The Splash_Edition 6_November 2010

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//November 2010


The Splash | November 2010


NIC REED ETnH t for a

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Campus life orientation


english sporyvaganza Solidarity outside, healthy inside



BRAvo indonesia



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The Splash | November 2010



The Splash | November 2010


Dear all members of EED,



New Semester, New spirit , New Faces, New style




10 CCU - Making Learning A Foreign Language More Sensible 12


Freedom for Fashion 13


Toshiba Libretto W100 Nikon S1100pj 14-15


Drs. I Wayan Japa, M. Hum. - The Living Witness of History I.B. Arya Lawa Manuaba hard work and belief

- A Miracle Behind a

16 Bali Multimedia and Digital Art Center: A Big Dream That Will Become True 17 Indonesian Day - A Slice of Experience in Austaralia 18 A Gift for Putri



Bravo Indonesia Lolly Pop On My Bag


Toshiba Libretto W100 Nikon Coolpix S1100pj

19 The Splash - New Life, New Motivation 20 Lifestyle - Freedom For Fashion 21 Opinion 21 22 22 23 24

Let’s Learn: Idiom Crossword Movie Review Just For Fun Poetry



First of all, we want to thank Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa that gives us health, creativity and inspiration to publish the second edition of The Splash. It is such a great honour of us to present our best writings and creativity in this new publication. As we all know, The Splash was a newsletter, which was firstly published in 2008 under Mr. Hery Santosa’s supervision. The creator was the students of Sunflower Class which are now in the last semester in EED. We would like to thank them for the support and guidance during the process of this publication. We also would like to thank the HMJ for the great support, and for all students of EED who gives great contribution for The Splash. Last but not least, we would thank all of the EED lecturers, especially Mr. Adi as the supervisor and Mrs. Sonia as the Chief Editor. After a long ‘sleep’, finally we come again with new look and hopefully with better information. The only thing we can say, we did the best effort to make this possible. Although we know, we are still in learning process, but we do hope that this publication can be useful and meaningful for the member of EED and other departments as well. Finally, we do hope that the second edition of The Splash can give an inspiration for all readers. Comments and suggestions are very appreciated. Regards,

The Splash Team HMJ English Education Department Undiksha SPORTs

English Sportvaganza Solidarity Outside, Healthy Inside

Chief editor


Lay Out


Kadek Sonia Piscayanti S. Pd

Widya Adnyani Paramitha Eka Putri Sri Dharma Yanti Agung Adyatmika

Herry “C” Sucahya

Web Designers

Maya Wirastuti Ferry Sudantara

Maya Wirastuti Ratna Rima Asti Desak Indah Dewanti Agus Setyawati Rimba Walmiki Suprianti Dodo Ivana Quiko Krisna Irmayani

Executive Editor Ni Putu Martini Gede Alit Wijaya Saputra

Fajar Ananda Hadi Wiguna

Promotions and Advertisements

Winny Paramitha Wiramarta Yudistira Adi

Publisher HMJ English Education Department


The Splash | November 2010


The Splash | November 2010

REED Ethnics,

A Welcoming Events for A New Family

w e . n g n a i d ys n en a g w n l i a a p p s r e e t ei t S r f e Th ning a are… ife. n l begi here we ath of ew p And a new l the n l o a t n g o min o c Wel gs. thin Wow… A new semester has just

begun and it brings splash of new spirit to all of us. Commonly, new semester is considered as a good beginning for everything. For better achievement, better career, better income, and other better things. In this beginning, we might meet new faces, get new spirit for the future days, or even change our old life styles into the newer ones. Recently in English Education Department, we have new faces of the new EED’s members. They have just graduated from senior high schools and now become college students in our beloved department. One of these fresh faces is Luh Gede Mietha Trisna Utami, who was accepted through the national selection test. This first semester in EED is so meaningful for her considering that the selection to get in was totally hard. Mietha admitted that she has loved English since she was a child. That is why she becomes so happy and proud now finding herself succeeds to be one of EED’s members. As a new college student, she is ready to enter the new academic environment and to meet her new friends. She thinks it would not be so difficult because she can be easily adjusted to a new situation. Mietha also has strong desires to start the course with the

greatest spirit. Realizing that being college student will be so much different to senior high school’s student, this girl has thought about preparing new learning style or just renewing the previous one. Becoming a new college student means having a lot of hopes. For Mietha, this new beginning must be started with a new hope too: a hope of being the best student and achieving the best marks. The new spirit and hopes are not only felt by the new members of EED. One of its senior students, Agus Mahardana, also states quite similar opinion as has been put forwarded by Mietha. For Agus, new semester means new improvement for the previous hard works. This talented student, who is in the seventh semester now, thinks that this fresh semester also means one step closer to graduation. Though he has no special learning strategy for the new courses, he hopes he could make better achievement and get cum laude predicate. Besides, he also wants to make his Oriflame business and broadcasting career run well, to earn better income, to pass the teaching practice (PPL) greatly, to buy laptop and handphone, and the last one, to have a kind fiancée.

One of our most caring lecturers, Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi, Spd., M.Pd., feels the same way too about this new semester. She welcomes this beginning with her greatest spirit and hopes. Though in one side, she feels a little bit sad to see buildings at Kampus Bawah had gone, but in other side, she also feels happy to know new and better buildings will be built there. She believes that the buildings might be gone, but the sweet memories will last forever. This new semester has become a very great moment for her since she can gather with her family again in Bali. Valiant’s presence, her 1.5-years-old baby boy, has also boosted her spirit. Further, Mrs. Eka admits that she is now ready to dedicate herself to EED after finishing her master program in Malang. She is so excited, especially since she becomes team teaching with Prof. Dr. A.A.I.N. Marhaeni, M.A. to handle Assessment course; a course which is quite hard for her. She also finds other surprising things in EED. First, some students called her ‘Mbak’ when she attended REED Ethnics 2010. Maybe, she looked young and unfamiliar to them so they thought she was their senior, not lecturer. Second, she is so glad to meet Mrs. Dewa Ayu Eka, who used to be her friend when they were students.

Now, they are colleagues in our beloved department. Being asked about her wishes, Mrs. Eka hopes she could improve herself in order to create a great relationship with her colleagues, to give happiness to her family, to be an inspiration for EED’s students and help them to be well-knowledged through Assessment course. For her academic career, she hopes her papers for the national and international conference could be accepted so she gets chances to visit places where English is as a second language or even as the first language. At last, she also hopes her articles could be published and be sources of inspiration for the readers. Undoubtedly, this new semester has brought new spirits, new happiness, and new hopes for Mrs. Eka, Agus, and Mietha. What about you, then? Do you feel the same way too? Hopefully, the answer is “Yes”. “Yes” for our new spirits. “Yes” for our new efforts. And “Yes”, we are ready for the all new things. So, let’s give our warmest welcoming hugs for this new semester! Widya Adnyani


atam EED is an annual event which is always held once a year to welcome the freshmen. This year, the theme of the Ratam which took place in Bali Outbound and Farmstay was REED Ethnics. It stands for “Everlasting Togetherness in Harmony of Nature Inspirits by Care and Solidarity”. At the d-day, promptly at four in the morning a siren as a sign of the new students gathering sounded. At that time, the new students began to come together with unique clothes like some ethnics from various countries of the world. Then, the committees started to check the tasks that must be done by new students. This time, many new students violated the rules and they got some disciplinary action. This activity was over a few minutes after the arriving of the buses that will deliver them to the Ratam’s location. Arriving at the place, Ratam activities was begun. The event was officially opened with the release of balloons by the

freshman students and the pierce of spear in the ground by the chairman of our Department, Mr. Drs.Wayan Japa, M.Hum. Then, the yells show from 10 groups of new students plus some groups from the committees and our lovely brothers and sisters from 7th semester was started. It warmed the atmosphere and the togetherness between new students and old students began to rise. The next activity is the King and Queen. Five representative couples of King and Queen who have been selected by the committee from hundreds of freshmen came into action. The event began with the dancing show in front of the judges and other students. Then, the top three couple of King and Queen were announced. The top 3 King and Queen were chosen based on interview that was held by the committees on the previous day. Next, the three couples were tested by the real judges that consisted of three lecturers. They had to do public speaking based on questions which were asked to them. Thus, it could be ascertained that beside the physical appearance, the winner of King and Queen are people who are smart and knowledgeable.

After King and Queen, the freshmen were on duty to collect the signature of their senior and lecturer. This activity aimed at making the relationship between freshmen with their seniors and lecturers get closer. Hopefully, through this activity among freshmen, seniors and lecturers had started to get acquainted.

The next activity was outbound. After having lunch, the participants of Ratam started following this activities. Here their solidarity, intelligence, physical and agility were really tested. They had to go through many posts that were provided along the route with different challenges in each post. In this time, our older brother from

7th semester helped enliven the atmosphere of this activity. After that, it was the time for games addressed to the freshmen, committees, 7th semester students, and lecturers. There were two games in this event. The first game was “Wafellaword” in which they played with sets of words while they shared a wafer. The second game was Waterballoon Battle Race, in which participants had to fill the bottles with water that was transported using a balloon. After that, they must fill the appropriate name for the blank picture that had been provided. Finally, Ratam started to move to the closure. First, the committees announced the winners in each competition and followed by the gifts giving to the winner. Then, Mr. Japa as the chairman of our department closed this event and followed by shaking hand session at the end of this event. Ratam is a wonderful event, where all the family of EED can get together and meet their prospective new families and introduce the spirit of solidarity and togetherness in EED. Ratam will be the everlasting memories that will always in our hearts. EED Bravo! - Wiramarta -

List of Winners in REED Ethnics Best Yell 1. Committees: Sie Acara 2. New Students: Hindi The Best Costumes: Roman The Best Bag: Putu Perwita Hasri (Hindi) Best Outbound Team: Bushmen Games Winner Wafellaword 1. Seniors 2. Hawaiians 3. Hindi WaterBalloon Battle Race 1. Committees 2. Hindi 3. Seniors Kind and Queen Winner: A.A.N. Yogi Swastawan Panji & Komang Ayu Mas Triana Dewi 1st Runner Up: Pande Made Sugiri Nanda & Ratu Gistri Oqania 2nd Runner Up: Gusti Ngurah Rai Dwijantara & Dita Pratiwi


The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010


The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010


Campus Life Orientation (OKK, Orientasi Kehidupan Kampus)

The new school year came and went. Every year there are students who leave, there are students who come. As it happens year by year in Undiksha. Every year, a thousand more senior high school graduates come to study in Undiksha. After going through a rigorous selection process, they are legally approved as a student of Undiksha. However, do they have a real knowledge and understanding about Ganesha University of Education? A place where they will be fostered and forged to be very professional graduates and qualified?


ampus Life Orientation (OKK) is an activity as a means to get to know a campus more closely and intensively. OKK Undiksha in academic year 2010 was held on 14 to 19 August 2010 in the Central Field of Undiksha. The program was initiated by Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) as an executive committee of the orientation activities of campus life in 2010. On the first day on August 14, 2010 OKK opened with a distribution group for new students. Previously they had to come right on time before 06:30 o'clock. Once assembled, all new students were asked to find their names listed in the paper and posted on the announcement boards scattered around the parade ground area. If you have managed to find their names, they should be lined up according to the groups listed in the paper announcements. Hubbub occurred when freshman running and jostling on the bulletin board area. They want to be the first to see the notice board. A few minutes later they lined up with

their group members. The event continued with a rehearsal for the opening ceremony held in the afternoon. They were also given the task of writing and the duty to bring to the consumption of afternoon activities. In the afternoon activities, new students must have gathered before 14:30 o'clock. Activities was started by lining up the students. After that, began the opening ceremony. Ceremonial activities experienced a slight delay. The opening ceremony begins at 15:30. The opening ceremony was opened by the Rector Undiksha Singaraja, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sudiana,M.Pd. by releasing balloons into the air and pinning a nametag to the new student representative as a sign that the activities of the academic year 2010 OKK was opened officially.

tives present a short performance for about 10 minutes. There were 18 UKM presented their performance. Such as, UKM Teater, UKM Bridge, UKM Pramuka, UKM Visi, UKM Basket, UKM MAPALA, UKM Musik, UKM KSR, UKM Sepak Bola ,UKM Keputrian, UKM Tenis Lapangan, UKM Pecak Silat, UKM Bulu Tangkis, UKM Kempo, UKM Perisai Diri, UKM Tenis meja, UKM Paduan Suara, UKM Catur. In the afternoon the week, students are introduced to the Ethics and Academic Culture in Higher Education. In addition they are also taught how to study in Higher Education. This material is given by lecturers Undiksha. They received the material in classrooms around the parade ground. And as usual, at the end of student activity always has been assigned by the committee.

On Sunday morning of August 15, 2010 the activities done was a parade of student’s activity unit. This activity aims to introduce the new students with the kinds of extracurricular activities provided by Undiksha. Each of the UKM representa-

Forms of activities that are conducted for new students on Monday morning of August 16 did not differ from the previous day. New students sat in classrooms listening to lectures with different materials and speakers. On that day a new

student is given an explanation or material concerning Higher Education in Indonesia, the Program of Academic Activities and Library Use Education of Undiksha Singaraja. New students were very enthusiastic about listening to the material. This can be proven by looking at the student’s enthusiasm. On Monday afternoon, the new students also received a training but with different material. That afternoon the new students got a training to sing hymns and Mars Undiksha Singaraja. Students practiced patiently under the guidance of the seniors because they want to win in the race Undiksha hymns and Mars. Coinciding with the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day which was held on August 17, 2010, the Committee of OKK and new students held a flag ceremony. Finished with the ceremony, several new students representatives participate in the activities of the visit and deliver assistance to the orphanages. There are two orphanages. Orphanage that received donation were Narayana Seva Or-

phanage and Dana Punia Orphanage. They were given a donation of books and stationery donated by new students. Party orphanage was grateful to Undiksha and love with the enthusiasm of students who want to share with them. They hope that this event can take place each year. In the afternoon, new students are introduced to student organizations that existed in Undiksha. New students are introduced to the chairman and members of the Student Consultative Assembly (MPM), Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), and the chairman of each head of UKM. Wednesday morning on August 18, 2010. When the most anticipated of all new students because they will compete in the race Undiksha hymns and Mars. However, their hopes were destroyed because of some new students experiencing transcendental. It made a panicparty committee. Finally it was decided that the activities of the competition eliminated. It was especially made new students feel very disappointed because

they have been training hard and preparing the best performances superbly. Finally the end of OKK came. On August 19, 2010 morning's activities were held such as the introduction of charging the majors and the socialization of KRS and in the afternoon, a freshman once again assembled and marched on the field ceremonies for the event mostly awaited. The closing Ceremony of OKK! Everything changed. The workload had been lifted with joy because of the "very tortured" during the six days. The laughter and happy tears mingled into one between the senior and junior. No more yelling and anger with the seniors. All that changed with the senior hospitality for juniors. All sweet and bitter memories and friendship during their term OKK will always engraved in our hearts forever. See you at next year !!!!! OKK Ratna Rima Sari, Rimba Walmiki



uys, the first thing that might come first into your mind when you read that words is how those expressions can be mixed? Actually, if we talk about healthy and solidarity we may definitely think of sports, teams, sweat, energetic, etc. Absolutely, all of those terms can only be found in ESV. How come? ESV ( English Sport Vaganza) is an organized sporting event, usually held for 3 days, and featuring

The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010

competition in many different sports between organized teams of EED students in different grades. This annual sport event conducted by English Education Department, Undiksha, Singaraja. Every grades send their teams to each competition, consisting of individual as the representative of their classes and then make teams that compete in a wide variety of sports, those are football, volleyball, and basketball. Surprisingly, cheerleaders also compete and support this event. They yell loudly to fire up their teams’ spirit at the center of stage on the break time. As matter of fact that is not only male students can actively participate but female students also can take a part in this activity. What a fantastic event, isn’t it? Well guys, looking at the background of this event, in spite of the fact that conducting a sport event is not an easy job since

sport activity. “Actually, before conducting ESV, there was a sport event that only specifies in Futsal, only male students could engage in that event actively. So that, I propose the plan of organizing the sport event which involves many kinds of sports in which all students can participate in overall activities”, he said. Afterwards, the further expectation of this event is that it will be easier for getting talents in representing English Education Department in the higher sports event.

being university students who are busy with lots of assignments and attending lectures almost on weekdays. Students will be reluctant to do sport by themselves. They have less time to do refreshing through sports. Jemmy Kamandaluas the pioneer student came up with the idea of organizing a new project which relates to

“Designing good theme and concepts is the most important part of planning event in order to be successful and well controlled. We have to manage the time wisely in terms of it does not reduce our solidarity and creativity in doing preparation. So that, it is not as an obstacle for the sponsors to give their supports since there are combination of students’

creativities in delivering their brilliant ideas in organizing ESV”, he added. Therefore, the committees agreed to conduct ESV firstly in November 2008 in Buana Patra Sport Hall. They named the first theme of ESV as “Express your spirit here”. It means that the expectation of this concept was in order to encourage students to participate actively and


The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010

Sports should be as the means of contributing students’ talents and interests nonacademically.

express their spirit in sports. The activities were conducted in three days. The overall activities include opening ceremony, selection, final match and closing ceremony. There were many kinds of activities, such as football match, three points’ basketball, volleyball match, and cheer ladders competition. The lecturers also came to watch this event. They also supported the teams by yelling like what the other students did. In short, overall activities on the first ESV event were conducted successfully. Later on this event is expected to be continued every year as the annual sport program. The following ESV are agreed to be held every November in order to prepare SOM FBS (Seleksi Olahraga Mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni). Regarding the purposes, sports should be as the means of contributing students’ talents and interests nonacademically. Moreover, it is as the way to express

mental positively through keeping solidarity in each individual in their teams. Besides, ESV aims at motivating EED students to be creative in supporting their teams, since all students can transfer their positive creativities in supporting their teams through making a unique music from bottle, gallon,

bringing banner of their teams, pamphlet, flag, etc. Therefore, there will be no violence in watching football match as we can see in Indonesian sport news on TV. “In addition, another important aims is we can get solidarity outside and healthy inside” added Putra Yasa as the chief committee on the second year. He gave the theme as “Vini Vidi Vici” in ESV last year. It means that the students should come, compete and win in those competitions. This concept aimed to improve students’ responsibility in realizing to be actively participated. They had to come to sport hall, do positive competition in order to win. Well guys, you have to know that the teams are awarded for first, second and third place respectively. The winner will get certificate, cup, and

parcels. The runners up only get certificate and parcels. Besides that, the spectators also get door prize. All of them were also entertained by cheer ladders performances with energetic and innovative

movements. Wow, what a good event, isn’t it? Beside those benefits, the other positive impact of this event is that EED students will be more enthusiastically develop their interests and talents in sports since the winner of each competition will be sent in the following sport events as the representative of EED. Furthermore, the students will know and recognize each other easily so that there is no large gap between seniors and juniors. “Hopefully, the next ESV will encourage and motivate all EED students to compete and improve students’ participation and solidarity”, added Putra Yasa. Well guys, it seems that, we will be eager to wait for the next ESV on November 2010. ESV, staying alive! EED Bravo. - Winny Paramitha -


The Splash | November 2010

A foreign language learner would not speak the language well (naturally) if s/he does not learn the culture of the people where the language is spoken




he relationship between language and culture has long been theorized. Robinson (1985) for example, argues that culture consists of categories of ideas, behaviors, or products that are shared by members of a given group. By this definition, language is inclusive to culture as it is shared and is a means to express ideas among a group of people. Whorf (1956) and Sapir (1973) link culture, language and perception. From these scholars’ perspectives, members of a culture share a world view by virtue of the language which they use to communicate with each other. Particular languages channel perception or thought in particular ways. Different color terms across languages have been cited as evidence that members of different cultures perceive and divide the spectrum of colors differently. A speaker of Balinese, by virtue of speaking Balinese, perceives the world differently from, say, an English speaker. Balinese language does not have a color term for brown in English which indicates that a Balinese does not perceive the color brown. Another ‘product’ of culture is value. In Western schooling, independent thinking and critical analytical abilities are reinforced. Students are always encouraged to express their

thought and are praised for being argumentative and respect different ideas. In Indonesian school, on the other hand, there has been a ‘tradition’ of valuing students according to dependency on teachers and obedience. This value results in ‘class language’, in which students talk when requested and they have to do the talking politely. In Western schools, it can be expected that there is a multi channel interaction in which students can have a high proportion of talking in class. It is imaginable that, in Indonesian schools, teachers are dominant speakers and students act as passive agents who do not speak much in class. Freedman et al. (1981) point out that there are three types of cue that influence how people perceive others: the person him/herself (physical cues), the person’s behavior (behavioral cues), and the context or situation s/he is in (situational cues). Different cultures perceive physical beauty differently. For example, thin lips are considered sign of beauty in a culture and thick lips in another. Cultural similarity in perception about appearance would influence positive affiliation however lack of familiarity might result in negative impressions. Just as physical cues, one’s familiarity and similarity of behavioral cues to others’, including verbal,

non verbal cues will influence his/ her perception toward the shared behavioral cues. Verbal cues here refer to linguistics, such as syntax, phonology and lexicon. Non verbal cues refer to degree of volume, gestures and body language. For example, the act of looking down while a student talking to his/her teacher is considered polite and a sign of respect in Mexico but it is interpreted as the sign of inattention or guilt in America. Similarly, an American perhaps perceives a Japanese speaker as overly timid, an Italian as overly pushy. For Japanese people an American speaker might appear overly aggressive or angry judging from the tone of the voice in a normal conversation mode. Situational cues (sometimes referred as schemas) are cognitive structures or contexts through which people interpret information. Robinson (1985) points out that we see other people as we expect to according to our theory. For example, in Indonesia, the meal would be served by the servant and the hostess would enjoy the meal with the guests. Conversation would be divided by sexes. By such a context, a hostess who serves the meal might be perceived as less gracious. However, in Japan, a hostess would be engaged in serving the guests. She would most likely not to eat with the guests. The similarity


The Splash | November 2010

between Indonesian and Japanese context, a gift is not opened in the presence of the giver as it is considered culturally inappropriate.

Cross Cultural Understanding and EFL Learning Considering the relationship between culture, language and perception as described above, it is sensible to claim that a foreign language learner would not speak the language well (naturally) if s/ he does not learn the culture of the people where the language is spoken. A simple example is when the writer (who is Indonesian) entered her academic adviser’s office in an Australian University, another student (who was Asian) who had just finished her consultation with the lecturer seemed to be confused when the lecturer said good bye by saying “See you later” The students seriously asked for a confirmation: “When?”. There was a communication breakdown between the student and the lecturer as the result of student deficiency in understanding the culture of farewell expression in English culture. The expression had been misinterpreted as another appointment offered by the lecturer in the near future so that the students needed a clarifica-

tion of the time. Understanding the culture of the target language is particularly important for some reasons. To illustrate this consider the following citations from Robinson (1985) (a) In English-English, a key topic word is often repeated in order to establish the immediate relevance of the answer or comment. This often rhythmic repetition of a keyword or phrase seldom happens with Asian-English speakers. (b) In Asian-English, it is customary to repeat some part of what the speaker has just said, although it may not be relevant to the point being made in reply. This can give a sense of being repetitive or inconsistent. (c) In some Asian-English styles of speaking, too direct a response is avoided. The speaker responds first of all in a general sort of way, only moving later to his important specific points. The English-English style of logic is the opposite, and this means that the English-English listener may well have switched off before the important point occurs, particularly if the differences under (a) and (b) also present. There are two groups of English speakers referred to in the citations

above, but each have different cultural background. The first one, referred to English speakers with English cultural background and the second is English speakers with Asian cultural background. Even though the lexicon, phonology or syntax used might be similar, but the speaking strategies are different due to differences. Learning the culture of the target language will help a foreign language learner to understand the culturally appropriate physical, behavioral and situational cues that affect language and communication strategies in the target language, to be able to express meaning naturally, to avoid communication breakdown, and to be able to use culturally appropriate language People across cultures acquire essential cultural learning while moving. It is recognizable that people greet each other with different expressions and different movement (through bowing, hand shaking or kissing on the cheek). In English speaking countries like Australia, the expressions used for greeting varied according to the relationship between the speaker and interlocutor and also the situation. Some of

those commonly used in daily life are How are you?, How are you doing?, How’s life?, How’s life treating you? To say goodbye in English can also be expressed in different ways, such as Good bye, Bye bye, So long, See you later, See you next time, Catch you later, Till we meet again, See you again soon, and See you Learners should know those expressions and when to use them so that they would be ready to speak or to listen in English naturally. Learners should also know the dos and don’ts in English. It is not polite to ask about personal things to someone we have just met. You do not, for example ask questions like How old are you?, Are you married?, What’s your religion?

Gesture and body language Apart from verbal language, communication breakdown could also occur as the result of misinterpretation of paralinguistic features such as gestures and body language. It is an amazing fact that there

are huge dissimilarities across cultures in the presentations of meaning through non verbal communication. One of popular examples that often cited in discussing cross cultural understanding is the case of a visiting professor (from USA) in a school in an African country. The professor was warmly welcome by the children who seldom saw a white visitor in their school. When it was time for the guest to leave the school, the children were all at the gate to see her off. The professor waved her hand (in an American way) to the children to farewell them. But the signal was interpreted differently by the children as a sign to ask them to follow the professor. So the big crowd came to follow the waving professor. In the US, Britain, Australia and New Zealand the thumb-up gesture has three meanings; it is commonly used by hitchhikers who are thumbing a ride, it is an OK signal, and when thumb is jerked sharply upwards it becomes an insult signal, meaning ‘up yours’ or ‘sit on this’. In some other countries like Greece, it means ‘get stuffed’ Thus, it can be imagined the dilemma of an


Pease, A. (1996). Body Language. How to read other’s thoughts by their Gestures. Mariborough, Vic: HarperCollins Pty. Ltd.

American hitchhiker using this gesture in this country. Another example of gestures is ‘ring sign’. In America and Britain it means ‘OK’. In France it also means ‘zero’ or ‘nothing’. In Japan, it means money but in Mediterranean countries it is often used to imply that someone is homosexual. Learning a foreign language is not merely learning the linguistic and paralinguistic features of the language. Good achievement in the vocabulary and grammar is not a guarantee that a learner will be a successful communicator in the language. Culture, which in this paper is defined as consisting categories of ideas, behaviors, or products that are shared by members of a given group, should also be learned in an integrated way. These include the learning of certain values as well as other customs that become consensus among the speaker of the language. Failure in recognizing this may cause communication breakdown, or even worse, an insult for the interlocutors.

Freedmen, J.L., Sears, D.O., and Carlsmith, J.M. (1981). Social Psychology. Eaglewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Robinson, G.L.N. (1985). Cross-cultural Understanding. Processes and Approaches for Foreign Language, English as a Second Language and Bilingual Educators. New York: Fergamon Institute of English.

D.Mandelbaum (ed.). (1973). Selected Writings of Edward Sapir. California:University California Press.

Saville-Troike (1978). A Guide to Culture in the Classroom. Washington D.C. Center for Applied Linguistics.

Whorf, B. (1956). Language, Thought and Reality. Boston: M.I.T. Press

The thumb-up gesture has three meanings; it is commonly used by hitch-hikers who are thumbing a ride, it is an OK signal, and when thumb is jerked sharply upwards it becomes an insult signal, meaning ‘up yours’ or ‘sit on this’.


The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010


The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010

//GADGETS Dual touch screens?? Why not?


ave you ever thought that the colors of our national flag are great? Don’t you think the colors are inspiring? Red which becomes the icon of bravery, and white that is pure, will be amazing to be mixed for your gorgeous outfit. In this special edition, The Splash will provide you modern vintage

Indonesia lovers’ fashion. There are two outfits which are recommended for you to be worn in formal occasion. These outfits exploit vintage clothes which have already reformed to be modern ones. Do you have vintage outfit in your store room? Let’s take it and make it becomes new! So, be ready to be chic in the power of red and white.

hat’s better than a tablet with one touch screen? A tablet with two touch screens…Can it be? Why not? That’s at least what Toshiba must have thought when they unleashed its Libretto W100. Well, the company proudly presents the “world’s first dual touch-screen Windows mini-notebook PC “with its dual 7-inch multi-touch displays with 1,024×600 resolution and LED backlighting for both.

Red and White are actually suitable for both feminine and sporty style. The feminine style can be showed by the application of red lace on the skirt and hair accessory. Thus, sporty impression can be showed by wearing attractive trousers with one side red ornaments and firm design on some parts of the shirt.

There’s no physical keyboard, but you’ll get a virtual one with haptic response. This gadget also offers a “soft” track pad that let you navigate type, click and browse any way you like. And they turn vertical, making it easy to read eBooks. This $1,320 Libretto W100 delivers what you’ve been waiting for: the freedom, convenience and richness of Windows® 7

isure time? e when you have le Do you feel confus e different by make your spare timwill be useful to n ca u Yo . ds en fri g, the lolly t with your ve mouth for eatin e it. always hanging ou ak m The solution is not your bag. Since your bag does not ha to u yo e r sh will guid making lolly pop fo make it more attractive. The Spla steps. Here are the simple (Flannel, tools that you need are the materials and e, scissors, string, hanger for phone ep Pr 1. ribbon, ice cream stick, glu accessory and beads). Cut the flannel



3 5


4 6

2. nnel 3. Fold the fla rm the lolly 4. Quill it to fo e to make it tight 5. Add some glu lolly. the back side of the the ice cream stick at ick St 6. side of the lolly the string at the back ick St 7. e lolly’s size circle according to th the flannel to form a t Cu 8. bon 9. Form the rib stick bon on the ice crean 10. stick the rib s string and some bead rate the lolly by using co De 11. per phone on the bag’s zip the phone accessory ht Tig 12. er phone accessory t the lolly on the hang Pu . 13 ed bag is ready to be us 14. Your lolly


ur lolly, and good lu

e with yo Have a great spare tim

will be e celebrities wear, she

eed to imitate what th “When someone succ called fashionable. s to be, she is thing which she want me so e liz rea to res da When someone called trend setter.” - Rosmila Dewi -

wherever and whenever the moment strikes. As for Internet, you’ll be browsing, shopping, posting and sharing in more places than ever. For the specs, it comes with Intel Pentium U5400 CPU (1.20GHz), 62GB SSD, 2GB RAM, WiMAX (4G…wow awesome), Bluetooth 2.1+EDR5, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/ n4, MicroSD/SDHC card slot, USB port, 1MP CMOS web cam. The battery life is pretty disappointing though (2 hours with standard battery, 4 hours with highcapacity battery). Quite simply, these trend-setting new PCs take you and your mobility one step beyond. - Sukertiasih -

Camera + projector =??? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


nstead of having just a boring lens and LCD screen, Nikon comes with a new, absolutely new invention for its point-and-shoot family. That’s I can say a groundbreaking info today, the Nikon S1100pj, a compact camera with a pico projector stuffed inside! It may sound shocking, but come to think of it, that camera can make photo sharing much easier. You can simply press a button and display the image on a nearby wall. The projector is powered by an LED and has the ability to throw out videos or images, both accompanied by music, effects and creative transitions. It also comes with a remote control and a projector stand if you really intent on

using it more as a presentation material rather than a digital camera. Well as a digital camera, the 14.1MP S1100pj is a good leap forward down the evolutionary path. Not only can it double as a computer-powered pico projector via USB, but the image will be 40% brighter, thanks to a 14-lumen internal projector. Nikon even opted for a 3-inch rear-touch screen and a convenient kickstand, along with a 720p movie mode. It comes in black, violet, green, and silver color options. With $349 only, this overwhelming camera will be yours. - Sukertiasih -


The Splash | November 2010


The Splash | November 2010

Drs. I Wayan Japa, M.Hum

“The Living Witness of History” “I am happy to see the students can reach a good achievement in their study and when they did all the tasks well and on time. I am also happy to see the other lecturers can do their job well so that there won’t be any complaint from the students.”

He is one of the most important people in E.E.D. He has worked for this department for years and witnessed thousand of talented students graduated from this department. He is our beloved head of department, Mr. Drs. I Wayan Japa, M.Hum. This kind and simple man has led the Department for five years since 2005 until now. Under

to continue his school to Sekolah Pendidikan Guru and graduated in 1966. After that he got his first job as a teacher in Elementary school. Then, he was teaching in SPG Negeri Singaraja from 1967 untill 1979. He continued his study into the college in 1970 to learn English more deeply. He got his bachelor degree in 1974 and immediately continued his study into postgraduate program in 1979. He finished his postgraduate program in 1981. Mr. Japa’s journey in expanding his knowledge did not stop there. He then continued his study in Udayana University to get his master degree. He graduated from that university in 2000. He continued his study to reach his Doctor degree in the same university. Unfortunately, he could not finish his study because of technical problem. So, he decided to dedicate his life to share his knowledge about English and the language and trained the next generation of educator in this country.

experience in teaching. As it stated before, he got his first job as a teacher in Elementary school. Then he spent nearly a decade teaching in SPG Negeri Singaraja. If we calculated the time, then he has spent two decades teaching in English Education Department as a lecturer. As a lecturer and the head vof the department, Mr. Japa has some sweet moment. And the most memorable one is when the young Mr. Japa who had just finished his bachelor degree firstly got the job to assist Mr. Sunaryono Basuki in 1974.

His spirit to teach is out of question

his leadership, this department has reached a high popularity and also a significant improvement. Besides doing his job as the head of the department, Mr. Japa is also still enjoying his job at teaching. He teaches some subject like syntax and scientific writing. Although he is not a young man anymore, his spirit to teach is out of question. If we take a look at the history of this department we will know that Mr. Japa is not just an ordinary lecturer. Mr. Japa is one of the men who know exactly the real history of E.E.D since it firstly opened. Therefore, he can be also considered as the living witness of the long history of our beloved department. Mr. Drs. I Wayan Japa, M.Hum was born on October 31st 1947. He graduated from Sekolah Rakyat in 1960. After finishing his junior high school in 1963, he decided

As one of the senior lecturer in this department and also in the university, Mr. Japa has plenty of

There are also many things that make him happy to be in this department. Those are when all of his students have a good or even great achievement in learning, the students did all the task well and on time. One thing that also pleased him is that the other lecturer in the department can do their job well so that there won’t be any complaint from the students. Being a part of English Education Department is one of his greatest pleasures in life. As long as he remembered, he nearly had no bad memories during working for this department. As the lecturer who had been in this department for decades, he will always keep his eye to all the students of E.E.D. His message for all the students is that keep on competing with each other so that everyone can be the best at least for themselves. He also will keep praying the best for this department. May E.E.D can grow bigger and bigger and become the best department in this country. - Agung Adyatmika -

I.B. Arya Lawa Manuaba

A Miracle Behind A Hard Work and Belief It was a great opportunity to meet and to have an interview with this brilliant man. He likes to involve in many interesting activities. Moreover, he has made an impressive achievement in achieving the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) ever in Ganesha University of Education, a marvelous 3.94! Gus Arya, what he is usually called, strongly believed that a hard work and God’s blessing could make a miracle. Gus Arya was born in Denpasar, December 24th 1988. As a lovely son of I.B. Saputra and I G.A. Oka Manik, Gus Arya grew with a religious atmosphere. Growing in his family, he was taught how to be a balanced person, mentally and spiritually. After passing his elementary school in SD No. 2 Darmasaba Badung, he continued his study in SMP Negeri 10 Denpasar. Afterwards, he spent his senior high in SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar. His true love towards English motivated him to continue his study in Ganesha University of Education in 2006. There he chose English Education because he also loves education. For a smart man like Gus Arya, teaching something to other people is more challenging than doing personal learning. Teaching needs an extra ability because it doesn’t only emphasize on how to change ourselves, but it must also work on changing behavior of other people. Besides, he believes that God takes an important role in determining someone’s fate. This smart man said firmly that everything is useless without any blessing of God. Gus Arya is really an extraordinary man. Lots kinds of achievements have been achieved satisfyingly. Besides studying in Ganesha University of Education, he is also one of the active members in Ashram Singaraja. No need to question

his academic ability anymore because this man is really genius. He is thoroughly masterful in writing and also the other aspects. It can be known from the achievements he has got, such as: the 2nd rank of Balinese writing competition on lontar in Denpasar, 2006, the 4th rank of short story writing competition held by Balai Bahasa Denpasar in 2008, the runner up of Jegeg Bagus Bali 2008, the 2nd rank of short story writing competition held by Balai Bahasa Denpasar in 2009, and now the highest GPA ever in Ganesha University of Education. Those achievements prove that Gus Arya is really one of the brilliant men we’ve ever known. Studying is the primary duty for him. When we asked about the tips how to be a successful student like him, with a little smile on his face he confessed that everything was back to hard work and God. “We are students so our primary duty is studying. Do it seriously then success will automatically come to you. After studying hard, let God manages all things depend on what we’ve done.” Gus Arya further said that becoming the best achieving student and the holder of the highest GPA is not an easy thing because he has to take a very heavy responsibility for it. He must be able to equalize between his achievement and his cognitive aspect, even his behavior. However, this smart man said that he still needs to learn more to fulfill people’s expectation on him. He also emphasized for many times that eventually everything is about God. We will not succeed if we just depend on working hard. He can reach all of his dreams because he is able to equalize the relation between working hard and his belief to The Almighty God. “I believe in miracles given by The Almighty God. I will feel empty without believing in God. We work then the God decides. That’s the way it is…..” - Yudhistira -


The Splash | November 2010


The Splash | November 2010

KILAT (Indonesian Students’ Association in La Trobe University)

Educational Info

Bali Multimedia and Digital Art Center,


A Big Dream That Will Become True


Bali Multimedia and Digital Art Center (BMDAC) is the golden goal as the result of triangle network among three great universities those have pure dedication for the advance of human resources, Sangmyung University in Korea, Institution of Technology in Bandung (ITB), and Ganesha University of Education in Singaraja.

The great idea began in

the meeting of those three universities in an education of multimedia and digital art workshop in 2005 that was held by the government. At that time Undiksha hadn’t named Undiksha yet, but IKIP Negeri Singaraja. There was a willing to actualize a multimedia and

Made Hery Santosa of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, MA, and Drs. I Wayan Mudrawan, M.S., Ph.D. Those meeting finally resulted on a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) which was signed by Prof. Hyun-Chong Lee, President of Sangmyung University, Professor Soo Hong Kim, Prof. Hung Kook Park, Prof. I Nyoman Sudiana, Prof. I Ketut Seken and Dr. I Wayan Mudrawan as the guarantee to make this idea comes true. The second workshop was held in Undiksha in 2009. The government of both regency and province were participated. The chief of Bapeda and legislative came. There was a deal beside the deal between the three universities. They have put a basic decision to continue that idea by Study for Bali Multimedia and Digital Art Center

digital art center. After that first workshop, finally the idea developed into a plan to actualize it and continued by the second workshop. However, before this workshop was held, there was such kind of meeting to appoint Undiksha as the place where this idea would be actualized. There was a meeting in Korea on September 23rd until September 30th 2009 delegated by Prof. Dr. Nyoman Sudiana M.Pd as the rector

A Slice of Experience in Australia

The third workshop was led to arrange those studies. On the third workshop, the regent of Buleleng and Mr. Haris, the secretary of DIKTI Jakarta attended. The blueprint of this study was arranged more detail, like the infrastructure and also the location. It needs a corporation with Telkom, Bapeda Buleleng, PLN and also PDAM, because all of these sectors are needed to support the study. The determination of the location started with an approach to the Buleleng regency because this BMDAC needs at least 100 hect-

ares land. The land given is located around Teluk Terima, in Pejarakan, near Sumber Klampok. There is about 400 hectares land there.

Hi there! I’d like to share you

The cooperation is done through e-mail because it is such a long distance of communication. This time Undiksha is preparing a preparation to meet the government: M. Nuh, the Ministry of Education; Mr. Joko, Dirjen of DIKTI; and Bapenas. At 29th of August Prof. Park the delegation from Sam Hyong University came and was accompanied by an architect. To realize this idea is not an easy job. It is because this is an overseas cooperation that includes two countries, Korea and Indonesia. Many opponents will be included in this brilliant plan. Talking about the finance, it will propose a loan from Korea’s government to Indonesia. The Ministry of Monetary should take a part too in this work. There will be some study of appropriateness from Korea to guarantee whether the finance help that they give would be useful. If the appropriateness studies success, the loan will be given. This Bali Multimedia and Digital Art Center will be formed as a high college like BIFA (Bali International Flight Academy) that is located in Sumber Klampok, too. The students could choose whether they would

This BMDAC will be the only one in Indonesia and students will come not only from Bali but also from all around Indonesia. learn about the content or the technology itself. It will have about three faculties: ICT, Multimedia, and Digital Art. The lectures will come from ITB, Sangmyung University and Undiksha. It will be directed to the multimedia and digital art that have connection with education. This BMDAC will be the only one in Indonesia and students will come not only from Bali but also from all around Indonesia. This BMDAC is supposed to be the weapon to develop the eastern part of Indonesia,

because we know that the east part of Indonesia is not as advanced as the west part. It is also an effort to increase the quality of human resources and also a way to run after the advancement of technology in the eastern part of Indonesia. Actually, there are a lot of factors that could inhibit this realization. However, hopefully, by the support of many sectors, this big dream will become true. - Dodo Ivana & Desak Indah -

interesting stories of mine during my study time. In Australia, as you probably heard before, the country has some students who are eager to study Indonesian. Especially in the secondary levels, it is one of compulsory subjects. In the university level, students may select the Indonesian subject as one of supporting subjects to accomplish their study. Since last year, I was given an opportunity as a tutor to teach Indonesian subject in the Asian Studies of La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. It is a great experience that I want to share with you all. There are many events that either association of Indonesian students (KILAT) or association of students who are learning Indonesian (KISS)

share, like BBQ in parks, movie screening, or just sit and relax while chatting and/ or having cappuccino beside the moat under the maple trees. One of the biggest events is Indonesian Day. It is an annual event where all students learning Indonesian gather and they invite students from secondary schools to attend activities, like speech contest, games, and Indonesian visits sharing experience. The previous Indonesian Day was carried out into two sessions; the first was an in-country program and the second was the speech contest and games. Since I was a part of the team teacher, I took part on most of the activities in the previous events. The first session was a sharing experience for those who had visited Indonesia and shared their experience for other students who

Indonesian Day: High School Visit

Indonesian Day: as one of judges in Speech Contest are eager to do so. Some students who have visited Indonesia, usually to study Indonesian language and cultures, share their experiences to their friends, including strategies of how to get a sponsor. After the in-country program, the next session began. There were many games, such as snake and ladder, treasure hunt, information hunt, marble and spoon race, and dance workshop. The idea was to help the high school students practicing their Indonesian with the university students learning Indonesian and the Indonesian community. It was great activities and all of them were very happy. Beside events conducted in the University, some other high schools also have their own Indonesia or Asia day in one semester. I am

fortunate to get involved in the Indonesian teachers’ association, like VILTA and IKAN in Victoria. We sometimes meet and have dinner to share ideas. Some of friends and I are sometimes invited even far from our place to observe and perform to students Indonesian culture and language. Sometimes, if necessary, the teacher could contact us using online communication, like Sykpe just to have their students practice Indonesian with native speakers. It is a great opportunity and experience and we both find it is a useful activity to be maintained. Melbourne, September 6, 2010 - mhsantosa -

It was great activities and all of them were very happy.


The Splash | November 2010


The Splash | November 2010

A Gift for Putri I Gst. Ag. Paramitha E. P.

room. She tried to wake me up. She shook my body to left and right. “Mommy, wake up!” she yelled right in my ear. “Putri, it’s four o’clock in the morning. I’m still sleepy, dear” “Mom, I dreamt about Daddy. He was so handsome! He came here and asked me to go for a walk,” Gosh! How could my daughter dreamt about a man who did not even deserved to be called Daddy. A man who did not want to pay attention to his little family. A man who easily walked away after he realized all prices in Denpasar got higher and higher. “Okay, okay. You have to go sleep again, dear. It’s not play time, honey. It is still dark outside. Come sleep with me, “

My daughter was still lying on

her bed. Alone. I had already taught her how to live independently. I did not want to see her spoiled. Just like what a rich kid usually does in the supermarket – crying and whining all day long if his request was not granted by his parents. My daughter’s face was so innocent. Her eyelashes sometimes swayed here and there as her lips shut and opened. Cute teddy bear that I gave her few weeks ago had never been left from her warm embrace. It seemed like she really liked it although it looked worn. Please never ever ask what the most precious treasure in my life was. You already know who. Just like other mothers, I loved my child. Putri was everything to me. I did not want to be a pretentious poetic but she was only what I got in this world. I had no great men. I have not got parents who were really proud of me. Any friends? Ah, I even forgot the way of making friends. I thought friends only exist if we were happy – not when we were sad. So, why people need to be friends anymore? * I had nothing to be cooked today. My wallet was empty. No money. No deposit of money, let alone savings in the bank. I went up to a table on the corner of my house. There was no other choice, just rice and jukut jepang makuah. Okay, I would serve it again as Putri’s breakfast. Putri was different with any other five years children. She was smart. She never complains if she does not like the side dishes that I have prepared. She also never asks me to cook super delicious food. What-

ever was served at the corner table was always been enjoyed by her. Even sometimes she could be very critical, especially when she meets the same side dishes like yesterday. She would ask the reason why the side dishes were re-laid on the table. “Mommy, why should we eat this again?” “Well Dear, we could not eat all these food up yesterday. So I warmed it up again for our meal. I’ve already tell you the reason why we are not allowed to waste our food haven’t I?” I asked softly. “Yes, Mom” “Okay then tell me, darling” “I think Dewi Sri will upset if we throw all of this food away. If she is angry, she might not give us any rice or side dishes anymore,” she explained clearly. “You are so clever, Putri. Well, continue your meal, dear” Dewi Sri, the goddess of prosperity in my family. We believed that whatever presented on the table was gift from her. I remembered when I was in Putri’s age, my mother would be very angry if I ever leave any grains of rice on my plate. You must eat it up, nothing needs to be left over, she said. Maybe that’s the reason why I made the same concept on Putri. I did not want her to waste even the smallest gift from Dewi Sri. I was afraid if Dewi Sri be wrath then she cursed us to live without food at all. I did not want it happen to my only daughter! * Early morning, Putri went into my

“Don’t you want to see Daddy? I miss him so much. Don’t you miss him, Mom?” Putri asked me. “Yes, later on. Not now. Daddy will not come this morning. He is too busy. We’ll find him later. Let’s sleep, dear” I replied carefully. “Promise me, Mom!” * I woke up with bad feeling – after what have been said by my daughter to me early this morning. It was ten o’clock in the morning. Princess was playing with her favorite doll. I would leave her alone at home. I have to find food for her. I walked down a narrow alley of my hut. I could not take anything this morning. There was no household garbage. There was also no used item which I could take today. I brought a used sack and one medium-sized black plastic. I decided to go to a bakery which was located about ten kilometers from my home. The air was still friendly. But sooner or later, it would start smothering. Soon the sun would fly high. It must be very hot this afternoon. Actually, I felt so sad to leave Putri home alone. Our house situated at a little remote area. I worried because of widespread issue of abduction and rape by a group of people in Denpasar. But I could not take her with me. The atmosphere must be very hot and it would make her felt tired to walk anymore. Then it would make me feel so sorry and finally decided to spend my money for hiring a public transportation service. Furthermore she would mention that she was thirsty, and again, asked me to drop my money buying her a glass of orange flavor drink.

I began to feel my motion fatigue. Indeed my physical condition was not good today. I forgot to equip myself with a bottle of water. I did not prepare myself by having breakfast this morning. No wonder, my body just getting weaker and weaker. I’d better take a break under a shady tree in the town square. * This afternoon there would be art-performances from all districts in Bali. Today was Bali Art Festival opening ceremony. People said that the parade would be opened by Mr. President. That’s why the square became so crowded. If only I knew the schedule today, I would have carried my daughter to this place. Damn! I did not know that there would be free entertainment in this bright day! I saw a lot of satay sellers around the town square. They sat directly beneath the leafy trees. Many people came to buy satay. They really wanted to taste the satay before the parade began. There were many couples and many small families. Everybody was sitting under the cool shade of the tree while waiting for satay be ready to be eaten. My stomach was rumbling. My saliva could no longer ask to compromise. I really needed food. So did Putri. But I did not find any junk to be mustered. What should I do? I had to go home before the sun goes down! I waited the people finished their meals patiently. When they left, I immediately picked up plastic glass of mineral water one by one. This was the only thing that I can do to gain money. Then I went to the other satay sellers. Hoping to find many customers left the plastic glass nearby. The day went by so fast. My daughter must be very hungry. I calmed myself by thinking that Putri was used to restrain hungry and she was still waiting for me to go back home then eat meal together. Just like yesterday, I just pocketed few plastic glasses today. Certainly it was not enough in order to buy healthy and nutritious food for Putri. Not even enough to buy her favorite snack. God did not want to show another way for me to get more money. There was really no other way. I thought I have to repeat my new job again: pick up and collect the leftovers of others’ meal. Surely, pick and eat others’ leftovers meal was never been the slightest idea that ever come in people’s mind. Until I saw a mother did that to fulfill all her family’s needs in

the TV at a television store some time ago. It was a fresh air for me to meet all of our basic needs. Obviously, it was much better than stealing others belonging or even waiting for direct cash from the government and other welfare programs. More definite. More secure. All I had to do was just one: leaving all the embarrassment when others see me with a pity face. I knew it was not an easy task to do. But what could I do? I chose to do that rather than die in hunger! When the dusk etched, I started to run my action. I picked brown paper which contained a lump of food in the square. I’m overwhelmed! There was lots of leftovers food need to be handled well. There were satay, rice, roasted peanuts, well ... many kinds of delicious side dishes that could already be tasted by my tongue! I divided slowly the feasible rice to be eaten. It was easy. I only need to use my senses. I sniffed the food and voila I knew which food was worth eaten. I put the food into my medium-sized black plastic. I did not want to lose it. I did not want other cats steal it from me! * “Mommy…..” Putri yelled then hugged me tightly. “I’m sorry, dear. I was so busy today,” I replied and kissed her warmly. “I’m so hungry, Mom. You did not cook today, eh? “ she asked. “I had no time to cook. I’m sorry, honey. But, I brought you very delicious satay,” I answered with a quivering voice. “Satay? It seems ages since first I ate satay, Mom. Let’s eat together, Mom! I’ll bring the plates?” She chattered as she ran to take the dishes to the kitchen. I stepped into my house. I was feeling unwell. Forgive me, Lord! I could not provide good food for my only child.

Made Hery Santosa “I would like to acknowledge Miss Sonia and the teams for their endless effort to continue the ‘mission’ of THE SPLASH publication. I personally thank her and the team for the previous edition in the new forms of tabloid and a new set up webpage of THE SPLASH, as what has been aimed from the establishment of the publication.”


his time, I want to share another story about THE SPLASH that hopefully could empower its existence. In this edition, I would like to share a bit about the history of THE SPLASH and what it has come across earlier from another perspective as compared to the previously published in the very first edition (vol. 1, March 2008, p. 2). Before THE SPLASH was born, I attended an inspirational workshop from the Jakarta Post on

After preparing some dinner plates, Putri hastily opened the package that I brought. Her eyes twinkled when she saw dozens of very delicious satay. She divided half onto her plate and half onto my plate. “Mom, our food is very delicious today. Where did you buy these, Mom?” she asked with a mouth full of satay. “At the town square, dear. Well, have a great meal, Putri! This satay will just go to waste if we don’t eat it, right? “I replied and cried silently. Denpasar, August 24, 2010, 22:48

The Jakarta Post (NIE) Team

its Newspaper in Education (NIE) program. In general, its aim was to effectively use English newspapers (and the like) as resources for learning English for students. It is a good idea and The Jakarta Post invited writers – both teachers and students – from all over Indonesia to contribute to their own publication, named Youthspeak (for more information, you may visit: http:// All the participants are also encouraged to establish their own publication at their places and they may send it to The Jakarta Post. In short, the program motivated and empowered me even more – as I have planned a similar thing before – to have the students’ voice and creativity even more focused and distributed to the society. Soon after I got back to the campus, I planned a program with students – semester IV and representatives of students’ organization – to produce a publication of English Education Department of UNDIKSHA. The students and I had a workshop on articulating their ideas into publication forms. They

were in groups and each of them shared their works with all others. In the end, we collected the best content and that was when THE SPLASH was born. It was published in two forms; printed publication and e-newspaper in an own made webpage. From its first publication, THE SPLASH had several praise and criticism. For beginners, it was a normal thing. To keep moving forward and improving the quality were the points for a better quality in next publications. Two more very significant things I would like to share here are how the idea of THE SPLASH has made our publication global. Along with the distribution of THE SPLASH to schools around Singaraja and establishment of a webpage for wider access, I also sent the idea to conferences. It was directly accepted in two academic conferences. The first was TEFL WORKSHOP IV on Calling CALLers conducted by Pelita Harapan University in Jakarta. Another one was in THE 3rd CLS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE” ClaSIC on Media in Foreign Language Teaching

The Splash Workshop

and Learning conducted by the National University of Singapore in Singapore. Since I could not come to the workshop in Jakarta, I presented it using voice call over the internet program, i.e. Skype and it was a great success. However, I could not attend the other conference in Singapore due to lacks of financial supports from related institutions (surprisingly, I eventually met the President of this conference in another conference and he kindly sent me his book). Above all, what I am trying to convey here is not about whether the idea has been presented or whatsoever, but more to the fact that THE SPLASH

has been fresh drops of water in the dearth air, if you like the expression, of accommodating English Department’s creativity to wider relevant society. Therefore, as you know ‘a side-story of THE SPLASH’, it is necessary to keep expressing yourself, especially students, in your own unique ways. With new forms of publication, i.e. tabloid and newly improved webpage, everyone in the department could feel ‘new life, new motivation’ to perform better. Melbourne, September 6, 2010 - mhsantosa -


The Splash | November 2010

E L Y T S E F I L / /

Ni Kadek A ria

sih “I wanna be an English teacher and I know EED is the best ch oice ever.”

The Splash | November 2010



aya an Cah l r E e I Ged wan Ungga well known as produce “EED is ent that can m depart students ” d e fi quali

ent Nanda: In what departm are you studying? ying Ayu: EED Undiksha (sa proudly) ol! Nanda: Wow, that’s co above, every Interpreting the dialogue n Departstudent of English Educatio what Ayu ment will feel the same as by others. ed ask are y feels when the pride comes There is no doubt that the n Department because English Educatio not own by has many “things” that do others.

Year to year the fashion industry has becoming the part of urban society. It is not only a statement of personal style, but it is a statement of personal freedom. Fashion is a daily need, since all people want to look great and outstanding in front of the others. Seeing from the history, fashion need has become a part of of life since the 12th century. Starting from royal family to common people today, fashion has spread widely. Each country has its own style of fashion. It depends on its culture and also the geographical condition of each place. In some culture a style of fashion may be considered taboo where in other place it is accepted. Just like in middle east country where wearing a burqa for women is a must. Women should not use any cloth that can reveal her body shape. Meanwhile, in some country wearing burqa may be assumed as violation

against femininity and individual rights. Nowadays, people see fashion as a way to express their personality . People are not shy to wear any cloth that may seem extraordinary. This is called as Freedom for Fashion. People see fashion as an indi-

vidual rights and need. Therefore, there is no reason for other people to intimidate the fashion ways of others. Nevertheless, in countries rules and policies still become as big barrier for Fashion Freedom. In someway culture may become an additional rules or main rules of fashion. It makes a lot of people trying to break the rules. They want their fashion to be appreciated. They want to be free to wear any costume that they want to be worn. Lady Gaga is one of the fashion rebellions. She dresses up extraordinarily in her daily life and also while performing.

No rules, it is GAGA rules. Gaga has inspired all designers to be brevier to express their style of fashion. Let’s see the youth from Japan with their Harajuku style, a style in which they are free to use their imagination to be expressed in their fashion. Nevertheless here the youths can make it as real as you can see with your own eyes. They mix imagination with no fear in wearing their clothes, they are proud to be different. Still in the same continent, Koreans have their own way to express their fashion. Promoting cute, modern, couture, ethnical, and fresh fashion, Korean has made a unique pattern of fashion in region of ASIA. Fashion is Freedom, actually it is a representation of each individual. There is no need to control the way of fashion. Unfortunately, in some case fashion needs rules. Rules are made not to limit the creativity but to limit the bad impact of fashion. FREEDOM for FASHION is a must, RULES are about to keep its FREEDOM. - Paritranaya -

ent has English Education Departm ers and tur lec th bo y, very good qualit turer’s lec a ing hav es students. Besid gree, de ter gis Ma is standard which t has en rtm pa De n tio English Educa wing us sho s sor fes Pro already had five partment is that English Education De ers also had really trusted. Some lectur

n Departmatter for English Educatio rds are wo ment because these two are in EED. we grown since the first time now, and til un This tradition is still exist tion uca Ed h will be the heart of Englis e. tim of d Department until the en ent’s stuEnglish Education Departm ve and ati dents and lecturers are cre ir creativithe fashionable. One prove of rtment pa de ties is becoming the first . We loid who publish their own tab Eduh glis En m fro d xing ate mi du in y gra Having also can see their creativit l not wil nts de stu t, ories. en ess rtm acc pa cation De and matching clothes and ey have Th . ers tur lec rtor pa rs De che n tea tio only be Therefore, English Educa erever wh rk wo to hionies fas nit st rtu mo po many op ment is well known as the rism tou ing be le: mp exa . for sha , they like able department in Undik , interpretpractitioners, entrepreneurs ny others. s” make Engers, ambassadors, and ma By having so many “thing t be the best en lish Education Departm are two ” rity lida “So and ss” dents of Engrne stu “Togethe department. Therefore, ent the res rep to le ab are are always ich t en wh words lish Education Departm partDe n tio uca Ed h glis dent”. En of stu relation proud saying “I am EED’s mber nu at gre a g vin Ha y. iet ment soc difficulty in of students usually causes it is not a big knowing each other. But,

rs in national been invited to be speake al ones all seminars even internation ievements also over the world. Many ach lowing the come from the students. Fol o had ever lecturers, the students als ernational gone abroad by joining int the represenstudents’ exchange, being t Asian Youth tative of Ship for South Eas more. Program 2010, and many

I Komang Se sara Rakayana

“I love English so much. I think EED is the best plac e to improve m y ability.”

Pratiwi Putu Dian hen I finished

w y job “I believe EED, man in y d u t s y e.” m pen for m o e r a s ie vacanc

Sugiri Adi Pande Made Nanda to be an have a dream

“I ng er. By studyi English lectur n ca I at sure th in EED, I am true.” make it come

- Martini & Maya Wirastuti -

// Let’s LEARN Hi English learners, have your English been improved? Well, in this edition we would learn about idioms. Here we have two idioms which are commonly used in everyday conversation. So, let’s learn!

"Beating around the bush" is trying to say one thing by talking about other things. Example: "Has he said that he wants to marry you?" Reply: "No, but he has been beating around the bush." When you are trying to say something, but you don't want to say it clearly, you "beat around the bush". Example: "Why don't you just come out and say you are hungry? Stop beating around the bush." If people become frustrated because you are trying to talk about one thing by talking about other things, they may ask you to "stop beating around the bush.”

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” means that when you are visiting a new place, you should try to do as the people do who are from the place. Example: "I can't eat that." Reply: "Oh, give it a try. When in Rome, do as the Romans do." People from different places have different ways of acting, so it is important to try to do things the way people do who are from the place that you are visiting. Example: "Are you sure we can eat this with our hands?" Reply: "Why not? All of these people are. When in Rome, do as the Romans do." The city of Rome was the capital of the great Roman Empire. There were many strange and interesting things to do when visiting ("in") Rome. Example: "Back home, we never sing in front of other people." Reply: "Oh, come on. Give it a try! When in Rome, do as the Romans do."


The Splash | NOVEMBER November 2010

è Across: 1. Right to do or say something what we want without anyone stopping us 2. The physicist, the law of gravitation 3. The currency of filipine 4. Question word for the answer of because 5. Drops of water come from clouds 6. Story, narrative


The Splash | November 2010

A wife is scrambling eggs when her husband bursts into the kitchen. “Careful,” he cries. “Careful! You’re cooking too many at once. Too many! Scramble them! Now! We need more butter. They’re going to stick! Careful! Now scramble them again! Hurry up! Are you crazy? Don’t forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. Use the salt! The salt!” The wife turns and asks, “What is wrong with you?” Her husband calmly replies, “I wanted to show you what it feels like when I’m driving.” Taken from: Reader’s Digest September 2010

7. Cry 8. Insect infesting dog, louse 9. Every flow must have its ... 10. If we say: A gang of thieves, then we say A ... of oxen ê

Down: 11. Authority 12. Once in the blue ... 13.

A tool to see the star

14. Food and Agriculture Organization 15. Part of human body between the ribs and the hips 16. Simile; as serious as an ... 17. 1st of Januari 18. Tittle of woman in good social class (Britain) 19. Food made from milk 20. The part of body that we call it as chubby

A family adventure of a young owl enthralled by his father's epic. An amazing 3D film directed by Zack

Snyder will release September 24, 2010. This adventure fantasy movie starred by Emily Barclay, Abbie Cornish, Emilie de Ravin, Ryan Kwanten, Jay Laga'aia, Miriam Margolyes, Helen Mirren, Sam Neill, Richard Roxburgh, Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving, David Wenham. This brought from beloved books by Kathryn Lasky, namely : Guardians of Ga'Hoole Book 1: The Capture (2002); Guardians of Ga'Hoole Book 2: The Journey (2003); and Guardians of Ga'Hoole Book 3: The Rescue (2004). The story begun when Soren, a young barn owl enthralled by his father's epic stories of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, a mythic band of winged warriors who had fought a great battle to save all of owlkind from the evil Pure Ones. While Soren dreams of someday joining his heroes, his older brother, Kludd, scoffs at the notion, and yearns to hunt, fly and steal his father's favour from his younger sibling. But Kludd's jealousy has terrible consequences--causing both owlets to fall from their treetop home and right into the

talons of the Pure Ones. Now, it is up to Soren to make a daring escape with the help of other brave young owls. Together, they soar across the sea and through the mist to find the Great Tree, home of the legendary Guardians of Ga'Hoole--Soren's only hope of defeating the Pure Ones and saving the owl kingdoms.

But Kludd's jealousy has terrible consequences - causing both owlets to fall from their treetop home and right into the talons of the Pure Ones. By watching this movie, you will get an implicit message that togetherness is the strongest power in facing certain problems. Moreover, wickedness will never ever be the winner. So, don’t miss this great movie^^! - Suprianti -

ge English langua nguage a L h s li g n E e Th

reigners ondered why fo w er ev u yo e Hav uage? e English Lang trouble with th


Let's face it upid language. English is a st nt g in the eggpla There is no eg hamburger No ham in the e pineapple. nor apple in th ne pi r he it ne And ed in England were not invent ns fi uf m h is gl En ed in France. ere not invent w s ie fr ch en Fr r granted take English fo es im et m so e W s we find that ine its paradoxe am ex e w if t Bu ly s you down slow Quicksand take e square nor is it Boxing rings ar r from Guinea he it ne is g pi And a guinea a pig. . ngers don't fing te, how come fi ri w rs te ri w If tooth is teeth one If the plural of e booth be ph plural of phon e th 't dn ul ho S beeth r taught, If the teache ght. e preacher prau th Why didn't

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The Splash | November 2010

Remember, Sons? When you were two or three Once you clapped and tapped I was always at your side, I am Closed the eyes of sadness Caught your hands when the gravels tickled your feet I tasted your blood and tears Never get mad Though it grimed my green brown dress I would say Come on; sit on my back, swing your legs Dry the blood Wipe the tears Dance, dance over the fears Like any other mothers I loved to plant some trees and flowers Watched them fast growing As the bones of yours crawling They would give you the shade, Sons When the sun shone like a burned blade Look, Sons! The lions in my purple mountains Roared to show how brave they were They would become your guardians, Sons No needed to worry when you were lost in deep They would save and help you find the way out of it Take my gardens Keep my pets Then, leave it to your sons’ sons By the clouds rolling You don’t walk on your knees and palm How dare you! You burn my gardens when they’ve just blew the breeze Shoot my pets when they’ve just slept in freeze And I I am too weak to rebel I’ll beg you; please, don’t! And still in grief, I’m gambled away Oh, Sons! Is this the way you thanked? O Universe! Forgive my sons Through the butterflies perched on the dry grass Lead them to my embrace Cause I suppose The bruise is just the color of my old life Here, on my body they’ll trot Run after the fireflies Till they sleep below the lilies Bila, 6th of June 2010

Mine and I By Masayu

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