The Resident - 27th January 2012

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Friday 27th January 2012

Centre ‘not going down the Swanee’ James Hood Business Editor


Archie’s dream day with heroes Archie Fitzsimmons had a day to remember as Arsenal’s mascot for their Premier League match against Manchester United. The eight-year-old, who attends Southwater Junior Academy, met all of the Arsenal team, including captain and goal machine Robin van Persie. Being a member of the Junior Gunners supporters’ club gave Archie a dream chance to walk onto the pitch with the players and bag the stars’

autographs. He also received a new Arsenal kit. Archie said: “It was just brilliant to have been chosen. Meeting the whole team was amazing and I had a great day, even though we lost the game.” Dutch ace van Persie, pictured with Archie before kick-off, said: “It was great to meet Archie at the ground ahead of our match with Man United. I hope he enjoyed the experience and will remember it for a long time.”

The manager of Swan Walk has quashed fears that the shopping centre is in decline. Gill Buchanan was responding to a wave of concerns from Facebook users after the closure of several shops, including Barratts, Past Times, Sony Centre and Hawkins Bazaar. Jason Byles began the debate by commenting: “Walked through Swan Walk tonight and stumbled upon the Square of Despair. BBs, Sony and Past Times all gone in the last few weeks. “With units by Wilkinsons also empty and a unit next to Fat Face also empty, what are Swan Walk doing to attract new businesses or support current ones which don’t have a massive chain behind them, such as Boots or M&S? “Unless Swan Walk management move soon to keep/attract more business more may depart, making the centre look even more sad, if that’s possible.” Adam Flemming-Yates, one of dozens of people who responded, stated: “It’ll start looking like a ghost town unless something is done. “I know things are tough for businesses right now, but there must be something that can be done to get these retail spaces being used.” Mrs Buchanan told The Resident: “We have a very strong town centre team and we work really hard to ensure the town has a vibrant shopping community. “There is nothing that Swan Walk, or indeed Horsham, could do to stop Barratts or Sony Centre from closing. This is largely a national problem, with national brands. “It is a trend that is being seen across the country this year. It just so happens that a few struggling national brands have had shops in Horsham. Continued on Page 4

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Friday 27 January 2012


Telephone: 01403 251000 First Floor, 7-8 Sterling Buildings, Carfax, Horsham RH12 1DR Managing Director Matthew Wheeler

Sales & Promotions Manager Davey Pearson Studio Manager Steve Goodwin

News & Sport Editor Matthew James

Business & Entertainment Editor James Hood Graphic Designer Lewis Forsaith Accounts Manager Dave Smith

Sales Consultant Terry Oliver Distribution Manager Rod Kershaw

The Resident is Horsham District’s only independently owned newspaper, written and put together in the town by local people. Our highly focused circulation of 18,600 per week consists of print and interactive online copies combined to provide a modern dynamic to our distribution, and a readership of 36,600 per week. Figures are based on current National Readership Survey research. Pick up your FREE copy from supermarkets, newsagents, estate agents, coffee shops, dental surgeries, banks and building societies, hotels, recruitment agencies, lunch restaurants, bars, clubs, pubs, petrol stations and garages, garden centres, railways stations, Swan Walk, Piries Place shopping centre and many other retail outlets.

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Friday 27 January 2012


who killed his Will the spirit of 1945 Pensioner wife admits manslaughter return to town in 2012? With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics just months away, let’s celebrate all things British. Charlotte Schroeter takes a look at street party photos from the end of World War II, provided by Sandy Toffts 1945, the war in Europe is over and residents of Park Terrace East, Horsham, celebrate with a street party. Joyce Jennings, former resident of the road, remembers well the jubilant party her neighbours enjoyed. The photographs show union flags, bunting hung from houses and residents wearing red, white and blue clothing to celebrate Britishness. All of the residents grew up together and the vibe of a real local spirit comes across from these photos. Joyce’s friend Sandy lived opposite

her and they are friends to this day. Joyce was born in the Bishopric and still lives in the area. Her dad worked for Horsham District Council before going off to serve in the Army during World War II. The then-15-year-old Joyce was one of the accordion players in a band. Fronted by her uncle, Gordon and his Music played what she hopes were enjoyable shows at local youth clubs. Another of her uncles played violin and she believes the piano player in the band was Ron Pike, who married

a woman from Barrington Road. Neighbour Albert Browning, married to Nora, played football for Horsham and son Mick Browning is now the chairman of Horsham YMCA FC. Joyce thinks we should celebrate the Diamond Jubilee and London Olympics with street parties similar to those held for the Royal Wedding last year. Are you or your family in any of these photos or do you know anyone else who is? Email or write to Your Shout at the address on Page 2.

A man yesterday (Thursday) admitted killing his wife in West Chiltington. William Thomas Allen, 67, of Nyetimber Lane, West Chiltington, pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. He had been charged with murdering Linda Allen, 64, at their rented home in June last year. At Lewes Crown Court, Judge Richard Brown imposed a hospital order on Allen, along with a restriction order which means the Ministry of Justice will determine his release date. Det Chief Insp Trevor Bowles said: “This was a tragic set of events. Sadly we will never know the real reason TOP




why Mr Allen killed his wife in a moment of extreme violence. “I believe justice has been served today as the hospital order imposed on Allen will ensure he is treated in a mental health unit without any limit of time.” Allen was arrested on suspicion of murder after calling the emergency services from his home at about 2.40pm on June 9. Police found him in the hallway of the six-bedroom rented property, with knife injuries to his legs. The body of Mrs Allen, who had sustained head injuries and stab wounds to the chest, was on a bed upstairs. There was blood throughout the house.



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Friday 27 January 2012


Adapt or die Horsham ‘won’t become a ghost town’ Nik Butler


I doff my hat to Jason Byles (aka @ Jipin) for coining the phrase “The Square of Despair” and sparking a fairly lengthy set of discussions on the Horsham Facebook group ( On the one hand we see the loss of jobs, the loss of retail and urban lividity. On the other we can appreciate that many of these “generic” shops served as nothing more than placeholders of corporate position in our shopping landscape, soon sacrificed to a distant HQ’s bottom line. Some are blaming “the economy” as if it is a singular actionable force pressuring shops to close and streets to seek out pound shops and shortterm leases. This is misguided, if only because the economy is what is happening as you read this article, not a causative effect. Rising car park charges are blamed for discouraging customers from visiting, and the spectre of out-of-town supermarkets is thrown into the mix. Thankfully no one threw the internet under the blame bus, if only because the contradiction of posting that on Facebook would be too much. The conversation reminds me of a much-misquoted line by Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” I used to believe that permission for shops in Horsham was given not by plan and thought but by rota – this year it is card shops , last year shoe shops, the year before that was DVDs and maybe the next year another collection of coffee shops. Shops die for a lack of people buying stuff in them. That may seem incredibly simple, or possibly patronising, but business survives on sales. It is not the parking charges, it is not the rates, it is not the events, the festivals, the gimmicks or social media campaigns, it is sales. It is people buying stuff and wanting stuff and finding stuff. The discussion is evidence that our ability to share and expect change is occurring faster and with less oversight of communication or committee. We need to stop asking what we can do that is different and need to stop stating the problem in terms of “what this town needs is”. We need to start looking at how we should be adapting to retail and business life that is as much about online as it is about on the street. Many of the smaller retailers in Horsham district are selling products online despite their bricks and mortar shops or tent and canvas stalls. Remember this in December. Supporting a local retailer might well mean shopping through Amazon or at the retailer’s website, not necessarily visiting their premises. If those online sales are more lucrative and profitable to a small business, should we expect them to keep a shopfront with all its incumbent responsibilities just because we fear a smaller town centre? Those who are adaptable to change are the most likely to survive.

Continued from Page 1 “I understand the frustrations of the public when there are empty units in the shopping centre and I have read the comments on Facebook. But these businesses are in administration. We have no access legally. “We can bring people in, but I can’t make people go into shop A or shop B. “The units will be filled by new businesses, but the lettings process takes time. It’s like buying or selling a property. It doesn’t happen in a week. It’s in the shopping centre’s landlord’s best interests to make sure these units are occupied. “The arrival of The Real Eating Company will invigorate the area and will help other tenants. We have also introduced Fat Face and Ollie and Nic recently.

“I can assure you that we are passionate about the shopping centre and the town, because you have to look at the town as a whole. “The responses on Facebook show that people care in this town, which is a good thing. I want people to know

I am just as passionate about making this town as vibrant and successful as it can be. “I am confident that 2012 will see exciting developments at the centre.”

2012 will see exciting ‘developments ’

Facebook Jason Byles asked the 7,600+ members of the Horsham Facebook page for their views on recent shop closures and empty units in Swan Walk, and what they thought could be done.

Here are a few of their comments... Tony Isted Surely even £1 per month rent is better for the centre than a unit being vacant for a year? Are they just keeping rents stupidly high out of principle? Seems poor business sense to me. National issues have been blamed for the closure of Sony Centre

Charlotte Schroeter asked people in Horsham: “What can be done to make sure Swan Walk remains vibrant?” Nick and Pat Burstow, owners of Classic Bags, which relocated from Swan Walk to Piries Place “Where our shop used to be, the other shops (The Fabric Shop and Malibu Leather) were forced to close to allow room for a big store. That was September 2010 and the units are still empty. “Swan Walk could be friendlier to the residents and shop owners. They charge too much rent and didn’t seem to want to help enough. “They took down our relocation posters within 24 hours of us handing our key back. Swan Walk didn’t promote us and didn’t help any of us that closed. “They don’t have the right mix – there were three bag shops within 20ft of each other. “The whole of the town is

Horsham on

suffering, not just Swan Walk. A lot of people who live in Horsham don’t shop here. West Street and Swan Walk have done downhill.”

Debbie Gibson, manager of Thorntons “Lower the rents. The parking prices don’t help either, especially the rises. I have pre-paid so it’s cheaper, but it’s still a lot of money. “Swan Walk is clean and tidy and well managed. I don’t think there’s much they can do.” Chloe Lights, manager of Regis hair salon “It’s the same everywhere. Swan Walk should make use of the spare units, even if they lower the rent for smaller companies. It’s better than having no one there.”

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Dorothy Miller, 75, from Horsham “These closures are disgusting. Horsham is a beautiful town, but the best shops are going. I used to like sitting in BB’s, but it’s gone. Shocking.”

Henry Gonzalez, 45, from Horsham “We need to create more jobs in the area. When the shops go, the jobs are moved elsewhere and there are no new jobs created here.”

Anonymous woman, from Broadbridge Heath “I only really come to Swan Walk to go to M&S. I go to Bluewater if I want to go shopping. The parking charges in Horsham don’t help.”

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Neil Moore I agree, I was only thinking the same thing on Thursday when I walked through the town. There needs to be a cohesive campaign by the local authority and landlords to encourage new businesses that are niche players offering exceptional and interesting products and excel at the service they deliver. I think that customers are fed up with all the main high street chains that offer the same dismal products, or is it just me?! John Steele Swan Walk is well managed: clean, bright, and safe. Scarcely their fault when national chains go bust. Too many expanded too fast on borrowed money... now where have we heard that before? I’m sure Swan Walk will bounce back before long. Claire Edwards I moved away two years ago and whenever I come back to visit my home town now I’m sad to see all the shops that have closed down. Horsham used to be a great place to shop, work and live but not anymore it seems. Catriona Findlay Dear Horsham District Council - take note. Retailers are abandoning Horsham. Now justify your car park price rises. Chris Skelton It is small businesses that bring customers into town... everything the big boys sell can be purchased cheaper on the internet. This is not the case with small business. Improve diversity and richness for shoppers and everyone benefits. Donald Robertson Every so often I walk through town and spot a new business that looks like it’s blatantly going to struggle to turn a profit. Sure enough, most of the time, within a year or so, it’s closed up. It’s tough for businesses but some of these shops are selling things that aren’t really worth buying and sit empty most of the time. (Probably not appropriate to name them.) Then there are obvious gaps in the market, like the lack of a decent cafe in the town centre that sells cooked breakfasts etc, rather than just sandwiches.


Friday 27 January 2012


Will HAODS go the way of Hoads? Stephen Gadd Horsham Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society

Since 1954, Horsham Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (HAODS) has been performing musicals, operettas and plays to Horsham audiences. The society, which is open to all local people to join, operates from its base at HAODS House, in the Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre. Two or three times a year, performances take place at The Capitol theatre, frequently to almost full houses and critical acclaim. In addition to the performers, an army of back-stage crew, props and costume teams and other helpers bring the numbers involved in each production to over 100. Under its constitution, following successful shows, donations are

made to local charities from the profits. Visitors to HAODS rehearsals are struck by the camaraderie of the cast members – grandparents to teenage students, all working together for a common aim. A better definition of Big Society at work in Horsham you are unlikely ever to see! During its time at the leisure centre, HAODS has operated as an umbrella organisation for the promotion of arts in the community. Its facilities are shared by many other groups, including junior performance arts and dance classes. Many of the thousands of Horsham people who have been members of HAODS over the last 58 years have

gone on to work in the theatre or have been active at amateur level in local performance arts. HAODS’ membership numbers and finances are sound and steady and its committee are planning for it to be a continuing and important part of the town’s art and leisure scene for years to come.

HAODS acknowledges the support and encouragement it has received from the council over the years, with the provision of our present accommodation with a generous rent and rate allowance. At the time of the construction of the present leisure centre, the council acknowledged the partnership

It is our belief that ‘HAODS would disappear the moment the wrecker ball strikes

A HAODS performance of Oklahoma! in 2010

between the local theatre and its principal local hirers. The present accommodation provides a high ceiling scenery and props construction dock, a costume store and a rehearsal room of similar dimensions to The Capitol stage. Without these facilities and the council’s generosity, HAODS could not continue to operate in its current form. While we appreciate the commercial reasoning behind the current redevelopment proposals, it is our belief that HAODS would be one of the many arts and leisure groups currently based at the leisure centre that would be unable to relocate locally and would quite simply disappear the moment the wrecker ball strikes. The short-term cash gain from any planning agreements must be measured in the loss to arts and leisure in the local community. This is a difficult thing to put a price to. But Horsham will be a much worse place for its loss.

Business case will be considered in detail Cllr Jonathan Chowen (Conservative) Horsham District Council

N No o C & Joi ont No nin ra c Ca g F t, tc ee h!

On December 21, Horsham District Council agreed revised recommendations for the future of Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre. Since then, I and my colleagues have been working hard to put in hand the detailed programme of work to give effect to the council’s decisions. Central to our revised approach is the preparation of a detailed business case. This will look at a range of options.

Once these options have been thoroughly investigated, we will consult local users, stakeholders and the community. The detailed terms of reference for the business case have been developed and agreed by me in concert with the council’s sport and leisure advisory group, which comprises Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Independent councillors. We are publishing these terms of reference and a full version of the brief can be found at www.horsham. A range of options will all be evaluated against cost, usage and how access to existing or alternative facilities could be maintained or provided. Other issues will be investigated, including essential repairs, the

impact on the community, the valuation of the site and the implications of retaining, closing or relocating specific facilities. Alternative funding sources will also be explored.

We will take ‘informed decisions

based on evidence, fact and our consultation

We will be appointing independent experts, including those recommended by Sport England, to help us undertake this work and to bring a fresh perspective to it. We intend to work with users and

stakeholders in the preparation of the business case, in advance of the formal district-wide consultation to be undertaken on its findings. I will oversee the whole process, supported by the sport and leisure advisory group, which will meet regularly while the work progresses. No decision will be made until both the business case and planning brief have been approved by the council. Residents have put a lot of time and effort in undertaking a detailed examination and scrutiny of issues and reports. I commend and thank them for this. The work I have set in train is designed to provide a transparent and agreed evidence base and a robust evaluation of options, which command widespread trust and

confidence. I hope we can engage in a constructive dialogue. I and all my council colleagues remain committed to providing good-quality, affordable and sustainable leisure facilities suitable for the needs of the 21st Century. This will not be easy against the backdrop of one of the most challenging financial situations any of us can remember. The outcome of the business case is not pre-determined. We will take informed decisions based on evidence, fact and the results of our consultation. I am optimistic we will find solutions that work for our community and in this way the decisions we ultimately take will command public confidence.

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Friday 27 January 2012


New leader Cllr Ray Dawe has been elected leader of the Conservative group on Horsham District Council. It means Cllr Dawe, who is acting leader of the Tory-run council, is almost certain to become council leader on February 22. He said: “I’m very grateful to my Conservative colleagues for showing their con�idence in me by electing me their leader. I’m determined to show that I’m worthy of that trust. “My name will now go forward for election as leader of Horsham District Council at our February meeting. I’m conscious of the great responsibilities that this job entails and I will work hard to represent the interests of all our residents. “I’m unashamedly ambitious for our district. I want Horsham district – with Horsham town at its heart – to continue to be known as an excellent place to live and work.” Five candidates will contest the district council by-election for Itching�ield, Slinfold and Warnham. David Hide (Labour), Justin Pickard (Green), Stuart Ritchie (Conservative), Ian Shepherd (Liberal Democrat) and George Tribe (UKIP) have been nominated to �ight the February 16 election. Voters will decide who replaces former Tory councillor Robert Nye, who last month resigned as leader of the council and as a councillor for the ward, citing personal reasons related to the �inances of his business. Martin Dale (Independent) was the only candidate nominated for the Pulborough Parish Council election so he will be elected unopposed on February 16.

Just give me the Fracks, please Simon Clare


Photo by John Lines

The Paralympic spirit at Tanbridge Sixteen youngsters from Tanbridge House School have been selected as of�icial Young Games Makers for the 2012 Paralympics. The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) has chosen more than 2,000 people aged 16 to 18 to help make the Games happen. More than 80 Tanbridge House pupils applied for Young Games Maker places. The chosen 16 were interviewed and took part in teambuilding activities as part of the selection process.

After training at school and experience during other competitions, the pupils will be Young Games Makers for the sitting volleyball Paralympic event in August. Their main roles will be as ball boys, ball girls and moppers for the competitors. Tanbridge House was already supporting and working closely with Emma Wiggs, captain of Great Britain’s women’s sitting volleyball team. Head teacher Jules White said: “I am delighted that our efforts to support the Olympic and Paralympic

Games have been rewarded with this fantastic opportunity. “Everyone connected to the school is excited about the London Games and looking forward to continuing to support Olympic hopefuls such as Mark Hawkins (handball), Seb Tresize (discus) and Emma Wiggs.” Laura Vizor, one of those chosen to be a Young Games Maker, said: “I am very proud and honoured. It is a fantastic achievement for the team from Tanbridge House School and I know we will all enjoy and learn from the experience.”


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The “Fracking” debate raised its head again last week and offers a perfect example of why I started the Horsham cell of ‘Skeptics in the Pub’. Under the headline “Fracking hell?”, Liberal Democrat MEP Sharon Bowles added her voice to the chorus of opposition to the exploratory drilling works near Balcombe. She called for a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing until safety concerns can be addressed; a perfectly reasonable request on the face of it. She then proceeded to invoke images of earthquakes and �lammable tap-water, the anti-fracking lobby’s trump card. We don’t want earthquakes and �lammable tap-water in Sussex do we? Case closed. It is a lot easier to get people on your side early in a debate than it is to get them to change their minds about it further down the line. Politicians and campaigners know this. In presenting us with a seemingly open–and–shut case against fracking at the outset – dressed up as an impartial plea for further investigation into the safety of the technique – the ‘anti’ lobby will gain many adherents to their cause. Should it transpire that the Sussex geology isn’t susceptible to dangerous, fracking-induced earthquakes or that our tap water is not at risk of becoming �lammable, well, that wouldn’t matter. People generally don’t like admitting that they may have been hasty in their initial judgment and, you know, oil companies are evil anyway. There are good environmental and economic arguments against the use of fracking in some locations, so it pains me to see anti-frackers resorting to scare-tactics (Earthquakes! Burning water!). If your cause is just, is it not undermined when followers resort to cynical manipulation to gain popular support? If the facts speak for themselves, should we not expose those facts and go from there? Approaching such technical issues as fracking from opposite ends of an ideological battle�ield is a good way to make sure that the facts are lost in the fog of political war. If we are going to have a constructive debate about a speci�ic subject (fracking, NHS reform, tuition fees), let’s make it a discussion based on the facts �irst. Such debates suffer when they are used as a proxy for a greater ideological struggle and progress falters. The world is too complicated for us to base judgments about such issues on our preconceived notions alone. Looking back over my life and seeing how often my own opinions have turned out to be quite horrendously misguided, I recoil when I see campaigners trying to in�luence my opinion by the sheer force of their outrage or passion. If they are right, then they can show me the evidence and the causality. I’ll make up my own mind.


Friday 27 January 2012


Pupils bag eco prize

Hoover Dam

Pupils took their eco bags to the United States as part of a competition run by Billingshurst Primary School, promoting use of the bags. Head teacher Helen Williamson said: “It was lovely to see the children so enthusiastic about our school eco bag and it was amazing to see how far the bags had travelled. “We had entries from South

Africa, Hong Kong and America to local areas such as Whitby, the Yorkshire Dales and Brighton beach.” Chosen by Noel Kavanagh, owner of Kavanagh’s Budgens, five youngsters won shopping vouchers for their families and classes after compiling a montage and story from California. All of the entries will be displayed in the store.

Yosemite National Park

New parking Council heralds progress Help with digital move charges are on new affordable homes defended A senior councillor has defended the decision to increase most car parking charges in Horsham on February 9. An average increase of 20 per cent – and some 50 per cent rises – were first revealed on www.the-resident. in October. Horsham district councillor Roger Paterson, Cabinet member for the local economy, said: “We have put up these charges for the first time in two years to help us invest in bringing our car parks up to date and to prepare them for new technology, providing a better experience. “We have introduced a new option to pay for 30-minute car parking in the town, while Hop Oast park-andride charges have not been increased. “Having delayed the VAT increase introduced by the government since last year, we are now having to pass this on to car park users. “In taking these actions, we remain very conscious that the new car park rates still compare very competitively with other towns in our local area.”

Keeping warm in the winter Seven district and borough councils in West Sussex, including Horsham District Council, are sharing £617,800 to deliver a co-ordinated programme of “winter warmth assistance”. The government money is funding the Warmer West Sussex programme for eligible residents, including free home visits from qualified energy assessors and up to £50-worth of free energy-saving kit per qualifying home. Cllr Andrew Baldwin, Horsham District Council Cabinet member, said: “Many households are under enormous pressure to make ends meet, especially due to high fuel bills. This initiative should help prevent some people having to live in a cold house this winter. “The energy advisers will be able to offer useful advice and practical assistance tailored to individuals’ homes. I would encourage anyone that is contacted by Climate Energy to take up the offer of a visit.”

Horsham District Council says it has been working with a number of partners to improve the level of affordable housing in the district. Ten new affordable homes were completed at Farthings Hill, Horsham, at the end of 2011 and form part of a larger development adjacent to a veterinary surgery. Moat Housing Association manages the four houses being sold on shared ownership leases and the six family homes for rent. Thirty-eight homes are due to be completed at Bryce Lodge, Horsham, next month. The scheme is being developed by Saxon Weald and the homes are being built to very high standards of sustainable construction. A further 10 new affordable homes

will be completed at Trinity Fields, Lower Beeding, in the spring. These are being provided by Hastoe Housing Association and will be allocated to Lower Beeding households in need. Thirteen homes for local people in Ashington, owned and managed by English Rural Housing Association, are also due for completion in the spring. Both of the village schemes and the homes at Bryce Lodge have been partly funded by Horsham District Council through contributions to affordable housing provided by developers. Another 135 affordable homes are in the early stages of construction and 70 more are about to start on site. Cllr Ian Howard said: “It is very pleasing to see, at last, an increase in the number of affordable houses.”

Sgt Sarah Friend, of Sussex Police in Horsham, wants to ensure residents know how to switch to digital television. With little more than a month until the move from analogue TV, Sgt Friend is backing the Switchover Help Scheme’s Helping Hand campaign so every eligible older and disabled person knows about the help they can get. She said: “Digital switchover is happening in Horsham in March. Even if you’re ready, you may have friends or neighbours who may be confused about what to do. “The Switchover Help Scheme offers practical support to help older and disabled people convert one of their TV sets to digital. “We can all do our bit and lend a helping hand by ensuring that the

older and disabled people of our community know about the help they can receive. “The services provided by the team to eligible people are very important to maintain entertainment and information services, particularly to housebound, elderly residents. “We will be working closely with the Help Scheme networkers to ensure that the scheme is rolled out smoothly and safely for our residents”. The Midhurst transmitter, serving much of West Sussex, will begin to switch to digital on February 29. A Helping Hand event will be held at Horsham Library on Monday (10am to 3.30pm). For more information, visit


Friday 27 January 2012

Your Shout

Your Shout

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The Resident wants to hear from you! Send your views to our News Editor, Matthew James, at matthew@ or write to us at Your Shout, The Resident, First Floor, 7-8 Sterling Buildings, Carfax, Horsham RH12 1DR We will not publish house numbers, but please include your full name and address with your comments


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Ms Cross appears to be under the illusion that because “public sector workers pay tax and National Insurance” this payment is additional revenue (The Resident, January 13). It is not! The taxes from the private sector are utilised to fund wholly the public sector, including the total remuneration for each and every employee. As the private sector taxes are utilised in this manner, the gross pay for each public sector employee is funded by the private sector taxpayer. It follows that the payment of tax and NI from public sector pay is a net payment to HMRC, not additional revenue. I served for 15 years in the Armed Services and therefore have an insight into the public sector. I used to think as Ms Cross does that as I paid tax and NI I was contributing financially. I have also been a governor and have knowledge and experience of school budgets etc. The contribution the public sector is supposed to make is indeed, as Ms Cross states, the provision of public services. It is a shame then that the state of the roads in West Sussex is so deplorable. Due to the deficit reductions, councils, including West Sussex County Council, have had fewer public funds to allocate to the delivery of services. This has caused the decision makers to be far from inventive and to merely move the goalposts for “the old and vulnerable”, thereby taking out of scope many of those for whom public services are designed. Bus subsidies have been cut, together with youth services. Horsham District Council has recently proposed charges for evening and Sunday parking in an effort to increase its revenue, with little or no thought to examining how it conducts and delivers services and where improvements can be made while maintaining the services for which these institutions are legally obliged. It appears the public sector continues to operate as if there is a bottomless pit of money and uses as cash cows the very individuals for whom it should be providing services. Perhaps Liam Byrne’s nowinfamous memo should be a poster in all public sector offices. “There is no money”? There is no justification, nor does it make sense, for the purchase of the former RSA buildings

What do you think?

in Horsham at a cost of £19 million to the council taxpayer, to house a replica head office. There is every justification for the two head offices to be amalgamated in order to reduce costs and divert savings towards the delivery of services. It is also a fact that former public sector staff claiming benefits cost less than warming seats in duplicate head offices. Another misconception in the letter, which appears to be pure union rhetoric, is the claim that the need for “cuts” is down to banks and building societies “over-lending”. It may be an unpalatable truth – however, truth it is – that the multi-billion-pound structural deficit was amassed by Labour and no bank or banker contributed to this. During the tenure of a Labour government, the public sector borrowing requirement is generally increased and on this occasion exponentially. The light-touch regulation, the setting up of the Financial Services Authority (quango?) and the distancing of the Bank of England from government, coupled with an artificial economy, were also in the mix, but the structural deficit was Labour’s gift to the nation. It is right and proper to have a public sector, but one which is six million strong and consumes 53 per cent of the UK’s GDP is unaffordable and unsustainable. We should be proud of our public services. However, payments to outgoing chief executives of six figures and the purchase of duplicate head offices are not providing quality, effective, efficient public services. Perhaps those in the public sector would like to reflect on the fact that, on average, their remuneration is some seven per cent greater than for their private sector counterparts. Before anyone chokes over their cornflakes, this information is from the Office for National Statistics. While those in the public sector have enjoyed year-on-year cost-of-living increases, many in the private sector have seen their remuneration stagnate or reduce. There may be a pay freeze. However, for those on annual incremental salary scales, these increments will still be paid during the pay freeze – for nothing more than clocking up another year’s service (source: Mark Serwotka, PCS website). Sarah Turner Shottermill, Horsham

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Friday 27 January 2012

Your Shout

Blighting our beautiful area I have never written to a newspaper before and I am now a pensioner, so hope I can make sense. There is a subject that continues to bother me since my return to live in this beautiful country after many years’ absence in the colonies. We live in very difficult financial times, as we know all too well. There just isn’t enough money to go around for all those aspects of life that we take so much for granted. Which makes it all the more upsetting to see countless hundreds of thousands of our taxes being wasted in a callous and obnoxious way. There has been much written in The Resident about the potential closure of Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, the need for Horsham to have better hospital facilities, the cutting back of bus routes in some areas of the county, and the list goes on. But still the sad wastage of taxpayers’ money continues and worsens month by month. What area of wastage am I talking about? An area that is within easy control of each and every one of us who live in Horsham and its surrounding townships and villages – litter! By its own admission, Horsham District Council spends £400,000 a year picking up rubbish carelessly discarded by people who live in or visit this area. Nationally, it costs the government huge sums of money to clear up litter that has increased over 500 times since the 1960s and shows no sign of improvement despite various campaigns. I have lived overseas for many years and I have to say that Horsham is a fantastic place to live. We have so many facilities here that are just taken for granted by many and are just not available in many towns of similar size. Young people: Think before you drop that packet or bottle or cigarette packet. You are not going to be young forever. Is a dirty, littered, polluted countryside what you really want for your future children? When you throw that piece of litter out the window driving down a country lane, residential road or motorway, who do you think is going

to pick it up? Or don’t you care that you are potentially polluting our waterways, damaging the wildlife we are so lucky to have and creating a depressing, littered, untidy-looking environment? Older people: Teach our families to be responsible and to care about the wonderful environment we have here. Talk about the fact that littering is actually a crime – it is illegal to litter. Talk about the benefits that could be available if money spent on picking up litter could be channelled into much more uplifting areas. Teach by example and stop littering, if you have that habit. Keep a bag in the car for litter and recycle what you can when you get home. Smokers: Cigarette butts are bad enough, but why drop the empty packet on the ground? How heavy is an empty cigarette packet? Carry it until you can put it in a bin somewhere. Dog owners: Great job picking up your dog’s mess in a plastic bag, but please don’t hang it in a tree or toss it into the nearest bush. Schools: Use the captive audience situation you have to work with impressionable minds. Talk about the future and what is going to happen to this country if we continue to be as apathetic as we are now. What happens if the council has to cut back even further on things like road cleaning? Are we going to continue to throw litter out of the window and then have to drive through a mess every time we go out or are we going to take ownership for our actions and strive to maintain the fantastic town and countryside we are so fortunate to live in? Believe me, after living many years overseas, what we have here is well worth being passionate about. Where else can you go walking in the countryside for miles through the wonderful bridle path and footpath system we have? Marvel at our historic buildings and parklands, the beauty of our villages and treasure it all before it is too late. Thank you for allowing me to write to you.

Arun Line is just a cash cow for Southern Ever since Southern succeeded the then-hated Connex (the good old days), the Arun Line, especially to and from London Bridge, has been no more than a cash cow to Southern’s greed and general distain for its customers. 2012 has now brought an above-inflation increase in fares and, if it were possible, a marked

deterioration in “service”, from dreadful to abysmal. Train times, even on the basis of the Southern timetable, are now over 10 minutes longer than 25 years ago under good old BR. No train during peak times has arrived on time since Kate Middleton left school. Trains are cancelled, short-formed, broken down or have seats only a French anorexic

Ken Macdonald Oliver Road, Horsham




I was interested to read Robert Worley’s criticism of West Sussex Humanists (The Resident, January 20). He wrote: “Christianity has shaped our culture – the way we think and act. If we were to get rid of it, I suggest we could end up

with something far, far worse.” I can’t speak on behalf of the Humanists, but Mr Worley conveniently overlooks the fact that religious differences have been central to so many wars and so much suffering over so many years. Lynda P Roth Newham Lane, Steyning



Unit I, Foundry Close, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5TX

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Religion at the core of wars

could fit into. For over £3,500 per annum, we expect more than one direct service in the morning and one at night. These are always late, if running at all, and constantly delayed in favour of trains on the Brighton line. Where does our money go? Not on the Arun Valley line, that’s for sure.

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Friday 27 January 2012


New bus may hit the road soon Bus users have chosen Sussex Coaches as their preferred company to replace some of the journeys on a soon-to-be-axed route. A new bus, before and after school at Warden Park in Cuckfield, may run from Billingshurst to Haywards Heath and back, via Cowfold and possibly Southwater. This would be available to the public, not just schoolchildren. The 86 Metrobus service was one of more than 60 highlighted by The Resident in May last year as being earmarked for the axe in September or October 2011, due to subsidy cuts. Campaigners initially won a stay of execution, but a county council committee recommended the subsidy

be withdrawn in April this year and the cut was approved by Cllr Pieter Montyn, council Cabinet member for transport. The 86 serves Horsham, Southwater, West Grinstead, Partridge Green, Shermanbury, Cowfold, Bolney, Ansty, Cuckfield and Haywards Heath. Campaigners staged a meeting at Cowfold Village Hall, giving bus companies the chance to explain their proposals for the route. Organiser Caroline Collins, from Cowfold, said: “We had a very decent, productive and calm meeting, attended by approximately 40 people. “Once the bus companies had left, we held a ballot and counted up the votes. The clear winners were Sussex

Food for thought for Farlington girls Year 2 Farlington girls saw the bakery, refrigerated delivery area and fresh produce at Morrisons, Reigate, as part of their Food Around the World topic.

School spokesman Diana Heath said: “The opportunity to see how a supermarket works from the inside brought to life the work the girls have been doing in class.”

Coaches. “The winning option keeps the public transport link alive in our villages, albeit by its fingertips, while ensuring it remains affordable to all.

The winning option ‘keeps the public transport link alive in our villages

“Beyond the provision of schooltimed transport, the issue of community transport for other 86 bus users is still being researched. A survey has

been sent out to all residents in Cowfold and the closing date for replies is Saturday, January 28. “We hope that perhaps future plans made by the county council may be better thought through and some effort may go into the thinking on how to replace services that are cut, before dumping it catastrophically on our doorsteps, expecting us to ‘do it yourself’. “That said, the total fiasco that our district council is making over the threatened closure of Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre would suggest that this inability to plan ahead, and to empathise with the users of these services, is inherent in the two organisations.”

Fatal crash A man who died on the A280 at Long Furlong, near Findon, has been named as John Sebastian Brown, of Amberley Road, Storrington. Mr Brown, 62, was killed when his Peugeot car was involved in a collision with a lorry at 2.25pm on Wednesday last week.

Centre shuts Old Mill Shopping Centre, Storrington, was evacuated after a gas leak on Thursday last week. Old Mill Drive and the surrounding area were cordoned off and Storrington firefighters were on the scene for more than four hours from about 2.40pm.

Cars burnt out Three cars were destroyed by fire and one other damaged in the car park of the health centre in Tanyard Lane, Steyning. Firefighters said an electrical fault in an Audi appeared to have started the blaze, which spread to a VW Polo, Honda Civic and Ford Focus.


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


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Friday 27 January 2012


How magician soldier cheated death at the hands of brutal Japanese captors Peter Fyans, of Best Practice IFA Group in Horsham, has written his first book. Sophia Moir reports on Captivity, Slavery and Survival as a Far East POW: The Conjuror on the Kwai “They could look at me, but they couldn’t see inside of me.” These were the �irst thoughts of soldier Fergus ‘Gus’ Anckorn as he arrived home in England after four horrendous years as a Prisoner of War (POW) in the Far East. Author Peter Fyans met the veteran soldier at a social evening in 2008 and was instantly drawn to this cheerful, chatty man who had donned his military blazer. They got talking and Anckorn revealed he had worked on the ‘Death Railway’ in World War II, subject of the novel The Bridge over the River Kwai. An independent �inancial adviser in North Street, Horsham, Fyans was waiting for his big break as a writer. He always knew he wanted to pen a book but hadn’t found his subject – until now. Fyans wrote the book with Anckorn so the true story is told in the �irst person, from Anckorn’s perspective. We really get an insight into his innermost thoughts and feelings, his hopes and fears, his dreams and aspirations. The book chronicles Anckorn’s life from his �irst moment as a soldier, through his time as a PoW (oppressed by the Japanese) to his life post-war, but his attitude is

surprisingly cheery throughout. He makes light of dark subjects, such as the Blitz on London or surviving on a grain of rice a day in the prison camps. Fyans repeatedly reinforces Anckorn’s claims through historical research, such as MoD statements or photographs found later on. It is hard to believe some of the things Anckorn describes. You really learn about the reality of the war for these soldiers, turned PoW, and the harsh, brutal conditions they endured.

Japanese had ‘noThequalms skinning

pigs alive or burying soldiers who were still breathing

The plight of the soldiers is evident through their sheer desperation to survive another day at the hands of the brutal Japanese, or Japs as he calls them, who had no qualms skinning pigs alive or burying soldiers who were still breathing. Some of the situations the soldiers were forced into are simply


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unimaginable – killing a baby kitten for its meat or beating up another prisoner for a measly grain of rice. But Anckorn remains distant throughout, always keeping himself to himself, always trying to retain his pride and keep his morale high. In all honesty, it is unbelievable that Anckorn is still alive to tell his story as he must have cheated death about 10 times. At some moments, he was inches away but survived by the skin of his teeth. Anckorn is a magician. He was the youngest member of the prestigious Magic Circle before he joined the war and is the oldest member today. And it was his use of magic that often saved him – fooling the ‘Japs’ into keeping him alive. At one point, he stole 50 eggs from the kitchen (which he gave his fellow prisoners as food) and the Japanese found out. This was an offence punishable by death, but Anckorn simply stated he needed 50 eggs to practise his magic with and they let him off. Astonishing! Alongside the story of his time in the camps, he tells of the letters he received from home and from his beloved �iancée, Lucille. By the end of the book, you really feel his heartache. You are hoping Lucille is waiting for him at the

station and that the two of them will live happily ever after. It is a love story more than anything else and you can feel the agony he suffered while away from his sweetheart. When the war eventually �inished and Anckorn arrived home, he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but little was known about the condition at that time. He found it hard to adjust, jumping to the ground when thinking a plane was a Image courtesy of Pen and Sword Books bomber, and suffered from extreme with ‘normal’ people? memory loss. February 15 this year will be the It is clear that the conditions he endured in the camps will remain 70th anniversary of the fall of Singapore, which is what catapulted with him forever. Will he reunite with Lucille and Anckorn into the war. It is the ideal time to pick up this live happily ever after? Will he be able to put the war behind him and book and �ind out whether an excarry on with his life in London? Will PoW ever recovered from his unimhe ever be able to start a ‘normal’ job aginable ordeal.

Warning after chimney �ires A sharp rise in chimney �ires across the county has sparked a safety warning from West Sussex Fire and Rescue. Jackie Boyle, community risk reduction of�icer, said: “Many people are turning to open �ires to keep out the winter chill, but if basic safety precautions aren’t followed they can become a serious �ire hazard. “The best piece of advice we can give to anyone planning to light a �ire is to make sure they get their

chimney checked and swept. “Chimney �ires are one of the most common incidents that our crews attend, but many could so easily have been avoided. “The consequence of a chimney �ire isn’t just the damage caused by the blaze itself. Damage from the soot and smoke can affect all of your personal property. “If you are able to, inspect your chimney breast, particularly in the roof space. Make sure that it is sound

and that the sparks or fumes cannot escape through cracks or broken bricks. “You should also make sure you have a working smoke alarm on each level of your home. Early warning to a �ire really is a lifesaver and means damage to your property can hopefully be kept to a minimum.” To �ind your local chimney sweep, phone the National Association of Chimney Sweeps on 0800 833464 or visit

Scratchcards to the rescue Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance has launched scratchcards to raise money for the life-saving charity. The emergency service relies on its in-house lottery and public donations to help raise £5million per year to keep two helicopters operational. The cards are £1 each and are available via


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THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


Businesses get dressed up for window awards

Woodlands’ David Jeffrey, Alice Peach and Lauren Cartwright with Business Editor James Hood

Almost 90 of Horsham’s retailers and others from the local business community attended an awards ceremony that celebrated the best dress Christmas windows of 2011. The Dress for Success Business Awards scheme was organised by Horsham Unlimited, a town centre business partnership, and encouraged the town’s shops, cafés, restaurants and estate agents to dress up their window displays. During the two months leading up to Christmas, the public had the opportunity to vote for their favourite window display and those who received votes were placed into categories. Those included Best Restaurant/ Bar/Café, Best Fashion Store and Best Property Agent (sponsored by The Resident). The winners were announced at the awards ceremony, held recently at The Capitol theatre in Horsham. On the night, Woodlands estate agents, James Clothing, Carmela

restaurant and Just Brownies market stall were among the winners. Sarah Ediss, from Spofforths, which was also a sponsor of the event, said: “Spofforths really enjoyed being involved with the Christmas windows campaign and meeting the retailers who took part. “The awards ceremony was a great occasion with many Horsham retailers receiving the recognition they deserve. “They created some wonderful shop windows over the festive period making the town a great shopping destination. “The campaign enabled retailers and sponsors to work in partnership, which has proved so bene�icial.” Councillor Roger Paterson, Horsham District Council’s Cabinet Member for the Local Economy, said: “What a great evening, and what a wonderful example of the depth of talent and marketing skills in Horsham’s retail scene.

Photos by Toby Phillips

“It’s clear that the town has welcomed the challenge of creating the Regent Street of the South and why the results of this year’s Dressed for Success proved such a huge success.”

PR team is running to raise cash for cancer Two companies have teamed up to raise funds for The Pickering Cancer Drop-In Centre. Colleagues from Wildwood PR, based in Faygate, will be donning their running shoes and heading to Tunbridge Wells to compete in the Lifestyle Renault Half Marathon, through the Kent countryside, on February 26. Wildwood PR has joined forces with staff from Lifestyle Europe in Horsham, Crawley, Redhill and Tunbridge Wells to support the cancer charity. Managing director at Wildwood, Tanya Houston, said: “We wanted to do our bit too. Many of us have friends and family affected by cancer and the support that charities like the Pickering Cancer Drop-in Centre provide for patients and their families is vital in coping with cancer and its treatment. “I won’t say I’ll be running because

Bereaved children will bene�it from Spofforths £730 donation

From left: Adrian Pearce, with Debbie Brown and Cate Masheder from Winston’s Wish

Spofforths, the Sussex accountancy the facilities at Winston’s Wish’s new �irm, has donated £730 to charity Horsham of�ice in Spring�ield Road. He was able to see the family room, Winston’s Wish. The money was collected for the where children receive counselling, childhood bereavement charity at an and also hear about the therapeutic Olympic event held in December by services provided. Every 22 minutes a child in Britain Spofforths. A representative from Winston’s is bereaved of a parent. Winston’s Wish said: “We are delighted to re- Wish provides a number of services ceive the funds. The money is greatly to children, young people and their needed because the number of chil- families. The staff members are dedidren being referred to the charity is cated to helping families through dif�icult times. increasing each year.” Adrian said: “It was great to see The money will fund face-to-face sessions as well as the charity’s that children are being encouraged helpline. Events fundraiser Debbie to take part in activities that are deBrown added: “We rely on kind and signed to help them deal with their generous donations like these to emotions positively. “Spofforths will continue to supreach over 30,000 bereaved children port the charity and I urge other local and young people every year.” Spofforths marketing partner, business people to consider helping in any Page way they Adrian Pearce, was given 16/8/11 a tour of 13:34 foundry_resident_ad 1 can”.

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I think I will be walking quite a way in the middle of the race, but it is a really worthwhile cause and so I am prepared to put in the effort.” Wildwood and Horsham-based Lifestyle Europe are aiming to raise £17,500 to cover the centre’s rent for a full year. The Pickering Centre is a

self-funding charity and was established by a group of cancer patients who realised that people affected by the disease needed somewhere to go, to relax and talk to others who are in a similar situation. To donate visit:

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Friday 27 January 2012

Business Promotion

The campervan comes of age A Sussex business offers high quality, safe and tailor-made campervans, with a stress-free, flexible holiday thrown in Picture the scene. Your �light leaves in two hours, everyone is rushing around like mad with a tense look on their face, you have yet to check all the windows are closed, you’re not quite sure you’ve put your adapter in your suitcase (or your underwear for that matter) and you tell yourself for the 50th time; ‘we’re not doing this again next year’. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could pack up your troubles and head off

somewhere at a convenient time (rather than 3am) and travel somewhere a little closer to home? Well, thanks to Sussex Campers, you can. “This is camping with standards. There’s no stress, no rushing around; prepare at your leisure, start the engine and go!”, said the company’s founder, Daniel Lopez. The business builds delightful handmade campervans with all the mod cons you need for a camping trip including comfortable, supportive

beds, running water, electric hookup and cooking equipment – with lots of nifty storage compartments and clever ideas to make your holiday more relaxing. It all started when Daniel and his family wanted a way to enjoy a relaxed, �lexible and fun holiday – able to explore and enjoy this country and the continent, with no towing, no schedule, and lots of family fun. Daniel added: “I bought us our �irst campervan secondhand, and it needed lots of work doing, and I thought, we could build a much better, safer and more individual camper ourselves! So I started working on creating our own, �lexible campervans, which people could really spend time in and that could be designed around their own needs. “That included designing vans with more space, kitchens, tables and seats that easily turn into beds. And the best bit is the sizes can vary greatly. So a young couple can get a smaller van for weekends away in Cornwall, and a larger family, of up to six, can get a bigger van to �it all the clothes, toys or games in.”

A Sussex Campervan starts at just £11,995, based on a new conversion on a quality used panel van. Brand new campervans from Sussex Campers start at £25,995. Customers can choose from campervans in stock, for immediate delivery, or take advantage of the build-to-order service to create a true multi-purpose vehicle that they’ll love. Converted vans can be brand new or used and they have recently partnered with Stevens Vauxhall in Broadbridge Heath, creating the ‘Venturer’ campervan based on the Vauxhall Vivaro. Luxurious touring

has never been this affordable. All in all this is convenient camping. It’s comfortable and �lexible, in a campervan that can be designed to �it your friends, family or lifestyle – and all without being ‘patted down’ at Security.


Friday 27 January 2012


The Carnival is in town - but not for long Danny Randon Music Reporter

Local band The Last Carnival have come a long way in the past year. After playing music together since school, lead singer, guitarist and main songwriter Russell Williams and his brother, drummer Adam Williams, set out with aspirations to shake the foundations of the earth with their energetic pop rock. Joined by bassist Mike Marchant, keyboardist Keiran Lewis, and new guitarist Justin Morris, The Last Carnival are embarking on the biggest and most exciting journey of their career yet, just 16 months after their formation. Gearing up to release their debut EP, ‘The Golden Age Of Nothing’, the Brighton-based five-piece suddenly found themselves signed to London independent label RiverJuke Records.

“It all has happened so fast recently!” says Adam, ”It seemed that as soon as we came out of the recording studio, we started receiving a lot of interest from indie record labels, and now here we are.” After gracing stages all over the local area with their enthusiastic stage presence, including a headline performance on the rock stage at the Horsham Festival of Sound last September, The Last Carnival are now edging their way out into the wild, with their debut tour of the UK and Ireland in March fast approaching. “We’re not feeling the pressure just yet; we actually can’t wait to get out there!” exclaims Adam, “We’re visiting a lot of new areas where we may not be so familiar, but we’re hoping to meet a lot of fans, new and old.” Travelling to 15 locations across the British Isles over the course of a month, starting in Burgess Hill on March 8, before wrapping it up at a hometown show in Brighton on April

The Last Carnival filming their debut music video at The Capitol earlier this month

Highlights at The Hawth Sat 14 January 7.30pm (studio)

Fri 27 January 10.30am & 1.30pm

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Zed’s Dead at The Malt Shovel, Horsham Photos by Ian Pearson

8, is this a sign that The Last Carnival are making it into the big league? “This tour is taking us to a lot of new places, but we’re determined to stay connected to our roots; we’d never forget the place where it started,” explains Adam, “It’s going to be a lot of fun on tour, but we’ll be sure to keep our feet on the ground.” Experiencing what it’s like to be rock stars, The Last Carnival enlisted the services of Jay Reynolds, famously credited for producing artists such as Pixie Lott, McFly, and even Kylie Minogue, for the production of ‘The Golden Age Of Nothing’. With the quintet’s name now on a roster of critically acclaimed talent, Adam gave us an exclusive lowdown on the upcoming release. “We had written so many songs over the past year, we just had to get in the studio, but with 5 tracks on it, it’s really only a teaser for an album that we hope to release by the end of this year.

“Although we’re anxious to hear what our fans have to think of our newer material, we know they’ll love the old favourite that we decided to throw in – we’re really looking forward to bringing this EP out!” To celebrate the release of the EP, the band gave fans a sneak peek of what to expect by releasing the title track as a single, and filming a music video at The Capitol theatre in Horsham to accompany it. “We had a really good time shooting the video,” says Adam, “and the feedback we’ve had so far is very positive.” The next few months look to be very promising for The Last Carnival, and it looks like the dark path of rock and roll won’t be slowing this band down any time soon. “You can only learn by doing,” concludes Adam, “and we will be quite knackered by the end of the tour, but I already know that it is going to be so worth it…”

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Mike Fry at The Tanners Arms, Horsham The Saviours Of Soul at The Holmbush Inn, Faygate Saturday 28th January

Maelstrom at The Malt Shovel, Horsham

Hollows Of Venus at The Bedford, Horsham

MKP (Mick Koumis Project) at The Tanners Arms, Horsham Tube Snake Boogie Band at The Shelley Arms, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham Sunday 29th January

Stan’s Showcase featuring: Ellie Lawson - Antoine Architeuthis Danny Dangerously - No Face at The Anchor Hotel, Horsham Tuesday 31st January

Horsham’s First Brazilian Percussion Group (Samba Band) at Horsham Youth Club, Hurst Road, Horsham - Free And All Welcome! Open Mic Night With Dave Toye & Friends at The Coach House, Cowfold Wednesday 1st February

Open Mic Night With Terry at The Tanners Arms, Horsham

Lesley Spires at The Queen’s Head, Barns Green Thursday 2nd February

Mon 6 February 7.30pm Fri 20 January 8.15pm (studio)

Horsham Area

Charlotte Schroeter Entertainment Reporter

The 84th Academy Awards nominations have been announced and the star-studded ceremony will take place on Sunday, February 26. I must say I’m gutted The Inbetweeners Movie hasn’t received any nominations and I would have liked Bridesmaids to get more recognition, but I’m glad the hilarious Melissa McCarthy is up for Actress in a Supporting Role. The film is also recognised for the Writing (Original Screenplay) award. I’m over the moon War Horse is up for six awards including Cinematography, Music (original score) and the big one – Best Picture. I loved the film so I’m pleased it’s in the running. Shame none of the actors were not nominated though. On par with War Horse, Moneyball also has six nominations. Brad Pitt

is nominated for Actor in a Leading Role and Jonah Hill is nominated for Actor in a Supporting Role. The film is also up for Best Picture. The Artist, another contender for Best Picture, has a staggering 10 nominations including Directing and Film Editing. Frenchman Jean Dujardin is up for Actor in a Leading Role, and Argentinian Bérénice Bejo is nominated for Actress in a Supporting Role. Hugo is the film that leads the way with a total of 11 nominations including Best Picture, Costume Design, Directing, Visual Effects and Art Direction. The final part of the Harry Potter series, The Deathly Hallows Part 2, is also up for Visual Effects and Art Direction as well as Makeup. Up against Harry Potter in the Makeup category is The Iron Lady. The only other nomination this film got was for Meryl Streep in the Actress in a Leading Role category. Two other films to touch upon are The Descendants and The Girl with

Tanners Live Lounge - Lesley Spires at The Tanners Arms, Horsham Friday 3rd February

The Conspiracy with support From Tell Wolves Tales at The Malt Shovel, Horsham Never The Twain at The Tanners Arms, Horsham Elvis & The Embers at The Holbrook Club, Horsham

Listings kindly supplied by

the Dragon Tattoo with a total of five nominations each. There’s no way I could finish without mentioning the dashing George Clooney who is up for Actor in a Leading Role (The Descendants). The trailer alone is enough to send me to the cinema this weekend to check it out.


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


War Horse gallops to The Capitol Steven Spielberg’s latest epic, War Horse, nearly moved Charlotte Schroeter to tears as it twisted and turned through World War I I’m a rom-com girl at heart, not a war film fan - but I absolutely loved War Horse. (Incidentally Richard Curtis wrote the screenplay for the film and he is a rom-com writer). I don’t particularly like horses either but Joey, the title character, is portrayed so beautifully with a character of his own that I couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love with him. And speaking of beauty, handsome rising star Jeremy Irvine plays the lead, Albert. But perhaps even more impressive was his on-screen friendship with his horse. The bond depicted was a poignant part of the film, demonstrated when Albert feeds Joey for the first time and the two gain each other’s trust. Although Albert has a strong relationship with his parents and friend, the one between boy and horse seems more touching. For me, War Horse, which is based on the book with the same name by Michael Morpurgo, gets a massive

thumbs up. The film, which was shot solely in England, has proven popular with critics as well as me and was nominated for Best Motion Picture - Drama and Best Original Score at the Golden Globes, five BAFTA’s and is tipped to be a big winner on Oscar night. It’s a shame that Peter Mullan and Emily Watson, who play Albert’s parents didn’t receive any nominations. On-screen, they have a heart-warming relationship that is summed up with her declaration “I may hate you even more but I won’t love you any less”. Compassion is a theme that leads throughout the film starting with Albert witnessing the horse’s birth and moving on to when Joey is bought by the family - the two bond instantly. But the horse is not there to stay as he’s sold to the British cavalry when war breaks out, a scene that tugs at the heartstrings. This first part of the film seems

Back to Broadway is the musical of musicals - a sparkling new stage production celebrating the best of Broadway and the West End. It tells the story of a small town girl’s dream to become a Broadway star, along with all your favourite musical songs. Back to Broadway opened to the public in August 2011 and is now on a national tour throughout 2012. Written and co produced by Gina Price, who stars in the show, the musical features eight of the UK’s finest singers and dancers from Welsh National Opera, The Twelve Tenors, Beyond the Barricade, and the West End. Before reality television, people who made it to the top did so with a combination of looks, talent, hard work, and being in the right place at the right time! Ella was one such girl She arrived on Broadway scared, but determined, and worked her way to the top. But that cost her the love

of her life, and left her ill prepared for the true price of fame and success. With fantastic renditions of the world’s favourite musicals, including songs from Fame, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia, West Side Story, Dirty Dancing and many more, Back to Broadway is a fantastic feel good family night out. Gina Price - has a passion for

The best of Broadway and the West End in one show

to fly by really quickly with a year’s worth of harvest condensed down into about 20 minutes. The film covers four years but it is done at a good pace so that we were able to understand what is going on and connect with the characters that have been so well written. Each character is unique making them easy to follow as opposed to films with numerous characters that are easily confused with each other. During the war scenes, the set was particularly realistic with good attention to detail. Flying debris after an explosion and the mud that the men got covered in are two fine examples of this. The Battle of the Somme was shocking, showing the many horrors of war and the extremes Albert takes to be reunited with his beloved horse. Strength and determination are prominent themes through the course of the war, demonstrated wonderfully by Albert and Joey who

musical theatre and in recent times has poured all her efforts into realising the lifelong dream of producing and performing in her own show. Gina has a love of Broadway songs and presents them in a moving, emotional and heart warming story, set against the back drop of musical theatre’s spiritual home - Broadway. On stage – front and centre on Saturday February 18 at 7.30pm. For information or tickets visit or call 01403 750220. Alternatively go to

never seem to give up hope. A touch of humour provided light relief such as a Geordie meeting a German in no-man’s land and sharing an entertaining discussion. And not forgetting the music score, which was breath-taking. It made the upsetting scenes even sadder and the cheerful scenes more uplifting.

Apparently even Kate Middleton was passed a Kleenex when she attended the premiere. Also starring man of the moment Benedict Cumberbatch and rising star Tom Hiddleston, this is not a film to be missed. See it at The Capitol but I advise you to take some tissues.

A brand new play from comedienne Abigail Burdess, All The Single Ladies, explores the love lives of three women over New Year. Full of wit, the sparkling comedy finds Leslie Ash in the form of her life, returning to the stage for her first national tour in 17 years. Co-starring Brooke Kinsella and Tara Flynn, this superbly crafted new play will have audiences in stitches as past romances unravel and future love is pondered. Leslie Ash is one of the nation’s best-loved comic actresses and makes a long awaited return to the stage. Since she last toured, Leslie has become a household name as everyone’s favourite next-door neighbour, Debs in Men Behaving Badly. She also enjoyed major roles in Holby City and Merseybeat. Leslie plays Liz, seven times married, now happy

to be single and dating on the net. Leslie is joined by Brooke Kinsella, who starred as Kelly Taylor in Eastenders for five years and recently toured the UK in Jonathan Harvey’s Beautiful Thing. She plays Alison, too young to have been left on her own. Brooke received her MBE in December 2011. Tara Flynn also stars. She is well known on the touring circuit as a performer of distinguished timing, appearing on Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle and The Omid Djalili Show. Here Tara plays Orla, the Irish landlady, taken advantage of by her lothario lodger. It’s a bittersweet and hilarious new comedy not to be missed. See it on Friday February 17 8pm. For information or tickets visit or call 01403 750220.

Leslie Ash stars in new show

Showing on the big screen

War Horse

The Descendants

Zoo Keeper

Based on the novel by the same name and set before and during the First World War, this promises to be one of 2012’s epics. Directed by the legendary Steven Speilberg and starring newcomer Jeremy Irvine.

An Oscar-nominated film in which George Clooney attempts to reconnect with his daughters after their mother is in an accident. They travel to Hawaii to find the man she had been having an affair with.

A group of zoo animals decide to break their code of silence to help their lovable zookeeper find love without leaving his current job for something more illustrious. Family fun starring Kevin James. Sat 10.30am.

For more information or to book tickets visit or call The Box Office on 01403 750220


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

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Friday 27 January 2012


2nd February

3rd February

4th February

Horsham Organic Gardeners Society host a talk by Dr Alex Penn: A Brief Introduction to Permaculture. Alex is a researcher at the University of Surrey where she works on industrial ecology and the evolution of co-operation and major transitions in evolution. held at Friends Meeting House, Worthing Road at 8.00pm. All welcome, donations from non-members please.

Not the West End and touring musical, but the brand-new sensational, inspirational, aspirational box of�ice smash hit concert show of the year. Featuring all the hits from everyone’s favourite dance movie Dirty Dancing. Tickets: £19.50. To book tickets visit

Mannings Heath Village Hall (RH13 6JU) is holding a table top sale between 10am and 2pm. Items to include household items, books, antiques, bric-a-brac etc. Tea and coffee available. No trade stalls. Call 01403 263610.

8th February

Decorative Fine Arts Lecture

11th February Table Top Sale

13th February

The next meeting of the Horsham Decorative & Fine Arts Society will be held at the Capitol Theatre, North Street, Horsham at 10.45am. Eveline Eaton will talk about the highlights of Berlin & Dresden. Visitors are always welcome. Admission £5

Beat the ‘Car Boot Blues’ at Colgate Village Hall. Household items, antiques, bric a brac, books, unwanted gifts, clothes, children’s toys, etc. Refreshments available. Sellers from 8.00am, buyers 10.00am, entrance 30p. No trade stalls. Tables £10. Call 01293 851520. No wellies required!

CBeebies’ favourite double-act Chris and Pui are coming to The Capitol, Horsham. Fresh from their hit show ‘Show Me Show Me’, they invite you to join them with fantastic songs, games and a few surprises along the way. Tickets: £12, children £10. Visit for tickets.

Organic Gardeners Society Talk

28 January Live Music Davidson Rock and Roll Era 8pm 11 February Michael Buble Tribute Including a disco 8pm Every 3rd Friday Monthly Tea Dance 3pm to 5.30pm Holland’s Way, Warnham, Horsham, RH12 3RH 01403 211747 - 07833 553148 (Steward)

Guests welcome

? ? ? ? ? ?Quiz ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??Night! ????? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ???? ? ? Rotary Club of Storrington

Featuring popular local Quizmaster Andrew Lake of Laughing Donkey Entertainments

Saturday 4th February 2012 7.30pm at Pulborough Village Hall

Ticket £10 (includes two course supper) Winners' Prizes, Raffle, ÒF inesÓ & Spot Prizes. Licensed Bar. Available from Guy Leonards - 17 High Street, Storrington 01903 742354 or 18 Lower Street, Pulborough 01798 874033 The Card Shop - High Street, Storrington 01903 742114 Marion Milton 01798 815583 All proceeds go to charitable causes supported by Rotary. Registered Charity No1029115

Curry and Quiz Night

Curry and quiz night at the Three Crowns Pub in Wisborough Green. 7.30pm start. Teams of up to 6 people. £15 per person to include curry, 5 raf�le tickets, free drink and entry to the quiz. For more information, or register a team email

23rd February Hospital Book Sale

Five books for one pound. That is the bargain on offer at a second hand book sale being held at Horsham Hospital between 10am and 2pm. Also a selection of toys. Organised by The League of Friends of Horsham Hospital in aid of hospital projects.

Chris and Pui Roadshow 2012



23rd February

Table Top Sale

A Night of Dirty Dancing



Page 1



? ? ? ?

Saturday 11th February 7.30pm for 7.45pm Mannings Heath Village Hall The Rotary Club of Horsham present a Charity Quiz Night in aid of the Phoenix Stroke Club which organises activities that aim to restore it’s members confidence thereby assisting their social and speech rehabilitation. The questions will suit a variety of ages so make sure you have a good age spread in your team! Max team size is 8 people. Come along as a team or we will put people together and create a Team.


Prizes for the Winne rs + £5 Spot P r thru the e izes vening + Fun Game s !! + Licenced B ar + Fish and C hip Supper


? ?

All for only



Tickets are available from The Mannings Heath Village Store, or email alternatively you can call 01403 754005



Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

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Friday 27 January 2012

Health & Lifestyle

Going for gold in this Olympic year Julia Martin Health & Lifestyle

We are on the starting blocks, the flag is raised and suddenly we are sprinting into 2012 with vigour. Oh no! A false start and we have to stop in our tracks and go back to the start again. This is how it often feels at the end of January as the new regime of self-improvement fizzles into a bit of a soggy mess. The constant gloom and drizzle defeats us and we put away our running shoes in favour of a pair of cosy slippers. Not this year though – this is the year of the Olympics and we are the proud hosts. The eyes of the world will be trained on London and

England as a whole, so we have to grab some of that sporting spirit and make it work in our own lives. Athletes have been training for years for a chance to compete in the greatest sporting competition in the world and respect is due. It is all a matter of getting in the zone – and that doesn’t mean the comfort zone. It has been proven that any change in behaviour requires 28 days of practice for the brain to adapt and alter the neural pathways to make it a habit. So don’t give up now! Keep going and it will get easier. Just as a marathon runner hits the ‘wall’ and needs every ounce of determination to get through it, so we must resist the temptation to give in now. Whether you are quitting smoking

or sticking to a diet, give yourself a pat on the back because if you have succeeded so far you have every chance of going the distance.

It is all a matter of getting in the zone

I have been inspired by the efforts of a few people I know to keep to my fitness and health regime. I want to celebrate the achievement of one of my old friends, Jo, who has battled with her weight for years and who had a goal of stepping out in a dress instead of leggings and baggy tops. She finally achieved her dream and it was such a joy to see her looking gorgeous and happy.

Also hats off to my friendly local coffee shop workers who are braving the cold dark nights and mornings to train for a marathon, raising money for a cancer charity. Well done Jess and Rachel. Keeping your eye fixed on the goal and never giving up does bring rewards. My goal is to get fit. To this end I had a week of maintenance checks – cholesterol and screening of vital parts included – and now I need to increase activity and decrease consumption. I am chugging along quite nicely and have reintroduced yoga and swimming to my daily regime, with enormous benefits. I feel well, relaxed and have lost a few pounds. So in this year of the Olympics, emulate the great efforts of our top athletes and go for gold.

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My predictions for Spring and Summer fashion trends Sophia Moir Fashion

Twitter - @smoir

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting very excited about the prospect of Spring/Summer! I’ve had enough of being freezing cold and having to wrap up in big coats and scarves - I can’t wait to start wearing pretty little skirts and dresses. Having worked in fashion retail in the past, I’ve learnt how early the next season’s stock arrives. (We had deliveries of Spring/Summer stock – including swimwear - the day after Boxing Day!) So, I’ve been lucky enough to catch a peek at what’s big for the next season, and here are my predictions for the biggest Spring/ Summer fashion trends.

Pastel colour blocking Pastel colours are a trend that we see coming back in year after year, but this year we see these colours clash like never before. Take inspiration from Mulberry SS12 (shot on Brighton beach,

dontcha know!) and mix lemon yellow with pastel lilac, baby blue with mint green, and creamy coral with slick nude for an on-trend combination. It’s all about the ice cream shades... now I just need a 99 with a flake to complete the look!

Literal safari print This year, I predict safari prints to be HUGE! Think bodycon dresses emblazoned with zebras, satchel bags covered in elephants and purses printed in rhinos. On the high street, visit Next for affordable safari printed options, and New Look for that something a little edgier. If only I was going on an ACTUAL safari, eh... Tribal print Many of the SS12 runway shows, along with newer high street collections, feature ethnic, tribal prints for this season. It’s a very ‘boho’ look that makes your outfit stand out from the crowd – why not add a chunky wooden necklace, or a stack of colourful

Saturday 10 to 11am 4 to 7yrs LAMDA also available Saturday 11am to 12.30 8yrs to 11yrs LAMDA also available

bangles to complete the look? Head to ASOS or River Island for bodycon dresses and skirts featuring the African-inspired Aztec print.

Bright pleats As a contrast to the sickly sweet ice cream shades mentioned earlier, why not add a pop of colour with a brightly coloured pleated skirt? Pleated skirts in darker, more gothy shades like black, plum and navy were huge in AW11 and now’s the time to update them for SS12! Midi or maxi length, it doesn’t matter, just make it bright and team it with a plain tee or boxy blazer to balance out the look. Pleated shorts are fab, too! Body illusion dresses Kate Winslet loved this style of dress so much that she rocked the same one twice in 2011. She adorned her favourite Stella McCartney dress at the Venice Film Festival last year, but celebs including Keira Knightley, Kylie Minogue and Chelmsford’s own Sam Faiers have

Few spaces

been seen sporting the look since. The concept of the dress is very simple – it literally creates a woman’s silhouette by adding two black panels at the side of the dress, to make it appear like you have a perfect hourglass figure. Sounds good to me - head to Lipsy for a more affordable take on the trend! What will you be wearing this Spring / Summer? Tweet me - @ smoir

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Friday 27 January 2012

Health & Lifestyle

How I lost weight by playing video games Nik Butler


There came a moment in 2011 when I realised I was putting on weight and it wasnt healthy. I was nearing 40 and I had forgotten what it was like to look down and see my toes without having to move my legs forward. Jump to the end of 2011 and I had recovered a large part of my old wardrobe, had dropped a few inches in waist size and lost some weight. I did not visit any gyms or sign up to any intensive training courses which meet weekly come wind, rain or shine. I managed it by playing video games. More speci�ically, two Kinect based video games: ‘Your Shape Fitness Evolved’ and ‘UFC Trainer’ for the Xbox 360. The Kinect is an Xbox 360 console accessory launched in 2010 which uses a built in microphone, depth and video sensors to track movement and sounds within the room, to enable the player to become the video game controller. Various games have been launched utilising the Kinect features to enhance gameplay or to create new game experiences. Unlike the Nintendo Wii or the Playstation Move the Kinect does not require the players to hold onto special controllers, but it does require more play space and good light so that it can see the player. The Kinect is advanced enough to recognise registered users and to accept voice commands to control on screen menus. It does some pretty impressive things, not least of which was helping me get motivated to lose weight. In December 2010 I had purchased Ubisoft’s ‘Your Shape Fitness Evolved’, with all the good intentions of getting into it before Christmas. However, like all promises made without purpose, it languished in a drawer until April 2011 when the previously mentioned realities dawned and I needed an excercise regime that would �it with my time and cash�low. Gameplay in ‘Fitness Evolved’ is part rhythm and part follow the leader, each session shows your silhouette accompanied by the trainer.

You attempt to match the actions on the screen with your own. The closer you are, the better the scores awarded, the more thorough the workout feels. Your pro�ile tracks your sex, age, weight and height, and from here a basic guess of calories burnt is calculated at the end of each routine. You can track your performance in the game or sign up to an online dashboard.

It does some pretty ‘impressive things, not least of which was helping me get motivated

The exercises are essentially aerobic, no �loor work and no expectation to push weights or do pushups. This has been amended in the new release of ‘Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012’ and I will explain more about that later. From April to October I played ‘Fitness Evolved’ every day. I started slow, focusing on no more than 30 minutes of exercises. The aim was to get used to a regular spot for excercise in my day. I was warming up with the Zen Stream routines, which provide a fairly basic Tai Chi workout. Following this with the “light and easy” 12 minute routine which is a series of step aerobic activities, then some gym games and �inally cooling down with another choice from the

Tai Chi workout. By June, with a little under two months of daily 30 minute routines in front of my Xbox Kinect, I was feeling more energised. I felt that a 100 calorie routine was a good warm up and that I could go a little longer or work a little harder. I was switching up to Zen River for a full warm up, and then the next level of the Personal Training. I would add some gym games (hoops and punching), then a little cardio boxing and cool down with the Zen moves. All of this would take 30 minutes and I was now repeating the routine in the evening. I was losing weight slowly and increasing my levels of personal wellbeing – it felt good at the end of each work out and I wanted to do a little more each time. In July I noticed the �irst dramatic changes, as trousers were getting baggier around the waist (I was in 38” waistlines) and the shadows of weight on my face had changed. I was also �inding that I was wanting to push to 300 calories per day of exercise. My routine now consisted of bronze level cardio to warm up, a longer 20 minute personal training session then a silver or gold boxing session followed by a longer session on the Zen routines to cool down. A session was taking about an hour and I would do half again in the evening if time allowed. I was now focused on an hour in the morning of Kinect exercise. I set my clock to wake me at 6am to ensure that I could get enough exercise time ahead of the family routines. On the weekends I would add some session selections to keep the burn near 300 calories if I could. I also followed the Bollywood sessions even though they seemed to be comically speeded up when attempting to do them in double time; but for the completionist in me I did them to unlock the various medals and achievements in the game. By July I had started wearing 36” jeans, I was doing an hour of cardio and endurance routines each day and I had kicked the ‘have a beer or couple of glasses of wine a day’ habit as well. My meals were unchanged but I made the effort to have a little less on the plate. In August I downloaded the

additional Downloadable Content to extend the cardio and �itness routines, and since I had been working out for many weeks I was seeing quite a bit of repetion. August was also the month I ordered ‘UFC Trainer’ and by September I had changed my workouts to include this as the primary exercise routine through to January 2012. I was trying to squeeze in at least two hours a day, mostly an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening. Where ‘Fitness Evolved’ is an aerobic freestyling �itness game, ‘UFC Trainer’ is focused on strength and resistance work with a collection of 30 or 60-day strength, endurance or weight loss challenges. Whilst you can choose shorter workouts, free form punching and combination workouts, the core of ‘UFC Trainer’ is the challenges which run a few days in a row, then a one

day break and then a few more days. Exercises include pushups, t-ups, crunches, lunges, boxing combinations and weight lifting. The effort required feels more muscular and strength based and had I not been exercising with ‘Fitness Evolved’ in the months beforehand I do not believe I would have stuck at the 30 day challenges. Now in January 2012, I have picked up the latest incarnation of ‘Fitness Evolved’, the imaginatively titled ‘Fitness Evolved 2012’, which �ixes a number of issues in the previous version, namely the ability to switch around your �itness routines day to day. It has a wider variety of aerobic and toning exercises and now includes �loor routines such as pushups and crunches. I am �itting it into the day off schedule of ‘UFC Trainer’. So it appears that I will be working out in front of my Xbox Kinect for the foreseeable future, no doubt waiting for ‘UFC Trainer 2012’ or possibly some as-yet unexplored �itness routine. Having gone from 14st 6lbs in June to a little over 13st by the end of December, and feeling the improvement in my energy levels and muscular tone, I do not hesitate to recommend the Kinect as a tool for getting �it and for tracking your results. In making you the controller, the Kinect makes it is harder to cheat or �iddle workout results by wobbling or shaking a controller. You can choose a game that gets you off the sofa and involved and active. What comes next is up to you.

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Friday 27 January 2012

Health & Lifestyle

New year, new health and �itness regime! Sophia Moir Health & Lifestyle Twitter - @smoir

Hey readers! You know what they say, new year... new you! That’s certainly the approach I’m taking this January. Like the rest of us, I’ve over-indulged over the festive period and it’s time to knuckle down and get back to my personal best. Now, I’m not looking to go mad and halve my body weight or anything silly like that, but I am looking to take little steps to shift a few pounds. I’m no quali�ied dietitian or nutritionist, but these suggestions work for me – so they may work for you, too! Here’s my top tips... Eat fruit and veg with every meal This is such a simple thing to do, but I

often neglect it. Usually I’m in a rush when I have my meals, so I just eat to �ill myself up, rather than eating anything with nutritional value. I am going to aim for at least 50% fruit and veg on my plate for every meal, whether it’s adding chopped apple to my porridge, sliced tomato to my sarnie, or diced courgettes in my pasta sauce. Fruit and veg contains so many essential vitamins and minerals that it seems silly not to. To save money, I’ll also try and buy seasonal fruit and veg – they’re always on offer, after all!

Replace bad snacks with good snacks OK I admit it, I’m a self-confessed chocoholic! Always have been, always will be. But where I used to always grab a choccie bar when I’m hungry, I’m going to try and grab a handful of dried apricots, yoghurt

raisins or some sun�lower seeds instead. If I do get a chocolate craving (which is inevitable), I will endeavour to nibble on a few squares of dark chocolate instead!

Drink more water Such an easy thing to change, especially considering tap water is free! I always forget to drink water, I go through phases of drinking 1.5-2 litres a day and then I just lose interest. I’m de�initely going to sip more water, not only for the health bene�its (healthy skin, hair and nails) but also, it will hopefully curb my hunger pangs. Plan gym sessions I don’t know about you lot, but sometimes I end up walking around the gym aimlessly and I lose interest after a while.

I am going to methodically plan my gym sessions so that I have something to follow, which will hopefully motivate me to stick to it. Let’s hope it will leave me feeling accomplished after I’ve completed it!

Bake more This is de�initely the best task! To avoid eating processed foods and unnecessary sugar and fats, I’m going to try and bake more. That way, you know exactly what is going into your food and you can moderate the amount of unhealthy ingredients you add. What do you think of my New Year health tips? Are any of you trying to lose weight? I’d love to hear your suggestions – tweet me @smoir !




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What is ‘mindfulness’? teaches you to pay attention to the present moment, the here and now. It’s an easy, practical way to notice thoughts and feelings and physical sensations. Mindfulness is choosing and learning to control our focus of attention, so helping us to stay more positive. By becoming aware of our thoughts, feelings and body sensations, we form a greater sense of freedom and choice to leave behind problems of the past. This leads to less distressing feelings and increases our ability to enjoy our lives. An example of a mindful activity is when washing the dishes, usually our minds are elsewhere, we go into ‘autopilot’. By bringing your focus back to the washing up you Stress and Anxiety, Bereavement, notice how warm the water Depression, Relationship issues, is, how soft the bubbles are, how fresh the washing up liqWeight Control, Confidence, uid smells. pain management Children do this naturally but we lose sight of these unwanted habits every day sensations. Bringing these pleasant sensations back into our every day lives, leads to feelings of contentment instead of stress and Make 2012 a really anxiety. Happy New Year For You To �ind out how to learn Mindfulness techniques for yourself, please call Karen Jones on 07926 971 327. Counselling and Hypnotherapy For All Ages.

Mindfulness is noticing what we don’t usually notice because our minds are so full of what we need to do next, or going over what we have already done. Our lives are so busy today that we lose sight of the enjoyable things in life; this leads to feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Mindfulness is a simple concept that

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17/1/12 14:20

Anti-Snoring Ring

6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 LIVE with Gabby 12.10 5 News Lunchtime 12.15 Celebrity Big Brother (R) 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 CSI: NY (R) 3.15 FILM: See Jane Date. (2003) Romantic comedy, starring Charisma Carpenter and Antonio Sabato Jr. 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 7.00 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers The drivers transport polo ponies; (R) 5 News Update 8.00 World’s Toughest Trucker The drivers deliver riverboats to Alter do Chao in Brazil; 5 News Update 9.00 Celebrity Big Brother: Live Final The winner is announced. 10.30 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 11.30 Comedy Kings: Best of Just for Laughs (R) 12.00 SuperCasino 3.50 Motorsport Mundial 4.15 Nick’s Quest (R) 5.10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (R)

Channel 5

6.00 The Treacle People (R) 6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 The Hoobs (R) 7.00 Freshly Squeezed 7.30 According to Jim (R) 7.55 Everybody Loves Raymond (R) 8.25 Frasier (R) 8.55 Undercover Boss USA (R) 9.55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R) 11.00 Secret Location 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away (R) 1.10 River Cottage Bites 1.25 FILM: Brighton Rock. (1947) Thriller, starring Richard Attenborough. 3.10 Countdown 4.00 Deal or No Deal. 5.00 Celebrity Coach Trip. 5.30 Come Dine with Me. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.30 7.35 Come Dine with Me Four amateur chefs from south London compete. (R) 8.30 New Girl 9.00 The Million Pound Drop Live Quiz show, presented by Davina McCall. 10.30 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 11.20 Rude Tube (R) 12.25 FILM: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. (2004) Romantic drama, starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. 2.15 Random Acts 2.20 Swimming (R) 2.40 Meeting Helen (R) 2.50 The Fishmonger (R) 2.55 My Name Is Earl (R) 3.20 Hung (R) 4.25 St Elsewhere (R) 5.10 Countdown (R) 5.55 Sali Mali (R)

Channel 4

6.00 Daybreak 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3.59 Regional Weather 4.00 The Hungry Sailors. 5.00 The Chase. 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale 7.30 Coronation Street 8.00 Safari Vet School 8.30 Coronation Street 9.00 Law & Order: UK The detectives try to bring a criminal mastermind to justice. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 Regional News; Weather 10.35 FILM: Jaws 2 (1978) Thriller sequel, starring Roy Scheider. 12.45 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 2.45 FILM: Ray. (2004) Biopic, starring Jamie Foxx. 5.20 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News 12.00 Daily Politics 1.00 Live Bowls. The World Indoor Championships quarter-finals. 3.00 Helicopter Heroes (R) 3.45 Flog It! 4.30 Perfection. 5.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 6.00 Eggheads. Quiz show, hosted by Jeremy Vine. 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys. Michael Portillo visits the Isle of Man. 7.00 Great Barrier Reef Creatures that travel thousands of miles to visit the reef. Last in the series. (R) 8.00 Mastermind Subjects include the History of New York. 8.30 On Hannibal’s Trail The brothers cycle north along the east coast of Spain. 9.00 Cash in China’s Attic: A Culture Show Special China’s booming antiques trade. 10.00 QI (R) 10.30 Newsnight 11.00 The Review Show 11.45 Weather 11.50 FILM: The Notorious Bettie Page (2005) Biographical drama, starring Gretchen Mol. 1.20 Bowls 2.20 BBC News 3.30 Close


Love you more... now you don't snore Be my Valentine

6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Inside Hollywood 10.10 It’s All About Amy (R) 11.10 Celebrity Big Brother: Final (R) 12.40 FILM: Murder, She Said. (1961) Miss Marple mystery, starring Margaret Rutherford. 2.25 FILM: Black Horse Canyon. (1954) Western, starring Joel McCrea. 4.05 FILM: Man in the Wilderness. (1971) Western, starring Richard Harris and John Huston. 6.05 FILM: Police Academy 3: Back in Training. (1986) Comedy sequel, with Steve Guttenberg. 7.35 5 News Weekend 7.40 NCIS A security guard is killed during a bank robbery. (R) 8.30 NCIS The team tries to catch a spy. (R) 9.30 CSI: NY New series. The team members recall September 11, 2001. 10.30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit New series. A couple are accused of child abuse by their foster son. 11.30 CSI: NY A man is found dead on Brooklyn Bridge. (R) 12.25 SuperCasino 4.00 Great Artists (R) 4.25 Divine Designs (R) 4.50 County Secrets (R) 5.00 Hana’s Helpline (R) 5.10 The Milkshake! Show (R) 5.35 Thomas & Friends (R) 5.45 Roary the Racing Car (R)

Channel 5

6.00 The Treacle People (R) 6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 That Paralympic Show (R) 7.00 Volleyball (R) 7.55 The Morning Line 8.55 T4: Everyone’s Talking About – Top Ten 9.25 T4: Live and Lost: Rizzle Kicks (R) 9.55 T4: The Big Bang Theory (R) 10.25 T4: Desperate Scousewives 11.25 T4: The Simpsons (R) 12.00 T4: New Girl (R) 12.30 T4: Playing It Straight 1.25 T4: The Big Bang Theory (R) 1.55 Channel 4 Racing. Live coverage from Cheltenham and Doncaster. 3.55 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions (R) 4.25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) 5.00 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) 5.35 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) 6.05 Channel 4 News 6.35 A woman discusses her faith in spiritual healing. 6.40 FILM: Crocodile Dundee. (1986) Comedy, starring Paul Hogan. 8.30 The Million Pound Drop Live Quiz show, presented by Davina McCall. 10.05 FILM: Clear and Present Danger (1994) Action thriller, starring Harrison Ford. 12.50 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night (R) 1.35 Friday Night In (R) 1.45 FILM: The Warlords. (2007) Historical adventure, starring Jet Li. 3.40 This Is Me (R) 3.45 St Elsewhere (R) 4.35 90210 (R) 5.15 Countdown (R)

Channel 4

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6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Animal Rescue Squad (R) 10.15 Meerkat Manor (R) 10.50 Grey’s Anatomy (R) 11.45 Cowboy Builders (R) 12.45 FILM: A Ring of Endless Light. (2002) Drama, starring Mischa Barton. 2.30 FILM: Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure. (2009) Animated adventure, with the voice of Mae Whitman. 4.05 FILM: Fairytale: A True Story. (1997) Fact-based drama, with Harvey Keitel. 5.55 FILM: Shanghai Noon. (2000) Comedy Western, starring Jackie Chan. 8.00 World’s Greatest Daredevils Spectacular and dangerous stunts. (R) 8.55 5 News Weekend 9.00 FILM: Bad Boys (1995) Action thriller, starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. 11.25 FILM: Storm Catcher (1999) Action thriller, starring Dolph Lundgren. 1.10 SuperCasino 4.00 County Secrets (R) 4.10 Great Scientists (R) 4.40 Divine Designs (R) 5.00 Hana’s Helpline (R) 5.10 The Milkshake! Show (R) 5.35 Thomas & Friends (R) 5.45 Roary the Racing Car (R)

Channel 5

6.00 The Treacle People (R) 6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 The Hoobs (R) 7.00 Sailing: America’s Cup Uncovered (R) 7.30 The Mark Webber Tasmania Challenge 8.25 T4: One Tree Hill (R) 9.15 T4: Hollyoaks (R) 11.45 T4: The Big Bang Theory (R) 12.15 T4: Shipwrecked: The Island 1.20 T4: The Simpsons (R) 1.55 T4: The Simpsons (R) 2.30 FILM: Son of the Mask. (2004) Fantasy comedy sequel, starring Jamie Kennedy. 4.20 Deal or No Deal. 5.25 Channel 4 News 5.55 6.00 Time Team. Villagers help complete a dig in Bitterley, Shropshire. 7.00 Hugh’s Three Hungry Boys The boys reach the halfway point of their adventure. 8.00 The Hotel Grosvenor manager Mark invests in a computer. 9.00 FILM: The Ghost (2010) Premiere. A writer is employed to pen the memoirs of a former British prime minister, but finds his life in mortal peril. Political thriller, with Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan. 11.35 FILM: Predator 2 (1990) Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Danny Glover. 1.35 Coming Up: Home (R) 2.05 St Elsewhere (R) 2.50 90210 (R) 3.35 My Dream Farm (R) 4.30 Lost Buildings of Britain (R) 5.25 Countdown (R)

Channel 4

6.00 CITV: Mini CITV 7.25 CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 FA Cup Football Highlights (R) 11.00 Dinner Date (R) 12.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) 12.55 ITV News; Weather 1.00 Live FA Cup Football. Sunderland v Middlesbrough (Kick-off 1.30pm). 4.00 Vera. (R) 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Crazy horses, practical jokers and skiers hitting the slopes – literally. (R) 6.25 Regional News; Weather 6.35 ITV News; Weather 6.45 Dancing on Ice. Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley announce a big twist. 8.30 Wild at Heart A bush fire spirals out of control. 9.30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off The two lowest-scoring couples compete. 10.00 That Sunday Night Show With Ross Noble and Melanie Chisholm. 10.30 ITV News; Weather 10.45 FA Cup Football Highlights Action from today’s fourth-round ties. 11.30 Anglo-Welsh Cup Rugby Union Action from the latest pool fixtures. 12.20 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 2.00 Ladette to Lady: Australia (R) 2.50 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CITV: Mini CITV 7.25 CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 10.25 May the Best House Win (R) 11.25 This Morning: Saturday 11.55 ITV News; Weather 12.00 Live FA Cup Football. Liverpool v Manchester United (Kick-off 12.45pm). 3.05 FILM: The Incredible Hulk. (2008) Comic-book adventure, starring Edward Norton. 5.15 Regional News; Weather 5.30 ITV News; Weather 5.45 All New You’ve Been Framed! 6.45 Harry Hill’s TV Burp. More choice moments from the show’s vaults. 7.15 Take Me Out A professional golfer, an undertaker, a wedding singer and a fitness model take part. 8.30 The Talent Show Story How The X Factor became one of TV’s biggest shows. 9.30 The Jonathan Ross Show With Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, plus Hugh Bonneville, Jack Whitehall and Arctic Monkeys. 10.30 ITV News; Weather 10.45 FA Cup Football Highlights Action from today’s fourth-round ties. 12.15 Celebrity Juice 12.50 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 In Plain Sight 3.45 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.15 Live Tennis: Australian Open. The men’s singles final. 12.00 Escape to the Country (R) 1.00 Figure Skating. The European Championships. 2.30 Live Bowls. The World Indoor Championships final. 5.15 Ski Sunday. 6.00 The Last Explorers. The Antarctic explorations of William Speirs Bruce. 7.00 Sir Jimmy Savile at the BBC: How’s About That Then? Archive footage of the broadcaster, who died in October 2011. (R) 8.00 Top Gear New series. A trio of supercars are tested in Italy. 9.00 Toughest Place to Be a Bin Man New series. London dustman Wilbur Ramirez travels to Jakarta, Indonesia. 10.00 God Bless Ozzy Osbourne A profile of Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne. 11.30 FILM: The Science of Sleep (2006) Premiere. Fantasy comedy, starring Gael Garcia Bernal and Charlotte Gainsbourg. 1.10 BBC News 4.10 Close



6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 Live Tennis: Australian Open. The women’s singles final. 11.30 Homes Under the Hammer (R) 12.00 FILM: Island in the Sky. (1953) Action adventure, starring John Wayne. 1.45 Escape to the Country (R) 2.30 Live Bowls. The World Indoor Championships semi-finals. 4.35 FILM: Galaxy Quest. (1999) Sci-fi comedy, starring Tim Allen. 6.10 Flog It! From the Prince’s Theatre in Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire. 7.10 Dad’s Army The platoon competes for the honour of guarding a VIP. (R) 7.40 Timewatch The 1939 debutante season. (R) 8.30 FILM: The Duchess (2008) Fact-based period drama, starring Keira Knightley. 10.10 Pan Am Colette meets Dean’s parents. 10.50 Pan Am Kate must fake a lie detector test to save herself from ruin. 11.35 TOTP2: The 60s 12.05 Bowls 1.05 FILM: Day of the Dead. (1985) Horror sequel, starring Lori Cardille. 2.40 Close

6.00 Breakfast 9.00 The Andrew Marr Show 10.00 The Big Questions 11.00 Country Tracks; Weather for the Week Ahead. 12.00 Sunday Politics 1.05 EastEnders 3.00 The Royal Bodyguard (R) 3.30 Penguin Island (R) 4.00 Earthflight: Flying High. 5.00 Songs of Praise. 5.35 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.35 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 7.00 Countryfile How the demand for cheap milk threatens the Guernsey breed of cow. 8.00 Call the Midwife Jenny befriends an ailing veteran soldier (Roy Hudd). 9.00 Birdsong Stephen meets Isabelle again. Conclusion of the drama, starring Eddie Redmayne. 10.25 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 10.50 The One Griff Rhys Jones Comedy sketches, with Griff Rhys Jones. Last in the series. 11.30 Room 101 – Extra Storage With Gregg Wallace, Gabby Logan and Sarah Millican. 12.10 Weatherview 12.15 Sign Zone: Film 2012 with Claudia Winkleman (R) 12.55 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British (R) 1.40 Holby City (R) 2.40 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip (R) 3.40 Rip Off Britain (R) 4.10 BBC News


Sunday 29

6.00 Breakfast 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11.30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers (R) 12.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 12.15 Football Focus 1.00 British Olympic Dreams – A Winter Youth Olympic Special 1.30 Live Athletics. Coverage of the International Match from Glasgow’s Kelvin Hall. 4.30 Final Score. 5.15 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 5.35 Winter Wipeout. 6.35 The Magicians. With Adam Woodyatt, Tina Hobley and Myleene Klass. 7.50 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins Nick Knowles hosts the show in which strangers pair up to win money. 8.40 Casualty Dylan struggles to treat a homeless alcoholic. 9.30 BBC News; Weather 9.50 FILM: The Rock (1996) Action thriller, starring Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage; National Lottery Update 11.55 The Football League Show Highlights of today’s games in the Football League. 12.35 FILM: The Cat and the Canary. (1978) Thriller, starring Honor Blackman. 2.10 Weatherview 2.15 BBC News



6.00 Breakfast 9.15 Wanted Down Under 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (R) BBC News; Weather 11.00 Saints and Scroungers 11.45 Britain’s Empty Homes; BBC News; Weather 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.30 Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Escape to the Country 3.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News; Weather 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 7.00 The One Show Topical stories from around the UK; BBC News; Regional News 8.00 EastEnders Jane has second thoughts about leaving Walford. 8.30 Room 101 With Gregg Wallace, Gabby Logan and Sarah Millican. 9.00 Hustle A crooked cop targets the con artists. 10.00 BBC News 10.25 Regional News; Weather 10.35 The Graham Norton Show 11.20 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 11.30 FILM: Starship Troopers (1997) Sci-fi adventure, starring Casper Van Dien. 1.25 Weatherview 1.30 Sign Zone: Question Time (R) 2.30 MasterChef: The Professionals (R) 3.30 BBC News

Saturday 28

Friday 27

Anti-Snoring Ring

6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 LIVE with Gabby 12.05 5 News Lunchtime 12.15 Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen (R) 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 CSI: NY (R) 3.15 FILM: Pregnancy Pact. (2010) Premiere. Drama, starring Thora Birch. 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 7.00 World’s Toughest Trucker The drivers deliver riverboats to Alter do Chao in Brazil; (R) 5 News Update 8.00 Police Interceptors Officers chase a dangerous driver through the streets of Ripley, Derbyshire; 5 News at 9 9.00 Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan New series. The work of a Royal Marine company in Helmand Province. 10.00 FILM: Striking Distance (1993) Police thriller, starring Bruce Willis. 12.05 Jodie Marsh – Bullied: My Secret Past (R) 1.05 SuperCasino 3.55 Animal Rescue Squad (R) 4.10 Grey’s Anatomy 4.55 County Secrets (R) 5.10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (R)

Channel 5

6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 The Hoobs (R) 7.00 Freshly Squeezed 7.30 According to Jim 7.55 Everybody Loves Raymond (R) 8.25 Frasier (R) 8.55 Living with the Amish (R) 9.55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R) 11.00 Secret Location 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Country House Rescue (R) 1.05 River Cottage Bites (R) 1.10 FILM: The Shepherd of the Hills. (1941) Western, starring John Wayne. 3.10 Countdown 4.00 Deal or No Deal. 5.00 Come Dine with Me. 5.30 Coach Trip. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 6.55 4thought. tv. 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.55 Channel 4 Presents – 2012: David Clarke – Part Two 8.00 SuperScrimpers How to haggle for a better TV package. 9.00 Coppers New recruits hit the streets for the first time. 10.00 Party Paramedics 11.05 Random Acts 11.10 Shameless (R) 12.15 The Joy of Teen Sex (R) 1.10 Embarrassing Bodies (R) 2.05 FILM: The Good German. (2006) Mystery, starring George Clooney and Cate Blanchett. 3.50 St Elsewhere (R) 4.35 90210 (R) 5.15 Lost Buildings of Britain (R)

Channel 4

6.00 Daybreak 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3.59 Regional Weather 4.00 The Hungry Sailors. 5.00 The Chase. 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale 7.30 Coronation Street 8.00 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 8.30 Coronation Street 9.00 Whitechapel New series. Chandler and Miles investigate the deaths of four people. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 Regional News; Weather 10.35 That Sunday Night Show (R) 11.10 Law & Order: UK (R) 12.05 Cops with Cameras (R) 1.00 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show (R) 3.55 ITV Nightscreen 4.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show (R) 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News 12.00 Daily Politics 1.00 One Man and His Campervan (R) 1.30 Animal 24:7 2.15 Weakest Link 3.00 Helicopter Heroes (R) 3.45 Flog It! 4.30 Perfection. 5.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys Goes to Ireland. 7.00 Home Cooking Made Easy (R) 7.30 A Question of Taste 8.00 University Challenge 8.30 An Island Parish 9.00 Protecting Our Children New series. Documentary following the work of Bristol’s child-protection teams. 10.00 Mock the Week (R) 10.30 Newsnight; Weather 11.20 Pan Am (R) 12.00 Pan Am (R) 12.40 BBC News 3.30 Close 4.00 BBC Learning Zone


6.00 Breakfast 9.15 Wanted Down Under 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (R) BBC News; Weather 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (R) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather 12.15 Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.30 Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Escape to the Country 3.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News; Weather 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 7.00 The One Show Topical stories, hosted by Alex Jones and Matt Baker. 7.30 Inside Out Regional documentary; BBC News; Regional News 8.00 EastEnders 8.30 Panorama 9.00 The Royal Bodyguard 9.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys 10.00 BBC News 10.25 Regional News; Weather 10.35 A Question of Sport 11.05 Late Kick Off 11.35 The Graham Norton Show (R) 12.25 Weatherview 12.30 Sign Zone: Who Do You Think You Are? (R) 1.30 Filthy Cities (R) 2.30 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip (R) 3.30 BBC News


Monday 30

Love you more... now you don't snore Be my Valentine

6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 LIVE with Gabby 12.05 5 News Lunchtime 12.15 Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen (R) 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 CSI: NY (R) 3.10 FILM: Secrets of an Undercover Wife. (2007) Crime drama, starring Shawnee Smith. 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 7.00 Police Interceptors Officers chase a dangerous driver through the streets of Ripley, Derbyshire; (R) 5 News Update 8.00 Cowboy Builders An unusable kitchen extension in Lincoln; 5 News at 9 9.00 Body of Proof Lacey films Megan as she works on a gruesome case. 10.00 CSI: Miami (R) 11.00 CSI: NY (R) 11.55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (R) 12.55 Inside Hollywood 1.05 SuperCasino 3.55 HouseBusters (R) 4.20 Nick’s Quest (R) 5.10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (R)

Channel 5

6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 The Hoobs (R) 7.00 Freshly Squeezed 7.30 According to Jim 7.55 Everybody Loves Raymond (R) 8.25 Frasier (R) 8.55 Living with the Amish (R) 10.00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R) 11.00 Secret Location 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Country House Rescue (R) 1.05 River Cottage Bites (R) 1.15 FILM: King Solomon’s Mines. (1985) Action adventure, starring Richard Chamberlain and Sharon Stone. 3.10 Countdown 4.00 Deal or No Deal. 5.00 Come Dine with Me. 5.30 Coach Trip. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 6.55 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.55 Channel 4 Presents – 2012: Ellie Simmonds – Part Two How the gold medalwinning Paralympic swimmer copes with pressure. 8.00 Terror at Sea: The Sinking of the Concordia The capsizing of the Costa Concordia off the west coast of Italy. 9.00 15 Kids and Counting The difficulties faced by large families. Last in the series. 10.00 Shameless 11.10 Desperate Housewives 12.05 Random Acts 12.10 Poker 1.10 Sailing: America’s Cup Uncovered 1.40 KOTV Boxing Weekly 2.05 Volleyball 3.00 The Mark Webber Tasmania Challenge (R) 3.55 Freesports on 4 (R) 4.20 That Paralympic Show (R) 4.45 Brief Encounters of the Sporting Mind: Ma Bar (R) 5.00 Scrapheap Challenge (R) 5.55 Sali Mali (R)

Channel 4

6.00 Daybreak 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3.59 Regional Weather 4.00 The Hungry Sailors. 5.00 The Chase. 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale 7.30 River Monsters 8.00 The Exit List Game show, hosted by Matt Allwright. 9.00 The Biggest Loser A shocking twist awaits the contestants at the weigh-in. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 Regional News; Weather 10.35 Benidorm (R) 11.35 Homes from Hell 2009 (R) 12.30 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 3.05 Crossing Jordan (R) 3.50 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News 12.00 Daily Politics 1.00 One Man and His Campervan (R) 1.30 Animal 24:7 (R) 2.15 Weakest Link (R) 3.00 Helicopter Heroes (R) 3.45 Flog It! 4.30 Perfection. 5.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys Goes to Ireland. 7.00 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British The history behind cheese and preserved foods. (R) 8.00 Alex Polizzi – The Fixer New series. Entrepreneur Alex Polizzi helps struggling family firms. 9.00 Wonderland – My Child the Rioter Interviews with parents of those involved in the 2011 riots. 10.00 Have I Got Old News for You (R) 10.30 Newsnight; Weather 11.20 Rubicon (R) 12.05 Rubicon (R) 12.50 BBC News 4.00 BBC Learning Zone


6.00 Breakfast 9.15 Wanted Down Under 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (R) BBC News; Weather 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (R) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.30 Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Escape to the Country 3.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News; Weather 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders BBC News; Regional News 8.00 Holby City Hanssen tries to persuade Sahira to stay at Holby. 9.00 Prisoners’ Wives New series. Drama, starring Emma Rigby. 10.00 BBC News 10.25 Regional News; Weather; National Lottery Update 10.35 Match of the Day 12.00 FILM: Deadly Pursuit. (1988) Thriller, starring Sidney Poitier. 1.45 Weatherview 1.50 Sign Zone: The Manor Reborn (R) 2.50 Nature’s Miracle Babies (R) 3.50 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British (R) 4.35 BBC News


Tuesday 31

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6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 LIVE with Gabby 12.05 5 News Lunchtime 12.15 Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen (R) 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 CSI: NY (R) 3.15 FILM: Stealing Paradise. (2011) Premiere. Thriller, starring Rachael Leigh Cook. 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. (R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 7.00 Cowboy Builders An unusable kitchen extension in Lincoln; (R) 5 News Update 8.00 Benidorm ER A pensioner receives urgent treatment for an inflamed abdomen; 5 News at 9 9.00 FILM: Exit Wounds (2001) Thriller, starring Steven Seagal. 11.00 Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan (R) 12.00 Poker: The Big Game 12.55 SuperCasino 4.00 HouseBusters (R) 4.25 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (R)

Channel 5

6.00 The Treacle People (R) 6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 The Hoobs (R) 7.00 Freshly Squeezed 7.30 According to Jim 7.55 Everybody Loves Raymond (R) 8.25 Frasier (R) 8.55 Living with the Amish (R) 9.55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R) 11.00 Secret Location 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Country House Rescue (R) 1.10 Quick Bakes with Eric Lanlard 1.25 FILM: All That Heaven Allows. (1955) Romantic drama, starring Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson. 3.10 Countdown 4.00 Deal or No Deal. 5.00 Come Dine with Me. 5.30 Coach Trip. 6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 6.55 4thought. tv. 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.55 Channel 4 Presents – 2012: Stephen Miller – Part Two 8.00 How to Cook Like Heston 8.30 The Fabulous Baker Brothers 9.00 One Born Every Minute A 17-year-old prepares for life as a single parent. 10.00 Bouncers 11.05 Random Acts 11.10 Terror at Sea: The Sinking of the Concordia (R) 12.10 Music on 4: Maverick Sabre Live 12.45 Music on 4: Launched at Red Bull Studios 1.00 Music on 4: Countdown to the NME Awards 2012 1.10 Music on 4: The Album Chart Show: Spotlight 1.25 Music on 4: Professor Green Unseen: After Hours (R) 1.50 Music on 4: 4Play: Josh Osho (R) 2.05 FILM: Indiscreet. (1958) Romantic comedy, with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. 3.45 St Elsewhere (R) 4.35 90210 (R) 5.15 Countdown (R)

Channel 4

6.00 Daybreak 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3.59 Regional Weather 4.00 The Hungry Sailors. 5.00 The Chase. 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale 7.30 The Unforgettable Rod Hull 8.00 Midsomer Murders New series. Barnaby investigates reports of a headless horseman. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 Regional News; Weather 10.35 FILM: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) Comedy thriller, starring Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. 12.30 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 2.35 FILM: Falling Down. (1993) Urban thriller, starring Michael Douglas. 4.30 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 Daily Politics 1.00 See Hear 1.30 Animal 24:7 (R) 2.15 Weakest Link 3.00 Helicopter Heroes (R) 3.45 Flog It! 4.30 Perfection. 5.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys Goes to Ireland. 7.00 Top Gear A trio of supercars are tested in Italy. (R) 8.00 Natural World: Tiger Dynasty Two tigers are released into the wild to breed. 9.00 The Crusades How the military confrontation between Christians and Muslims concluded. Last in the series. 10.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks (R) 10.30 Newsnight; Weather 11.20 Storyville: Sex, Death and the Gods (R) 12.35 BBC News 4.00 BBC Learning Zone


6.00 Breakfast 9.15 Wanted Down Under 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (R) BBC News; Weather 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (R) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.30 Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Escape to the Country 3.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News; Weather 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 Rip Off Britain BBC News; Regional News 8.00 DIY SOS: The Big Build The team works on an incomplete extension in Gloucestershire. (R) 9.00 MasterChef The previous week’s losing team is given another chance. 10.00 BBC News 10.25 Regional News; Weather 10.35 The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10.45 Burglar in the House 11.30 Film 2012 with Claudia Winkleman National Lottery Update 12.10 FILM: Man on the Moon. (1999) Biopic, starring Jim Carrey. 2.05 Weatherview 2.10 Sign Zone: See Hear (R) 2.40 Country Tracks (R) 3.35 Filthy Cities (R) 4.35 BBC News


Wednesday 1

Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT 6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 LIVE with Gabby 12.05 5 News Lunchtime 12.15 Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen (R) 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 CSI: NY (R) 3.10 FILM: Nowhere to Land. (2000) Disaster thriller, starring Jack Wagner. 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30 Neighbours. (R) 6.00 Home and Away. Sasha is attacked by Stu. (R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 7.00 Holiday: Heaven on Earth New series. Vacation ideas, taking in Switzerland, the Caribbean and Macau. 7.30 How Do They Do It? (R) 5 News Update 8.00 World’s Scariest Near Misses People who have stared death in the face – and survived; 5 News at 9 9.00 Winter Road Rescue First of two documentaries following snowplough teams and RAC patrols. 10.00 FILM: The Shepherd (2008) Action thriller, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Scott Adkins. 11.55 Inside Hollywood (R) 12.10 SuperCasino 4.00 House Doctor (R) 4.25 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (R)

Channel 5

6.00 The Treacle People (R) 6.10 The Hoobs (R) 6.35 The Hoobs (R) 7.00 Freshly Squeezed 7.30 According to Jim 7.55 Everybody Loves Raymond (R) 8.25 Frasier (R) 8.50 Living with the Amish (R) 9.55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R) 11.00 Secret Location 12.00 Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Country House Rescue (R) 1.05 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard (R) 1.35 FILM: The Moonraker. (1958) Swashbuckling adventure, starring George Baker. 3.10 Countdown 4.00 Deal or No Deal. 5.00 Come Dine with Me. 5.30 Coach Trip. 6.00 The Simpsons. Homer and Marge are accused of being bad parents. (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks. 6.55 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.55 Channel 4 Presents – 2012: Danielle Brown – Part Two 8.00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer help two first-time buyers. 9.00 The Restoration Man George Clarke revisits two projects to transform derelict military premises. 10.00 Confessions from the Underground 11.05 Coppers (R) 12.05 Random Acts 12.10 Party Paramedics (R) 1.10 The Great Train Robbery’s Missing Mastermind? (R) 2.05 Britain AD: King Arthur’s Britain (R) 3.00 St Elsewhere (R) 3.50 90210 (R) 4.30 My Dream Farm (R) 5.25 Countdown (R)

Channel 4

6.00 Daybreak 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3.59 Regional Weather 4.00 The Hungry Sailors. 5.00 The Chase. 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.00 Emmerdale Rodney arrives for his day in court. 7.30 Hot Metal: Tonight The rise in the theft of metal. 8.00 Emmerdale Carl is forced to tell Jimmy the truth. 8.30 Coronation Street Stella is shocked by a revelation from Leanne. 9.00 Eternal Law Zak and Tom represent a soldier in a court martial. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 Regional News; Weather 10.35 The Jonathan Ross Show (R) 11.35 Take Me Out (R) 12.40 The Zone; ITV News Headlines. 2.45 Hot Metal: Tonight (R) 3.10 ITV Nightscreen 4.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show (R) 5.30 ITV Morning News


6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News 12.00 Daily Politics 1.00 One Man and His Campervan (R) 1.30 Animal 24:7 (R) 2.15 Weakest Link (R) 3.00 Helicopter Heroes (R) 3.45 Flog It! 4.30 Perfection. 5.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. 6.00 Eggheads. Quiz show, hosted by Jeremy Vine. 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys Goes to Ireland. From Belfast to Whitehead, Co Antrim. 7.00 Escape to the Country A retired couple on the lookout for their own aeroplane hangar. (R) 8.00 Raymond Blanc: The Very Hungry Frenchman New series. The chef explores the produce and cuisine of his native France. 9.00 Putin, Russia & the West The 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia. 10.00 James May’s Things You Need to Know (R) 10.30 Newsnight; Weather 11.20 Toughest Place to Be a Bin Man (R) 12.20 An Island Parish (R) 1.20 BBC News 3.25 Close 4.00 BBC Learning Zone


6.00 Breakfast 9.15 Wanted Down Under 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (R) BBC News; Weather 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (R) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather 12.15 Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.30 Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Escape to the Country 3.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless. 6.00 BBC News; Weather 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 7.00 The One Show Topical stories, hosted by Alex Jones and Matt Baker. 7.30 EastEnders Michael refuses to let Janine settle his brothers’ debt to Derek; BBC News; Regional News 8.00 Motorway Cops A driver who abandoned his vehicle following a crash. 9.00 Inside Men New series. Heist drama, starring Steven Mackintosh. 10.00 BBC News 10.25 Regional News; Weather 10.35 Question Time 11.35 This Week 12.20 Skiing Weatherview 12.25 Sign Zone: Panorama (R) 12.55 Countryfile (R) 1.55 Britain’s Killer Roads (R) 2.40 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British (R) 3.25 BBC News


Thursday 2



THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


Glorious country house set in 1.2 acres Guy Leonard & Company is delighted to be offering for sale a glorious detached four bedroom, three bathroom “Wells” house built in the late 1920’s having been extended and upgraded in recent years and set within delightful landscaped gardens and grounds of over an acre in one of the most sought after private lanes within the desirable village of West Chiltington. The property has most attractive elevations of render and exposed timber all under a thatched roof (rethatched in 2009). The elevations are enhanced by leaded light windows and the property has been sympathetically modernised and updated. Internally the accommodation is extremely well

presented and retains many original features such as exposed painted walls, wood latch doors, wooden beams and lovely stained glass window. A particular feature of the property is the gardens and grounds, which are beautifully landscaped with an abundance of rhododendrons and other shrubs. The property bene�its from a double garage and ample parking. A viewing is highly recommended. The property is being offered for sale with a guide price of £1,200,000 for the freehold interest. For further information or an appointment to view, please contact Guy Leonard & Company on 01903 742354 or visit www.guyleonard.

Premier residential lettings specialist, Henry Adams, has just announced its major expansion programme designed to extend its services to clients. Already this year, the independent agency has opened two new Lettings of�ices at Billingshurst and Haslemere, and acquired the lettings portfolio of Fowlers Estate Agents in Storrington. Additionally, their successful lettings operation in Horsham will shortly be moving from the of�ices they currently share with Henry Adams’s residential sales and chartered surveyors into larger stand alone premises, still in the heart of the town. John Brennan, lettings director based at Storrington, said: “As property experts we recognise only too well the importance of providing excellent customer service to landlords and tenants. This has allowed us to build a substantial portfolio and we are keen to expand throughout West Sussex and beyond.” The launch of the Billingshurst and Haslemere of�ices mark another step forward in the Company’s plans to take their dedicated high quality

lettings service into new geographical areas. Specialising in the middle to upper end of the market, offering homes with monthly rents between £500 and £5,000, Henry Adams is now one of West Sussex’s largest Lettings specialists. The team works closely with major relocation �irms and companies across the south and is proud to act for many established landlord clients as well as those with a single investment property. Philip Jordan, director of Henry Adams Lettings Limited, said: “We bring a wealth of expertise to the area by closely linking our of�ices at Horsham, Storrington, Billingshurst and Haslemere to the rest of our expanding network and our database. We can therefore offer an extra dimension to the service we provide to landlord clients - landlords and property investors can take advantage of access to a greater pool of prospective tenants, whilst tenants bene�it from having a greater choice of properties to match their needs.” If you are looking for sound, no nonsense advice, contact one of the four Henry Adams lettings of�ices for a free rental valuation.

Lettings agent celebrate major expansion Good news for borrowers as 95%

mortgages re-enter the market Paul Watts from Mortgage Solutions comments on the latest Bank of England base rate decision. Not for the �irst time in recent months the policy setters have chosen the “wait and see” approach presumably while they await fourth quarter 2011 economic growth data and the next set of in�lation �igures. For January the Monetary Policy Committee therefore voted for no change in the Bank of England base rate. The Eurozone crisis remains unresolved and we can only hope that the politicians are able to reach agreement to resolve the situation for the longer term rather than the series of sticking plasters that have left the markets unimpressed. December saw the anticipated seasonal slowdown in the housing and mortgage market, although activity amongst purchasers and remortgage borrowers was ahead of the same period in 2010. As you would expect in the current economic climate many purchasers

continue to opt for the certainty that �ixed rate mortgages offer, with 3 out of 4 buyers electing to �ix. Those homeowners remortgaging are also still �irmly in favour of �ixed rates but the proportion is slightly less, with just under two thirds choosing �ixed rate deals. Moneyfacts report that January saw changes in the average rates available, with the average 2, 3 and 5 year �ixed rates and 2 year tracker rate all rising very slightly. The average �ixed mortgage rates for January are 4.27% (2 year), 4.53% (3 year) and 4.61% (5 year) all of which are below the same period twelve months ago, although average 2 year trackers at 3.50% are marginally above this time last year. In line with the seasonal slowdown in mortgage activity, lenders reduced the number of products available during December with the number of available deals dropping to a little over 7,000, down by around 5% on the previous month. Already this year we have witnessed several lenders

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refresh and re-price their mortgage products for the new year, a new lender in the shape of Accord Mortgages start to offer mortgages at 90% loan to value and Newcastle Building Society re-enter the 95% loan to value market. This is good news for borrowers with smaller deposits or lower levels of equity allowing more potential buyers to access the market. Paul Watts is from Mortgage Solutions. For further information, please call 01403 241414. 13 West Street, Horsham, West Sussex Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. A fee of up to £95 may be charged for arranging your mortgage. An additional fee of up to £295 may be charged on completion, the amount will depend on your individual circumstances.

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Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Fittleworth, West Sussex Beautiful 3 bed cottage and bothy


Coneyhurst, Billingshurst, West Sussex Grade II listed period farmhouse


Wisborough Green, West Sussex Immaculate country home



Pulborough, West Sussex Arts and Crafts style family house


Let our knowledge, experience and success help generate the best results for you in 2012.

Rookwood Park, Horsham, West Sussex Immaculately presented family house


Pulborough, West Sussex Stunning recently converted barn


Shipley, West Sussex Family house with 2 bed annexe


To find out how we can help you please contact us 01403 339180

Pyecombe, West Sussex Period flint 3 bed cottage


Denne Park, Horsham, West Sussex Family house close to Horsham


Coneyhurst, Billingshurst, West Sussex Beautifully converted period barn



THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

Cox Green, West Sussex Period house with equestrian facilities Horsham 9 miles (London Victoria 53 minutes) Guildford 14 miles Believed to have origins dating back to the 17th century with later additions, adjoining neighbouring fields with open country views. 3 reception rooms, kitchen, utility/cloakroom, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Double garage with bed/sitting room, kitchenette and shower room. Stable yard with 2 loose boxes, foaling box and tack room, sand school, tennis court, gardens and paddocks. In all about 4.75 acres. Price on application, offers invited 01403 339180 (GLD100163)

Bury, West Sussex First floor apartment with views of the South Downs Pulborough 5 miles (London Victoria 72 minutes) Horsham 17 miles Set in an impressive Grade II listed mansion in the charming Downland village of Bury. Communal entrance hall and lift, drawing/dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, master bedroom with en-suite shower room, 2 further bedrooms, bathroom. Oakframed car port with parking for 2 vehicles, communal landscaped gardens, secure store located within outbuilding. Guide Price: £435,000 01403 339180 (HOR110134)



Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7






A spacious 1 double bedroom first floor retirement apartment, designed for those over the age of 60, with an on-site manager, communal gardens and resident’s parking, situated in this popular village within 2 miles of Horsham.






















A 2 double bedroom, mid terraced house, built in the 1980s with 54’ rear garden and private driveway, situated in a quiet and tucked away position, within easy reach of the railway station and town centre. Ideal first time or investment buy.



A 2 double bedroom, 3 reception room, part tile hung cottage believed to have been built for the workers of the Broadfield Estate in the 1800s, retaining a wealth of character, 51’ garden, parking, close to station and schools.

An immaculately presented, 2 double bedroom, top floor retirement apartment, designed for those aged over 60, built by McCarthy & Stone in 2004, situated in a convenient position within 0.8 miles of the town centre.


A 5 bedroom extended Victorian semi-detached house of 1326 sq ft, with accommodation arranged over three floors including 27’ sitting/dining room, driveway, 64’ garden, close to schools, station and town centre. NO CHAIN.


TRAFALGAR ROAD, HORSHAM Prices from £320,000

A selection of stunning 3 double bedroom town houses built into 2011 by Anbeck Homes, within close proximity of the town centre, Horsham park, railway station and excellent schools. 10 years NHBC guarantee and parking.







A beautiful 1930s 3 bedroom semi-detached house situated in a semi-rural location with 137’ x 45’ east facing rear garden. Sitting room with fireplace, 21’10 x 18’2 stunning kitchen/dining room and luxury refitted family bathroom.


An extended 3 bedroom detached period lodge with 93’ x 51’ garden situated in a convenient sought after semi-rural location adjacent to open farmland and within easy reach of Horsham.






A 5 bedroom, 4 reception room, detached house of 2239 sq ft built by Berkeley Homes, located in a cul-de-sac of only 11 similar properties, close to open countryside and excellent schooling. 90’ x 79’ rear garden and double garage.








A 3 bedroom family home built by Gleeson Homes in 2005 with landscaped garden, parking, situated in a very quiet position within a short distance of country walks, Christs Hospital public school and Horsham railway station.















An extended and beautifully presented 4 double bedroom, 3 reception room, detached house of 1879 sq ft, situated in a private close, within 0.5 miles of Horsham station, 1 mile of town centre and in the Millais and Forest catchment.


An impressive 4 double bedroom, 4 reception room, family residence built in 1877, extending to 2748 sq ft, with a 2 bedroom detached self-contained cottage, sitting on a plot of 1.94 acres with some fine views.

01403 263000 15 Offices in Sussex

THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012



E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7








A 1-bedroom first floor apartment for those aged 60 years and over located in the centre of the village. Communal hallway and entrance hall, lounge, dining room, kitchen, double bedroom, bathroom, communal gardens and parking.

A well-appointed 2-bedroom ground floor apartment in a warden-assisted block close to all village amenities. Entrance hall, sitting room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, communal gardens and residents’ parking area.

A 1-bedroom first floor apartment for the over 55’s within easy level walking distance of the High Street. Communal hall, inner hall, lounge, kitchen, shower room, communal parking area, communal gardens.

A 2-bedroom mid-terrace property in immaculate decorative order with accommodation comprising guest cloakroom, large open-plan living room/ kitchen, bathroom, gas central heating, lovely private garden and parking.

A first floor apartment for those aged 60 years built about 10 years ago in the centre of the village close to all amenities. Entrance hall, lounge/dining room, kitchen, double bedroom, communal gardens, residents’ parking.

A re-decorated and refurbished semi-detached house built in1969 set in a popular location. Entrance hall, 3 bedrooms, lounge/dining room, newly re-fitted kitchen and bathroom, garage and additional parking, south-facing rear garden.






A detached house in a small cul-de-sac of individual properties within walking distance of the main line station. 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, cloakroom, bathroom, double garage, gardens surrounding all four sides





A 3-bedroom detached bungalow re-decorated throughout situated in a quiet residential cul-de-sac. L-shaped entrance hall, lounge/dining room, newly-fitted kitchen and bathroom, double garage, south-facing rear garden.

An extended 4/5 bedroom detached house situated at the end of a small cul-desac. Lounge, dining room, family room, conservatory, kitchen/breakfast room, cloakroom, bedroom 5/office, en-suite, bathroom, double garage, gardens.





THE RIDE, IFOLD £415,000

A detached bungalow with ample scope for further modernisation (STPP) set in approximately a third of an acre. Central hall, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen/breakfast room, garden room, large single garage, mature gardens.


A single storey residence with extensive garaging and workshops. Hall, sitting room, dining room, conservatory, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, en-suite with Jacuzzistyle shower, family bathroom, mature gardens and grounds of 1.25 acres.

A charming Grade II listed period farmhouse set in a rural hamlet, gardens and grounds of 1 acre. Hall, master with en-suite and dressing, 3 further bedrooms, sitting room, dining room, garden room, triple garage, stable block & paddock.

01403 785288 15 Offices in Sussex



E S TAT E A G E N T S S I N C E 1 9 4 7

Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT














A spacious end terrace town house conveniently located within a stone’s throw of the High Street. Sitting room, kitchen, 3 double bedrooms, large bathroom, garage, east facing patio style garden.

A Victorian semi-detached cottage. Sitting room, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, 3 bedrooms, family bathroom, ample parking, garage, approx 60ft rear garden with easterly aspect.

A detached bungalow which offers scope for enlargement (STPP). 25’ x 13’ sitting/dining room, kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, separate W.C, west facing plot of approx 0.21 of an acre.

Detached house with stunning views in westerly facing plot of approx 0.25 of an acre. 2 receptions, k/breakfast room, playroom, utility room, 5 beds (1 en-suite), 2 baths, cloaks, 2 garages, parking.


A second floor apartment with panoramic views in a gated development on the sea front built in1999. 2 double bedrooms (1 en-suite), sitting room with balcony, kitchen, bathroom, communal gardens, garage.

A spacious detached bungalow in popular location. Sitting room, conservatory, kitchen/breakfast room, 3 bedrooms (1 en-suite), bath/shower room, garage, west facing rear garden.

A period semi-detached cottage in a little known backwater conveniently located just off the High Street. Sitting room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms (1 with ensuite W.C.), bathroom, garage, east facing gardens.

Detached house at the end of select cul-de-sac. 4 double bedrooms (1 ensuite), sitting room, dining room, study, kitchen, cloakroom, family shower room, double garage, east facing garden.

Detached bungalow offering scope for further improvement and enlargement (STPP). 3 bedrooms, 2 receptions, conservatory, k/breakfast room, utility area, bathroom, useful loft, gardens, parking.

Detached bungalow with scope for further enlargement (STPP) close to village centre. Reception hall, sitting room, kitchen/dining room, cloaks, bathroom, garage, workshop, garden, parking.

Situated within the South Downs National Park with far reaching views. 4 beds (1 en-suite), 2 receptions, conservatory, k/breakfast room, utility, cloaks, bathroom, parking,100ft rear garden.

Detached single storey equestrian property in approx. 2.4 acres. 4 beds (1 en-suite), 4 receps, k/breakfast room, utility, bathroom, shower room, double garage, stabling, paddock, outbuildings.

01903 746000 15 Offices in Sussex


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

Executive apartments in the heart of Horsham

Independent Horsham Letting Agents, Lines & James Ltd are delighted to be marketing two fantastic executive apartments, both of which are centrally located and offer spacious accommodation. The �irst is a fully furnished two bedroom apartment is ideally located a stones throw from Horsham mainline station and a short walk to the Town centre. The property is presented in excellent order and offers stylish accommodation comprising; Entrance hall, Large Lounge/Diner with balcony and feature �ireplace, fully �itted kitchen with integrated appliances, master bedroom with en-suite shower room, another good size double bedroom and family bathroom. This property also comes with one allocated parking space. Available from early February at a rental of

£975pcm, viewings are highly recommended. Also available with Lines and James is this well presented unfurnished modern three bedroom apartment which is situated right in the heart of Horsham town centre with its wide range of shops, amenities and great commuter links. Located within the Forum development; this property bene�its from secure underground parking and lift access. The accommodation itself includes; entrance hall with storage, large open plan living area with wooden �looring including modern kitchen with appliances, de�ined lounge area with feature �ire and dining area leading to sheltered balcony. The master bedroom has a walk in wardrobe and there are two further bedrooms, a good size double and a single.

Property The apartment also boasts two bathrooms, one with a state of the art computerised shower. It is available from late January at £1150pcm. Lucy Hansford, a Lettings Negotiator at Lines and James said “These are two truly quality properties which are rarely available on the lettings market, both offer modern accommodation in central locations, great for taking advantage of Horsham’s host of shops, restaurants and other amenities.” For further details please visit our website at www.linesandjames. com or alternatively call us on 01403210088 for a viewing.

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Development by Matthew Homes


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Lettings Sales Land & New Homes Holiday Lettings Farm & Equestrian Sales & Management by Let

PARHAM £900 PCM Refurbished first floor flat set in the beautiful grounds of Parham Estate. Hall. Fitted Kitchen opening to Dining Room. Living Room. Two Double Bedrooms. Bathroom. Shower Room. Parking. Amazing Views.

by Let

by Let

Earn £50*


when you introduce a new landlord to Guy Leonard & Co

Modern two bedroom first floor apartment. Hall. Spacious Living/Dining Room. Fitted Kitchen. Bathroom with Shower. Two Double Bedrooms. Allocated Parking.

by Let

*A payment of up to £50 becomes payable to you for the introduction of a new landlord who instructs Guy Leonard & Co to let their property. There is no upper limit to the number of introductions that can be made by any individual under the scheme.



See website for full terms and conditions

Well presented two bedroom third floor flat in an ideal town centre location. Hall. Open Plan Modern Kitchen and Living/Dining Room. Master Bedroom with Ensuite Shower Room. Further Double Bedroom. Bathroom.

by Let

Attractive town house set in 14 acres of beautiful country park style communal gardens. Three Double Bedrooms. Two Bathrooms. Fitted Kitchen. Dining Room. Living Room. Allocated Parking.

by Let by Let Find us on

by Let

Follow us on

Storrington 01903 744166 | Horsham 01403 246750

20th Anniversary






Spacious bright family home in sought after village location. Living Room. Dining Room. Kitchen. Two Double Bedrooms. One Single Bedroom. Bathroom. Views over South Downs.

Detached single referral A5 ad.indd 1 storey residence set in a semirural location. Family Room/Bedroom 4. Dining Room. Kitchen opening to Sitting Room. Master Bedroom with Dressing Room. Two Further Double Bedrooms. Bathroom. Swimming Pool.

Substantial detached family house in a village 5/1/12 02:24 location. Study. Drawing Room. Dining Room. Kitchen. Family Room/Breakfast Room. Master Bedroom with Ensuite Bathroom. Three Further Bedrooms. Bathroom.

Modern three bedroom town house walking distance to mainline station. Kitchen/Breakfast Room. Living Room. Two Double Bedrooms. Bathroom. Master Bedroom with Ensuite Shower Room. Parking.

by Let

PULBOROUGH £825 PCM Well presented semi-detached family house. Living/Dining Room. Kitchen. Two Double Bedrooms. One Single. Bathroom. Garden. Parking.

Horsham 01403 246750

FOR AN UP TO DATE MARKET APPRAISAL PLEASE CALL 01403 246750 Storrington 01903 744166

by Let

BILLINGSHURST £1,550 PCM Detached Edwardian style home close to mainline station. Living Room. Dining Room. Kitchen/Family Room. Utility. Cloakroom. Three Double Bedrooms. One Single. Bathroom. Shower Room. Garage and Workshop.


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

Sales Lettings Land & New Homes Holiday Lettings Farm & Equestrian Sales & Management

Opening Doors T H E F I R S T F O R P R E M I E R P R O P E RT Y & L I F E S T Y L E


PREMIER AllPROPERTY that Glitters Pantagon Why insiders love the Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup D LT Evans K.MAGAZINE Finance LTD


To help maximise the exposure of your home contact CO Guy Leonard & Co to appear in our high quality magazine that will be seen by all the right buyers Mid Sussex

billingshurst £124,950 A beautifully presented, ground floor retirement apartment, quietly located, with a delightful outlook over the communal garden and within a few minutes’ walk of the village centre. The apartment has recently been redecorated throughout and is fitted with many features, including double glazing, a door entry system, intruder alarm and a twenty-four hour emergency care line system. NO CHAIN. horsham 01403 248222



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(T) 01403 248222 Inspectors Storrington (T) 01903 742354 Pulborough (T) 01798 874033 Luxury Defined For Lettings (T) 01903 744166 Step inside some of the hottest properties on the market today

Extreme Bentley LD


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1/4 PAGE Horsham ADVERT


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The Art of Fusion Welcome to the world of Hublot

Rock Star We chat with the leading British fine jewellery designer Stephen Webster


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siMilAr PrOPErtiEs rEQuirED

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4 to 5 bedroom detached properties for waiting buyers.

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horsham 01403 248222

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Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

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THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

Horsham Office 34 South Street Horsham RH12 1NR

01403 264962

southwater £650,000 - 5 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 3 Reception Rooms | 25’ Kitchen/Dining Room | Detached Double Garage | 120’ Rear Garden | Ample Parking | ¼ Acre Plot

colgate £575,000 - 5 Double Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Receptions Rooms | Conservatory | Kitchen/Dining Room | Utility | Double Garage | Gated Development | CHAIN FREE

horsham £550,000 - 4 Bedrooms | Family Bathroom | 3 Receptions Rooms | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | 2 Cloakrooms | 2 Garages | 85’ Rear Garden | Close to Millais & Forest Schools | VENDOR SUITED

horsham £415,000 - 4 Bedrooms | Stunning Ensuite Bathroom | Family Bathroom |3 Reception Rooms | Kitchen | Utility | Detached Garage | Superb Location within ¾ mile of Station & Town Centre | Close to Millais & Forest Schools

southwater £415,000 - 5 Bedrooms | Bathroom & Guest Shower | 2 Large Reception Rooms | Kitchen/ Breakfast Room | Conservatory | Garage | Large Corner Plot | Close to Village Centre | CHAIN FREE

horsham £350,000 - 4 Bedrooms | Refurbished Bathroom | Large Reception Room | Kitchen/Dining Room | Large Conservatory | Utility | Garage & Parking | Landscaped Gardens | Close to Station | Immaculate Throughout

horsham £300,000 - 3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Reception Rooms | Stunning Kitchen | Larger than average corner plot Garden | Garage & Parking | 1 Mile from Town Centre | Close to Tanbridge House School

horsham £250,000 - 3 Bedrooms | Bathroom | Sitting Room | Dining Area | Kitchen | 48’ Garden | Garage | Within a Mile of Town Centre | Well-Presented Throughout | CHAIN FREE

horsham oIro £100,000 - Well-Presented Studio Apartment | Kitchen | Bathroom | Garage | Residents Parking |13 Acres of Communal Grounds | Adjacent to golf course | Within a mile of Horsham Town Centre | Share of Freehold | CHAIN FREE

Selling houses in HORSHAM, SOUTHWATER and across SUSSEX


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT


Estate Agent • Residential Lettings • Residential Managing Agent

s no


ib ou tr

ma gi s

25 Carfax, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EE





Friday Street - A stunning Grade II listed semi-detached three bedroom

West Way - A very spacious and versatile detached four bedroom prop-

cottage with an abundance of period features including a charming in-

erty built in the 1960’s as a bungalow, but with two additional bedrooms

glenook fireplace and oak wall panelling. Living room, separate dining

and a bathroom upstairs. Two ground floor bedrooms and bathroom at

room, fitted kitchen with granite worktops, luxurious bathroom. Gas

ground floor with sitting room, dining room, study, fitted kitchen/break-

radiator heating. Superb southerly 70ft rear garden with stone terrace

fast room, integral garage, established southerly rear garden. Viewings

and outbuilding.

highly recommended. No chain





St. Leonards Road - An extended and well proportioned 4/5 bedroom

Tanyard Close – A three bedroom garage linked detached house con-

semi-detached family house in highly regarded location backing on to

veniently situated within walking distance of the town centre and sta-

the Forest School’s playing fields. Sitting room, family room, kitchen/

tion. Good sized living room and dining area open to the quality re-fitted

dining room, cloakroom, study/bed 5, bath/shower room, gas heating to

kitchen. Bathroom, cloakroom, gas radiator heating, double glazing,

radiators, double glazing. Integral garage, long driveway, lovely 80ft rear

driveway parking, attached garage and 45ft rear garden.

garden. Must be seen.

Tel: (01403) 25 22 22 Fax: (01403) 21 80 62



THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


Estate Agent • Residential Lettings • Residential Managing Agent

s no



£775 pcm

£895 pcm

A rarely available lift served penthouse apartment strictly for the over 55`s, situated in a prime Horsham town centre location. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, two double bedrooms, both with built in wardrobes, spacious living room, bathroom with shower.


£925 pcm

A very well presented two/three bedroom end of terrace cottage, situated in a very popular location which is conveniently situated for local shops and Littlehaven Station. Entrance hall, characterful living room (23`10 x 11`1) with exposed brick chimney breast, modern `L` shaped kitchen.


ma gi s

25 Carfax, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EE

A newly decorated and carpeted luxury apartment recently built in the centre of town, situated just off the Carfax and Piries Place. Security entry phone system, good sized living room with juliette balcony, open plan kitchen with built in appliances, master double bedroom.


ib ou tr

£515 pcm

A well presented ground floor studio flat with its own small private patio area and having the unusual advantage of no neighbours above. Private entrance hall, living/bedroom with patio doors to patio, kitchen with appliances, bathroom with electric shower, gas fired central heating.

Tel: (01403) 25 22 00 Fax: (01403) 21 80 62


£950 pcm

A beautifully presented three bedroom terraced house situated in a cul-de-sac location in this popular village. Entrance hall, downstairs cloakroom, living room (20`8 x 10`4max), modern kitchen (9`9 x 7`1) with appliances, master bedroom (10`2 x 9`5).


£995 pcm

A good sized and very well presented luxury ground floor apartment situated in this recently built prestigious development walking distance to the town and station. Entrance hall, attractive open plan living room and luxury kitchen with granite worktops and appliances. Two bedrooms.


£1,200 pcm

A recently built detached house convenient for schools and station. Spacious entrance hall, lounge, large cloakroom, 25` kitchen/diner with doors to garden, two bedrooms and a study. Private rear garden. Unfurnished.


£800 pcm

An older style newly decorated two double bedroom end of terrace house situated at the end of this small road in the centre of Horsham town very convenient for town, park and station. Entrance hall, lounge, kitchen/diner with cooker, hallway, cloakroom, two double bedrooms.


£625 pcm

A good sized and well presented first floor flat situated in this small development, convenient for local shops. Entrance hall, modern kitchen (11`11 x 5`7) with washing machine, fridge/freezer and cooker, double aspect lounge (16`8 x 12`4), double bedroom (11`10 x 10`3).


£1,100 pcm

A refurbished detached bungalow situated within a cul-de-sac close to Littlehaven mainline station, local shops and bus routes. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, L-shaped lounge/dining room with bay window, refitted bathroom with white suite, refitted kitchen with oven.


£1,400 pcm

A well presented four bedroom detached house backing fields. Entrance hall, good sized sitting room, separate dining room, conservatory, kitchen, bathroom and en-suite to the master bedroom. Garden. Oil fired central heating. Unfurnished.


£825 pcm

A newly decorated and carpeted end terrace house situated in a small cul-de-sac location, walking distance to town, park and station. Entrance Hall, newly refitted kitchen with appliances, lounge with doors to garden, two good sized bedrooms and a bathroom. Garage.



£675 pcm

A clean and bright two bedroom ground floor flat situated in this popular village to the West side of Horsham. Security entry phone system, good sized lounge with laminate flooring, kitchen with appliances, two bedrooms with built in wardrobes, master bedroom with dressing area.


£1,300 pcm

An impressive ground floor converted apartment being the old show apartment in this beautifull Victorian building. Tanbridge House is the old school building on the very popular and highly regarded Tanbridge Park development which is located within walking distance of town centre.


£2,795 pcm

A large and beautifully presented five bedroom detached house situated in a very popular semirural road backing onto fields. Entrance hall, living room, dining room, further sitting room, luxury kitchen,utility room,cloakroom, five first floor bedrooms, luxury en-suite.


£1,200 pcm

A beautifully presented three bedroom semidetached home in a quiet cul-de-sac location on the west side of town, giving excellent road access to the A24/A281. Entrance hall, cloakroom, luxury kitchen with appliances, good sized lounge/diner with doors to garden.



Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Properties with personality

25 Piries Place, Horsham, RH12 1EH FULLY MANAGED LETTINGS 7.5% Free for the first three Months

Contact Elaine Gray for more information



ST n RU ew C TI O


HORSHAM £525,000 • • • • • •

Excellent four bed family accommodation Large lounge with vaulted ceiling In need of modernisation En-suite to main bedroom Two reception rooms Double integral garage

BROADBRIDGE HEATH £217,500 • • • • • •

Terraced Home Excellent Family Accommodation Three Bedrooms Fitted Kitchen Private Drive Garage

BROADBRIDGE HEATH £299,950 • • • • • •

Victorian Bay fronted Semi Many Period Features 4 Bedrooms 2 Reception Rooms Hand Built Kitchen Detached Garage

HORSHAM £285,000 • • • • •

A three bedroom semi detached Excellent decorative condition throughout Modern kitchen with built in appliances Recently re-fitted bathroom Prime location conveniently situated for the town centre and station

3 STOREY TOWN HOUSE WITH BASEMENT • Town centre property being refurbished to high specification • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bathrooms • Courtyard Garden • Off Street Parking (Plans and specifications subject to change)

01403 267530

PARTRIDGE GREEN £895 PCM • • • • • •

Character bungalow Feature beams in the lounge Two double bedrooms Open Plan Living Room Secluded garden Off Street Parking Spaces


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012






Detached bungalow which can be annexed to accommodate two families: Two bedrooms, lounge, bathroom, kitchen/ breakfast room. Second section: Two bedrooms, bathroom, cloak/shower room, living room, second kitchen. Large rear garden, ample hard-standing, Planning permission for triple garage. Additional 5 acres of land available by negotiation.






Fantastic, four bedroom, detached home crafted from a converted chapel dating from the 1880’s. Conservatory overlooking cottage garden, open fire in sitting room, large family sized kitchen reception area. A rare combination of character and space.




£2,495 PCM

Set in the quiet location of Ifield Wood is this superb 4 bedroom house with the additional benefit of a one bed detached barn conversion. The main house has been completely refurbished to an amazingly high standard and now includes a huge extension incorporating the kitchen/dining room. The gardens are approx 2 acres and backs onto fields with the addition of loose boxes.


£1,100 PCM


£895 PCM

A unique and beautiful, three bedroom, Victorian semi in Warnham with many original features and fantastic character. Set out on three floors with an en-suite to the master bedroom. An absolute must see!

Weston Lettings are delighted to offer this fantastic 2 double bedroomed detached bungalow in a quiet cul-de-sac within walking distance of Littlehaven train station. This property has been beautifully refurbished to an extremely high standard

A two double bedroom house situated in a quiet residential area within a short walk of Littlehaven train station and local shops. New kitchen with fully fitted units and new upstairs bathroom, redecorated throughout, new carpets, Large lounge/ diner with patio doors to a secluded south facing garden.





A spacious rural farmhouse dating from the 1800s with fine southerly views and set in appropriately one third of an acre. Henfield village lies 1.7 miles drive away. Horsham being 13 miles to the north. A fantastic house with tons of potential.

£1,400 PCM

This property is quite unique. It is set back of the road and forms part of the Normans Estate within walking distance of Rupser where there is the village church, pubs, local store and schools. There is a converted barn which houses the heated swimming pool and sauna. Full use of that is included in the price.

£1,200 PCM

Set in a quiet select development in the village of Faygate is this beautifully presented 3 bedroom house. This is the first time this property has come to the Lettings market and early viewing is advised to avoid disappointment.



A two bedroom, former show-home, link-semi built about 7 years ago by Bryant Homes in Billingshurst. Laminated flooring, cloakroom and stunning landscaped garden.



A spacious three bedroom, end of terrace house with fantastic décor throughout and planning permission for a building plot adjacent. Property includes luxury kitchen and bathroom.

01403 271977 6 Middle Street, Horsham, RH12 1NW


£1,695 PCM

A great detached family house, situated in a residential location close to Horsham town centre and main line train station. This property offers flexibile accommadation and the room sizes are a great size. Large entrance hall with cloakroom. Newly built family room 12’7 x 10’5. Large Lounge with oak flooring 13’8x 12’4.






£825 PCM

Set in a brilliant location, within walking distance of Horsham town centre and train station is this first floor modern apartment. It is available part or unfurnished. Pets may be considered. Front door leading to a long L shaped reception hall with a vary large storage cupboard, cupboard housing boiler with shelves.

01403 242033 6 Middle Street, Horsham, RH12 1NW


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

t: 01403 275543 w: e: e:








MR M looking for 3 bedroom house Horsham


HORSHAM £525 PCM • Studio apartment with private garden • Parking • Access directly to garden • Good order through out • Available Now • Unfurnished



HORSHAM £775 PCM • Two double bedroom maisonette • Fitted kitchen with appliances • Bathroom with shower cubicle • Spacious lounge • Part furnished • Available Now



i Tw


HORSHAM £850 PCM • Two bedroom apartment • Town centre location • Master with en suite • Balcony • Unfurnished • Available Now

HORSHAM £700 PCM • Two double bedroom flat • Spacious living room • Kitchen breakfast room • Balcony • Available March • UNFURNISHED


5% 01403 275543 Subject to terms and conditions



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HORSHAM £775 PCM • Spacious one double bedroom house • Fitted kitchen • Conservatory • Large Lounge • Available Now • Unfurnished


k as

HORSHAM £735 PCM • One double bedroom apartment • Town centre location • Victorian conversion • Fitted bathroom • Part Furnished • Available February

ng mi





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HORSHAM £950 PCM • Two double bedroom apartment • Town centre location • Redecorated and carpeted though out • Fully fitted kitchen • Unfurnished • Coming soon

MISS C looking for 1 bedroom property in Horsham

ed uir

FULL MANAGEMENT for the first 6 months Call us today to arrange a free valuation

SOUTHWATER £825 PCM • Two bedroom house in popular development • Fully Fitted kitchen • Double and single bedroom • Unfurnished • Good condition throughout • Available March




s ET

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HORSHAM £525 PCM • Studio/Annexe • Parking • Self contained • Bills included • Single occupant only • Available Dec

CRAWLEY £825 PCM • Three bedroom terrace house • Spacious lounge • Fitted kitchen • Bathroom with shower • Unfurnished • Available Mid February Tenancy Deposit Scheme member


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

t: 01403 275543 w: e: e:





HORSHAM £139,950 LEASEHOLD A One Bedroom Lower Ground Floor Basement Flat | Forms Part of a Victorian Character Conversion | Situated within Close Proximity of Horsham Town Centre & Mainline Station | 15’9 Living Room | Inner Hallway/Study Area | 8’5 Refitted Kitchen














£279,950 Freehold

An Older Style Four Bedroom Semi Detached House | Located in North East Horsham within Close Proximity of Littlehaven Railway Station and Local Shops | 24’8 Kitchen/Diner | 14’7 Living Room | Downstairs Cloakroom | 14’4 Master Bedroom | Three Further Bedrooms | Family Bathroom | Gas Radiator Heating | Double Glazing | Off Road Parking | 20’1 Garage/Home Office

HORSHAM HORSHAM £169,950 LEASEHOLD A Well Presented Two Bedroom Ground Floor Flat | Located in the Popular North Horsham | 16’ Refitted Kitchen/Breakfast Room | 15’6 Living Room | Two Double Bedrooms | Refitted Bathroom | Double Glazing | Gas Radiator Heating | Balcony Area


£184,950 FREEHOLD

A Two Bedroom Mid-Terrace House | Located within the Popular Hills Farm Lane Development | 12’6 Living Room | 11’1 Kitchen/Diner | 9’10 Conservatory | Gas Radiator Heating | Double Glazing | Off Road Parking | Ideal Investment/First Time Purchase






A Two Double Bedroom Victorian Semi Detached House | Situated Within Close Proximity of Horsham Town Centre & Mainline Station | 12’ Living Room | 13’3 Separate Dining Room | Refitted Kitchen | Refitted Bathroom | Two Double Bedrooms | En-Suite Bathroom | Gas Radiator Heating | Double Glazing

HORSHAM £499,950 FREEHOLD An Extended Four Bedroom Detached House | Situated on the Popular Rusper Road | Located within the Forest/Millais Catchment Area of North East Horsham | 13’10 Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Open Plan to 13’5 Breakfast Room


£200,000 - £225,000 LEASEHOLD

A Two Bedroom Top Floor Apartment | Built by Belway Homes in Approx. 2003 | Select Gated Development only a Short Walk from Horsham Town Centre | Modern Kitchen with Integrated Appliances | 16’2 Living Room | 15’1 Master Bedroom | En-Suite Shower Room | LIFT | Secure Underground Parking | NO CHAIN







HORSHAM £210,000 LEASEHOLD A Two Bedroom First Floor Luxury Apartment | Built by Rydon Homes in Approximately 2004 | Popular Gated Development of The Comptons | Master Bedroom with En-Suite Shower Room | Spacious Hall Leading to Bathroom | 17’ Living Room





BROADBRIDGE HEATH NORTH HORSHAM £139,950 LEASEHOLD A Two Bedroom Second Floor Retirement Apartment | Located Within Close Proximity of Horsham Town Centre | 17’ Living Room | Two Double Bedrooms | LIFT | House Manager On-Site | 24hr Emergency Careline Response System | Resident’s Lounge

£227,950 FREEHOLD

A Three/Four Bedroom Terraced House | Located in Popular Village of Broadbridge Heath | 16’8 Kitchen | 23’2 Lounge/Diner | 16’ Conservatory | Downstairs Cloakroom | Refitted Bathroom | Loft Room/Bedroom Four | Integral Garage | Driveway Parking for Two Cars


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Burstow £3,250

Ifold £2,500 pcm

An imposing seven bedroom detached Victorian family house set within approximately 13 acres of private grounds. To the front, is a large gravelled parking area and detached triple garage.

A modern four bedroom detached family home set in the sought after village of Ifold with three reception rooms and double garage.

Hamptons Office Horsham

Hamptons Office Horsham

Twineham £1,650 pcm

Cowfold £1,400 pcm

01403 839053

01403 839053

A refurbished three double bedroom detached Victorian house located in the rural A beautiful three bedroom period cottage located in the heart of Cowfold village. village of Twineham. To the rear, the garden is laid to lawn enjoying fantastic views The property benefits from off road parking for two cars to the front. To the rear, is a beautiful walled garden with a shed, shrubs and trees. of the surrounding countryside. Hamptons Office Horsham

01403 839053

Hamptons Office Horsham

01403 839053

Best for Property Management. Hamptons International has been crowned Gold Winner in Best for Property Management at the 2011 Lettings Agency of the Year Awards in association with The Sunday Times and The Times, recognising Hamptons’ commitment to exceptional customer service. Call us to find out more about how our Property Management Services can help us meet your property requirements.


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

London I Surrey I Sussex I Hampshire

Capel | £3,500 pcm

Ifold, Loxwood | £1,900 pcm

Horsham | £995 pcm

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Rudgwick | £995 pcm

Horsham | £850 pcm

Horsham | £700 pcm

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Wisborough Green | £1,395 pcm

Horsham | £1,095 pcm

Horsham | £2,795 pcm

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Lettings Department 01403 282500

Modern and well presented 2 bedroom ground floor apartment with private patio/ terrace area and situated in the heart of Horsham Town Centre. Briefly comprises entrance hall with large storage cupboard, secure telephone entry system, attractive lounge/sitting room with doors leading out to the private patio area.

Lughurst Burdocks is situated in a glorious rural location close to the renowned Bedham Hills and enjoys far reaching southerly views over Sussex countryside. Outside, the property is approached via a five bar gate over a newly shingled driveway with an old timber framed outbuilding providing garaging and workshop facilities.

Well presented and neutrally decorated 3 bedroom semi detached house, situated down a sought after residential road in North Horsham. Comprises entrance porch, spacious lounge/living room, attractive and modern fitted kitchen breakfast room and double doors opening out on to the rear patio and garden.

Spacious first floor 1 bedroom flat in the highly sought after ‘Greenacres’ development on North Parade in central Horsham. Comprises secure entry phone system, communal entrance hall, private internal hallway with double sliding storage cupboard, bedroom with floor to ceiling built in wardrobes.




Delightful 2 double bedroom, 2 bath/shower room, single storey, converted barn situated on a private farm estate near the highly sought after village of Rudgwick. Comprises a entrance door leading into the centrally located open plan lounge/dining room with vaulted ceiling and exposed timber beams, solid wood flooring throughout.

Substantial 6 bedroom, 3 reception room family residence with large gardens located along an attractive private road in the highly sought after village of Ifold. Comprises an entrance hall, large lounge/sitting room with feature fireplace, dining room, third reception room/study, kitchen/breakfast room, cloakroom and WC, utility room.


Substantial 5 bedroom, 3 reception room, character property with swimming pool and set in approximately 2.7 acres with stables, on the edge of Capel. Briefly comprises entrance hall, family room with fireplace, two separate kitchen breakfast rooms, utility room, downstairs WC, drawing/sitting room, formal dining room.

Well presented 3 bedroom, 2 reception room, semi detached period house with large rear garden, situated down a popular road near central Horsham. Downstairs comprises spacious entrance hall, sitting room with feature fireplace (not working), dining room with non working fireplace, modern fitted kitchen with oven/hob.

Immaculately presented 5 bedroom, 3 reception room, versatile detached family residence situated down one of Horsham’s most highly sought after roads. Briefly comprises a useful entrance porch, stylish hallway with storage cupboard, delightful open plan lounge area with working fireplace, sliding bi-fold doors opening out to the rear .

Agricultural I Commercial I Country Houses I Fine Art I Holiday Lets I Land I Lettings I New Homes I Planning I Professional I Residential Sales


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

Quality kitchens and bathrooms supplied and installed at GREAT prices

stylish affordable luxury... Visit Horsham’s largest kitchen and bathroom showroom for expert help and advice. 01403 253606 4 Genesis Business Centre, Redkiln Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5QH


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

01403 275030

The Pinnacle

Letting Company


We are an established and independent Letting Agent and our reputation is built upon our experience and high level of service we provide

bROAdbRIdGE HEATH £1,200 pcm

HORSHAm £1,200 pcm

bROAdbRIdGE HEATH £1,150 pcm


RUdGwICk £775 pcm

HORSHAm £715 pcm

• 3 Bedroom Family Home • Garage & Garden • Desirable Village Location • Popular School Catchment • Available Unfurnished

• Spacious First Floor Maisonette • 2 Double Bedrooms • En- Suite Shower Room • Convenient for Mainline Station • Parking


• Set Within Small Gated Development • Spacious 2 Double Bedroom Apartment • 2 Bathrooms • Building has use of a Lift • Allocated Parking


r requ


• Well Located Family Home • 3 Good Sized Bedrooms • Kitchen/Breakfast Room • Downstairs Cloaks • Parking

HORSHAm £850 pcm

• 2 Bedroom End of Terrace House • Convenient & Popular Location • Spacious Accommodation • Conservatory • Pets Considered


• Excellent Central Location • Executive 1 Bedroom Apartment • Presented in Superb Order • Integrated White Goods • Building has use of a Lift


r requ


• Village Location Character Property • 3 Double Bedrooms • Use of Open Fire • Garden • Off Road Parking

bROAdbRIdGE HEATH £850 pcm • Popular Village Location • 2 Double Bedroom House • Garage & Off Road Parking • Pets Considered



r requ


HORSHAm £800 pcm

• 2 Double Bedroom Apartment • Good Size Accommodation • Walking Distance of Town & Station • Kitchen with White Goods • Parking

Most of our new business comes from referral and recommendations. If you are a landlord letting for the first time, considering a buy to let investment or you have a portfolio, call us to discuss what we can offer you.

A service you can rely on and people you can trust. Find us: 26 Piries Place, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EH | Tel: 01403 275030 | Email:


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

First In Letting

ProPerty of the Week

150303 Central Horsham £565 pcm

588369 Horsham £925 pcm

Modern 2nd floor unfurnished studio apartment in the heart of Horsham town centre. Some bills included.

Lovely two double bedroom unfurnished house in North Horsham with conservatory, double glazing, gas central heating and garage.

84641 Billingshurst £850 pcm 632617 Horsham £795 pcm

374268 Horsham £850 pcm

Modern two double bedroom unfurnished apartment within easy reach of the town and station.

Spacious well presented two bedroom mid terrace house situated in a popular area of North Horsham.

A modern two bedroom unfurnished house situated in the heart of the village centre. Benefits include central heating, west facing rear garden and two allocated parking spaces.

ProPerty of the Week

947654 Billingshurst £925 pcm

884940 Horsham £1,100 pcm

Spacious three bedroom terrace house situated in a quiet cul-de-sac close to Billingshurst Station and The Weald school.

Spacious 3 bedroom unfurnished semi-detached house with garden and garage, situated in a popular residential area close to the A264.

572026 Horsham £1,150 pcm

84465 Rural Cowfold £1,250 pcm

Near new three double bedroom town house situated close to Horsham town and station. Features Three large double bedrooms. Central heating and allocated parking.

Spacious detached unfurnished bungalow situated in a superb rural location close to Cowfold village.

939191 Southwater £1,850 pcm Superb and immaculately presented four bedroom unfurnished detached house offering high spec contemporary accommodation. Viewing recommended.

Winners of Best Company in the 2010 Sussex Business Awards


01403 217585

18a Market Square, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1EU email: Follow us @LeadersSussex

Opening times: Mon-Fri 9.00-6.00 Sat 9.00-5.00


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012

First In Letting

ProPerty of the Week

937339 Cranleigh £675 pcm

937467 Cranleigh £850 pcm

Stunning one bedroom ground floor flat, modern kitchen and bathroom available 16th March 2012

Very well presented two bedroom split level apartment located in a central village location. Features a private decked area.

937704 Ewhurst £1,695 pcm 938041 Cranleigh £850 pcm

937808 Cranleigh £1,300 pcm

Spacious detached coach house situated in private grounds and featuring an open plan lounge with spiral staircase to the first first floor.

Four bed end of terrace town house with garage and low maintenance patio garden.Kitchen/ breakfast room and spacious lounge. Unfurnished.

Well presented unfurnished three bedroom detached lodge house in an attractive rural location with surrounding garden and driveway parking for several cars, Available unfurnished.

ProPerty of the Week

937578 Cranleigh £1,400 pcm

953733 Cranleigh £1,500 pcm

Modern four bedroom detached house with modern fitted kitchen, conservatory, a private rear garden and garage.

Bright and spacious four bedroom unfurnished semi-detached property in the heart of the village. Benefits from new carpets and fresh decor.

937973 Loxwood £1,695 pcm

938023 Cranleigh £2,950 pcm

A good size five bedroom detached house situated in a highly sought after village location and featuring an open fire in the sitting room.

Well presented 16th Century cottage with five double bedrooms. Private patio area and garden. Set in a quiet location with access to lake and orchard.

937897 Cranleigh £5,500 pcm Imposing wing of a large neo Georgian country house with six double bedrooms and uninterrupted far reaching views to the South Downs. Property extends to nearly 5000 sq feet arranged over three floors.

Winners of Best Company in the 2010 Sussex Business Awards


01483 274444

228 High Street,Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8RL email: Follow us @LeadersSurrey

Opening times: Mon-Fri 9.00-5.30 Sat 9.00-2.00


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT


Practicality shapes up! with new five door option

Olli Nott Motors Editor

Getting into Volkswagen’s awardwinning up! city car is now easier than ever, with the introduction of the new five-door model. Pictured here for the first time, the five-door up! has many of the same

virtues as its three-door sibling: a 2.42 m long wheelbase that makes for impressive interior space, a capacious 251-litre boot, an efficient three-cylinder engine, new-to-theclass safety features and an innovative infotainment system. Rear passengers in the five-door up! benefit from exactly the same space as those in the three-door

model, with 947 mm of headroom (versus 993 mm in the front) and 789 mm of legroom. The rear seat base is a few millimetres higher than that in the front, at 378 mm (versus 306 mm) giving passengers a clearer view of the road ahead. As well as front and side airbags, ABS with Hydraulic Brake Assist, Isofix child seat preparation in the rear and standard ESP (on all but the entry level Take up!), the up! can be ordered with an optional City Emergency Braking system. This uses sensors to scan the space ahead of the vehicle, applying the brakes automatically if it detects that the car is about to hit an object in front, and costs from just £225. The up! has received a five-star rating and the Advanced Award from Euro NCAP, the European New Car Assessment Programme. It is the first vehicle in this class to receive these awards. The Maps & More infotainment system is a mobile Personal Infotainment Device that was developed to organise navigation, telephone, information and entertainment. It is removable, but unlike many other similar systems of this type, it combines with the car’s network of systems and can be used to view vehicle


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information, such as the display of the parking sensors (where fitted). The system is standard on the High up! model and above, and optional on the rest of the range. The up! has already received top honours at the prestigious What Car? awards, where it was named Car of the Year for 2012, and has also been named TopGear magazine’s Small Car of the Year. First UK deliveries of the fivedoor up! are expected to start in the

3+ INTERIM SERVICE Check battery Check/top up brake fluid Visually check suspension & steering Check alternator belt tension Check coolant strength and top-up Top up washer bottle Check wipers and washers Check lights Check tyre depths Check and adjust tyre pressures Check condition of the exhaust Note body damage Change oil & oil filter Remove wheels & check brakes Check wheel & check brakes Check wheel bearings Check cooling fan operation Check gearbox fluid Replace air filter

£99 £80


second half of the year; prices are yet to be confirmed. The three-door up! is available to order now, with prices starting at £7,995 (RRP OTR) and the first models arriving in showrooms in March. For more details on this and Volkswagen’s award-winning range of cars, please visit Volkswagen’s future model lineup looks promising, and the five door up! makes perfect sense. I wish I could be at the front of the order books!


Check battery Replace brake fluid Visually check suspension & steering Check alternator belt tension Replace coolant Top up washer bottle Check wipers and washers Check lights Check tyre depths Check & adjust tyre pressures Check condition of exhaust Note body damage Change oil & oil filter Remove wheels & check brakes Check wheel bearings Check cooling fan operation Check/top up gearbox fluid Replace spark plugs Replace fuel filter

£179 £160

Up to 2.0l 4 cylinders. 4wd please ask for further details. These offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.



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08433 087 585




THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


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Select any new Vauxhall.*

Any deposit. We’ll give you at least £500 to get you started.**

From 24 to 60 months and you own the car at the end of the term.

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Corsa 1.0i 12v ecoFLEX S

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Stevens Crawley Manor Royal Industrial Estate Crawley RH10 9NS

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0844 375 1231

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Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO 2 emissions (g/km). Vauxhall range: Urban: 14.4 (19.6)-67.3 (4.2), Extra-urban: 27.4 (10.3)-91.1 (3.1), Combined: 20.6 (13.7)-80.7 (3.5). CO2 emissions: 324-94g/km.

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Retail sales only. Subject to availability at participating dealers only on vehicles registered between 1 January and 31 March 2012. Terms and conditions apply. **£1,400 saving applies to the Mazda2 TS 1.3 3dr with original list price of £10,395 OTR. ^6.9% finance available on all Mazda models. At the end of the Personal Contract Purchase there are 3 options: (i) Renew: Part exchange the vehicle, where equity is available, (ii) Retain: Pay the Optional Final Payment to own the vehicle or (iii) Return the vehicle. Further charges may be made subject to the condition of the vehicle. Finance subject to status. Applicants must be 18 or over. Guarantees/Indemnities may be required. Mazda Financial Services RH1 1SR. Model shown: Mazda2 TS 1.3 3dr. OTR price £8,995. Model shown features optional Mica paint (£460). On the road price includes VAT, number plates, delivery, 12 months’ road fund licence, 1st registration fee, 3 year or 60,000 mile warranty and 3 years’ European Roadside Assistance. Details correct at time of going to print.

Defy Convention

The official fuel consumption figures in mpg (l/100km) for the Mazda Range: Urban 18.0 (15.7) – 56.5 (5.0), Extra Urban 31.0 (9.1) – 76.3 (3.7), Combined 24.6 (11.5) – 67.3 (4.2). CO 2 emissions (g/km) 299 – 110.

*Not available on Expression, ES, ES Tech & Tech line models. **Finance Deposit Allowance not available on Astra GTC. Finance provided by Vauxhall Finance, a trading style of GMAC UK plc, PO Box 6666, Cardiff, CF15 7YT. Finance is subject to status, terms and conditions. Applicants must be 18 years or over. Offer applies to private individuals, Vauxhall Partners and small businesses 1-24 (purchase only excluding B2B). All other customers are excluded. Offer available on orders or registrations before 02 April 2012. †Vauxhall Lifetime Warranty covers lifetime ownership of fi rst registered keeper, 100,000 mile limit. Terms and conditions apply. ^Customer deposit shown after deduction of Vauxhall contribution.


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT


Choose your car


Choose your deposit


Choose your term

Select any new Vauxhall.*

Any deposit. We’ll give you at least £500 to get you started.**

From 24 to 60 months and you own the car at the end of the term.

PLUS Lifetime warranty

Lifetime 100,000 mile warranty.† First registered owner.

Corsa 1.0i 12v ecoFLEX S

Astra 1.4i 16v VVT (100PS) Exclusiv

£169 per month

£239 per month

For just

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over 60 months with £1 Customer deposit^

over 60 months with £1 Customer deposit^


Stevens Crawley Manor Royal Industrial Estate Crawley RH10 9NS

Stevens Horsham 78 Billingshurst Road Horsham West Sussex

0844 375 1231

0844 375 1239

Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO 2 emissions (g/km). Vauxhall range: Urban: 14.4 (19.6)-67.3 (4.2), Extra-urban: 27.4 (10.3)-91.1 (3.1), Combined: 20.6 (13.7)-80.7 (3.5). CO2 emissions: 324-94g/km. *Not available on Expression, ES, ES Tech & Tech line models. **Finance Deposit Allowance not available on Astra GTC. Finance provided by Vauxhall Finance, a trading style of GMAC UK plc, PO Box 6666, Cardiff, CF15 7YT. Finance is subject to status, terms and conditions. Applicants must be 18 years or over. Offer applies to private individuals, Vauxhall Partners and small businesses 1-24 (purchase only excluding B2B). All other customers are excluded. Offer available on orders or registrations before 02 April 2012. †Vauxhall Lifetime Warranty covers lifetime ownership of fi rst registered keeper, 100,000 mile limit. Terms and conditions apply. ^Customer deposit shown after deduction of Vauxhall contribution.

Exclusive Savings from Crawley Down Nissan

Choose from a New QASHQAI or a New JUKE and receive £1,000 deposit contribution 12 REG JUKE


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Cash Price £14,495 Nissan Deposit Contribution £1,000 Customer Deposit £4,100 36 Monthly Payments of £138 Amount of Credit £9,395 Optional Final Payment £6,034 Total Amount Payable £16,102

Cash Price £17,995 Nissan Deposit Contribution £1,000 Customer Deposit £5,300 36 Monthly Payments of £189 Amount of Credit £11,695 Optional Final Payment £6,840 Total Amount Payable £19,944

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Crawley Down Nissan Snow Hill, Crawley RH10 3EQ

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Opening Hours 9am-6pm Mon-Fri. 9am-5.30pm Sat. 10.30am-4pm Sun. Fuel economy figures for the JUKE Range: URBAN 27.7-47.9mpg (10.2-5.9L/100km), EXTRA URBAN 47.1-65.7mpg (6.0-4.3L/100km), COMBINED 37.2-57.6mpg (7.6-4.9L/100km), CO2 emissions 175-129g/km. QASHQAI Range: URBAN 26.6-51.4mpg (10.6-5.5L/100km), EXTRA URBAN 43.5-72.4mpg

(6.5-3.9L/100km), COMBINED 35.3-62.8mpg (8.0-4.5L/100km), CO2 emissions 189-119g/km. Finance is available subject to status on eligible new vehicles registered between 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 in the UK to persons aged 18 or over. Guarantees and Indemnities may be required. Preferences examples based on an agreed annual mileage of 10,000 miles. Further charges may be made subject to mileage and condition if you elect to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement, excess mileage charged at 6p per mile. Offers are available at participating dealers only. Nissan Finance, a trading style of RCI Financial Services Limited, PO Box 495, Watford WD17 1FJ. Terms and conditions apply to Advantage Nissan – please see Pictures for illustration purposes only.

HL1615 CDG Nissan Juke Qashqai 169x268 TR_100112.indd 1

23/01/2012 10:03


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


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The Governors of Leechpool Primary School require a Clerk to assist them in the strategic leadership of this successful and popular school. You will be responsible for organising meetings and the associated paperwork, taking the minutes, keeping records, and advising the governors on constitutional matters and their duties. You will also need to ensure the continuity of business and keep them up to date with the many developments in education relevant to them. You will need to be flexible, as the majority of the meetings take place in the evening. We are ideally looking for someone with clerking experience but are prepared to employ an enthusiastic person with excellent administrative skills, willing to attend training. Please ring for the job description, personal specification and application form. Closing date for applications: - 12-00 noon on 30th January 2012 Please apply to: Mrs Caroline Dedman - School Business Manager Leechpool Primary School, Leechpool Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6AG Telephone 01403 210233

Vacancies for people who take pride in their work • Full time vacancies • Transport & uniform provided • Monday - Friday • Full training given • No night & weekend work • Driving licence essential • Standby staff also required Call 01403 262550

Circlegram Replace the question mark with a letter so that the letters within each circle can be arranged to form words on a common theme. What are the three words, and the letter represented by the question mark? A S N

Double Crossword

Each number in the grid represents a different letter of the alphabet and every letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given letter(s) to the right of the main grid to start you off.


PART TIME Approximately 25 hours per term





Get your job search off to the best start...

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Choose either quick or cryptic clues - both fit the same grid.

P R I I M D A ? C A

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION: The letter represented by the question mark is P. Syphony, arpeggio, rhapsody, all musical terms.

Cryptic Clues: Across


1. All measured out like a good road (8) 5. Part of a tree used as a bow (4) 9. None of it is good, it’s said (4) 10. A sign that the commanding officer’s in prison perhaps (8) 11. Not qualified to speak (5) 12. Frank article written by G.B. Shaw (7) 13. Just one of twentyfour today (9,4) 18. Basically, it’s intended to make one’s pile last longer (8) 19. A slight mark on the music? (4) 20. Chided a debater, perhaps (7) 21. Tried to get well? (5) 22. Bird to perform repeatedly (4) 23. He doesn’t like to strike (8)

2. His choice will get cross! (7) 3. Results of questionable actions? (7) 4. I cleaned a copy - it could be a valuable book (13) 6. One gets four or six in the test, but it’s unimportant (7) 7. Permission to give the fellow an appointment (7) 8. Smoothed out on board, perhaps (6) 13. Beaten by one particular suit? (7) 14. Arranged, but not voluntarily (7) 15. Elf makes random trips over the East (6) 16. Stop knitting and prepare for sea (4,3) 17. Theirs is an exacting business (7)

Quick Clues: Across 1. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Rapturous (8) Praise (4) Support (4) Gets (8) Unspoken (5) Signal (7) Without a delegate (13) Shrink (8) Legend (4) Feeling (7) Monstrosity (5) Standard (4) Control (8)

Down 2. Sure (7) 3. Upper part (3-4) 4. White heat (13) 6. Tumbler (7) 7. Go down (7) 8. Delicate (6) 13. Dirty (7) 14. Spite (7) 15. Let (6) 16. Figure (7) 17. Derive (7)

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS: CRYPTIC - Across: 1 Assent; 4 Combat; 9 Divorce decree; 10 Correct; 11 Emits; 12 Fives; 14 Stage; 18 Tiler; 19 Diocese; 21 Breach of faith; 22 Easier; 23 Elders. Down: 1 Addict; 2 Severe illness; 3 Nurse; 5 Overeat; 6 Burning desire; 7 Theist; 8 Heats; 13 Earache; 15 Stable; 16 Add on; 17 Meshes; 20 Offal. QUICK - Across: 1 Duress; 4 Abduct; 9 Secret Service; 10 Omitted; 11 Inter; 12 Pitch; 14 Charm; 18 Trail; 19 Extrude; 21 Prime Minister; 22 Denote; 23 Pledge. Down: 1 Despot; 2 Recrimination; 3 Sweet; 5 Burnish; 6 Uninterrupted; 7 Theory; 8 Aside; 13 Collect; 15 Stupid; 16 Peril; 17 Degree; 20 Trial.

Sudoku Fill in the grid below so that every column, every row and each of the 3x3 boxes contains all the digits from 1 to 9. LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS >




Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT



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THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


Five months without a league win James Herd Football

A strong Hendon side got the better of Horsham at Gorings Mead, leaving the Hornets stranded at the bottom of the league and without a Premier Division win since August 27. Horsham worked hard, playing into a strong wind in the �irst half, but Hendon made the breakthrough via Ryan Wharton’s header after an innovative move from a corner. Horsham had a golden opportunity to equalise after half time as the lively Tommy Murphy created an opening and George Landais was inches from converting. Shortly after, two rare mistakes from Hornets goalkeeper Michael Hunter sealed the victory for Hendon. The �irst came when a low free kick bounced just in front of Hunter and he was unable to keep hold of the ball, gifting Greg Ngoyi the simplest of �inishes. Two minutes later, Ian Varley under-hit a back pass, Hunter’s attempted clearance hit Elliot Charles in the face and the ball eventually crossed the line. Horsham boss Hugo Langton said: “How unlucky are we? I thought the �irst half was even and they undid us with a fantastic set piece, but we were still in it in the second half. “We had a great chance which we didn’t put away. Normally you’d put your mortgage on George tucking that away. “A couple of errors up the other end, for want of a better phrase, have absolutely killed us. That’s the life of a goalkeeper. Michael is a fantastic keeper, he’s been outstanding and I’m not going to pull him out.” Despite the loss, Langton was quick to praise the character of his young side and said morale in the dressing room remained high. He said: “They don’t lie down,





Horsham goalkeeper Michael Hunter gathers this cross but was responsible for two Hendon goals

they don’t give in. I believe in hard work, I believe in positivity, and they seem to have those attributes. “They are not in there taking the mick, they’re keeping each other’s heads up. I don’t want them going home beating themselves up.” Horsham face a trip to Concord tomorrow (Saturday) and Langton believes it will only take one win for the Hornets’ luck to change. He added: “We feel that once we get one we’ll go and get a few. We’ve got to have a go – we’ve got nothing to lose, have we?”

George Landais takes on ex-Albion star Darren Currie

Photos by John Lines

Tommy Murphy gets away from a Hendon defender

Majestic Royals step up their bid for another title Matthew James and Matt Streeter Youth Football

Royal United U16

Royal United U16 beat Twin Oaks U16 3-0 to maintain their unbeaten record in Division A of the Horsham and District Youth League. It took only two minutes for the impressive Greg Gander to slot in the �irst goal after a give-and-go with Tom Killner-Brown. Luke Polie and KillnerBrown added the other goals. Royals were in top form in their �irst match since early December and should have extended their lead on a few occasions, although Aaron

Chaplin made two high-class saves at the other end. Anthony Jupp and Connor Cushing were instrumental in central mid�ield, while Stanley Rice and Harry Garman caused havoc on Royals’ left. Manager Richard Chaplin said: “The boys played some terri�ic passing football, clinical and very effective.” Dorking Saints U16 are level on points with Royals, but have played two more matches than the leaders, after overcoming Horsham Sparrows U16 4-1. Joe Scallan impressed for Sparrows and scored the �inal goal of the game, a close-range header.

Lower Beeding and Handcross Lions U15 suffered their �ifth league defeat of the season, 4-2 against Division A leaders Copthorne U15. Lions dominated the early exchanges and mid�ielder Liam Kidd scored the only goal of the �irst half, a powerful header from a corner. Copthorne created many chances at the start of the second half, but it was 15 minutes before they equalised. Three more goals followed in quick succession before Lions captain Andrew Roberts scored a consolation penalty. Right back Tom Bowie was Lions’ man of the match.


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT


More ups and downs Ian Morris

While our usual scribe Andy was displaying his skills on the ski slopes, the rest of us were left facing a week of ups and downs in the life of our beloved Seagulls. Last Wednesday saw several of our members head off to Wales for the hastily-rearranged FA Cup replay at Wrexham, which had been postponed the day before because of a frozen pitch. It turned out to be probably the worst Albion performance in recent years, yet somehow we managed to mug the home side in the dreaded penalty shootout. While Andy was complaining because he had to follow the game on the internet, those of us who were unable to make the journey were left to watch it on the Welsh-speaking channel. After turning down the sound and tuning in to the radio commentary, some of us heard the goals several seconds before actually seeing them. This confused one NWSS member in particular – let’s call him Mike to protect his identity – who had great trouble during the shootout because he could not work out if he was seeing a goal he had just heard or hearing one he was yet to see! I texted a goal-by-goal account to my son, who was on holiday in Canada. The following morning we woke to the shattering news that five players, and one former player, had been arrested in connection with a serious offence that they were allegedly involved in back in July last year. The ether was soon alive with texts, emails and tweets as everyone tried to find out more and exactly why it had taken so long to get to this stage. Thankfully one of the players has been cleared by the police. While we hope that the rest are also cleared, many of us are extremely angry that these high-profile young men have apparently somehow allowed themselves to get into a position where such accusations can be made. This has undoubtedly brought our club, which is justly proud of its family and community base, into disrepute. After the weekend win at Peterborough, tomorrow (Saturday) sees our FA Cup tie against Newcastle. It promises to be an interesting day. Andy is back, threatening to go topless to show our visitors they don’t have a monopoly on well-developed beer bellies and prove we are not a load of southern softies. We will be running two coaches to the American Express Community Stadium for this game. If you fancy joining us, rest assured there will be no displays of flesh on the coach and visit www.northwestsussexseagulls.

win Southwater ace Palmer Ladies national title excited by GP2 move Martin Read Hockey

Matthew James Sport Editor

Jolyon Palmer is targeting a topthree title finish in only his second GP2 season. The Southwater race ace, who was 21 on Friday last week, will race for Norfolk-based iSport International after switching from the Arden team. He said: “I would describe my first year in GP2 as a solid learning year. I was disappointed with some of the results, but at times I had the pace to be running in the points and was undone by bad luck. “There are plenty of experienced drivers but there’s not a lot of track time to get up to speed with the car and circuits, so a rookie season is always going to be difficult. You just have to learn from the experiences and put them to use for this year. “iSport are a well-established frontrunning team and have won the title before. A number of their drivers have made it into F1. “I have driven for them before, testing for two days at the end of 2010 and another day at the end of last year, so I know the team already and have a good working relationship with them. “I felt it was also very important for me to have an experienced and highly rated team-mate this season. Marcus Ericsson will be in his third year of GP2 and his second with iSport. “My goal for this year is firstly to be consistently scoring points and then end up in the top three in the championship. It is a tough challenge as there are always top-quality drivers in GP2, but with a year’s experience under my belt and with a top team I think it is achievable.

Jolyon Palmer

“Over the winter I have been working hard on my fitness and I’m well into a diet regime now to get myself down to my optimum weight for the first test of the season at the end of February. “It was nice to get a deal sorted out before Christmas so I can spend more time preparing with the team before the start of the season.

Photo courtesy of GP2/LAT

“I’m extremely excited by the new GP2 calendar. It made sense to merge the main series with the Asia series and it will be exciting going to new circuits such as Malaysia and Singapore.” The GP2 season will start at Sepang, Malaysia, on March 23-25 after testing at Jerez (February 28 to March 1) and Barcelona (March 6-8).

After becoming Division 2 South indoor supremos, Horsham Ladies won promotion to Division 1 of the Maxifuel Super Sixes National Indoor Championships. The demanding tournament in Birmingham is a strong examination of fitness and skills, but despite Horsham’s modest aspirations they swept all before them. Horsham won all 10 of their games, against league leaders Surbiton and other top teams from the North and South divisions containing international players. Hannah Simpson captained with great flair and Zeph Hardy set up a number of successful attacks, while Jess Dean scored seven goals, Louisa Denman five and Fran Crossley four. Horsham Ladies are also through to the semi-finals of the Sussex Knockout Cup. Team manager Jane Denman said: “We are all thrilled and exhilarated by our fantastic performances at Birmingham. “Now we’re determined to carry this momentum into our outdoor league campaign (resuming on February 5) to ensure we climb out of the relegation zone. Having proved ourselves, we’ve now got the confidence to achieve that.” In the men’s league, Horsham’s young, injury-hit side saw their promotion hopes dented with a 5-3 home defeat by Bexleyheath and Belvedere. In testing conditions, Horsham attacked straight from the off but were unable to convert early chances. Scrappy end-to-end play followed, culminating in Bexleyheath and Belvedere opening the scoring after 15 minutes. Subsequent Horsham raids were neutralised until the goal-hungry Matt Hough equalised with a clean backhand strike. Another Hough attempt was saved and two B&B corners were blocked before the visitors regained the lead right on half time. Obdurate second-half defence kept Horsham at bay before the visitors found the net again 20 minutes from the restart. Veteran Ian Brown quickly responded with his first goal for Horsham seniors this season, only to see B&B promptly go further ahead and then score again, taking their lead to 5-2. Emphasising the competitiveness of the game, four goals had been scored in as many minutes. Hough bagged his second goal 10 minutes from the final whistle, but by then the result was not in serious doubt. Disappointed captain John Burroughs admitted: “B&B seized their opportunities better than we did. It’s a frustrating result for us.” Manager Al Campbell said: “We had one more player available this week, but some of the younger players had participated in a school game before this one. No excuses though – we were beaten fair and square on the day and can’t complain.”


THERESIDENT Friday 27 January 2012


Young Horsham teams beaten on a day of disappointment Matt Streeter and Peter Kjeldgard Youth Rugby Union

Horsham U15 were beaten 22-5 by Hove U15 in a top-of-the-table clash. Horsham soon came under pressure from Hove’s forwards, but as the pack retaliated and started to rule up front it was the backs who made a costly mistake. The ball was knocked on and pounced on by Hove during the advantage, leading to a converted try. Hove scored another converted

try shortly afterwards, but Horsham fought back and started to take control late in the first half. Great breaks from Sean Richardson, Dan Riley and Harry Blanthorn enabled Horsham to get deep inside Hove’s half. The forwards forced their way through and James Hebbard scored in the corner, 5-14 at half time. Horsham started the second half as well as they had finished the first and were constantly in Hove’s half for the opening minutes, but this effort was not rewarded and only a diving tackle by Declan Nwachukwu kept Horsham’s hopes alive.

Pressure mounted on Horsham and it proved too much as Hove added a penalty and third converted try. Horsham U15 coach John Riley said: “The final score in no way reflected the balance of the game. Many observers, including the referee, agreed we should have taken something. “We were missing numerous key players and fielded two U14s, Alex Cleary and George Palmer, who were both fantastic. “The overall effort and performance was outstanding. We just didn’t have the luck on the day. All

Sport in Brief

credit to Hove, who should go on to be crowned county champions.”

Horsham U13 slipped to a 36-14 defeat against Chichester U13 in their penultimate league game of the season. Horsham played some fine rugby at times but were well beaten by more physical opponents after conceding two early tries. Replacement scrum-half Henry Watts scored Horsham’s first try after chasing down his own kick and Sam Cole had the final say by forcing the ball over the line.

Bradley Parsons with head coach Lee Cole

Boxing Horsham welterweight Ben Pringle, 19, recorded a clear points win over Crawley’s Will Kear at Eastbourne. Kear landed an illegal low blow that nearly lifted the Horsham boxer off his feet in the first round, but Pringle soon regained his composure. Horsham’s Bradley Parsons, 14, did well to beat the more experienced Zak Ealey (Poole) on points. Parsons boxed well behind his southpaw jab and Ealey was docked a point for use of the head. Harry Orsini, 13, took on Guildford City’s Jimmy Smith at Farnham. Orsini produced a great performance in the third round but lost a unanimous points decision after a hard-fought bout.


Matthew Allen, Horsham U13

Sam Cole, Horsham U13

New PB for Jade as she wins U17 title Youth Athletics

Pole vaulter Jade Brewster added the South of England U17 indoor title to the national U15 indoor title she won last year. Competing at Lee Valley on Sunday, the Horsham Blue Star Harrier used a stiffer pole for the first time and initially struggled, only clearing her opening height of 3m at the third attempt. But the 14-year-old quickly settled. First-time clearances at 3.10m and 3.20m ensured her victory before another first-time clearance at 3.40m gave her a new personal best and took her to the top of the national U17 rankings. The Tanbridge House School pupil, who trains at Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre and received a Set4Success award last year, has a month to familiarise herself with the new pole

before the National Championships. Delighted coach Mick Cole said: “Jade must now be one of the favourites for the national title, even though this is her first year in the new age group.”

Photo by Alex Christie

Brewster recently spoke out against controversial plans to demolish Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, telling The Resident: “I am an athlete who hopes to represent Great Britain in future World Championships and Olympics. “If the centre shuts down, it will make it hard to fulfil those ambitions. “I have been very lucky to get to the level I am at in pole vaulting, mainly due to the support of everyone at the club and the facilities at the leisure centre. “To lose this now would have a big impact on so many children and adults in Horsham. Any future Olympians who would have been spotted at Horsham will be lost forever. “I urge Horsham District Council not to close our excellent athletics facilities, as they are very important to getting enjoyment and passion out of the sport.”

Horsham Hawks U14 lost 62-46 at second-placed Worthing D&D but followed up by beating Brighton Cougars 76-55. Coach Nick Probin was delighted with the whole team, who played with enthusiasm and skill at both ends of the court to the delight of the home supporters. Scorers v Worthing D&D: Haylee Miller 12, Max Dodd 9, Ola Edgal 8, Antonio Valbuena 7, Elliot Bailey 4, Ethan Belfield 2, Jacob Larbey 2, Wes Dishington 2. Scorers v Brighton Cougars: Jacob Larbey 28, Max Dodd 22, Haylee Miller 12, Ethan Belfield 8, Daniela Lozzi 2, Wes Dishington 2, Holly Merchant 2.


Sussex County League Division 1: AFC Uckfield 3 Horsham YMCA 1 (Sullivan). Division 2: Midhurst and Easebourne 4 Steyning 3 (Williamson 2), Storrington 1 Loxwood 4. Division 3: Barnham 1 Forest 3, Hurstpierpoint 4 TD Shipley 0, Rottingdean 0 Broadbridge Heath 1, Uckfield Town 2 Roffey 2.

Youth Cricket

Photo by DE Photo,

Horsham U16 (103-4) beat Southwater U16 (89-4) in the iDentilam Colts Indoor League at Tanbridge House School. West Chiltington U16 (96-2) beat Billingshurst U16 (94-5) and Steyning U16 (94-2) beat Capel U16 (92-4).


Friday 27 January 2012 THERESIDENT

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