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Dr Rhondelle Booker-Adams, RN, started her nursing career as an LPN in 2009. In 2010 she decided to further her career and obtained her degree as a registered nurse Dr. Adams has worked in many different capacities throughout her nursing career, including ER and surgical nurse, home care nursing, and even hospice care nursing Her most favorite position was as a community health nurse It was there that she found what she thought was her true calling, as she was able to have a more intimate relationship with her patients, servicing them in their homes She has always had a passion for helping others, which is why nursing come so effortless for her, but despite having a successful career, she never felt fulfilled or that she was living in her true purpose I always felt like something was missing That is why I tried so many different nursing specialties, hoping to find the one that fit, but none ever really fit” -Dr Adams

Dr. Adams believes health is wealth and has recently launched IV hydration services at her med spa with the primary focus as a means to combat health issues her clients were facing following the global pandemic Her med spa hit six figures after just 9 months of being in business, and for 2023, the projected revenue for Luxe Beauty Bar is in the multiple six figures Dr Adams knew she couldn’t do this all on her own and is grateful for the mentors that poured into her along the way, and that is the most important reason for her to give back and empower those in her community

Dr Adams has employed over 15 professionals who either perform services at her med spa or assist on the back end with administrative duties

Additionally, Dr Adams has launched her own mentorship program, teaching others how to open and run a successful spa In that capacity, she offers training courses teaching adults interested in the beauty industry how to gain the necessary skills to help generate an additional stream of income by utilizing those skills or to make a career out of it if that’s their desire Rhondelle is genuinely passionate about education and is very adamant about teaching others skill sets they can utilize to be selfsufficient in an ever-changing world

Rhondelle is the mother of three plus a bonus blessing, and that responsibility has heightened and solidified her belief that the youth is our future and if we can educate them and provide them with skills they can use right out of school, they will be adequately prepared to face the challenges the world will hand to them as adults Her ultimate goal is to open a training facility where young men and women can learn skills in the billion-dollar beauty industry, utilize them, and leverage them as supplemental income while they further their education as young adults or even convert those skills as their main source of income and join the world of entrepreneurship

Im passionate about giving back I simply love being a blessing to others “ -Dr

Rhondelle Booker- Adams, RN

In one sentence, who is Dr Rhondelle Booker - Adams?

*She is someone who turned her pain into purpose and wasn’t afraid to go against the grain and be a trailblazer; she is compassionate, patient, and professional

You have a long history in nursing Can you share where your passion for caring for others comes from?

My passion for caring for others definitely came from my grandmother She was one of the most selfless people I know She was always willing to help and gave so much of herself to those around her. Growing up, I also had two sisters who had medical issues that often caused them to be in and out of the hospital. I would always look up to the nurses who cared for them, which sparked my interest in nursing and medicine

Reflecting on your long history in Nursing, what has been the highlight of your career? What parts of your career do you take with you as an entrepreneur?

That’s an interesting question that I reflect on often As I look back on my career thus far, I have realized that every nursing position I have had has prepared me for entrepreneurship Working on the administration side of nursing has prepared me to be a manager, filling out reports, hiring staff, and dealing with issues that arise in the day-to-day operations Working as a staff nurse has taught me the clinical skills I need to perform the procedures I currently provide at my office, such as Botox IV hydration therapy, post-operative care, and so much more Being a community health nurse has taught me about structuring my nurse concierge services in which I provide services to clients in their homes/ hotels

Can you tell us about your decision to open an aesthetic and wellness spa? What makes this so influential for women in your community?

The decision came from years of frustration with the treatment and service I received from other spas I wasn’t thrilled with the quality of work, nor did I feel like they understood how to properly care for my melanated skin I also never liked that I had to travel so far, usually to the Downtown area, to find good providers I wanted to cultivate an environment where women and men could receive high-quality services at an affordable price that was also local This is how Luxe Beauty Bar was birthed

What can women expect when entering the doors of your establishment?

*If you have ever had the pleasure of being a guest at Luxe, you know firsthand that you come for the service but stay for the experience And in a nutshell, Luxe is an experience Everyone feels at home when they come here They are so relaxed, and so many of my clients have expressed that Luxe is their safe place, which makes my heart so happy We take pride in providing the highest level of comfort and customer service that when you come here, you simply do not want to leave. And it doesn’t hurt that we offer so many services There is something for everyone.

Can you share the importance of self-care among women?

Self-care is so vital on so many levels It is my duty to enlighten my clients about self-care I always tell my clients, “You cannot pour from an empty cup We all have a lot going on, but we cannot neglect ourselves while trying to take care of everything and everyone else I have so many clients who say, I wish I could come more often, but I have so many other obligations I just don’t see it in the budget” And to that, I tell them, Self-care is not selfish” We need to save something for ourselves too As women, especially mothers, we tend to put our kids first, sacrifice, and go without to make sure they have everything we never had We tend to have this superwoman complex where we feel we can just keep going and keep giving like the energizer bunny, but at some point, sooner or later, your body will start showing you signs that it is breaking down A big part of self-care is listening to your body and giving it what it needs when it needs it It can mean taking 15 minutes at night to yourself to unwind, have a glass of wine or a cup of tea, do some deep breathing, and decompress after a long day It can mean running a nice bath with some candles and relaxing music It can also mean a full spa day of pampering and relaxation

Your brand is expanding rapidly You now have two locations. How do you stay balanced as a business owner to ensure your locations stay true to your initial mission and values?

Expansion and growth is never a comfortable process It has definitely come with hurdles. I would say one thing that keeps me balanced is my team I have an amazing team that supports me and always ensures I’m good I think they are a big part of the culture here at Luxe, and through my team, we are able to hold true to our values Another major factor is my family They are so supportive and are always there and ready to assist me whenever I need help

Tell us about your book? What message do you hope women take away from your work?

My book talks about the cosmetic surgery business The good, the bad, and the ugly, and really goes deep into planning everything you need to know before and after your procedure I wrote this book because I had so many post-op clients who came to me clueless about aftercare. I spent so much time counseling them on aftercare, holding their hand, and walking them through that process Recovery can be a very dark time for many clients They get depressed and discouraged, and many feel helpless and hopeless It was an obligation to write this book to help many more women around the world educate themselves on the process, not just those I see personally at my office

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My grandmother always said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that true beauty comes from within This has always resonated with me, and I believe this is also true for Pretty Women Who Hustle I believe a pretty woman who hustles is a woman of God, one who has integrity, is beautiful on the inside and out and a woman who is strong, talented, and has a drive and ambition that is unmatched

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