PWH Magazine - January 2022

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2022! I am still in complete shock that we have approached and entered a New Year. Last year was full of sickness and challenges for most of the world, but we made it through. As we enter 2022, let us remember that life will happen, chaos and trials will face us but it’s how we handle each obstacle that determines what is next for us. Approach every trial with the mindset that it’s only temporary and new beginnings is right around the corner. Have a Happy New Year! Keep Pushing for Your Purpose,



New year, new you? Getting out of the holiday funk and into the renewed mindset of achieving those long awaiting goals? And of course, the top of the resolution list: GET ACTIVE. Workout, lose “X” amount of pounds, eat better, the list goes on. Gym membership sales in the new year are through the roof with all the incentives and eager go-getters starting their journey for the umpteenth time. Hey, we’ve all been there– I have been there. It is okay to have those goals, and it is okay to get off track sometimes.

ilfe is hard, and you deserve to cut yourself some slack, but this year? THIS is the year. This year we are getting it right this time. NO excuses! As the saying goes, doing the same thing the same way but expecting different results is the definition of insanity. So this year, we are not falling into the same routines. This year, in this renewed mindset we have, we are going to shift our focus. Instead of focusing on the number on the scale to achieve weight loss, we are going to focus on activities that promote physical activity. Instead of focusing on dieting, focus on trying new foods that nurture your body. Instead of dreading the gym, opt for a personal trainer. Personal trainer in this economy? Okay, yes, personal trainers sound expensive, I get it. However, those negative connotations are just that, negative! Having a personal trainer is essential and effective for any lifestyle, and there are so many cost-effective personal trainers ready to help you transform into a healthier lifestyle. You don’t have to deep dive into the one-on-one sessions with high-ranking trainers that can be costly. Start small and simple. Sign up for classes at the gym. Many memberships offer personal trainers or small group sessions that are just as beneficial.

Groupon! From personal experience, I found my personal trainer on an online Groupon, and it was the best money I have ever spent! It was a small group setting that met a few times a week to have fun and work out. The way I see it is this: you spend money on so many other meaningless things without thinking twice, why not invest in your body? In my experience, having a personal trainer is essential for those who: 1. Find it difficult to stick to a routine. It can be hard to juggle time to work out on busy schedules, but when you hire a personal trainer, you are forced to carve out time in your schedule. No matter what, you are expected to show up at your scheduled hours and get what needs to be done. Not only does it make you stick to a routine, but you begin to plan your life around this new schedule doing something you (hopefully) grow to love. 2. Don’t know what to do in the gym or how to properly tackle their weight loss. Listen, social media gym gurus will have you doing squats and lunges all wrong if you don’t follow the right people. Having someone there to coach and guide you through the moves limits injuries and lets you be more comfortable with new exercises and poses that can promote flexibility and muscle strength. 3. Someone who needs the motivation to stick to the plan. We all need help sometimes. Someone to hold us accountable and not take our excuses. Someone who is dedicated to seeing body-positive changes just as much as you are. A little push in the right direction goes a long way. Working out has never been a bad thing and getting someone to make sure it gets done is a great step in the right direction. So think about that as you enter this season of new wellness and try to get those stay-at-home bodies back in action!

AUTHORSaundra Covington SPOTLIGHT Saundra Covington was born and raised in Fresno, CA. She graduated from Centennial High School in Compton, CA, and is now a proud Author, Public Speaker, and most importantly, a wife for more than 16 years. Saundra released her first book entitled, The Truck Driver’s Wife: Holding Down The Home Front, which includes a collection of shared experiences, challenges, and rewards that she has encountered while being married in the industry. Saundra’s mission is to share her experiences of being the wife of an over-the-road driver. She informs others that her world and the truckers industry are not the norm, constantly adjusting to unexpected occurrences and staying together through devastating losses. Saunda currently works from home, trying to adjust to the world’s new normal while assisting with her family’s trucking company. She is close to her family and remains involved in her community while traveling and enjoying as much adventure as possible.

When did you discover your passion for writing? My passion did not start off with being a writer; it was to get our story out and bring insight into a family behind the drivers. What we go through day to day is not the norm. The drivers’ primary concerns are to get the load dropped and make it home safely. While at home, we are holding down the home front to not worry. I wanted other wives/partners to know they are not alone. What inspired you and your husbands to start into the trucking industry? When I met George, he was already a driver. You can say I married into this industry. When I prayed for a husband and best friend, I had no idea God would bring me a truck driver. When we were dating, I thought it would be a date when he passed through town. Well, 16 years later, we are going strong and still dating. What has been the most challenging and rewarding parts of your entrepreneurial journey? When I began this book journey, my biggest challenge was wondering how open I was going to be with our life. I talked with George and asked his thoughts about putting our life out there, and his response was, “I support you. Go for it.” Once it was finished, more challenges came with getting the word out that there is a book, marketing, and finding venues. I have learned that you need to put the seed money out there for promoting, and it doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time.

The rewards have been awesome. Speaking at events and hearing the feedback from other wives/partners, I had no idea of the response and the blessings I would receive. I have even been asked to speak at driver recruiting events to share the at-home experience with new drivers."

Tell us about your book “The Truck Drivers Wife Holding Down the Home Front”? The book shares our challenges and emotional ups and downs. Our world is not a normal life. In the book, I talk about how 3 months after we got married, I had a miscarriage, and my mother was with me in the hospital. George was at work delivering a load in Florida with no cell phone signal and had no idea what was going on at home. When you get married, you expect to have your spouse physically by your side when going through events. Not in this industry. You must be strong and have a good support system. I also talk about financial challenges. Two years later, we filed for bankruptcy and were short-selling our home because our new trucking business failed. The money with this industry is not guaranteed, and with mechanical issues and canceled loads, we can not count on our money until the check is in the bank. We continue to laugh and have our date nights and annual vacations through all these events. Thankfully, we just purchased our new home.

The Truck Drivers Wife Holding Down the Home Front

What message do you hope truckers’ wives all around the world take away from this book? You are not alone. I know, at times, it doesn’t feel like that because we can not talk to our family and friends; they will not understand. We do have support from one another. There are many social channels, or you can reach out to me. Yes, it feels like everything happens when they leave for work (plumbing, lawn, etc.). We are strong, and we can handle it. Our drivers deal with a lot on the road(mechanical issues, weather conditions), and we want them to know that we are holding down the home front while away. What is next for the trucker’s wife? To get the word out and partner with recruiters and trucking companies at new hiring events and talk to new drivers, letting them know what to expect from this side. Since the book was released, we have once again started our new trucking business. This time it’s a different feeling, and we will succeed.



Âme Creatives Kelli is the owner of Âme Creatives, a brand & web design studio specializing in crafting soulful, high converting designs for female entrepreneurs seeking high visibility to be seen as an expert and attract their ideal clients. With over 9 years of experience, her goal is to elevate your brand’s first impression to meet your level of success so that you’re recognized as an expert before you’ve stepped into the room. What inspired your start in branding and web design? I’ve always had an entrepreneurial mindset since I was a child, and I have been around design since I was young. Design started as a hobby, and I loved being able to help female entrepreneurs get to a place where they could achieve their goals because their brand reflected their success. Like many can relate to, there’s a time when you have to decide to go all-in on yourself and your passion or go for safety and continue working a 9 to 5. I decided to bet on myself. Because of that, I’ve gotten to create a business that I love and can help ambitious female entrepreneurs make their mark through their branding.

If you could use any four words to describe the creativity at Âme Creatives, what would it be? My designs are soulful, strategic, purposeful, and impactful. Can you tell us the top 4 components of a great website? The four things that make a great website are: - Brand photography that aligns with your brand’s personality - Website copy that speaks to your audience - A user-friendly experience - A design that tells your unique story You have over 9 years of experience. What has been your greatest lesson thus far? One of the greatest lessons I have learned is to trust yourself and bet on yourself. I spent so much time thinking of all of the things that could go wrong if I took the leap to become an entrepreneur, and it held me back for the longest. I’ve learned to get out of my own way and strive for my wildly ambitious goals while celebrating every moment of it. What is next for Âme Creatives?

In early 2022, we will be launching a movement around female entrepreneurs making their mark in the world doing what we love. Our offers will be based on this movement to help highlight women and our unique story within our brands.

If you could collaborate with any brand, who would it be and why? There are so many great options. But I would collaborate with a female-led podcast to help to highlight the stories of female entrepreneurs and their success. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A pretty woman who hustles is confident, ambitious, and fearless. She is someone who is ready for the next level and is invested in doing what it takes to get there.


Mentor is defined as someone who provides influence, guidance, direction, or who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced or often a younger person. In a professional setting, a mentor influences the personal and professional growth of a mentee.A mentor does not necessarily have to be more years in a field than the people they mentor. What truly matters is that mentors have the experience that others can learn from.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Chisa Pennix-Brown, MBA about what makes a great mentor and what you should look for in a mentor. During January there are 4 days you can celebrate or learn more about mentor or mentoring. January 6 is I am a Mentor Day - Mentors celebrate your work. January 17 is International Mentoring Day and Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service - Mentors and Mentees celebrate and serve your community. Concluding the month of celebrating Mentors - January 27 is Thank Your Mentor Day. National Mentoring Month is a great way to showcase the power of relationships and also raise awareness on how to become or find a mentor, find ways to be a meaningful change in a mentees life both professionally and personally.

What makes a great mentor? A great mentor is a person who has a great mentor. They are continually learning, willing to share their knowledge and their contacts.

In addition, a great mentor will not only listen to what you want to, but they will make suggestions that challenge you and pull you put of your comfort zone because they can see your growth potential. How does having a mentor benefit a new or seasoned entrepreneur? They speak from a place of wisdom that came through trial and error. Regardless of the level of entrepreneurship of the mentee, the mentor is able to shed light on a situation from a different perspective to make the mentor think and then act accordingly. How does an individual know when they need a mentor? We all need Mentors. However, we have to be willing to accept criticism. We have to be able to discern the difference between feedback and criticism. Then we have to use the information to make ourselves better. If you're not mature enough to recognize the need for both aspects then you'll always blame someone else for your shortcomings.

How long should someone work with a mentor? Work with a mentor for as long as the mentor wants to work with you. The relationship will run its course, but if you found value in their opinion and knowledge once you will always find it.

I personally have Mentors that I only see once per year, but when I see them, they tell me they've SEEN me. They always let me know how to improve and continue to bless me with their willingness to see me succeed.

n w o r B x i n n Chisa Pe

Are there red flags that a mentee or mentor should be aware of? I always feel as though a person should decide that they WANT to mentor you because that is the most genuine exchange. However, people get a coach and mentor relationship mixed up.

I believe that as a mentor you should pay attention to the advice you give and see if it's followed. If a person keeps asking you for advice, you give it. But, if you never see any fruit, then it's time to stop. As a mentor, you have to understand that your mentor is typically MAKING TIME for you. They view what you're doing as important and they want you to be successful. The red flag here is you ensuring respect for that time. What would be the ideal outcome of having a great mentor? The ideal outcome is success. Monetary. Relationship. Mental. Physical. Spiritual. Habitual Success that begets the mentee turning into a mentor and paying it forward.

About Chisa Pennix-Brown, MBA With over 20 years of experience in business coaching, community outreach, and social media insight, Chisa Pennix-Brown has transformed her love of learning into Give it to the People™️, a mental wealth company that focuses on curated business events. She is the host of Real Ass Affirmations Podcast, which helps you to be your own life coach as well as the author of The 90 Day Focus: Your Action Plan for Success. She is all about confidence, quality, and colorful conversation. Chisa curates digital content, products, and webinars, that foster a perfect atmosphere for personal development and entrepreneurial growth.

Written By: Chandra Gore Photo Credit: Stillshotsphotography

Written By: Latrina Caldwell

A BRAND TO WATCH: MULLUR’E COSMETICS All women around the world want to feel and look beautiful, right? But NOT Monique Green. She also wants to empower all women by bringing on confidence wearing the luxurious yet inexpensive brand, Mullur'e Cosmetics. It all started when she was a little girl playing with her mother’s makeup. She had no idea that her interest would be much more as she grew up. She continued crafting her art and discovered her talent in the makeup industry. She continually relishes into the makeup world and is thought of much more than an artist. In 2016, Monique founded Mullur'e Cosmetics and Mini Mullur'e with a desire to not just have a makeup brand but to also empower women and little girls.

Monique always wanted to give back to her culture and her community. She believed that no matter how the day may go women always want to feel beautiful and confident. Caring is a big part of who she is. Late nights and long days of working to create this amazing brand makes her feel complete. Presenting a wide variety of astonishing cosmetic products and continuously developing more, this brand is worthy of having. It's been an honor for Monique to provide high-quality cosmetic products to all women who deserve to be beautiful without spending much money.

Today, Mullur'e Cosmetics is becoming a wellknown brand in the industry in every state, and don't be shocked if it goes international, as the brand is continually developing great products and empowering women all over the world.

Monique, You are a beauty boss of the Mullur’e Cosmetic brand. Let our readers know what Mullur’e Cosmetics is all about and what inspired you to start the Mullur’e Cosmetics brand? My inspiration came from wanting to enhance my own beauty. I’m a full time makeup artist and I enjoy helping women feel their best! I wanted to offer women everything in one location when it comes to cosmetics. If I’m using certain products on my clients of different brands, why not offer my own brand of products? That’s when I came up with Mullur’e cosmetics. There are a few different platforms that are highlighting Makeup artists and beauty moguls. What is unique about your brand? What makes Mullur’e unique is that we will offer 4 different makeup brands, makeup services, child makeup kits, subscription boxes and educational classes at one central location. In addition, we will offer women of color makeup that caters to both light and dark skin tones and complexions. In addition, we will become the first black owned cosmetic brand in Minnesota. "Teal I'm Pretty" brush line is dedicated to ovarian cancer awareness. Why is this significant? “Teal I’m Pretty” is very special to me because I lost my mother to Ovarian Cancer in 2018. I dedicated these makeup brushes to her and other women who have battled with this disease. Mullur’e also donates a percentage and helps raise awareness

The lipstick and lip gloss line have names that are very cute yet sassy. What process did you go through when you named each product? I name my products based off of the people I love and their personality. A lot of my products will have first names and a lot of them will be based off personalities. You have quite a few things going on. How do you practice self-care and maintain it all? How do you remain balanced with all of your businesses, etc? Self-care is very important to me because it keeps me balanced. I meditate and plan each day out. I have to force myself to cut my day off at a certain time to regroup for the next following day. I will have about 1 hour of audio reading and self-reflection to keep me on track mentally. If you gave a lecture on makeup, what is one topic that most beauty brand owners need to know and why? I would have to say skincare! If you skip out on your skincare routine before applying makeup, it might result in uneven, patchy coverage of skin that wears off way too soon. A well-prepped skin before applying makeup not only makes the skin smoother for the application of makeup, but it also helps the makeup to stay much longer than usual and prevent out breaks. So please tell us what's next for Monique ? Up next you will see Mullur’e Cosmetics growing and having a second location in other states. Where can our readers connect with you? Instagram: Mullur’e Cosmetics Facebook: Mullur’e Cosmetics

CBD HUSTLEPRENHER Raising CBD Awareness Written By: Chandra Gore

Lateka Starnes-Council is the ultimate Hustleperneur. She is an author, advocate, speaker, and esthetician. Passionate about helping people look and feel their best so they can reach their maximum potential in life, she is using her personal journey to inspire those around her. She is not a novice in the beauty industry. Entering the field more than 20 years ago as a licensed cosmetologist, Lateka took a break to join the US Navy, received her degree in sociology, and later became a special education teacher over the years. Although the thrills of serving her country and truly helping those in need was an ultimate high for her, the idea of returning to her passion of skincare feels like she’s fulfilling her life’s work as nothing makes her happier than using her story to build others up, helping them thrive and educating the importance of self-care. What was the inspiration for you to go into the CBD Industry? The many benefits and uses it has to aid in skincare and overall mental health. You are the first in the midlands of SC to launch a thriving CBD business - Can you explain how this came to fruition? This came about from using CBD products and loving the effects & effects it had on my overall quality of life. I began researching and trying different things till I found what worked. Speaking to a friend, I said I wanted to do it right in my state. Then I was told how to become a hemp transporter and broker for my state. In the process, I found out I would be the 1st African American female veteran hemp transporter for the midlands and PeeDee area in South Carolina. How has CBD helped your mental health and overall health journey? Living with PTSD, anxiety, Fibromyalgia, and Endometriosis, I’m always in pain. CBD helps calm and relax my mind & body. When I use my products, it relaxes my muscles and aids with sleep. Gummies and honey are a great way to go throughout my day with ease. How are you being the change that is removing the stigma of CBD? I ensure to educate my clients as well as followers on the benefits, uses, and types of CBD so they have a better understanding.

I began researching and trying different things till I found what worked. Speaking to a friend, I said I wanted to do it right in my state."

Lateka Starnes – Council What advice would you give to someone who is unsure about CBD? Ask questions, do your research because CBD can be THC- based or Hemp-based. Just ensure you have a clear understanding of the product and its many uses and benefits. How is your spa different from others? My spa is different from others because we are CBD hemp-based self-care. From the facial products to the oils and gels used during any service. What inspired your business and your products? I was inspired by always wanting glowing clear skin for my children, so I created a product line that helps with dark spots and hyperpigmentation and reduces redness.

She has created her businesses on a strong foundation of authenticity, integrity, and trust. She is devoted to instilling positive change through her dynamic efforts as she lives by the mantra that sometimes those debilitating, heartbreaking experiences in life are the very stepping stones that can lead you down a path to something quite beautiful. When she’s not managing and creating her spa, she can also be found substituting inside a classroom, hosting speaking events, and being a loving wife and mother to her three daughters. She is an author of four books, with more in the works centered around raising awareness on domestic violence, military sexual trauma, and mental illness, which are all issues she encountered throughout her three tours and eight years served as a Navy veteran.

What can we expect from you in the future? I will be expanding my product line and brand to include CBD gummies and flowers. Collaborations with other females in the canna world (hemp, CBD, THC).

IG: @herbaleuphoriaskynbody FB: lHerbal Euphoria Skyn & Body

r a o S s ’ t e L IN 2022

An invitation to explore it’s not necessary to cross the seven seas or sail the ocean blue. There are many adventures right here in America. America’s breathtaking National Parks, Cool Cities, and tiny historical towns. There are probably sights in your own backyard that you haven’t seen.

While you are writing down your goals for 2022, start your bucket list of adventures. You can research your city and see what exciting adventures you haven’t seen yet. Try a day trip, a weekend getaway, or venture out to another connecting state. You can plan your trip from Seattle, WA, to August, ME, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters. This land is definitely made for you to see. As you think about your travel plans, here are some tips to help you enjoy your bucket list as you cross off your adventures. Make your reservations early. The airlines and other travel vendors have combined their services in the event they need a backup plan just in case your schedule changes. Some hotels have reduced amenities, such as their daily housekeeping and in-house restaurant hours. Double-check your destination status before you leave home. A great trip you can focus on is something outdoors. Popular destinations include beach and ski resorts, dude ranches, plus trips to national and state parks.

While you are still making choices on a nice getaway, explore the digital travel planning tools, they can offer a lot of choices for you, including petfriendly hotels, all-inclusive resorts, vacation rental homes, which can also enhance options for those working remotely. You can consider purchasing a travel assistance program for longer getaways. There are many different travel styles suited for everyone, the single solo traveler, the family travel spot, the girls retreat, the wedding destination couple, etc. You can visit all different locations, from guided tours to luxury travel to the River Cruises. You can even have a tailor-made trip provided for you by your Travel Advisor. Think about how you are going to reimagine your travel dreams. Put your adventure on your travel map. Going forward, 2022 should be the year you try something that will create beautiful memories. Most of all, as you are adventuring out, be safe, vaccinate, booster up, and just have fun.

Amanda Sherman, Travel Advisor APS EVENTS AND TRAVEL

Happy New Year

THE QUEEN OF ABUNDANCE Lifestyle and Abundance Coach Kim Bullock-Hennix is a highly requested, results-driven Abundance Mindset Expert, Royal Protocol Spiritual Teacher, Elite AwardWinning Author & Coach, Revolutionary Leader, Founder and Advocate for the Ambitious Women Movement. She serves entrepreneurial women and online influencers with abundance mindset coaching and royal protocol masterclasses to show up powerfully as Queen in their business and personal life. Kim has her bachelor’s degree in Communications and earned a master’s degree in Entrepreneurial and Organization Leadership with an emphasis in Christian Ministry. Kim’s powerful coaching sets her clients apart from the ordinary by teaching her mentees to step into their Godgiven destiny by dismissing the bankrupt mindset, uprooting a poverty mentality, and embracing royalty as part of their spiritual DNA! Kim provides the key to elevating your mindset and rising above a lack lifestyle by developing a hunger or craving to rise above a current struggle of mediocrity. Her strategic coaching provides the divine nutrients necessary to stimulate your spiritual immune system, align with royal etiquette, thrive supernaturally, and eliminate the broke mentality. Kim’s signature programs, Lack to Luxury™ and God Size Assignment™, have been a huge success impacting the lives of countless women worldwide. She is passionate about teaching women to unleash the queen within to reign supreme by walking in their power and authority as a daughter of the King. “They are royalty, and I often use the slogan Crown On to remind them of their royal inheritance.” ~Kim Bullock-Hennix



Kim Bullock – Hennix

Who is Kim Bullock Hennix in four words? Spiritual Royalty Ambitious Woman What inspired your start into entrepreneurship and coaching women specifically? I began to see the need for women to thrive spiritually and mentally. I knew it was an area that needed more awareness. In order to create in the natural world, we first must create in the supernatural realm. I realized this was a missing component in their lives. My mission is to teach each Queen to reign supreme as Spiritual Royalty and executive powerfully their hearts’ desires. I was called to serve and transform the trajectory in their lifestyle to live abundantly. Can you share the message behind the Ambitious Women Brand? An Ambitious Woman is one who is not afraid to conquer fear, obstacles, change, or temporary setbacks. She knows how to pivot through life’s storms’ Ambitious Women focus on the end result of their goals and not the problems. There’s an inner determination to achieve greatness and build a dynamic legacy to impact the future generations to come. This is what the Ambitious Woman brand embodies. Strength, Resiliency, and Courage. If you look back over your career, what has been the greatest lesson you’ve learned thus far? Never give up. When I started my business in October 2015, I was frustrated because I knew I was created to make big changes in the world, but I felt like it wasn’t happening fast enough. I was not happy with the progress. It has taken me years to get to where I am now. I wouldn’t change it. Now I see why God has taken me on the path I’m walking. It was all to groom and prepare me to be the woman I am today. What can women expect when enrolling in your signature programs? Lack to Luxury and God Size Assignment are both incredible programs to catapult your faith and your finances to quantum leaps. If you are seeking to leverage your lifestyle abundantly, invest in one or both of these amazing life-changing courses. Your life will be barely recognizable if you do the work consistently.

Can you tell us about your book “The Birth of an Ambitious woman”? The purpose of this personal development book is to ignite Ambitious Women to properly identify their greatness by shifting their mindset to receive the UNTHINKABLE!!!! This book will provide the tools needed to allow God’s UNLIMITED power to work through them supernaturally to emerge an ABUNDANT life. Stop thinking small in your own human capability and take the limits off of God!!!! The Birth of an Ambitious Woman is a powerful guide for spiritual awareness, mental abundance, and physical healing. What do you hope women take away from your platform? I want Ambitious Women to know they are crowned for abundant success. 2022 is the year for them to take their crown back and show up unapologetically as Queen ruling their territories. What message do you have for the next generation of aspiring entrepreneurs and coaches? I would share with upcoming entrepreneurs the importance of taking calculated risks. Always bet on yourself and know you have everything within to be a massive success. Surround yourself with others who are successful, and you will be on the right path. What is one quote you live by daily and has shaped your career? Ephesians 3:20-21. Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is similar to an Ambitious Woman. Both are go-getters and embrace their femininity as a superpower. Nurturing their overall health makes them pretty. In addition, to carrying themselves in a polished and poised manner. When a Pretty Woman Who Hustles enters a room, her presence is so strong she commands the attention of others. (


Here we go, sis! Yes, all the "New Year, New You" posts, videos, and conversations will hit you back to back. The real question is, what does that really mean? We all are transforming daily into someone "new," if you ask me. You don't have to wait until a new year arrives to be YOU! Whether it's the old you or the new you, just be YOU! Staying empowered during this time of the year is critical to your mental health, physical health, and emotional health. What I'm about to say next will be a game-changer! Brace yourself! Here it comes. Not everybody cares about you like you care about you. I know that cut deep, and Sis, I'm here to tell you the truth. That's part of my empowerment! Understand that you do not need anyone to tell you about your empowerment, and definitely don't allow them to say you're not empowered. Empowerment comes from within, and that begins with self-love! When you are truly in love with yourself, empowerment comes naturally. Not only will you look and feel differently, but others will also look and feel differently just by being in your company. Confidence will exude from you, and when you walk into the room, you command it because you are empowered in every way possible. Ask yourself these questions and be truly honest with yourself: 1) What is it I like about myself? 2) What is it I love about myself? 3) What do I need to work on to love myself without reservation? 4) How much time can I commit to self-love? 5) What does self-love mean to me? 6) What steps do I need to take to get to a higher level of self-love? 7) Who are my prime supporters on this journey?

Answering these questions openly and honestly will allow you to explore what it is you truly desire to become empowered through self-love. Now listen, if you aren't ready for the ugly truth, hold off on answering these questions and come back to it. Be intentional about allowing yourself some grace as well when you go on this journey. New Year, New You will have a different meaning when you practice self-love every day.

WARNING ALERT: Please be prepared to drop some people off along the way to your empowerment. They are not meant to go with you, and it's ok! Everyone serves a purpose and is available in your life for a reason and a season. Seasons change, and so do people, whether or not they want to. It's inevitable when you vibrate at a higher frequency and expect those around you to do the same. Higher vibrations shake off what's not meant to be attached! Yes, read that again, and take it all in! I teach self-love and empowerment through goal setting as an Empowerment Lifestyle Coach. Goals can be as big or as small as you desire. The key to your success is CONQUERING THOSE GOALS! Let's establish right now that YOU WILL BE EMPOWERED THROUGH SELFLOVE EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR and NOT JUST THE NEW YEAR! Follow me on IG @iamcoachlrwilson OR on FB @ LRWILSON EMPOWERMENT COACH. Last, stay connected by subscribing to my site Until next time, remember YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED!

PWH BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TaShara Scott The proud owner of Fix Her Crown Fitness Apparel is TaShara Scott. It’s an absolute honor for her to be able to share her story with the world. She currently is an active-duty soldier, college student, and a single mother. She often hears women around her complain about not being able to find comfortable, stylish, and affordable outfits to work out in because of their weight or size. She has observed so much body shaming amongst women and has always wanted to do something about it. Tashara once felt depressed at times about her own weight and size, so she decided to change.Her goal was to provide comfortable fitness apparel that looks good on everyone regardless of race, color, or size.

The name of her company speaks volumes because every day, she seeks to fix the crown of other women.TaShara has dedicated hours of research trying to find fashionable, comfortable material that fits well and does not expose to much skin. She is dedicated to helping women reach their fitness goals and feel good about themselves. It took her a long time to build up to courage to get into business for herself, but she is glad that she did because she sees the satisfaction from so many women that purchase her apparel. This is only the beginning for her. Thanks for taking the time to read her story. Real women fix each other’s crown!

When did you discover your passion for fitness and helping women find confidence with their fitness wear? I discovered my passion for fitness once I joined the Army and woke up every morning at 6:30 am to work out. I made it my personal journey helping other women find their confidence in fitness wear three years ago when I had lost myself as well as my confidence.

What sets Fix Her Crown Apparel apart from the rest? What sets Fix Her Crown Fitness Apparel apart from the rest is that it is versatile and appeals to all women regardless of their size.

What inspired the start of Fix Her Crown Fitness Apparel? I often would hear women around me complain about not being able to find comfortable, stylish, and affordable outfits to work out in because of their weight or size. I’ve observed so much body shaming amongst women at times, and I’ve always wanted to do something about it. I knew exactly how these women felt because I once felt depressed about my own weight and size, so I decided to make a change within myself to inspire and help other women.

What is next for TaShara and Fix Her Crown Apparel? My next goal is to get certified as a Personal Fitness Trainer and create a six-week workout program for women who want to tone up their stomachs and grow their glutes.

If you could describe the creativity and concept of Fix Her Crown in one sentence, what would it be? The creative concept of Fix Her Crown Fitness Apparel was to design clothes that women wouldn’t feel self-conscious about wearing while pursuing their fitness goals. What can women expect when shopping Fix Her Crown? When shopping with Fix Her Crown Fitness Apparel, women can expect excellent quality, comfortable, and stylish athleisure wear. Waist trainers and fat-burning cream are guaranteed to work if used correctly.

What is your go-to best-selling item online right now? My best-selling item online is my Crown Duo Waist Snatcher.

What advice do you have for women looking to start their own fitness apparel brand? The advice I would give to other women wanting to start their own fitness apparel brand would be to go for it and to take the time testing out the materials, getting your marketing/promoting together, not following the crowd, and paying attention to what everyone else is doing, and to take the time to know their audience What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? My definition of A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who makes it happen by taking care of business. She is educated, resilient, and a go-getter. Her confidence alone is what makes her pretty. FB: fixhercrownfitness Twitter: @crown_her IG: fixhercrownfitness

TEN TIPS TO NAVIGATE 2022 LIKE A BOSS With the business world constantly changing during the midst of a pandemic, check out these ten tips that will help you boss your way into 2022 like a champ.

Be intentional about your goals. We all tend to come up with thousands of ideas when it comes to our business, but do you really put them into action? Start 2022 with a vision board or journaling on what you would like to accomplish. Be intentional by setting up realistic strategies to help accomplish your goals. To make it more fun, you can do this with friends and other entrepreneurs of the same mindset. Stay consistent in your work. In order to reach your goals, set up a daily plan where you can properly plan and execute what you set forth. Always remember, the more you put out into the universe, the better chance you will receive the manifestation you desired.

Written By: Dalisia Ballinger

Know that self-care is important. Whether it’s getting a mani and pedi, or getting your hair done, always take time out for yourself. If things tend to get hectic or stressful, PAUSE! Stop what you’re doing and re-center yourself. Doing what you love should never be stressful. Take it as a sign to relax. Once you’re ready to jump back into what you’re doing, go for it, fully charged! Develop daily rituals to exercise your mind, body, and spirit. Delaying your body to rest and receive the proper exercise is the easiest way to set yourself up for illness. During this pandemic, being healthy is #1 not only for yourself but for your clients and their needs. Along with self-care, taking care of your mind, body and spirit should always be your priority.

Communication, Communication, Communication! With the pandemic limiting how we communicate in person, it’s critical that you stay on top of your communication game. There are tons of platforms you can use to keep your business going and keep your relationships interpersonal. From Zoom calls, emails, and phone calls, make sure that you are keeping up with your clientele. Communication is key! Continue to network and build relationships. Following up with communication, take the time in 2022 to establish new relationships through your existing network. Follow-ups, possible collaborations, and availability to new projects should be on your agenda. If there is room on your calendar, take on a volunteer project or passion project that will give you an opportunity to build new relationships within your field. Always follow your intuition. If what you feel doesn’t sit well with you, don’t do it. Simple.

Challenge fear as a step to move forward. Starting on a new project or new endeavor? Are you feeling nervous or doubting yourself? Well, take this as a challenge for the new year to leap forward! We tend to be our own worst critic by getting into our own way. So, instead of telling yourself you can’t, tell yourself that you can, and push through! Show gratitude to the present. Never get too caught in business that you don’t take time to be grateful for the present. Taking time to stop and smell the roses is vital when you are busy! Always give thanks for your accomplishments and show gratitude to new ones. Always know that you are first. “Always remember that you and your business are always #1 before any client.” – Nicole A. Thomas (Nicallyas Creative Group). While it is your goal to manage the success of others, never forget that because of your dedication and hard work, you are the driving force for making it happen. Make sure that you are keeping things in tip-top shape for the growth and development of your business.

With these tips, where can you go wrong? Overall, if you put good energy into your efforts, you can expect great rewards! Cheers to the new year!!

Written By: Jakia Cheatham - Myles

Author, Business Consultant, Networking Coach Creator and Chief Visionary Officer of Twisted Networking

JEVONYA ALLEN Jevonya Allen was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in October of 1979. When Jevonya was three years old, her parents decided to move to Providence, Rhode Island, to give her and her older sibling what they deemed a better life. At the young age of 5, Jevonya’s father taught her how to play Chess which showed Jevonya how to think strategically. Her mother instilled in her the need to be self-sufficient and the value of entrepreneurship by owning her own home daycare. Jevonya had the opportunity to work with her mother for many years. Jevonya attended the top high school in Rhode Island, and she attended the University of Rhode Island, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She later earned a master’s degree in Education from the University of Phoenix.

Jevonya embarked on her entrepreneurial journey in 2009, which led her to start Twisted Networking, an internationally known business networking organization, in 2017. In 2020, Jevonya became a certified business consultant, and in 2021 she self-published her first book, “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker.” Jevonya loves talking about entrepreneurship, personal development, business, marketing, religion, parenting, and networking. Jevonya has three adopted sons, and she currently lives between North Carolina and Rhode Island.

At what moment in your life did you realize entrepreneurship was a part of your path? In 2009, a friend of mine reached out to me about some services that he started offering to his insurance clients, and he asked me to watch a video. As I watched the video, I immediately saw the value in the services, so I knew that I wanted to become his client. However, the video also talked about a business opportunity. I was captivated by the vision of the company and the business model, but I really couldn’t see myself being a business owner. Shortly after I watched the video, my friend informed me that he was participating in a competition, and I wanted to help him achieve his goals, so not only did I purchase the services, but I also decided to invest in this business opportunity. Initially, I was not going to work the business, but once I signed on the dotted line, I was quickly swept into the recruiting system. My first task was to have an in-home presentation to spread the word about my new business. I was in a unique situation because one of the women in the video, one of the company’s top income earners, was going to be in town from California, and she would be the one to facilitate my business launch. After hearing her story and spending time with her, I was sold on building my business. My thought was that if she could be financially successful by working with this company and we were just a few months apart in age, then I could also use this company as a vehicle to help me reach my financial goals, and that’s when I realized entrepreneurship was a part of my path.

What inspired the start of Twisted Networking? Why is networking essential to small businesses? About a year after I started my business, I received a random phone call from someone who found my business card on a bulletin board at a restaurant, and he invited me to attend a networking event. I vividly remember the feeling that I had at my first networking event. Walking into a room full of strangers sent me into my first and only panic attack. I had to leave the venue and go outside because I was hyperventilating, sweating profusely, and shaking, unlike anything I had ever experienced. After saying a quick, silent prayer, I was somehow able to regain my composure enough to go back inside. Following that experience, I started getting invited to various networking events, each with slightly different formats. I would accept the invitations even though I would be a nervous wreck before, during, and afterward. While I was at these events, I would usually watch and observe. I would interact sporadically, primarily nodding my head and listening to others speak. But I loved the thought process behind bringing like-minded business people together to share, support, and pass referrals. I quickly learned that people did business with people they knew, liked, and trusted, and networking events were the conduits for bringing people together. However, all the events that I attended left me feeling as if something was missing. So, I decided to create an event that would make networking more comfortable and easier for me. In January 2017, I held my first networking event at a Chinese restaurant in Rhode Island. My attendees loved the format that I had created. Within a few months, I was selling my system to other entrepreneurs who saw the value of networking events to build their businesses.

Networking is the #1 key to success for a small business owner. As I mentioned earlier, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. Talking to people, connecting with people, and learning from others is at the heart of networking. Developing relationships and making new connections opens doors to more opportunities, which will increase the small business owners’ value and sphere of influence in the community. Additionally, most small business owners don’t have a marketing budget. They rely on word-of-mouth advertising so networking will help a small business owner meet new people who will be more likely to do business with them. These connections will also feel comfortable enough to refer the small business owner to their family, friends, associates, and colleagues. You are an introvert; can you share the definition and how being an introvert affects you in business? According to one dictionary, an introvert is a shy, reticent person who is predominately concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than external things. Another dictionary defines an introvert as a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone. I prefer the latter definition. Being an introvert affects me in business in both positive and negative ways. Since we live in an extroverted society, many of the common business-building techniques are in direct opposition to our natural disposition. For example, socializing and networking are necessary for the business arena, but socializing and networking are usually mentally and physically draining for an introvert. Large groups can be overwhelming for us. Too much stimulation leaves us feeling distracted and unfocused.

Also, public speaking is vital in the business world, and for an introvert, the thought of talking in front of people can cause significant anxiety because we typically don’t like being the center of attention. One last example is the spirit of competition. Introverts enjoy solitude, and we spend most of our time competing with ourselves rather than focusing on what others are doing. But we make great entrepreneurs because we are drawn to projects that involve independence. We work well alone. We are excellent networkers because we listen more than we speak and communicate best in oneon-one settings. We also excel in situations that require complex thought and preparation. Finally, we take time to think before we speak and act to work well with others, especially in small group settings. How do you navigate the power networking while being an introvert?


In my book “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker,” I offer my readers a tenstep process for becoming a master networker from an introvert’s perspective. I discuss how I capitalize on being an introvert by engaging in personal development and using affirmations. I discuss how to pick and schedule networking events to conserve your energy. I also discuss how to build lasting relationships through social media. Plus, much, much more. I have been using all the techniques outlined in my book for over a decade. Despite being an introvert, they have helped me build an internationally recognized business networking organization.

You show women daily that being an introvert doesn’t stop meaningful connections. What are some tips for new entrepreneurs? I recommend that new entrepreneurs, especially those who identify as introverts, first read my book on Amazon. As they read along, they will understand how to harness their natural disposition while also mastering the art and science of connecting with people. Not only do I offer tips and strategies, but I also provide daily, weekly, and monthly action steps. My top three tips from my book are, first, have a daily regime of personal development which includes reading books, watching videos, and listening to audio programs about how to grow personally. Growing personally leads to being able to make meaningful connections. Second, attend in-person and virtual networking events. Networking events help you to learn from other business professionals, make new connections and new friends, increase your confidence and public speaking skills, become established as a center of influence in your community, and generate referrals for your business. Ultimately, the more people know you and know what you offer, the more your business will grow. Third, schedule one-on-one meetings with people that you have met. Since introverts communicate best in one-on-one settings, take full advantage of meeting with people individually. That’s where deeper, more authentic, and meaningful connections happen. What is on the horizon for Twisted Networking in 2022? In 2022, I see Twisted Networking having attendees from ten more U.S. states and ten new countries. So far, we have had guests from twenty states and five countries.

I see being invited to facilitate virtual events for other organizations and to speak on panels about the Twisted Networking journey. I also see a partnership with another internationally recognized organization that appreciates the Twisted Networking system and would like to use our program to help their clientele.

What advice do you have for the next generation of Entrepreneurs? Our society puts great emphasis on professional development, and as an entrepreneur, we can get caught up in the dayto-day of selling, and we rarely take time to grow personally. So, to the next generation of entrepreneurs, please make time for a daily regimen of personal development. Growing personally will serve you well in life, and it will help you not only get to new levels of success but will also help you maintain your success. I would also say that networking should be given greater attention because without people, there are no sales, and relationships can last a lifetime. Also, your network can get you into rooms that your products, services, and resume can’t. So, give the relationships in your life a high priority. Finally, enjoy your journey because only you can do what you do, the way you do it. Bonus: What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles? A pretty woman who hustles is a woman who takes exceptional care of her physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual well-being while also working hard to be a productive woman in society. FB: jevonya.jenkinsallen/ IG: jevonyajenkinsallen/ LinkedIn: Websites:

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