KPK Magazine June

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KP Kollective Find Your


June 2022







The KP Kollective

I'm Kristina! I'm Kristina! I am a 27 year old Mama x2 , Wife, Author, Nurse, Sorority Sister, Mental Health Advocate and owner of a 2x Award-Winning Marketing Agency- KP Business Marketing. Just a few years ago I was at my very lowest. I worked a job that I hated, had zero self-love, and had lost my passion for Nursing. I was struggling with mental illnesses and truly hit rock bottom. It felt like I was drowning in a puddle full of self-pity. In June of 2020, my family packed up our lives in New York and moved just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. I had gave up my Nursing career and decided to spend time finding myself. I found a therapist and learned how to cope with my Bipolar Disorder and Depression. Once I accepted my mental illnesses and started a treatment plan, I turned into the woman I was always supposed to be. Brilliant, thriving, happy, passionate, SUCCESSFUL. I was everything I dreamed of being but wasn't sure how to become. By chance, Luck, or whatever you want to call it, I met the CEO of a large online networking community for women called, "The Pretty Women Hustle Network." The CEO, Jakia, offered me a Social Media Marketing Internship & my passion for Digital Marketing was born. After a few months of managing the PWH platform, I was promoted to Executive Director and Director of Marketing. I went from a depressed, overworked, unfulfilled Nurse, to the very definition of an EntrepreneHER.

In this issue, we highlight entrepreneHER's that are taking over the scene in CLT. We are ALL deserving of being featured in magazinesnow is YOUR time sister!


Social Media Marketing Let's face it...the way you marketed your business in 2019, pre-COVID-is not the same way you had to market your business in 2022. Not only have we continued to evolve as a society, but COVID-19 threw a curveball into most businesses market strategies.

By Benjamin Shah Photographs by Reese Miller

Let’s take a journey to look at those historical timelines.

After being on lockdown for most of 2020, we avoided the outside world. We stopped picking up magazines, newspapers, the solicitors stopped but one thing kept going..the internet. Regardless of what's happening in the outside world, the internet was always there. If you haven't already, make the transition to the digital world NOW! This includes outlets such as:

It started when the first wheels appeared

1. Facebook- Create a Business Page & Learn how to run paid ads! 2. Instagram- Learn about the trending hashtags in your industry to boost your posts u had to market your business in 2020 or 2021. 3. Linkedin- This platform is a "professionals" Facebook in a way. easy to use and a quick way to build connections.

4. TikTok- We spent most of 2020 on this app. Need I say more? 5. Twitter- Keep your brand messages short and sweet to build a following We ALL had to make some pretty big changes last few years- especially businesses. We had to completely change the way we ran our businesses in order to survive the COVID-19 Pandemic. As a business owner, you have to be open to drastic change and always be ready for change. Be open and willing to reaching out for support in areas you have identified as your weakness.


Social Media Management Bsiness owners are intensifying their efforts to manage social media because it improves results. You can gain a significant amount of information by using social networking tools for managing your business, which you can use to gain more followers, become more relevant to your audience, and grow your business management. What are the benefits of You're familiar with social media. Management social media management? The importance of social networks is all about maintaining and of social media management cannot be updating them. The term social network underestimated. Social networking, by its management might be used to describe the tools very nature, is social. So, regardless of how you use to manage your social networks now, well or poorly you network, you will get but it could also refer to managing the social noticed. When you fail to respond to networks of your company. If your social complaints or problems on social networks, networks grow in popularity, you will probably you run the risk of alienating more than just not have enough time to manage, update, the individual who made the complaint. In communicate, and manage all of them. One of addition, you should use social media to the major benefits of social media management participate in conversations related to your for small businesses is the management of your own brand, and to learn more about the social network and incoming and outgoing industry and your competitors in general. communications. You can use this method to You can get information and keep tabs on make an efficient and well-structured plan for what people are saying on social media, posting, responding to your followers, and even if you do not have an active social making use of their feedback to improve your media plan yet. That's important if you business. Management of your social media want to learn about trends, problems, and accounts involves everything you do on social even basic information. In addition to media, including blogging. Additionally, you knowing the good and bad things people are can combine your marketing efforts with your saying about your company, you'll also find social networking skills to meet your business out what others are saying about your goals with the help of social media competitors. You will also learn what is trending as it happens.

Reasons to hire a

S o c i a l

M e d i a

M a n a g e r

SOCIAL LANDSCAPES ARE CONSTANTLY EVOLVING As the platform's algorithm changes and new trends emerge within the platform, your social media manager can keep track, as well as to adapt your marketing strategy and content according to the latest updates.

ENGAGING IN SOCIAL MEDIA IS ESSENTIAL Having an employee post at random on your social media profiles, with no thought for your brand, will cause damage. It would be best for you to revisit the drawing board if that describes your current situation. We cannot set up social media and forget about it. In a lot of ways, doing so can be detrimental. Engagement is therefore vital. Content marketing can help you grow your business

SAVE TIME AND MONEY Needless to say, having an expert at the helm can cut down on a lot of time and money that companies may spend on failed campaigns and extensive research. When you hire an experienced social media manager, you are essentially getting right to the point. You skip the countless meetings with employees who do not possess adequate knowledge of the field and instead, fast-forward to the actual part of converting potential leads.



Jasmine Swaggard Multi-Million dollar Producer in CLT

Fierce, Strategic and Loving How did you get into real estate? How do you balance entrepreneurship full time and Family Life? I quit my job January of 2020 to finally pursue my passion. I took my pre-licensing course at Rowan Cabarrus Community College, and once I passed the class, national and state exams I was issued my license!

What are the top three things people should know before selling their home? 1. Call me 2. Determine What their next move will be (Relocate, upsize or downsize) 3. Make sure there are no outstanding liens or judgements on the home

This is something that I truly struggle with on a daily basis. Being a mom, wife and realtor, I am needed in 4 places at once ALL THE TIME! Not only am I a realtor, but we also have a rental car business under the Turo platform and my husband owns Swaggard Handyman Services, so I wear many hats and I like to think that I do my job so well because I set the expectations. My clients receive my business number, they know my working hours and I let them know ahead of time if I’m going to be on vacation or unavailable for a period of time. This alone has been tremendous in finding that balance! I recently started time-blocking, which works fine, until my daughter wants to watch a movie or do Tik-Toks, haha. It’s a work in progress, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Where do you hope to see yourself in the next 3-5 years? I recently joined the #1 Brokerage in the United States, and in the next few years I am making it my business to be one of their Top 10 producing agents. I want to help as many families as I can achieve homeownership! I also hope to have several investment properties, together with my husband. A more short term goal (1-2 years) is to be a 7 Figure earner! I’m just putting that out there into the Universe


Jasmine Swaggard Multi-Million dollar Producer in CLT

Fierce, Strategic and Loving What has been the greatest part of your career thus far?

What does the home buying or selling process look like with you?

Personally, the flexibility. For so many years I would clock in, ask permission to take time off or even an extended lunch break to run errands. It was okay at the time, but burn out happened very quickly! When you think about running several businesses, being a mother and still having a husband to tend to; I couldn’t do it working a 9-5. Professionally, seeing my clients make it to the closing table. It doesn’t matter how many times I do it, it is still so rewarding to play such a big part in an important chapter of someone’s life. There’s no better feeling than handing over the keys or big fat check to my client knowing that they could have picked from 20,000 other agents (literally) but still chose me to guide them.

I always start with a consultation over the phone. It helps me get a better sense for my clients “why”. Once we complete the consultation I either send them to my preferred lender for pre-approval or schedule a walk through of their home. Once we have all necessary paperwork completed, I guide my clients from start to finish and try to be proactive about what to expect throughout each stage of the buying or selling process. Most of all, I truly do cater to each and every one of my clients to provide a one of a kind, VIP experience, regardless of price point.

What tips do you have for those wanting to become a Real Estate Agent? If and ONLY if this is truly a passion of yours, just do it! Don’t think about it, don’t wait until next year, do it NOW! If you need guidance, reach out to me and I’ll be more than happy to help in any way I can. Collaboration over Competition!


Beauty, Business, and Balance Tips for Moms in Business As a mom and entrepreneur, I find myself in between a rock and a hard place attempting to balance my time and priorities concerning business and my handsome son. There are times when I feel so overwhelmed all I want to do is sleep. If you’re a mom, you know that the sleep we often dream about is in the rearview as our babies grow and need new levels and sides of us. They require new levels of emotions and face to face interaction at different ages and stages their life. As we are finding harmony in our homelife and homeostasis within our inner being, work is the outlier that can restart the cycle of regret, low selfesteem, terrible eating habits and a decrease in energy. Finding a great place where the scale of work and home are stabilized is the result, I prat I can learn. Embody, and incorporate in my daily life for consistency. While researching there were many suggestions about what mommies who are businesswomen should do to take time for themselves while mastering the juggling act of motherhood and work. Amazing, one article stood out the most. As I was browsing had an article that stuck out to me regarding 10 tips for moms in business! I would like to highlight four of the ten and give you some homework to follow that link and get these six other life changing suggestions. Feel free to grab your pen and jot down some notes. Set aside time for yourself: As mothers and businesswomen, we take on the world while forgetting that the world that surrounds us would be at a total loss if we were not well. We must be intentional about taking the necessary time for ourselves. This is important because managing business endeavors and being an amazing mom are just the beginning of all our many responsibilities daily. We are friends, mentors, wives, artist and so much more. How will we be able to give our best in all these areas without self-care? It is nearly impossible. As you are getting ready to plan out your schedules, plan


Beauty, Business, and Balance Tips for Moms in Business As a mom and entrepreneur, I find myself in between a rock and a hard place attempting to balance my time and priorities concerning business and my handsome son. There are times when I feel so overwhelmed all I want to do is sleep. If you’re a mom, you know that the sleep we often dream about is in the rearview as our babies grow and need new levels and sides of us. They require new levels of emotions and face to face interaction at different ages and stages their life. As we are finding harmony in our homelife and homeostasis within our inner being, work is the outlier that can restart the cycle of regret, low selfesteem, terrible eating habits and a decrease in energy. Finding a great place where the scale of work and home are stabilized is the result, I prat I can learn. Embody, and incorporate in my daily life for consistency. While researching there were many suggestions about what mommies who are businesswomen should do to take time for themselves while mastering the juggling act of motherhood and work. Amazing, one article stood out the most. As I was browsing had an article that stuck out to me regarding 10 tips for moms in business! I would like to highlight four of the ten and give you some homework to follow that link and get these six other life changing suggestions. Feel free to grab your pen and jot down some notes. Set aside time for yourself: As mothers and businesswomen, we take on the world while forgetting that the world that surrounds us would be at a total loss if we were not well. We must be intentional about taking the necessary time for ourselves. This is important because managing business endeavors and being an amazing mom are just the beginning of all our many responsibilities daily. We are friends, mentors, wives, artist and so much more. How will we be able to give our best in all these areas without self-care? It is nearly impossible. As you are getting ready to plan out your schedules, plan


Beauty, Business, and Balance Tips for Moms in Business Continued Learn to say ,"no:" In all the roles we play as moms and women in business, as important as it is for us to say yes at the right time to great opportunities, it is just as important for us to exercise the healthy use of saying ‘no’. We are loving, nurturing, and caring beings. We were created to create and care for a multitude of things. Sometimes though, we must sacrifice the business to be active and present in our children’s lives. I know, it’s a challenging give and take considering how long you have worked to get where you are. although, who you are raising takes first place. Balance is Key. They are not only our responsibility, but they are also our first students. As we learn and grow, we have the responsibility to teach! Create a network of supportive working moms: There is a quote that states that the five people you are around the most gives you a good glance of who you are or who you will become. Being surrounded by other successful moms has been extremely important to me. It’s all about the village and a support system. Sadly, support doesn’t always come from blood family due to many different circumstances so building a fortified group of moms who have similar dreams and goals can give you fuel and allow you to feel free. When I am overwhelmed at times I just call my friends and do a playdate. The kids get to enjoy themselves and you get to step away from the confines of time that work provides and get clarity and insight. Working Moms are important to other working moms! Create the village you did have or wish you had.less expensive than consistently outsourcing your work

3 Women TO

WATCH 2022





Patrice Garrison

Imani Winfield

Kay J Life

Owner of Charismatic CopyPatrice is the guru of reels and strategies! Her knowledge about reels and the algorithm is incredible.

Owner of TPTImani helps business owners by providing services and products that are proven to guide you in business planning, structuring, brand positioning, securing leads, funding, increasing social media presence and following, and tripling website traffic and sales.

Owner of The Rebrand LandRebrand Land was created to unlock the hidden potential in your brand through data driven research for top quality results! The Rebrand Creative Agency offers a custom, personalized experience for each client we intake.

Well behaved women rarely make history.

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