The Rider's Mag March 2020

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The Rider’s Mag - Page 2

The Rider’s Mag - Page 3

Whats Shakin’

Pg. 5

Cruisin’ With Critter

Pg. 6


Pg. 8

Gone But Not Forgotten

Pg. 19

Shop of the Month

Pg. 26

Twisted Spokes Astrology

Pg. 28

Bikers Church

Pg. 33

Donny Petersen

Pg. 34

Along the Parkway

Pg. 36

Barbed Wire Chronicles

Pg. 37

Jessie Lee’s Open Road

Pg. 38

Motorcyco Beau

Pg. 40

Where the Hell Can I Find The Rider's Mag

Pg. 44

Our Advertisers

Pg. 46

Thanks for your support! We are very pleased to announce that Wiesner Insurance is now the sole and official Insurance Agency of the Rider's Mag and handles all my personal insurance needs as well. Starting this issue, they will also be the Official Sponsor of the Shop of the Month Calendar Feature! You will be hearing more of their excellent services in the Months to come! The Rider’s Mag - Page 4



March 7th Clare's Harley-Davidson Niagara on the Lake H-D® Engine Performance Workshop from 10 – noon.

May 3rd 37th Annual Fort Erie Swap Meet Come join us for the celebration! There will be draws, food, vendors and of course The Canadian International Tear Down, Canadian vs U.S. Military in a battle for the winner's charity. Vendors spots available $40. For more info call (905) 347-2001 or (289) 686-6797

March 21st Clare's Cycle & Sports Ltd. Spring Open House 799 Hwy 20W., Fenwick, ON March 21st Clare's Harley-Davidson Niagara on the Lake Spring Open House 590 York Rd. NOTL March 22nd The Rider's Mag Anniversary Party 11am until ...In celebration of surviving another year, we are holding a party at The Lion and Sun, which is just North of Newmarket at 18947 Woodbine Ave., Sharon (Mount Albert) Come on out and join us! Great food, live entertainment, door prizes, draws and FUN FUN FUN March 22nd London Motorcycle Swap Meet 9am-2pm Off to London we go for the next swap meet at I.B.E.W., 6688 Tempo Road. You won't want to miss out on all the great people and bikes. Look forward to seeing you there! For more info or vendor spaces call 705-321-0334 or check out

JULY July 4th Lincoln County M.C. Show 'N' Shine The great guys from L.C.M.C. will be hosting their annual show 'n' shine on July 4th. $10 entry fee, located at the L.C.M.C. Clubhouse, 4859 Hillside Drive, Beamsville, ON Doors open at Noon. Judging at 3pm and Awards at 4:30pm. For more information, call 905-563-4267 or email (Harley judging only) July 11th Ghost Riders Riding Club Annual Motorcycle Show & Shone Registration 10am Royal Canadian Legion, 8439 Main Street West, Lisle, Ontario More info: 705-424-5292

March 28th Classy Chassis Road Captain Seminar Come join the fantastic crew from Classy Chassis and Cycles, March 28th to become the best road captain you can be. These knowledgeable folks will teach you all the ins and outs that you need to know. The class starts at 11am and runs for an hour. For more information, please feel free to call 1-888-292-8305 to register. Located at 1399 8th Line of Smith, Lakefield, ON or visit March 29th Spring Motorcycle Swap Meet Come join us at the Peterborough Morrow Building, for the ever growing Spring Motorcycle Swap Meet! Find everything you could possibly want under one roof; helmets, leathers, parts, accessories, rear fins, and much, much more! Vendor booths only $50, park your bike and sell it for only $25. For more info email;, or call; 705-340-2130.

APRIL April 4 - 5 Toronto International Spring Motorcycle Show Toronto International Centre 6900 Airport Road, Toronto, Ontario. Saturday – April 4th, 9am – 9pm & Sunday – April 5th, 10am – 5pm FREE PARKING! To reserve booth space, discuss sponsorship opportunities, or book ad space in the Spring Motorcycle Show Program please contact us at; 905-771-0132 or The Rider’s Mag - Page 5

OK I haven’t gone off on a really good rant for a long time and I am due, if not over-due lest I just explode! Beware the Snowflakes! They are everywhere and looking to dominate and assimilate the rest of us! I’m not talking about the white fluffy shit that falls from the sky on occasion in various quantities and makes life Hell for many of us bikers here! OK the ones who are not into skiing, snowmobiling and other such activities in the Great White North during the Winter! I don’t begrudge anyone else for taking part in these activities and enjoying this time of year but for myself, personally, I choose not to! As long as you don’t try to convince me how pretty the snow is and tell me how I should also participate in those cold things I will resist the urge to smack you upside the head with a slushy frozen mitten! I’m talking about the two-legged variety of snowflake! Those who go out of their way to find something that offends them! They seem to be able to find something everywhere and anywhere, even if the have to put their own inflection and interpretation on something that really has no bearing on the subject at hand to do it! Much like a bunch of over-zealous, biker-hating cops when they jack over a pack of bikers with a case of freshly printed ticket books in their cruisers! It is a guarantee that they will find a bunch of stuff to fill those books and clog the court system for maybe a year or so! Their mission seems to be much like the Borg on Star Trek, to assimilate and crush all that stand in their way! Sure, you are entitled to your opinion, but only if it agrees or supports theirs! If it does not, you are then labelled as homophobic, Muslima phobic, racist or whatever phobia or derogatory term they can think of to apply to you! They can call names and label, you cannot! You are not qualified! Free thinking and freedom of speech or any type of freedom that has to do with you having the right to an opinion or voice has absolutely nothing to do with anything! It is about them and them alone! I have seen them in action on many occasions, read about their antics in the paper and see them on the news quite regularly! Hell, I’ve even personally encountered them before, but I had never had any time for them and just mostly ignored them! I had hopes that they would just go away, find a job or do something with their lives other than annoying others! But lately it seems, these, overzealous, self righteous, folks who think that they can use their bullying and badgering tactics to accomplish their objectives are escalating their campaigns and widening their focus and have taken aim at The Riders Mag! They seem to think that they can rewrite or blot out history and by removing anything that they feel represents the bad things that happened in the past, it will be like it never happened! They want to merely hide or disguise anything that could possibly offend someone, rather than learn from the mistakes that were made! The Rider’s Mag - Page 6

They seem to believe that somewhere, someday the world will be a better place if we can just forget what happened in the past, because “That is just so yesterday!!!!! In their fantasy world. The skies will always be blue with no dark clouds, bad weather or anything to spoil the peace, harmony and tranquility! All people, everywhere, will hold hands as they tiptoe through the tulips singing only happy songs (with approved lyrics)! Won’t it be grand! Well click the heels of your ruby slippers you Dumb-asses! Give your collective heads a shake and settle down! They battle on! Armed with government grants and support, and further emboldened after successfully getting statues of historic people and flags that represented ideologies and beliefs, good and bad (Remember things can only be viewed from their perspective and perception as you don’t have perspective! You have phobias!) that don’t agree with theirs removed from public spaces! Those who made history and were history and made their mark on society and the world around them, good or bad, if they don’t fit with this groups idea of good, (As bad doesn’t exist in their world!) they and the effects they had on who and what we are today to be ignored or forgotten because they don’t fit in in The New World Order! Those who shaped our nations and our world into what they are, don’t have any place in TNWO. In TNWO there are no negatives, only positives! There is no bad, only good! There is no history, past or future! You only have one viewpoint, the one that you are allowed to have by edict of the ones that know better than you, what you should know, feel, understand and practice! You have no opinion until they allow you to have it! In TNWO there are no bad words or names, they are taught to say things like the “N” word or the “C” word or whatever word they deem as offensive! If these words do not exist, how do they adequately explain why “The N word” exists if it’s meaning or source is hidden or obscured! When their child asks them, what is the “N” word, how do they explain the meaning without using the word! They can’t explain it to them because they can’t use the word as it has been stricken from the permissible words list! The same applies to the historical figures whose images have been banished from view because they were associated with hate! When they were there, they stood not as a tribute to hatred, racism or whatever but as a stark reminder of who and what shaped us as a world, a country, a nation, a town, city or whatever good or bad! They should serve as an opportunity to teach as when your child asks who is that and why did someone build that statue, paint the picture, create the flag, the emblem or put up a plaque you should be able to tell

them something other than they were in the past and don’t matter! Wars were fought and people died because those ideologies and beliefs no longer fit in the world and that something was done to correct mistakes! History matters! If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to keep making the same mistakes over and over! If we don’t acknowledge and respect history, we are disrespecting past generations who lived through it all, struggled and fought so that following generation would not have to! If we don’t acknowledge the past we are doing our children and future generations a great disservice! We cannot choose to only acknowledge past achievements and accomplishments without paying heed to the mistakes, blunders, catastrophes and whatever before they became achievements and accomplishments! That, is history! We learn from our mistakes! Mistakes are part of the learning process! To not acknowledge that mistakes were made and that action had to be taken to correct those mistakes! To deny that would mean that millions of people who fought in wars throughout history died for nothing! Proof that we sometimes forget our history is the fact that we had to number wars like World War 1 and World War 2 and have give specific names to other Wars like Viet Nam, Korean so we can distinguish one from the other! To ignore parts of history (good or bad) because it offends you or upsets you is your choice! If you choose to bury your head in the sand, hide behind blinders or look at the World with rose coloured glasses, that is your privilege! I will defend your right to do so! However! Do not demand or expect that I to stand next to you with my head buried in the sand! I will simply say “Fuck You” loud and clear so that there is little chance of confusion or missed meanings. That is my right and my privilege as a citizen of the Country and I will demand that it be respected!! All this brings me to a point! In the January 2020 edition of The Riders Mag, I ran a picture of two gentlemen (Now both deceased!) from the Black Diamond Riders Motorcycle Club, Johnny Sombrero and Pete Edge! This picture along with several other pictures (Supplied by John’s daughter Sinceray) ran along with an accompanying editorial piece as a tribute to Pete! In the background of one picture of John and Pete supposedly with some of John’s extensive collection of automatic weapons and War memorabilia was a Nazi Flag bearing a Swastika! The flag had no bearing on the picture whatsoever, other than it was just in the picture! There was no message of hate implied! There was no mentioned of the flag anywhere in the article and there was no support for any hate group implied or suggested anywhere in the article! Yet, I was inundated with calls texts and messages from people claiming to be outraged, that I would dare run such a picture depicting a symbol of hate in The Magazine! Further, they came to the conclusion those appearing in the picture ran or were in support of a hate group and that by extension, The Riders Mag must also support and promote hate groups! This was the reasoning that was used when a long-time advertiser of The Riders Mag used (Almost word for word from other calls and e mails I received!) when he cancelled his advertising contract with us by e mail! Somehow, I expected a Lawyer to have more guts, be more open minded, unbiased and not so quick to jump to conclusions! Who knew! With no request for a response from me before cancelling his contract, I was simply guilty of being a hate monger! So much for innocent until proven guilty! So much for respect for individual rights and freedoms! I got another call from a gentleman who claims that he was just about to subscribe to the Riders Mag when he happened upon this offending image in the Mag that I’m sure would have burnt out the retinas in his eyes if he wasn’t able to do what he should have done immediately, turn the fucking page! He went on to tell me that because I dared run that evil image on one of our pages that I shouldn’t be able to use “We support our troops!” on our Mags, shirts or my truck, because our boys fought and died so that those items and those insignia and images would be forever banned! Funny, I thought they were fighting a Tyrant and an evil regime who sought World domination! He wanted to rule and determine what was right and wrong according to him! I thought these brave souls fought against tyranny and the ideology that one self appointed person or group would determine what was acceptable, what was right and what was wrong, what was good or what was bad, who should live and who should die, who was in control and who wasn’t, because they knew best and knew what was best for the rest of us! I thought that they might have objected to people being told things like, we don’t need to form an opinion as they would supply us with one when they thought we needed one! I thought they fought for democracy, where citizens were free to express themselves and live free from bullying where self determination was first and foremost! I thought that a Free Press was regarded as one of the cornerstones of a free society and democracy! Funny too is the fact that many of our boys collected those offensive items and brought them back as trophies of war and mementos of the times that they went through, the Hell that they faced, the battles they fought and the friends and comrades they lost! As you probably gathered if you’ve read this far, I am a little ticked off over this issue! I was now going to write in here that I would apologise profusely for having offended anyone and promise that I would never allow such a thing to appear on our pages, ever again! I would forever bow to the pressure and opinions of a few displeased individuals or groups, and bend to the economic stress that has been brought on by the loss of advertising dollars and that those factors and those factors alone, would in the future, determine what would and would not appear in The Riders Mag! Then my furry friend, constant companion, confident, road partner, bodyguard and assistant editor Rosebud, who works from the comfort of my lap read what I had just pecked out on the keyboard, did a double take looked me square in the eyes, growled and promptly bit me right in the crotch just to remind me that I had a set down there! I quickly rewrote an editorial policy that clearly states; No Fucking *Snowflakes* Allowed! We don’t want to be held responsible for trauma caused from exposure to anything they may be exposed to in our content! I response to this issue I have designed a logo or warning label which will appear on every cover of The Riders Mag along with a stern warning that there will be material inside guaranteed to offend Snowflakes! Reader discretion is strongly advised! I The Rider’s Mag - Page 7

have also gone to considerable time and expense to produce stickers to warn Snowflakes of a Snowflake Free Zones for their own personal protection because something offensive may occur in the vicinity! We will also have patches and pins to ensure that Snow flakes can travel anywhere knowing that we take their safety and sensibilities seriously at The Riders Mag! You might even see a boob or two on occasion! [Definition of Snowflake* A person or a group who are easily offended by issues or subjects that may or may not agree with theirs or be politically incorrect or controversial! They will try to get their way by bullying, badgering or bring to bear undo pressure by means of peer, social, financial or political pressure!] That said, we will move on as we ready ourselves for Riding Season 2020 and all the adventures, misadventures and whatever else that lays in store for us! It looks like a very busy year for us here at The Mag! There are lots of events that we are hearing about and we are prepping ourselves! I have to tell you that things are shaping up for our anniversary party at the Lion and Sun on March 22/20. It should be a great time with a great band, good food, door prizes and all kinds of stuff! Donny Petersen will be out signing his books and posing for pictures! On a personal note, for all who ask about her, Godzilla is now in a longterm facility in Aurora and is happy there! She is making some progress; in that she is regaining some movement in her left arm and leg and her spirits are good! She is making lots of friends and is active in the many activities that they have going on and she loves the food! Rosebud is a star when we visit and is in high demand for some one on one time with other residents! As I stated when we came out of our Online only period that I was committed to producing hard copies of the Mag for those Old School folks who just love to hold a printed copy in their hands or do not have access to computers and such! I am continuing to do that but have changed up the number of Mags printed and taking a good hard look at how many outlets carry them and where and how I get them to them! Other than the cost of printing, distribution costs ate the rest of what was left of our very small budget! When I discovered that there were places that we were shipping 50 – 100 or more copies to and that many were going to waste I knew it was time to either change or go broke, lose everything, and shut down The Riders Mag forever! I could no longer produce a free Mag and print thousands more copies than I needed just to say that I produce lots of copies! Also, many people were telling me that they prefer to read it online! Therefore we are slowly rebuilding our distribution spots and being very selective in the process as I would sooner have fewer spots where the Mags are available but have them in places where they value the Mag and the readers who may have to travel a little further to get it, who are also their customers! The extra traffic having the Mag there brings is a bonus! The 2 dollar per copy donation, that we are asking for has helped us tremendously! Two dollars might not seem like a lot, but it does help with the cost of distribution! I must give a shout out to those people who do put their Twonie into the collection box! I know Dingo wrote in his column last Month at his frustration at finding the racks empty and little or nothing in the way of money in the box! It is something we will have to take a look at in his area and determine whether to just perhaps pull the Mags and the racks out of those places as they don’t feel the information and content is worth two dollars! If it isn’t worth two dollars to you leave it where it is! There are no more free Mags! If you don’t want to part with the Twonie then we will solve the problem and you won’t have a Riders Mag to have and to hold! My experience along my route is the opposite in most of the spots where the Mags are available with very few exceptions! Maybe the people in Dingo’s part of the World feel that they are entitled to a free Mag! Whatever! The other free publications do not have the content we do! These other publications are not out on the rides that rely on participation of bikers and the money that they bring in support of their causes and charities! AS I said, I have an entirely different experience in the areas that I cover! You have no idea how great it makes me feel when I go to spots like Rocky’s Harley-Davidson and PD Restorations in London, Black Bridge Harley-Davidson in Cambridge, Hips Cycle in Brampton, Hawg Worxs and The Outer Edge T shirts (Home of Delightful Dolores) in Barrie, just to name a few and find the honour system donation box full of cash! It restores my faith in people and shows me that the large percentage of our readers fully understand honour and live by it! It isn’t really about the money (Although that does help when I fill my tank, buy food while delivering and paying for Hotel stays!) but the fact that the rack and collection boxes are unattended in a lounge area of a Harley Dealer and the box has money in it speaks volumes about the customers at these shops and the respect that they have for the Mag! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! In keeping with this change in distributing the Mags, I have been out and about a fair bit as Rosebud and I have expanded our delivery areas that now typically, include after picking up the Mags from the printer and getting Dingo Dave his Mags to do the Niagara area, then it is on to Mississauga, Milton, Kitchener, Cambridge, Ayr, Woodstock, Ingersoll, London, Chatham, Wheatly, Kingsville, Leamington, Harrow and Windsor where we stay over and visit with The Rider’s Mag - Page 8

Cheyenne over some cold beer and great food! We then head down into Strathroy, Lucan and London before a swinging down into Brantford, Mount Hope, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and back up into Newmarket, Barrie, Innisville, Udora, Port Bolster, Beaverton, Pefferlaw, Sutton, Keswick and back to Newmarket! I’m starting to feel like a gypsy! The next day we are off to Stayner, Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Singhampton, Port Elgin, Kincardine, Allenford, Ripley, Orangeville, Bolton, Loretto, Tottenham and back to Newmarket. It does keep us busy, but we really enjoy getting out and meeting our advertisers and whomever else we run into along the way and we are planning to extend our excursions even further! There are so many great folks with so much going on, so many great projects that never cease to amaze and impress me! Some of the most imaginative creations appear out of these little shops and I know I could fill the Mag with what I witness on my travels! One place I have to get back out to, is Blackhorse Cycle in Allenford and do a story on this shop and the people involved in it! I will give you a small taste of what to expect. I could spend hours talking to these guys and a short visit ain’t going to cut it! On a recent trip they took down to the States to race their old knucklehead race bike, they got to meet and hang out with Jason Momoa (Yeah that Jason Momoa!) and they inducted him into their very exclusive Frozen Few Motorcycle Club! How cool is that? Hell, there are interesting folks at every stop I make and when I stop to talk a while, I understand why they have such loyal customers and have been able to build a nice business, some in some out of the way stops! Traditionally my friends have always been in out of the way spots and it is always worth the drive to see them! I will try to give you a monthly synopsis about what is going on out there and trust me, there is a lot going on! Many of the shops who appreciate and support The Riders Mag are of the hard-core variety and have chosen to live the Biker Lifestyle and have some interesting stuff to say, stories to tell and experience as well as experiences to share! To me, that is what it is all about! I was reminiscing with some old friends just a while back over some cold 50 and it was mentioned that we don’t spend a lot of time together anymore as we are all just too busy making a living and have to take the time to live and enjoy the life and the friends that we have before it and us are gone! I am truly enjoying myself out there and can hardly wait until the warm weather hits and Rosebud and I will try to do as many of the deliveries as we can on either the Trike or Petoonia! Yes my beloved, Petoonia has risen from the dust, despair and disrepair, and has been outfitted with new rubber, brakes, paintjob, and heaps of TLC and all the shiny finery and led lights that I have accumulated for her since I was forced to take her off the road have been installed, and she is back on the road, with a lot of help from my friends! True friends are a blessing and if you get through life and can count the true friends we have on the fingers of one hand (That is a full hand of four fingers and a thumb so if you were a butcher or worked with sharp shit and were kind of clumsy you may need to use two hands!) you are blessed! I can count and I am blessed! Thank you all for being there and for all you’ve

done! My shoulders are about as good as they are going to get and I can do lots of stuff as long as it doesn’t require me to reach up higher than shoulder height! I am also working out with weights and other exercise equipment to strengthen my body and specifically my legs! So, once again, I’m not restricted to just choices between four or three wheels anymore other than when the extra carrying capacity of that big Douglas Fir Box is required you know my preference!

Bryce Schwalm BOTB MC – GBNF

Bryce was a long-time, much-loved and well-respected Member of the Brother of the Blade Motorcycle Club! As near as I can tell he figured out that he was a biker at a very early age, and just went with what his gut told him was the way to go! He was as solid as the day is long and a truly, all-around stand-up guy! Bryce was a multifaceted individual and did what he did do very well! He was also an avid fisherman who travelled from Northern Ontario to Florida to dip a line! He took part in many major Fishing Tournaments competing against the likes of Bob Iszumi. He was also an excellent golfer and played so well that his Dad urged him to play professionally and teach the sport to others! Bryce was also living proof that it isn’t blood that makes a family, it is heart, loyalty, and love he has been called Uncle Bryce by the Swanton family and it wasn’t just a name. Bryce wasn’t one to just talk the talk, he walked

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the walk and he wasn’t prepared to simply call you Brother or have someone call him Brother or Uncle or friend if there was no sincerity behind it! He was and forever will be “Uncle Bryce” to all three of the Swanton kids Barret, Sarah and Ashly and then in turn their children Dakota, Ryder, Jaxton and Makayla and he was there at Southlake Hospital when each of them was born! This wasn’t just a localized family thing either. Brothers of the Wheel MC Member, from West Virginia, Pitstop and his wife Dara also considered him to be a member of their family and named their first-born Son in his honour! One of Bryce’s closest friends Kevin from AMP Cycle in Midland died of cancer back in December! Bryce was at Kevin’s bedside along with Kevin’s beloved wife Piper when he passed on and Bryce wasn’t the same since! Bryce had been suffering for a long time with cancer and it was obvious to us all, the kind of pain he was enduring! Treatments just seem to come with their own set of different debilitating side-effects, none that seemed to be very effective and between the treatments and the disease it was taking it’s toll on this once very virile and robust individual! In the end, he just said enough is enough and he wasn’t going to take anymore treatment or medications and come what may! The decline in his condition was very rapid from that point on! We all knew that the end of the pain and suffering was near for our friend and Brother but when I got word that he had been transferred to a hospice it was clear that it was going to be sooner, rather than later that we would say have to say our final goodbyes! The Margaret Bahen Hospice in Newmarket, where Bryce was taken, coincidentally, is literally across the road from my house! I had never been there before and is a fantastic place with a warm, comforting and comfortable atmosphere! They have an amazing, very helpful and considerate staff. Their concern is concentrated on the comfort and control of pain of the patient, but they are also very sensitive to the comfort and needs of family and friends who are visiting! Pages of the visitation book were full of the names of Club Brothers and Sisters, friends and family and a true testament to the kind of man Bryce was and how loved and respected he was! There was a constant flow of Club Brothers, friends and family throughout his stay and his room was always full! It was a scramble trying to notify all that should be notified of Bryce’s imminent passing and I’m sure there will be some who will be hurt that they didn’t get to say a final goodbye but it is a monumental task and in the end, you just do the best you can in a very short period! I tried to help out as best I could, calling those who I knew were close to Bryce and letting them know the urgency so they could make arrangements to be there! Bryce died peacefully, surrounded by loyal Club Brothers, like Doug, Swanny, and Louise who worked in shifts that many times overlapped to ensure that he was never alone! It is at times like this that you can really appreciate what Brotherhood is all about and the value of Club membership is most obvious! Bryce has gone on to whatever lies ahead when your number is called! Depending upon your faith and or, beliefs, we all have our own ideas about what comes after death! For me, I can hope that he is in a better place, free from pain, riding his Harley on some great roads, through some cool breezes, under unending sunny skies! Stopping and kicking back in a cool shady spot, drinking a beer or two, sharing time and telling stories with Brothers and friends that have gone on before, with his Sons, Ryan and Randy at his side and his faithful and much-loved dogs Lobo and Sasha lying peacefully, close by! So long my friend, if a place like that does exist, save a spot for me and have them put some 50 on ice! I may see you again, someday, but not just yet…I hope! RIP – L&R – GBNF

Bacchus, Woodstock - Swap Meet 2020 It was a not bad drive out to Woodstock or more specifically, Beachville to where the Bacchus boys have set up their Annual Swap Meet! Far better than the seven kinds of Hell we drove through to get here last year! They had outgrown their previous venue at The Royal Canadian Legion a couple of years ago and have moved to this great spot that is the perfect size for them and has a large parking lot! Kris, “Bud” and I arrived to find the place already packed and abuzz with all kinds of activity! As usual, the Bacchus guys are all over helping everybody to unload their stuff and setting up their stuff! They sure know how to look after their vendors. We shared some space with Our Lady Stitch, who covers many of these events for us when we can’t make it! Kris looks after the booth as he has a system and I try to just stay out of his way so as not to screw it all up! The usual suspects like the Hale family from Strictly V Twin were there occupying large amounts of space with a great variety of merchandise at great prices! Bud and I wandered through checking out what good deals were to be had that we could take advantage of early bird specials and talking to a lot of folks I haven’t seen much of since, riding season 2019 came to a halt. A stop to visit with Deb from Bling Your Things booth resulted The Rider’s Mag - Page 11

in Rosebud scoring a great blinged out denim vest and a helmet and lightening my pockets of all and any money I had left! (I was hoping that sales of t shirts and Mags at the booth would be brisk enough to fill the tank for the return trip!) But Bud had a classy new outfit and that is all that matters! The helmet is going to require some adjustments and McGyvering to get it to fit right but she already rocks her vest! It was busy right up until it wasn’t! Crowds just seem to drop off to a few as noonish approaches and as we still had things that we needed to accomplish that day, we packed up and headed off! Thanks guys, it was another great Swap Meet! See you next year!

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Brothers of the Blade – Annual Throttle Itch Party/30th Anniversary Party

I got a ride to the party with one of the ladies who now resides at Casa Critter so I could enjoy a 50 or three without worrying about getting busted on the way home by our oft vigilante Law Enforcement Officers! Although this party has been greatly downsized from the full-blown Gala it once was when bands such as Grant Fullerton and Jamnation and Robbie Lane and the Disciples with full horn sections would entertain! They used to pack these venues with people from all over the Province into large venues like the Markham Fairgrounds and Muscleman’s Lake! These parties were legendary and were marked on everyone’s calendars as a must attend function as soon as the date was determined! Times have changed and membership has aged and decreased over the years and the demands of running big undertakings like that are just a little too much! Also, the attendees have also aged and few of us have the ability or the desire to party like we used to! The party is now held at the Clubhouse which can handle the parking OK and the house is big enough to accommodate all that come out but you have to be good friends as it can get a little cramped and congested at times! There are lots of different Clubs from all over that come out to support this event and the Club as the proceeds go to The Wish (Working in Support of the Handicapped) Foundation which is a registered Charitable Foundation that supports group homes across the Province fund projects, buy equipment and do repairs and maintenance to the buildings and properties of the Homes! Members of the Brothers of the Wheel from Ohio, West Virginia make the trip up to take part in this event and party hearty! There were some great door prizes and the food was off the charts! I can’t eat like I used to and when I saw the size of the veal sandwiches that were being brought from the buffet table that I should look for smaller buns or find someone to share it with or find a much smaller bun! These guys and gals really know how to take the hungry out of a hungry crowd! I got some great pictures, had some great food with some truly amazing people and hitched a ride home with an old friend! Thanks for a great night out! See you next year!

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Hip’s Cycle Annual Open House 2020 Barbie, who is doing a lot for the Mag these days (As she innocently and unsuspectingly, gets drawn further and further into the web that is The Riders Mag!) accompanied myself and Rosebud, the Wonderdog as we headed out for phase one, of the many missions we had on slate for today! I pointed the Black Bitch towards the beautiful city of Brantford and started out to join Johnny Hip and crew for this annual tradition! It is a customer appreciation day but at Hips it is more a mutual admiration get together, as here, the respect goes both ways and it has been that way for years! Traditions established by Jim Hipkin, the man who started the whole thing back in 1988, have been maintained throughout the years! The values and principals that Hippy built this business on, remain today! Jim taught his son and his crew the value of respecting tradition, good customer relations, building a solid reputation based on honesty, integrity and quality workmanship at fair prices! He believed in doing things right the first time, and standing behind the work done in his shop! That is why you see the same faces here year after year, as value and respect do tend to bring people back and they of course bring their friends and family to where they are treated right! There are multiple generations of riders coming here Anyhow, Wayne does an admirable job of helping Johnny by managing the store and all the stuff that that entails! Today, his wonderful bride Leigh was helping out and doing a great job welcoming people as they came in, and seemed to be everywhere! Her and Barbie hit it off immediately as Barbie drooled over the many great deals, they had on bikes that were on display in the showroom! There was a fine looking, purple, 1200 Sportster that fit her pretty good and it had her thinking and calculating her present financial state! I could see the wheels turning in her head but in the end, we drove away without me having to plan out how to fit another motorcycle in my

shop! The back-shop was busy, as always, as each and every work station had a bike on the lift with some project or other in some stage of completion! They do fine performance work here and keep up to date on what are the hot projects that are trending today! The shop was in the process of setting up for the open house as the tables down the centre of the floor were just starting to fill up with the tantalizing treats that this get together is known for! The real stars of the spread are, of course the chillie and the meatballs which arrive later on but there are plenty of other tasty things, such as veggies and dip, cheese trays, donuts, sandwiches and finger food to hold you over until then! I was surprised and thrilled to find that an old friend, Amber, is now working there running the office portion of the business! Amber did some modeling for me at a Motorcycle Show a bunch of years back, as she is an absolutely stunning young lady with a dynamite personality and she has a great head for business and she should be a good fit for Hips! She just sort of disappeared for a time and I lost track of her entirely until today! In talking to her, I discovered that she had contracted Lyme disease from a tick that had lodged itself in her shoulder! It, apparently wasn’t an easy row The Rider’s Mag - Page 15

to hoe for her as she ending up using a walker for a time. As well she found Canada’s treatments for the disease to be quite inferior to what was available in the States! There was a big financial cost that she had to eat personally because OHIP would not fund it, but she got treatment and now has the disease under control, so I guess, it is what it is! There is more to the story and I offered her the space in the Mag to tell it. We will be talking in the near future. This Lyme disease is becoming more prevalent in this Country and if her experience and the research she did to get her own health issues in check, can help one or more of our readers to recognize the symptoms and seek out the proper sources of testing and treatment it will be worth it! This was Barbie’s first time here and she was thrilled with what she saw and the people she met! She was especially impressed with the exact replica of the original Harley-Davidson shop that Jim and his buddies built in the driveway along the side the shop! Donny Petersen was there selling and signing his books, calendars and Donny Petersen for President t shirts and doing a brisk business! I told her of the great chile and meatballs that get served just a little later on and of what happens after the whistle blows at 3:00. Unfortunately, we still had other things on our agenda for the afternoon and evening and had to get on our way. So, it was, another great time with some great people at one of the Country’s best motorcycle Shops! Thanks for the hospitality, see you next year!

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Everything was fine then those guys came in and told her that her cap offended them! She said too bad! They told her to take it off! She told them if they didn't like the cap, they would hate her Tshirt! She showed them! She was right! They went to grab her hat and tear her shirt off! They never knew what hit them! To top it off they made her spill he beer! She really hates Snowflakes! The Rider’s Mag - Page 17

"Well," persisted the mom..."how red was the light?" ************ A drunken man gets on the bus late one night, staggers up the aisle, and sits next to an elderly woman. She looks the man up and down and says, "I've got news for you, you're going straight to hell!" The man jumps up out of his seat and shouts, "Damn, I'm on the wrong bus!" ************ A guy goes into the doctor's office. There is a banana stuck in one of his ears, a carrot stuck in one nostril and a cucumber in the other ear. The man says, "Doc, this is terrible. What's wrong with me?" The doctor says, "Well, first of all, you're not eating right." ************ 4-YEAR-OLD'S FIRST PAYCHECK Here's a heart-warming story about the bond that formed between a little 4-year-old girl and some construction workers. It will show you that we all can make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time. (Love the ending!) A young family moved into a house next to a vacant lot. One day, a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot. The young family's 4-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door. She spent much of each day observing the workers. Eventually the construction crew, all of them "gems-inthe-rough" more -or - less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks. They gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important. At the end of the first week they even presented her with a "pay envelope" containing $10. The little girl took this home to her mother who suggested that she take her $10 "pay" she'd received to the bank to start a savings account. When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the teller was equally impressed. She asked the little girl how she had come by her very own pay check at such a young age. The little girl proudly replied, "I worked last week with a real construction crew building the new house next door to us." "Oh my goodness gracious," said the teller, " and will you be working on the house again this week, too?" The little girl replied, "I will, if those assholes at Rona’s ever deliver the fucking drywall" ************************************* A man and a woman were going at it on her sofa when the phone rang. "Who was that?" the guy asked. "My husband," she replied. "Damn, I better get going then," the guy said. "Where was he when he phoned?" "You can relax," said the woman. "He's downtown playing poker with you." ************ A new company is offering customers a chance to cut their hotel bills in half if they are willing to share their room with a stranger. The company is called Jose Cuervo. ************ A new study came out and it claims that women would be better off going to bed two hours before men. The study was paid for by guys who want to watch porn. ************ A literature buff, my friend Larry installed an answering machine on his telephone. Instead of the usual instructions about leaving a message, Larry recorded a parody of Hamlet's famous soliloquy: "To speak, or not to speak, that is the question. cont'd on Pg. 30 The Rider’s Mag - Page 18

Bryce Schwalm - Brothers of the Blade MC July 29, 1948 – Jan. 30, 2020 Bryce was a 19-year member of the Brothers of the Blade MC, was well respected and held in high regard as a solid, stand-up guy! He was true and loyal to his friends, family, extended families and his Club Brothers! Bryce was a multifaceted individual who loved and excelled at fishing and golf was encouraged to become a professional golfer by his father! He died peacefully, surrounded by friends, family and his Club Brothers at the Margaret Bahen Hospice in Newmarket! He will be missed by his Club Brothers, friends, family, and all who had the pleasure to have known him! There will be a celebration of life for Bryce at Scrambles, Foxbridge Golf Course, 350 Reach St. Uxbridge, ON on Saturday, March 21, 2020. 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM for direction RIP – L&R - GBNF

Gail Vienneau April 1, 1955 - January 30, 2020 Gail was executive member of BRO Erie Shores and V.P. of Street Angelz RC, Niagara Falls Chapter. Was generous to a fault to help others in need and was the reason so many women ride in the Niagara area as she encouraged and mentored them. Gail was an employee of Niagara Parks Commission at Table Rock, Niagara Falls for 33 years and will be missed by many riders. Gail was a much loved member of the motorcycling community here. Rest in Peace Gail

L&R., R.I.P., G.B.N.F

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Hawg Worx, a truly great independent motorcycle shop with great people with great reputations running it, offering great work done at great prices! It just doesn’t get much greater than that! Well, that pretty much sums things up but I will elaborate! The people; Mark, Chris, and Mike, three men, all Factory trained, accredited and fully certified and between them, they have well over 50 years of experience! Plus, they are all ruggedly handsome individuals and very nice people to boot! They all speak fluent Harley-Davidson, as a second language and are adept at translating how you describe what your motorcycle is or isn’t doing and breaking it down into what is the actual malfunction! Individually, they are each worthy of the respect they have earned from years of working on Harley-Davidsons and well-deserving of their solid reputations! Collectively, they are a powerhouse, second to none, for their knowledge and abilities! The equipment and tools; They have the experience and qualifications, you say! But do they have the proper equipment to work on my new Harley-Davidson? Why yes, they do! Over the years, they probably have accumulated more specialized equipment than many Harley-Davidson Dealers have on hand! There is absolutely no job that they are not able to handle! The shop; Hawg Worx moved into this location about a year and a half ago and are still tweaking things and doing stuff to make it better, but being perfectionists, the tweaking process could go on forever! The work area is easily accessible from a large roll up doors of the corner unit affording them easy access whether moving bikes and equipment in or out, and the large work area affords them the luxury of being able to work on multiple projects at the same time without tripping over each other or having to move this bike off the lift so you can work on another while you wait for parts or specialty items! The Show room; It is bright and spacious and the one wall is constructed mostly out of glass blocks that provides a nice effect and unbelievable natural lighting so you can really see how great the bikes that are on display really look like!! It is comfortable, and welcoming space where you can wait for your bike! Or you plan your next project and upgrade and browse through the many catalogues of aftermarket parts and accessories for whom they are authorized dealers and distributors! They will be more than happy to order for you and have delivered PDQ in comfort! Storage; You need a nice spot where you can leave your baby for the winter where you can get her serviced, stored, and even get all that new stuff that you spotted in the catalogue installed and when you pick it up in the Spring you can surprise your wife with how clever you were! Take her out to breakfast and lunch before you get The Rider’s Mag - Page 26

her to drop you off! The prices; There prices are fair and competitive of what you would expect at any shop but the added value of personal service and being able to actually talk to who is working on your motorcycle! They pass on savings that might be available through sales and in many cases where people have gone online to buy something and when they bring it in to have it installed, they find out that Chris could have got it in for him through their suppliers for cheaper and often better quality! Chris also has a permanent sale on tires of 25% off!

in-house but with years of experience doing what they do they have built a network of qualified experts from whom they can source out specialty work! As always, you might not be able to do a job yourself but if you “Know a guy” you got it covered! These guys know a lot of guys! They will have you covered!

So, there you have it! Great shop, great people with great looks, knowledge and skills beyond what mere, mortal men should have, well equipped, an abundance of well-lit work and storage space, and all done at very reasonable pricing! Performance work, custom work, access to all the aftermarket parts you could possibly want, sale prices on tires of 25%! This is like Heaven on Earth! If you think I may be exaggerating, stop on in and check them out for yourself! You won’t be disappointed!

Can they do performance work, custom builds, custom paint, machining, complete engine rebuilds and make one off parts? Hell yeah! They can do all that stuff! They can go far beyond repairs and maintenance! Much is done The Rider’s Mag - Page 27

March This astrology has been written in “Quin-trains” meaning there are five lines to the divination. The fifth line will reveal the answer to the other 4 lines. There are 13 twisted spokes in creation of my wheel I use instead of the common 12. Since this wheel is created this way, this allows the reader to approach the wheel in 2 ways. As each sign represents a spoke in the wheel, you can read either what your own spoke has to say or read what all the spokes have to say to share a visual to the whole picture. See how all the spokes complete your wheel. The 13th spoke is what I call the “Dath Spoke” It is the spoke that binds all other spokes together, so you can see exactly what wheel(s) you’re using for your ride. Consider it having extra rubber for extra mileage.

Aries: When in sorrow, do not burden the heart For it is the reason you feel apart Inner solace will release these tears No longer shall you hold these fears Now with this freedom, you may now start Taurus: It’s a pretty empty room you wander in Maybe you should get out in order to win Do what you think, while you’re standing there You’ll only find a duality to share Release the mind, for it no longer needs a bin Gemini: It’s coming, it won’t be very long Then you’ll be able to sing your song The journey has taken a lifetime to come This time, the reason was greater to some Now with this added, you shall not be wrong Cancer: You shall share your memories with yourself You may even stand proud with wealth Don’t loose your sight while you ponder For your mind shall forever wonder Now with a certain drive, you’re stealth Leo: A long time ago there was certainty in your life For all purposes intended, your sword is your knife It has been foretold that you are watched over Almost as lucky as a four-leaf clover No need to keep or suffer from strife The Rider’s Mag - Page 28

Virgo: There is a secret passage if you follow through No need to think, just move and do You can ascend at this time if you want Just remember, you’re no savant A new path, a new way, a new true Libra: Stand firm, for you are in protection mode It is for adding strength to your abode You cannot pass, but you cannot fall You’re actually waiting for that call Then you may continue back on your road Scorpio: Roses are red, and so are the violets right now Something is trying to show you how Don’t get caught up for more than it is Otherwise all you’ll find after is a lot of fizz In the field of dreams, you will find the wow Sagittarius: There in your secret place with your sacred sight You need to look all over to plan your rite Needles to say, you make this decision alone Trust me, there is no other to phone It is all to express your sacred plight Capricorn: You seem content for a change, good for you It really looks good, this change, it’s true This accomplishment is a stepping stone All the way from your root to your bone Give yourself a pat on the back too Aquarius: Time to return your sword to the Lady of the Lake The gentle splash it makes shall create its wake Your honor is intact, so don’t worry, okay Really, what else can I tell you or say The sword shall return, when you need to make Pisces: There is a transfer happening, it’s very strange Not sure what it covers, but it is a large range As above, so below, as within, as without This is how the spirit and soul try to shout You can be guaranteed, there shall be a change Dath Spoke: This new path takes a union of two Whether in mind or sight, it’s true This strength shall serve a truthful way For there is a righteous act this day Take the steps forward to create what’s due

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A dog lover, whose bitch was 'in heat' agreed to look after her neighbor's male dog while they were away on holiday. She had a large house and believed that she could keep them apart, but as she was drifting off to sleep one night, she heard awful howling sounds. She rushed downstairs and found the dogs locked together, in obvious stress and unable to disengage, as can sometimes happen when they mate. She was unable to separate them and was worried as what to do next. Although it was late at night, she called the Vet, who answered in a very grumpy voice. Having explained the problem to him, the Vet advised, "Hang up the phone and place it down alongside the dogs. I will then call you back and the sound of the ringing will make the male lose his erection and be able to withdraw." "Do you think that will work?" she asked doubtfully. "Why not? It just did for me." He replied. ************ A teenager brings her new boyfriend home to meet her parents. They are appalled by his haircut, his tattoos, his piercings. Later, the girl's mom says, "Dear, he doesn't seem to be a very nice boy." "Oh, please, Mom!" says the daughter. "If he wasn't nice, would he be doing 500 hours of community service?" ***************************************** I think, I'm going to lose my drivers license... and all just because of a stupid police officer...The conversation went like this, when I got pulled over in my car: Officer: "License and registration, please, I think you are drunk!" Me: "I assure you, I did not drink anything." Officer: "Ok, let's do a little test! Imagine driving in the dark on a highway at night, when you see two lights in the distance. What is this?" Me: "A car." Officer: "Of course! But which one? A Mercedes, an Audi or a Ford?" Me: "I have no idea!" Officer:"So, you're drunk." Me:"But I didn't drink anything." Officer: "Okay, one more test -- Imagine, you drive in the dark on a highway at night, and there is one light coming at you. What is it? Me:"A motorcycle." Officer:"Of course! But which one? A Honda, a Kawasaki or a Harley?" Me:"I have no idea!" Officer: "As I suspected, you're drunk!" Then I started to get annoyed and asked a counter question. Me: "So..., counter question -- You're driving in the dark on a highway at night and see a woman on the roadside. She wears a mini skirt, fishnet stockings, high heeled shoes and only a bra as a top. What is this?" Officer:"A prostitute of course." Me: "Yes, but which one? Your daughter, your wife or your mother?" Things went downhill from there and now I have a court date to attend... ***************************************** This is dedicated to all of us who are seniors, to all of you who know seniors, and to all of you who will become seniors. “ WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?!" The irate customer calling the newspaper office, loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was. "Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on SUNDAY “. There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to mutter, ...”Well, shit, that explains why no one was at church either." ******************************** The Rider’s Mag - Page 30

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to leave a message after the beep, or to take arms against a sea of answering machines, and by opposing, end them. To dial, to speak, no more. Thus answering machines do make cowards of us all." ************ Martin had just received his brand new driver's license. The family troops out to the driveway, and climbs in A FIREMAN came home from work one day and told his wife, 'You know, we have a wonderful system at the fire station: BELL 1 rings and we all put on our jackets, BELL 2 rings and we all slide down the pole, BELL 3 rings and we're on the fire truck ready to go. From now on when I say BELL 1 I want you to strip naked. When I say BELL 2 I want you to jump in bed. And when I say BELL 3 we are going to make love all night. The next night he came home from work and yelled ' BELL 1!' The wife promptly took all her clothes off. When he yelled 'BELL 2!', the wife jumped into bed. When he yelled 'BELL 3!', they began making love. After a few minutes the wife yelled 'BELL 4!' 'What the hell is BELL 4?' asked the husband? ''ROLL OUT MORE HOSE HARRY,' she replied ' YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR THE FIRE.' *************************************** One night at about 3 a.m. my wife was getting up from the toilet to return to bed when she heard a little noise. It was a suspiciously rodent like sound that seemed to be right in the bathroom with her. She, of course, froze and listened attentively for any further sign of invaders. After a moment, satisfied that she was alone, she took a step for the door. Rodent scratchysounds again! She froze, not breathing. Silence. Her heart beat fast as she once again tried to retreat from the bathroom. This time the noise was accompanied by something touching the back of her leg! That was too much to bear. She literally flew the 8 feet to the bed, clearing the foot board by a couple feet, to land screaming by my side. The culprit was right there in plain sight, a trail of toilet paper neatly marked the path from the bathroom to the bed. ************ When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realized that the Lord doesn't work that way, so I stole a bike and asked Him to forgive me. ************ A man walks into a doctor's office and says, "Doc, you have to help. I think I'm a dog." The doctor says, "How long have you had this feeling?" The man responds...

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Very funny!!! I guess none of you ever dropped your bike?

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Recently at the International Bike Show in Toronto we were asked “what do you guys do”? It’s almost easier to say what we don’t do. We don’t yell or shout out our faith or push it when asked questions. Rather we prefer to explain why and how we came to faith and encourage people to share their beliefs. It is encouraging that almost everyone believes there is something out there that is greater than us and that cannot be seen. Often when people offer to share their beliefs it is when they are suffering or perhaps have lost a close friend and are forced to think about life more seriously. Almost everyone at some point in life’s journey needs to reach out for some kind of help. We believe our help to live a fuller life comes from a power that humans cannot provide. We don’t expect you to instantly believe this, because most of us didn’t in the beginning. Faith or belief usually takes time and effort to grow, reaching out to others like Bikers Church and talking to those who made it through hard times helps. See it’s kind of like when you bought your bike, it came with an owner’s manual or if you lost the manual you can google how something works and how to fix it. Those of faith have a living manual also that we know is correct and is comprised of sixty-six books in one and there is no a problem or trial that you can name that is not covered in this manual. If you have a concern, question, comment or whatever, contact us and we will respond. We will also send you a life manual free of charge and you guessed it, it’s the bible. Our goal is to show those who are struggling with life there is a more peaceful and joyful way to live, it even gives riding a motorcycle more meaning. Pastor Glenn Biker Church Port Perry

DONNY will be at the RIDERS MAG booth Spring Motorcycle Show, April 4 & 5, 2020. He will have his TECH books + his series BIKER 101: THE LIFE OF DON + "Donny Petersen for President" T-shirts.

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CV Keihin Carburetor Function: 1989 to 2006 Carburetion on a Harley Davidson or any engine for that matter is all about compromise. It is rarely perfect because of weather’s barometric influences and the overlapping of carburetor slow speed, mid range, and high speed fuel circuits where each has a specific, primary function. Barometric pressure is important to carburetor function because in the earth’s atmosphere, high pressure air flows continuously into low pressure areas. The sun’s heat or lack thereof creates these pressure zones. Heat causes air to expand, lessening oxygen levels and cold causes air to contract thus becoming denser with oxygen. Thinning air complicates this with a steady decrease in oxygen as altitude increases. Air density and related oxygen levels affect engine function. Furthermore, air’s moisture content muddles consistent smooth running since warm air is capable of holding more water evaporate while cold air has less capacity. This exerts further influence on the persnickety carburetor so dependent on the laws of physics to function. I say persnickety because EFI (electronic fuel injection) brings predictability and preciseness to fuel and air delivery. The overlapping low speed, mid range, and high speed circuits have different size fuel jets and needles. Each addresses the specific needs of increasing or decreasing engine air/gas requirements. These transitioning conflicts sometimes result in temporary engine stumbling (too much gas) or starving (too much air) conditions. A traditional choke replaces with an Enrichener circuit to richen the AFR (air-fuel ratio) helping cold starting and engine warm-up. Rich refers to a higher gas to air ratio. Lean indicates a lower gas to air ratio, necessary for a warmer engine and higher rpms. A lean AFR will make starting difficult. The accelerator pump squirts fuel into the carburetor throat/venturi when first twisting the throttle to also assist in the transition acceleration area just above idle. Fuel is gravity fed from a gas tank locating above the carburetor and is flow-controlled by using a float operated inlet valve. If looking down the center of the carburetor throat, the reader will notice the venturi, which is a narrowing in the throat. The narrowing venturi causes air to speed up through a law of physics called Bernoulli’s Principle. The CV carburetor operates with a slide action variable venturi. The slide goes up and down, opening and closing the venturi in the carburetor throat. The physics principle of vacuum in the venturi dictates slide action. Thus, the slide, descriptively called the Variable Venturi Vacuum Piston Slide, controls the venturi opening inside the carburetor’s throat. The CV like other carburetors has a throttle stop screw for idle speed adjustment by slightly opening and adjusting the throttle butterfly plate. This plate is in the rear of the carburetor after the slide. Idle and transfer holes (ports) by the throttle plate provide a balanced fuel mixture during the transition period from idle to mid-range along with a slow jet. A needle extends down from the variable venturi slide and into a needle jet to provide mostly mid-range fuel requirements. Below this is the main jet whose primary function is to supply high-speed fuel. With full throttle, there is maximum vacuum in the venturi and the slide moves up fully exposing the full venturi for high-speed air demand. The upward slide movement also lifts the midrange needle from its needle jet to allow more fuel to travel up from the larger high speed jet below. At the front of the CV carburetor, centered above the throat is a rounded hole 1.00” long and ⅜” wide. This is an atmospheric vent connecting to the positive side of the internal chamber underneath the vacuum piston slide diaphragm of the CV Keihin to assist in raising the slide in the venturi. The unthreaded hole at the left top opposite the top threaded air cleaner mounting hole is the float bowl vent. If gas is added to the float bowl, there must be a channel for displaced air to escape. A vent is always above the maximum fill of gas. Conversely, as gas flows out, there must be venting to allow air back in to replace the lessening gas reservoir. If not, the gas will have much difficulty filling or emptying the float bowl. The accelerator pump nozzle is at the right front just inside the carburetor throat. Twist the throttle and a squirt of gas will inject back into the carburetor venturi assisting in rapid acceleration. Beside the upright accelerator pump nozzle is the recessed (horizontal) main air jet. The slow jet sits near the top of the internal gasoline float bowl reservoir. It feeds gas up through a vertical channel to intersect with a horizontal passageway. This runs parallel to and underneath the carburetor throat and venturi extending back to the transfer ports and ending with the idle port. The idle port hole is at the bottom of the carburetor throat just behind the throttle butterfly plate. The tiny transfer ports (holes) are blocked from view when the throttle plate is in the closed position. As the throttle plate opens, the transfer ports expose and more fuel directs into the carburetor throat on the engine The Rider’s Mag - Page 34

side of the venturi. At rest, the vacuum piston slide sits in its closed position inside the carburetor venturi with the needle sitting inside the needle jet that extends up slightly into the venturi underneath the slide. The needle jet originates in the float bowl connecting to the main bleed tube. The main jet itself locates in the float bowl in the gasoline reservoir just below the main bleed tube. The bleed tube also intersects with the main air jet passage just below the venturi. Fuel meters through the slow-speed jet and a mixture screw controls idle speed when the throttle plate is barely open. At low speed when the throttle opens the plate a little more, additional fuel directs into the carburetor throat venturi. At the same time, the almost fully, lowered position of the vacuum piston slide reduces the venturi opening, which reduces air flow. The idle and low speed circuit controls idle and assists the transition into mid-range. This circuit controls 100% of idle and about 25% of right off idle low speed. The mid-range circuit-slide position rises from the lower low speed location. This movement occurs as the throttle butterfly plate opens creating a low vacuum situation that moves the vacuum piston slide upwards. The mid-range circuit controls steady throttle opening and lighter acceleration. The high-speed circuit activates by opening the throttle butterfly plate further. This increases the difference in pressure in the venturi, raising the vacuum piston slide fully upwards opening up the venturi. This allows maximum air flow as well as gas passing by via the main bleed tube to meet engine demands. In this situation, of WOT (wide open throttle) during hard acceleration the main jet is the primary controller of fuel delivery. Next issue, I will continue to discuss actual tuning of the best Harley carburetor, the CV Keihin (1989 to 2006). Donny Petersen

Learn the real deal‌ Wanna know what really happened from the one who was there? NOT Fiction from Cops and Reporters doing the Biker Smear Nor from Stoolies trying to justify their lies. Truth can be stranger than fiction. Order from I will announce book signings on my Facebook page. OR By Etransfer $60 (book, tax, shipping) to Then message/email me the name I should autograph the book to and the mailing address. The Rider’s Mag - Page 35

with Dingo The beginning of the New Year brought us sad news about the loss of a Brother, Bob Murrell, and the end of January wasn’t any better. Now we have lost a Sister, Gail Vienneau. Gail was one of those riders that you would find at just about every charity ride there was in this area. She supported all clubs' endeavours when it came to helping out those less fortunate. The same can be said about local Bike Nights….you’d find Gail there. I think it’s best to have Gail’s best friend and constant companion, Vern Ferris, describe what she was all about: “Born April 1 1955 -January 30 2020. Gail was executive member of BRO Erie Shores and V.P. of Street Angelz RC, Niagara Falls Chapter. Was generous to a fault to help others in need and was the reason so many women ride in the Niagara area as she encouraged and mentored them. Gail was an employee of Niagara Parks Commission at Table Rock, Niagara Falls for 33 years and will be missed by many riders .” I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there has been two “gathering of the clans” in her memory. Gail was a much loved member of the motorcycling community here. Rest in Peace Gail . GBNF Spring is approximately 30 some odd days away and it can’t come soon enough! Local clubs are in planning mode for their Charity Rides and Bike Nights. Annual events such as BRO Niagara’s “Cover the Kids” ride have already started advertising as has the Motorcycle Country ( Niagara Chapter) Dice Run. The 14th Annual Biketoberfest ( 14 years already? wow) has also started Photo Credit: Katherine Kane an advertising campaign mainly on Facebook for now. Local Bike Nights such as the Independent Riders RC or NBS Riders RC nights have yet to announce starting dates but I’m sure a flood of information will be coming in. A sure sign of spring is Tons of Bike Gear re-opening from their winter hiatus on March 13th! One great thing I’ve noticed so far this year is that clubs are working together to schedule events that don’t clash with others. Makes for better turn outs at events and makes it easy for me to cover rides on a given day. Now all we hope for is an early spring, not like last year, with warm weather and sunshine!! Speaking of the beginning of the riding season, it’s probably time to air a complaint that I’ve constantly heard over the years, and that is the fact that some rides turn into a race to the end. I’ve been on some rides that were excellent and enjoyable, some not so much, and at least one that was a total shit show. How much of a shit show you ask? First of all, by the time we all got out of the staging area, the leader was long gone……didn’t wait for anyone. We caught up at a stoplight. A few clicks down the road…after a rather curvy section, the leader decides to stop to tell us all that we have to keep up and keep the group tight!! Most of us told him he has to slow down….a 100+ is not a safe speed for a group of 25 or so bikes, and the guy in front of me is winding the crap out of his bike just to try to keep up. Long story short, they didn’t listen, and once again, most of us complained to one of the ride organizers at the first stop. Don’t get me wrong…I’ll ride at 100+ when by myself, but not when I have a passenger who is not used to the speed and not when I’m in a large group. Bottom line is, and you can check, but every Road Captain (RC) manual ever printed states that first, the RC is responsible for the safety of the ride, and second, not ride any faster that the slowest or least experienced rider in the group. The second part is easier said than done, I will agree with that. I’ve had experience as a RC and I’ve always figured that I’ll not ride the same as I do with my buddies when leading a group of riders, most of them that I’ve never ridden with before, so that means taking it on the easy side and try to make the ride enjoyable…not a race. That’s it for now and I invite any comments or suggestions. Pretty soon…..Ride Safe Dave or The Rider’s Mag - Page 36

BACCHUS MC WOODSTOCK STEAK NIGHT I can still smell the steaks on the barbeque. Yes I ventured off to a incredible party with my handsome date. Bacchus MC Woodstock had there steak dinner night. I am going to start sounding like a food critic if I keep going to these dinner parties. Who ever was in charge of the barbeque should be working in a high class restaurant. Tasted amazing and was a perfect rare, I should of had 2. Geezer was attacking his steak was entertaining and kind of sexy in a cave man sort of way. The amount of people who arrived for this party had me in awe. There had to be over one hundred people. In attendance were 5 different charters of the Bacchus plus 10 different clubs that I could count. There where so many people that I am guessing there was more clubs that I had not laid my eyes on. All where having a great time including myself. I spotted out of the corner of my eye there support gear. There was everything in there. Fell in love with it all and especially one in particular. Yes I know theres a girl on it but had to have it. It keeps the guys guessing Haha. Differently going to there next big party which will be there Support The Troops in Woodstock July 4th which I am really looking

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Hello and happy almost Spring! The coldest months are behind us and nothing but sunshine ahead. My world here south of the border has been without sunshine and rather cold so of course, I had to escape. With global warming in full effect, West Virginia ended up having some 75 degree weather in the middle of its winter. My partner in crime and I took full advantage of this phenomenon. It was day 11 without the sun shining here in Wisconsin and time to run away when Travis pointed out that the forecast out east was looking very summer-like. West Virginia is about an eleven-hour drive and well worth the road trip if you own motorcycles. The entire state has an off-road trail system running through its mountains totaling around a thousand miles of terrain. The Husqvarna and KTM fit perfectly in our old white van and there happened to be cabins available right at one of the trailheads near Gilbert WV. I left work around noon on Thursday and we were “eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin.” Friday morning we rolled into our weekend home with nothing to do for the next two days but get lost on two wheels. We found our trail stickers and maps waiting inside our cabin and away we rolled. First stop, gas station second stop, somewhere on a mountain top.

The trail did not waste time getting to the incline and up we rode over the rocks and through the puddles. Wow-what a ride! This was one of those places where you start to stop and reassess your riding capabilities before accidentally flying off a cliff or into a tree. Luckily, the trails are aptly marked with a color code according to difficulty level and we both agreed we were fine on the “easy” paths. Uphill, downhill, around the hill the possibilities were endless. The trees were all bare of leaves and there wasn’t much color in the scenery but man it felt good to be warm and in the wind. And, we seemed to be the only people out riding so the entire Hatfield and Mccoy trail system was our own private playground. We managed somewhere around The Rider’s Mag - Page 38

sixty dirt miles the first day before finding our cabin again. Not sure if we were more excited to celebrate our adventure or completely exhausted but the whiskey bottle opened early that evening. The porch made a perfect place for a sitdown and peel off the muddy wet gear situation and soon the host and his dog wandered by to say hello. Next thing we knew the sun had set and we were beyond starving.

Town offered a few options for dinner and we chose the local Mexican restaurant and were not disappointed! The drive back, however, turned out a bit interesting when I passed the road to our cabin and ended up halfway up a mountain in an extended passenger van with little to no room to make a U-turn. Ooops! We did eventually find our way down and turned up the right road only to drive right past our cabin and end up at a dead end. Eventually, we did find our place and settled in for the night with half a plan for the morning. Saturday arrived with sixty plus degrees at sunrise and a promise of sunshine throughout the day. The local Biscuit World had our names written all of it for breakfast. We were enlightened about such things as the breakfast burrito being, “your whole breakfast all in one bite” and the proper amount of bacon to put on a bacon and egg was an interesting little place. After filling our bellies we rolled up the mountain for round two and found yet another string of trails. I managed to bounce my ass directly off of the first rock I tried climbing over and epically failed to keep the rubber side down. No worries, I and the bike were just fine and had a whole day ahead to try and not repeat that little maneuver. The trails had several large water holes to cross and/or avoid which made life fun. Travis rode a wheelie through one such hole and landed his front wheel slightly off the edge of a very steep cliff...I mentioned via helmet intercom that maybe he

should avoid future happenings since I wasn’t up for a mountain rescue event. This place was absolutely incredible and offered a little something for everyone. We came to a giant parking lot and trailhead store where we met a couple who told us of a town an hour or so away that had a famous BBQ joint owned by a real-life Hatfield who had married a Mccoy. So, we now had our afternoon and lunch planned. Matewan turned out to be a super neat little town along the railroad tracks with some great local history and amazing BBQ. The owner of Wingo’s BBQ chatted with us about the restaurant and Inn then mentioned that guests there are welcome to explore their families 10,000 acres of riding land in Kentucky! Wow. Who actually owns 10,000 acres of land?!? We will probably stay there for our next visit. Saturday ended with around 100 dirt miles and a bit of a rainstorm blowing in along with a whole lot of excellent memories made. It is crazy what you can accomplish in a three day weekend! Ride on my friends! The Rider’s Mag - Page 39

The last event in January I attended was the Falcons MC, Cap City Chapter’s, “Slick’s Departure Without Dignity” party, celebrating the retirement of one of their brothers from the military. At the same time it was an excuse for them to break up the winter blues. Two things that are never in shortage of at a Falcons MC event, an abundance of good food accompanied by good conversation, punctuated with lots of loud laughter. I spent some time talking with Catfish aka Michael Chiviendacz

to show support for other local club’s events. Brother Chucky from TCB and I had a great time including having the opportunity to get a bear hug from the lovely Lucie Guilbault .

The first official Spring event taking place each year in the Ottawa area is the Annual Greely Spring Motorcycle Swap Meet. Over the years it has become more popular because it’s founder Jim Poulin works hard to ensure that most of what is for sale at this meet is motorcycle parts or riding gear.

about what their chapter planned for the summer. So far there is likely another Battlefield Run as they want The Rider’s Mag - Page 40

This year he had to bring in more tables to handle the demand! Just an observation, but what seems to make this show run so smoothly is the participation of Blair

Gardiner along with members of ARM (Association of Recovering Motorcyclists)! They act as hosts for the event and not only do they set up all the tables but they continually help vendors get all their swap inside so that by the time the doors open to the public just about everyone is set up and ready to go. I always have a table to promote The Riders Mag which allows me to keep on top of what is going on as well as any new dates on any rides or events and to remind riders our Mag is all about what is important to them. With the appreciated help of the members of ARM and my brothers in TCB our tables were set up before the doors opened. I took my usual stroll around the hall to see who was selling and what “treasures” were for sale just in case I found something I could use. I know I should wait but for most of the show I will be either trapped behind the tables or walking around taking pictures so fair is fair. Just down the line from us Snax, Muffler and several other members of the Outlaws MC had about 5 tables of swap for sale and they always have some great stuff available. Almost directly across the aisle was the father/son team of Mr. Harley Davidson aka Doug Taylor along with his son James who on their own or working as a team have built some incredible motorcycles and hot rods. James informed me that he is retiring from being a master cook on working ships out on the east coast and he has decided to return to dry land to take up a new profession so considering his skills and abilities I know he will be successful at whatever he decides and I also know Dad will be thrilled to have him home. Peri & Tim Poirier, owners of B.A. Machine Performance Cycle had several tables of swap and we discussed how the new annex they have added on to their building is working out. If you have a chance, why not stop by their shop and take a peek at the new improvements and maybe pick up a copy of The Riders Mag including back issues while you are there.

Good friend, Kerry Anderson stopped by to say hello while browsing through the swap and at one point Muffler stopped by so I took the opportunity to ask him about the dogs he and his lady are raising and showing. They are a rare breed of Mexican hairless dogs called Xoloitzcuintle..Yeah! Try saying that 5 time in a row fast! Anyhow, one of their dogs just recently had a litter and everybody is interested in knowing more about the breed especially my sister Nicolle! So before it got too busy I found out as much as I could about the breed and it was very interesting but then you know what they say about Bikers and Dogs. This swap meet is always popular but this particular one seemed much more energized than other times because there was a constant stream of people in the aisles! They were heading out to their trucks to stash their finds and then get back in to look for more! This is great to see This is great to see, because it The Rider’s Mag - Page 41

means more people are getting back into customizing their bikes. At some point, while taking a break, I bumped into good friend Marc Brouillette. Marc used to have a very successful labelling firm until he retired a few years ago because he realized it was time to pack it all and enjoy the good life. “Dirty Hippy”, aka Lee, from the Boozefighters MC, had some swap out for sale just down the line from where several members of the Last Disciples MC were set up. I want to mention that one of their members is quite an accomplished airbrush artist! He was responsible for the incredible rendition of TCB’s Skull/Shamrock called “Flaming Liam” on an award the LDMC surprised TCB with last year at the swap meet. This guy is damned good and if you were considering some airbrush work you might want to think about contacting him. A man who is a legend in the Ottawa area motorcycle community and personal friend for nearly 40 years, Felix Gaim s was busy as hell discussing vintage motorcycles, parts and availability. Felix was the owner of Cycle Salvage which was part of the Ottawa motorcycle scene for decades! Michel Dupuis, from the 2804 Dice Run held in Casselman had a set up to promote the event at which TCB provides one of their Free Breakfasts to participants! This is done in memory of one of the rides founders, Denis Renaud who passed away far too young and who was a strong supporter of their club, the Ottawa motorcycle scene and The Riders Mag. We discussed this year’s event which will be on May 31st and TCB perhaps adding a few rodeo events for

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entertainment in the after-ride activities. Fonzy dropped by to say hello as well as two guys who moved from Oshawa to the Cornwall area and big supporters of The Riders Mag. they wanted to still be able to get the “hard copy” issues so I gladly posed with a picture with them. Once again, the Greely Swap Meet was a success with well over 600 people braving the snow and freezing conditions to attend and you can be sure that many just came to be around to be with other Bikers and get a fix to keep them going until riding season. One other thing that I want all of my readers and supporters of The Riders Mag to know is that there is over a half a million brain injury survivors in the province of Ontario alone and many of them are bikers but even if they weren’t, they are our family members, our friends, our neighbors and people we work with who need our support for they are dealing with the “Invisible Injury” so please contact your local brain injury association to see about helping them out whether by donating money or even better as a volunteer. If you are not sure who to contact then please email me at my address below and I will find out for you. If you would like any more information about events or rides that I mention in my column you can go on Facebook and go to “Motorcyco Beau’s Biker Events & Ride in Eastern Ontario and as always I urge you to support the events and rides that are created by bikers and clubs in your area because unlike slick organizations that run events the local riders and clubs will be the same people that will come and support yours. Please remember to spend your money with businesses such as those who advertise in The Riders Mag because they have proven themselves to be Biker Friendly and shown their support for our lifestyle so in turn, they deserve our support and business back. If you have any issues that you think might be of interest to your fellow readers please reach out to me and let me know either by email or Facebook. If you have an event or ride or you are a business that deals with either motorcycles or the people who ride them you might like to advertize or even perhaps become a distributor of The Riders Mag, please contact me by email or phone. As always, I want you please remember that we make our Motorcycle Communities stronger by making them better. email: theridersmag.beau@ Twiiter.. Riders Mag East @ motorcyco_beau You can also read us for free online: www.theridersmag. com/online MLLH&R and most of all Brotherhood ... Motorcyco Beau!

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B.A. Machine Bond Slave M.C. Calgary Harley Davidson Clare's Harley-Davidson Classy Chassis & Cycles Donny Petersen Easy Acres Machines Hawg Worx Hips Cycle London Motorcycle Swap Meet' Mackesy Smye Marcy Flowers By Design Meetz Small Engines Metal ‘N’ Ink Mostly Iron Heads Motorcycle Enhancements Mylar and Loretas Restaurant Noura’s OPUS Employment

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Pg. 43 Pg. 43 Pg. 20 Pg 3 Pg. 12 Pg. 33/35 Pg. 22 Pg. 3 Pg. 3 Pg. 46 Back Cover Pg. 22 Pg. 20 Pg. 23 Pg. 22 Pg. 16 Pg. 22 Pg. 43 Pg. 22

PD Restoration Plastix Fantastix PTBO Pushrod Performance Recycled Gear Robinson Motorcycle Smokies Garage Spring Motorcycle Show Tons of Bike Gear The S-Bend Wiesner Insurance

Pg. 23 Pg. 23 Pg. 31 Pg. 20 Pg. 22 Pg. 22 Pg. 2 / 46 Inside Back Cover Pg. 36 Pg. 37 Pg. 20

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