The Splash january 2013

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ry 2013

ua t UNDIKSHA/Jan en tm ar ep D n io h Educat Tabloid of Englis

k e e W h s i l g En " E IV IT T E P M O C " COOPERATIVE & INTERVIEW












Contents THE SPLASH | JANUARY 2013


HEADLINE ENGLISH WEEK 2012 "Cooperative & Competitive" Farewell to I Wayan Japa "Thousand Thanks at a Time"

3 5

11 11 11

Free Wi-Fi, Free Googling The Beauty of Kampus Bawah The Winners of Splash Photography Contest EVENT

PROFILE Putu Indah Partami Putri "The Story of a Brave Girl"



12 12

EED Students participated in "Negeri Perempuan" BUILD A HOUSE,BUILD A HOPE GADGETBLA

Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji "New Leader, New Hope"



Megazord Become Real EVENT


Study Tour of English Education Department “The Way to Learn Something New”




Walking Through the Dream, Increasing Empathy of Youth

13 13 14

Farewell Party NEO 2012 Academic Seminar 2012 FEATURE


From Lovina to Las Vegas BOOK REVIEW





All About Wedges



15 16 17 18

"A CHAT WITH TWO EUROPEAN LADIES" Made Hery Santosa "THE ONE WHO HOLDS THE KEY" Desak Gede Chandra Widayanthi "CASSANDRA'S DIARY" Luh Ayu Purnayatri "BLUE" Ni Kadek Venny Chrisna Dewi

COVER: Gung Riski & Indah Partami

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Chief editor

Pande Putu Resita Wulan Prabhawati

Executive Editor

Kadek Sonia Piscayanti S. Pd., M.Pd


Made Hery Santosa, S.Pd., M.Pd. Komang Yudistira Adi Nugraha Putu Cinthya Dewi Ria Rarasati


Ni Kadek Heny Sayukti


Desak Made Indah Dewanti I Gusti Ngurah Arya Pramana Putra Made Jane Purnama Ni Wayan Sugitariani Putu Rara Utari Dewi Ketut Ary Sri Prawrethy Ni Putu Pebri Aryati Dewa Ayu Budi Suari


HMJ English Education Department

"NOT A LAND OF SURRENDER" Cinthya D "I GUESS I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOU" Sugiantari "AND THE LAST.." Resita Wulan Prabhawati "IN FRONT OF YOU" Sugitariani "WHAT I NEED IS TIME" Gari Mahardika "ARE WE THERE YET?" Kadek Sonia Piscayanti

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Stuffs from the Staffs

If we interpret a year as a day, January is probably the morning of 2013. The breezy wind will blow the tender morning dew. Happy new year 2013, everyone! We are glad to present The Splash for January 2013 edition. Thanks to the Almighty God for all graces given to us. We also would like to say special thanks to Mr. Hery and Ms. Sonia who always support and keenly boost our strength to improve The Splash. Mr. Hery, who is currently pursuing his study in Australia, always take a look toward The Splash. The distance might be far away but his heart is always here with us. Ms. Sonia, who always stays by our side through the hard and best, she is always inspiring us to move forward. Thank you so much for walking with us. Anyhow, we would like to say sorry that the edition is postponed into January 2013. However, The Splash comes with big spirit and fresh information to share. Beside this one, The Splash staffs are currently working on the online blog. You can click the page in It's just founded on December 8th 2012. The site is still so young, but we hope it would benefit all and become a leader of information source to everyone, particularly to EED family. Another brand new pages are born in this edition. We have Campus Corner that flaunt the new color of Kampus Bawah and the announcement of the photography contest. Beside Profile of the great Indah Partami Putri who just passed the position of head of Student Association to her vice, Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji, we also have a feature of an inspiring alumnus of EED, Mr. Antariksawan Jusuf. He seems to find the key to unlock the global world after graduating from the beloved department. We hope his story would inspire all students to reach their dreams.




Photo: Committtee's Archive


Photo: Committtee's Archive

Cooperative & Competitive Share Your Love, Save Your Health, Do Your Creativity without Aids Expressing your creativity, Enjoying your youth Being Active for healthy & Being Sportive for Quality There is a new program of Student Association which was proposed by Putu Indah Partami Putri is English Week. The purpose of this event is to find and to improve the students’ ability and talent. The program led by Gary Mahardika had three activities. Aids Awareness Day (AAD) Started on HIV Aids day, 1st December 2012, English Week was opened by the first annual program, AIDS Awareness Day with a theme “Share Your Love, Save Yourself and Your Creativity”. The purpose of this activity was to raise awareness of AIDS danger. It was held to let the society knows that the students have the awareness of AIDS. This activity started from 2 PM-7 PM at Kampus Bawah on A. Yani street to the central park on Udayana street, involved some orations about the danger of AIDS spreads through free sex, especially in Buleleng Regency. Besides, the students gave the teenager brochure and sticker.

A student handed a condom to a man in the park during Aids Awareness Day.

Sonia Piscayanti & Lokita Purnamika reviewed five best short stories in

Stories Reviews of

Photo: Committtee's Archive

English Competition. .

Especially for adults, the students gave some condoms which was sponsored by Aids Prevention Comission. This annual event got some attention from mass media and reported in Radar Buleleng. English Competition The second one was English Competition on 2nd December 2012. It was an opportunity for EED students to develop their skills in writing. The theme was “Expressing Your Creativity, Enjoying Your Youth.” The students certainly welcomed the event since this was new and interesting event. This time, the event consisted of two categories of competition, namely short

Photo: Committtee's Archive

Photo: Committtee's Archive

story and wall magazines. Short story competition was followed by 42 participants including representatives of at least 2 until 5 representatives from each class in the English education Department. By the theme ‘TEENAGER’S LIFE’ with the sub-themes, Love, Friendship, Free Sex/ Married by Accident, and Drugs, the participants were given a week to work on their short stories. Stories Reviews was held by Kadek Sonia Piscayanti and I.G.A Lokita Purnamika Utami as the judges to review the top five short stories. Both judges expressed how proud they were to see all of the students’ work. “Writing a short stroy is like making a self reflection. You can see yourself in your writing. So, when you grow, your writing is growing as well,” Sonia stated. According to the accumulation score showed Desak Gede Chandra Widayanthi from 7B made it to number 1 with The One Who Holds the Key, followed by Luh Ayu Purnayatri from 3A with Cassandra’s Diary and Ni Kadek Venny Chrisna Dewi from 5C with Blue in the third place. Still in English Competition, the wall magazine competition followed by 8 representatives of each semester. Each group was required to make a

masterpiece of writing such as headline, editorial, profile, opinion, straight news, feature, poet or short story, interview, and caricature. The theme was "Youth Movement". Each group intrepreted the theme in various sub topic. CIUS from the fifth semester youth action in education and organization, Solandtic from the third semester raised social movement while WEED from the first semester talked about technology and culture. Unfortunately sevent semester didn’t participate in the competition. Wall magazines were displayed in "Stories Reviews" and all students voted their favorite wall magazine. The first place was won by CIUS, folowed by Solandti as the first runner up and WEED as second runner up as well as the most favorite display. English Sport Vaganza (ESV) The last chapter was ESV (English Sport Vaganza) which was going on 22nd-23rd December 2012, accompanied by the theme “Being active for healthy, Being sportive for quality”. The euphoria could not be hidden. The head of English Education Department, Ni Made Ratminingsih, opened the event officially by lighting the torch in the big bowl as a sign




Seventh Semester won The Most Solandtic Semester during ESV 2012.

Third Semester won Sport Dance competition with the hyper black and white dance performance. While fifth semester in the second place and first semester in the third place that the match would begin soon on Saturday, 22nd December 2012 at GOR Bhuana Patra. Two other lecturers who attended the opening ceremony were Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi and Nyoman Karina Wedhanti. Crowd gathered in GOR Bhuana Patra. Every student came to see the match between each semester in basket ball, futsal and volley ball. It was quite different compared to last year when everybody excited to watch the competition of cheerleader, but this year it was replaced by Sport Dance Competition which was scheduled as the last session of all competition in ESV. On the other hand, students who came as supporter or audience also be able to participate in games like Hajar Mistar and Three Point Contest. The first day result revealed all candidates who will hit the field in the final match in the next day schedule. However, the losing teams still had a chance to win third place. Next day came, the match was starting at Singaraja Futsal for Futsal Competition at 8 o’clock. Then, the rest matches were running at GOR Bhuana Patra.

Photo: Committtee's Archive

The MC announced all the winners of the competitions. All students made a huge crowd when MC announced the whole champion of ESV. The 3rd semester came out as the 1st champion, 7th semester as the 2nd champion and the 1st semester as the 3rd champion. Students from 1st semester and 3rd semester running all over the field, holding banners and flags. Everybody were drowned into uncontrolled screaming and jumping as they jumped in joy. Pasek Suwarbawa as the coordinator of ESV stated during the evaluation sharing of ESV,“The second day is running better than yesterday. There was a complicated moment during presence section, especially yesterday was so uncontrolable. However, seems like everybody reflect to yesterday so today is controlled well. Eventhough, some schedule were exchanged unexpectedly during volleyball match but the committee handled it very well so all agendas were completed.” “English Week is a new program. It

Photo: Committtee's Archive

Photo: Committtee's Archive

still needs evaluation. I hope it would be managed better and better someday. “ Indah Partami Putri said. (Rara Utari,Sugitariani & Heny Sayukti)

Hysteria of the supporters during the closing ceremony.

Seventh Semester strike gold over first semester for male Basketball match.

English Sport Vaganza

Photo: Committtee's Archive

Volleyball match between third semester and first semester

Here the result of all competition in English Week:


Photo: Committtee's Archive




Farewell to I Wayan Japa

A Thousand Thanks at a Time

The lecturers of English Education Department were tearing as they’re giving a speech in farewell to Drs. I Wayan Japa, Dip. App. Ling., M.Hum, Sunday, 21st January 2013 in Dean’s Meeting Room. Thirty minutes late, the meeting was attended by 20 EED lecturers and 11 students. The Head of English Education Department, Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A opened the farewell moment by giving a touching speech. This was followed by another touching speech by Dean of Language and Art Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ni Putu Kerti Nitiasih, M.A.The situation turned to be emotional. “All I want to say is thank you to Mr. Japa for everything he has taught to us,” said Kerti Nitiasih. She was sure that a man she called Bapak will forgive what they’ve done to him. Showing different reaction from those two women, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, M.A said that the moment should be happy. “As the man who have arrived in the finish line and done his dedication perfectly, it can be called an achievement for him. We should congratulate Mr. Japa in his Purna Bhakti,” he explained briefly.

He continued to memorize the time when I Wayan Japa committed to dedicate his knowledge for English Education Department in 1986. He said that his colleague was very diligent, eager to learn and always punctual. It was confirmed by many proofs. Wayan Japa who had continued his master degree, was elected to be a Head of English Education Department because of his dedication and became the head of UKM Perisai Diri. Ketut Seken, also a lecturer for Wayan Japa in 1980 at Doctoral Program in IKIP Singaraja, added a touching quote,” We have to note Mr. Japa with unerasable ink, so that our generation will know him, one of those who built EED as it is.” Alit Wijaya Saputra supported that he had so many memorable times with Wayan Japa. “Last time, I saw him walking alone and I offered him a ride to go home .He refused by saying he was doing a sport.” When the time came for Wayan Japa to deliver his speech, with all his best he said,” Thank you for everything. I hope the students can finish their study perfectly and for all of the lecturers… I wish you can teach at your best." The humble I Wayan Japa apprised his farewell wishes to

The Wise and Silent Man I Wayan Japa was born on 31st December 1947. He graduated his undergraduate in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNUD in 1981. He also gained experience in studying in Singapore. Then he finished his postgraduate degree in Udayana University Denpasar in 2000. He once studied for Doctoralal program, but he halted it. Wayan Japa started his teacher career in SPG but since 1986, Japa moved to English Education Department. During 90s, he became the coach of UKM Perisai Diri. He was a very dilligent and consistent figure for his students. He poured spirit in his students to practice more and more. When he was offered to be the head of English Education Department, he once refused it. But other lecturers encouraged him to take the responsibility. Ketut Seken, one of the lecturer, confessed that since Japa became the head of department, lecturers got more chances to study for their Doctoral program. As a head of department, Japa was known with his punctuality. Once he said he would attend an even, there would be no possibility that he didn't come. Alit Wijaya Saputra who came as the representative of the student praised Wayan Japa’s

panctuality and spirit . Coincidentally, Alit was the head of Student Association when Wayan Japa was still the head of department. “When Mr. Japa already said that he would come, there was no possibility that he wouldn’t come. There was once in RATAM 2011. I was the head of committee. Mr. Japa told us to pick him up at 5 AM in his lodging house. When he arrived there, he already dressed well and was waiting for us in front of his door. Even though he was a bit unwell at that time, he still committed to come.” There were a lot of lecturers who already dedicated themselves to the 46 years old department. Some of them devoted dedication for 2 years or 3 years, but mostly had to leave the department before being able to complete their duty until purna-bhakti . I Wayan Japa is the fifth lecturer who successfully completed his dedication after Prof. Drs. Sunaryono Basuki, Ks.,MA. (Heny Sayukti)

English Education Department family. Yet, it made Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, S.Pd, M.Pd more emotional as she read a poetry made by herself as a farewell to her beloved lecturer. “I could not give anything to you, I only have poetry,” Sonia said, burst in tears. Two poetries entitled Today as You Leave by Sonia and Buat Ning by Sapardi Djoko Darmono were performed in Musical Poetry together withDewi Suparwati, Ary Nova, Indah Permata Sari in vocals, Susara Rakayana and Yoga in guitars. It ended with a slide show when Wayan Japa was actively engaged in EED’s activity. Souvenirs by lecturers and students were also given to Wayan Japa as the appreciation for his dedication to EED. Yet, it was not the end of his story. A man, who always survives the challenges left EED with a pride will always stay in everyone’s heart forever and ever. (Resita Wulan)




Putu Indah Partami Putri

The Story of a Brave Girl Have you ever seen a movie by

Walt Disney titled ‘Brave’? It is a 3D cartoon which tells about how a girl named Merida who tried to be existed among the man’s and her mother’s pressure. Actually, Merida is not only a cartoon character. She is real. She is Putu Indah Photo: Committtee's Archive Gung Riski & Indah Partami Putri Partami Putri.


verybody in English Education Department can easily recognize her. She is brave, multi-talented students and pretty girl. Indah was the only girl who became the Head of Students Association in EED in the last five years. “At first, the previous Head of Students Organization such as Kak Arik and Kak Alit were supporting me. One thing that I can’t forget is when Kak Alit said that I shouldn’t easily being emotional.” The girl who was born on 5th April, 1992 said thatit wasn’t an easy thing to do since she was officially crowned as the Head of Students Organization. “When I woke up, I felt like having a heavy burden. I

that I could enjoy being a Head of Student Association.” Being a bridge between students and lecturers, she did her duty well. She dreamed to gather all of her friends to support every activity held by Student Association and omitted the gap between every semester. Most of her friend as the Coordinator of every section in the organization helped her in holding many activities and she was thankful of that. Yet, since 6th January 2013, this brave girl was replaced by Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji who was her Vice of Student Association. In the other hand, the new vice goes to Gusti Ngurah Arya Bayu Permadi. “I hope that, they can keep balance the activities in EED, information about the competition and they can tighten the

I Shouldn't easily being emotional thought that I was not the capable one. Since that day, I only had limited time for myself. I went to campus to study and then precisely at 7 until 9 pm, I had a meeting. Right after that, I did my assignment. Always like that,” She said that it was too difficult to realize it. But, being patient with all duties and deadline was a real challenge for her. But, as the time went by, she could handle the challenges and solved every problem in the organization. “Everything needs a process. I admitted

Photo: Personal Archive

relationship among all students.”

(Resita Wulan)




Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji

New Leader, New Hope After one year leadership of Indah Partami Putri, now Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji is newly elected as Head of Student Association and teamed up with Gusti Ngurah Arya Bayu Permadi as vice of Student Association periode 2013-2014. They propose a new program “Musical Poetry Competition” this year. Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji or Gung Riski, as his friends called him, described the plan behind the new activity to The Splash on Wednesday, 30th January 2013 at lobby, Kampus Bawah. During your campaign, you promoted Student's Talent Performance, right? Can you tell us more how was it changed into Musical Poetry Competition? Yes, it's true. Formerly, It was a competition of talent show. But, after Student Association held a meeting and discussed it in detail, it was converted into Musical Poetry competition based on the trend and favorite of the students . By narrowing our focus into Musical Poetry, the participants will be able to prepare more since it's simple and familiar. What's the criteria to join the competition? Basically, they can perform in team. The performance itself can vary among traditional form, modern style or contemporary. But they can't use the common instrument such as guitar. They have to facilitate themselves with alternatif instuments using their creativity. More info will be announced soon. How many participants do you expect

to get? Since this is still a new program, I expect to gain maximum of six participants. In addition, they don’t always have to be the representative of each semester but, they also can work with other student from different semester. They are free to choose their partner. Does it mean that the participant is only from English Education Department? Yes. When do you plan to run this activity? You know, we have Social Gathering 2013 coming soon around April. I think we will merge it into a part of that event. Since we have one week off, I guess it's the perfect time. It will support the students to be more focus into the acitivity. Maybe on Monday or Tuesday. Let’s see the opportunity coming up. What’s the prize for the competition? In the peak of Social Gathering, we will have Social Evening to hold some performances. It always presents all

peformances from every semester. So, I think it would be the best prize for the winner to perform in Social Evening too. They will have a free ticket to show their creativity. Free ticket? Yes. We usually face the fact that a lot of students having obstacle in collecting fund to support their activity. That's why we decided to raise fund through baazar voucher. After collecting enough fund, we sould like to distribute it to the students as their back-up teams. In hope, students will be able to express their creativity without frustating over financial problem.

to all students to show who you are and what you can show to people. I just want and hope that all of the students of EED could fully take a part in this activity. At least they attend the activity even though they don't participate in the competition. (Heny Sayukti)

Anyway, do you want to say something to all of EED students about this new program? This activity is a place where everybody can show their creativity in art of performance and that is an opportunity


Study Tour of English Education Department “The Way to Learn Something New”

On Thursday, 18th November 2012, about 143 students, 5 lecturers of English Education Department, and 5 staffs from Faculty of Language and Art gathered in Kampus Bawah Undiksha near Parahyangan prepare to depart for Study Tour.

This study tour is only for fifth semester students because the result of this program will be reported to TEFL 2 class. “But, for those who cannot join the study tour, there is an obligation to make a report because the report will be considered as their mark in TEFL class,” said Nyoman Karina Wedhanti,S.Pd,M. Pd as the head of the committee for this study tour. With Maharta Tour as the travel agent, all of the 153 people were travelling to East Java. Precisely on 3 o’clock, they started to move to Pulaki and Gilimanuk after had some discussion with the students and prayed together at Parahyangan Kampus Bawah. Arriving in Ketapang, they had dinner at RM. Grafika,

Ketapang. The real study tour started on the next day, Friday 19th November 2012. SDN Tlogowaru in Malang town was the first place to be visited. Some of the students and the lecturers were having a workshop there at exactly 8 o’clock in the morning. All of the people who had a visit were amazed because the school is big and the children are taught carefully with the National Standard. “It is good to have a visit to this school, but some aspect here needs to be improved like how the teacher use English in the classroom. It should be more than 30%,” said Juniati Ratih, the students of V B class. It was a tiring day of all, but the students had some fun in Jatim Park at

one o’clock. They were spreading into several groups and travelling around there. Playing, having some snacks, sightseeing apple field and buying some gift for families were their activities before visited Universitas Negeri Malang on Saturday 20h November 2012. The Faculty of Letters UM and Faculty of Language and Art had a tight relationship especially the English Education Department from both sides. On the last September, Faculty of Letters UM and EED from Faculty of Language and Art Undiksha had successfully held National English Olympiad 2012 for Rayon Bali. At that day, the EED students and lecturers had a special time to visit Faculty of Letters at UM to know more about the Legato and what it looks like. They were welcoming the member of study tour of English Education Department from Undiksha wholeheartedly. The committee there also brought the EED students and lecturers into ESAC, a place where the students of Legato can emphasize their

ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It is a kind of independent learning. There are many resources that will help the students in learning English. “There are many new things that we learnt from them, especially their curiousity in learning something. The lecturers here also help the students and support them in doing many things to improve their ability in English,” said Okta Santika Cahya as the head of the committee of Study Tour from Students’ Organization of EED. As the study tour over in UM, the study tour’s group had to go back to Bali at 6 o’clock in the evening. Two weeks later, the students must collect the report about the study tour at SDN Tlogowaru and Universitas Negeri Malang with the suggestion about what should be improved for those places. “But, I hope next year, our junior will organize the study tour better than this and learn more from this Study Tour,” said Okta, closing the interview at that noon. (Resita Wulan)

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“WALKING THROUGH THE DREAM, INCREASING EMPATHY OF YOUTH” It had been rumored that Disney Land was moved to Singaraja. Really? Other also whispered that costplay of Walt Disney’s characters was suddenly spotted in the town. Are you sure? And they were believed to haunt “the thousand windows campus” at 3 a.m on August 24th 2012. What??? Let me tell you the story. “For all of the freshmen of English Education Department, please gather!” sounds of the navy-blue-jacket people suddenly woke all Walt Disney dolls up in that fantasy day. It was still 4 a.m. in the morning, a bunch of colorful new faces walked through the pavement, getting closer to face the navy-blue-jacket people in front of the Faculty of Languages and Arts Building, Sunday, 24th August 2012. Those colorful faces were dressed in their catchy costumes. The red cup hat Aladdin, the red hair Little Mermaid, the yellow dress Beauty and the Beast, the gorgeous maid Cinderella, the long nose Pinocchio, the masculine Hercules, the quacking Donald Duck, the feminine Mickey Mouse, the green Peter Pan, and the 4 ears Winnie the Pooh. Yup, you’re right guys, it was not a rumor or fairytale. It was REED 2012. They are the freshmen of EED. Ratam of English Education Department (REED) is an annual event to welcome the freshmen of our beloved department. However, it was very special because the participants were not only new students but also some seniors who did not join Ratam last year. This year’s Ratam was inspired by Walt Disney which stands for “Walking through the Dream, Increasing Empathy of Youth.” Through this amazing theme, the navy-blue-jacket committees had carried out an amazing event for all family members of EED. Darkness was invading, the committees line up the newcomers based on their group and directly started to check the new students’ equipments and tasks. Surprisingly, many newcomers broke the rules and got some disciplinary actions. Because there were lot of newcomers being punished, the committees asked them to go back to their line. After an hour, finally nineteen busses were ready, the committee and the new students left the campus, off to Wisma Nangun Kerti (WNK), Pancasari where the new colorful fantasies would be created. After all the passengers were in, the busses directly went to WNK at 05.45 a.m. Most of the committees and newcomers fell asleep, then for about forty-five minutes the busses passed through the Gitgit path and finally arrived at Wisma Nangun Kerti at 06.30 a.m. The committees hurriedly led the new students to the place instructed, and

directly held a praying together in order to be able to carry on this event well. MC commenced the ceremony and then continued by the report from the chief of the committees, Putu Bagus Mahardika from 5C, and the brief speech from the Head of English Education Department, Dr. Made Ratminingsih, MA. The doves flew, everybody clapped their hands and the balloons were off from the colorful young hands, flew high to the sky informing the world that REED 2012 was officially opened. The event was finally opened. The event continued to yell contest among the committees and the new students as well. The first section was from the committees, one by one they showed up their yells with all of their committees’ members. There were eleven committees competed to gain the first place besides the main committee; first was the organizing committee handled by Ni Wayan Adnyani from 5A, the second was the secretariat committee led by Putu Reuni Yuliana from 5D, next the public relation committee by Putu Chintya Dewi of 5E, fourth the fund raiser committee by Pande Putu Resita Wulan Prabhawati of 5B, continued by the consumption committee by Putu Wiwin Ekatrini of 5D also, sixth was the spiritual committee by Ni Kadek Debi Kurniati from 5A, next publication-decorationand-documentation committee by Ida Bagus Putu Suryadiputra from 5C, and continued to appurtenance committee that was handled by I Gusti Made Gari Mahardika of 5C, next we have transportation committee by I Wayan Adi Eka Sunu of 5C also, tenth we have first-aid committee that was handled by Putu Anastasia Mayrika from 5A, and last but not least the security-and discipline committee by Pande Made Sugiri Adi Nandha from 5B. After the committee finished giving their performances, the event was continued by the yell performances from the newcomers. Same with their seniors, the freshmen year of EED’s students did not seem lose their spirit, when they gave their best shot in presenting their yell. When they had finished performing their entire yells, The agenda continued to the academic counselor’s introduction by EED lectures. “We have some different agendas this year. After the yell performances, the newcomers will have a meeting with their academic advisors. It is very good to make them get closer to the lecturers, the

3rd semester students and also the 5th semester students also joined the camp, so there are a lot of interactions. At least they will not just meet their academic advisors during the KRS time,” said Putu Indah Partami Putri as the head of HMJ. The agenda moved into outbound section. Two groups were being united as one cluster and they went together to find the posts. In the first post, there was “karet pelangi” game that had a purpose to train and sharpen the cooperation of new students as well as their togetherness in moving rubbers from the bucket that was filled by flour with pipettes that they hold with their mouth, and also there were answering some questions given by the committee that related to UNDIKSHA and EED. Next, in the second post, there was “mandi cacing” game that was conducted where the new students had to move worms from the bucket, washed it first in the water before the new students could put it into a bottle. The last game was puzzle, where the new students were instructed to arrange and put the puzzle in good order. Quiz Contest and Grand Final of King & Queen were waiting. Everybody gathered to the hall. Three groups took a part in quiz contest, they were Pinocchio, Cinderella and Winnie The Pooh. The questions were about EED and also the English subject which were about Cross Culture Understanding, and Grammar. From this Contest, we got Pinocchio as the winner. The King & Queen performance was ready, five pairs of candidates walked to the stages confidently and danced. These candidates had been through selection before they could pass and being contestants in the final round. The criteria that were being assessed were brain, beauty, and behavior. Not only their intelligence and their appearance were scored. The judges also observed their attitudes and the way they behaved as well. The candidates were challenged to show their talents. Dancing, singing, drawing, playing guitar and making up character, they made the stages went like a collection of battle talents. Top 3 were chosen, but unfortunately everybody should held back their curiosity until the closing ceremony. After Quiz Contest and also King & Queen, the first year students had to collect seniors’ signatures. This

activity had a purpose to make a tight relationship between the freshmen and their seniors. Hopefully through this activity, the seniors and freshmen will know each better from that time onwards. Time to back to “the thousand windows campus”, the newcomers finished collecting their seniors’ signatures, and the committees told them to line up, pray and go in to the busses. At about 6 o’clock, they arrived at campus where the most wanted agenda was held. The closing ceremony was started, the MCs were ready to announce the winners of all competitions. Started from yell performances, best yell committee was achieved by organizing committee, while for the freshmen was Aladdin. Next, the best costume was gained by Peterpan, and for the best bag was won by I Komang Bima Aditya Nugraha from Aladdin. Besides that, the best outbound team went to Little Mermaid and the most fabulous team went to Micky Mouse. The aura was changed when it turned to King & Queen announcement. Finally, the pair I Made Sukma Adisetiawan Sukadana and Putu Irmayanti Wiyasa were chosen as King and Queen 2012, while Gusti Ngurah Arya Bayu Permadi and Putu Ayu Elma Novitasari in first runner-ups and Made Astawa Kusuma Mandala and Komang Ayu Mirah Yuliarsianita in second runnerups. The happy ending of this fairytale day was getting closer, it was followed by the inauguration of the newcomers, where the freshmen washed by water which was mixed of flowers with an old song being played as the soundtrack. Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A closed this event, followed by fireworks shuttled and shaking hand session between the newcomers, the lecturers, and the committee at the end of this event. “It is very fantastic, REED is very effective to make us closer to seniors and when the regular schedule is started, we do not feel much awkward,” stated Ni Putu Eka Maryani Dewi as a newcomer. The chief of committee, Putu Bagus Mahardika left a positive message for the committee of next year event. He hoped that every member of EED family would keep this warm solidarity as a valuable asset, thus the togetherness could be built through this event. (Heny Sayukti & Jane Purnama)




Photo: Yeyen

Drama Performance “A Series of Memorable Events” Sasana Budaya Singaraja was being brightened by some lamps since 26th December 2012 until 5th January 2012. Every people gathered there. What happened? Fifth semester was the great semester where all students from every class prepared a drama performance. Last two years, the seniors performed a drama written by Shakespeare at RRI Singaraja. Yet this year, the lecturer of drama class, Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, made the script herself. In total, there are five scripts she had made for the first time in drama performance, those are; Schizophrenia (5A), A Mother and A Monster (5B), My Dearest Sister (5C), Because I am Who I am (5D), and A Story of A Tree (5E). Started from 24th December 2012, 5D class did some preparation for their drama and rehearsal because they were the first to perform their drama, which was on 26th December 2012. The next performance was held by My Dearest Sister on 28th December 2012 at Sasana Budaya precisely at 7 P.M. On 30th December, a day before New Years’ Eve, Schizophrenia entertained the audience by the great acting from the actor and actresses. Leaping 3 days after that, A Story of A Tree was the next to be watched with its musical performance. Two days after 5E drama, 5B performance of A Mother

Gana Saputra won Best Supporting Actor by portraying a lecturer for The Story of a Tree

Photo: Arya Bayu

"A Mother & A Monster"

Ary Nova Wardani brought triple appreciations (Best Actrees, Best Director & Best Performance) home for Schizophrenia. and A Monster closed the series of drama events beautifully. On the backstage, most of the students from every class were kindly helping other class performance. It was such a great solidarity among EED students that showed how tight their togetherness is. But, the performance didn’t stop until that point. The most awaited moment came; award ceremony which was arranged by Miss Sonia secretly. And here is the list of the winner: 1. Best Actrees: Ni Kadek Ary Nova Wardani (5A) in “Schizophrenia” 2. Best Actor: Ida Bagus Suryadiputra (5C) in “My Dearest Sister” 3. Future Talented Actrees: Ni Kadek Venny Chrisna Dewi (5C) in “My Dearest Sister” 4. Best Supporting Actor: Nyoman Gana Saputra (5E) in “A Story of A Tree” 5. Best Director: Ni Kadek Ary Nova Wardani (5A) in “Schizophrenia” 6. Best Chorus: 5E in “A Story of A Tree” 7. Best Performance: 5A in

Photo: Arya Bayu Photo: Heny

My Dearest Sister's Venny Chrisna Dewi (left) received Future Talented Actrees and Ida Bagus Suryadiputra (middle) as Best Actor “Schizophrenia” Special Appreciation as the Most Caring and Loving Person: I Gusti Made Gari Mahardika (5C) Every class also got the appreciation because they had performed the aweinspiring drama by Sonia. She also praised all students for the hard work and dedication during this semester. She hardly believed that all of students could perform very well on the stage while there were a lot of challenges and hard times during the rehearsal. In the end, it was like that they suddenly owned the soul of Sasana Budaya when they stepped into the stage and Sonia described them in one word, awesome. These series of memorable events will be continued next year. Guess what will Sonia write for the next performance? Must be incredibly great!

"Schizophrenia" Photo: Ferry

"My Dearest Sister" Photo: Heny

"The Story of a Tree"

(Resita Wulan & Heny Sayukti)

Photo: Dodol

"Because I Am Who I Am"








heels is usually a matter of taste, budget, and sizing options in your area. The first factor you should consider when picking out wedge heels is price. It's a good idea to make out a budget before getting started. This prevents you from spending too much time searching through options you can't afford to buy. Lower heels are usually more comfortable, so they will be more appropriate to your lifestyle if you are doing a lot of walking. Some wedge heels are even cushioned at the soles to provide even more comfortable. When picking a particular style, it's a good idea to consider where and what purpose you'll be wearing them for. For instance, if you want to wear it around the campus, make sure that your wedge is appropriate to wear. Choose a soft color and do not exaggerate because as we know, we are just students, especially Department. students of English Education The last you have to pick your own wedges directly on the store, not in the online shop because you can try them on and find a perfect fit. Hence, you won't have to deal with the hassle of sending them back to the store. You'll also get the benefit of seeing the texture, color, and materials up close. So, what do you think guys? This is a good example of wedges for campus. Students (Pebri Aryati) mostly need to jog along or sprint along the building. It's only 5cm height, it will suport you to walk on the polished floor freely. Besides, it also cover the toe, it brings an impression of campus student. Not only fashionable but also elegant.

Hi guys! We are back again in our favorite section that is, Fashion. Now, we will discuss about wedge heels that maybe some of you have known it. Wedges, a type of platform shoe, have been around since the 1930s. The first wedges didn't have a distinct heel and had cellophane straps. The wedge heel is thick and one piece with the sole, whereas high-heeled shoes have a separate heel. Women wear heels to make the legs look longer, to make the body look thinner and to look higher. But, have you ever known that wedge heels offer more support than stilettos or high heels. When using correctly, heel in wedges will decrease cartilage, tendon, ligament and bone pain due to poor foot alignment. Your ankles will become more stable, and prevent sprains. Wedges popularity is fluctuates. Hundreds of new wedges designs come out each year, depending on trends. So, how do we choose the best wedges heels? Choosing wedge


designed by Ida Ayu Putri Brahmantini Illustration:



Free Wi-Fi, New Atmosphere

Photo: Heny

Wi-fi in Kampus Bawah has been provided since the beginning of 2012. The students, lecturers and staffs in Faculty of Language and Art can enjoy this facility. As the odd semester began and the newcomers started to study, many of those students spent their time in front of their laptop at lobby. Every day, about 20 students sit around to open facebook, or search something in google. The most hectic time starts on 9 AM to 1PM at work day. During day time, sometimes the connection will get down due to the large number of users. Anyway, regardless of their activity in the lobby, it is a great thing to use wi-fi as the facility in education. (Resita Wulan)


The Splash Photography Contest The contest was held online during odd semester. It carried the theme "fluke" and raised three names of young photographers. Congratulation to all winners.

God always knows how to make something interesting

When the Sun Goes Down

Photographer: I Made Martha Adi Putra Nickname: Dodol Class: 7B Location: Pantai Indah, Singaraja

The Beauty of Kampus Bawah


Photographer: Ni Kadek Heny Sayukti Nickname: Heny Class: 3B Location: a garden of Heny's lodging house

“It’s really high and I am afraid but the Frangipani leaf is strong and carry us safely on its surface. Whether it will be rainy, I am glad that there is a mango leaf above us. Eventhough it’s torn by the catterpilar, thankfully the shadow still cover us. I can’t imagine If all of them were not here, I might die. But fortunately, I die with you.”

Photo: Heny

Kampus Bawah has been renovated to be the new and modern one. Yet, it took a long journey to be as green as now. Since December 2012, many trees had been planted in beloved Kampus Bawah. “The green plants make my eyes fresh when seeing it after final project,” Heny said. But, she continued to say, there are plenty of big trees that could make the garden shady. Furthermore, she hopes that, the faculty is not only concerned on greening Kampus Bawah but also the cleaning. “I think, someone has to provide some trash bins. None of them are put in Kampus Bawah,” she said. (Resita Wulan)

"Talking about eating, many people need to eat to survive their lives. Talking about fruit,this picture was taken in Wisma Nangun Kerthi when during REED 2012 . I send this picture to The Splash Photography Contest because I think Photographer: I Putu Agus Juli this picture has the Sastrawan uniqueness when I took Nickname: Pegok it. " Class: 3C Location: Wisma Nangun Kerti, Pancasari

Photo: Heny

Photo: Heny

When People are Ready to Eat Us





EED Students Participated in "Negeri Perempuan"


Megazord Become Real


o you know the Megazord in the Power Rangers when you were a kid? Who wants to ride a robot if you were in the animation films? Control the robot by you inside the robot will soon become real. Sudobashi Heavy Industry which is a company from Japan has introduced Kuratas (KR01) recently. Kuratas is a robot which can be controlled and ridden by the human. As the game mania who doesn’t want to have it? Especially for the MechWarrior Gamer. Sudobashi Heavy Industry claimed that Kuratas can walk as far as 10 km/hour with 4 wheels. This robot also has 4.5 tons weight, 4 m high, and 3 m width. Kuratas use AE V-Sido system. This system is used to control the cockpit which placed in the robot chest to make movement of the robot. To make it fiercer and cool, Kuratas also completed with accessory such as weapon and guided missile (rudal). Not only can be controlled immediately, but also can controlled by Smartphone. You just prepare US $ 1.3 million or Rp 12 billion to buy this robot.

On June 19, 2012 in order to enliven the 34th Bali Arts Festival, Mahima Theater as a representative from Buleleng regency staged a play entitled “Negeri Perempuan,” a script by Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, a lecturer of EED Undiksha and a founder of Mahima Theater. It was

together with the committee. But foottrip was not equal as what Ketut Sunaya experienced in his house. The house was very simple without any floor and window. They only had one room where everybody sleeps on one bed. The wall made by crafting bamboo, which already had some holes on the bottom. Finding the right house to fix, the head of the committee of ‘Making Up House’ program, Kadek Untung Sudiatmaja, set everything well. At the day when the house was starting to be finished, Ketut Sunaya looked very happy. He could not stop smiling, so did his wife and his 2 children. They dreamed about living in a comfortable house where they can feel warmth when the rain comes and the hot sun shine. Ari Anggara, the Head of BEM UNDIKSHA, said that was a trial program during his leading period, “It is not only about what we can do to



other. And the most important thing was the guidance and supports that given by Miss Sonia herself. “Involving in that performance is untold story, can’t describe with any word. Theater is my soul,” said Dian who acted as a women leader in Negeri Perempuan. Mahima Theater is the promising theater group in Buleleng. The achievements which are carved by Kadek Sonia Piscayanti and friends that united in that community are worthy to be appreciated. Of course we all always wait for the next creativities, ideas and achievements that will be presented by Mahima Theater in the future. (Ary)

Build a HOUSE, Build a HOPE

(Maya Apsari)


performed at Ksirarnawa Building of Arts, Art Center – Denpasar,. Two students from EED, Komang Ayu Dian Pertiwi and Gita Swami took the leading role, acted the script that tells about women movement which demands gender equality of women and men. Negeri Perempuan performance could awe the audiences in entire Ksiarnawa Building of Arts, at that night. The success of that evening’s performance not only supported by the beautiful script and the stage, but also supported by the crew that stood by in the back stage such as lighting by Jazzuli, wardrobe by Puspa, instrument by Akar, publishing by Mitha and Gari and many

October, 25th 2012, BEM UNDIKSHA held a public service program. There was a making up house in Dusun Buana Sari, Kayu Putih village, Buleleng. The first foundation was placed by Rector of Ganesha University of Education, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sudiana, M.Pd. This program which is proposed by BEM is aimed at building a house for those people who live under the poverty. Those people have no permanent house. Hence, BEM tried to help them building a more comfortable house for them. They made an effort to realize a simple but comfortable house for the poor people. The way to approach the area was not easy. It was hard and narrow. The committee had to walk for about 10 minutes to reach the house of I Ketut Sunaya, even our rector walked

develop what we already have, but what we can do to create a new thing to help the people who need our help”. (Budi Suari)

Photo: Committee's Archive

Rector of UNDIKSHA took a part in Bedah Rumah.

Photo: Committee's Archive




Photo: Committtee's Archive

Farewell Party

“Dispatch the Wishes to the Sky” English Education Department has accomplished Farewell Party, along with the theme “Mesmerising Memory in Summer Paradise”. The event was held on Friday, 28th September 2012 at the front yard of Language and Art Faculty’s building. The event was participated by 70 graduations of academic year 2012/2013. The event was commenced promptly at 8 PM and it was officially opened by the Head of English Education Department, Ni Made Ratminingsih, along with her welcoming speech. An acoustic performance from Yoga and Friends blew the chill and became the soundtrack of that unforgettable night. EED Anthem was proudly sung Wanda and Gek Ta, the vocalists. the graduations clapped their hand. One of them whispered to his friend saying it's such a pity that Aries, the writer/composser of that anthem didn't attend the party. However, when the MC invited the graduation to present a special performance, one representative stepped into the stage and sang a special song that he wrote for his friends. He even brought the note to sing along with lyric. Besides, there was also a speech from graduation representative which was delivered by Putu Ayu Sutaningrat Puspa Dewi, and followed by the speech of

Putu Chintya Dewi as the representative of the student. In the middle of event, an award Grade Point Average of the year was achieved by I Gusti Agung Paramitha Eka Putri. On the later of the night, the event was completed by releasing the balloon of wish. The graduations were given a chance to write their wishes on the paper and stuck it into the balloon. The MC guided them to release the balloon into the sky while a surprising flame “Remember EED” was performed to show the climax of the event. The Head of Commitee, Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji described the event as the reflection of the past. “Farewell Party this year gains more attractiveness. It is because of a lot of ideas are well compiled into one such as the decoration of the stage, the flame of “Remember EED”, balloon of wish and the concept of the theme as well. It doesn’t mean that last year was bad, however we can reach to this point are also because of the reflection of the previous one. I hope next year would be much greater than this,” he said. (Heny Sayukti)

National English Olympiad (NEO) 2012 “Let Your Creation Burst!!” The National English Olympiad that took a theme “Let Your Creation Burst!” was successfully held on October, 13th 2012 in Seminar Room, Kampus Bawah, Ganesha University of Education. In its second year held in Bali, this event was conducted based on the cooperation among English Education Department of Ganesha University of Education and English Department of The State University of Malang. The committees for this event were the thirty representatives of Student’s Organization (HMJ) of EED itself. This event aimed at filtering all the 30 participants from all regions in Bali into the big two and later on, the winners will be sent to Malang to compete in quarter final and final round with the other participants from all regencies in Indonesia. The head of committee of this event was Made Jane Purnama, the third semester student from class IIIB. Coming also from the State University of Malang were Hari Prasetyo and Fuad, they were the representatives to supervise this event directly. This event was started from 07.00 AM till 16.00 PM .The second Vice of Dean in Faculty of Languages and Art, opened the event officially by the leathering of gong. Next agenda was the first preliminary round, in which the

participants were being distributed to classes where each class consisted of 8 till 10 participants only. After a very tense round, the participants were assembled again to seminar room. While waiting for the scores being checked and assessed by the committees, some of them were in charge in seminar room for playing a short animation movie as well as giving lunch to participants. When the checking session was finished, directly the moderator announced the big 15 who will continue their struggle on the next round. It is becoming tenser when it came to the second preliminary round; all of the participants seemed so serious in working on the test. After the test finished, Jessica Amizara, one of the participants from SMAN 1 Gianyar said that the test was so difficult but she had struggled hard to finish it. She hoped that she could pass this round and make it untill the next round in Malang. Eventually, there it came to the moment we all had been waiting for. Yup, it was the announcement of the two winners who later on will represent Bali to compete in the quarter and the final round. Tense situation and curiosity covered all people in seminar room. They were wondering, who would gain the golden ticket to Malang? While the

Photo: Committee's Archive

other committees were busy checking the participants’ works, the participants were enjoyed the spontaneous-acoustic live-performance from the committees. After the second checking session was finished, the committee directly sent the result to the moderator to be announced. There they were; I Gusti A.A Ari Krisnadevi as the 1st winner from SMAN 1 Singaraja and Alodia Ardianti Kurnia as the 2nd winner from SMAN 1 Denpasar. They were the winners of National English Olympiad in Bali regency that will compete on October 27th, 2012 in Malang. Big applauses were fulfilled the seminar room along

with the congratulation from all the committees. At last, the brief speech from Malang’s representatives ended the whole agendas of NEO as well as officially closed the event. Though not all of the participants can get through the quarter and final round in Malang but in this Olympiad they could get many benefits, experiences, and also new friends. We hope through this event it will also strengthen the silver line between UNDIKSHA and The State University of Malang. See you again next year in the next National English Olympiad. (Jane Purnama)




From Lovina to Las Vegas “I studied at English Education Department IKIP Singaraja because of one thing; I wanted to go to many countries,” Antariksawan Jusuf, a Program Manager of SportOne TV as well as the graduated student from beloved EED.


KIP Singaraja or which is now called as Ganesha University of Education was his choice to continue the study. Thirty thousand rupiah for life in a month was not enough for him to buy meals and books. Sometimes, he had to face the fact that he didn’t have any money. “So, every month I bought some kilograms of rice and soy sauce as the stock if I haven’t any money left,” Antariksawan said, who was inspired by a writer; Karl May. A son of ex-civil servant felt thankful to meet Prof. Drs. Sunaryono Basuki, Ks., MA who gave him an inspiration to write in mass media. Hence, he didn’t want to have a second thought in doing writing since it gave a big chance to earn some money. His first article was published in Gadis Magazine about how to remember words in English quickly. From that article, he could earn Rp 35.000,- for the first time. He said,” At that time, I treated my friends and bought them a traditional cake named ‘Janda Berhias’.” Yet, there was one obstacle for him; he had no typewriter. This brilliant man solved his problem by using his friend’s typewriter. He’s Ridwan Arshad, the only one student whose opinion was published in Kompas. It’s such a difficult thing to make it up till that level. From his friend, Antariksawan learned many things since he was inspired by Ridwan. At that time, Antariksawan also decided to attend a typing course for a month with 30 minutes per meeting. Painstakingly, he passed it with good remark; 65 taps per minutes. Using his ability, he could be more productive in writing. He published his articles in some media, such as Suara Karya, Simponi and Bali Post with fee Rp 3.000,- per articles. In a month, he could earn from Rp 9.000,up to Rp 15.000,-. Sometimes, he bought Ridwan tuna steak and drinks in Lovina when he got his fee and vice versa. Lovina was his place to feel “a foreign country” he dreamed. It also a memorable place where he confessed his love to Dayu Mas, a Balinese dancer as well as his junior. “But, I was rejected,” he told. In Lovina, he experienced an embarrassment where he asked Ridwan to find a native speaker for interview. Ridwan came into a restaurant over there then yelled,” Anybody speak English?” At that time, Antariksawan automatically became pale. The history about Lovina was unforgettable where friendship, love and dream mixed into one. He also felt helpful by visiting Lovina since he could enrich his vocabularies, so then used it as the idea for his article. But, the advantages of studying in Bali was, he could travelling

around with Ridwan and met many people. He ever interviewed a manuscript writer in Karangasem and sailor near Candi Dasa, covered with the cold weather in Kitamani and heard a story about monkey’s interaction in Pulaki. Thought they didn’t slept at luxurious hotel or ate at a restaurant, he felt so happy since travelling around Bali for this Banyuwangi man was a great thing. Attending some workshops at campus and being active in writing brought great advantages for him. A man who had ever lived with Hardiman and Jajang Suryana (now, they both are lecturer in Art Education Department-red) had an idea for his thesis and also led him to his job. A founder of Number One course with Ida Bagus Nyoman Udiana and Andang Kinaryo Adji was led to his first job as the journalist in Jakarta Jakarta Magazine. He could meet Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana and Rendra, experienced a flight to Ambon and went to Singapore for the first time. Then, he started the new life of journalism at Prancis Agence France Presse (AFP) where he learned two things; writing English and journalistic. But, as a journalist, there must be a sad time. He got a trauma at Dili, Timor Timur (Timor Leste-red). “I was hit by some demonstrator because they thought that I worked under Indonesian media.” Fortunately, Rector of University of Timor Timur saved his life. In 1995, he got a scholarship by European Commission (now European Union-red) to join a short course in Limburg University. Then, he worked to Deutcher Journalisten Schule Munchen, became a freelancer in West Deutscher Rundfunk TV in Cologne and in ARD Dusseldorf. Back to Indonesia, he worked at SCTV at Programming section. Yet, he still did what he loved so much; writing. Being a correspondent of Indonesia in Television Asia Magazine Singapore and a Television Bussiness International Magazine in London brought him to a new job in Lativi or now is TVOne. His dedication in writing made him got an appreciation. “In 1980, I was paid Rp 3.000,- per article. But, now they pay my article Rp 3.000,per word,” he said, excited. After a long journey, God answered what he dreamed about. In a year, he can travel around the world twelve times to many countries such as; Amsterdam, Amman, Bangkok, Biot, Brussels, Cannes, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Grand Canyon, Hanoi, Hongkong, Ingolstadt, Juan Le Pins, Kuala Lumpur, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Monaco, Munich, New York, Paris, Penang, Petra, Roma, San Remo, Salzburg, Senchen, Singapore,

Seoul, Shanghai, The Hague, and Wina. Now, he lived happily in a small family with his wife, Prastiwik Andayani and his three children. But, he never forgets to thank Almighty God for every bitter and sweet in his life. He, a man who had

Photo: Personal Archive

travelled from Lovina to Las Vegas, is inspiring every people surround him to be more successful in their live. (Arya Pramana)


Academic Seminar EED 2012

Key Success in Winning International Scholarship

“Only those who do strong effort will win the golden opportunity.” How do you feel whenever you know that one of your friends has won an international scholarship? You may be proud of the success achieved by your friend. Lack of enough information about international scholarship, college student’s low opportunity in gaining key success of it and great competition among themselves in winning the scholarship are reasons that made English Education Department held an Academic Seminar which had a theme “Key Success in Winning International Scholarship.” The speaker was one of the dedicated lecturer, Drs. I Gede Budasi, M.Ed, Dip. App. Ling. This annual event took place in Theater room, Faculty of Language and Art on Saturday, October 6th 2012. This seminar was attended by 130 participants who came as the representatives from each class of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th semester. “It’s quite different from last year. We

don’t present much about academiclearning-teaching-centered topic like becoming english tutor or about teaching. According to what happened in job opportunity nowadays, we raise information about international scholarship in order to help our friends to reach their dreams in pursuing education abroad. So, the graduation of EED is not only able to becoming a teacher but also competing in business, culture and tourism.” Angga Pradipta, the head of committee, said. After the opening ceremony finished, the agenda was continued with the material exposing by Budasi for at about 1.5 hours. In this seminar, there were at about 14 tips to help you in getting international scholarship. (Jane Purnama)




Lupa Endonesa “Forgetting Endonesa” Title Author Publisher ISBN Content

: Lupa Endonesa : Sujiwo Tejo : Bentang Pustaka : 978-602-8811-87-3 : 232 pages

We should be ashamed if we commit corruption. We should be ashamed if we behave inappropriately. We should be ashamed if we betray our own country.



olitics in Indonesia has already become a hot issue in society nowadays. Even it can be a line with the issues taken from infotainment or television serials. Politics has already influenced all sectors of people’s life. Economics, education, trade or even sports are already touched by the sense of politics. We can see that the track record of our football national team recently is not good. The leadership of PSSI split into two because of politics. There are so many problems in the world of politics in Indonesia nowadays and they are still related with the phenomena of collusion, corruption, and nepotism. “Politics in Indonesia is funny, even funnier than a comedy show” Thus above is one of the statements that have been covered as a message in

a book written by Sujiwo Tejo, a famous humanist in Indonesia. He is one of those who also aware of the political developments in our country. This is shown by his activities recently. This man, who was born with a real name Agus Hadi Sujiwo, is active in making tweets about politics phenomena on his official twitter, giving comments about government in one of the popular law talk show in television, performing traditional puppets with a story of politics, and also writing his own books. One of the books is Lupa Endonesa (Forgetting Endonesa). This book is in the form of story collections of puppets written by Sujiwo Tejo in Jawa Pos newspaper, which is known as “Wayang Durangpo” series. It consists of thirty short stories and most

of main characters of each story taken from the popular characters of folklore. Rama, Shinta, and Hanuman in the story of Ramayana, Pandawa and Kurawa in Mahabarata, until the local Javanese puppets characters like Petruk, Bagong, Semar, and Gareng can be found in this book. All kinds of characters, protagonists or antagonists are getting involved in the stories. Taking a point of the problems happened in the country which is called as Endonesa, in this book Sujiwo Tejo tried to write the shameful things about people in Indonesia who forget about their own country. With his implicit language and his ponokawan (the puppet characters from Java such as: Petruk, Bagong, Semar, and Gareng) as the main characters of the stories, Sujiwo satirize some well known figures in a smart way. This masterpiece is funny, but reasonable and some are true. The stories in this book do not just tell us about the politics figures, corruption, collusion, and nepotism in different ways, but it also tells us about the fact of the condition of society in Indonesia nowadays. One of it entitled “Wayang Tak Pernah Cuti di Hatiku” tells about furlough phenomena among the governmental institutions. We know that government has numbers of furlough days in the work calendar, usually when those effective days are exists between the national holidays. These furlough days are also applied in educational area, especially at schools. Implicitly Sujiwo Tejo criticizes this phenomenon. He, through his main character in this short story, wonders why there are so many furlough days which decrease the opportunity of students to learn more from their teachers. His opinions are presented of course in different and

funny ways. “Inti Bhagawad Gita adalah orang harus cinta sepenuh hati pada pekerjaannya”, tambah Petruk. “Cinta tak kenal pengorbanan. Ketika kamu mulai merasa berkorban, pada saat itu cintamu mulai meredup. Saking cintanya pada pekerjaan, seorang prajurit seyogyanya gugur di medan pertempuran. Dokter wafat saat mengobati, pelawak mati saat melucu. Guru meninggal berdiri di ruang kelas…” (page 171) “Cuti dan libur panjang itu memang berkah, terutama bagi orang-orang yang tidak mencintai pekerjaannya…”(page 172) The Durangpo puppets stories in this book are full with deep critics and valuable messages. Those who have knowledge about puppets or interested in this traditional cultures area will be satisfied with this book. Each story begins with the introduction of various puppet characters but finally the writer will smartly end it with deep and touching messages. This Sujiwo Tejo’s writings are full of the use Javanese Language which is explained by the foot note existing in the bottom of each page for every specific term used. Unfortunately, not all of the terms are explained clearly. This may make the reader who does not familiar with Javanese Language feel confused of reading it because there are some terms which cannot be understood. However, it will not highly decrease the amenities of reading this book. This book is specially recommended for those who are curious with the meaningful messages from the puppets of this famous puppeteer. Even more, it is also for anyone who still cares with Indonesia although they ever forget about this beloved country. (Indah Dewanti)


A Chat with Two European Ladies

Made Hery Santosa

Hooray! The weather’s fine today. It’s 22 Celsius degree and people looked happy; smiling with bright faces. And suddenly, I saw the juice stall in the Agora – a rendezvous place in the University – became crowded. I had to return some books I borrowed from the library as they’re already due. After placing the books via the returning booth, I walked back to my office. I passed two people vacuuming carpets on the Business Department when I saw two ladies wearing black shirts approaching. One was wearing a black shirt and the other one came with an attractive ornamental bling. From their look, I think they are European; much more mature than me. As I didn’t know them, I just kept walking. Down there, at the garden near David Myers building, colorful flowers were fully blossoming in this lovely


you mean?”

Suddenly, after I walked a few steps, one of the women said, “Hey, you inspired me!”

“You came to our class last time and gave a talk,” said one of them.

I stopped. “Who are they?” I asked myself.

“Oh, I am sorry, which class?” I just did not quickly grasp their talk. I need to ensure myself as I just recently gave talks in two classes. One was in a Masters’ degree class on pedagogical principle and the other one was to Australian undergraduate students learning Indonesian.

I don’t quite remember I’ve met them. I looked around, there were only three of us in this place. I was confused. “Yeah, you’re right.” Her friend, the one who wore the bling, seemed to affirm. I bet I looked silly because I kept looking around to make sure they were talking to either themselves or someone else. Then, one of the women pointed at me and said, “Yes, you. We’re talking about you.” I turned myself and walked to get to them. I said, “Sorry, I don’t get it. What do

“It’s the Pedagogical Principle class. Your talk was very good!,” they smiled. *** Then, I remembered. I went to a class with my supervisor and a research fellow from Saudi to share some of my experiences learning in a Western context. Knowing that

most of the students come from the International context, I tried to share something common, such as the issues of being autonomous and the urge to critically think on particular ideas and matters. I understand that, like me, coming from a didactic learning context could be challenging when learning is expected to be student-centered in an active engagement. Beside that, I didn’t forget to share the fun part! Joining important activities that may support one’s professional development can be one of them. As for me, activities, like teaching students learning Indonesian, organizing events in the Indonesian students’ association, participating in the Youth Summit ASEAN Forum, competing in the 3-minute thesis presentation, or attending various religious events were some of my highlights. I

understand that others would likely to have different activities and ways, for sure. The point is that anyone can do any activities that will help them to be more rounded. *** “Oh, thank you. I was only sharing my experience, though” I smiled at them. “Well, we actually learned a lot from you. We found things you shared were inspirational!” they replied, full of excitement. The next thing, we cheered up and gave each other high fives!

This story was written as a personal reflection on SumpahPemuda. “To be inspired is great, to inspire is incredible!” -Anonymous




Winner of Short Story Competition of English Week 2012

THE ONE WHO HOLDS THE KEY Desak Gede Chandra Widayanthi

“Mom,” she calls. Her big round eyes wink beautifully. I turn my head and she speaks again. “Where’s my Dad?” Hearing that question, I cannot hide that I’m trembling, shocked. “Why are you asking, my dear?” “It’s not me who are asking, but my friends,” she answers. “Just tell them that your father is an angel and he lives in your heart.” “I’ve told them that, Mom. But they keep calling me a liar, a dreamer.” Oh my dear, stop asking that question to me. Stop doing that, my dear. Don’t you think having only me is enough for your life?

smiling. She has no fear. She is throwing her eyes around. Her smile becomes wider after finding me in the sea of people. She starts reading the poem, by all of her soul. “I often ask mother, ‘Where’s father?’ She said he’s in my heart. She said he is an angel so he doesn’t live on earth. I try to believe. But I feel, I have had everything, because mother has the key for us to be all we want to be.”

“I love you,” you said. I trusted you. I trusted you since what you’d said was all I wanted you to say. “Why don’t you answer? Do you love me?” “Yes, I love you,” There’s no reason not to love you. “Thank you,” you said. Then you were kissing my forehead, cheeks, then my lips. I was closing my eyes. I wanted the times would freeze for erasing the end of this joy. “Mom, I have homework.” “What is it about, my dear?” but she doesn’t answer right away. Instead, she is opening her new drawing book and blinking those beautiful eyes. She wants to make me curious. She wants me to be curious, so I repeat my question, “What is it about, my dear?” “Teacher asked me to write a poem, Mom,” she smiles. I reply her smile with another smile. “Wow, you’ve got a really huge home work. What will the poem about?” “She asked me to write about my parents. About mom, and also about Dad.” “About mom? And also Dad?” I am hiding my true feeling behind my fake smile. Oh, my poor child. “Yes, Mom. The best poem will be read in the school anniversary.” “Oh, really?” “Yes. And you know what? The parents will be invited!” Her eyes are shining. Her lips are blooming from ear to ear. I know this expression very well. It is the expression of joy. I’ve been falling into you deeply. I felt this was a true love that I’d been looking for. You’re a father who erased all the fear. You’re an older brother who always lent me a shoulder. You’re a child who needed me and my hug. You’re a friend who I needed to share all the pain and gain. You’re the one who holds the key of the world that accepted me as a woman. “Let it off. Let it off, make it only for me,” you said. I was listening and expanding my limit that had covered myself for long. I believe you’re the one who holds the key of my world. You said that I was the one who holds the key of yours. I let those sheets that protected my sacred body were taken away by your warm hands. I let my purity became your joy. I let you doing everything you want. Did you love me as your world since I let you become mine?

illustration: Heny Sayukti

When I was one-and-twenty I heard a wise man say, “Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.” But I was one-and-twenty, No use to talk to me. ….* “Mom! Mom!” she calls. She is running as fast as she can. Her hair is dancing with the wind, so is her little pink backpack. “Mom! Mom!” She tries hard to manage her heart beat. She is tired but happy. It must be extremely important news that she holds, something very precious that can be written in the journal of her life. I am waiting with all my patience, with all my passion. “Mom, teacher said my poem is the best! It is great, isn’t it?” she said cheerfully. “Wow! You are my smart little princess. I’m proud of you.” I pinch her cheeks. Her cheeks are painted with the color of twilight. Beautiful. Beautiful. She laughs. She opens her backpack immediately and gives me an envelope. “Congratulation, Mom! You are invited to see your princess reading the best poem in the world. Mom will come to the school anniversary to see me, won’t you?” Oh God, those eyes are stars. Don’t let her life’s scratched by any scars.

or anger, or regret. “I am pregnant,” I repeated, “by you.” You shook your head. “How can I know that something in your stomach is mine?” Your question was like a curse for me. How dare you are! “No. That’s not mine.” Then you left me, and disappear. Don’t you ever know that your leaving gives a true torture for me? I have nowhere to go. I begged my mother not to throwing me, her dirty daughter, away from home. I am not just a girl without a lover. I am a mother without any husband. I grow my child up without you, the father. My joy of turning into a Mom is an ironic. Ironic.

“I am pregnant.” I used all the braveness in me to deliver the news to you. However, nothing I could catch from your face. There was no surprise there. There was no sadness,

I come to the anniversary as my princess told me to. After waiting for a moment, she appears from the backstage with her turquoise little dress. She is

… When I was one-and-twenty I heard him say again, “The heart out of the bosom Was never given in vain; ‘Tis paid with sighs a-plenty And sold for endless rue.” And I am two-and-twenty, And oh, ‘tis true, ‘tis true.*

That’s how a child with simple things hits adults. All the audiences are clapping their hands. “She’s my child! She’s my child!” I said to a woman who sits next to me. She brings more than happiness. She brings me life. She brings me a world. When the night comes, when the loneliness greets me nicely, I start missing you again. You are a true disease that cannot be healed by any doctors. You are a thorn which is hiding in the pore of my brain. I miss you. I miss you so I write a letter for you. I need a friend to talk to, and who I need is still you. I write it in my loneliness. Our princess has been asleep. “My dear, our princess has been able to write poem. She starts becoming like her father, like you. She may have a plan to be a poet, just like you. Do you know what does she write in her poem? She writes that I have the key of her world. She doesn’t know, it was not me but her, the one who holds the key. My dear, when she turns into a lady, I will tell her a secret. I will make her realizes that she has a sacred things. She must keep it just like a queen keeping the crown. She will be a queen, a great queen.” I put the letter between the pages of my old book. There are plenty of letters there. Yes, I keep writing them for you. However, today I feel it is enough. It is enough. The letters will never be sent to you. All I need is her, no other else, even you, my dear. I don’t need anyone else. I touch my princess’s hair softly. I want to send a wonderful dream to her sleep. “The one who keeps the key of your world is only you, my dear. Don’t ever trust anyone else. Don’t ever.” I whisper. The princess is sleeping but I know she’s listening to me through her dream. … Wings from the wind to please her mind, Notes from the lark I’ll borrow; Bird, prune thy wing, nightingale, sing, To give my love good morrow. To give my love good morrow, Notes from them all I’ll borrow. …**

*taken from a poem by A.E Housman entitled When I was One-And-Twenty **taken from a poem by Thomas Heywood entitled Pack, Clouds, Away




First Runner Up of Short Story Competition of English Week 2012


Luh Ayu Purnayatri

People say time flies, they are right. I was a little bit surprised when I realized that it had been three years since the last time I met her. I close my eyes, imagining her sweet face. Long black hair, a pair of brown eyes, perfect-shaped eyebrows, rosey cheeks, pointed nose, thin lips, a small mole about one centimeter under the right eye, hmmmm she was perfect. It is 1 a.m, I should have been asleep, but here I am, sitting on a white couch in my living room. Today is supposed to be her 21st birthday. I wonder how she would look if she were still alive. She would be more beautiful I guess. My lips curve a sad smile as I take a thick book from my lap and hug it tightly, hoping it was her instead of her diary, “I miss you, Cassandra.” ****** January 1, 2009 Happy new year! I never wrote a diary before so I don’t know how and what to write. Hm.. first of all I would like to say thank you to my best friend, Vina, for giving me the cutest diary ever. No, no, wait. It was too formal. I am not writing a thesis, am I? I am too excited now. There are so many words dancing in my head, they are racing to be the first one to be eternalized on you. Where should I begin? Well, today I hung out with the best boy in the world, Andika. We went together for the first time in ages! Finally he had time to go out with me, but we had a little fight because we wanted to go to different places. I wanted to go to the beach, but he said beaches were boring and he prefered zoo. We quarreled on our supposed to be special date! I thought hard how to win the argument and then a genius idea came into my mind. I said that I would do his Mathtematics homework if he agreed to go to the beach, he predictably nodded his head! Yippy, I won! We went to a beach not far from my house. Oh God, it was so crowded! We then walked away from the crowd along the seashore. Feeling tired, we sat on the sand about one meter in front of the maximum reach of the waves. He pulled me closer to him and I put my head on his shoulder. He caressed my head, ohh I can still feel his touch. I looked up at him and our eyes met. Those eyes, those beautiful eyes that made me fall in love with him. He looked at me deeply and his face got closer. I was like hypnotized. I was paralized. I could do nothing but closing my eyes and enjoying the sentation after his soft lips landed on mine. It was our first kiss!! Andika was my crush in senior high school. I admired him secretly. I prayed day and night that he would be mine, but he didn’t even know I existed. He didn’t, until one day Cassandra introduced him to me. He told me Andika was her boyfriend. My heart burned. I tried to smile and say congratulation, but I was dying inside. Since that time I didn’t talk to her. I hated her. She got everything that I wanted. Perfect family, beauty, popularity, and then Andika. Her life was perfect and I really wished I had been in her shoes. How would it feel to be her? I shook my head, trying to kick the thought out of my mind. I then turn the page and continue reading her diary. January 7, 2009 What is happening to Vina? She acted so strangely today! She didn’t talk to me at school and she didn’t pick my call. I am so confused, diary. I am feeling so

didn’t pick up. She is still angry with me. I called Andika, but his cellphone was turned off. I was in a very bad shape. Not only headache, but also influenza, fever, cough, and other minor illnesses. My parents took me to Hospital to have a full check up and even ELISA test! It was so ridiculous, right?! Tears fall from my eyes. I was the worst friend ever. How could I be that cruel? She suffered in her own! I stayed away from her when she needed me the most. April 7, 2009 God, tell me it is not true! Tell me it is just a lame joke! The result came. It can’t be true! There must be a mistake somewhere! I can’t be suffering from HIV! I don’t do drugs and I never have sex! I don’t have to be scared, right? I read on google that ELISA test is not very accurate. It needs to be done atleast two times to get the accurate result. I will go to hospital and do that test again, but diary, I am afraid, what if the result is true?

illustration: Heny Sayukti

lonely. We used to talk everytime but now she is like a stranger. She was normal this morning, she seemed happy as usual. I thought it was the best time to tell her about Andika. Her reaction wasn’t like what I expected. She did say congratulation, but insincerely, I could feel it. Is she angry because I didn’t tell her sooner? Does she feel betrayed because I never told her that I already have a boyfriend? NO! My best friend is not like that! I shouldn’t think that way. My heart skips a bit. I never knew I could be that cruel. She did nothing wrong. She was the perfect partner for Andika. I wanted to apologize, but my egoistic feeling didn’t allow me. I couldn’t bear the pain of seeing her with him. January 14, 2009 One week passed and she still didn’t talk to me. I don’t know what I should do to get my best friend back. I really miss her. Anyway today I got very a painful headache. Mother asked me not to go to school, but I didn’t want to miss my favorite class, English. I forced myself to walk and when I arrived at school, that headache disappeared magically. Maybe because I met Andika, hehe. This is it, the beginning of the twist of her life.

February 6, 2009 I don’t know what is happening to me. That damn headache comes and goes as it pleases. I have gone to doctor and took medicine, but it gets worse and it comes more often. I wish Vina were here, I really need to talk to her. I need her to comfort me. I also wish I had been there to comfort her, if only I hadn’t been that egoistic. March 17, 2009 I went to doctor, again, maybe for the 4th time this month. My headache gets worse and worse and I get tired easily. What is going on? Am I suffering from a deadly disease like Ikeuchi Aya in Ichi Ritorru no Namida? No, no... I don’t want to die young. March 18, 2009 I felt much better today after sleeping for straight 8 hours. I laughed hard when I read what I wrote yesterday. Haha, I am not gonna die young. I still have long long way to go. I will continue studying at an elite university, I will get married with Andika, we will have two children-a daughter and a son-, we will watch our children grow up until they make their own family, we will see our grandchildren, and then we can leave this world peacefully. March 19, 2009 That headache came again this morning. It was painful as hell. It didn’t let me go to school. I tried to call Vina, but she

April 8, 2009 My parents took me to hospital again. They talked to the doctor, “My daughter doesn’t do drugs and she is against free sex, how could she.....?” my mother didn’t continue her sentence, she cried and so did I. That doctor told us that HIV can be transfered through blood transfusion. I suddenly remembered that three years ago I met with an accident and I lost a lot of blood. Could it be? I cried harder and father tried to comfort me. He said he would take me to the best hospital, he said I would be cured, but I knew he lied. There is no cure for HIV/AIDS, I will surely die. I called Andika and told him everything, but he blamed me. He said I was not a good girl. He said I had sex with many boys so that I suffer from this bloody disease! I tried to explain what actually happened, but he didn’t want to listen. He broke up with me. I am so hopeless now. I lost everything, everything..... Vina, where are you?I need you so bad. I can’t stand the pain alone. A flashback comes vividly into my head. I remember it was Thursday, Cassandra had been absent for four days. I was so worried since I often saw her feeling unwell in class. I killed the hatred within me and I walked to her house after school. “Vina...” I heard someone calling my name. I turned back and I saw

to be continued to the next page......




Cassandra’s mother. I could spot sadness on her expression. She then took me to Cassandra’s room. I knocked the door slowly. My head was so busy arranging words to apologize, that I didn’t realize she had opened the door. “Vina!!!” she screamed and hugged me tightly. I felt my shoulder wet, she cried! “What happened to you?” I asked anxiously. She was the strongest girl that I’d ever known. The sight of her crying just didn’t feel right. She looked down and told me about her disease while crying. I was so shocked. “You gotta be kidding me! I know I was so cruel not talking to you, but this is too much Sandra! Your joke is too silly! It is like you tell me the sun rose from west!” She didn’t answer, she cried even harder. “Tell me you are acting!” I cried out, “It is not funny at all!”

“No Vina, I am not acting. I am telling the truth. I will die soon.” “Shut up! Even if you really suffer from HIV, you will not die soon! You still have years to live. Who knows someone will find the cure soon? You have to survive.” She shook her head, “No. I can’t bear the pain. Sooner or later people will know about my disease. They will give me disgust look. They will gossip about me and my family. I can’t let it happen.” She held my hands and looked into my eyes, “Vina, could you do something for me?” “I’d do anything for you Sandra.” “Please forgive me for not being a good friend and please take care of my parents.” “What are you saying?” I couldn’t hide the shock in my voice. “Vina, I knew why you didn’t talk to me. You like that boy, right? I am sorry for not being a good friend. I was too egoistic, I am so sorry. Maybe this is karma for me.” She hugged me again and

she wishpered in my ears, “Please take care of my parents, treat them as your own parents.” “What do you mean?” She smiled, “They are getting older and I won’t be able to takecare of them.” We talked for a couple of hours. She told me that Andika had broken up with her. I never thought Andika was that kind of boy. He should have supported and motivated Cassandra! I tried my best to entertain her. I told her everything would be okay. I then went home after promising her that I would visit her again. I turn the page and I arrive at the last page of her diary.

My tears fall unavoidably. I remember it was about 9p.m when Cassandra’s mother called me and she told me that Cassandra, my best friend, ended her life by drinking poison. I never thought that it would be the last time we met. I regretted letting her suffer alone. If only I could turn back the time. I miss you a lot Cassandra, you were the best friend in my life and I wish you were still here, with me, so we could take care of your parents together. I close her diary then I look at an old clock hanging on the wall, “Four o’clock.” It’s time to sleep. I go to my bedroom, I open a chest and put Cassandra’s diary there, “See you next year.”

April 9, 2009 Who was the author of Cinderella? Who was the author of sleeping beauty? I want to complain! True love does not exist! There is no live happily ever after!

Second Runner Up of Short Story Competition of English Week 2012

BLUE Try to live your life in my body; I got a body inside my body. Try to step with my feet; it’s heavy like you are carrying a turtle in your belly. Try to dress yourself with an enormous belly and look ridiculous, than live life with shame. I’m Liz Pope. I was raised in a strict religious family which is almost like an Amish.My father is a preacher; Mom is a religious woman who gets mad at someone that doesn’t thank God for every meal; and I am their only child. I go toSt. MaryAll-Girl Catholic Schoolfor all my life and pretty much lived there. Somehow, I felt like living behind bars. I never know about boys except my Father, Grandpa, and Jesus. I never know what is going on in the outside world. You know, I’m always wondering how it will be if I live in the city, how it will be if I know lots of guys, and how I’m going to be if I’m not a religious person. At school, everyone knows me as the lacrosse team captain. Lacrosse is the only sport I knew here. We don’t really have a lot of sports here, because our neighborhood is a little remote and a bit far from the civilization. It is a sure thing that being the team captain makes me popular either between the students and the teachers. But being popular doesn’t mean that I have a bunch of good friends. I’m not good at making friends and I don’t really like to have a lot of friends. Basically, I am such a loner and introverted person. Only God is my best friend and he knows everything about me, inside and out. About school, I am too obsessed with my grades. I had never received grades below A-. I don’t want people to judge me that just because I’m far from civilization I am retarded. I love everything about school; the old building, the barn, the dusty library, even the big old willow tree behind the dorm. The sad thing is that I only have one year left in this school. Most people I heard after finishing high school is to look out

Ni Kadek Venny Chrisna Dewi

illustration: Heny Sayukti

for higher education. But not in my school, not even for me. Every St. Mary’s graduates are prepared to be nuns with no exception. I never understand why us, why do we have to be a nun? Why can’t we go to college and be normal like anyone else? We’re just a bunch of kids that always think about how to have some fun by annoying the sisters here, sticking glue in the teacher’s seat, or just simply be a Judas. I never wanted to be a nun. I want to be an accountant. I want to be a teacher. I want to get married and have tons of children. I want to be a stay-at-home Mom and knit thousands of sweaters and cook casserole every day.

*** “Sister Eloise, may I come in?” “Sure! Come and have a seat, my precious. What can I do for you?” Sister Eloise, the school nurse, welcomed me with her big generous smile. “Um… nothing. Actually, I’m going to ask you something. But can you keep a secret?” I’m a bit reluctant to tell Sister Eloise. I’m afraid that she would be mad.“Oh, honey. Is something wrong with you?” “Oh, no, Sister. I’m fine. It’s just… Do you think that I could go out to the city? I’m just curious. Honestly, I’m tired of being here all the time.”

“Well, I just can’t give you permission, that’s not what I do. But if it is important that you have to meet somebody in town, maybe I could take you there,” she shrugs. “Really? That’s very nice of you sister,” I jump on her, and hug her tight until she can’t breathe.“Whoa, easy there, girlie. But can you keep a secret?” “Yeah! Sure!” and we both are laughing. We laugh happily that Sister Eloise doesn’t know that I’m carrying a burden, in my belly. *** That was St. Valentine’s Birthday when the whole school went to Cathedral in the town. We were all dressed up in pink to celebrate love. I was too excited going outside the school. I got the chance to see crowds which is the rarest thing in my place. My two roommates, Rachel and Kimberley, and I decided to sneak out from the group. We had enough money to explore the town and joined the group again before six in the evening. We went to a convenient store and bought some snacks that we have never seen before like gummy bears, tortilla chips, and soda. Those foods were banned in our school for the sake of our healthiness. We went to watch movie – that I didn’t even know the title – just to have fun. Rachel asked me to buy some weed to smoke, because I look older than they were. I managed to get three pot cigars for fifteen dollars though my heart was about to stop working. We smoked it out at a public toilet and we got so high.I didn’t know that there were three guys about our age were checking me out thoroughly if Kim didn’t tell. From head to toe, they didn’t miss a thing. I encouraged myself to get close to them though Rachel and Kimberley forbade me. I didn’t listen to my friends. Instead,

to be continued to the next page......

SHORT STORY I walked to where the guys stayed and they asked me to come with them. I was too high that I let them touch my body parts. I even ‘welcomed’ them by releasing my coat when we arrived at one of those guys’ place. Yeah, I didn’t even know their names. They deflowered me. *** Sister Eloise and I are driving to town. She said that she wants to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine for the school clinic. I told her to drop me off near the church to meet my friend and she believes it. I’m actually looking for a gynecologist. I know that I have something in my belly. Not just butterfly, but something bigger, something that they call a baby. I walked through the block and find a small hospital. I check out the parking lot to make sure that Sister Eloise is not here. Oh, thank God she isn’t. I found out that the gynecologist room is the one that I’ve been staring at the whole time I’m in the hospital. “Excuse me, doctor… Betsey Johnson?” I knock and peek through the open door. I see a brunette lady about my mother’s age but older by face. “Yes, it’s Betsey Johnson. Can I help you, young lady?” she replies while looking at me with her glasses on her nose. “Yes. Um, hi, I’m Liz Pope. It’s nice to meet you, doctor. I need you to do

THE SPLASH | JANUARY 2013 something for me though,” I say straight to the point to ask her to do me a favor. “Well, yeah, as long as it is about your health, I’ll do my best. Now, what is it, young lady?” “I need you to check on my belly. I don’t have butterflies on my belly, right? Because I always feel sick every morning and I crave for dark chocolate whereas in fact, I hate chocolate. My biology teacher once teach about women’s anatomy and said that those are the pregnancy symptoms,” I tell everything that she may need. “Oh, young lady, what a naïve person you are. Yes, you were right about the symptoms. You must be very good at school. Now, the case is, a woman could not be pregnant if there is no man impregnating her. The question is, have you had sexual intercourse before, sweetheart?” the doctor is very nice to me. She probably doesn’t want to shock me about whether or not I’m pregnant. “Yes, I have. I was raped…” I start crying. “Please, doctor. I need your help. Please let this… thing, out of my body! I’m not ready. I’m prepared to be a nun, not a mom! Give me back my virginity,” I can’t help but screaming inside the doctor’s office. “Oh, dear. Stop being upset. It’s dangerous for you and your child. Compose yourself, dear,” she hugs me to calm me down. But I try to loosen up her

tight hug. “Oh, I don’t care. I just want this thing out from my body, no matter what! Will you help me… or not?”She can’t say anything but a nod. She agrees to help me out, but I have to be in a calm state of mind, otherwise it’s going to be dangerous for me. I thank her than leave the office with tears running down my face. *** It’s been five months after my visit to the gynecologist. I suppose to let this baby out around the first trimester, but I can’t get myself out from this school. Now is the summer holiday and the senior students could choose either to stay at the dorm or going back home. I obviously can’t go back home with this baby bumpbecause my father would preach me to death. I stay at the dorm and try as much as I could to hide my belly. I know that some girls are suspicious about why my belly is bloated; about why I chose to quit the lacrosse team; about why I sneak to the school kitchen to take some foods out of the fridge quite often. It’s humiliating. I ask Sister Eloise to take me to the town again and she agrees. On the way there, she is a bit suspicious about why I wear a thick coat during hot weather but I manage to distract her to talk about something else. She asks me to talk to her if I have any problems, but I tell her that I’m okay. And again, she

believes me. Oh, dear Lord, forgive me for I have sin. There again, at the same room, with the same scent, but with different occasion. I’m facing near-death situation right now. Operating theater is not as great as I think before. It scares me. I stare at the bright lamp above me until I fall asleep. I dream about giving birth to a beautiful daughter with my husband beside me – a husband that deflowers me with love – not like those street bastards that only knows about the satisfaction of having sex. “Oh, Hi Liz. Your baby’s out now. You’re not going to be a Mom,” Doctor Johnson greets me from my sleep. “Thank you, Doc. Can you please keep this as a secret?” she looks sad, but she nods at the same time. “Yes, dear. Of course.” *** You know, sometimes being an obedient God’s lamb is exhausting. You have to stay out of trouble. You have to obey His words. I have to admit that my life is boring no one would ever have mine. My life is black and white.But the sin I have made, has already added a color in my life. Blue.


I Guess That I Have Fallen In Love with You by Ni Wayan Sugitariani

Several times ago, I often go to see you I learn many things from you I learn about grammar, I learn about vocabularies, I learn to solve questions, And I also learn about love Every day at that time Every hour I spent only to see you Every hour I spent just for be with you You were holding my hand when you and I were in the same place Only you and I were there. I felt my heart beat while you held my hand so strong. Your eyes that looked at me, made me froze. I feel that my heart still beat every time I remember it. I guess that I have fallen in love with you

And the last... Not a Land of Surrender by Chintya D

And the earth was without form and void Here and now, the haar soaked into me Like a fine rain Close the eyes, you will find dark Then, it’s not the worst As you found out yourself illuminate It’s a land of silk and tea Or a milk and honey Awaken the mind without fixing it anywhere A land with a gate to nowhere Only it is You and your gateless gate Walk and walk


by Pande Putu Resita Wulan Prabhawati

I am not blushing as red in spring I am not grey as clouds in autumn Yet, there’s a bee which makes me red and grey It mows me with its flower dust Yet, it also teases me with its sting I am not cold and white as winter I am not yellow and warm as summer Yet, there’s a bee which makes me cold and white then yellow and warm It seduce me with its wings Yet, it also hurt me with its anger Oh, which is right? Can’t I choose red without grey? Oh, which is wrong? Can I only yellow and warm without cold white? And the last Nothing’s right Nothing’s wrong And the last The bee weeps for my way back to the true home Without never own... Singaraja, 21 Februari 2012.




Illustration: Heny Sayukti

In Front Of You

by Ni Wayan Sugit

Are we there yet?


I saw you’re in fro nt of me I saw you’re talkin g in front of me I saw you’re smilin g in front of me When I froze in front of you

by Kadek Sonia Piscayanti

are we there yet? no, we are nowhere we dont even move a step from where we were, and we are still now here the same circle

But now, you’re no

t in front of me an ymore

I felt your breath is blowing to my face I felt your hand is holding my hand When I sat in fro nt of you But no one is doing

are we there yet to a place where we supposed to be

anything to me an ym

ore I heard what you were always sayin g to me I listened what yo u were always tal king to me But I can't do it an ymore

no, we are not there yet will you still be my side to be there it seems to me that it still far away from our reach it does not even give us a clue where to go you cant even read marks and signs and if you do i dont feel your reading is true i have my own readings

I just wanna to as k you, what shou ld I do? Where can I find you? Could I say to yo u that I miss you?

What I Need is Time ri Mahardika by I Gusti Made Ga

ded forward My cool winds fa left me coward For its companion e be small m t Image of you le ll ne drove me to fa sto as g To be stron twinkle es ey ur yo e rv se to Beyond my reach pain to tackle Cause it burst to ng ki wa e To avoid m elf blowing its nd wi “dear” in calm e th t And le dumb yet saying e m ed pp tra ar t of time, and your This immortal sc me time, yes, a bi so e, tim is ed ne Dear, what I goodbye mime.

yet you dont seem to believe my readings how could i ensure you you are away too confident and dependent on your beliefs you are away too proud about yourself then how are we now? are we there yet? no... look, the clue has now come and gone and we are still debating ourselves and it seems to me our point has become farther and farther for us to travel both...

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