6 minute read


By India K Easley

Everyone loves a great vacation, and sometimes depending on how busy you are; you may forget to take one. Life tends to take over, especially when you’re an entrepreneur. You never sit down to find the time to plan your next trip or decide where you’ve always wanted to go visit. Most people do not even know what the rest of the world looks like because they have never traveled outside of the United States in their lifetime. Being someone who has had the opportunity to visit outside of our wonderful country, I advise everyone to travel and see what the world truly has to offer.

Sometimes it can be a little scary to take that big leap and plan a trip. There are so many things that could be going through your head like, “Do I need a travel agent? Are solo trips any fun? How many days should I stay? Can I afford this trip? How can I take time away from work? Where should I travel to?” All of those are questions the average person asks themselves before planning a trip. There are so many factors that come into play. If you are a mother, you must decide if you’re taking your child(ren) with you or need to find a sitter. All of this can cause you to just cancel the idea of traveling, and then you’re back where you started.

Out of all the wonderful places to travel to and tour, below are my top 10 places to see in your lifetime. Some of these locations may be overseas, and others may be in the United States.

Regardless of where you travel to, make sure to enjoy yourself and have fun. Life is what we make it, and it is shorter than we sometimes believe. We must take a moment to relax and enjoy what the world has to offer. Taking a break to mentally prepare ourselves for what’s to come for us. Enjoy life, enjoy yourself, and enjoy what beautiful places are around the world.

Affirmation Of The Month

P R E T T Y W O M E N H U S T L E C O V E R S T O R Y michellewfuqua.groovepages.com/thelifeyouenvision

Michelle is an experienced organizational leader with extensive experience in the energy industry. She is a pastor, life coach, and International Best Selling Author Michelle is passionate about helping women of God shift to soaring in their identity, calling, and purpose She is the founding pastor of Living Water Church International and founder and CEO of Eklectos House, LLC, which supports authors in self-publishing. Most recently, she convened and hosted the “Summer Spirit Saturation Conference,” an event orchestrated to equip and encourage people to apply the Word of God to their everyday lives

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA, MAR in Pastoral Counseling, and a Master of Divinity Degree She is a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry Degree and is currently working on the final project

Michelle loves to read and write and wishes she had a singing voice She coaches and mentors to assist people with clarifying their purpose and the steps needed to achieve it.

Michelle’s most important ministry is to her family She is happily married to Louis, and they have two sons, Daniel and Christian

If you could use five words to describe yourself outside of ministry and entrepreneurship, what would they be and why?

Creative - I love to see the possibilities that exist. I am always pushing the envelope to grow how we live

Analytical - I am an engineer hiding behind bright colors and spontaneity

Outgoing - I am that person that will speak to everyone on the elevator. I get the most joy when surrounded by people

Compassionate - I am a champion for the underdog. I do not like to see people mistreated, and I will stand up for those who are not able to stand up for themselves

Random - I am so in the moment. I am good at handling emergencies I plan because it is necessary, but I prefer to freestyle

When did you develop your passion for helping women of God find and soar in their identity?

I have always loved helping others I taught my first Bible study in my backyard in 5th grade I experienced so many challenges, betrayals, and rejections in life. The pain and frustration of them led me to want to help others avoid and overcome them I am passionate about helping women walk in their power and gifts.

You are the Pastor of Living Water Church International. How do you balance entrepreneurship and leading a congregation?

I had quite a few challenges because the pastor’s heart will do everything for free. It was hard to branch into business and charge for anything I had to pray to make sure I was on the right path God gave me an org chart with clear lines of what falls into free ministry and paid ministry service The other challenge is time I need lots of time to study and prepare for sermons I also need time to show up on social media for ministry and business One thing I do is maximize Saturdays I use a time management system

Tell us about your organization “Eklectos House, LLC”?

The name of my company is based on 1Peter 2:9 - But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Eklectos is the Greek word for chosen It is a reminder that I am chosen to serve chosen people. We are all chosen, and we must define our calling according to God’s will I want to run a ministry-based business that includes coaching, consulting, publishing, books, and speaking.

What has been your greatest achievement thus far?

My greatest achievement is as a wife and mother I have a beautiful family and love watching my two sons blossom on their life paths. Also, I am very proud of the inner work that I have done over the last 3 years to evolve into a better version of myself

Current Favorite Worship Song?

Goodness of God - Cee Winans

What obstacles have you had to face in your entrepreneurship journey?

The three obstacles I have overcome are mindset, mastery, and execution I knew that I was called to be a pastorpreneur, speaker, and writer, and I felt I was not qualified to do what I needed This is hilarious because I have the experience, qualifications, and heart for the area I am called to. Until I worked through those mindset issues, I could not blossom Once I accepted my own awesomeness, there were some technical aspects of running a business that I had to master I have worked with multiple coaches: Dr Tracy Timberlake, Dr Kristen Guillory, Evelyn Weiss, Dr. Cheryl Polote-Williamson, and Angelica Duncan. Each of these awesome ladies has tremendous gifts, and they have generously poured into me

Ultimately, I had to resolve to be successful and take the necessary action to do so

Tell us about your “Summer Spirit Saturation Conference.” What can women expect when attending?

Summer Spirit Saturation is a 30-day program I run in the summer It is a way to stay spiritually connected during a time of year when people are busy on vacation Sometimes, we fall back on our connection Women who attend the next cohort will focus on soaking in God’s presence to clarify their life questions

Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 3-5 years?

In 5 years, I would like to have reached 1 million women and helped them break free from any chains that keep them from living their ignited life Specifically, I want to see more women pastors, preachers, ministers, writers, and CEOs. I want to be the sought-after expert who helps women birth their dreams

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who recognizes her value and is open to growing She takes the steps to do the work to achieve her dreams She prioritizes rest and self-care

Schoquilla “Que” Coleman is an African American business executive She is the founder, executive chairwoman, and CEO of Diva Hair Box, the world’s first hair weave subscription company.

Prior to becoming CEO of Diva Hair Box, she founded a nonprofit tutoring organization for low-income and minority individuals called Golden Life Resource Center

Que holds a master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in finance from Nyack College

She sits on the Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Que processes a strong desire and passion for helping and volunteering in her community

To learn more about the Michelle Ami Reyes, PhD, please visit: MichelleamiReyes.com

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