PWH Magazine - September 2023

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India K.



Shaunda Thompson


Shaunda Thompson



Latasha Ramsey - Cyprian

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Danielle Marie Franklin


Pretty Women Hustle Magazine4

September 2023

Cover Image


CEO/Founder Publisher

Jakia Cheatham–Myles

Lead Editor

Adrienne Michelle Horn

I A M Editing, Ink

www iamediting com

Graphic Designer/Copywriter

Raquel de Lemos

Raquel Writes Content

www raquelwritescontent com

Info@Prettywomenhustle com

Instagram: @Prettywomenhustlemagazine

Facebook: Pretty Women Hustle Magazine

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Hey Hustlerz,

As we transition from the warmth of summer into the crisp embrace of autumn, it is with great excitement that we present to you the September edition of Pretty Women Hustle magazine This issue is a tapestry of stories and insights that celebrate the indomitable spirit of women who inspire us all.

In our cover feature, we delve into the remarkable journey of Danielle Franklin, a force of nature in the fitness world. Through her dedication and passion, Danielle has not only transformed bodies but lives as well Discover how her fitness business is changing the narrative, empowering women, and instilling confidence, one workout at a time.

Our commitment to addressing critical topics continues with a heartfelt exploration of infertility We aim to shed light on this often silent struggle and offer support to those who need it most.

We explore the impact of organization on business revenue and ways to improve your resume In an ever-evolving marketplace, these all make a difference. Learn from experts who share their strategies and insights on how to organize your business for success, while building a resume that lands you the job of your dreams.

As always, Pretty Women Hustle is about more than just words on paper; it's about inspiring, motivating, and empowering women from all walks of life.

Stay pretty and paid Until Next time,

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As a young newlywed, I could not have imagined my life being any more perfect: I married my college sweetheart, I had a successful teaching career, and we had just bought our first home I felt invincible

We did all the newlywed things: we signed our thank you cards together, put our wedding gifts to good use, and went on the same medical insurance Our new medical insurance requires annual physicals This fateful physical led us to our infertility journey.

My husband was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 26, two months into marriage. Any plans for a future family came to a screeching halt Doctor appointments after doctor appointments were needed Multiple surgeries were required Chemotherapy was involved A will had been written Many legal documents were signed Our married life had taken a complicated turn

While we were navigating my husband’s chemotherapy, various appointments, and surgeries, we were also navigating the world of infertility. Imagine all of this happening at the age when the majority of couples have children (and have them naturally).

I constantly thought, “Why me?” “Why us?” “Why my husband?“ “What did we do to deserve this?” A lot of negative self-talk was involved, and I questioned everything about my life Social media was a major trigger and turned into my worst enemy

I am someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment When our world was turned upside down, everything went into slow motion This slow motion allowed me to explore the world of IVF, IUI, FET, and other infertility options (as well as adoption). Sometimes, we need things to slow down in order for them to work out.

As a hardworking, career-driven woman, I am here to show you the world of infertility and how it can impact your life (the good and the bad) In upcoming excerpts, I will address the treatments, facilities, finances, exhaustion, and anything else you can imagine

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you have regarding infertility.




Shana M. Fleming

Shana M Fleming is a devoted mental health clinician and psychoeducation instructor with over 15 years of experience that focuses heavily on empowering clients to discover their strengths That approach enables them to live a fulfilled life, focusing on their stronger points despite setbacks She is also a published author of Win Within: A Journal That Empowers the Mind Shana’s heart is deeply rooted in being a change agent, and her passions have followed her since childhood. Growing up in a very loving and healthy home enables her to guide others on building a solid foundation and approaching mental health as something you take care of daily, not just when tragedy strikes Shana recognizes the views on mental health are particularly misguided in minority communities, where many suffer in silence Her transformative gifts and journal are tools to impact many people of color and disenfranchised populations worldwide. Shana is avid about moving clients and those she interacts with from surviving to thriving and bridging the gap from the impossible to possible.

The Atlanta, Georgia native continues to utilize her fond childhood memories with her parents and siblings and growth moments to increase her mental health professional skills Being introduced to journaling over 30 years ago by her mother led to her connecting with how she processes her feelings That also became the prelude to her journal that she created to outline to anyone how to accomplish the same thing. She experienced doubt during the process but remembered that God affirmed her to help people find more peace Shana’s spirit has always drawn people to her, and the gifts given by God allow transformative healing to take place in various settings

Shana will continue to focus on changing the trajectory of how mental health is viewed She also remains committed to more education to impact those she is called to help, utilizing the unique strengthsbased approach. Shana earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Georgia State University and Master of Social Work from the University of Georgia.

As a Licensed Master Social Worker, she has served in a variety of diverse settings that have led to this stage in her career The settings include the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and as a contractor for the Department of Family and Children Services She has spent the past 5 years working with individuals incarcerated as a mental health provider The future for Shana will mean many great things! Her dedication, passion, and hard work to change lives is through education That work will include seminars, workshops, and creating other avenues to educate people on how to make mental health a true priority

Who is Shana M. Fleming in five words?

Shana is intentional, empathetic, energetic, evolving, and love

What or who exactly sparked your interest in psychoeducation?

So, let’s first define psychoeducation, which is teaching people with mental illnesses how to live an optimal life through understanding their diagnosis, identifying triggers, and developing healthy ways to manage In my experience working with incarcerated women and men, I have facilitated groups detailing various mental health and wellness topics I felt a sense of fulfillment being a part of “aha moments,” knowing my clients have gained valuable tools necessary to navigate life and thrive as an individual I find that psychoeducation bridges gaps in understanding, giving one a stronger sense of self and creating a foundation for resilience

You have had a successful long career. Can you share the highs and lows of assisting people in finding their strengths?

Thank you! Yes, it can be difficult to reframe others’ thoughts towards positivity, which allows them to highlight their strengths when they have layers of trauma that have impacted their selfconcept Therefore, in this scenario, I must honor the clients where they are and educate them on seeing life on a continuum Implementing hope for a better day tomorrow is a key intervention

Throughout our lifespan, we have opportunities for transformative growth and development Some of my clients possess insight into how they gather all life’s experiences from their past (good, bad, and/or indifferent) and choose to focus on the lessons learned, confident in a better tomorrow

This type of client requires reassurance and validation that they are moving in the right direction, leading towards positive outcomes

When did you realize you had a message to share with the world?

I remember being young (before age 10, not sure exactly), knowing that I was different and had a tenderness towards others and animals It was not until my early 20s that I understood that superpower to be compassion and empathy, which led me to work with disenfranchised populations. This God-given gift has been honored through my passion for effectively serving my clients The message I share with the world is simple: demonstrating compassion and empathy towards God’s creation

Can you tell us about your book Win Within: A Journal That Empowers The Mind?

This journal is both an invitation and an opportunity to begin or continue to reflect on who you are as an individual I created it for the everyday person looking to develop a stronger, healthier sense of self. Win Within is a mindful journal that offers prompts, affirmations, encouragement, and creative expression in an effort to strengthen who you are and unlock endless possibilities!

You grew up in the Atlanta area. Can you share how your surroundings impacted the way you do business?

I was raised in a family of entrepreneurs My mother developed a game in the early 1990s and then opened a homeschool in the early 2000s I had a front-row seat in learning business through watching her maneuver tough spaces Therefore, I began understanding the importance of hard work and establishing relationships that foster business, transparency, and professionalism I am grateful for this business model, which has helped to guide my recent business endeavors

What is next for you and your brand? Where can we hope to see you in the next 3-5 years?

In the next 3-5 years, I plan to have educational workshops and conferences that empower individuals with the skills necessary to thrive I believe mental health needs to be a priority in our daily lives, requiring checkups (like a dentist appointment or annual physical) The educational workshops I plan to have will allow individuals a safe space to simply “be” unpacking life’s suitcase and making room for healing, growth, and prosperity

5 Ways to Encourage Yourself

Every now and again, we need a little motivation We need a little push to get us through the day. That may mean we feel less motivated than normal, but know we still have things that need to be done.

Sometimes, we can’t rely on others to motivate us; we must encourage ourselves to do things and to be better This has never been an easy task, but it is definitely worth taking a swing at

There have been times when everyone has just stopped and felt completely exhausted. They’ve felt as if their goals are not ones they can reach

We can’t We can’t We can’t rely on rely on rely on others to others to others to motivate us; motivate us; motivate us; we must we must we must encourage encourage encourage ourselves to ourselves to ourselves to do things do things do things and to be and to be and to be better. better. better.

You may be writing a school paper and have developed writer’s block. You may need to renew a certification, and you can’t find the time to do it. You may have wanted to try a new venue or restaurant with your friends, but your social anxiety may be getting the best of you These are all cases when you must encourage yourself to go do it

The best way to start and continuously encourage yourself is to begin the cycle Once you take the initiative to be better, then you will do better Sometimes, it’s hard to determine where to start Here are 5 ways to encourage yourself and hopefully for you; this will make the undesirable task a tad bit easier!

Break tasks down into small steps

Sometimes, it’s the simplest things done well that work the best.

Remember, you can’t do everything at once

That’s why the painter Vincent van Gogh said, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”

Here’s a method to help you find motivation to get things done: Write down what you need to do on apiece of paper. Then, write down every step you must take to make it happen. Finally, ignore everything except the step you’re working on

Once in the flow, you may find it easier to continue with the next task

Create a positive mindset

Getting motivated is almost impossible if you’re looking at the situation from a negative viewpoint. On the other hand, positivity can be energizing and help you to motivate yourself So, pause and ask yourself, “What’s good about this situation?”

Just start

You don’t always need to reason with your emotions or rationalize why you need to do something You can deal with those negative feelings later on, at the right time Instead, try setting aside all of the negative emotions and simply START.

As the famous writer Mark Twain once said: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”

As the author Catherine Pulsifer said, “If we have the attitude that it’s going to be a great day, it usually is.”

Create a feeling of gratitude

When you find yourself stuck in a rut, it can feel impossible to motivate yourself So before you try to motivate yourself, take a step back and try to appreciate how you feel

When you feel appreciation for yourself, it’s much easier to stay motivated. One of the quickest ways to feelgood about yourself is to practice gratitude it’s almost entirely impossible to feel low and grateful at the same time To practice gratitude, write down three things you’re grateful for These could be anything from your morning coffee to your pet or even the comfortable chair you sit on Ideally, you could make a gratitude journal to appreciate the small things in life on a daily basis.

Be kind to yourself

When you procrastinate or make a mistake, it’s easy to beat yourself up In fact, if you’re like many people, you may find that you internally “speak” to yourself in a mean way If you notice yourself doing this, pause and try to speak to yourself kindly instead You wouldn’t speak to someone else that way, so why do it to yourself? You deserve your own kindness.

Try to remember your true inherent value as a human being Then, allow yourself to gently return to the task (Law, 2023)

When you feel appreciation for yourself, it’s much easier to stay motivated.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

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Your resume is a marketing tool and the most valuable document you will have in your lifetime. The purpose of a resume is to secure an interview Incorporate these 3 steps to enhance your resume, which can increase your chances of getting an interview

Match Your Skills

The purpose of a T-chart is to highlight your skills and background that would be a match for the position. The goal is for the recruiter or hiring manager to read your resume and say, “That’s exactly who we’re looking for ”

To create a T-chart, find a position you are interested in Next, get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page On the left side of the page, copy the skills and qualifications from the position announcement in short phrases. On the right side of the page, write short, action-oriented statements that highlight your experience that may relate to the qualities or skills listed in the left-hand column. The information on the right side of the T-chart are your new resume bullets. A T-chart is also a great way to brainstorm your suitability for a role and to prepare for an interview

Keywords and Action Verbs

Use keywords or phrases from the job posting or company information.

When describing your accomplishments, begin each bullet with action verbs, such as “managed,” “launched,” or “enhanced,” to describe the tasks you performed or projects you completed in previous roles

Action verbs are a great way to specify your experience and emphasize your technical skills Applicant tracking systems (ATS) scan for industryspecific terms, job titles, key job functions, relevant hard and soft skills, academic degrees, and fields of study that are relevant to the position. You can use a free tool, such as Jobscan, Skillsyncer, and Jobalytics, to identify skills and keywords missing from your resume when compared to a job description

Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of telling a potential employer what you did, show what you have accomplished by including a sentence with your job scope and a bullet list of accomplishments under each job. Be specific, quantify your results, and use concrete language that demonstrates the impact of your accomplishments

For example, if you boosted social media engagement in your previous role, include the percentage of that increase. Use this formula when highlighting your professional accomplishments: [Action Verb] [X] to [Y], resulting in [Z]


When All Hell Breaks Loose , Take Cover and Pray.


Tiffany J Bentley, affectionately known as “Daddy’s Girl” or Tiff,” is the published author of When All Hell Breaks Loose- Take Cover and Pray She was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and graduated from the Hamtramck School system. In 2001, Tiffany graduated with honors from the University of Detroit Mercy with a dual bachelor’s degree in general and developmental psychology She later achieved her Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belt certification As well as completing the Advanced Project Management Professional designation, all from Lawrence Technological University For over 20 years, Tiffany has worked in the healthcare industry, managing and consulting major healthcare projects

Outside of working in the marketplace, Tiffany is the mother of (2) beautiful girls, also known as the “Bentley girls. Her favorite hobbies include spending time with the Bentley girls, close family, and special friends Tiffany enjoys serving God’s people, traveling, watching Netflix while eating pizza, reading a book, ballroom dancing, karaoke, and volunteering with community organizations such as Warrior Women Against Poverty, Remnant Cancer Support, and Karmanos Cancer Center Oh yes, I am a 7-year pink survivor with a lifetime of health to go!

Tiffany’s aspirations include walking and accepting the call/purpose God has placed on her life (with the help of the Holy Spirit), which includes writing more books Her favorite scriptures are Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:6, and Isaiah 43:18

Take us back to the very beginning Who or what sparked your interest in words and storytelling? Looking back at the beginning, my family is very small Although I have a sister, she is 10 years older than me Although I have cousins, I only had a strong bond with one I also lived in an older Detroit neighborhood where not many kids my age lived on the block That being said, I learned how to enjoy and entertain myself It was during those moments that I was inspired to write and journal My diary meant everything to me I could write any and everything in my diary, which gave me such a sense of safety, security, inspiration, and creativity To this day, I practice journaling, and it still offers me encouragement.

Tell us about growing up in the Detroit Area Do you have a favorite memory of a local author or entrepreneur that impacted who you are today?

I grew up on the west side of Detroit As I said earlier, our neighborhood was full of residents who had been there for years and years There were not a lot of kids my age on the block There was not a lot of Double Dutch or Hopscotch All of my friends were from my school in Hamtramck Although I lived in Detroit, I graduated from the Hamtramck private school system, where I quickly learned the meaning of diversity I wouldn’t trade my path for anything. I appreciate being aware and versed in other cultures, religions, and life practices

As far as a favorite author, I can’t say I have one favorite author Looking back, we middle schoolers would order all kinds of books from the Troll company I would order as many books and stickers as my parents would allow My variation was from facts to fiction to non-fiction, and I cant forget about my documentaries As you can see, I spent a lot of time with my nose in a book

You worked in the healthcare industry for over 20 years How did this role prepare you for who you are now as an author, entrepreneur, and industry leader?

I started working in this industry, thinking it would just be a spot to land until I graduated from college Guess the joke was on me That was more than 20 years ago, and Im still in the industry Today, I am stronger, wiser, and more effective This path has afforded me so many opportunities to lead, manage, delegate, network, and partner I’ve met so many awesome people To say the least, God continues to be good to me in this area I have zero complaints about my career path, with no reason to change but every reason to grow and advance Im looking forward to advancement with continued success

Take us through the pages of your book, When All Hell Breaks Loose , Take Cover and Pray What can readers expect when reading?

The book is about 150 pages broken up into five chapters I write about myself, the children, the spouse, the ministry, and the home Readers can expect to walk with me through one of the toughest seasons of my life They will see the power of God and how He transfers my sadness into dancing No matter the color, creed, or age, we all will experience hell Hell does not discriminate, but you can count on an answer When All Hell Breaks Loose Take Cover , and Pray is the book that leads you to that answer You can expect transparency and truth The reader will see the victories and the valleys He/she will see the dark times and the reasons to jump for joy Ive received sooo much positive feedback, and the continued message is I just couldnt put it down More than anything, the reader can expect to be BLESSED!

What message do you hope readers take away from this project?

I hope and pray that every reader will be encouraged and offered a new and different perspective I could not have made it without God It’s just that simple, and I’m not trying to create an over-spiritual experience; however, I am a witness that if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side, I would be sucking my thumb in a corner on 99 different pills God gets all the credit for my redeemed life Period!

Trust the process.

When you read my book, you will find that I’m really comfortable with transparency The process sucks Sometimes, the process takes forever You don’t understand it, and you will be on an emotional rollercoaster for an undefined amount of time You can’t rush the process, but you can delay it The best thing to do is go through it Learn what you need to learn so you can move on Will you feel crazy? Yup! Will you be mad? Real mad! Will you cry? Invest in tissue! Does it hurt? Like death! Will you feel alone? The worst However, all the phases of the process are only for a moment

Go through it! I have found retakes are harder to take than the original test Let’s pass the test the first time! Joy really does come in the morning

I’m sure you know morning is not always literal It could be late in the midnight hour Just be ready whenever your blessing knocks on your door I had to make myself get an expectation every day my feet touched the ground We just never know how God is going to move. You may be sad today and jumping for joy the same day; expect your season to change

You are a woman of God, which is a big part of the work you do. How do you balance business and faith? Not only a woman of God, a businesswoman, but a mother, which I take very seriously The word of God says to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first, and ALL other things will be added unto you I try my best to seek Him in everything I do In that seeking, I find balance, direction, instruction, and strength If I had to do all those things without Him, I would be tired, worn out, stressed out, and overwhelmed, but walking with Him, I know all things are possible Are there days when I literally come home and crash? Absolutely. We are humans wrapped in the flesh Naturally speaking, its important to exercise healthy boundaries and set priorities. First things first is my recipe for getting it all done

What can your supporters expect from you next? Where do you see Tiffany in the next 3-5 years? My supporters can expect me to walk in the gifts, talents, and callings God has given me When All Hell Breaks Loose , Take Cover and Pray is going to the shelves not only locally but nationally You can expect to see me out and about as the Lord leads Many doors are opening, and Im walking through Of course, there will be additional books and creative writing We are even going to the stage Conversations about developing a playwright have been considered The story needs to be heard, which is exactly what my supporters can expect Get ready because here we come.

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is clear and simple.

1 We are all created in His image and likeness Although we are all different, we are unique and created by God Simply put we are God’s pretty masterpieces

2 God gave us all gifts and talents He took the time to invest in you and in me In my eyes, to hustle means to give God a return on His investment When All Hell Breaks Loose , Take Cover and Pray is a return on His investment Im working the gifts and talents that God gave me

3 This platform is a wonderful opportunity to showcase how God’s pretty masterpieces work in our work. I’m excited to be a part Im excited to share and spread the word, and I’m mostly excited to support

For more information about Tiffany, to book Tiffany for speaking engagements/ministry meetings, or to partner with Tiffany, she can be reached at WhenAllHellBreaksLoose0507@gmailcom

Books Available On Amazon and Barnes and Noble



The Chinxd Experience


NaKeisha Dennard is the best-selling co-author of The Audacity To Be Empowered anthology NaKeisha has been a licensed practical nurse for 12 years NaKeisha began her financial career with The Little Tax Company two years ago after graduating with her marketing degree NaKeisha specializes in tax preparation and credit restoration and is also a certified Georgia public notarist

Alongside her career as a nurse and financial enthusiast, Nakeisha is also the CEO of her company, "The Chinxd Experience" NaKeisha uses her platform to help women uncover self-worth, confidence, and emotional freedom

Nakeisha is also an Autism Advocate Nakeisha is the mother of three children. Two of them were diagnosed with autism at the age of three Nakeisha enjoys traveling with her loved ones and exploring new places

NaKeisha hopes that she positively influences each client's life, whether it's personal or business NaKeisha believes that we as people are not born to live mediocre but to continue to grow and live our lives to the fullest

Let's start from the beginning What inspired your start in the health industry?

This is such a funny question because I never intended to become a nurse or work in the health industry Period!

! Growing up, I aspired to be a fashion designer I'm so thankful that God doesn't let us follow through with some things in our lives I now believe God placed me in this career so that I could be knowledgeable and prepared as a parent with two disabled children Working in the industry allowed me to understand my children's diagnosis of autism and epilepsy and give them the care they needed

How did your time in nursing prepare you for where you are today as a best-selling author and entrepreneur?

My time in nursing prepared me as an entrepreneur tremendously This year, I would have been nursing for 17+ years. After having my oldest child, I knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom one day But once my last two came along and needed more time and attention, I went to the drawing board I knew I had to focus on my business plan on how and where it would allow me to be home with my babies

Tell us about The Little Tax Company? Did you always have an interest in the financial side of things?

I actually met the owner, who I must say is the best mentor, at the lowest point in my life I had always suffered from social anxiety During this time, I was going through such a hard time and was seeking to be my own boss I was offered a place in TLTC tax class, where we were mentored and educated on the tax industry and laws.


Had you told me I would be a tax preparer two years ago, I would have doubted you. The Little Tax Company is the best company you could work with The owner sets you up for growth! Our company is so well knitted it's hard to point out who the owner is because she's instilled in us that we ALL are a unit She pushes us towards our goals She takes us under her wing and teaches us to fly Joining TLTC was the best decision I ever made in my life!

We all know fixing or establishing credit isn't easy. What would you say is step 1 to establishing or building credit?

A surefire way to build credit quickly is to curb financial practices that ding your score Missed payments and payments that are more than 90 days past due take their toll on your credit score. Making sure all payments are made on time needs to be a high priority. Consider using auto-pay options with creditors and service providers so you never miss a due date, and always make sure there are enough funds in the funding account to avoid overdraft fees

How did "The Chinxd Experience" come about? What message do you hope women take away from this platform?

Wow! The Chinxd Experience was the WORST experience of my life During this time, I had fallen into depression; I sold my home, gave up my car, and I wasn't focused on my businesses I was honestly just a mess! One day, my son came and sat beside me, and he said, "Mama, you have to save yourself" Those words from my son were all I needed to hear! I began to do therapy, and I learned how to heal and forgive others for myself I started writing down what I wanted! This life right now? I manifested this life I CREATED this life! I went back and got everything that I lost, including my peace I hope women take away that it's okay NOT to be okay, but don't wait for anyone to save you! You have to speak life over yourself You have to choose you respectfully! And you have to be okay with accepting God's plan, so whatever is meant to go LET IT GO! Don't be bound by fear or self-doubt We often self-sabotage our own blessings

What is next for Keisha? Where can supporters expect to see you in the next 2-3 years? You can expect to see me more publicly in the next two to three years I want to place a face with my brand I plan on writing more I want to create a podcast where other women can be empowered I plan on hosting more events based on "The Chinxd Experience" I just know I'm trusting whatever doors God opens for me! He has been doing some amazing things! Things I never believed I was qualified for! If you don't have a relationship with Him, you better get to know Him for yourself!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a pretty woman who hustles has nothing to do with the physical The prettiest part of a woman is her spirit and energy A person can feel you before you even open your mouth So a woman who goes to work, runs her business, whatever it may be, with that kind of energy WHILE MAKING HER COINS? That's a pretty hustla!


Quote: “A change is as good as a rest.” - Unknown


Personal Love:

Positive Traits: Superhuman Dedicated Modest Supportive Negative Traits: Critical Hypochondriac Worrier


Very intuitive with the world and allows blessings in. Everything a Virgo wants will attract. Being an earth sign and staying grounded in light and truth is what describes a Virgo best in the season.

Finding love is what Virgos desire in any case. A partner soothes their worries and brings a calm to their storm. Universal love is what keeps Virgos balanced.

Personal Money: Being a boss comes naturally. Virgos can detect when business is on its way up or down. It’s like a solid prediction.

B y A k i l a h R o b e r t s


The Only Goal: Change lives one day at

money and making impact.


a time, making


Danielle Marie Franklin
Beautiful Promised Life

Danielle Franklin is a native of Youngstown, Ohio, residing in Indianapolis, IN, and a veteran of the US Army. She began her career in the social work case management industry 22 years ago in customer service and climbed the ranks in the field through various positions and promotions. Her experiences as a family life educator, childhood upbringing, and military career have shaped her into what can be best described as driven. As a case management professional with high-level management experience in social work, she learned the best way to achieve success is to seek out and activate the resources accessible with well-defined objectives and goals A belief system based on selfless giving, upholding good morals and values, and a positive attitude while adapting to constant change and the ability to execute well-thought-out ideas allows her to achieve continued success while serving children, families, and agencies Her personality sparks conversations A vibrant, confident individual who is committed to the well-being of others, a self-guided problem solver, interpersonal communicator, and a goal-oriented achiever She successfully serves and manages multiple families and clients within the child welfare foster care system In 2018, she achieved contractor of the month, grossing the highest billable hours while serving clients in the community. In 2022, she was hired as her agency ’ s onboarding trainer to assist, develop, and train new hires for fieldwork These achievements are attributed to the dedication and character of her work ethic She holds a bachelor’s degree in human development and family studies and a minor as a family life educator, graduating from Kent State University She also obtained her associate degree from Fortis College in medical office technology. She holds a certification as a life coach among many continued education credits and is also CPR certified Danielle was more recently selected to attend a child service roundtable discussion centered around the state’s plan to improve the quality of care for everyone committed to fostering children, their families, and support systems. Fulfilling her purpose to commit to her fitness by promoting wellness within the community inspired her newly established business named BeautifulPromisedLife Consulting.

I made a promise to myself and decided to make the journey beautiful “

BeautifulPromisedLife will establish itself as a universal brand committed to inspiring, encouraging, uplifting, and assisting individuals to find their purpose, all while living their BeautifulPromisedLife

Tell us about your brand, “Beautiful Promised Life Consulting”?

How did you get your start in social work?

I got my start in social work back in 2000 after serving and returning home from the military I knew I wanted to make an impact after being employed at my county’s Department Job and Family Services as a receptionist After receiving a promotion to customer service representative and not being able to meet the clients’ needs at a higher level, I was inspired to attend college While attending Kent State University, I started out as a psychology major, later changing to Human Development and Family Studies with a minor in Family Life Education

You have spent over 22 years in the workforce. How did this time prepare you for entrepreneurship?

Whew, 22 years of service has prepared me in several ways I like to attribute all my experiences, positions, and time served as the foundation of successful steps into entrepreneurship I’ve always Initiated healthy exchanges of communication with my superiors, asking for advice and applying those fundamental practices to my everyday experiences This conditioned me to stand bold, speak loudly, and interact well with others

What lessons would you say the military taught you that you have carried along with you throughout life?

I love this question! The military has been my compass in life When I first joined the military, I was intimidated, unsure, and still developing into who Danielle would become as an individual and soldier The greatest lesson I’ve learned and applied has been to adapt to change. Life is forever evolving, and I submit to the Metamorphose of that process The military has trained me to mentally challenge myself and not stay complacent. This is how I’ve gotten to the phase of my life Lastly, the military has taught me to show up for myself no matter the task to motivate, encourage, and represent myself well.

Gladly! BeautifulPromisedLife was inspired after I found the perfect fit for my wellness journey with the assistance of my trainer, Renee Pillow, at Fit With Renee. My life began to flow better, making better food choices, prioritizing self-care, and making time for family and friends I made a promise to myself and decided to make the journey beautiful. BeautifulPromisedLife is a wellness brand with a twist of fit Our lifestyle brand promotes making intentional daily promises to live your beautiful, fit life.

What has been your mission since starting your company?

My mission is to empower, motivate, and support women and individuals to make a daily beautiful promise to live unapologetically while discovering who you want to become through consultative support, prioritizing fitness and wellness

What services are you currently offering, and how can women get involved?

Our services will consist of 1:1 and group coaching with experienced wellness coaches to create and curate a plan for your wellness journey Learning to choose you by identifying the barriers to committing to fitness and developing a plan to fit your lifestyle We will assist with best food choice practices, prioritizing your workouts, discovering your ideal fitness preferences, self-care wellness plans, organizing work-life balance and any other areas that need a wellness makeover

BeautifulPromisedLife will include interactive fitness journals to journal your journey, workbook guides, blog posts, eBooks, speaking engagements, BeautifulPromisedLife merchandise, and a fostered support community for individuals desiring to achieve and live their BeautifulPromisedLife! Women can get involved by visiting my site, www beautifulpromisedlife com , and joining our email list for newsworthy events, blogs, and more Click the option for coaching calls to personalize your wellness experience Most importantly, you’ll have the option to purchase my interactive workbook and fitness journal, which has proven to be an effective tool. Women can also reach out via email or by phone listed on the website

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

We are well on our way! Excited to say in the next 3-5 years BeautifulPromisedLife will be a dominating name within the wellness, fitness, and health community known for its strong online presence, coaching, and assisting individuals on their wellness journey I hope to be a well-known wellness brand amongst our communities, agencies, businesses, and companies. I see BeautifulPromisedLife servicing the wellness needs of all those who desire to live out a BeautifulPromisedLife Whatever that may be for you, we ’ re ready! BeautifulPromisedLife will expand to sell wellness merchandise, including but not limited to workout gear, published fit books, wellness eBooks, fit kits, and more. Ultimately, the goal is to build professional relationships to assist with making your life more Beautiful and more Promising

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who feels beautiful inside and confident enough to exert that beauty on the outside, sharing her boldness with the world Exerting her ability to be seen, heard, and respected in the most pleasant manner while accomplishing personal and professional goals.


Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair It’s had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor…

There is a parallel between Sandra Saltibus Howard’s life and the words of Langston Hughes Howard, CEO of Sandra Saltibus Coaching, is a Certified Life Coach specializing in health, wellness, and leadership Her personal tragedies and triumphs led her to pivot into a career that has made a tremendous impact as a catalyst for change Below is my conversation with this transformational woman, who radiates positivity, purpose, and power

What made you pursue a career as a Certified Coach? Personally, I’ve survived things that could curl Superman’s eyelashes while waiting for Tyler Perry to ring my doorbell and yell cut To share a few harrowing events, I’ve buried my eleven-year-old daughter, my parents, and a seventeen-year less than idyllic marriage through divorce

If that wasn’t enough, I also mourned my relationship with my cherished son and only surviving offspring who became estranged during that time.

As a coach, I can respond to clients’ unique needs and aspirations, dive into their stories, challenges, and dreams, and guide them on an introspective self-discovery journey I believe deeply that every individual deserves a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and genuine flourishing. I create a safe haven a sanctuary, if you will where accomplished professionals can navigate change, uncover their hidden potential, and blossom in extraordinary ways

Can you share more about your corporate background?

I have over 20 years of experience working with executives in various industries, such as healthcare, financial services, media, and local government I’ve been promoted from Administrative Assistant to Assistant Vice President, earning a Spirit of Excellence award at a Fortune 500 financial services company Then, I pivoted to use my organizational and administration skills at one of the most respected programs in the world for clinical and scientific research at a Level 1 Trauma Center and teaching hospital to help a highly specialized surgical physician rebuild his business

What has been your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur? What has been your greatest achievement as an entrepreneur?

For me, overcoming imposter syndrome has been an ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth As I remind myself that I am not defined by my doubts or insecurities, I focus on my strengths, my experiences, and the value I bring to my clients instead

One thing that has helped me was creating a supportive community for myself comprised of people who understand the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey I’ve also learned the importance of recognizing and acknowledging my accomplishments, big and small.

Celebrating my successes, even if they seem insignificant to others, helps me to be mindful of my progress and growth I remember giving myself credit for all the energy and effort I’ve put into building my business and becoming who I am today.

What are 3 benefits of hiring a coach?

First and foremost, coaching helps you gain clarity and set meaningful goals Picture this: you ’ re sitting down with a coach, having deep conversations about what truly matters to you They ask you thought-provoking questions that make you reflect on your values, strengths, and desires. This process gives you a crystal-clear vision of your goals and aspirations It’s like a light bulb moment when you realize what you want and why you want it And trust me, that clarity becomes the driving force behind taking focused action and progressing towards your dreams.

Second, coaching provides accountability and motivation Now, let’s be real –sometimes, letting our goals slip through the cracks is easy, right? A Coach can become your trusted ally, helping you learn how to hold yourself accountable to the commitments you make. We keep you motivated, cheering you on, and helping you overcome obstacles It’s like having a personal cheerleader who pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and achieve more than you ever thought possible

Lastly, the goal of coaching is personal transformation and development It’s about digging deep within yourself, uncovering those limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns that hold you back As a coach, I guide clients on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness.

Let’s discuss LifeRenovaton, your newest addition of products to your company. What inspired adding these products?

To learn more about Sandra Saltibus Coaching and LifeRenovation: www etsy com/shop/LifeRenovation

In addition to being a Certified Life Coach, I am a graphic artist, pursuing my passion for providing creative spaces for clients to be inspired, intentional, and strategic about life Through design, I hope to motivate people to get their thoughts out of their heads and onto paper where they can reflect, process, and plan. Via my Etsy store, LifeRenovation, I offer beautiful and inspiring collections of journals and separate journal prompts that serve as guides I realize that coaching may not be an option for everyone However, writing is a powerful tool for self-expression It can help us to process our thoughts and emotions, gain clarity about our experiences, and feel confident about our decisions.

A Coach can become your trusted ally, helping you learn how to hold yourself accountable...



Hairbiz4u (HB4U) and Rejuva Kare product lines were created by Tondenisha Coleman Born and raised in San Francisco, California, Tondenisha has spent over 15 years indulging and fostering her passion for education, becoming one of the first Board Certified Trichologist in Northern California, obtaining dual bachelor’s degrees, a masters degree, and Health Care Professional and Certified Hairstylist Although Tondenisha is very proud of her accomplishments, being a wife, mother, sister, and friend is her big blessing

Tondenisha stepped into her purpose with a desire to change the trajectory of hair health autonomy through education, teaching the use of products with ingredients to aid in the healing of those with scalp conditions resulting in alopecia and hair loss

With faith and unwavering ambition, she made it her mission to create a healthy foundation with natural ingredients, heightening the barometer of whole person hair health in mind when creating the Rejuva Kare product line

The merging of the health and hair industries has set a new course for training the next generation to dispel hair growth myths The Rejuva Kare formula will influence the world by providing topical support for the most prevalent hair and scalp conditions

Tondenisha is committed to ensuring she provides only the highest quality, all-natural ingredients and never compromises the integrity/quality of the Rejuva Kare Product Line

Take us back to the beginning What inspired your start in entrepreneurship?

My inspiration started in early high school I’ve always wished to become a stylist I decided to become a parttime hairdresser during my senior year of college I have always cherished education and labor in general It became the norm for me to maintain a family, corporate career, part-time job as a hair stylist, and attend school to further my education all at once God is the true source of my motivation and commitment.

When did you realize you had a passion for cosmetology and now Trichology, and assisting women with hair restoration?

As a stylist, I began to observe women and men with scalp conditions and early stages of hair loss that conventional shampoos and conditioners could not treat In the medical field of Dermatology, these types of conditions were treated by prescribing shampoos that aggravated and exacerbated the condition I just felt in my spirit that I could help, as witnessing this greatly distressed me As prayer became the spark that ignited this fire, it was my strong belief as a medical professional that something could be done, and I desired to assist people in this area of health. Then COVID occurred, and my mother died of pancreatic cancer, and my life changed to the extent that my fight and desire grew even stronger

How did Hairbiz4u begin? What is your mission?

The conception of Hairbiz4U began in 2008, with the intention of building the brand’s reputation However, the business did not reach its full potential until my mother’s passing, and I would say that fear and not always having confidence in myself played a role


My desire and motivation were one thing, but my trust in God’s plan for my life was entirely different I did not want to stop cutting hair, but I was done with corporate politics I sought out mentors to assist me in aligning my heart’s desires with my purpose and destiny, and God provided me with everything I required to found Rejuva Kare Inc and return to school to become a board-certified Trichologist

What do you hope women takeaway from your brand as a whole?

Mission: To serve him and her with quality, honest, integral intention Rejuva Kares All-natural line and Rejuva Kares Hydration line serve to impact multicultural communities with leading-edge, sustainable, healthy hair products The formulation was created for those faced with sensitive scalps It cleans without making hair brittle, uses organic essential oils with no parabens, artificial fragrance, or SLS, and is planet-friendly

Why is understanding your body and, specifically, your hair so important?

I want women to understand that this product line cares about the health of their skin, which is their hair To restore hair’s vitality by uniting Hair and Health, the two are one As a Trichologist, I am privileged to address the issues holistically, as hair loss begins from the inside out However, it is not a one-size-fits-all approach; this commitment to the journey is tailored to each woman and man I serve

What tips do you have for women experiencing early hair loss and thinning? When should they see a specialist?

The objective is to create optimal immune strength by addressing the deficiency neither men nor women know they have Introduce the correct nutrients to promote cellular function within the body to combat hair loss

Any woman or man experiencing early-onset hair loss or thinning must see their primary care physician to be referred to a specialist In terms of specialty care for hair loss, Dermatology, Endocrinology, and Trichology are not the only options As Trichologists, our mission is to teach individuals how to cultivate and nourish their bodies

You are a woman of faith Most importantly, how does your faith show up in the work you are doing?

My faith and belief in Jesus Christ come first, and He is the inspiration behind Rejuva Kare Inc Because I believe in God, I exist My faith manifests itself when I serve with God’s love in honesty, patience, and commitment to the truth

What is a typical session or consultation like with you? What does it entail?

Two sessions comprise a typical session The first step involves reviewing the HIPPA-protected form and confidentiality agreement by the Trichologist and client The session includes hair history, medical history, nutritional questions, and general inquiries The examination included Tracheoscopy images, which will be included in the final written prognosis.

Tell us about Rejuvakare and the importance of having a healthy haircare regime?

A haircare routine is the foundation of healthy hair Rejuva Kare revitalizes and nourishes the hair follicle from within The proper use of products biweekly with the knowledge not to overuse or mix them is essential Due to a lack of information on the health/hair professional, most people never achieve the desired results

What is next for you and the Rejuva Kare brand?

In preparation for Rejuva Kares all-natural line launch in October 2023, we have been hard at work developing our team to include a psychologist for mental health Failure is not an option if we keep introducing, promoting, and explaining why the product combined with the Trichology services is a gamechanger We also need to keep an ear out for the spirit of God’s leading

Pretty Music THE


Pretty Music THE



Chanel Narcissus , Neo-Soul independent recording artist , SAG-AFTRA actress and owner of Studio Nar was born in New Jersey and lived a bi-coastal lifestyle between her homes in Newark , NJ and San Diego, CA She is best known for her sensuous singing style and eclectic sound Her career has landed her several movie roles print modeling, theater productions and album collaborations and features

In 2001, she began her studies as a double major in the concentrations of Vocal Music and Classical Piano at Morgan State University and sang with the world-renowned Morgan State University Choir led by Dr Nathan Carter While at Morgan State, she studied under the esteemed Pianist, Robert Jordan and Vocalist, Dr Marilyn Thompson In 2005, Chanel graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and went on to begin a recording career as an independent artist

In 2007, Chanel started an independent record label VYE Records, LLC. In 2010, she opened a second business Studio Nar, LLC, where she offers private piano and voice lessons for pupils ages 5 and above, audio recording, mixing and mastering services as well as audition prep to aspiring and tenured performers

In early 2012, she attended Sheffield Institute of Recording Arts (SIRA) in Phoenix, MD and was the only woman in her class and received an Audio Engineering degree In July of that same year, Chanel Narcissus released her first single “Love Spell,” which she wrote, recorded, and produced “Love Spell completed a twomonth radio campaign and hit 2 BDS charts 7 weeks out of the 8-week campaign

In November 2012, she released her debut EP CHANEL NARCISSUS: The Introduction In 2014 she released her first single entitled Make Love to Me” from her sophomore album, In My Element In 2020, she acquired a master’s degree in music business from the prestigious Berklee College of Music.

As of August 2021, Chanel Narcissus released the second single along with a music video for “Pretty Eyes” from her sophomore album In My Element slated to be released September 19, 2023 She also recorded her first live acoustic album recording For Lovers Only featuring new music from the upcoming album

Take us back to the moment you first fell in love with the sound of music?

Coming from parents who are both self-taught musicians, music has always been an integral component of my life. Our house was always filled with music No matter the genre or generation, I was exposed to it all I was introduced to piano at the age of 3 and then flute thereafter My dad would sit me on his lap and help me play the keys I'm sure I was just playing noise at that time, but it shaped my entire life

When would you say you realized you had a sound that should be shared with the world? I would say when I started creating my first album Though I was discovering myself as an artist and professional, I played what I felt and didn't follow any strict formula or rule as music can be strict at times depending upon the genre Not that there's anything wrong with following a formula or set of rules but I guess I can say, I felt like I was sort of a rebel I wanted my sound to feel and be free

Who would you say are your musical influences? There are so many I grew up listening to my parents' generation of music and generations prior I was introduced to so many genres and styles of music at such a young age Old school, R&B, classical, jazz, blues, country, hip-hop, you name it Listening to music from groups and artists such as Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, The Temptations, Teddy Pendergrass, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross and The Supremes, The Delfonics, The Stylistics, Patti Labelle and so many more definitely had an impact on me Music is a language that constantly evolves so my influences constantly expand Though, I can't name every artist, artists like the aforementioned, Sade, Anita Baker, India Arie, Glenn Lewis, H E R , Anthony Hamilton, Jill Scott, 112, SWV, Chrissette Michelle and Amy Winehouse are definitely some of my influences

What do you hope women take away from your music?

I hope women feel empowered, positive, and great about themselves, confident, sensually bold, and free I love LOVE so I hope anyone listening to my music can feel my words, my experiences, my soul and can understand my musical language when they hear my music

Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey?

Believe it or not, I never wanted to teach My parents and my college piano professor, the late world-renowned Robert Jordan, really urged and pushed me to try teaching Finally, after 2 years of push back from me and graduating 2 years prior, I finally said yes Professor Jordan coached me through everything, set me up with my first student and the rest is history That was in 2007 During this time, I had started recording with a fellow artist and he got me started on the path to recording I had never been in a recording studio let alone sing on someone ' s album before so the experience really excited me and propelled me deeper into my work

It led me to start my record label in 2007 and release my first project in 2012 In 2017, I was working a full-time job, running my business, teaching at 3 other companies I was working 7 days a week over 60 hours a week It was literally killing me So, I took a leap of faith and quit my full-time corporate job It was one of the hardest and scariest decisions I have ever made However, it was by far the best decision I have ever made I began running my business and teaching full time I have since grown from having one student and no recording clients to over 50 students at one time and working with incredible artists

What inspired you to start Studio Nar & VYE Records?

I started VYE Records, LLC because I wanted to be an independent artist and wanted to maintain full control over my career, music, and brand I was really frustrated with how business was being conducted back then and I wanted to protect myself as much as I could

I started Studio Nar because after much resistance initially, I truly fell in love with teaching and the lives I change with what I do I love teaching and have always loved the recording studio. Studio Nar provides me with the best of both worlds I am able to combine my love and knowledge of music and acting and share it with my students

What is next for you and your brand?

Now, I am preparing for my upcoming album release and listening party on September 16, 2023, in Baltimore, Maryland My second album entitled In My Element is set to be released on September 19, 2023. After the release, I am planning to tour and promote my music

As for Studio Nar, we are continuing to grow and looking to expand We are in the process of acquiring funds to help us purchase a commercial space as well as launching our nonprofit organization in the near future

www chanelnarcissus com



Nicki is a public speaker and consultant who helps people navigate diverse environments with confidence and understanding She takes a practical approach to addressing some of the most pressing issues in companies and organizations across North America Nicki talks about community building, confidence, self-awareness, and inclusion with companies like NASA, Girls, Inc , Meeting Professionals International (MPI), and over sixty colleges and universities

Everyone has a superpower, and Nicki’s is being able to break down socially complex topics in a digestible and actionable way She is an award-winning entrepreneur and prides herself on her ability to think and act congruently People have described her as energetic, bold, engaging, knowledgeable, and relatable, and she is most known for her radical candor and practicality as an educator.

Nicki has earned two degrees and two certificates in relevant fields of study and is a graduate of both Central Michigan University and Ball State University She is a self-taught and community-made entrepreneur and will be forever grateful to those who have invested in her as both a speaker and a business owner When she’s not speaking, Nicki enjoys dancing, volunteering, and spending time with people she cares about You can connect with her on Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, and Facebook!

Take us back to the beginning. When exactly did you discover your passion for speaking and educating others?

I’ve always had a passion for educating others; I just didn’t always have the confidence in myself to be able to do it at scale as a speaker I’ve always been a background person – the one with the clipboard making things happen So, for me, educating others happened mostly behind closed doors

To learn more about Nicki:

It wasn’t until I had a few key opportunities to put down the clipboard and pick up the microphone that I started to build my confidence and recognize that my message was worth sharing. This first happened in 2016, and it prompted me to start looking at myself the way that other people were looking at me – as a thought leader This grew from a passion to a way of life in 2020 when I started my first business, which happened to be a speaking and consulting agency. Since then, it’s been my chosen career path, allowing me to live out my fullest potential

If you had to sum your sole mission into one sentence, what would it be?

My mission in life is to help people navigate diverse environments with confidence and understanding.

You have poured into the lives of people in organizations across North America. What message do you hope they take away from your platform?

I hope people think differently about inclusion – it’s about more than just being “nice ” Inclusion requires us to think and act in a way that centers people and their needs

Above all else, I hope people take away practical things they can do in their own lives to make more people feel like they matter

Where would you say your gift for simplifying difficult subjects comes from?

I was the kid asking “why” five times after I received an answer I’ve always been a context person, and I find that many people I interact with also desire some sort of context, especially regarding something they don’t know much about I try to mirror what I would need in a speaker and find that the best way to do that is to simply use complex concepts in a way that people can resonate with This allows me to reach my audience more effectively, and I would argue is my differentiator as a speaker

You are now an award-winning entrepreneur, which means you have been through a few highs and lows in your journey. Can you share your greatest lesson thus far?

The *way* you do business is just as important as *what* you do in business.

Maintaining the highest level of integrity should always be a focal point, even when it leads you to make difficult decisions Your processes, your product, and your brand all funnel into your reputation, which will follow you everywhere What people say about you will be much louder than any narrative you create for yourself

What can we expect from Nicki Joiner next? Where do you hope to see your platform in the next 2-3 years?

Whether it’s through a formal business entity or in my everyday life, I will continue to help people navigate diverse environments with more confidence and understanding My endgame is not about how many keynotes I give or how many people I speak to but how consistent I am Consistency and integrity are the two most important things to me as a speaker, and they will be the cornerstones of my platform for years to come.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A pretty woman who hustles is someone who loves what she does and the person she is while she’s doing it – that congruence is what makes her pretty.




A visionary and advocate who aims to provide the tools and skills to help young individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds have the opportunity to succeed in life

Carneshia Walker is the owner and founder of Learning With Purpos3. She is also a Middle School Math teacher She has over seven years of teaching experience and a background in early childhood, elementary, and middle school education

Carneshia noticed that minority students were struggling in the areas of math and language arts, so she established Learning With Purpos3 to help improve their understanding and academics

Carneshia Walker has a great passion and love for kids and enjoys empowering students with the study skills and learning resources they need to achieve academic success.

Learning With Purpos3 tutoring services provide a personalized touch and is able to channel the most effective learning techniques to challenge, motivate, and support our students Learning with Purpos3 is dedicated to “Shaping Brilliant Minds for a Brighter Future”

Who is Carneshia Walker in five words?

In five words, Carneshia is a servant, leader, entrepreneur, minister, and giver

What inspired your brand “Learning with Purpos3, LLC?

Being a teacher in an area where students are struggling with basic reading and writing skills as well as basic mathematical skills and learning that a lot of them have parents who cannot help them with their homework and struggle with the same skills is what inspired my brand What I saw was a need to do something, and I went to work on a need outside of an everyday classroom

Your company is built on the mission of helping young individuals gain the tools needed to succeed Can you share your earliest example of teaching done right? My earliest example of teaching done right was when one of my students could reteach a lesson to her peers as I encouraged her, and her peers were engaged and able to take notes and share what they understood

Is there a specific person or program that sticks in the back of your mind when creating new opportunities for young individuals?

When creating new opportunities for young individuals, one of my grade school teachers comes to mind because she always pushed me to do my best, be true to myself, look for new opportunities, and embrace change

You are currently still working in the school system How do you balance entrepreneurship and the demands of teaching daily?

I am able to balance entrepreneurship and the demands of teaching because I have an awesome support system. I have family and friends who continue to push me, support me, and offer a hand if needed

How can people in your local community and beyond support your initiative of pouring into the young people of your community?

The people in my local community and beyond can support my initiative of pouring into the young people of my community by rendering their prayers, monetary/cashless donations or school supplies, and/or sharing my business website or information

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who loves God and respects herself and others A woman who is humble, helps others, and carries herself with dignity and class A woman who has multiple streams of income but isn’t out to break people or brag but to make an honest living and be a blessing at the same time A woman who knows what she wants and goes after it

L E A R N I N G W I T H P U R P O S 3 , L L C
Connect Online


Juanna Council Brown is a Tax Professional, Financial Mentor, and Community Advocate After getting hurt, she was forced to quit her job and learn a new way to reclaim Financial Freedom. She turned tragedy into victory by becoming the CEO of her own Virtual Tax Office During this journey, she also became a Licensed Insurance agent.

She recently decided to pursue her “Motivational Mindset” speaking career and is sharing her 10 years of Financial knowledge and Compassion with audiences worldwide Her mission is to empower the community by teaching individuals how to have MORE Success and daily abundance by providing knowledge and learning to be independently wealthy!

My passion always was to start my own business, but I didn’t know how I networked through social media and met different people, which was, to me, a blessing I learned a lot from different people and realized it would take time to have my own business and take lots of money. By asking the right questions to the right people and doing my own research, I eventually registered 2 LLCs with my state

Who was your earliest example of entrepreneurship and business done right?

Outside of business and entrepreneurship, who is Juanna Council?

I am a humble and laid-back lady who just wants to become successful I have 2 LLCs and a college degree in Information Technology My number one goal is to leave a legacy for my children

Take us back to the beginning. When did you realize you had a passion outside of your career?

My earliest example of entrepreneurship was my dad My dad always had a way to make money My dad would cut grass, wash cars, and fix cars He just came up with ideas on how to make money He always had a side hustle I really didnt understand what a side hustle was back then, but as I grew up, I always wondered how to come up with ideas on how to make extra money As time went on, I started working in the tax field and with insurance I would watch YouTube videos about these industries So, my thought was to start a YouTube channel and speak. That didnt work because I got too busy to try

Fast forward to 2019, I got hurt on my job at the post office I lost everything I found an awesome ad on Facebook about opening a virtual tax office The young lady I met was very humble, nice, and Knowledgeable When I asked how much to join, she said it was free to sign up So, I started


How did this person or business impact you and how you do business today?

My dad always put a thought in my head to leave something for my children Doesn’t matter if its knowledge, money, or a business So now I want to show my dad all the knowledge he taught me is paying off

Tell us about your Virtual Tax Office Company?

My Virtual Tax company is me educating and doing personal and business taxes Anyone can join my team, or anyone can just do their own taxes The thing with my company is I can do all 50 states And you get to talk to me With some larger companies, a person would never get to the CEO. If I can make a difference and talk with people, Im grateful

What was the process like becoming a licensed insurance agent?

I took 2 exams One for life insurance and another for Property Casualty I paid fees to the state, made sure I went to an agency to have my fingerprints done, and now, I just have to take my CE courses every 2 years

What cities or states are you currently servicing?

For life insurance, I currently service South Carolina For Property Casualty, Im licensed in 29 states. Readers, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me to see if I am able to assist you in your home state

8Tell us about your new venture with public speaking. What exactly is Motivational Mindset speaking?

I love public speaking I have my own podcast called Juanna Tells It All,” which can be found on Anchor and Spotify I started this at the end of 2022 I had been interviewed on podcast shows so much that I decided to let people hear my story Motivational Mindset Speaking is me speaking to a person ’ s mind I want you to really think about what I am saying What I say is logical. Due to humans being emotional, we feel a lot So, when we look at opportunities, we put feelings in the way we choose. So, my way of speaking is really down to earth with some humor but asking questions to get you to really think about what Im saying I want all of us to be successful Also, I pray I ask God to guide me so that my words sound meaningful; I speak with God’s help

What do you hope women take away from your platform?

That our voice is mighty, and the way we do things is genuine Some of my best business partners are women; I love the way we can agree to disagree without any arguments I want women to see me as an inspiration and Godfearing. I want every woman to see me as their educator

What is next for you and your brand as a whole?

I mentioned I have 2 LLCs I have a clothing line called “Work Pray Play LLC,” and I have women ’ s and men ’ s styles I’m working on a website to launch the brand on all social media platforms I hope everyone will adore what I have I will also have a few accessories

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustle?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is ME and everyone who follows me We are all great, and I have much love for ALL!

Meet The Entrepreneur


My name is Josette Fleury, I am a Girl Mom of 3, school administrator, mompreneur, beauty therapist and social media enthusiast I have over 21 years of experience in education and am the CEO of Josette Blossom Beauté in Ridgewood Queens NY I currently hold licenses in 7-12 education, school building leader and cosmetic tattoo artistry in the state of New York and hold certifications in Henna Brows, Permanent Makeup and Body Contouring

At Josette Blossom Beauté, we go beyond traditional beauty treatments and offer a wide range of services designed to pamper and indulge you Our spa parties are the perfect way to celebrate special occasions with friends, creating unforgettable memories while indulging in luxurious treatments We are also specialized in the art of Henna Brows and PMU Brows, where we create stunning, customized brows that perfectly frame your face

Aside from delivering high-quality and personalized services, we provide a high level of customer care, giving our clients support and care every step of the way. We want every one of our clients to feel confident and relaxed with their beauty and permanent makeup choices

Josette Blossom Beauté is black owned and women owned, a space created as an oasis space for women who value ageless beauty and natural-looking results

What inspired your start into entrepreneurship?

I started my business journey during COVID During that time, working at home, I realized that I really like the remote setting. I liked not having to race all over New York City trying to get to work That was the first time that I took a leap of faith and applied for my first business LLC in the state of NY I wanted to test the waters, I wanted to see what was out there Before I got into the beauty brand, I actually was selling business credit courses and eBooks for people who were like me, entrepreneurs looking to raise money and get funding to be able to raise their business But I didn’t want to stop there, so I decided to go into the beauty industry because I just love doing something for me and now help others gifting themselves time to pamper and just enjoy

Tell us about Josette Blossom Beaute'?

At Josette Blossom Beaute, we go beyond traditional beauty treatments and offer a wide range of services designed to pamper and indulge you Our spa parties are the perfect way to celebrate special occasions with friends, creating unforgettable memories while indulging in luxurious treatments We are also specialized in the art of Henna Brows and PMU Brows, where we create stunning, customized brows that perfectly frame your face


Aside from delivering high-quality and personalized services, we provide a high level of customer care, giving our clients support and care every step of the way We want every one of our clients to feel confident and relaxed with their beauty and permanent makeup choices Blossom Beauté is black owned, and women owned, a space created as an oasis space for women who value ageless beauty and natural-looking results

What sparked your interest specifically into cosmetic Tattooing and beauty?

Firstly, I have always been intrigued by the transformative power of makeup and how it can enhance one ' s natural features The idea of helping others feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin became increasingly appealing to me Witnessing how these procedures could dramatically improve someone ' s appearance and simplify their daily makeup routine motivated me to explore this field further

You spent years perfecting your craft, gaining certifications, and enhancing your skills. What would you say has been your greatest lesson thus far in your career?

Over the years of perfecting my skills, my greatest lesson has been the power of continuous learning and adaptation Entrepreneurship is an ever-evolving industry, staying stagnant is not an option New techniques, technologies, and trends constantly emerge, and clients' preferences evolve I've learned that to remain successful and relevant, I must be committed to continuous learning. Attending workshops, seminars, and industry events has allowed me to stay updated with the latest advancements and best practices to make my clients happy

Tell us what one can expect at one of your infamous Spa Parties, can you take us through the entire experience?

Our Spa Parties are planned to be the place where relaxation, luxury, and rejuvenation come together in a captivating ambiance From themed decor to personalized spa treatments, beauty services, interactive stations, drinks and delights, music and entertainment, our commitment to pampering and attention to detail ensure an unforgettable experience

We have an amazing lineup of services from henna brows, foot soaks, hand mask, foot mask, express teeth whitening, DIY jelly face masks, glowing facials & chair massages to offer

What do you hope women take away from their experience at Josette Blossom Beaute'?

At Josette Blossom Beauté, our ultimate hope is that women leave their experience feeling empowered, confident, and truly beautiful in their own skin We aspire to provide more than just a standard beauty service; we aim to create transformative moments that go beyond physical appearance Whether it's for a special occasion, a routine beauty treatment, or a muchneeded self-care escape, we aspire to make every woman feel valued and cherished during their time with us

What is next for you and your brand, what can we expect in the next 2-3 years?

As a dedicated spa owner and accomplished brow artist, my journey has been defined by a passion for empowering others through beauty and wellness The transition from being a full-time educator to a full-time entrepreneur marks an exciting new chapter in my brand's evolution Over the next 2-3 years, one can expect a dynamic blend of creativity, innovation, and heartfelt dedication from my brand Education has always been close to my heart, and I intend to carry that forward in my entrepreneurial journey As an entrepreneur, I will continue to share my knowledge and expertise with aspiring brow artists and spa professionals through workshops, online courses, and mentorship programs

This will not only contribute to the growth of the industry but also solidify my brand's reputation as a leader in education and empowerment In the coming years, you can also anticipate a stronger online presence Through engaging social media content, informative blog posts, and interactive webinars, I aim to connect with a wider audience and provide valuable insights into beauty, wellness, and entrepreneurship This digital engagement will serve as a platform for fostering a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for self-care and personal growth In essence, the next 2-3 years hold a transformative journey for both me and my brand With the support of our loyal clients and the wider community, I am confident that our entrepreneurial endeavors will flourish, leaving an indelible mark on the world of beauty and wellness

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a powerful embodiment of both beauty and strength, defying traditional stereotypes and embracing the complexities of being a modern woman She embodies a multifaceted persona that goes beyond physical appearance, fusing confidence, ambition, and determination Through her resilience, determination, and support for others, she paves the way for a new era of empowered and successful women.


Monique was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA After high school, she enlisted in the US Army and served 85 years on active duty She earned her Bachelor of Science in Finance in 2007 from Upper Iowa University (UIU) and her Master of Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resource Management in 2013 from the University of Phoenix (UOP)

Monique is a full-time government civilian employed with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as a Financial Management Analyst She is also a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator at Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation and holds licenses to originate mortgages in Louisiana, Texas, Michigan, and Mississippi Specializing in VA home loans, FHA loans, and Renovation loans In July 2023, she was invited to join the Baton Rouge Real Producers Community as a preferred partner An opportunity that she gladly accepted and hopes will be a game changer for her mortgage business

Monique is also a serial entrepreneur with more than 13 years of experience owning and operating businesses in income tax preparation, hand-made custom jewelry, janitorial services, and logistical transportation services She is a contributing author of the book A Mothers Prayer- Love Letters to My Daughter, which reached the Amazoncom International Best-Selling Author List when released in July 2022. She plans to continue her journey as an author by releasing a long-awaited project she began and finished in 2019.

Monique has two sons and one daughter She enjoys spending time with family, singing, and traveling in her spare time She also enjoys serving and helping others in her community She currently serves in several capacities within organizations, both locally and nationally She is an active member of Kappa Epsilon Psi Military Sorority Inc, an active member of the Junior League of Baton Rouge, the Treasurer and a Board Member of Blooming Butterflies Maternity Home in Baton Rouge, LA, Treasurer for the Caulette for Judge Campaign Committee, and on August 26, 2023, she will become one of the newest inducted members into the National Coalition of 100 Black Women- Metro Baton Rouge Chapter. It is her lifelong dream to one day become a member of the illustrious sorority of Delta Sigma Theta Incorporated

Monique plans to retire from her government job within the next four to six years and continue to assist families in her community in obtaining the dream of home ownership by assisting them with securing financing She also intends to continue with the various organizations she is affiliated with in her local community, continue to write and publish books, and grow her logistical transportation and janitorial companies by securing government contracts

Outside of business, who is Monique Briggs? Can you share a little about your passion and what inspired you to start your own brand?


Monique Briggs is a laid-back, down-to-earth, loving, and very giving person. She’s an awesome mother and mate, and she goes hard for anyone she loves

My reason for starting my tax preparation company in 2010 was because after working for the IRS and seeing how self-employed business owners were constantly assigned to the collection’s division for non-filing and nonpayment, I wanted to assist those business owners with getting their taxes and filings in order so they wouldn’t have to deal with anyone from the IRS knocking on their doors

My jewelry business, YouNiquely Designed LLC, started after losing my husband to a freak dental accident in 2017. As a means of coping with the loss, and because I had so much time on my hands, I began creating bracelets and earrings to pass the time Once I began posting pictures of my work on my social media page, friends, family, and coworkers asked if I was taking orders It seemed like overnight, something I used to cope with my loss turned into a business Although I don’t create as often anymore, I still make custom pieces upon request when time permits

I wanted to be a mortgage loan originator before I even thought of starting a tax business I first took interest in becoming a loan originator back in 2006 But at the time, I was a single parent and couldn’t just walk away from my government job to pursue a career I was unsure about Plus, no one wanted to hire a part-time loan officer back then Fast forward to 2021, the opportunity presented itself, and I took the required pre-licensing course. I studied the material for a few more weeks and decided to take the exam just to see what it was like I honestly did not think that I would pass, but I did, and the rest is pretty much history now! I enjoy the work I do as a mortgage loan officer Every loan I close, Im delighted to know that Ive helped someone secure one of the biggest purchases they will probably make in their life -- buying a home It is my dream to eventually walk away from my full-time government job and pursue my mortgage business fulltime within the next 4-5 years

How did your time in the military prepare you for who and where you are as an entrepreneur?

The military gave me the discipline and motivation to pursue my business and entrepreneurial dreams. I knew that being a business owner would take lots of focus, discipline, and hard work. All these things were instilled in me growing up, but the military really equipped me with the leadership and management skills I need to run a successful business

How do you balance working in your career while pursuing your passion in business?

It’s easy for me to balance working in my career while pursuing my passion in business Because work is so flexible, I’m able to take time off to focus on business when needed Also, because I work a flex schedule where Im off every Friday, I can free up at least one full business day to handle all business matters

You have over a decade of experience when it comes to entrepreneurship Can you share what has been the highs and lows of being a serial entrepreneur?

I take pride in knowing I’ve run a successful and profitable business for over a decade Although I probably have made it look easy, it has not been easy I attribute my continued success to keeping up with current trends and adjusting as needed For example, with tax preparation, prior to COVID-19, clients were used to stopping by the office and sitting through their tax appointments But the pandemic forced me and all business owners to do business differently than we were used to I think this helped my business grow when most businesses were forced to shut their doors forever

Having systems in place to accept documents electronically was very helpful. I even offered Zoom meetings to clients just to continue that face-to-face interaction except in a safe and virtual environment Clients were so used to emailing or uploading documents that even now, very few tax clients come into the office for in-person appointments even to this day

Tell us about your book, A Mother’s Prayer- Love Letters to My Daughter When did you realize you had a message that needed to be shared?

A Mothers Prayer- Love Letters to My Daughter was an anthology project that I was a part of with over 20 other ladies The opportunity to participate in the project was offered through an empowerment group I’m a part of on Facebook When I saw the project, I knew I had to write words for my daughter. I have three children, but only one daughter, and shes the baby of my bunch I often share many things with her that her brothers and I would probably never discuss So, this project was a way for me to share some of my most intimate feelings for her When the project debuted and I finally shared the piece I had written to her with her, she fell in my arms and cried It was the exact reaction I wanted That alone let me know that my portion of the project was indeed a success

What do you hope women take away from this project?

I hope that women see that we can be mothers, wives, sisters, friends, and successful in business, all while pursuing our dreams and goals Every woman has different desires No two women desire the same exact things, but that doesn’t make either one of us less successful than the other

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles would be a woman like myself! One who has continued to pursue her lifelong dreams and goals despite the curve balls that life has thrown her way She is a woman who puts God first and knows that she is nothing without Him She is always thankful for the good, learns from the bad, and looks forward to the future with her head held high and a smile on her face! A Pretty Woman Who Hustles never gives up and does whatever it takes to make things happen for her and her family She handles her business by any means necessary. I am the epitome of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles!


One of the main reasons why being organized can help your revenue is by enhancing customer service. When customers interact with your business, they expect personalized and efficient service. If your business is disorganized and lacks clear processes, it can lead to frustrated customers who are more likely to take their business elsewhere

You can provide a consistent and positive customer experience by implementing a system that ensures smooth operations. For example, having a well-organized customer database allows you to easily access customer information, preferences, and purchase history. This enables your team to provide personalized recommendations and a more tailored experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

Furthermore, organization allows you to promptly respond to customer inquiries and concerns With an efficient system, you can track customer inquiries, assign tasks to the appropriate team members, and ensure no customer concern falls through the cracks. By providing timely and effective solutions, you can build customer trust and loyalty, ultimately driving revenue growth.

Another way being organized can help your revenue is by improving productivity and efficiency in your business operations. When your business is disorganized, it can lead to wasted time, duplicated efforts, and missed opportunities On the other hand, by implementing processes and systems that promote organization, you can streamline your operations and maximize your resources

For example, having clear procedures for inventory management can prevent overstocking or stockouts, which can be costly for your business. By keeping track of your inventory levels and ensuring timely reordering, you can optimize your stock levels, reduce holding costs, and avoid lost sales. This improved efficiency can directly contribute to your revenue growth

In conclusion, being organized can have a significant impact on your revenue You can provide exceptional experiences and enhance customer loyalty by prioritizing customer service

Moreover, you can save time and money through improved productivity and efficiency, directly contributing to revenue growth, which is always a plus. Stay Pretty!


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BOOKS’N’VIBES WITH Dr. Mirta Jackson Dr. Jackson Mirta

Dr Mirta I Jackson is the founder of Jackson Venture Group Inc in Sicklerville, New Jersey She holds various positions within the organization, and she brings a great wealth of human resources knowledge Dr Jackson wants this small veteran business to g generational wealth for the families Dr Jackson holds a (PhD) in Entrepreneurship and (Hon Causa) from the Trinity I Ambassadors School of Business Pennsylvania State University (P her education in Human Res Relations (HRER) with an e Leadership to grow her organiza Dr Jackson has used and con expertise to help friends, family her willingness to help others, assistance from her, from quest Dr Jackson shares the joy of giv is a lifetime member of many g women and the youth Her mis share their time volunteering Jackson has received the Pres Service Award and the Presiden Award in honor of her volu community.

Mirta , a serial entrepreneur, is passionate about her family, writing, community, and being a servant leader In this interview she explains how her successful and impactful business started , what inspired her to become a writer , upcoming projects, and the services she provides. She gives valuable advice that will help women find the perfect work-life balance Be prepared to be moved by Mirta’s passion for helping others You’ll be inspired to grab a book to read , and youll rediscover how therapeutic writing can be

Dr. Mirt Mirt Dr. Mirt

What inspired you to become a writer and open Books’N’Vibes?

I was inspired to become a writer for a variety of reasons, and each individuals motivation can be deeply personal and unique Here are some common inspirations that have driven me to pursue a career in writing: Passion for Storytelling: I can create and share narratives that can entertain, inform, and inspire readers. Most of my storytelling was never written, but I do journal

I have a deep appreciation for language, words, and their nuances can be a driving force in becoming a writer. My college English teacher pushed me to become a better writer, so now I appreciate words more than ever

Influence and Impact: Some writers are driven by the desire to influence public opinion, challenge societal norms, or address important issues through their work I see writing as a vehicle for change and progress

Imagination and Creativity: A vivid imagination and a desire to create new worlds, characters, and scenarios can be a strong impetus for becoming a writer Writers often revel in the freedom to build entire universes from their thoughts

Catharsis and Healing: Writing can be a therapeutic outlet for processing emotions, trauma, and challenging life experiences. I find solace and healing through putting my thoughts on paper

Personal Growth: Writing requires discipline, dedication, and constant improvement I am motivated by the opportunity for personal growth and development that comes with honing my writing skills over time

Ultimately, those reasons are a part of who I am and have motivated me to become a writer and open Books’N’Vibes. Books’N’Vibes was opened to promote literacy and a love of books and to provide business coaching services to businesses, individuals, youth, and entrepreneurs I was motivated to open this small business once I joined the anthology for Joy 365 All in all, my goal in writing is to leave a lasting impact on the world through my words

What services do you offer at Books’N’Vibes?

The services I offer at Books’N’Vibes are open to everyone Not only do I offer books I have written, but I also offer business coaching services Those services include career, youth, and business coaching My goal with those coaching services is to guide my clients in building their professional growth, assisting with their resumes, building confidence, goal setting, building leaders, and much more

Are you currently working on any writing projects?

I have some exciting and ambitious set of writing projects lined up! Working on both an anthology with TIUA, another with 365 co-authors (Joy 365) and my first solo book is a fantastic way to explore my creativity and share my unique voice with the world

Planning for another anthology after completing my current projects Anthologies can be a wonderful way to unite diverse perspectives and voices around a common theme I will keep the details under wraps until I’ve worked out all the specifics – building anticipation can be an effective strategy for generating interest and excitement among potential contributors and readers

I will be recruiting soon! Recruiting for this upcoming anthology shows that I am not only focused on my own creative work but also on fostering a sense of community and collaboration among writers It can be a fulfilling experience to curate and bring together different writers’ works into a cohesive collection

I will take the time needed to plan, execute, and promote my projects effectively Writing, editing, and organizing an anthology can be a significant undertaking, but the end result can be incredibly rewarding

Outside of being a business owner, a wife, and a mother, who is Mirta Jackson in seven words?

Inspiring, devoted, clever, inquisitive, unpredictable, adventurous, and possessing a heart of gold.

Congratulations on your recent graduation from T.I.U.A with a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration. In addition, you were awarded the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award. How have these major achievements influenced your business since your graduation?

Thank you for your kind words! Honorary doctorates and awards like the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award can significantly impact a person ’ s reputation, credibility, and visibility. They can lead to increased recognition, opportunities to collaborate with other distinguished individuals, and the chance to participate in important conversations and events, just like being interviewed for this amazing project/magazine As for my business, having such achievements has enhanced my reputation and credibility, attracting more users and partnerships I am collaborating with a youth organization to provide youth coaching in the city



How do you balance your work and personal life?

I grew up in Having this opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with the youth was a goal I can soon check off Remember that the effects of such achievements depend on the context, the goals of the individual or organization, and how they leverage these accolades to further their endeavors With that being said, receiving my honorary doctorate and the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award reflects that I am committed to providing excellence to all my clients

You’re passionate about helping others, including the youth What motivates you to help others?

I am passionate about helping others because it brings me a sense of personal satisfaction and fulfillment Knowing I’ve made a positive difference in someone elses life boosts my self-esteem and happiness I genuinely have a selfless concern for the well-being of others I am motivated by knowing I have made a positive impact on the lives of others, even if there is no direct benefit to me I feel that assisting others can empower both the helper (me) and the person receiving help. Individuals can help others overcome challenges and develop their potential by providing support and guidance I also hold philanthropic values and believe in the importance of giving back to my community or to causes I care deeply about

I believe in sharing this part of me with my family, friends, and colleagues so they know the importance of giving back in any way they can I find joy and satisfaction simply in helping, regardless of external rewards or recognition

Tough question (smiles) First, let me tell you, it took me a long time to balance the two. I have set specific work hours for my business, and I avoid working on items that can wait until it’s time to work So, I don’t check work emails during my personal time. I use my calendars to allocate specific slots for work tasks (during work hours), family events, and volunteering, and I also make time for ME. I am sure to set realistic goals at work and in my personal life This helps to decrease stress and disappointments

Lastly after all these years I’ve realized

attractiveness or personal style with a strong work ethic and determination to achieve her goals This means that a woman can be visually appealing and driven to succeed in whether in her caree or other endeavors multi-dimensional na highlighting that doesn’t dictate th ambitions Please not can be subjective and qualities beyond ph such as confidence, s I am blessed to be a Hustles!





Lovette Summers is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. From a small child, she knew she was different Her experiences made her intrigued by the artistry of writing non-fiction books on topics surrounding sociological teachings, resulting in psychological behaviors Her desire to educate herself on racial issues became stronger as she entered adulthood and beyond Systemic racism, the main issue behind the failures of the black communities, and seeing the destruction and chaos that erodes them, was of great concern; knowing that greatness can never come from such treatment without strategized mentorship that is customized to the understanding of urban experiences, she vowed to be an activist for the voiceless, understanding even one voice, can make a difference

With the value of the dollar on a steady decline of value, she sought to understand the evolving growth of cryptocurrency and how the perceivable interest of digital currency is on the rise, as it threatens to collapse the private financial sector as we know it to be As many were perplexed by the 2020 start of the COVID-19 pandemic, she utilized this time to gain further understanding of how we will be affected within the parameters of currency over time and if recovery was possible, for she believed that this was just the beginning. The effects of such an event were unknown to all, but attempting to be proactive and prepared for what was to come became a mission of seeking higher grounds for her and her family’s future.

Tell us about growing up in Atlanta. What was your earliest example of entrepreneurship done right?

Entrepreneurship is a process Just as Earl Nightingale stated, We are all self-made, but only the successful will admit it” I believe that all individuals who choose to become an entrepreneur must go through the same process, regardless of area Specific requirements are a part of the process, but the learning curve is the same

How has the entrepreneur scene in ATL impacted where you are in business?

The only impact is to be impactful in “ my space ” of availability and my effort within each task of interest. I believe there is room for all of us, and if you are living within your purpose, all doors and opportunities will be made available at the right moment. There are no limitations I am not in competition I am living within my space and moving accordingly

What inspired you to begin writing? Do you remember when you first realized you had a gift? Upon obtaining my bachelors, I realized I was a good writer when all written assignments would result in A’s Honestly, I didn’t think much of it then, but it definitely made a noticeable impact on how and what I thought about myself and my abilities. Considering the unknown of the pandemic, this was the moment that I decided to use my education and understanding to speak my thoughts on paper to empower others.

There were many obstacles and milestones, and all would be achieved, but the lessons I learned along the way made me aware of the urgency of direction for many of us

Tell us about the work you are doing with advocating for higher education.

I believe in the power of leading by example Choosing to be the voice for the voiceless is our only action of recourse

Tell us about your book series that includes 5 books?

I have made a commitment to put my thoughts on paper I have drafted 4 additional books for selfdevelopment I believe that we all have talents If you fail to utilize your talents, you will neglect to achieve the possibilities that are within your reach These books will be written over the course of the next 4 years

What message do you hope your audience takes away from this project?

The message that I hope my audience takes away from my project is “to win” Win individually Win in your educational journey. Win in your relationships. Win in your career choice Win for your children so they can win in the future Win at life because your existence depends on it

What is next for you? Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

I am actively promoting my teachings on several platforms and adventuring into areas for consideration of available opportunities for propulsion of exposure I am also making spacing to begin a new adventure.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

The definition of a Pretty Woman Hustles is the attractiveness of the chase, a woman of action A determined woman is unstoppable, a hustler. The option to structure yourself outside of the normalcy of beauty is an under-utilized strength that separates the average from the winners I am a “Pretty Woman Hustler,” not because of my external beauty but because of my undeniable unwillingness to give up on myself https://wwwlovettesummerscom



Robin was born in Akron, OH, and currently resides in Charlotte, NC Robin is a Woman of Faith, a SelfPublished Author, and is the host of the iam BROKEN podcast. She is a single mother of two adult children and known as “MIMI” to two grandchildren who all are a part of her why Currently, Robin has a bachelor’s in criminal justice, a MBA in Business with an emphasis in Public Administration, along with a Graduate Business Certificate with an emphasis in Human Resource Management Robin currently sits on the board and volunteers for a nonprofit organization birthed out of the vision given to her sister during Covid called More Than My Pretty Face Inc, a mentoring program for youth girls between the ages of 14-18 based in North Carolina Robin has leadership and management experience and believes that young and old could benefit from a Mentor. The iam BROKEN is a brand that Robin is passionate about and is working effortlessly on changing the way the word “Broken” is viewed. Robin believes that we must pursue our purpose and be intentional with the time we are given because if not YOU then Who!

When did you realize you had a passion for helping women and young girls?

When I was growing up, I had been sexually molested as child from the age of 5-15 years old by a man who was my stepdad I witnessed my mother go through so much growing up and I knew then I wanted something more for myself

I became a mother at an early age and so both of my kids grew up with me, and we all know that history has a way of repeating itself, so they witnessed me struggle. I always settled in relationships, and I didn’t think much of myself when it came to jobs so I ended up settling for less pay more than I should have because I had to make sure they were taken care of regardless After witnessing my mother go through so much, I decided I was going to get a degree in criminal justice so that I could learn how the system worked in order to be more effective when helping women and young girls We have so many broken women and young girls in the world, and I could relate to being broken as a child and as an adult woman I just felt like we needed to be a part of helping to break generational cycles and setting a different standard for our young girls now, so they don’t allow the mistakes of their parents to impact them as adults

Being a mother and "Mimi" is very important to you. How do you balance family and business? One of the best things that could have happened to me was having my kids. I know most would frown upon someone who has children at a young age Honestly, they saved my life, and they were my “why” The grandkids are a bonus for me The only difficult part of this equation is they live so far away, but on the positive side it allows me to focus on continuing to build my brand so that I can leave not just an inheritance but a legacy that they will be able to carry on if they so choose to do


You have many titles, one of them being a Woman of Faith Can you share how you navigate faith and business in your everyday journey? How does your faith show up in your business?

Without faith it is impossible to please God! It has been my faith that kept me from giving up I have come to learn that even when it seems like someone has the upper hand over you, they really don’t It has been my faith that continues to carry me daily and I don’t know where I would be now without it My faith has allowed me to be very transparent and more relatable I found that people want to see the evidence of your words and actions aligning I do my best daily to treat people right, live right, and be a woman of my word in every aspect of my life

Tell us about your podcast "Iam Broken What can women expect when listening in?

The iam BROKEN podcast is who I am It is a safe place for me, and it has become a platform of deliverance and healing not just for me but for those who may be struggling Women can expect to see and/or hear a real woman with real issues that truly can relate on many different levels A lot of times we tend to feel like we are the only ones going through something, and it only takes one who will be willing to share and become transparent enough even if it means being the sacrifice for someone else to get what they need I have chosen to be that one

You give a lot of your time to nonprofits and community organizations. Tell us about your nonprofit "More Than My Pretty Face, Inc

It costs nothing to give to someone who may or may not have less than you do More Than My Pretty Face, Inc was founded by my sister during Covid I have been a part of the organization from the very beginning, and it has been so profound to see the young girls evolve and to witness the relationships birthed out of an organization that allows them to come as they are but the impact on their lives is a testament of the importance and value of Mentorship The Mentoring program has truly been a great resource for not just the young girls we serve but also for the leaders and volunteers who dedicate some of their time in order to help make a difference We did not have organizations such as this when I was growing up and I truly believe that it is not just the young girls, but it has also helped the mothers of those girls It has been a blessing to serve and be a witness along with seeing how much of a positive impact the organization has on the lives of our next generation of leaders.

What is next for you and the "Iam Broken" Brand?

As I continue to evolve and grow as a person, it is my desire to see the iam BROKEN” brand continuously change the narrative for the word “broken” It is truly a powerful word, but it is based on your perception of the word I am going to continue to be the example and set the standard for how powerful the word truly can be when you are willing to be obedient, trust in the process, and allow God to be in charge

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who is unafraid to be unapologetically herself while making “boss moves She exudes confidence, understands her value and worth, never settles for less than what she deserves, and she is willing to take a stand even if she must stand alone


Jeanette is a wife, mother of 10 biological and 3 adopted daughters, and grandmother of 23 She has been a caregiver since age fifteen, beginning as a candy striper in the local hospital in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

At 18, she was able to get her certified nursing assistant in Virginia She worked in the nursing home for 3 years before she received reciprocity to work in four states Her passion continued to grow

In 2009, Janette opened the doors to J'Nette Fashions clothing store, which serves plus-size men and women Jeanette found it very hard to shop at local stores because they didn’t have her size She wanted to help those in that area In 2013, she was called to ministry in the area of evangelism She walked the Streets to assist those who were sleeping In the parks in the downtown square She would connect with shelters near and far to get the people shelter and drive them to a safe place

She would go to the rescue mission on Saturdays and on Thanksgiving to feed the homeless with her church family This was volunteer service When the pandemic happened, she closed the door of her clothing business Jeanette wasn’t too sure of what else to do to be able to assist and serve those in need God gave her a vision of Plant The Seeds of the Eastern Panhandle, a home health agency that will go in to the homes and care for those that are elderly that are in need and the disabled

Outside of being a wife, mother, grandmother, and entrepreneur, who is Jeanette Jones in five words?

Courageous, loyal, dedicated, loving, faithful

You began your journey as a caregiver at a young age How did that experience prepare you for your career into adulthood?

Taking care of the sick and the elderly at a young age impacted my life in many ways I continued to elevate in areas of healthcare that have called me to open my own healthcare agency to give back and help those in need; it goes far beyond healthcare This includes the homeless population and senior population I am from a large family, and I have loved on people all my life, even when I was rejected

You are what many would consider a natural-born server You look for ways to serve those around you Your company, “Plant The Seeds of the Eastern Panhandle,” does just that Can you tell us about the highs and lows of running a home health agency?

The highs for running a healthcare agency are to have the vision, compassion, and love for what I do The lows for running a healthcare agency are hiring the right team together and getting clients.

You are a woman with many titles, one being a community advocate and giver. Can you share a little about your organization that gives back to the community?


Planting Many Seeds feeds, clothes, and giving resources to our community Many are homeless and don’t have to be if we come together and partner with agencies and landlords to get the people shelter, get them employment, and teach them how to maintain their finances Our seniors are often left out, and we want to be able to provide food that will help them throughout the month, as most are on fixed incomes We desire to feed families for Thanksgiving and help with Christmas gifts for families struggling to provide for the families

You have a large family, which I’m sure requires a lot of time. How do you balance family and entrepreneurship?

Yes, I do have a large family, with only 3 at home They don’t require a lot of time, as if I had all 13 at home But during the week, I work my physical job and my business, and on Thursday is my time for myself, and on Saturdays, its me and my husbands time together Sundays are reserved for family time That works for us, but it took a lot of praying and seeking God for balance cause its not always been like this.

Tell us about your brand, J’Nette Fashions Clothing store.

J’Nette Fashions was developed in 2009 and designed to meet the needs of plus-sized men and women Because I was 528 pounds, I struggled with getting clothes to fit So I was able to get t vendors that could meet the needs that I desired to serve

What can women expect when shopping at J’nette Fashions? How are you intentionally creating a safe, inclusive space for plus-size women looking for clothing options?

Women can expect to come to JNette Fashions, be free to shop, and not be judged or looked upon differently as they shop Its a safe Place to Shop

What message do you hope women take away from their shopping experience at J’nette Fashion?

When leaving JNette Fashions, I hope they have good quality clothing and will continue shopping with us

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