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Leaving your baby to sleep on their own in the nursery can be a scary prospect, being able to listen in on them is one thing but being able to see them provides a whole other level of reassurance as well as allowing you to witness some amazing moments that ordinally would be missed. This sweet little camera comes in three colours Cotton Candy, Turquoise or Pistachio, the packaging is rather cute with tiny little footprints cut out in the boxes, yes, I know it will only end up in the recycling, but it certainly had the aww factor. The camera is made from a premium, baby-safe silicone and has a long, flexible tail, this can be twisted into position to sit the camera on a table or around the bars of the cot, it also comes with wall mount and loop attachment to wrap it around the bars of the cot. It can also be attached to any standard tripod attachments giving you a plethora of mounting options in all locations. The Lollipop connects over an app on your phone or smart device via Wifi, there is a privacy mode that activates indoor monitoring only and blocks outdoor streaming, some features such as event video will be disabled in this mode, but you can still watch the live feed when your phone is connected to the same WiFi. When away from the home you can check in on how the babysitter is getting on from anywhere in the world, this also means you can give access to grandparents and friends to see special moments with either live camera view or prerecorded links. The new Gig: Baby DJ will play calming white noise or classical music; the Cry Detection can tell the difference between background noise and your child’s cry for attention, sending an alert to your phone. The Cross Detection allows you to set safe zones to track movements in your baby’s cot, if a cat sneaks their way in or baby pokes a leg out between the bars you will be notified, it will also save a 30-second video (for 7 days) of any significant events such as crying or environmental alerts, this lets you review if anything unusual happens. The WiFi style connection could be an issue for those looking for a high security device, the privy mode is reasonably effective but limits some of the features. The Lollipop Care is an option subscription which adds to an already functional collection of features, including the 30s Event Video Recordings, 24/7 Continuous Video Recording, Video Clip Download and the rather handy new Sleep Tracking. The image quality is impressive, there is a slight delay as it switches between daytime colour and night mode, the sound is clear with very little lag, the cute design also compliments the nursery nicely, all things considered it is great value for money.
prOs MuLtIpLe Add extr MOuNtINg A CAMerAs OptION tO the s sAMe devICe £125.56 buILt IN sOuNd MAChINe push NOtIFICAtIONs WheN the App Is CLOsed CLeAr IMAge QuALIty ANd sOuNd dAy ANd NIght CheCK IN FrOM ANyWhere IN the WOrLd Or ChOOse prIvACy MOde Cry deteCtION, CrOss deteCtION ANd dAtA hIstOry reAsONAbLy prICe OptIONAL LOLLIpOp CAre subsCrIptION CONs seCurIty Issues surrOuNdINg WIFI CONNeCtION
there IsN ’ t MuCh NOt tO LIKe AbOut thIs CAMerA, pACKed WIth hANdy FeAtures, A sWeet desIgN ANd MuLtIpLe MOuNtINg OptIONs It prOved tO be greAt vALue FOr MONey.