SHARE Magazine October 2021

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World In View


The Nanny State vs Parents!

The SOGI Curriculum COMING To A School Near You UNLESS we STOP IT IN the SPIRIT! There used to be a time when parents did not need to think about what is being taught to their children in school about gender. In those days the school and parents agreed that humans are created, male or female. You can no longer assume that this is so. According to the SOGI curriculum introduced in British Columbia, Canada in 2016, gender is not about what you were born with or identified as at birth. It is about how you feel! Kids are being taught that it is ok to be transgender, bi-sexual, homosexual, or whatever you feel like at the time. They say it’s not indoctrination but about learning to accept people the way they are. I say this is a war against fundamental Christian beliefs and the innocence of our children. We can no longer sit idly by and send our children into the school system trusting that they are being taught our beliefs. Check the curriculum when it comes home. Check the homework that is given and make informed choices. Whether that means homeschool or Christian school, believers may want to start making these choices now so their children are not indoctrinated to believe that nothing is sinful anymore and our sexual preferences are our choice and nothing to do with how God designed us. Predators online When it comes to technology, parents are way behind the curve and need to 28



start looking at everything their children see including video games and chats. The hidden messages and pornographic images being subtly introduced to our children should cause us to review and play any game we introduce to our children before even allowing them to see it. Not that I am saying technology is bad. Cellular phones are quite useful but also can be used for bullying, accessing websites, and advertisements that are inappropriate. “A survey of more than 6,000 10 to 18-year-olds from June to August last year found that about 50% of children had experienced at least one kind of cyberbullying in their lifetime, according to a report published in February by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). In the 11 European countries included in the report, 44% of children who had been cyberbullied before lockdown said it happened even more during the lockdown. (February 2021).” https:// . According to statistics/ 116,000 child pornography requests are made daily on the internet and 70% of children between the ages of 7 to 18 years old accidentally encountered pornographic images while on the internet completing homework. Parents, I am calling upon you to be actively involved in what your children see using all the technology available to them. Filtering or blocking software may be helpful but will not be not as effective as ensuring that what our children see or access is monitored.

October - December 2021

Gay choir coming for your kids Youtube is a popular “babysitter” for many of our children today. As parents, we need to be vigilant. In this video “A Message From the Gay Community” Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, the singers inform parents that they are coming after our children so they (the gay community) can inform them on how to become more ‘respectful and caring human beings.’ Apparently, they see it as their job to teach kids not to hate. Teaching God’s moral laws to our children is now seen as offensive and outdated. The “gay agenda” according to this song is to convert our children and then the children in turn will then convert the parents. This should cause you to sit up and take notice that now more than ever “your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He is trying to devour our children and as parents, we need to stand up and teach our children the truth of God’s word from the womb. Further Reading-British Sex Education publications/relationships-educationrelationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-healtheducation/introduction-to-requirements Relationship and Sex Education for Primary resources/rse_pri/ Cheryl Williams Author, Educator and Church Administrator.

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