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vIvObAreFOOt MAgNA FOrest esC

Barefoot life is a chance to connect with the natural world and allow your body to move about in a natural way, it shouldn’t mean taking risks with your safety or jeopardising your stability whilst walking about. The ESC from Vivobarefoot has been newly engineered with a tough yet flexible Michelin outsole, this sole has deep 7mm lugs on a 2.5mm base, this gives you high levels of traction on extreme trails. At the front of the shoe are articulated toe lugs which have been designed to act like claws to help with the assent, at the back the long heel lugs act as a break during the descents. Running down either side of the sole are dedicated lugs for lateral edge traction to assist with traversing and the textured arch gives you a zonal grip for technical off trail movement, you get all this steadiness while maintaining ground feel beneath your feet keeping you connected to the earth and enjoying that barefoot experience. The ESC offers that Vivo wide foot fit to let the foot spread naturally as you walk and the sole is flexible enough to tap into all the little muscles in the foot and build up the strength. The Bloom Performance Insole is made from a algae biomass foam, the stuff is damaging our oceans so using it in the footwear helps to clean the environment from where it was harvested, it is the first sustainable alternative to synthetic and petrochemical EVA foam, it also uses recycled PU foam, another tick for reducing waste and moving away from virgin plastics. The upper is made with Woolmark certified merino wool collar, which delivers precise and comfortable fit, keeps out debris from the trail, it also provides breathability, temperature regulation and sweat wicking properties. The laces need pulling in from the bottom to the top as they have a textured shape, you don’t want them too tight to allow the top of the foot to move naturally as it pushes away from the ground, this lace design means they hold firmly in place once tided. The naturally scarred leather comes from free-roaming cattle sourced from small scale farmers and makes the ESC water resistant giving you a good balance between a natural experience and comfort. The ESC are a great choice for a sustainable barefoot trail shoe that gives you plenty of environmental feedback whilst protecting you from the elements.

A tOugh ANd stAbLe bAreFOOt shOe MAde WIth sustAINAbLe ANd reCyCLed MAterIALs.



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