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Summer is the time to get out and enjoy everything that nature has to offer; summer is also the time we hear stories of people getting into trouble on the water. With canoes, kayaks, surf boards, stand up paddle boards and other inflatables so readily available these days anyone can get out on the water without necessarily knowing how to stay safe. The Alto Belt Pack Floatation Aid from Spinlock is a 75N waist worn floatation, designed to be there when you need extra support in the water, it is kept discretely out of the way around the waist, it looks a bit like a bum bag. This aid is manually operated so the wearer must be fully conscious and mobile to trigger it when needed and offers complete freedom of movement unlike some hefty old life jackets. It comes in red, blue, yellow, orange or black, it weighs just 376g (13.3oz) and fits waist sizes of 70cm up to 145cm (27.5" - 57"), it is approved for adult users only (aged 16 years+) who weigh over 40kg. The waist belt is adjustable to get a precise and comfortable fit and it can be worn on the front or back so you can ensure the pull cord is within reach of your dominant hand and the pack is out of your way. To activate just give a strong tug on the tab that’s located on the left strap, it has a label written on it and a yellow plastic pull toggle. When you trigger the Alto it releases a 75N inflatable tube that’s nearly a full circle, this will then support the wearer under the arms and around the chest, it is reusable but you will need to purchase the rearming kit, two 16g cylinders and two clips for £8.68. This buoyancy aid is UKCA and CE approved and is rated as a ISO12402-5 50N buoyancy aid and ISO12402-6 special purpose buoyancy aid. We love how the Alto can be put on and forgotten about until needed, it doesn’t impede arm movement at all making it great for paddlers, fisherman and anyone looking to be active on the water but have that safety net with them too. Application: Swimmers only, sheltered waters help at hand, limited protection against drowning, not a lifejacket. Trained users only, requires secondary donning in the water.
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