PWH Magazine December 2021 Issue

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PWH COVER Nadiyah Gulley, The Merchandising Maven


The holistic approach to infertility

Empowerment through finances with G Tax Solutions

SPOTLIGHT Avocado and Squats


Ashley Holmes Holistic Fertility Coach

Ashley Holmes is a Holistic Fertility Coach. She helps women struggling with infertility who have tried multiple rounds of IVF or traditional medical intervention to be able to get pregnant naturally using holistic practices. She uses a holistic approach to release energy blocks by connecting mind, body, and spirit to bring women back into their natural state. She relieves the stress of infertility and brings the body back into balance and alignment. Yoga and meditation are at the heart and soul of her 1:1 customized program to discover the missing piece in your fertility journey.

Who is Ashley Holmes in four words? Ashley Holmes is a compassionate, peaceful, and trustworthy yogi.

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship, specifically a Holistic fertility coach? I was inspired to become a Holistic Fertility Coach from my own personal infertility struggle. I felt there was a huge lack of support for women experiencing infertility and believe that no one should suffer silently. I had an awakening moment on my yoga mat when a light of awareness was shone onto the missing piece of my own unexplained infertility.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far? So far, the highlight of my career has been reconnecting with people I have lost touch with over the years coming back into my life seeking support. Knowing that this is serving a higher purpose. It has truly shown me that we all face adversity, whether with infertility or as an entrepreneur, but we elevate ourselves when we lean into the fact that we are stronger together.



What is one misconception most make about fertility and hiring a coach? The biggest misconception is that women try everything else first and view holistic as a last resort. When everything else has been unsuccessful so far, they doubt why it would work for them. Once holistic practices are incorporated and embodied, the intangible becomes possible, felt, known, and trusted.

What should women look for in a fertility coach? If you are looking for a fertility coach, find someone you can open up to and trust.

Transformation occurs within a sacred space where women are empowered and feel heard. They are able to take charge of their fertility and begin the healing journey to allow that to happen for them.

What message do you hope women take away from your brand? The message I hope women take away from my brand is that there is HOPE. Nothing tests your faith in being a woman more than struggling with infertility. Women do not need to go through the immense pain of failed rounds of IVF, medications, and procedures to conceive. This can be the one thing that they try before everything else. Holistic fertility coaching has no negative side effects - only positive benefits by returning to your natural state of being.

Take that leap of faith and tune into your body because you are worth it, and you will never regret putting yourself first when it results in your baby dreams coming true.

For someone battling with fertility, how exactly can the holistic approach help? If you are battling infertility, then your entire system is stressed. What are you doing with that stress? How is it landing in your mind and body? A holistic approach is nourishing and nurturing all of you mind, body, and spirit so that you are in your optimal state of health to conceive naturally. I provide energy medicine working with women's cycles so that they can achieve successful conception.

What is next for you? My goal is to give women the gift of conceiving, hope, and support to help as many women as possible move from experiencing infertility to fertility.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of a pretty woman who hustles is staying in alignment with your true and authentic self with an open and loving heart because you truly care about the work that you do and the lives that you impact.

FB: Ashley Holmes FB Group: Holistic Fertility Coach IG: ashley_holmes3202 Email:


Krystle Gladden was born and raised in the South Bronx of NYC. Krystle has taken the time to achieve her MBA in Accounting and is a Professional Degreed Accountant and an NYS Public Notary. She currently wears multiple hats and loves everything around finance. She is the owner and CEO of GTax Solutions LLC. GTax Solutions LLC provides financial services around tax preparation to its clients. Their clients include individuals and entrepreneurs, from small business owners to the self-employed. Krystle finds joy in assisting her clients to reduce taxes and have money in the bank! She does this through tax preparation and cash flow, and budget analysis. She believes that if her clients knew better, they’d do better. When she is not helping her clients, she is fully engaged in her 9-5 as a Senior Accountant for a Non-Profit company. She enjoys the best of both worlds by being an entrepreneur and an employee. She is also a big supporter of Women’s Empowerment and has founded a movement called Lady Bosses with two of her best friends. The Lady Bosses takes every opportunity to educate and motivate women to Bring Out Self Success (B.O.S.S.) and live a B.O.S.S. lifestyle, with self-development being the key. They enjoy hosting events and going out to speak with young women around the world. Krystle also takes time out on her weekends to serve in the United States Air Force, where she serves as a Healthcare Administration Officer for an Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. She has served for the last 10 years and loves the experience she has had thus far. As you can see, Krystle is all about giving back to her community and helping others with financial literacy around taxes and budgeting.

When did you discover your passion for entrepreneurship and finances? I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship and finance at different times in my life. First came finance, and then entrepreneurship followed years after. My passion for finance came while I was in high school since I was good in math. I geared towards an Accountant career shortly after and quickly learned that there was certainly more to it than just math. Once I started taking classes in accounting and finance, I quickly saw that I was intrigued by the stories numbers can tell about an individual and business. Throughout the years, I learned that many people didn’t have the knowledge to understand these things themselves, even though it is an important aspect of life.

My passion for entrepreneurship came in a different aspect since it started with me wanting to give back and help others.

Krystle Gladden My passion for entrepreneurship came in a different aspect since it started with me wanting to give back and help others. It all started with the Women Empowerment organization I started with my best friends, and then my Tax Company followed a few years after. With both experiences, I was able to give back and help others even though they both allowed me to do it in different ways. In the Women Empowerment organization, I was able to give back to my community and help females with selfdevelopment and bringing out self-success, but with the tax company, I was able to help clients with their taxes and finances. My mission for entrepreneurship was to help others, and I have achieved that with both of my companies. What inspired the start of GTax Solutions LLC? The start of GTax Solutions LLC was inspired by the enjoyment I had of doing taxes and knowing that I could help others that didn’t quite understand taxes and finance. I started doing taxes as a volunteer while in college, and I enjoyed helping the individuals I encountered during that time. I learned that many people didn’t understand many things tax-related, and there was a gap that needed to be filled. I took the initiative to want to learn a lot more about taxes so that I could help others and fill that gap. I created the company to help clients with their taxes and educate them about taxes in the process as well. I believe that “If you knew better, you’d do better!” What services are you currently offering? GTax Solutions LLC currently offers tax preparation to individuals and entrepreneurs nationwide. We offer in-person services to the New York City area and virtually to all 50 states. We also offer Cash Flow & Budget Analysis and NYS notary services. What advice do you have for new business startups? My advice for new business startups is to never give up! They need to remember building a business takes time and to be patient. To build a successful business, they need to stay focused, network and ask for help, have faith, and never stop learning about their business. Last but not least, to get something they never had, they will need to do things they’ve never done, so get comfortable with being uncomfortable and thinking outside of the box.

Tell us about your organization founded with your best friend? Lady Bosses is a Women’s Empowerment organization founded in 2016 in Bronx, NY, with 2 of my best friends. Our mission is to motivate and inspire women to Bring Out Self Success, with selfdevelopment being the key. We have traveled to different high schools and community centers in NYC to challenge young women from all backgrounds to motivate them to become the best versions of themselves. We also host entertainment and community events and give back to the community by volunteering for different events. We enjoy hosting empowerment events and bringing women together to tell their stories and learn from each other. Women are the future, and together we are way more powerful! Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 35 years? In the next 3-5 years, I hope to see GTax Solutions LLC as a well-known tax company that positively impacts its clients. I hope to be offering tax and finance seminars to share my knowledge with others and help them understand taxes and finance on a different level. I hope to be able to hire employees, expand its services, and offer my clients more in business, finance, and tax. What does 2022 have in store for G Tax Solutions LLC? 2022 has a lot of growth and expansion in store for GTax Solutions LLC. Everyone can expect to see more marketing and the company name consistently showing up. The company will be releasing a promo song and commercial in 2022 to start the year and tax season! We will also have a mobile app that we will be introducing this upcoming tax season to make doing business with us that much easier! Once tax season is over, the company will be introducing new services and ways they will be able to help their clients by the end of 2022. I’m looking forward to a busy, productive, and successful year!

IG: gtaxsolutionsllc FB: gtaxsolutionsllc


ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT Who is India K. Easley in five words? A strong, independent, motivated woman.

You experienced success at an early age in life. What influence did it have on your success today? My parents had the biggest impact on my success at such a young age. My mom always taught me to go out there and get what I deserved. My father, who passed late last year, always taught me that I could be anything I set my mind to. He always told me that even if I wanted to be a trashman, I should be the best at it. By doing so much at an early age, it showed me what all the world had to offer to me. By having the upbringing and success that I did at such an early age, I was molded to become the optimistic person I am today. Being as optimistic as I am, I always sought my goals and never thought I wouldn’t achieve them. The idea of failing never crossed my mind because it was never an option. This made me strong, humble, and I realize how truly blessed I am. I turned all of that positive energy into something that became my success.

At what moment did you realize entrepreneurship was for you? I noticed entrepreneurship was for me at a young age. I had to be about 15 or 16 years old and getting ready to graduate high school. I have always wanted to be the boss, and I say this because I do not feel as if anyone should be able to tell me how my work ethic should go. No one should be able to tell me how to be me. Only I know how to do that, and only I know what I can achieve. That’s one thing that does not happen when you are an entrepreneur. You set the rules. You set your pace. You blossom when you are ready to blossom. There is no timeline, no one micromanaging you, and that’s what I strive for by being an entrepreneur. I just like to be me, and being me is being free.

Can you share the mission behind The Write Easley, LLC? Our mission is to provide all business planning and administrative strategies to help businesses and organizations become more successful than ever. We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined, acquire funding, and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

India K. Easley

The Write Easley, LLC You are known as one of the best business consultants in the eastern area. Can you share 3 tips for managing and running a successful business? 1. Never stop what you’re doing because someone else may not like or support it. This is a lesson I learned right from the jump. You cannot let other people stand in the way of your success, your greatness. If you do, it will never work out in your favor. 2. Work with your clients and never for them. This is something that I continuously tell my clients. I do not like to think of it as a business transaction where they pay me to do a job, and I do it. We work as a team. It is a true business partnership. In order to achieve my clients’ goals and missions, we have to work together. 3. Take time to enjoy your accomplishments. I have had many times where I have worked so hard and burned myself out. I’m no good to my clients if I have overdone what my mind, body, and soul can handle. You must take time for yourself to access your mental wellness. Once you have regenerated, you will be better than before and able to create new projects, services, and programs. Just as time heals all wombs, time also creates better creativity.

What 3 keys did you use to remain successful during the pandemic? 1. I continuously promoted the company and never stopped seeking out potential clients who were also affected by Covid. I used social media platforms to reach more clients and utilized the downtime to get to know all of my clients and learn more about their businesses and organization to better assist them. 2. I used that time to grow my services and learn more about the target market I set out to help. I had to perfect what I was offering to effectively stay afloat during a hard time in the entrepreneurship world. It took plenty of patience and mental growth to establish ways to continuously prosper. 3. I prayed a lot. I am a very religious person, and I feel that we must give thanks for what we receive. Praying kept me level-headed, positive, and strong. I prayed for guidance, strength, and to remain humble. This is something that kept me going and stopped me from giving up, and I’m glad I never gave up, or I wouldn’t be where I am today.

What is next for The Write Easley, LLC? The Write Easley, LLC just recently opened another location in Colorado. With that, we are looking to expand our reach over the entire state. That is our main focus at the moment. By Spring 2022, we have something new we plan to launch. Brainstorming has been taking place for a few weeks now, and this is the first that the plan has been mentioned. With that being said, we are looking to establish a nonprofit organization under the umbrella of the parent company that will offer pro bono business services to clients who are just starting out or may not have the funds to purchase the services they are needing. Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years? In the next 3-5 years, I see the brand expanding to cover more international business. There’s just something about conducting business overseas that is completely different from domestic business. I honestly enjoy my international clients. They are the best! We are already working with clients in the Philippines, Africa, Canada, UK, and Ireland. I plan to move the company to Asia, with offices in Japan, China, and Thailand. Japan holds a special place in my heart since I had the opportunity to travel there at such a young age and network with multiple individuals in higher positions. I’d love to get back and reconnect with all I met in 2013 and rekindle those business relationships. There are so many great things that can transpire from those connections!

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of a “Pretty Woman Who Hustles” is a strong, beautiful woman who carries herself as a queen. She does everything in her power to achieve her goals and never thinks otherwise. If she sets her mind to it, you better believe she will make it happen. She’s the woman who is a wife, a mother, a full-time business owner, an artist, and a hero to all who look up to her. She makes sure to do the damn thing.

ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT Highly resilient and passionate, Lateka Starnes-Council is a spearheading woman who has demonstrated that you can still win the game even when you are dealt a poor hand of cards. As the proud author of several books, the CEO and founder of Herbal Euphoria Skyn & Body LLC, IAMLATEKASC LLC, and Herbal Euphoria LLC. Lateka leverages her dark past and experiences involving PTSD, MST, anxiety while living with fibromyalgia and endometriosis to empower others on their journey towards living the fulfilled, quality-driven life they deserve. Growing up in a military family, Lateka discovered the true meaning of commitment, loyalty, and the power of working hard. These core principles became the catalyst for her to join the Navy, where she served for 8 years and partook in 3 deployments. Lateka faced military sexual trauma during this time, leading her to encounter the mentally taxing hardships that she still copes with today as a disabled female navy veteran. However, this trauma inspired Lateka to reach out and support others facing the same/similar situations and prove that the only way to grow from past challenges is to tackle them head-on. Fast forward to today, Lateka has established a hemp-based spa located in Sumter, SC. She goes by The Hempsthetician, a phrase she coined. She educates the community on self-care and the benefits of hemp (CBD), turmeric, kojic acid, and lemon on the skin. Herbal Euphoria Skyn & Body LLC with the underlying mission to give others the most opulent Hemp (CBD), vegan and organic skincare products on the market. Sun-Kissed is her skincare line that aids with hyperpigmentation, dark spots and gives your skin a natural glow, using lemon, turmeric, kojic acid, and other natural ingredients. This is the Hempsthetician Nature’s medicine for melanated skin. Whether through her publications or her business, nothing makes Lateka happier than using her story to build others up and help them thrive. She has a genuine ardency for what she does, developed her business on a foundation of authenticity, integrity, and trust, and is devoted to instilling positive change through her dynamic efforts. Overall, Lateka believes that everyone deserves happiness, and sometimes those debilitating, heartbreaking experiences in life are the very stepping stones that can lead you down a path to something quite beautiful. Lateka wholeheartedly enjoys giving people the ideal resources they need to look and feel their best. But aside from managing Herbal Euphoria Skyn & Body LLC and creating her sun-kissed skincare line, you can also find her substituting, hosting speaking events, and being a loving wife and mother.

To heal yourself from any trauma, adjust your crown, and always manifest greatness within yourself."

Lateka Starnes – Council Who is Lateka Starnes - Council in four words? The Hempsthetician|Author|Motivator|Hustlepreneur When did you discover your passion for entrepreneurship? When my disabilities made it hard for me to work a 9-to5. If you could sum up your why in one sentence, what would it be? Flexibility to focus on health, family, and success. You are known as the “Hempsthetician” can you share 3 benefits of hemp specifically for women? Hemp seed oil hydrates skin and reduces swelling, pain, and redness from existing breakouts or irritation from skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. You are the author of several books. What message holds true through them all? To heal yourself from any trauma, adjust your crown, and always manifest greatness within yourself. What is next for you in business? I will launch Herbal Euphoria, the CBD product side of my brand, and expand Herbal Euphoria Skyn & Body. If you could collaborate with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? I would have to say Beyonce because she is starting a hemp farm, and fresh hemp is great to work with in all products. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? Any woman who can take a loss will be able to get back up and succeed. She is a woman who knows how to hustle.

IG: @herbaleuphoriaskynbody FB: lHerbal Euphoria Skyn & Body

Season Greetings


Owner of Swanky D’s Birmingham Alabama

At what moment did you realize you wanted to own your own business and that a 9 to 5 wasn’t for you? I always dreamed that I would be more than just a waitress, nurse, or something like that. I’ve always been creative, ever since my grandmother gave me my first pattern. I was about six years old, and she told me to figure it out. From that day, I made my first witch’s costume. I have been creating ever since. I realized I wanted to own a business when I was ten years old: I created a little business called “The Love Café.” It was a Valentine’s Day night, and I provided my aunts and a few others dinner entertainment; we even had waitresses. I knew from that very moment I wanted to own my own business.

Can you give us five words to describe you as an entrepreneur? Ambitious, hard-working, resilient, creative, and resourceful.

What problem does your business solve for women? We cater to what I like to call the 3 B’s: Businesses, Boutiques, and Brands. I provide the unique content that most people don’t have the time or the creativity to create. I also provide unique access to the ten years of experience I have with buying and merchandising services.

What have you found to be the number 1 problem among boutiques? 1. The inventory: It is all the same. People are shopping from the same vendors as everyone else. The trend is to purchase vendor lists, but the problem is that every list has the same companies. 2. The Presentation: And that is what we provide. Even if you have the same outfit as the other stores, we present it in a unique way so that it becomes unmatched. We also offer a unique service where clients can put our company on retainer and have us open their boutique from start to finish.


What advice do you have for the woman who is ready to push go on a vendor list she saw online? I would say do your research. It’s not about quantity; it’s about quality. They can give you 1,000 vendors, but half are out of business. You need quality vendors with experience and good customer service.

What do you hope readers take away from your new book, The Art of Merchandising? Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s not what you’re selling; it’s how you are selling it Companies out here literally have one product and are making millions because of how they market it.

What are you marketing? How are you marketing it? Are you reaching out to your correct demographic? It’s a trend to start a boutique right now, but what happens next? We are selling to our friends and family now, but they aren’t going to always buy.

Who has been influential in your life that helped mold the drive and purpose you have now? The women in my life. I grew up in an environment where things weren’t always the best financially. However, I was always surrounded by STRONG women. My mother, my aunt, and my cousins were all creative women. My mother is a cook and entrepreneur. My aunt and grandmother are seamstresses. My cousin is a hair salon owner. I grew up watching them and learning how to conduct business and treat customers. I have always been surrounded by greatness and Black girl magic!

What advice do you have for the young girl wondering if it is possible to own her own boutique? It is POSSIBLE! Don’t just stop there. Think outside of the trend. I want you to think about longevity. If this is really what you want, let’s set up your foundation. Create a business in what you feel like you want to do in life.

What’s next for you? Most people who know me know that I am a workaholic. My website launched on March 2nd, where you will find my new eBook,The Art of Merchandising: Tips and Tricks for Boutiques and Brands. My “Not so Ordinary Vendor List” has unique vendors for all boutiques. To all of my Freedom Flowers, which is what I call all of my original clients from before I switched over to corporate and business consulting, I will be opening that part of Swanky D’s in 2022. My original start was in vintage clothing, and I sold it to get myself through college. March 7th marks five years in business.

How would you define a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A pretty woman who hustles is that confident, hardworking woman. She doesn’t have to be an Instagram model. It’s her spirit and soul. She possesses a humble grind. I try every day to ensure that my nieces and nephews see me as someone to look up to. I’m professional and humble about everything I do. I give back to charities and organizations. I make sure I pay it forward, and I believe that is what a pretty woman who hustles embodies.

PWH ENTREPRENEUR SPOTLIGHT Janie Charlot Janie Charlot is a Family Nurse Practitioner, Author, Podcaster, Transformational Coach & Mother! She is certified in obesity treatment and management in primary care. She is the Founder of NP’s Hired Health & Weight Management Clinic, which is on a mission to provide communities with the necessary tools, education, coaching, and plans to gain and maintain a life of good health and balance. She is the author of 7 Steps To Mastering Emotions, and her most recent published book, Capacity To Love. 7 Steps to Mastering Emotions is a power tool! In a time when mental health and immune systems are the two most important things to have, this book is one you do not want to miss out on! The book gives seven steps to mastering emotions and getting the best out of life. Mastery of these steps will lead to a life of freedom and empowerment. Capacity To Love is co-authored with Russell Bruce. In this amazing inspirational romance mixed with a self-help flare, the book uncovers just what “awakening” to unconditional love is all about. The book unveils love at its deepest level possible. The level that regenerates you over and over again. Janie is also the creative mind behind Matters of the Heart & Soul Podcast. It is a podcast inspired to raise awareness, awaken humanity to all that is already within, and reconnect our hearts with our minds. The podcast uses the foundational principles of love, light, and spirituality (not religion) to raise awareness of current issues. All of these projects have led to the foundation of Bridge To Healthcare, a nonprofit business that allows Janie to group the cumulation of the work that has been done over the last 15 years as a Family Nurse Practitioner, Podcast Host Author, and Mother. She is a native of Church Point, LA, and currently resides in Atlanta, GA.

Who is Janie Charlot in five words? Soulful Being. Mother. Author. Nurse Practitioner. Podcast Host.

When did you discover your passion for helping others reach their weight loss goals? My passion for helping others reach their weight loss goals stems from my own health and fitness journey. We have to maintain a healthy balance in all areas: mental, physical, and spiritual. When we are balanced, we thrive! Overcoming emotional/mental issues can often lodge in the physical body and show up as weight gain. So I enjoy helping patients unpack all of this. When we do, the weight falls right off! You are a Nurse Practitioner, Entrepreneur, Author, and Podcast Host. How do you balance the day-today demand of it all? I live by the word BALANCE! I have my top 3 priorities: 1) Relationship with Inner-self; 2) Family; 3) Work. This is how I prioritize my responsibilities, and I hardly ever deviate from this. If my inner-self is not where it needs to be, I cannot fully serve my family or work.

As a busy entrepreneur, what does self-care look like for you? Self-Care is number one for me. I have a strong connection to self and the one universal power that connects us all together. Before I get my day started, I take time to meditate and connect back to the source. This allows me to have full power over the day instead of the day having power over me. You are the founder of NP’S Hired Health & Weight Management Clinic. Can you share the most rewarding and challenging part of what you do? The most rewarding part is truly seeing the transformations of the people that I do get to serve. I find real joy in helping people become the healthiest and highest version of themselves. Just recently, I was able to help a client get rid of 80lbs over the course of about 6months. It takes a lot of coaching, inspirational pep talks, and helping clients to see their inner love and selfacceptance regardless of their weight. The most challenging part of weight management is, of course, trying to get some clients to understand that this is a journey. Your health is about reaching and maintaining a lifestyle of health, balance, and true happiness from the inside out. Many people want to achieve this from the outside in…. it just doesn’t work that way. What is the biggest misconception that comes with wanting to lose weight? Most people want to lose weight for a “certain occasion.” Perhaps a wedding is coming up, a reunion, a vacation, etc. After this occasion passes, they regain the weight and return to their old lifestyle. For this reason, not all change is true transformation. Wanting to make changes in your health should be about true healthy living. The day in and the day out business of choosing healthy foods, being physically active, spending time in nature to connect to self, and establishing true loving relationships with others. These daily choices lead to true transformations.

What can women do in the midst of the holidays to stay consistent with their weight loss goals? The biggest part is enjoying yourself with family and friends during the holidays but keeping your limits and portions controlled. It’s totally ok to enjoy a piece of pie. You just shouldn’t eat the whole pie! Don’t overthink things, eat, and then feel guilty about it. Guilt is the worse emotion you can spiral into. Guilt is a lower emotion, and your body hears this. So if you want to enjoy and treat yourself, do it and skip the guilt. You are the author of 7 Steps to Mastering Emotions and Capacity to Love. What message holds true in both books? Great question! I would certainly say that the message that holds true in both books is that everything we could ever need is already WITHIN us. We just have to take the time to go within to find it. Can you share the purpose of your podcast “The Matters of the Heart and Soul” and where readers can find it? Matters of the Heart & Soul Podcast is inspired by Love, God, Relationships, Spirituality, Justice, Culture, Family, Children, Finances, Freedom, Personal Growth, Energy & Vibrations, Universal Principles, Health, Education, Masculine & Feminine Energy, Music... and ALL THINGS of the heart and soul. The goals is to reconnect our hearts with our minds. The podcast is available on all podcasting platforms, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? I view a pretty woman who hustles as a woman who is connected to her femininity and grace. But she also knows how to set goals and put in the focused action to achieve them while exhibiting collaboration, compassion, and poise. Connect with Janie:

What 3 tips do you have for women specifically wanting to jump-start their journey? Keep in mind that our thoughts create our reality. So stop thinking and speaking disempowering words over your body like “I am fat.” When you say this to yourself, every cell in your body hears these words, and this is what you will continue to create in your reality. Secondly, decide on your why. Why do you want to be healthy? Why do you want to be physically active? Why do you want to lose weight? We have to be purposeful and intentional with all things we attempt to do. When we align our intention with action, it becomes powerful! Lastly, surround yourself with other people on the journey. Sometimes others can help with accountability, motivation, inspiration and can even teach you a few healthy tips along the way.

IG: @nursepractitioner_hired @mattersoftheheart_andsoul FB: Janie Charlot NP’s Hired Health & Weight Management Matters of the Heart & Soul Podcast Podcast:


In Style

Terri and Sonya are best friends Who met in their freshman year. Terri wanted financial security, While Sonya had her own career goals. It was love at first sight for Sonya, but it caused Terri to question what she really wanted. Then tragedy struck and it took years for them to each realize they had true love.

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