephone calls • Complimentary daily access to the cardio fitness room Housing Opens: March 23, 2015 Housing Closes: August 31, 2015 Please check > News & Events > Las Vegas 2015 Convention for more information.

900 The number of inbound and outbound flights per day. 530 The average visitor’s gambling budget per trip (in U.S. Dollars). 320 The average number of days of sunshine each year in Las Vegas. 70 The percentage of visitors who gamble that prefer slot machines. 45.8 The average age of Las Vegas visitors. 24 The number of scoops used to make a King Kong Sundae at the Sugar Factory Brasserie at Town Square in Las Vegas. It can feed up to 12 people. 20 The percent of International visitors. January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


Registration OPEN NOW!


Congratulations to NAfME Winner

Patricia Danner We are honored to have you as a Sweet Adeline! From Greater Nassau Chorus, Region #15 & ALL your Sweet Adeline Sisters


January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe

H QS t A FFp r o f i le Senior director of Marketing & Communications

Tena Wooldridge N

ew to Sweet Adelines International, Tena came on board in late September 2014 and hit the ground running to get prepared for Baltimore! Her first task as the new Senior Director of Marketing and Communications was to produce a Special Double Issue of The Pitch Pipe and convention program. Following the double issue, Tena was responsible for the incredible amount of public relations in Baltimore. Sweet Adelines was represented on CBS TV, ABC TV, FOX TV, FOX radio, CBS, radio, The City Paper, and The Baltimore Sun. She is thrilled to be a part of the Sweet Adelines team. In addition to initiating a forthcoming redesign of, 2015 is going to be an exciting time for the marketing and communications department. There will be greater cohesion with regional marketing efforts and plans to educate the world about Sweet Adelines and the art form of barbershop. Tena wants to share the “extreme sport” of barbershop and motivate a cappella singers to take the “11-chord” challenge- only if they are up to it of course! Prior to joining Sweet Adelines, Tena served as a Marketing Director for a tile manufacturer based out of Bogota, Colombia; worked as a Marketing and Publications Director for a Petroleum Trade Association; and has freelanced in the areas of graphic design, brand management, marketing strategy, communications and research. Tena graduated Cum Laude from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Marketing and a minor in Economics. She also holds a Master of Liberal Arts from Harvard University in Environmental Management. At Harvard, she was runner up for the Dean’s Thesis prize for her proposed model of facilitating stakeholder engagement and social risk assessment for Tribal Groups. She has spent the past 3 years in a doctoral program at Oklahoma State University, where she is currently working on her dissertation, she is studying the purchase decisions of millennial consumers. Tena has one son, Dylan, who has the distinction of being born on Christmas! Dylan, 11, is a competitive swimmer and practices over two hours a day, 4-5 times a week! She says that her car always smells like chlorine or worse- wet towels! She is married to Steve and they have two furry children, miniature dachshunds Harley and Shelby. She loves to travel and has been to England, France, Italy, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Grand Cayman, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all over the continental U.S. Her favorite city in the world is Washington D.C. Something many people do not know about Tena: “I read all the time and I like to make art quilts.” n

Fast Facts: Favorite Food: Anything with Pesto! Favorite Color: Black Favorite Quote: “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin Favorite Books: Memoirs of a Geisha; Ender’s Game; A Most Dangerous Game Favorite Song: A Song For You (The Carpenters) Playing on her Ipod: Ed Sheeran; Hozier; CCR

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


The Young Singers Foundation is committed to enriching the lives of young people by supporting the educational and performance opportunities in vocal music. www. you n g si n g e rsfou n datio n . or g The Young Singers Foundation, part of the philanthropic umbrella of Sweet Adelines International. Please support the Young Singers Foundation with your tax-deductible gift. You may contribute online at > How to Give. You can also find us on Facebook!

Young singers Foundation

at International Convention!

The Young Singers Foundation Silent Auction occurred in conjunction with Sweet Adelines International’s 68th Annual Convention and Competition in Baltimore, Maryland. The auction, held at the YSF booth in Harmony Bazaar, is organized and managed by volunteers who correspond and plan by email, across two continents. The auction and Pay & Take Away section helped to raise over $18,000 in funding. The Foundation began in 1992 and donations provide Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarships for college students studying music as well as grant funding for various youth singing projects worldwide. By Sheridan Salmon


January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe



In Memory

(As of November 1, 2014) Pattie Chase, A Cappella Live!, #5

CORRECTION: Convention 2014 issue City of Lights Chorus and Kansas City Chorus were not previously listed as 65-year old choruses in The Pitch Pipe. We apologize for this omission and Congratulate both Choruses on this outstanding achievement. 65 years (2013) City of Lights, #16, Tonawanda, N.Y. Kansas City, #5, Kansas City, Mo.

Cheryl Cochrane, Alberta Heartland, #26 Patty Cornett, Tucson Desert Harmony, #21 Sheila Doherty, Chapter-at-Large, #31 Debbie Fletcher, Choral-Aires, #3

Would you like to receive exciting and important announcements from Sweet Adelines International as soon as they become available? Simply text sweetadelines to 24587 to get exclusive text messages from HQ. You will receive breaking news, scores, announcements, discounts and special messages throughout the year! Standard text messaging fees apply. For now, service is only available in the U.S. and Canada.

(Since Oct. 9, 2014)


Norma Jean Freeman, Member-at-Large, #45 Beverly Giammara, Pride of Kentucky, #4 Nancy Gould, Chapter-at-Large, #1

Advanced to Certified Director

Mary Alice Grothe, Greater Nassau, #15

Alesia Griswold, El Paso Sungold, #21

Madeline Guillaum, Great Lake Sound, #3

Catherine Robertson, Harmony North, #16

Nikki Hale, Kansas City, #5 Barbara Hansen, Metro Nashville, #4

Stay in Touch


Chris Arnold, Grand Harmony, #2

Fern Hoffman, City of Lakes, #6

Jan-ake Westin, Ontario Heartland, #16

Dorothy Hofstetter, North Metro, #16

Kathleen Hansen, San Diego, #21

Carol Hood, Flint Hills Harmony, #5

Lisa Thompson, Grand Harmony, #2

Jeanie Johnson, Kansas City, #5 Bunny Klinger High Country, #8 Jana Krones, Heart of Illinois, #3

Lois Brookes, Nelson Bays Harmony, #35 Lorna Katz, Golden Sands, #11

Wendy Laury, Red RockAppella, #21 Dawn Mankle, Harmony Northwest, #13 Patricia Martin, Sounds of Pittsburgh, #17 Jayne Morden, Kansas City, #5

Advanced to Master Director John Stockstill, Springfield Metro, #25

Mary Ann Myers, Greater Harrisburg, #19 Laurel Peck, Sounds of Harmony, #21

Pitch Pipe Article Submissions If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration in a future Pitch Pipe, please email commdept@sweetadeline.intl. Articles or write-ups should be in a Word document and high resolution photos should be attached to the email.

Pitch Pipe Article ADVERTISING New in 2015, Sweet Adelines is offering Shout Outs! Shout Outs offer an affordable fun way to say congratulations, good luck or recognize your favorite Sweet Adeline! Email commdept@ to learn more about Shout Outs or other advertising opportunities.

Discontinued P.O. Box Address Please begin using the Sweet Adelines International street address for all mailed correspondence, packages and deliveries. Our physical street and mailing address is 9110 South Toledo Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74137, USA. As of December 31, 2014, the Sweet Adelines International offsite post office box (P.O. Box 470168) will no longer be in use. Please revise your records to reflect our current physical street address.

Paula Reading, Voices in Harmony, #17 Liz Reynolds, Chapter-at-Large, #13

Advanced to Master Director 700 Pamela Pieson, Harborlites, #21

Nancy Rounsefell, Crescent City Sound, #10 Phyllis Smith, City of Lakes, #6 Melanie Wroe, Chapter-at-Large, #13 Shiela Doherty, Surrey Harmony Chorus, #31

CLASSIFIEDS Costumes for Sale 1. Semi Sheer Purple Blouse 2. Blue/Turquoise/Purple Sparkle Stretch Velvet Top, angled neckline and hemline, flared long sleeves. 3. Royal Blue Stretch Velour Dress, princess line, clear rhinestones at neckline, flared elbow length sleeves and skirt have satin gores of orange, lime green, yellow or turquoise. 4. Hot Pink Sparkle Dot Top, loose style falls from below the bust in panels, rolled hem, flared sleeve, neckline trimmed with black beads. Sizes 8 - 22W. 80+ units/item. Photos on contact Linda, Greater Kingston Chorus, Ontario Canada January 2015 | T hePi tc hP ip e



January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe

HARMONYROUNDUP Region # 2 • Song of the Lakes Chorus

45 Years of Sweet Harmony


ast August, Song of the Lakes Chorus (Region 2) celebrated their 45th Anniversary by hosting a Groovy 70’s Tailgate party. To commemorate the occasion the Mayor of Davison, Tim Bishop, declared August 11, 2014 as Song of the Lakes Sweet Adelines Day. The proclamation was presented to the chorus as they serenaded the mayor and staff. After the chorus serenaded the Mayor and city officials, the group continued to sing around the city to thank the businesses and individuals for their support throughout the years and invited the entire community to join them at their 70’s Tailgate Party. Song of the Lakes Chorus, directed by Maria Christian, performed songs from the 60’s and 70’s and weaved humor into the program with a script from Laugh In characters. After the program, guests were invited to join in a sing-a-long taught by Note-Able Chords Quartet. The harmony parts to Delta Dawn were modeled by the quartet and then the guests were invited to sing the first part of the song. It was a GROOVY evening! Song of the Lakes Chorus is looking forward to the next 45 years. n

Region # 10


Girl Scouts of the USA

egion 10 RMT recently worked with Beth Watkins to promote Sweet Adelines and YWIH at the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) convention. More than 5000 postcards were printed and 1000 custom pencils were distributed with “Got Harmony!” and the Sweet Adelines International website. We ordered 5 pitch pipes for her to take to use in teaching the girls/adults about singing and tagging. And we asked our region members to bring/donate their “old” Pitch Pipe magazines for her to take with her to give out to the girls/adults so they have information about Sweet Adelines. Thank you for your support of Beth with the new patch!! It is awesome! n

Region # 9 • Toast of Tampa

Toast of Tampa’s British Barbershop Bash a Blast


aster Director Tony De Rosa combined nearly 60 members from his two men’s choruses, Jacksonville’s Big Orange and Tampa’s Heralds of Harmony, with his championship Toast of Tampa women’s chorus, along with a few family members and friends to present a memorable, highly entertaining touring performance ensemble in England in October 2014. Sharing the stage with British barbershop choruses (Great Western and Cambridge Chord Company men and Surrey Harmony women) were performance highlights for Toast of Tampa members and another reason they love barbershop so much: keeping the world singing! The combined barbershop group also toured as “The Tampa Tapestry Choir.” Singing bonus sacred music arranged by Joe Martin, with stunning solo piano interludes by Mr Martin and piano-vocal duets with his talented wife Sue, the group gave memorable concerts at iconic Bath Abbey, Cambridge University (Churchill College), and well-attended parish churches in Bristol (St George’s) and London (All Saints, W Dulwich). The week-long experience was all about discovery, and charity, too. In addition to impacting lives through exquisite a cappella and piano music, important proceeds from several Bash concerts benefitted local charities to help and support people with mental and physical disabilities throughout England. We thank Atlantabased Harmony International, Joe Martin and Tony De Rosa for their inspiration, leadership, and coordination, and look forward to sharing future stages with our new friends in harmony – both in Florida, England, and, next October, in Las Vegas! n

Tampa Tapestry combined barbershop choruses at All Saints Parish Hall, South London

January 2015 | T hePi t chP ip e


HARMONYROUNDUP Region # 12 • Bay Area Show Chorus


Region # 17 • Grand Rapids Chorus

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts


ay Area Showcase Chorus collaborated with the men of Voices in Harmony to hold their first annual youth in harmony summer workshop on August 9th – A Cappella U. They booked the 2014 Sweet Adelines International Quartet Champions, LoveNotes as the faculty for the women and the 2014 NorCal Novice Quartet Champions, Brannigan for the men. Reaching out to local schools, the workshop was open to young men and women between 13 and 25, with a couple of exceptions for younger students. The youngest student was only ten, but he was remarkably talented! The cost for A Cappella U was only $25 per student and included lunch and a souvenir Tag Team t-shirt. Both choruses were able to secure sponsorships to help defray the cost of the workshop In total, 31 young women and 11 young men participated in A Cappella U. Selected chorus members served as assistant section leaders to our primary faculty, and helped assign voice parts as the young singers arrived. Participants each learned two songs separately, taught and coached by LoveNotes and Brannigan. Choreography was taught to each group by Gayle Greenbrook, founder and artistic director of Tap Explosion in San Jose. n

Caitlin Castelino, LoveNotes baritone, directing the A Cappella U female singers along with section leaders.

Region # 26 Westcoast Harmony Chorus

Scholarship Legacy 50

January 2015 | Th eP i tc hP i pe


Grand Rapids Chorus performing at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.


altimore’s International Competition was full of excitement for many of us. We were fortunate enough to be on a tour of Washington D.C. with many other lucky Sweet Adelines and their spouses. Our tour guide, Kirk Johnson, was kind enough to include the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in our tour and suggested we perform our “art” there. As we started singing “How We Sang Today” the balconies filled with patrons. Just singing there was such an honor. Represented at that impromptu performance were: Harmony on the Sound (CT), Alamo Metro Chorus (TX), Spirit of Harmony Chorus (IA), Lincolnaire Chorus (NE), Spirit of Syracuse (NY), Fox Valley Chorus (WI), Orangeville Chorus from Ontario, Canada and the Grand Rapids Chorus (MI). Not only singing at that place, but with our Sisters in Harmony! Something that we all said we would never forget! n

estcoast Harmony Chorus of Surrey, B.C., is investing in the future through a legacy fund established by Sharon Steeves, a Westcoast member for 35 years. The fund is maintained through the generosity of Westcoast members,

VIPs and friends.The fund assists women under 25 who could not otherwise meet the obligations of membership. Applicants must qualify and commit to rehearsals, contests and performances. The scholarship covers most fees, travel and all-events tickets. n

Region # 17 • Greater Harmony Chorus

Youth Harmony Festival


reater Harmony Chorus, Region 17, is proud to have co-sponsored this 2nd Pittsburgh Youth Festival on Saturday, October 4, 2014, with the North Hills Harmony Line Chorus (BHS). The event took place at Glade Run Presbyterian Church, in Valencia, PA. Because of the generosity of local donations and grants from both BHS and Sweet Adelines International, this event was FREE to all participants. Not only was there lots of singing, but also there was lots of fun, food, and laughter! Directors for the day, Chuck May and Jennifer Fogle, both from Greater Harmony, had the 57 young adults singing and concluded with a Festival Show at 5 pm. Sidekicks Quartet, Region 17, was the teaching quartet for the girls; and the Con Men, 3rd place International College Quartet, participated as the boys teaching quartet. Anne Bureau, Music Judge and Director, Harmony, Inc., and Ig Jakovac, Certified BHS Director and Singing Judge, from the Mid-Atlantic District of BHS, were the educator clinicians for the day. Visit or find us on Facebook at A Cappella Youth Harmony Festival.

Region # 19 • Delaware Valley Show Chorus

Singing, Service & Smiles


s an ongoing community service, Delaware Valley Show Chorus from Region 19 has been supporting the Food Cupboard at the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Pennsylvania where the chorus holds their weekly rehearsals. Prior to competing in our regional competition, the Delaware Valley Chorus held a Friends and Family Free Appreciation Concert where they presented a food donation to Jean Richards who accepted it on behalf of the church. Making the donation was Joanne DeCaria on the left and Leona Sigurdson on the right along with the Chorus director, Gene Bender and other members of the chorus. n

Region # 17 • Greater Harmony Chorus

A Trip of a Lifetime!

Greater Harmony Chorus (GHC), Region 17, continued its mission of spreading barbershop harmony around the world as they headed to France July 26 – Aug. 2, 2014. Eight singers from Sounds of Pittsburgh Chorus and 1 from Greater Richmond Chorus joined twenty singers from GHC. These groups practiced monthly for a year to prepare for this experience. Chuck May, director of GHC, even had his wife translate “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” so we could sing it in French at every performance. A total of 46 people attended the trip, including husbands, friends, and other family members. n

Region # 19

Extreme Quartetters Ring-In Inaugural Women’s Harmony Brigade


ome described the first Women’s Harmony Brigade event as “quartet speed-dating.” The Harmony Brigade was held August 8-10, 2014, in Wilmington, Delaware. Ninety participants committed to independently learning eight arrangements prior to the weekend event. Members of Sweet Adelines International and Harmony Inc. came from all over the U.S. Neal Siegal, co-founder of the Atlantic Harmony Brigade and dinner show guest observed, “The women were wonderfully well-prepared and enthusiastically sang in countless combinations of informal quartets. Some were green and some were queens, but harmony and sisterhood filled the halls, corridors, closets, stairways and bathrooms.” Next year’s event will be held August 7-9, in Wilmington, DE and will feature the Champion Quartet from Sweet Adelines International, The Buzz, as celebrity judges. Check out their website at or their Facebook page for more information. n

January 2015 | T hePi t c hP ip e


RegionalCalendar Information was received from regional members or regional websites. Please verify all dates and locations with each region.

Region #1 North Atlantic January 23 – 25, 2015 Winter Regional & YWIH Program April 30 2015 – May 03 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Springfield, MA

Region #2 Border Lakes April 23 – 26, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Dearborn, MI

Region #3 Midwest Harmony January 30 – February 1, 2015 January Jamboree, Downers Grove, IL May 7-10, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Grand Rapids, MI

Region #4 Harmony Heartland April 16 – 18, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Lexington, KY

Region #5 Spirit of the Midwest April 16 – 19, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Cedar Rapids, IA

Region #6 Northern Lights February 8, 2015 Twin Cities Youth in Harmony A Cappella Festival, St. Paul, MN April 23 – 26, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Minneapolis, MN

Region #8 Rocky Mountain April 16 – 19, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Westminster, CO

Region #9 Atlantic Gulf January 30 – February 1, 2015 Winter Workshop with Diane Porsch. April 16 – 19, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Daytona Beach, FL

Region #10 Great Gulf Coast January 16 – 18, 2015 Winter Regional Meeting, Houston, TX


January 2015 | TheP i tc hP i pe

Region #10 Great Gulf Coast

Region #21 Golden West

March 26 – 29, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Houston, TX

January 30 – February 1, 2015 Quartet Workshop with Touché & Pam Pieson April 16 – 19, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Phoenix, AZ


Region #11 Sequoia Pacifica March 26 – 29, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Bakersfield, CA

Region #12 Pacific Shores April 30 2015 – May 03 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Reno, NV

Region #13 North by Northwest April 9 – 12, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Spokane, WA

Region #14 Heart of the Blue Ridge March 26-29, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Winston-Salem, NC

Region #15 Greater NY/NJ April 30 – May 4, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Albany, NY

Region #16 Lake Ontario April 23 – 26, 2015 Region Convention & Competition, Syracuse, NY

August 6 – 9, 2015 The Stage Coaches Education Session Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center, Scottsdale, AZ

Region #25 Heart of America January 30 – 31, 2015 Quartet Retreat with Tony DeRosa, Frisco, TX March 19 – 22, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Tulsa, OK

Region #26 Canadian Maple Leaf April 30 – May 3, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Surrey BC, Canada

Region #31 Quartet of Nations January 23 – 25, 2015 Quartet of Nations RMT Weekend, Nottingham May 7-10, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Nottingham, England

Region #32 Nordic Light January 24 – 25, 2015 Regional Weekend, Knivsta, Aliske, Sweden

Region #17 Great Lakes Harmony

May 14 – 17, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Karlstad, Sweden

February 6, 2015 Winter Harmony Weekend with Dale Syverson

Region #34 Southern Cross

Young Women Festival Chorus & Regional Rising Star Quartet Competition May 14 – 17, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Cleveland, OH

Region #19 Atlantic Bay-Mountain April 23 – 26, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Ocean City, MD

May 14 – 17, 2015 Regional Convention & Competition, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Region #35 New Zealand April 30 – May 3, 2015 National Convention & Competition, Auckland, NZ

City of Garden s C horu s 2015 Division AA Champion Chorus • Region #26, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada •

January 2015 | T hePi tc hP ip e


Melodeer s 2015 International Champion Chorus • Region #3, Northbrook, Illinois •

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