The Rider's Mag February 2020

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Whats Shakin’

Pg. 5

Cruisin’ With Critter

Pg. 6


Pg. 13

Breaking Dawn

Pg. 14

Twisted Spokes Astrology

Pg. 22

Gone But Not Forgotten

Pg. 23

Bikers Church

Pg. 25

Donny Petersen

Pg. 26

Along the Parkway

Pg. 28

Barbed Wire Chronicles

Pg. 29

Jessie Lee’s Open Road

Pg. 30

Motorcyco Beau

Pg. 32

Where the Hell Can I Find The Rider's Mag

Pg. 36

Our Advertisers

Pg. 38

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JANUARY 2020 Jan 26th Beachville Swap Meet Bacchus MC Everyone waits for these swap meets to come, and it is here again! Show your support and come to sell or buy some of your favorite wares! Doors open at 10am and things start getting wrapped up around 3pm. A donation of 5.00$ for the entry fee, and as always kids under 12 are free! For more information, or for a vendor’s booth, please call; 519-818-6303. Located at; Colombo Club of Oxford 434719 West Hill Line, Beachville, On N0J 1A0

FEBRUARY 2020 Feb 23rd Big Al’s Annual Swap Meet Big Al is back again! Come on out to one of the most sought-after swap meets around! Sunday Feb 23rd @ the Dundas Community Centre, 10 Market St. South, Dundas. Doors open at 9am and they shut down around 2pm. Admission is $8.00, and of course kids under 12 are free! For more info or booth space please call; 905746-7077

APRIL April 4 - 5 Toronto International Spring Motorcycle Show Over 300 motorcycles are purchased at the Spring Motorcycle Show each year. There will be 50 motorcycle clubs and associations exhibiting at the Spring Motorcycle Show this year! You can purchase your new bike right at the Spring Motorcycle Show direct from the dealer. There are many, many events going on, even more than usual! You will find The Riders Mag there, as well as, your favorite vendors! Toronto International Centre 6900 Airport Road, Toronto, Ontario. Saturday – April 4th, 9am – 9pm & Sunday – April 5th, 10am – 5pm FREE PARKING! To reserve booth space, discuss sponsorship opportunities, or book ad space in the Spring Motorcycle Show Program please contact us at; 905-771-0132 or

MARCH March 22nd The Rider's Mag Anniversary Party 11am until ...In celebration of surviving another year, we are holding a party at The Lion and Sun, which is just North of Newmarket at 18947 Woodbine Ave., Sharon (Mount Albert) Come on out and join us! Great food, live entertainment, door prizes, draws and FUN FUN FUN March 29th Spring Motorcycle Swap Meet Come join us at the Peterborough Morrow Building, for the ever growing Spring Motorcycle Swap Meet! Find everything you could possibly want under one roof; helmets, leathers, parts, accessories, rear fins, and much, much more! Vendor booths only $50, park your bike and sell it for only $25. For more info email;, or call; 705-340-2130.

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Well, here we are halfway through January and heading full-on into 2020 to see what adventures lay in store for us with a new year and a new decade ahead of us! The trouble is that much of the crap that we were dealing with last year and last decade can’t be left behind and lingers on! It is like a fart that slips out accidentally in some public spot and as hard as you try to distance yourself from it, it just follows you and you’d might as well just have a sign hanging around your neck or just announce that it was you! On a personal level, my lovely bride of 50 plus years hasn’t shown any real tangible progress in her recovery from the stroke she suffered last May, in that, she remains mostly immobile if unassisted by lifts and personnel and has been transferred to a long-term care facility in Aurora. The upside is that she is adjusting well to her new surroundings, she likes the food a whole lot more and she seems more comfortable and happier! She is also now, a whole lot closer and it makes visiting a lot easier to fit into my days and far cheaper than travelling down to the city which eases some of the stress on me. We at the Mag are certainly looking forward to smoother roads, more sunshine, and fewer storms and surprises along the way as we make the turn in the road and point our wheel toward the horizon! One positive thing is I have found a great new spot at which to hold events, such as our upcoming Anniversary party on March 22, 2020 that will mark the start of our 22nd year of publishing The Riders Mag. There will be live entertainment, special event menu and Donny Petersen has agreed to come out and join us and will bring along some of his books to sell and sign as well! The venue is the Lion and Sun, which is just North of Newmarket at 18947 Woodbine Ave., Sharon (Mount Albert). It is a large venue, under new, Biker friendly ownership with fantastic food, great service and it boasts a huge patio and an enormous parking lot, more than capable of hosting Show and Shines and weekly ride nights complete with vendors and lots of other things! We are all very excited and looking forward to some great events there! Regular, Weekly, Thursday Bike Nights will be starting in May and will feature special Bike Night Specials on the menu, vendors, door prizes and more! We will keep you posted! Just before Christmas, I heard from a gentleman who we haven’t heard from for quite some time and has been the subject of many queries from our readers over the years! Pluto was doing a regular column for The Riders Mag titled “Where in the World is Pluto? Or Riding the Big Blue Marble” in which he chronicled his adventures, misadventures and exploits as he made his way around the World with his motorcycle! It was a very popular piece and he had garnered a large following! The last we at the Mag heard, he had just arrived in Columbia and then nothing! We had no idea what fate had befallen him. A few years back, I heard from a mutual friend that he The Rider’s Mag - Page 6

was slinging ink in Ireland! Well Pluto has resurfaced, at least by e mail and he is indeed, in Ireland and not faring particularly well. I am trying to stay in contact with him but communications are irregular at best. He would like to pick up where he left off if we can work something out! I will keep you posted! I know I would love to find out what has happened with him! Meanwhile, watch for us at Swap Meets and such that are listed here in The Mag.

Paradice Riders Annual Christmas Party

This party was happening later than usual due to an unexpected change of venues. This year it would be held at a Hall up in Newmarket! Now this was handier than pockets on a shirt for me as it is just up the street from me and I could easily get dropped off and picked up again afterwards with no muss or fuss of ride checks and other such occurrences! That is a rare opportunity for me and I showed up camera in hand and ready to party hearty! While certainly convenient, there was one element that many of us in attendance here tonight have come to associate with this particular party. Our annual ride down on the Magic Bus! This was always organized by the Brothers of the Blade MC. We would gather at their CH and enjoy some beverages and such, while awaiting the arrival of the bus. Upon arrival, the bus was then adequately provisioned for our journey. We would then board the bus, find appropriate seating, then party all the way down to the party in the city! We would then eat, drink and be merry with our fine Hosts and a room full of like-minded folk and party our asses off! Then we would climb back aboard the Magic bus and after a head count or two and going in a couple of times to round up any stragglers, head off into the night partying all the way back to the CH where we would continue on until transportation was arranged to get us all safely home! It was like a tradition! Anyhow this venue was great and handy, the people running it were very friendly and seemed to genuinely happy to have us all there! The food was great as usual, as the Paradice guys know how to lay out a buffet table! They had a great band “Chick Jagger” which if you didn’t get the clue from the name was a Rolling Stones tribute band and played some great Rolling Stones tunes

for an appreciative crowd! It was great to see all the supporting Clubs come out to join in the festivities! There were lots of familiar faces and lots of hands to shake throughout the evening! I was happy to see one particular smiling face, Chantel, who had done such a great job for us until other opportunities opened up for her was there with her man Scott. We had the chance to talk awhile and I commandeered her for a while to do what she had always done so well! I turned her loose with my camera and it was great to see her back doing what seemed to come so naturally! Anyhow I got to visit with old friends like Eugene from the Vagabonds MC and he was looking really good and having a great time! Eugene always looks like he’s having a good time! Anyhow the evening flew by and it was time for an old guy to wander off home and my ride was picking me up at the door! So, I bid goodnight to all the fine folks I could as I made my way out of the building! Thanks to all of the Paradice Riders MC for a great party and to all of you who came out and made the party a success! See you all again next year!

Supershow 2020

We were all looking forward to this Show and we were almost all set up for it well ahead of time but as usual, things don’t always go as planned! Honestly, if everything went off without a hitch, I would think something was wrong! The Rider’s Mag - Page 7

We were inundated with last minute illnesses and changes in plans and other such stuff! We took appropriate action and juggled this and that, changed plan A’s to plan B’s or sometimes B’s to C’s and all was well at the end of the day! Thursday morning was to be our move in and I had planned to get down there as early as possible and get back and maybe be able to squeeze in a visit with Godzilla at the Nursing Home! However, things don’t always go as planned, a fact of which, I should be painfully aware due to past experiences! First, we arrived at the spot where the trailer was parked in plenty of time but it was at the top of an ice-covered hill and hooking it up was going to be a challenge. I made several attempts but slid this way and that and just couldn’t make the connection! My pal Dusty, showed up with a bag of salt, which facilitated the operation greatly! Now, well behind schedule, we headed to the shop, loaded the truck and trailer and lost a member of our crew to an urgent matter that needed his attention. The Beast and I headed down, later than planned, but determined and we made it into the loading area and to our booth where our own Swap Meet Sue and her man George were busy setting up their merchandise that includes much of our Riders Mag Swag! We just unloaded everything and placed it wherever it would sit for the night and left. Friday Morning, we had Bountiful Barbie joining us and Kim meeting us there, we picked up Kris and headed down to see what Supershow 2020 held in store for us this year! The Beast couldn’t make it, due to other commitments but my constant companion and bodyguard, Rosebud was going to make her first appearance at a major event. She did very well and adapted nicely to the large crowds and noise. She was in her glory, soaking up the love and attention that was given to her! She loves everybody and causes me no problems. She is fitting in quite well as a full-time member of our crew. We made short work of setting up the booth, allowing room for Donny Petersen and his books and got everything else in order before the doors opened and the crowds came in. Terez, from Terez Leather, came by the booth to talk and promptly scooped up two of our ladies Kim and Barbie to be models in the fabulous Leather Fashion Shows that have been a mainstay at these Shows for years! It wasn’t the monster crowd that we would see on Saturday but for a Friday, it wasn’t bad and we were kept busy until around 7:00 with crowds starting to wane, we decided to head for home, leaving Sue to watch over things and Donny hung in later as well. Saturday, as expected, it was busy from the moment they opened the doors and allowed the large lines of anxious folks that had formed early, into the building! We were far from bored for the rest of the day! We were up to full strength as Brenda “The Beast” was back on duty. Kris is large and in charge at the booth and has things so organized that I’m afraid to touch anything for fear of messing it all up, so if he is out having a smoke or a washroom break I tended to stall if it involved digging in boxes or anything that might ruin a good system! It is always great at these shows as many of our readers drop by the booth and most of them all want to talk as well as pick up a current issue of the Mag. One thing is certain, our readers seemed to have adjusted quite well to the fact that we are now charging $2.00 per copy and we see people headed our way digging for change! There was still the odd disgruntled person who would grumble “It used to be free!” and walk away, but for the most part, it is now an accepted reality! We went through a lot of Mags over the course of the Show and Donny Petersen seemed to be doing well too! Again, around 6:00 the crowds dwindled and you could tell just by listening as there was an audible difference that it was getting time to consider wandering to the exits and head for home. Sunday morning, sans Rosebud, we headed down early, once more, hooked up the trailer from the lot and I found a parking spot with good access point that would facilitate an easier and timely departure at the end of the Show. Sunday morning, before the doors open is an opportune time to take a giant tour of all the Halls without the large crowds that hinder the taking of pictures and such. Even when the doors open the early Sunday crowds are noticeably smaller than other times. I slung my camera

around my neck and The Beast and I headed off to explore the Show! We wandered out through the long tunnel lined on either side by used bikes that led into the other Halls. Hall 5 is where the Show bikes and main stage are kept The Rider’s Mag - Page 8

and it is more sedate than the other Halls that are jammed with vendors offering deals on everything from soup to nuts, displays featuring everything from Charity rides and events, to tours from near and far and everywhere in between. There are riding clubs that cater to whatever your sexual orientation, interests and personal preferences are! There are displays of interest to military minded folk or those with a bent towards Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters or EMS and many other organizations and or Clubs!

It is a busy spot and I don’t envy the Supershow crew who take all these moving parts and organize them all into some semblance of order. It isn’t as easy as just selling space and hoping for the best with some big free for all! There is real planning and organizational skills at play here! Then there all the features that lure people out to the Shows and provide them with real solid entertainment

and information giving them the most bang for their buck! When the crowds stop coming, there is no Show! This is a well thought out and masterfully executed undertaking! I don’t care who you are and what your skillset levels, in any undertaking of this magnitude there has to be glitches and fuck ups, big and small that are all part of the territory although none were obvious to me so they did good! We meandered around going through each hall and taking in as much as we could but to see everything the Show has to offer in one circuit, would be next to impossible and that is why it is a three-day event. There was a stunt riding demo with riders doing jumps from one ramp to the next that took up almost all of one building. This, of course was geared to suit off road and cross-country riding enthusiasts. The vendors in that hall also reflected those interests as well! I wanted to get back to check it out but there was too much on my agenda already and walking around on the concrete floors and my aging old body and joints can only take so much punishment! I have to learn to respect these hard facts! I’m not the man I used to be! The other Halls were jam packed with bikes and vendors! New bikes, old bikes, sport bikes, American made bikes, British bikes, Russian bikes, German bikes, and lots of other bikes from every corner of the globe, brought to and assembled here for you viewing pleasure by the kind and considerate folks of the Motorcycle Supershow! Vendors selling apparel, leather goods, t-shirts, socks and pretty well anything you could think of filled in the spots where bikes were not! There were large volumes of people of every shape, size, sex and colour, old, very old, young, very young and everything in between and there was something at the Show to interest any and all of them! We took in as much as we possibly could, while visiting with our many varied advertisers and supporters along the way! We could not venture very far in any direction without someone calling out and beckoning us over! It was a gabfest and we loved it! We came across the Wiesner Insurance booth and Jason Wiesner himself was there along with my most favourite insurance agent it the whole World, the ever-amazing Anita whose captivating smile lit up the entire booth! In my personal experience and from what I’ve heard from other satisfied customers, Wiesner insurance has fulfilled their insurance needs where others have let them down. The Rider’s Mag - Page 9

We found Josh from Classy Chassis and their fantastic crew doing a great and steady business at their large display of Motorcycles! They are a distributor for the Royal Enfield line of Motorcycles that were garnering a great deal of attention! Now the venture was starting to tell on my tired old body and the Beast sensed that she should return me to Hall 5 and I couldn’t have gotten there soon enough! I had a brief rest at the booth before taking off to cover all the things I hadn’t seen in Hall 5 during the past few days even though it was all just mere steps away from me the entire time. This Hall, for me, is the meat of the whole Show and I wait for the last day to take it all in! Crowds are lighter and shots I take with my camera are mostly uncluttered! The people in the booths are less stressed and the chances of being able to engage them in an uninterrupted conversation are far greater. Also, since I’m trying to put together a recap or overview of the Show get a sense of how the Show went for them in particular, makes more sense at this point than asking that question on the first day! Then too, they are now more relaxed than when fielding questions from hordes of people from 20 different directions at once! I wandered through at a relaxed pace, stopping to take in the amazing show put on by the Purrfect Angelz brought back again this year by popular request after last years performances! They really have a tight act that had the crowd absolutely mesmerized and enthralled! The Leather fashion show that Terez has been doing for years is always a hit and this year she was using a couple

of the Riders Mag Crew as models, Kim and Bombastic Barbie! I stopped to check that out as well! Josh from TombStones Cycle in Bolton had some of his bikes out on display and across from him, Smokie’s Garage had taken up a great deal of real estate and had their whole tractor Trailer rig acting as a backdrop for some of the amazing bikes that he and his crew put together at their shop up in Orangeville! They The Rider’s Mag - Page 10

have a full line of swag that keeps just keeps on growing that was also on display. The always effervescent Kat was seemingly everywhere the entire show and has such amazing energy and it is no wonder that Smokie values her so much! We checked out the many great bikes that were on display from all the amazing shops and wonder if there is a cap to their creativity and engineering genius! There are bikes from all the top builders from all over. Shops like The Rat shop, Speed Trix, Motorcycle Enhancements, Woodbridge Custom Cycle and others who have become synonymous with custom

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motorcycles. These are just to name a few, but you will see all of them here at this Show and it is all there for you and well worth the price of admission! Policaro Harley-Davidson had an enormous display right across the isle from us and did a great job of being part of the Show! Tony Colangelo and his fine crew have stepped to the forefront in the Motorcycle Community and it is a good fit! The folks from Champion Motorcycles also had a great display and were no strangers to the stage during the awards much to the delight of their loud and enthusiastic crowd of supporters who’s cheers and applause erupted each time their name was announced! The awards were done and special awards were given to the memory of Bob McKay and the tremendous impact and influence he had on the motorcycle community, not just here in Canada but Worldwide. All in all, it was a great Show and well worth the effort! See you next year!

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and ...sued for Alamo knee. ************ A survey by the national retail foundation said that some people even give their fish Valentine's Day gifts. A good way to tell that you've lost your mind is if you give your fish a Valentine's Day gift. ************ There was a man driving down the road behind an 18 wheeler, at every stoplight the trucker would get out of the cab, run back and bang on the trailer door. After seeing this at several intersections in a row the motorist followed him until he pulled into a parking lot. When they both had come to a stop the truck driver once again jumped out and started banging on the trailer door. The motorist went up to him and said, "I don't mean to be nosey but why do you keep banging on that door?" To which the trucker replied, "Sorry, can't talk now, I have 20 tons of canaries and a 10 ton limit, so I have to keep half of them flying at all times." ************ A recent report shows that pot smokers get into fewer car crashers than drunk people. Then again, it's easier to see what is coming when you're driving at 11 miles-an-hour. ************ A woman awakes during the night, and her husband isn't in bed with her. She goes downstairs to look for him. She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of whiskey in front of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his whiskey. "What's the matter, dear?" she asks. "Why are you down here at this time of night?" The husband looks up from his whiskey, "Do you remember 20 years ago when we were dating, and you were only 16?" he asks solemnly. "Yes, I do," she replies. "Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car making love?" "Yes, I remember," says the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him. The husband continues, "Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said 'Either you marry my daughter, or I'll send you to jail for 20 years?" "I remember that, too," she replies softly. He wipes another tear from his cheek and says, "I would have gotten out today." ************ A lady is having a bad day at the roulette tables in Vegas. She's down to her last $50. Exasperated, she exclaims, "What rotten luck I've had today! What in the world should I do now?" A man standing next to her suggests, "I don't know... why don't you play your age?" He walks away. Moments later, his attention is grabbed by a great commotion at the roulette table. Maybe she won! He rushes back to the table and pushes his way through the crowd. The lady is lying limp on the floor, with the table operator kneeling over her. The man is stunned. He asks, "What happened? Is she all right?" The operator replies, "I don't know. She put all her money on 29, and 36 came up. Then she just fainted!" ************ A German man walks up to the immigration desk at Warsaw airport. The immigration officer asks: "Occupation?" The German replies: "No, just a holiday." ************ I'm a driving examiner for the state of Indiana, and while I was giving a road test to a young man, he went through a red light without stopping. I told him that he had automatically failed the test. We met up with his mother back at the office, and I explained what had happened. At first she was speechless. Then she asked incredulously, "He ran a red light?" "Yes," I replied. "Well," persisted the mom... The Rider’s Mag - Page 13

by Dawn Mcilmoyle Here we are in a whole new decade that holds a great deal of hope for change. I know my life is changing at an exponential rate. The opportunities that are being provided for me by writing for The Rider’s Mag are allowing me to grow into the person that I have longed to be. I am being given a future that is allowing me to leave my past behind. Now it is important to note that I am grateful for my past no matter what happened because had it not happened I would not be the person I am today, nor would I have learned boundaries and what I will and won’t accept. I say this because as much as I put my past behind me, it is still the fuel that drives me. I have my passions that have arisen because of my history yet I use those experiences to assist others in moving forward with their issues and open their eyes to the beauty the world possesses. Negativity is such a cloud in people’s lives, yet I am meeting some pretty amazing people in the Motorcycle World and it makes me happy. Christmas was a whirlwind that I am happy is now over. I saw my boys and granddaughter before Christmas when I went and had dinner with them in Peterborough. We were joined by my youngest Son’s beautiful girlfriend who gave me a beautiful wooden box to hold my crystals along with a couple she had purchased for me. I spent Christmas with my boyfriend’s oldest daughter and her family. This was honestly one of the best holiday experiences I have had in my life. It was all about the kids and even though I was away from home and away from Dutchess Von Dee I held it together pretty good. My boyfriend’s daughter was completely amazing to me and made me feel so comfortable. Meeting new people and spending time away from home is hard, yet she made me feel right at home. I even left her a magazine for her Stepfather because he rides and has customized his bike so that his granddaughter can ride behind him. I called my Gramma to wish her a Happy 94th birthday as she is a Christmas baby. When I got home from my Christmas adventure, I received a parcel from a fellow female Veteran that I was not expecting, and it was a knitted blanket and scarf. I was extremely overwhelmed by her kindness and the words she sent of “you deserve it.” This made me cry because after all these years I know I deserve good things. I had a very quiet New Year’s which was good because I was still overstimulated from Christmas and knew I had to hit up the Motorcycle Super Show a few days later. On the Friday night I did a test run and went to the International Center to meet up with Critter and the Crew at The Rider’s Mag. I got there, I found parking and I found the booth with the help of some of the guys at a booth I stopped and asked at. I have not been at a show that big in a very long time and I have probably only ever been to one in my life. I felt like I walked forever to find Hall 5, but I did it and then I got to walk around and socialize. I was at the motorcycle show promoting my future. I was talking to people about writing for the magazine and the different things I had experienced while doing so. I stopped at booths that were Veteran related and introduced myself and told them if they see me out and about to stop and say hello. I was very intrigued by the tank and went to get my picture with it. Most of the people at the booth belonged to CAV (Canadian Army Veterans) and to my surprise the lady I was conversing with was also my Facebook friend and we had chatted before. Marilyn is a beautiful Woman that is a supporter of Veterans and helps many. She works at the Military Family Resource Centre and I look forward to spending more time with her in the future. She is an excellent role model. I was getting tired and overstimulated so I booked it just before the end and I headed home to rest because I knew coming back the next day and it would be longer and there would be way more people. Saturday at the motorcycle show was a whole new ball game. I knew where I was going though. I had to park really far away but I was smart enough to follow people and found a shortcut, so I didn’t need to walk so far in the cold. The Rider’s Mag - Page 14

I was able to be a little more social but stuck close to The Rider’s Mag booth until my youngest Son said he was there as he wanted to come and observe my world and what his mother has been up to. I introduced Donovan and his girlfriend to Critter, Kris and Brenda and then took him around the show to show him all the things I had found that I liked. We ran into one of the Veterans that I had given a magazine to the night before (promoting my future) and I introduced my Son to him. This guy decided to bring the past to the forefront and tell me right in front of my kid that he had “read my file” and knew all about me. I didn’t ask a lot of questions except “Is that good or bad.” He replied that we could still be friends, but it felt like he was insinuating something. I didn’t want it to wreck the rest of the show so I just said, “Well to be fair, I was pretty fucked up in the past?” I quickly grabbed my kid and his girlfriend and was on my way to other things. Donovan was never into motorcycles, that is more his brother Drake’s thing, but I am pretty sure him and his girlfriend had a good time. Plus, it’s always good to expand your knowledge base to new things. Since I came into this job and this new world of motorcycles and freedom, I have met some amazing people. After my son left, I went on an adventure by myself and I walked around talking to several different organizations that I had heard of and purchased a pair of gloves for a friend as a gift because I knew he wanted them. I had a couple of people stop me and say “Hey you write for The Rider’s Mag; I really enjoy your column. I’m not used to compliments or people saying nice things so it was a bit of an uncomfortable feeling, yet I said thank you and continued on my way. I met a lady named Liz Jansen and she has written 2 books. One is a compilation of 50 stories of how riding a motorcycle changed women’s lives. I bought this book and she gifted me with the other after I told her my plans for the future. I gifted her with The Rider’s Mag. She also sent me a personal email and I look forward to possibly meeting up with her in the near future. Before I left the Motorcycle Super Show on Saturday I got to sit at The Rider’s Mag booth and speak to a beautiful older Woman and she had an absloutely stunning Soul. She told me she enjoyed my column and we talked about life. I have hope that I see her in the immediate future, and we can have more conversations but for the life of me I cannot remember her name. I also had tickets for my friend Rick Kemp of Inked Impressions Custom Tattoos and Body Piercing in Port Perry’s 30th anniversary celebration which allowed me to talk to people and made for some interesting conversations. I still have tickets available at $100.00 for a chance to win $5000.00 in custom work by Rick himself. If anyone has seen my wings or Mer-Angel, Rick is the one responsible for those amazing pieces of artwork. This year looks promising. My calendar is filling up with events and because I have the courage to start conversations with people (although they don’t always go well) I am spreading my wings and flying. I feel like the caterpillar that just realized she is out of her cocoon and is finally a butterfly with beautiful wings. Well it’s time to use them. Out of great chaos comes beauty and out of my trauma has come a great sense of serenity. I am proud of my past, but I am totally looking forward to my future and all the great things it will bring. The Rider’s Mag - Page 15

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Ma that is the third time tonight that your boob has gotten stuck in the corner pocket! You want to shoot

pool with me, Wear a bra or tighter t shirts!

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February This astrology has been written in “Quin-trains” meaning there are five lines to the divination. The fifth line will reveal the answer to the other 4 lines. There are 13 twisted spokes in creation of my wheel I use instead of the common 12. Since this wheel is created this way, this allows the reader to approach the wheel in 2 ways. As each sign represents a spoke in the wheel, you can read either what your own spoke has to say or read what all the spokes have to say to share a visual to the whole picture. See how all the spokes complete your wheel. The 13th spoke is what I call the “Dath Spoke” It is the spoke that binds all other spokes together, so you can see exactly what wheel(s) you’re using for your ride. Consider it having extra rubber for extra mileage.

Aries: An orange light comes and descends upon the land It looks to shake up the earth by rubble and sand Like an old wandering king who looks for when At some point, one will find then Karma comes now by horse and rider by demand Taurus: On your own there is a sacred place to be What is it that you ponder? Alone, you shall see. Important news and knowledge to grow It will help you where you need to go Now take these seeds and quietly grow into your tree Gemini: Yes, there is a wound near your humility spot It is up to you how you take this, consider it bought Your skill is now needed to pin point your aim The enemy is what you would want to maim The more spiritually you understand, the better the dot Cancer: Here is your cup, take it and drink from it worthy one The battle fought for now has been won Take the peace and shine your armor clean In time, you shall know what I mean A further moment will come for more fun Leo: The grand council meets to vote justice through The more you are honest, the better for you It is an important gathering because you’re involved The future comes quickly for things to be solved The inner meet shows truth for your second shoe The Rider’s Mag - Page 22

Virgo: It’s time for that other side barely known To come through you to be shown There is a message in the air as things pass by Realistically, you don’t really know why Prepare for change that comes, do this alone Libra: When all is said and done, return the gift When all is fine and still, protect the rift There are actions to be done by yourself This is to put pride back into your wealth When all is complete. All shall return through a sift Scorpio: Your armor these days look like a bandage wrapping This is to keep your innards from flapping Time to rest the weary body and mind There’s lots more to conquer in time you’ll find Those aches and pains only need a good slapping Sagittarius: There are many, many versions of how people see you You portray oneself in these ways, this is true As a hunter, don’t forget your heart’s need It is one of the ways you nurture and feed Finish what you are doing and go or make due Capricorn: One’s own best friend is what is on the menu It is vastly important that you follow through Your outer self shows a radiant being This is so you can actually be seen while seeing Now match within with without and don’t do with do Aquarius: Shhh… Quietly come this way and follow this light You shall be guided through the darkness this very night There are steps and passages and doors Even windows and flames to guide you through the moors Remember what you are shown in order to fight Pisces: A clutter of ideas in the mind that needs sorting out This is so you don’t scream, pull hair and shout There is a vast treasure that lays before you You need to organize in order to see things through Life and death are only passages in this bout Dath Spoke: What to do with all this pondering thought It is because more is needed and less ought Even King Solomon took a moment to think What else would you expect before you blink A proper solution is what is now being sought A friend from inside, from this day

Robert (Bob) Murrell

Vice-Chair Bro Port Colborne

Bob passed away peacefully at home on January 2, 2020 at the age of 69. He will be missed by his children Ricky (Maria) Radowsky, Krissy (Clark) Wincott and Bobbi-Rae (Rob) Murrell, his grandchildren Sam, Lucas, Ashlee, Chase, Nathan, Preston and Trystyn and his brother Danny Murrell (Maria). Very special Uncle to Danny and Ryan. Bob was predeceased by his parents Robert Murrell and June Nelson, his brother Jack Murrell and his grandson Tanner. Bob will be missed by his B.R.O. family. Family and friends are invited to visit DAVIDSON FUNERAL HOME 135 Clarence St. Port Colborne on Sunday January 5, 2020 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Memorial remembrances to Port Cares would be appreciated by the family. L&R., R.I.P., G.B.N.F

Lise Sculland Peacefully surrounded by her loving family at Hospice Renfrew on Monday January 13, 2020 at the age of 84. Loving wife of Harry for 64 years. Cherished Mom of Frank (Julie)and Barry (Gwen). Proud and loving grandma of 8 and great-grandma of 2. Dear sister of Janet (Ken Pineo) of Nova Scotia. Lise was a Golden Life member of Motor Maids Inc., a women's motorcycle riding club. Lise was inducted into the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame, Toronto in 2017. She was the past V.P. of MMinternational. She rode her own motorcycle all over North America "she was a million miler" She was a member of Bagot Blythfield Council , part owner of Weazy's Tearoom in Calabogie. Visitation will be held at the Goulet Funeral Home 310 Argyle St S Renfrew on from Friday 2-4, 7-9 pm. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at Most Precious Blood Church , Calabogie on Saturday at 10:00 am. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made to Hospice Renfrew. A Memorial ride will be held for the Motor Maids for Lise in Summer of 2020. The family wishes to thank the staff at Hospice Renfrew for their compassionate care they provided. "She lived to ride, and she rode to live. Ride free Lise all my love, Harry" L&R., R.I.P., G.B.N.F The Rider’s Mag - Page 23

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My name is Glenn Millson and I am a member of Scugog Biker's Church in Port Perry. For some time, Pastor Dave from Kawartha Biker's Church contributed articles to the Rider's Mag, followed by Pastor Ken from Hamilton Biker's Church and I guess now it's my turn to provide food for thought from a spiritual perspective. Bikers Church is a church with no walls. We are a motorcycle ministry comprised of a small group of like-minded men and women who have a heart to reach out to souls who are struggling in life. Doing this works for me because I have lived a dark life trying to make it on my own battling addiction and living an assorted lifestyle reaching a point that something had to change and coming to faith allowed that to happen. I ask that you keep an open mind of what we are trying to share in future articles, try not to compare but to in some way identify with what I will be trying to convey. A few days ago, I met a person in really bad shape living in a black hole -- not a dark hole, a black hole. Suicidal, angry, hateful, no hope and totally lost. I know you've seen them riding your bike down any street in any town. Maybe consider reaching out with a word of encouragement or offer a loonie or volunteer at a soup kitchen, every town has one of those too. Bikers do that kind of thing well, whether you belong to a Christian motorcycle ministry or not. Until next month...thanks for reading and God Bless! Glenn Millson

DONNY will be at the RIDERS MAG booth Spring Motorcycle Show, April 4 & 5, 2020. He will have his TECH books + his series BIKER 101: THE LIFE OF DON + "Donny Petersen for President" T-shirts. The Rider’s Mag - Page 25

The Best Harley Carburetor The CV Keihin Carburetor: 1989 to 2006 Do not confuse the 1976 to 1988 fixed venturi 38mm Keihin carburetor with another totally different carburetor, the 1989 to 2006 variable venturi 40mm CV Keihin. The name Keihin is that of the Japanese manufacturer. A huge improvement began in MY (midyear) 1989 Harley-Davidson production with a 40mm constant velocity (CV) carburetor replacing the relatively inefficient butterfly-throttle type carburetors that were in use forever by a variety Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) like Linkert, Tillotson, Bendix, and the 38mm Keihin. The CV Keihin predecessor, the Keihin has a butterfly plate near the end of the venturi, channels air and fuel into the manifold and head ports but has the obstructing butterfly disadvantage of disrupting flow, slowing down the intake charge because of the turbulence created. The venturi is part of the carburetor throat. The throat is the opening through the centre of a carburetor. A venturi is a restriction or more correctly, a narrowing formed in the carburetor throat that causes an increase in the velocity of air. This is another principle of physics since the same volume of air and gas in the wider carburetor throat must move through the narrowing in the same period of time.The only way to do this is to speed up. The force that makes this happen is the weight of the air and gas from pushing behind. If reversing this situation, a narrowing approaching a wider space, the air and gas will slow down. This reverse situation becomes important later on with air and gas speed and volume relative to head valve port sizing into the combustion chamber. The CV Keihin improvement has a slide that rises up and down in the venturi. Various laws of physics basing on vacuum raise and lower the slide thus varying the venturi size allowing the constant velocity of air and thus fuel uptake. This eliminates many of the hiccups of the fixed and overlapping low speed, medium speed, and high speed circuits of a butterfly type carburetor. Harley rarely makes changes unless forced to by outside forces like consumer demand or government rules. The main reason for the move to the CV carburetor was to appease EPA and CARB (California Air Resources Board) diminishing emissions dictates. However, protecting the environment can also have wonderful effects for the H-D rider in terms of fuel conservation and fuel delivery. Why? More of the gas already there burns creating maximum energy. The Harley rider also loves the upshot of more speed with CV usage. The 40mm size is capable of delivering more fuel and air than the 38mm predecessor. Horsepower figures for models utilizing the CV go up from their predecessors. It is the best carburetor ever to grace a stock production Harley-Davidson. It can also service mild performance modifications with a simple, freer flowing air filter and tweak for wilder hop-ups via venturi size increases and upjetting. Keihin is a major supplier of Honda, Harley-Davidson’s supposed archenemy. This is not the first or last times that Japanese companies supply the Motor Company. In 1974, H-D began use that continues to present day of suspension parts like the front forks manufactured by Showa. A company named Kayaba made the narrowglide front end forks in 1973. Then there is the Hitachi starter motor that replaces the American Prestolite motor on Sportsters in 1981 and Big Twins in 1983. The longest use on a Harley-Davidson, the Nippodenso starter motor supersedes the Hitachi version in 1989. There are a lot of Japanese parts including electrical components on this American made motorcycle. The bottom line is that the CV is a wonderful carburetor but not as efficient as its secondary successor, Delphi electronic fuel injection (EFI). It is one of the few carburetors that attempt a response to altitude changes without rejetting up or down. It is partially successful in that the pressure difference in the upper and lower vacuum slide chambers reduces as elevation increases. Therefore, less fuel delivers because of the pressure reduction. As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases, which is the fancy way of saying there is less air available. Conversely, the pressure difference in the two chambers, upper and lower, will increase as elevation decreases towards sea level. More fuel will deliver because of the pressure increase. The CV Keihin carburetor is gravity fed, which means the fuel tank is above the carburetor. The weight of the gas in the tank exerts pressure because of gravity for gas to flow down into the carburetor. Therefore a fuel pump is not required. The carburetor also uses a float operated gas inlet valve. The float has a stop position that can be adjusted. The use of a float keeps the fuel bowl full to a predetermined and adjusted level ready for immediate and constant use. Immediate definition for this purpose is in seconds. Otherwise, the gravity gas feed would constantly flow into the engine, flooding it out, thus preventing it from operating. Gasoline must mix with air in proportion for it to burn. The low end is about 10 parts air per one part gas. This is too rich for efficient operation with the exception for cold engine starting purposes. The high end is about 16 parts air per one part gas. This is too lean unless assisted by increased engine compression and sophisticated ignition assists. The Stoichiometric mixture defines as the ideal ratio of gasoline to air. This is what engineers strive for in your Harley-Davidson to meet environmental pollution dictates. This mixture also produces the most power for the least amount of gasoline mixed with air. This ratio is 14.7:1. In other words for The Rider’s Mag - Page 26

every one gram of gasoline, 14.7 grams of air are required. Gas from the float bowl chamber will draw up into the carburetor venturi by the pressure differentials caused by the venturi effect as well as the descending pistons that create a negative (sucking) pressure. The lower pressure in the venturi causes the now higher pressure in the float bowl chamber below to force the gas to ascend into the lower pressure area. The carburetor uses many principles of physics to operate. However, the physical principle must exist before a carburetor can function. Sometimes, they also overlap causing confusion. EFI (electronic fuel injection) supersedes many physics principles and will respond faster … on demand, if you will. The EFI fuel pump allows for gas tank placement in other places than above because it does not rely on gravity to feed gas. Harley leaves the fuel tank above on Big Twins and Sportsters because of all-important tradition. Even the V-Rod, whose fuel tank is behind and sort of below the engine’s top end has a cover above the engine that looks like a fuel tank but is really the air cleaner cover. Importantly, the internal gas tank, fuel pump has a pressurized system that does not need a float and fuel bowl storage. This allows for precise and immediate, on-demand fuel delivery through injectors into the combustion chamber not in seconds but in milli-seconds (thousandths of a second). Physics principles in the carburetor, no matter how sophisticated take time; not a lot of time but seconds nevertheless. The predecessor carburetors, Tillotson, Bendix, and the 38mm Keihin use an accelerator pump system as does the CV Keihin. The accelerator pump uses sudden throttle openings (fast acceleration), in order to rapidly squirt fuel into the carburetor venturi to provide the extra fuel necessary for smooth acceleration. Aggressive throttle twisting activates the accelerator pump. However only the first third of complete throttle travel pushes the accelerator pump rod down, which flexes a diaphragm. Some earlier model H-D carburetors like the Bendix (1972-1975) outfitted with accelerator pumps use a rawhide or rubber cup as opposed to a diaphragm to force or squirt the gas into the venturi in a steady airborne stream. On the CV Kehein diaphragm, a check valve stops any back flow of gas during this downward accelerator-pump-rod-stroke. A spring returns the diaphragm back into its original position. Gas then flows from the float bowl reservoir underneath the diaphragm via pressure differentials in order to replenish for the next handful of throttle twisting. Next issue, I will continue discussing the best Harley carburetor and how it works with a fuel enrichment system for starting; Idle and transfer ports providing a balanced fuel mixture during the transition period from idle to mid-range and further information on how the vacuum piston controls the venturi opening. Donny Petersen

Learn the real deal… Wanna know what really happened from the one who was there? NOT Fiction from Cops and Reporters doing the Biker Smear Nor from Stoolies trying to justify their lies. Truth can be stranger than fiction. Order from I will announce book signings on my Facebook page. OR By Etransfer $60 (book, tax, shipping) to Then message/email me the name I should autograph the book to and the mailing address. The Rider’s Mag - Page 27

with Dingo 2020 has started out on a sad note when we learned of the passing of Robert Murrell on New Years Day. Bob ( Bobby, Biker Bob) was a much loved and very respected member of BRO Port Colborne. You would never know where you would run into Bob, he always seemed to be everywhere, whether on a charity ride, or just on a bike ride to visit friends everywhere. Bob was the kind of guy that when he shook your hand, you knew he meant it as a friend. One thing about Bob, he was always smiling and it was infectious. You couldn’t help but smile along with him, and when he started telling his stories, you hung on to every word. A great Brother gone too soon….ride the Highways of Heaven Bob, and if we are lucky we may get to join you. ML&R, RIP, Gone But Never Forgotten.


You all know the old saying…opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. There has been several opinions published in the Mag in previous months that, frankly, I don’t agree with and I’m about to address here. Whether or not this column gets published is up to the boss. First up…..clubs…. particularly those new clubs where once accepted or voted in, you buy your patch. I’m not talking about the SOA clowns, but the legitimate Riding Clubs and in some cases newer Motorcycle Clubs that have sprung up over the years. We all know about the older established motorcycle clubs that have been around since, in one case, the late 1940’s. They were the pioneers of motorcycle clubs and set the groundwork and rules governing membership. Clubs have evolved over the years. We now have more ladies only clubs, “special interest” clubs ( i.e BACA) for example. They all have one thing in common, you put in your time as a Prospect first and if you screw up, even after being voted in, you are gone and so is your patch . Surprisingly to some, and I know this as fact, most club Constitutions read about the same with maybe a few minor variations, whether they be a MC or RC. One other fact is, old or new, they all have a loyalty to their club and membership, and large or small, they do great things in their respective communities and support other area clubs with their events. So, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter which club you belong to, it’s all about the respect one for the other and respect works both ways…but we all know that, don’t we.

Dover…and other things connected.

The September 2019 version of Friday the 13th has come and gone. The called boycott of the event was, in most part, successful. Only half ( estimated at 75,000) of the usual attendees showed up. Norfolk County had decided to listen to the OPP and their stories of rape and pillage rather than the history of PD13 through the years and the businesses that depend on a successful event. Council was also convinced to make up rules barring certain organizations from selling their goods, and even extended that ban to any vendor who applied for a license. Friday the 13th has been always a self governed event, there’s never been a need for heavily armed police. Everybody knows to “play nice” and not give the event a bad name. In an absolutely brilliant move, HAMC got around the ‘rules’ and gave away support wear. But you all know that by now. What you may not know is that the local businesses were hit hard…most barely breaking even. Outside vendors were allowed to set up in front of the local businesses. That is not right. Now they are fighting back…wanting PD13 to return to what it was, the way it was, before the police decided it was a potential war zone. A self governed event open to all….as it has been and as it should be. My bitch about this is that we were told not to cover Dover for the September event. I wish we would have, if just to support the local businesses and do a full write up on how Norfolk Council failed a normally great event for all involved. Might have brought in some additional advertising revenue. But that’s an internal, within the Mag, complaint that I have. Thong Man. An icon of Friday the 13th! People look for him and ladies want a picture with him. Paul is a good guy and is just out to entertain folks. It appears he’s recovered from his motorcycle accident since I saw the Santa Claus version of Thong Man at the December event. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, he did not crawl out from under a rock. Yes, I did go to Dover for December 13th and quite a few rode in. The only “policia” I saw were a few looking for traffic to direct. It was a normal 13th, with no barricades and vendors were set up in the little paved park area on the south side of Main St. Bars and restaurants were full as was the Legion. Local businesses appeared to be doing quite well considering it was a December 13th event. The Rider’s Mag - Page 28

Bitching…in general

Contrary to popular belief, the Riders Mag doesn’t magically show up at local vendors…they are delivered me here in the Niagara area. The deal was that I write for the Mag, deliver copies, and part of that $2 charge per issue was to cover my fuel costs. Well…..not even close. This last season that I’ve been doing this, it has cost me money out of my pocket each and every month. Why you say? Simple!! Magazines disappear from the rack with little coin left in the box. I’ve had places where 25 copies were left…..go back…they are all gone and there is $6.15 in the coin box. True story. And not just one place is like that. Bottom line is that I can’t afford to keep doing this and I’ve told a few people that I won’t be writing any longer, but they are trying to convince me otherwise. So, if you want to see your smiling faces in the Mag, either buy them, or find someone else to do this job. Spread the word.

In the News

BRO has for years held their Fallen Riders event at the end of May where you ride to the Parliament Buildings. Big change coming for this year…they have moved it to Simcoe ! I’m told the town fathers are on board…the park is available for a number of hours for this event. There will definitely be a larger turn out for this ride. And speaking of BRO, our roving reporter, Barbie, and myself, were at the BRO Dinner Party held recently. Check out her comments and pics!!! Stay warm, stay safe Dave

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Hello, my friends! I hope you are all doing well with the winter weather. I was somewhere around Grants Pass Oregon when I left you last and it was getting close to winter weather there. I woke up and hit the road around 6 a.m. and the temperature was around the freezing point. As I rode higher in elevation I had the pleasure of seeing snow line the ditches and several patches of ice fill the road. It was a long chilly ride up to Bend Oregon where I got to have lunch with a childhood friend I hadn’t seen in 23 years. After lunch, I headed farther north and met a woman at a general store who actually had family in the tiny town where I work. It always amazes me how small this big ol’ world is! I spent the day riding up to Washington and across the Columbia River gorge before calling it a night in La Grande Oregon. I was in luck when it came to dinner, the pub next door had $1.00 tacos all night long and bottomless mugs of Tap beer. I discovered on my way down the highway to La

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grande that following the local onion trucks too closely can be a tad dangerous. It took me a few miles to catch on, but eventually, I figured out that the small round bouncing balls on the roadway were in fact not falling from the sky but instead, rolling out of an overfilled truck. Oh, the things you see while riding around the country. My destination for the next day was an off the grid hot springs lodge in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. I rented myself a small cabin and took off for a hike up the hills followed by a soak in the thermal pool and a fantastic homecooked meal with some local brews. The Sawtooth Lodge did not disappoint and was well worth the 6-mile adventure off the pavement to find. I woke up ready to roll out int he morning but found it raining ice and not looking very motorcycle friendly. Given the fact that I had no place better to be, I rented my cabin another night and decided to spend my day at the riverside hot springs pools. This place might have just been the closest thing to heaven you could expect to find on earth. Great food, beautiful scenery, and wonderful people all hiding in the hills next to a piping hot river. After day two and a great night’s sleep next to the fire, it was time to continue east. In order to do just that I ended up using my jetboil camp stove to defrost my ignition and mirrors on the bike since everything was covered in ice. The temperature was not on my side at a balmy 23 degrees but it wasn’t supposed to get any warmer for several days so off I rode. It was 750 miles to Laramie Wyoming and the wind was whipping the cold air at me all the way there. October is a risky time of year to travel the northern USA and I was fortunate to miss the giant snowstorm that blew through. I thoroughly enjoyed a hot shower and cranked the heat in my hotel up to sauna levels then took a much need long nap. I hadn’t bothered to set an alarm and ended up sleeping in only to find that the temps were not rising and I was in for another long cold ride. Home was 960 miles away and there was nothing in between worth seeing so I blasted my way down the highway for the next 13 hours. I was more than happy to see my house and the hot water in the shower didn’t even feel warm on my frozen skin. What a crazy long strange trip it had been! 19 days, 11 states, and 6000 miles man what a ride!

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Before I get into the rest of my column I would like to send out a huge “Thank You” to all members of the Ontario’s motorcycle communities both patched and independent, who were kind enough to stop by The Riders Mag booths at the North American Motorcycle Supershow 2020 held in Toronto to say hello and show your support for our Mag because there is nothing more rewarding than meeting our readers who are family and the reason we keep doing what we do. One of the first things to bring to your attention is that on January 13th the motorcycle communities of Ontario and Canada had to bid farewell to Lise Sculland! She was an amazing lady who definitely deserved to be considered a legend in her own time and an example to all that gender is only a name.

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Lise was 83 yrs young when she headed out for Valhalla! She was still riding her Harley until she was 82! Lise was a Golden Life member of the Motor Maids Inc, which is an all women’s motorcycle club that was founded 80 years ago in the United States. She was a past V.P of Motor Maids Inc International and also was a member of the “Million Miler Club”! She has ridden her Harley all over the North American continent! Everywhere she went she became an inspiration to other women and young girls to ride motorcycle and become women in the wind! It was no surprise that in 2017, Lise was inducted into the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Toronto for her life’s achievements. She was wife to Harry Sculland for over 64 years, a mother, grandmother & greatgrandmother, a member of the local area council and part owner of Weazy’s Tea Room in Calabogie. Her smiling face and incredible energy will be missed by our motorcycle community, the women she rode with and those of us that were lucky enough to have known her and call her a friend. There are plans for a memorial ride for Lise in the Summer and I hope that as many of the women who are part of the eastern Ontario motorcycle community will take part, regardless of what club she was part of! It would be incredible to see her get the kind of send off a person like her deserves. I want to end this off with the words her husband Harry posted about her, “She Lived To Ride & She Rode To Live! Ride Free Lise, Love Harry”. To her family from all of us at the Mag, MLLH&R and most of all Brotherhood to a Sister. I had the opportunity to drop by for a visit with Peri & Tim Poirier owners of B.A. Machine Performance

Cycles and see the new addition to their building and the renovations being made and the many the new products that they will be carrying in 2020. I have to report they have done a fantastic job because now there is more area for customers to check out the inventory and when the final changes are done to the garage they will be able to increase productivity. I took a peek at some of the bikes getting work done and I happened to notice one of them had a new motorcycle licence plate that Quebec has issued that honors the military and veterans! While you won’t hear me say it often, I think it is a great idea and Ontario should consider doing the same.

If you get a chance over the next month or so why not stop by B.A. Machine, who are strong supporters of The Riders Mag to say hello and have a look around their “new” shop. Over the Spring & Summer I am going to try and visit as many of the locally owned and independent motorcycle shops who I feel truly are supportive of the Ottawa & Seaway Valley motorcycle community! There are shops that fix and sell stuff and then there are shops that do that and also are active in supporting the motorcycle community and that distinct difference should be recognized and acknowledged! I hope you will look forward to my covering them in future issues of the Mag. Many clubs such as BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) and The Celtic Brotherhood hold events such as the Awareness Ride for Brain Injury! Jim Poulin, with the assistance of the members of ARM (Association of Recovering Motorcyclists) and the bi-annual Greely Motorcycle Swap Meet use the Greely Legion for their events. They both support the Legion because many riders are veterans and/or members. Over time the Legion has become an important part of our community. For the second year in a row some of the members of TCB volunteered their time on New Year’s Eve to help in the kitchen and served food for the Legion’s party. This allows all the people especially Linda & Ivan Wyman could spend time with their family and enjoy the evening with their guests. Brother Chuck, Adele, Bette and I were honored to help out and give a bit back to an organization and facility that welcomes the motorcycle community. A special thank you to Brother Chuckay & my wife, Bette because not only did they serve food they went beyond the

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call of duty and washed all the several hundred dishes and flatware so that Linda wouldn’t have to start off 2020 by facing a kitchen filled with dirty dishes.

As a community we must build as many bridges as we can with the general public, not only so they will not judge us unfairly but because bikers are one of the last bastions of keeping our traditions and culture alive so it can be passed down to our children and grandchildren. Please volunteer to help out, I know you will be glad you did. On February 2nd the Annual Greely Motorcycle Swap Meet will take place and I hope that as many of you will come by if not to pick up or sell swap, to show your support for the event! While there please stop by The Riders Mag table and say hello. If your club or organization has anything special coming up in 2020 or changes you would like the community to be aware of this would be an excellent time to tell me and at the same time pick up a hard copy of the Mag. One other thing that I want all of my readers and supporters of The Riders Mag to know is that there is over a half a million brain injury survivors in the province of Ontario alone and many of them are bikers but even if they weren’t, they are our family members, our friends, our neighbors and people we work with who need our support for they are dealing with the “Invisible Injury” so please contact your local brain injury association to see about helping them out whether by donating money or even better as a volunteer. If you are not sure who to contact then please email me at my address below and I will find out for you. If you would like any more information about events or rides that I mention in my column you can go on Facebook and go to “Motorcyco Beau’s Biker Events & Ride in Eastern Ontario and as always I urge you to support the events and rides that are created by bikers and clubs in your area because unlike slick organizations that run events the local riders and clubs will be the same people that will come and support yours. Please remember to spend your The Rider’s Mag - Page 34

Damn it Ma! It isn't a Spy Plane! It is a Commercial Plane! They are cruising about 30,000 ft.! They can't see your 5 marijuana plants from that high up! They are out of range of your shotgun! Get back to work!

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Big Al's Bacchus B.A. Machine Bike Lawyer Bond Slave M.C. Calgary Harley Davidson Classy Chassis & Cycles Donny Petersen Easy Acres Machines Hawg Worx Hips Cycle Jennies Leathers Mackesy Smye Marcy Flowers By Design Meetz Small Engines Metal ‘N’ Ink Mostly Iron Heads Motorcycle Enhancements Mylar and Loretas Restaurant Noura’s

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OPUS Employment PD Restoration Plastix Fantastix PTBO Pushrod Performance R.N.R. Recycled Gear Robinson Motorcycle Spring Motorcycle Show The S-Bend Wiesner Insurance Zuber & Co

Pg. 18 Pg. 19 Pg. 19 Pg. 24 Pg. 16 Pg. 24 Pg. 18 Pg. 18 Inside Back Cover Pg. 24 Pg. 16 Pg. 3

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