2 minute read

FreetrAIN hydrO 1 vest

I love a run and I love the hot weather but put them together and I’m one grumpy, Lycra wearing jogger, the main issue I have is staying hydrated, I hate carrying stuff in my hands when I run I find it really distracting. Water belts can be equally irritating, bouncing away on your hip so I was pleased to see that Freetrain have released the Hydro Vest, I was converted to the running vest a few years ago, ditching the arm band in favour of the vest for carrying my phone and door key. The Hydro Vest is bigger than the V1 or the VR vests, rather than the pocket being located in the centre of the chest there are two pockets either side, the back panel is wider to compensate for this and spreads the weight more evenly. The phone pocket will fit 99% of all modern phones thanks to the stretchy material, it also comes with a phone adapter case to make sure your device has a snug fit, preventing it from bouncing about, causing friction and generally being a nuisance. The vest comes in one size and is suitable for most people with a chest size between 28 and 52 inches, the material used is super flexible allowing it to expand and mould to the individuals body shape so it’s snug, not tight. The waist band is adjustable so you can tighten it and loosen it with weight loss or muscle gain, it might feel tight to begin with but will become looser after a few runs and a bit of movement. It is easier to put on than the previous vests thanks to the central zip and it feels thinner and more flexible too, the ventilation holes help encourage air flow. The water bottle pocket has a draw string on the opening security, and it comes with a soft 500ml water bottle with a sports top, a little straw that clips onto the shoulder would be a handy addition so you can take a sip on the fly. There are two stretchy shoulder pockets for keys or gels as well as a large stretchy pocket on the back panel that could be used to store a waterproof shell or a lightweight sweat towel. The Hydro 1 Vest is a comfortable solution to carrying your phone and water on those hot runs, the larger design might not be for everyone but it comfortably holds everything firmly in place so you can focus on your run and remain safely hydrated.

thIs LIghtWeIght, FLexIbLe vest Lets yOu COMFOrtAbLy CArry 500ML OF WAter ON yOur ruNs.


prOs phONe ANd WAter bOttLe pOCKet tO Chest 500ML sOFt WAter bOttLe INCLuded shOuLder pOCKets ANd bACK pOCKet durAbLe LIghtWeIght MAterIAL reFLeCtIve prINt AdjustAbLe WAIstbANd


CONs NON-AdjustAbLe shOuLder strAps MOre COverAge thAN the vr ANd v1 NO drINKs strAW


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