The Rider's Mag May, 2020

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Templars Against Child Abuse Canada is a Canadian Not for profit organization, registered to operate from coast to coast by means of Canadian Not for Profit Legislation. T.A.C.A. Canada operates under permission from Stone Hoff the international organizations founder. The first Templars Against Child Abuse Lodge was founded in Sweden by Stone Hoff in 2009 and now has lodges Internationally through out 14 countries. T.A.C.A. Canada joined Stone Hoff’s Order of International Knights since 2013. Templars Against Child Abuse Canada Lodge, operates under one Lodge, T.A.C.A CANADA. TACA Canada provides support services for victims of abuse by means of remote crime reporting and various victim support strategies. Where we are physically present, we provide direct victim support. TACA Canada further supports victims by means of enabling legal, medical and or other professional help during the victim’s struggle. TACA Canada promotes awareness and petitions courts and legislators in order to help strengthen victims’ rights and services. TACA Canada provides many opportunities and areas for volunteers who wish to join the Canadian Order. All volunteers would have to provision and pass a vulnerability sector background check from their local police departments as well as a signed application. All volunteers would have to train for 12 months in order to become a fully patched Knight. We are looking for motivated volunteers who want to join our Crusade Against Child Abuse in Canada. T.A.C.A has both Riders and No-Rider positions available ... The Rider’s Mag - Page 3

Whats Shakin’

Pg. 5

Cruisin’ With Critter

Pg. 6


Pg. 13

Twisted Spokes Astrology

Pg. 24

Barbed Wire Chronicles

Pg. 25

Along the Parkway

Pg. 26

Bikers Church

Pg. 29

Donny Petersen

Pg. 30

Motorcyco Beau

Pg. 32

Where the Hell Can I Find The Rider's Mag

Pg. 36

Our Advertisers

Pg. 38

Thanks for your support! We are very pleased to announce that Wiesner Insurance is now the sole and official Insurance Agency of the Rider's Mag and handles all my personal insurance needs as well. They will also be the Official Sponsor of the Shop of the Month Calendar Feature! You will be hearing more of their excellent services in the Months to come! The Rider’s Mag - Page 4



May 2nd B.R.O. Niagara 37th Annual COVER THE KIDS RUN Registration at Husky's Truck Stop, York Road, NiagaraOn-The-Lake 10:00am - 12:00 noon, Run leaves at 1:00 pm sharp. For more information contact John 905-7149808 or Bonnie 289-696-5239

July 31st - August 2nd – Hogs For Hospice Hogs for Hospice is a 3 Day Motorcycle Rally in Leamington, Ontario at beautiful Seacliff Park on Lake Erie. The weekend is packed full of fun and activities for everyone to enjoy. Epic concerts, the best organized registered ride in Ontario, Freestyle Motocross Show, Custom Bike Show, Bike Games, Vendors, Beer Garden and much more. For More info please contact; Joe Oswald - Donny Pacheco





May 3rd 37th Annual Fort Erie Swap Meet Come join us for the celebration! There will be draws, food, vendors and of course The Canadian International Tear Down, Canadian vs U.S. Military in a battle for the winner's charity. Vendors spots available $40. For more info call (905) 347-2001 or (289) 686-6797

JUNE June 14th BACCHUS MC Annual Show & Shine 30 Arden Ave., Hamilton Registration from 10am till Noon All makes welcome! Donations to Million Dollar Smiles

SEPTEMBER OCTOBER October 17th TACA Fundraising Gala Casa Ricca Banquet Hall 4801 Steeles Ave West , North York

JULY July 4th Lincoln County M.C. Show 'N' Shine The great guys from L.C.M.C. will be hosting their annual show 'n' shine on July 4th. $10 entry fee, located at the L.C.M.C. Clubhouse, 4859 Hillside Drive, Beamsville, ON Doors open at Noon. Judging at 3pm and Awards at 4:30pm. For more information, call 905-563-4267 or email (Harley judging only) July 11th TACA Awareness Ride at 10885 Leslie st Richmond Hill L4S 0B2 10am Kickstands up 10:30 July 11th Ghost Riders Riding Club Annual Motorcycle Show & Shone Registration 10am Royal Canadian Legion, 8439 Main Street West, Lisle, ON More info: 705-424-5292

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Holy Cow! We are in trouble now! It is amazing how quickly things on so many levels went south, sideways, downhill and any other direction that wasn’t up, straight ahead or towards sunlight and good times! As the old saying goes, “Misery loves company” we certainly have a lot of company because this shit doesn’t just apply to us, but the whole World has been infected, effected, dejected and left scrambling, scratching their heads and saying a collective WTF? Pandemic, Social distancing, Isolation, PPE, became key words in any and every conversation! The Government ordered immediate shut down of restaurants, bars and all other businesses that were not deemed to be essential services and citizens everywhere were being instructed (Ordered) to stay at home! Parks and playgrounds were shut down and they were patrolled by police and special constables who would issue large fines for noncompliance! Economies on a global scale bottomed out quickly, causing much concern! Long term care facilities were particularly hard hit and many watched and waited patiently and helplessly while this virulent virus took many of their loved ones from this World! This Pandemic and all that came with it has caught every nation on earth off-guard and left us all reeling from blows that very few, if anyone ever thought could happen! Death counts which rival World War records climb higher everyday! It is as real as a heart attack and not going away anytime soon! I’m not sure that many of us know the full scope of what we are dealing with here in this country as our normal news is pretty much being monopolized by our Prime Minister who pops out of Rideau Cottage each day to recite a prepared statement and answer select questions in an almost glib manner and hands out promises of money, lots of money! We hear little from opposition parties because, as I said Trudeau and his Minority Government are obviously doing everything, they can to circumvent parliament! They took advantage of the horrific shootings in Nova Scotia and just forced a bill through that immediately outlaws 1500 rifles and turns law abiding gun owners into criminals with a stroke of a pen! Our fellow citizens and businesses, small and large are grabbing whatever they can in the way of assistance and try to grab up the money that is being offered to save their business from ruin! For some it is already too late and they won’t survive! Sure, money will certainly help many if this thing doesn’t drag on too long! But to be certain, this is money that he doesn’t have! It is money that he is borrowing on the backs of Canadian Citizens, some of whom haven’t even been born yet and they will never in their lifetime, see that debt paid off! It is money that will have to be paid back eventually in the form of higher taxes in the future by the taxpayers! But these are hard times and these are extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances! It is a time when hard decisions have to be made and we have to trust The Rider’s Mag - Page 6

our leaders to not just be decisive but correct in their judgements! I don’t find Justine Trudeau to be entirely sincere as he has already shown that he puts partisan politics ahead of what is in the best interest of the Country! He says he speaks for the common man yet he has never had to face the World as a common man, because he comes from wealth, privilege and influence! He has never had to struggle to pay the bills or experience the World of the common man! This goes far beyond my feelings about the man personally, but I have total disdain and dislike of his policies, his methods and his values before and during this Pandemic! I hope he and his Government are brought to task for the mishandling this crisis from the start! The World Health Agency, Dr. Teresa Tam and others also should have some serious explaining to do when the dust settles! However, this is not the time to demand answers for obvious failures on the part of our Government! I personally don’t regard Justin Trudeau as the leader he purports himself to be. But here he is, Centre Stage with no one to share the spotlight or challenge his decisions! He can throw out money and hope that that is all the people will see! The money! What a great guy! He cares! Sure, he cares, he cares that all that money may buy him and his Government another term in office! He hopes that the people of Canada will be so desperate that they disregard the building of enormous budget deficits and throwing money at any problem as if it were the only and a permanent solution and not what it is really is, just a bandage! A bandage, when what is necessary is a tourniquet, because the bandage isn’t stopping the bleeding it is just soaking up the blood and hiding the wound! The economy was weak even before this Pandemic caught us with our pants down! We once had a strong economy with large and small companies, manufacturing products right in our Province and in the Country as a whole! These manufacturers, in turn, supported warehousing, trucking and a myriad of products and services to support them! This sustained growth and people thrived and spent the money they earned to support their families and buying products made right in the cities, towns, province and the country in which they lived! Somewhere along the line people abandoned this way of life that had made the country strong! They could get these products manufactured cheaper in places where labour was cheap then ship it back for sale! Our factories closed and people were unemployed but that didn’t seem to matter because it was cheaper! It didn’t even matter that in many instances the cheaper products were inferior to the products made here. Poor quality control and cheap materials do not often translate into

quality products! We were now a nation of importers, becoming almost totally reliant on others for products we used to make here! We have sufficient oil, minerals, natural resources, workforce and brain trust to be self efficient and self reliant, but instead we allowed ourselves to be steered towards a Global economy. Who benefits from such a deal? The Governments and the Uber rich! The rest of us minions are left scrambling for the leftovers! The Government, who we all rely on to run this Country is letting us down! They seem to feel that we work for them rather than them working for us! They vote themselves raises and have gold plated benefit packages and pension plans, we the taxpayers, pick up the tab! All the while, they dictate to us how much we can earn and then unashamedly The Rider’s Mag - Page 7

tax us on everything we earn, buy, own, operate throughout our lives, and when we die, they tax us again! Why do they make so much and why are their benefit packages so much better than ours? They used to argue, that the people in Government had to be paid as well or better than the private sector to get the best, most qualified people possible to do the work involved! So, being a drama teacher and an elitist are the qualifications to be Prime Minister? Oh yeah, he had a father who was Prime Minister, that makes it OK and who better than someone who taught drama, to pick out those charming costumes for he and his family to wear on diplomatic missions to other Counties! Oh, how perfect, he gets to appear on the World Stage and represent us! I know I said this was not the time for questions, but I’m over 70 years old and officially classified as vulnerable to this Corona thing even though I drink 50 and I may not get another chance! Alright, we get that you’re all well qualified and extremely well paid, so do your jobs like the best people to do the job! So, to you “Best of the Best, most qualified, and well-paid members of parliament, or Minister of whatever” answer me this; If you indeed are indeed, the best of the best, most qualified, and well-paid, with access to all your intelligence people, (Spies) all over the World and especially those in China, where this whole thing originated, why were they not able to provide accurate intelligence to you who are the best of the best, and stop this thing before it got out of control? If the best, brightest, and most qualified, were running the show properly, why was the Healthcare system in such a mess and totally unprepared for this Pandemic or other emergency? Why were the stocks of personal protection equipment and other items necessary to deal with such a crisis allowed to fall to levels where they could not adequately supply hospitals and front-line workers for any realistic period of time, in case something like a Pandemic was to befall us? If you are indeed the best of the best, most qualified, why were the Long-term Health-care facilities where we house our most precious and most vulnerable, not properly monitored and allowed to deteriorate, regardless of the fact that they are privately owned! Why are these facilities not held to the highest standards! They certainly make enough profit! Make them earn those profits! Hold them accountable for what happens in those homes! Why are the nurses, PSW’s and staff in those facilities so poorly paid that they had to work for more than one facility where they could inadvertently be spreading a virus or other contagions from one place to another! You are supposed to be the best of the best! Prove it! Put proper checks and balances on these facilities and quit crying crocodile tears about those poor souls, who they and their families put their trust in you that have died, due largely to your short comings! Because you lay claim to the best of the best title and it is you that is in charge and getting paid premium wages to do the job you should be, fully prepared to take the heat, when the buck stops here and here is directly in your lap and the blame is on your shoulders! When the curtains are drawn back and all the inefficiencies and effects of all the cutbacks are exposed to the light, how will you measure up then? Still the best of the best, brightest and best qualified??? Are you really the best of the best, the brightest, the most qualified? If so, take your job and your responsibilities seriously! Stop ignoring the health care professionals, nurses, doctors and such when they tell you that they need more funds, better communications, better pay, better supplies only to see you further slash their already underfunded situation, come budget time and you decide that you can trim some off of their budget line! You need to stop gutting the healthcare budget lines when you want to support your governments pet projects and give billions of dollars to foreign countries so that your boss looks good on the World Stage in all those cool costumes! This Pandemic and the Government’s handling of it has opened a lot of eyes and cast a bright light on things that were done in the shadows! What is that scurrying away from the light? Oh, it’s a cockroach! By comparison, Doug Ford and his ministers have done an incredible job during all this. He stands with people who can provide answers each day and faces the hard truths and the hard questions! He even admits that mistakes were made, but this was and is an unprecedented situation, with no specific plans, protocols, treatment, vaccine or cure available! These mistakes were promptly corrected and he says that they have learned from those mistakes and they will not ever happen again! When it came clear that the supply chain, administered by the Federal Government and was to be kept at certain levels at all times, that was to supply essential PPE to hospitals and health facilities fell to unacceptable levels that could not possibly keep pace with demands! Then another crucial supply chain was broken when USA President, Donald Trump was trying to block shipments of these supplies from 3M, to Canada! Doug Ford did not take the time to lay blame and point fingers! He instead appealed to the Ontario Business Community to re-tool and switch to making PPE ASAP! These businesses, big and small, stepped up to the plate and delivered! Individuals made face shields with their home 3D printers and sewing machines to make gowns and masks! Ford praised them and the co-operation that he was getting from the Federal Government! He swears that as long as he is Premier the People of Ontario will never be reliant on another Country for products that we can manufacture here! He was clearly pissed and swore that Canada, and Canadians will never again be held hostage by another Country! He has been out in his own pick-up truck picking up and delivering much needed supplies to their destinations not as a photo-op, but to get the job done! His own Mother in Law is in one of the infected Long-Term Care facilities and has tested positive for the virus! With my wife of more than 50 years is in a facility but has not tested positive and there are currently no cases of Covid 19 in the home! I can certainly understand the stress that he and his family is under! The stress and the strain are certainly showing on the faces and you can hear it in the voices of all those who have been involved at the very forefront of this crisis! They seem up to the task and I wouldn’t want their jobs! The Rider’s Mag - Page 8

The Bluster that seemed to be his style and persona, is no longer apparent in the Doug Ford we see today! He has matured and tempered his abrasiveness and brashness! However, the fire and the absolute determination is clearly there and I’m certainly glad that he is at the helm! I believe he is the right man to do the job and that he has a good team behind him and I believe him when he says that we will make it through this thing and come out a little worn but in good shape for the future and perhaps a little wiser and better prepared for future crisis’s! Sorry! I had to get that off my chest and I can’t go to any biker events, church socials, knitting clubs, Pilate or yoga classes, and they won’t let me hang around the park anymore especially since that badger incident, so if I don’t vent, I’ll fucking explode! We weren’t able to get a print edition out last Month for obvious reasons and it doesn’t look good for this month either, but we are online through ISSUU. I don’t have a whole lot of choice, as they have a surveillance team watching me to make sure I don’t break from my self isolation! Damn! It’s worse than house arrest but at least I don’t have to where that damned ankle bracelet! Anyway, they might have been just kidding but they explained to me, that I’m well over 70 and if I were to venture out there in society amongst people and such, I may catch the Corona Virus or Covid 19 or whatever you want to call it, and I would then become a burden on our already overwhelmed healthcare system, that is overwhelmed due largely to the failure of the well paid, best of the best, brightest and best qualified elected people who were put in charge’s, failure to do their jobs to the best of their abilities! They also explained that it would be cheaper, more efficient and a whole lot less bother for them to expend one bullet that had a wholesale price of $1.27 plus tax that would be inserted into my brain and maybe beyond, via a very expensive, untraceable, rifle that was recently purchased from a fairly reputable source that they were all really anxious to try out! This would be far preferable to them and far less costly than to hunt me down, drag me to a hospital or other convenient spot where no one could hear me screaming in agony from the effects of that Covid 19 thing until I died a very excruciating death and then they would have to hide my body! I think that most of them were opting for plan” B”. I have been staying put! WE are still hanging in doing the best we can with what we got, and dealing with shit as it comes up! Subscribers and our paid advertisers will be issued credits for the months that we are not in print of course! I just can’t do much else as I’m faced with the same restrictions as everybody else during the shut down, there is very little revenue as we aren’t in print and all events are being cancelled anyhow! Will we survive all this crap and will we be among them or will we just fade away? Who knows? I have nothing to write about and I already told you about my ever-vigilant security team in the white van with the heavy tint on the windows, parked across the road from my house! I do pick up on that little red dot that appears on different parts of my body while out in the yard! So, they are either having fun or they are just trying to unnerve me! I haven’t been able to get in to see Godzilla since this whole Covid thing started although I have spoken to her on the phone! To date, they have had no cases of the Virus in the home and I hoping it stays that way! These are scary times to be this age but this is a nice place and the staff are incredible and take their jobs and their responsibility serious! I’m as anxious as anyone else to get out on my bikes and feel the wind in my face and hear the magical voices of my motorcycles reverberating from the pavement once again, especially Petoonia who hasn’t been on the road for over 5 years due to my shoulder injury! You guys and gals stay heathy and happy and we hope to see you all out there some day soon! I did phone around to various shops who carry the Mags and advertise with us to see how they were coping through these trying times! It was nice to hear their voices and touch base with them! In no particular order; The Rider’s Mag - Page 9

PD Restoration – London The shop and the telephone order desk are open for drop off of motorcycles by appointment and curbside pick up of parts. Showroom is closed. 519 652 6200 Rocky’s Harley-Davidson – London Service by appointment. Open for curbside pick up. Showroom is closed. 519 438 1450 Robinsons Cycle – Wheatly,ON Open for online and telephone sales only. Service and parts pick up by appointment! 1 877 805 4222 Thunder Road - Harley-Davidson – Windsor Showroom Closed. Service closed to the public. Motorcycle drop off and pick up by appointment only. Parts orders placed by phone for curbside pick up! 519 966 1520 Meetz Small Engines – Waterloo Showroom closed. Parts can be ordered by phone for curbside pick up and equipment may be dropped off and picked up by appointment. 519 885 3860 Hips Cycle – Brantford Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 519 756 6218 Hogtown Cycles – Lucan Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 519 227 1331 Motorcycle Enhancements – Oakville Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 842 2123 Pushrods Performance – Oshawa Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup.905 576 1666 Eagle Eye Custom Cycle – Whitby Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 665 7400 Mackie’s Harley-Davidson – Oshawa Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. Zero contact policy in effect! 905 434 6550 NCK Cycle Salvage – Woodstock Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 519 533 5177 Tiny’s Cycle – Ingersol Open as an essential service. Call ahead 519 425 0033 Easy Acre Machine and Custom Cycle – Strathroy Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 519 289 1755 J&R Cycle – Stayner Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 705 429 3822 Thurst T’s Cycle – Collingwood Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 705 433 8751 Fox Harley-Davidson – Owen Sound Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 519 371 6666 Tiny’s Cycle – Port Elgin Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 519 832 1612 TombStones Cycle – Bolton Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 647 522 0516 The Rider’s Mag - Page 10

Calgary Harley – Davidson Calgary Alberta Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. Motorcycle rentals – 403 250 3141 Policaro Harley Davidson – Oakville Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 825 7866 Clare’s Harley-Davidson – Niagara on the Lake Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 684 4647 Clare’s Cycle and Sports – Fenwick Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 892 2664 Tons of Bike Gear – St. Anns Closed The S-Bend Restaurant – Sherkston Closed Pfaff Harley-Davidson – Richmond Hill Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 709 1340 Longley Harley-Davidson – Peterborough Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 1 866 945 0421 Barrie Harley-Davidson – Barrie Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 705 728 5322 Hawg Worx Cycles – Barrie Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 705 722 4294 AL Choppers – Hamilton Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 545 5139 Poole’s Cycle – Hamilton Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 545 0687 Quinn’s Custom Motorcycles – Welland Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 289 820 7954 Strictly V Twin – Pefferlaw Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 705 437 2291 Triple K Upholstery – Welland Showroom closed. Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. 905 735 7216 Smiley and Company – Ripley Motorcycles may be dropped off or picked up for service by appointment. Telephone orders for parts for curbside pickup. Proper social distancing rules in effect. If closer contact is absolutely necessary you must first pass the dog sniff test. If you fail that the power washer may be brought into play and you will be soaked in sanitizing solution, Varsol, brake cleaner or whatever other chemicals we may have lying around!

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Dad looked at her and said, ....... "Well I DON'T think you should tie him up and spank him." ************ A director is screen testing Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger for a new film about classic composers. Not having figured out who to give which part to, he asks Sly who he would like to be. Stallone says, "I like Mozart. I want to be Mozart." So the Director says, "Very well, you can be Mozart." Then he turns to Arnie and says, "Arnie, who would you like to play?" And Arnie says, "Ah'll be Bach!" ************ I saw my mate Charlie this morning, he's only got one arm bless him. I shouted - "Where you off to Charlie?" He said, "I'm off to change a light bulb." Well I just cracked up, couldn't stop laughing, then said, "That's gonna be a bit awkward in it?" "Not really." he said. "I still have the receipt, you insensitive bastard." ************ Went out last night and got really wasted. I woke up this morning next to a fat old bird who was snoring .. So, at least I got home OK. ************ Angela Merkel arrives at Passport Control in Athens airport. "Nationality?" asks the immigration officer. "German," she replies. "Occupation? "No, just here for a few days." ************ As the coffin was being lowered into the ground at a Parking Officer's funeral, A voice from inside screams: "I'm not dead, I'm not dead. Let me out!" The Vicar smiles, leans forward, sucking air through his teeth and mutters, "Too late, mate, the paperwork's already done." ************ I spent a couple of hours defrosting the fridge last night. Or "foreplay" as she likes to call it. ************ After both suffering from depression for a while, Me and the missus were going to commit suicide together yesterday. Strangely enough, however, once she killed herself I started to feel a lot better. So I thought - sod it, I'll soldier on. "Jesus Loves You." Nice to hear in church but not in a Mexican prison. ************ Got caught having a pee in the local swimming pool today. The lifeguard shouted at me so loud I nearly fell in. The Rider’s Mag - Page 13

************ I woke to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and noticed A burglar sneaking through next door's garden. Suddenly my neighbour came from nowhere and smacked Him over the head with a shovel killing him instantly He then began to dig a grave with the shovel. Astonished, I got back into bed. My wife said "Darling, you're shaking, what is it?" "You'll never believe what I've just seen!" I said, "That tosser next door has still got my bloody shovel." ************ A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking woman and determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand Two cowboys applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk. She thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied she decided to hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk. He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks, the two of them worked, and the ranch was doing very well. Then one day, the rancher's widow said to the hired hand, "You have done a really good job, and the ranch looks great. You should go into town and kick up your heels." The hired hand readily agreed and went into town Saturday night. One o'clock came and he didn't return. Two o'clock and no hired hand. Finally he returned around twothirty, and upon entering the house, he found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine, waiting for him. She quietly called him over to her. "Unbutton my blouse and take it off," she said. Trembling, he did as she directed. "Now take off my boots." He did as she asked, ever so slowly. "Now take off my socks." He removed each gently and placed them neatly by her boots. "Now take off my skirt." He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her eyes in the fire light. "Now take off my bra." Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told and dropped it to the floor. Then she looked deep into his eyes and said, "If you EVER wear my clothes into town again, you're fired" (P.S. - I didn't see it coming either) ************************************* Two older ladies were discussing their husbands over tea. "I do wish that my George would stop biting his nails. He makes me terribly nervous." "My Herbert used to do the same thing," the older woman replied. "But I broke him of the habit." "How?" "I hid his teeth." ************ Two old ladies are sitting on a hard park bench for a few hours. One says: "I think my butt feel asleep." The other said: "Yeah, I heard it snore a couple of times." ************ A 102-year-old woman broke a pair of world track and field records. The 102-year-old ran the 100-meter dash with a time of 'February.' ************ There's a new study that says giving your child too much praise can harm them later. If you're too hard on your kids, they grow up with no self-confidence, but if you praise them too much, they grow up to be narcissists. What do these little monsters want from us? Engineers have crafted a futuristic jetpack that lets you fly up to 10,000 feet in the air. It even has a cool name: It's called 'YOU Try It First.' ************ I am five feet, three inches tall and pleasingly plump. After I had a minor accident, my mother accompanied me to the emergency room. The nurse asked for my height and weight and I blurted out, "Five-foot-eight, 125 pounds." The Rider’s Mag - Page 14

While the nurse pondered over this information, my mother leaned over to me. "Sweetheart," she gently chided, "this is not the Internet." ************ A man is lying on the beach, wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch. A woman passing by remarks, "If you were any sort of a gentleman, you would lift your hat to a lady." He replies, "If you were any sort of a sexy lady, the hat would lift by itself." ************ A bride tells her husband, "Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?" "Okay, sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the prison' and call my private thing 'the prisoner'. So what we do is put the prisoner in the prison." And they made love for the first time and the husband was smiling with satisfaction. Nudging him, his bride giggles, "Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped." Turning on his side, he smiles and says, "Then we will have to re-imprison him." After the second time, the bride says, "Honey, the prisoner is out again!" The husband rises to the occasion and they made love again. After a few minutes the bride again says, "Honey, the prisoner escaped again," to which the husband yelled, "Hey, it's not a life sentence!" ************ A woman places an ad in the local newspaper. "Looking for a man with three qualifications: won't beat me up, won't run away from me, and is great in bed." Two days later her doorbell rings. "Hi, I'm Tim. I have no arms so I won't beat you, and no legs so I won't run away." "What makes you think you are great in bed?" the woman retorts. Tim replies, "I rang the doorbell, didn't I?" ************ A traveler was driving through Arkansas when he lost his way and got off the main highway. As he drove by, he saw rows and rows of pigsties and pigpens and pigs running in fields and pigs wallowing in mud. Suddenly, his eye caught something really strange. He did a double take, muttered to himself and then looked a third time. He wondered if he had seen correctly - it looked like a pig with a wooden leg! He found the lane to the farm and drove up into the farmyard, where he was met by the farmer. "Excuse me," the traveler said. "I was just driving by and looking at all your pigs, and I noticed something that I just had to stop and ask about. Tell me, did I see right? Is there really a pig out there with a wooden leg?" The farmer smiled. "Oh, that would be old Caesar. He's the finest pig a man could ever hope to have - and smart! Well, let me tell you a little about that pig. You see that barge down there on the river? That's a mining dredge, taking out platinum ore. Old Caesar sniffed out the vein and showed us how to set it up. Now that dredge brings me in about $120,000 every year "There's another thing, too, a little more personal. One night a couple of years ago I got to drinking and I guess I had more than I should have. I passed out drunk, fell down and knocked over a lamp. That started a fire in the house and old Caesar smelled the smoke. He came in the back door, got the wife and kid out, roused me up and got me out. "There is no question about it - that night old Caesar saved all our lives and you know that is not the sort of thing a man is going to forget too easily." "Why," the traveler said, "this is all amazing! I have never heard of a pig like this before! This is fantastic! But tell me, how did he get that wooden leg? Was he in a wreck or something?" The farmer laughed and said, "Well, naturally, when you have a pig that smart, you don't want to eat him all at once!" ************ This is unbelievable and will make you smile in case you're having a rough day. Here is a stress management technique that has been recommended by all the latest psychological journalists. The funny thing is that it really works and will make you instantly relax and forget all your problems! 1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream. 2. Picture yourself with both of your hands in the cool running water. 3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air. 4. No one knows your secret place. The Rider’s Mag - Page 15

5. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called the world. 6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall filled the air with a cascade of Serenity. 7. The water is so clear you can make out the face of the Democrat you're holding under water. Now, doesn't that make you feel much better? ************ According to a study, being a new mother is the equivalent of working two and a half full-time jobs. And, even worse, the boss is constantly grabbing for your breasts. ************ I read about a man in Ohio who just ended his streak of eating Chipotle for 500 straight days. When asked why he decided to stop, his family said, 'Oh, he died.' ************ For the first time ever, scientists have created artificial life. The hope is that it can revolutionize healthcare, generate clean energy, become super-intelligent, take over the world, make us all its slaves, etc. ************ May God smile on you today: Bob Hope On his deathbed they asked him where he wanted to be buried... Bob Hope replied: "Surprise me." I had forgotten that he lived to be 100, and also didn't realize it has been over 17 years since he died. BOB HOPE IN HEAVEN For those of you too young to remember Bob Hope, ask your grandparents and thanks for the memories. WHAT A WONDERFUL E-MAIL. I HOPE THIS WILL PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE AND IN YOUR HEART. This is a tribute to a man who DID make a difference ON TURNING 70 - "I still chase women, but only downhill." ON TURNING 80 - "That's the time of your life when even your birthday suit needs pressing." ON TURNING 90 - "You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake." ON TURNING 100 - " I don't feel old. In fact, I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap." ON GIVING UP HIS EARLY CAREER (BOXING) - "I ruined my hands in the ring. The referee kept stepping on them." ON GOLF - "Golf is my profession. Show business is just to pay the green fees." ON PRESIDENTS - "I have performed for 12 presidents but entertained only six." ON WHY HE CHOOSE SHOWBIZ FOR HIS CAREER - "When I was born, the doctor said to my mother, congratulations, you have an eight pound ham." ON RECEIVING THE CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL - "I feel very humble, but I think I have the strength of character to fight it." ON HIS FAMILY'S EARLY POVERTY - "Four of us slept in the one bed. When it got cold, mother threw on another brother." ON HIS SIX BROTHERS - "That's how I learned to dance. Waiting for the bathroom." ON HIS EARLY FAILURES - "I would not have had anything to eat if it wasn't for the stuff the audience threw at me." ON GOING TO HEAVEN – "I have done benefits for ALL religions. I would hate to blow the hereafter on a technicality." ************************************ A blonde and her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door neighbor's dog. It has been in the backyard barking for hours. The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, "I've had enough of this!" and she goes downstairs. She finally comes back up to bed and her husband asks, "The dog is STILL barking, what were you doing out there?" The blonde says... ************************************

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May This astrology has been written in “Quin-trains” meaning there are five lines to the divination. The fifth line will reveal the answer to the other 4 lines. There are 13 twisted spokes in creation of my wheel I use instead of the common 12. Since this wheel is created this way, this allows the reader to approach the wheel in 3 ways. As each sign represents a spoke in the wheel, you can read either what your own spoke has to say or read what all the spokes have to say to share a visual to the whole picture. See how all the spokes complete your wheel. The 13th spoke is what I call the “Dath Spoke” It is the spoke that binds all other spokes together, so you can see exactly what wheel(s) you’re using for your ride. Consider it having extra rubber for extra mileage. You can also read the 1st line of each of the signs to get another insightful message. Aries: You near the end of the gnarled forest There, not far, is a place of rest Tis is not the place to stay though What did you expect? When did you know? Time to reassess life and what is best Taurus: A shielded warrior is called upon once more To fight on your behalf, listen, learn, you will not bore Consider this a gift from the well beneath For the call of the sword is drawn from the sheath This is tempered until the sight of the shore Gemini: A raging battle in which there is no clear winner Often lands those to become thinner Even though what must be shall be Remember the blood you draw from we Expect your best from the outside to inner Cancer: It is time to draw your sword from stone Not to worry, you won't even bruise a bone You know you're deserving this at this time To show you what's inside of your own mime Do not be amoured with the handle you own Leo: You possess at this time a very creative light A gift of creation, a gift of might Now, what to do with this brilliant thing? In the right hands, it shall make you sing This is the part of your soul that has given sight The Rider’s Mag - Page 24

Virgo: The sky has opened and shall show you the way A trail of light without the road to stray What was not begun or finished shall start Confusing, it is pulling together and pushing apart To the masses now though, watch what you say. Libra: The King sits quietly upon the throne But there is nothing said from the hone Do not ponder in silence very long You may find without council, something is wrong Find your voice, so you don't moan Scorpio: It's a long and winding road before you Built this way, because the path is true Shaped from the Earth that has risen above Originally, it was to give you time to love A strange way to create this, follow it, it's true Sagittarius: Prayer is positive, but whom is it for? Is it for you, or all the poor souls in the moor You must believe in what you think and say It is what has made you this very way Funny though, there are others that listen for the shore Capricorn: Your imagination has kept you intrigued in your life The mind never quite stopping without strife You might want to continue to keep yourself amused It will certainly keep you from being self abused Avoid the one cup thought that has a knife Aquarius: Go ahead, keep guarding if it will make it good You already have on your armor, not wood Mostly, you're quite protected this way But you also have a tendency to sway Keep to your duty if you would. Pisces: You may not like what you eat or even see We all make choices in our lives in order to be Only you can make the changes that you need Remember your own words, your own Rede Don't cling to old ways, you need to be free Dath Spoke: None shall pass this day, so come back later You may have to wait until you find the crater The door is shut closed for a reason Chances are, it will last at least the season Then you may come forward, but not your waiter

The Times They Are A Changin ( Bob Dylan) There is hardly anything in life that is not changing. The biker world included. My life 25 years ago seems so different then it does now in an old lady perspective where you looked after the kids and your old man's world at home while he did his thing. I was that person for 14 years with a 1%. We moved east after the patch over where we parted ways a couple of years later and I tried to live the best I could in the world where people had no clue of my past. It was the most miserable 7 years of my life. I Talked to nobody and trusted no one. Just 3 years ago my BFF Mark came and rescued me from the east and brought me back to Ontario. Little did I know that in my absence the world I had known had changed drastically. Leaving with a handful of clubs and now returning to a couple of hundred had made me feel like I had awoken from a coma and wondering where my place was and it haunted me. Running into old faces and reminiscing about the past gave me some peace. Now working for the Rider's Mag has been very therapeutic and I am very glad to be a part of. Attending events and parties gives me time to talk and listen to the people around me. I have met some interesting and colourful people on my journey so far this past year. I am sure there's a lot more to come, including the past event with the Patchless MC I just attended. Solo I went and was treated as an individual and not an old lady or just a girl. It was both shocking and relaxing at the same time. Now we have womens clubs which in the future I hope to be apart of. Talking to Jemma from the Rumble Dollz at the Patchless party actually has excited me knowing there were other women out there who wanted to live the life but with there own independence. I love the new world I have returned to and I'm very excited to see the future. So many parties and events did highlight this summer's calendar for me but the shutdown from the virus put a halt to that. Be patient grasshopper be patient. Going to be a slow and maybe interesting summer with us all in quarantine but I know this will not stop us from riding. Planning to do a lot more writing about the womens clubs this year. Also looking forward to attending some of their events in the coming future if this virus shit is ever over.

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with Dingo So here we are, Mother Nature is drunk again….she can’t decide which season we are supposed to be in…..seems we have at least three seasons in one day lately, except for the one we look forward to. Riding Season….sunshine and warm weather! On top of that, we have the Covid-19 pandemic to contend with. It’s not like we can’t go out for some wind therapy, but where is there to go? Everything is closed….at least all the good places to ride to for bite to eat. Timmies won’t let you walk up to the takeout, so unless you have a cupholder or a backseat passenger to hold on to the coffees, you’re out of luck there. I’m having withdrawal symptoms because the S-Bend Restaurant is closed and I can’t get Southern Fries!! No one else has Southern Fries !! Ed and Lil at Tons of Bike Gear opened for the season and then closed because of the virus. We all know that clothing and helmets etc. are a trial fit, so it didn’t make any sense for them to stay open. Imagine if you will, Ed standing at the door in full hazmat gear, not letting you in, but bringing different sizes and styles of, say, riding jackets for you to try on and each time, having to “sanitize” everything. Yeah, not happening!! Both Clare’s ( H-D and Cycle) are closed except for “by appointment only” via email. I know that Lisa is busy, working from home, answering these emails as fast as she can and making convenient times for their customers to, say, pick up their bikes from storage, or drop off their bikes for servicing for example. This is all a sad start to our riding season. What I feel is worse is the fact that events are being cancelled…events that raise money for charities. It’s been said that bikers raise more money for charities than any other group. I firmly believe that and although there has been figures mentioned such as the $13 million annually that clubs donate, there are clubs that do their own thing, help out a charity or food bank, and don’t mention it other than maybe a blurb on Facebook or their own website. You are all Heros for what you do every year and unfortunately this year there will be charities that are going to be missing those dollars etc. that riders contribute. Here is the list so far: Poki-Barbi-Dan Cover the Kids Fort Erie Swap Meet Fallen Riders PeeWee Memorial Ride Bobcaygeon Bike Fest Baconfest

Welland County MC …cancelled BRO Niagara……….cancelled ………….cancelled BRO Ontario ….. cancelled NBS Riders Port Colborne ….cancelled cancelled cancelled

There are events that haven’t committed one way or another as of this writing. They include the annual Ontario Ride for Sight and the Wasaga Bike Weekend. Hogs for Hospice is still a “Go” in Leamington but I think we will all have to wait and see what the government decides about events. Locally, Mike and Angie Labreche are still planning on having their annual Labreche Charity Ride Saturday May 23, but without the after party, but that too, may change…’s a day by day thing now. Late May is the usual start of Bike Nights in many locations. So far I haven’t seen or heard of any plans one way or the other about these weekly events. Hopefully we will know soon what the summer will be like. I’m keeping the politics out of my column, but to me, the sooner we can return to normal, the better. I thought a few pictures from last year might brighten your day!! In the meanwhile, stay safe, stay well, and we will be seeing you on the other side of all this. Dave

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Several years ago, my daughter was playing in a soccer tournament in Aurora, in between games we went to a convenient store to get drinks. There, at the cooler, we met an old biker who was from Tennessee, and he wore cracked and well weathered leathers, on the back was John 3:16 and nothing else. We talked for a little bit and I told him what Bikers Church was about. He responded that his purpose in life was to tell anyone who asked what John 3:16 was about. So, I am going to do what he did, and what Jesus in the bible did, and tell you what John 3:16 means, and then you can decide. In my opinion John 3:16 is the most important verse in the bible. It says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. Gods son is Jesus and everlasting life is heaven and that’s it. How to have life after death is that simple. No probation, no dues or fees, you do not need to have a clean prison record, and you can even have cheated on your taxes. So, you simply believe, and you wear a patch of Jesus on your heart that only he can see. When we look back over our lives sometimes, we will recall people or situations that we think happened by chance. What are the odds of running into an old Lone-Wolf preacher from Tennessee at a convenient store? Is it possible that a higher power (I call him God) put a guy from Tennessee in my path, 15 years ago, so I could share this story with you now so your heart would be open to consider this article? Just asking? Bikers Church, like the guy from Tennessee reaches out to hurting souls so that one soul at a time may come to faith, and I hope you are the one soul who is moved today. Well I cannot close without a comment on COVID-19, we have had bike shows and events cancelled or put on hold and life sure is different. I admit I am a creature of habit, like I am sure many of you are, I unintentionally like doing the same thing day in and out without disruption. That may be because it reduces the thought process, but I find things like getting laid off from work concerning. I think about my mother who is 94-years-old in a nursing home and other elderly friends and the daughter from the soccer tournament who is now a nurse and I guess myself, because I’m 69-years-old. But to be honest I do not worry about myself much. Here is the bottom line. If I get COVID-19 and die, I go to heaven and if I don’t get it, I get to get older here and watch grandchildren grow, so either way its good. That may seem at little weird, but I try and find peace in life and not worry, which I did for too many years. Even though our weekly meetings are put on hold at the moment, you can still reach out to Bikers Church if you are in need of someone to talk to. We are always here with listening ears and open arms, no matter the concern or worry. Just reach out to us on Facebook – Scugog Bikers Church. I hope that at this time you and all your families are staying safe. The members of Bikers Church are currently praying for those who are vulnerable at this time, those who have lost their job, or have family members who are vulnerable. Stay safe and God bless. Pastor Glenn, Scugog Bikers Church The Rider’s Mag - Page 29

Troubleshooting Carburetors Part VI Carburetor troubleshooting usually involves one overriding truth; the majority of problems are caused by rider neglect. Most difficulties are avoidable.Problems arise because of inadequate maintenance. Most of what I will say will apply to all carburetors but I will use the best of all Harley carburetors, the CV Keihin (circa-1988 to 2006) when giving most examples. Before attempting to isolate carburetor issues, gnition timing should be accurate and components like the coil, wires and spark plugs must be in excellent condition. If the plugs electrodes are blistery-white, find and fix the source of too much air relative to gas. Look for air leak(s) first. If black and fluffy, find the cause of too much gas entering the combustion chambers. If the plugs are scaly, shiny black, then engine piston rings, valves or valve guides need repair to eliminate oil blowby. If having a pre-1978 points ignition look no further than an improper gap adjustment, corroded point contact faces, and/or the presence of oil or moisture. Consult your various manuals including the riders manual that came with your bike for troubleshooting charts, tips, and a better understanding of carburetor related problems. Official manuals are expensive, in part to discourage riders from doing their own work. Clymer publishes good aftermarket manuals and digital H-D manuals are relatively inexpensive online for downloading. There are many common issues and solutions. Dirty air filters, carburetor air leaks, gas cap and other venting blockages, sediment in the gas tank/gas filter, and maladjusted float levels top the list. If maintaining the bike on a regular basis, many potential problems disappear. If experiencing poor gas mileage, my first comment is that slowing down to highway speed limits will increase mileage exponentially. However, if related to a mechanical issue, inspect the air filter. If dirty, clean. Replace if necessary. Check if the choke plate is on or partially on in the Keihin, Bendix, Tillotson, Linkert, and Schebler (Linkert predecessor) carburetors. In the case of the CV Keihin and the aftermarket S&S B, E, and G carbs, overuse of the enrichment device also known as a starter valve puts unnecessary, excess gas into the engine. Symptoms of this are rough running, especially at lower rpms and black smoke emanating from the exhaust pipes. Inspect to see if the enrichener valve is leaking; adjust or replace if necessary. Inspect if the enrichener valve is not seated. If so, adjust or clean. A defective, worn accelerating pump nozzle will also allow too much gas to escape or inject into the carburetor throat on Tillotson, Bendix, and Keihin carbs. If problematic, replace the nozzle. The Enrichener Valve (27583-88) causes many problems as it wears. It has two names that confuse rider’s working on their own bikes and novice mechanics alike. The H-D parts book, 99450-94A, I am currently using calls this device a Starter Valve while another H-D manual, 99483-99 calls the same device an Enrichener Valve. Many H-D technicians frequently miss a faulty enrichener/starter valve and perform other fixes that do not work. This valve causes many tricky symptoms as it wears or becomes contaminated with dirt. The bike may run richer with a low air to fuel ratio (AFR). The engine will run rough and have poor acceleration. Furthermore, the idle may vary, going up and down, seemingly at will. Adjusting the idle will not fully cure the situation and may mask symptoms. Some riders and mechanics do not totally understand how an enrichment device works relative to a choke plate. The choke is easy because the observer can watch it open and close in the carburetor throat. A choke plate stops the amount of air entering the carburetor throat changing (richening) the AFR. An internal out-of-sight enrichment valve/starter valve located on the left side, rear of the CV just under the carburetor top allows extra fuel into the system to enrichen the AFR. Pulling out the enrichener valve cable allows converging fuel and air passages to open. Vacuum causes fuel to rise through the enrichener jet located in the float bowl at the bottom of the carburetor. The fuel rises upward through a passage to the enrichener/starter valve chamber where it mixes with air. I do not understand mechanics looking for a complicated fix when symptoms of black smoke coming out of the pipes and darkened spark plug electrodes combined with rough idling are right in front of them. There are differences between the CV carburetors serving engines from 883cc to 1200cc to 1340cc to 1450cc but they all use the same enrichment starter valve, H-D 27583-88 from 1988 to the last year of CV Keihin use on a HarleyDavidson in 2006. If experiencing rough idling quality, check to see if the idling adjustment (idle speed) is correct. If not, set the idle speed adjustment. Check the gas cap vent and any vent lines. If the gas cap is plugged, remove dirt with a wire or compressed air or else replace the gas cap. All single gas tank gas caps vent. The right side gas cap vents on dual fuel tank caps. Unkink or clear blocked gas vent lines Inspect various sealing components for an air leak, which may include a worn throttle plate shaft through the carburetor body; worn gasket/seal between the carburetor and the manifold; loose mounting nuts or the most likely culprit leaky manifold rubber sealing. Replace worn parts, retighten loose fasteners, and always use new gaskets and rubber seals. If equipped, check the enrichener valve for issues. If the low The Rider’s Mag - Page 30

speed jet is loose, tighten. Determine if the low speed jet is blocked or partially clogged; clean until unobstructed. If the bike is hard to start, look to see if there is fuel in the tank and the petcock is turned to the ON position. Use the enrichener device or choke plate. Inspect the fuel supply. Correct if impeded in any way (e.g. fuel line kinked, rubber deteriorated). In short, make sure that gas reaches and enters the carburetor. Inspect for carburetor cleanliness. Clean if dirty. Examine the float level if there is gas overflow; if too high adjust the float level and/or clean to remove sediment. Consult your manual for the correct float level and instructions on measurement and adjustment. Finally, check the float bowl vent for obstruction or partial clogging. The vent will be a simple hole or a small fitting with an environmental vent hose attached. The vent will always be near the top of the float bowl. If obstructed, clean. If outfitted, inspect needle and needle jet for damage. Replace if necessary. Do not repair these parts if damaged. I always replace the pair since if there is damage to one, there may very well be damage to the other mating part. Look at the various sealing components for an air leak. Inspect and ensure the enrichener system is operating correctly. Clean, adjust, repair or replace as necessary. Finally, inspect slow jet and passages for obstruction or partial clogging. Clean for unimpeded flow. Rather than repeating myself for dealing with poor riding performance including poor acceleration, if having checked all the symptoms above this will no longer be bothersome. If using a CV Keihin, inspect the vacuum piston slide needle and needle jet for wear or damage. Replace if necessary. While at it, ensure the piston slide moves freely, up and down. Consult your manual if the slide is not co-operating. In conclusion, a lot of riders and many mechanics look for a complicated solution to a simple problem and tune merrily away until their frustration overwhelms. After all, replacing piston slides, jets, and needles are a waste of time if the cause is an empty gas tank, blocked fuel lines or a dirty air filter. Next issue, I will conclude our carburetor series and look at the use of engine sensors in conjunction with the ever developing electronic ignition control module (ECM) known as the “brain” as carburetion is integrated into an engine management system. Donny Petersen

Learn the real deal… Wanna know what really happened from the one who was there? NOT Fiction from Cops and Reporters doing the Biker Smear Nor from Stoolies trying to justify their lies. Truth can be stranger than fiction. Order from I will announce book signings on my Facebook page. OR By Etransfer $60 (book, tax, shipping) to Then message/email me the name I should autograph the book to and the mailing address. The Rider’s Mag - Page 31

Greetings and Salutations from my Quarantine Covid-19 bunker to all Brothers and Sisters in motorcycle communities everywhere! This has to be one of the strangest columns I have ever written. Traditionally, I would be filling you in on the first shows, rides and events of our riding season! I would then give you updates on what to look forward to over the next few months! Even that will be up for grabs for maybe the rest of the year. While the Quarantine won’t entirely prevent us from getting out in the Summer, whether it will still be having a dramatic effect on our social fabric and how we as Bikers conduct ourselves remains to be seen. Last month we were all disappointed that the Spring Motorcycle Show in Toronto was cancelled and since then we have waited in suspense to see when the Quarantine would end and we could start celebrating our lifestyle. There have been some decent days to get out but there was lots of confusion of what were the rules for riding while the quarantine is in place. The first riders out this year were met by confusing information from various law enforcement agencies! Most of whom didn’t have a unified set of temporary regulations, which caused some angry confrontations, some resulting in ridiculous tickets being handed out. In the Ottawa – Gatineau area the province of Quebec started stopping riders with Ontario license plates informing them they were not welcome! Not long after, the Province of Quebec began placing police on the five bridges, turning back Ontario residents! Unless extremely important reason to cross they were refused entry. However, the City of Ottawa didn’t close its border to Quebec. Groups of riders were told to keep lots of space between them and when they stopped for a break all were expected to keep the “Safe Distancing” rule and park over 2 meters apart and not collect in small groups. Bikers are survivors and over time, we are adjusting to the demands of the Quarantine Covid-19. It is not without issues like if a couple are on the same motorcycle and they do not live at the same address they can be charged with breaking quarantine. So far, this Quarantine has had some very negative effects on the social fabric of our motorcycle/biker communities with early season rides and events being cancelled due to the repressive rules being enforced. At this point in time, the Bondslave MC Mega Swap, the Capital City Bikers Church Swap Meet and the 7th Annual Ride for Disabled Vets were forced to cancel and unless something really changes many more will follow including the Guardians of Children Ride that was for June 6th. At this time, I have not heard from the 2804 Dice Run that is to be held on May 31st but I will keep you all informed. In a few weeks there will be a decision on The Celtic Brotherhood Annual Awareness Ride for Brain injury & PTSD which is on June 13th and their Annual Ride for Autism Ottawa that was being held a week later on The Rider’s Mag - Page 32

June 20th has temporarily postponed and a future date will come likely next month. There are others that have cancelled but I don’t want to mention them because if this quarantine is lifted in the next few weeks some of them may reconsider and go ahead. One that I did want to mention was ARM (Assoc of Recovering Motorcyclists) who decided to go ahead with their ride and BBQ that is being held on July 25th. Back a couple of months ago I had some tech issues and had to leave an event out of one of my columns regarding a Celebration of Life that took place at the Capital City Bikers Church. It’s not uncommon for members of the Ottawa and area motorcycle community to hold events at the Capital City Bikers Church like Celebrations of Life. Recently many of the local clubs and independent riders participated in one that was held for the father of Hillbilly aka Garner Foster, founder of the CCBC. Members of the Biker Community came to both show

their respect for both Hillbilly and his wife Nelia but also to recognize the achievements and life of his father! As a young man he became deaf, learned sign language and not only raised a family but also became a leader in providing religious services to members of the Deaf community! He helped them access services that they or their families were in need of. Hillbilly never made a big deal out of the fact that both he and his brother could “sign” but every so often when the need arose it blew a few minds watching him converse with someone who was hearing challenged. After recounting his father’s life, Hillbilly picked up his guitar and sang songs he felt captured who his father was

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and what their relationship was like as he was growing up. It’s very important that we honor those who came before us even when sometimes it was a bumpy road because who we are and has much to do with their being part of our lives. After the celebration, food was served and people hung around chatting for a long time. I would like to thank the Last Disciples ARM (Assoc for Recovering Motorcyclists) Ottawa Chapter, Dwayne Haddad from BACA MC (Bikers Against Child Abuse) Ottawa Chapter and The Celtic Brotherhood. I also would like to mention the passing of one of the legends of the Ottawa and area motorcycle community, John Goth headed out to Valhalla. John was part of the biker scene way back in the 60’s when we met. Over the decades he earned the respect of a lot of men and women who were proud to call him Brother. His trademark, long hair and bandana became familiar sights at events and swap meets and the extended Goth “family” was considerable in size! So it was truly frustrating that this quarantine we are saddled with, prevented him having the kind of send off that he deserved but down the line, when we are past this, I am sure there will be one incredible Celebration of Life for John. My condolences and respect to his lovely wife, Nancy. Also, a few months back, I wrote of the passing of another Legend in the Eastern Ontario motorcycle community, Lise Sculland, and if you missed it you can read it online in our back issues section. Anyhow, recently a picture was brought to my attention of the lovely Lise and a portrait that was painted of her I thought It would be something to share with all of you because she was one of the most famous Women in the Wind.

For many years I have ended my column with the same things, reminding you of all the riders and their families struggling with brain injury, I tell you to support the rides and events of clubs in your area because they are the ones that come to support yours and I mention that you should support the businesses and services that advertise in The Riders Mag because without them we couldn’t reach out to all of you and keep you informed of what incredible people you are but this is a different ending for now. The battle with the Wuhan or Corvid-19 Virus continues to take its toll, both in lives as well as jobs and our economy! While some governments want to sing us a song as the boat struggles to stay afloat, others are winning the war one The Rider’s Mag - Page 34

battle at a time. All of us from “The Riders Mag” want to offer all the members of the medical profession such as nurses and doctors to truck drivers and grocery store clerks and 100’s of other occupations, our respect and admiration for what they are doing. To our Brothers & Sisters in motorcycle communities everywhere. When we finally get to the light at the end of the tunnel, life will be different than when we entered it. But not us, I mean everything I say about all of you every time I write about how awesome you all are and if you arrive at the end of this quarantine in fair shape, please take the time to check and see what you can do for the others in your biker community who didn’t fair so well. Sorry for the speech but we have to be there for each other. If you have an event or ride or you are a business that deals with either motorcycles or the people who ride them you might like to advertize or even perhaps become a distributor of The Riders Mag, please contact me by email or phone. As always I want you please remember that we make our Motorcycle Comunities stronger by making them better. email: Twiiter.. Riders Mag East @ motorcyco_beau You can also read us for free online: MLLH&R and most of all Brotherhood ... Motorcyco Beau!

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Approved Appraisal Services B.A. Machine BACCHUS MC BIEHEALTH Bond Slave M.C. Calgary Harley Davidson Classy Chassis & Cycles Donny Petersen Easy Acres Machines Hawg Worx Hips Cycle Mackesy Smye Marcy Flowers By Design Meetz Small Engines Metal ‘N’ Ink Mostly Iron Heads Motorcycle Enhancements Mylar and Loretas Restaurant Noura’s

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OPUS Employment PD Restoration Plastix Fantastix Pushrod Performance Recycled Gear Robinson Motorcycle Smokies Garage TACA Canada Tons of Bike Gear The S-Bend Wiesner Insurance

Pg. 22 Pg. 19 Pg. 19 Pg. 18 Pg. 22 Pg. 22 IInside Back Cover Pg. 3 Pg. 26 Pg. 26 Calendar Feature

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