2 minute read

ruFFWeAr pALIsAdes dOg bACKpACK

There’s nothing like exploring the great outdoors with you best four-legged pal, but the last thing you need is to be constantly removing your own rucksack and digging around for poo bags, treats and water. Let them take a little responsibility for their own belongings with the Palisade backpack from Ruffwear, this is their highest volume pack Ruffwear have to offer suitable for multiday treks and holidays. It comes in a highly visible Red Sumac colour and in sizes Small, Medium, Large/Extra Large, and is made from a tough 150 denier ripstop polyester shell. This Ruffwear staple has had an upgrade with more breathability and flexibility thanks to the perforated, moulded foam chassis and an improved faderesistance with new materials. The updated "flopper stopper" system (my new favourite phrase) is easier to use when stabilising the saddlebags, there is also a brand-new stash pocket configuration. The roomy saddlebags are fully removeable, ideal for lightening the load once you have reached your location and use with shorter sized trips, they feature a cross-load compression system which keeps things stable and balanced for the dog. There are multiple pockets and an external daisy chain to organise the dogs gear store like sleeping equipment and food, it also comes with two 1lt BPA free collapsible hydration bladders. It is recommended that the dog doesn’t carry more than 25% of their body weight which includes the pack weight and its contents, if this is the first time your dog has used a backpack it is a good idea to start them off with light loads and work up to get them used to the sensation of the bag. The Palisade uses five points of adjustment for a precise fit, there are two leash attachment points, an aluminium V-ring and reinforced webbing loop as well as a light loop and reflective trim for better visibility in low light. The robust padded handle and girth straps evenly disperse the load for full control over the dog and comfortable lifting when they need a little help. The Palisade is perfect for adventurers with four legged friends, giving you quick easy access to all their belongings.



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