The Splash_Edition 7_May 2011

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The Splash | MAY 2011


ducation, E f o y it rs e iv n U f Ganesha of Education y it rs e iv n U a h s • LUSTRUM o d the Gane in h e b s ie lt u c a F orship” W is • 6 Great g in rk o W “ e Sutama: d a M I r. D f. ro P • ack to 70’s B : 1 1 0 2 g n ri e th • Social Ga , New Look s e s u p m a C w e • Glory: N

e r t n e c s t r a l a it ig d & bali multimedia


The Splash | MAY 2011


The Splash | MAY 2011

Chief editor Kadek Sonia Piscayanti S. Pd., M.Pd


Undiksha’s Next Big Thing


Executive Editor Drs. I Wayan Suarnajaya, M.A., Ph.D


“Working is Worship”

Social Gathering 2011

Editors: Drs. I Wayan Japa, M.Hum. IGA Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd Putu Eka Dambayana, S.Pd., M.Pd I Nyoman Pasek Adi Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd Lay Out: Herry “C” Sucahya Ferry Sudantara Staffs: Desak Made Indah Dewanti Komang Yudistira Adi Nugraha Ratna Rima Asti Mawar Nurjannah I Putu Arik Budiarsana Dodo Ivana Quiko I Gusti Ngurah Arya Pramana Putra Ayu Karlina Dewi Hari Setia Hati Ria Rarasati Pande Resita Wulandari Ayu Sunaryati Ni Luh Juniati Ratih Ni Kadek Suartini Ni Komang Ferelawati Gusti Ayu Santika Dewi Putu Agus Endra Susanta Wahyu Priantini Ni Wayan Adnyani Gede Alit Wijaya Saputra Rimba Walmiki Publisher HMJ English Education Department


Android vs Blackberry


LUSTRUM of Ganesha University of Education, A Step to be Professional and Unified


The Splash | MAY 2011



ecently, Undiksha has three projects proposed to the Government, two of those projects have successfully accepted, and one of those is BMDAC. BMDAC is a campus that stands under Ganesha University of Education in corporation with ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and Sangmyung University in South Korea. BMDAC stands for Bali Multi Media Digital Art Centre, said the chair person Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.S; Ph.D is a golden way for Undiksha to be known in Asia. As we see now, Indonesia is still lack of human resources; therefore we need to improve our education to be better. Undiksha, ITB and Sangmyung University are three big powers meet together. Undiksha is a university that has produced many teachers as well as other profesional workers. ITB is the best University on Science and ICT (Information Communication and Technology). Sangmyung University from South Korea already has an international standard. Those three institutions are set up together by the government to establish the BMDAC project. This campus will be built in Gerokgak in 2013 with 100 hectares land provided by our government.

As the next Undiksha’s big thing, BMDAC has several purposes to make a balance the development between the north and south Bali. As we know, the southern part of Bali is famous for its tourism. A lot of tourists prefer to go to south Bali rather that north Bali and a lot of Balinese people prefer to work in South Bali rather than North Bali. If we see, South Bali is the main destination of the tourists. Being the capital city of Bali, Denpasar was just like a city with a very heavy burden. This kind of phenomenon shows that South Bali is the destination of many people to work so the economic development of South Bali is more developed than North Bali. Here, BMDAC as the result of South Korea and Indonesia’s cooperation take an action to increase job vacancies in North Bali

as well as increasing the economic development in North Bali. Actually, North Bali already has resources to develop its economy. North Bali has a lot of tourism objects, hotels, and resorts. And in a short time, North Bali will have an airport. Meanwhile, South Bali has a role as the International Tourism Destination, North Bali

will have the role as the International Education Destination because as we know the student of BMDAC is not only student from Indonesia but also from all over the world. The other purpose is Undiksha want to develop a multi-campus. Undiksha already has 4 campuses, first is campus in Udayana, second is campus in Ahmad Yani, third is campus in Jatayu, and fourth is campus in Pegok, Denpasar. And soon, Undiksha will build the new campus in Jinengdalem. By having several campuses for different purposes, Undiksha expects to have an international standard in education and provides better human resources. Some people may curious of the reason underlies the plan of building an ICT campus rather than a public campus. Education is something that relates to ICT, everyone needs technology, not only for working but also

for communicating. According to Dr. Muderawan, technology is very important nowadays and many people

are quite depending on technology. ICT has become a trend for people today. It can be seen from the need of some children of technology by elementary students. They use cell phone to communicate and some of them cannot be separated from the technology in electronic game as play station or PSP. There are no traditional games exist in our environment today. In this case, one of BMDAC’s purpose is to make those traditional games exist again through technology. Bali is famous of its cultures and also arts. It makes our government start to think how to make Balinese culture and art can be learnt easily at school. The often reason why Bali was chosen as the best place to build BMDAC is because


The Splash | MAY 2011 Bali as the most visited island and the tourism destination. There will be three faculties available in BMDAC. The first faculty is Faculty of Information System and Technology, which will have seven departments. Those seven depart-

Dr. Muderawan said BMDAC is a golden way for Undiksha to be known in Asia. ments are: Department of Informatics Manager, Education in IT, Electronic Technology, GIS (Geographic Information System), Software Engineering, Database, and Network and Telecommunication. The second faculty is Faculty of Multimedia which will has five departments. Graphic, Cartoon, Animation, Digital Content, and Game Department. The third faculty is Faculty of Digital Arts. There are six departments under this faculty, they are Department of Education in Fine

Art, Culture and Art Management, Digital Image, Music Technology, Theater and Film, and Design. Besides those three faculties, there will be a possibility for this campus to have one faculty, more possible faculty, that is Faculty of Marine.

be a lot of problems and obstacles. The first problem is the human resources. All of the staffs of BMDAC should fulfill the international standard requirements. Start from the lecturer. BMDAC need lecturers who have good skill in ICT yet able to speak English fluently

According to the plan to build this new campus, Undiksha has done several steps to build this BMDAC. After doing several meetings with the representatives of Sangmyung University and made an MoU and also discussed it with the local goovernment in Buleleng, finally in 2010 Undiksha did Pre Feasibility Study. In 2011, Undiksha will do the Feasibility Study. The result of this study will be sent to Dikti and Kemendiknas. And after that, it will be sent to Bappenas to prove that the vital project to build this campus is accepted. In 2012, the plan to build the infrastructure will be realized. And in the year of 2013, the construction of this BMDAC will be started. But, to realize this plan, there must

in order to teach many students from all over the world. Undiksha for sure cannot provide high quality of human resources as it is required and needed, so, according to Prof Muderawan, the other ways they can do are by inviting lecturers from overseas, making staff exchange with some universities in Indonesia and also other country. Undiksha also need to increase the hospitality of every staffs that will be employeed in BMDAC. Finally, in the future, Dr. Muderawan hopes that during the first year of BMDAC open, more people will be more aware of BMDAC, so we can bring success together for BMDAC and of course for our people. Rara & Chintya


The Splash | MAY 2011


The Splash | MAY 2011

English Contest


SOCIAL GATHERING 2011 The Most Awaited Moment!


he biggest event held by EED passed. With the new and fresh theme, “Back to 70s”, all of the members of English Education Department were very enthusiastic to join the series of event to celebrate anniversary of EED. In the first day, Sport Day opened series of event with a glorious opening ceremony. There was something new in this great event; hundreds people who came first would get colorful balloons and would fly the balloons away as a sign that the event was begun.


That was the new and surprising thing from the opening ceremony. The purpose of this activity was to create togetherness among EED’s members. Mr. Japa opened this event followed by cheerleader convoy. After that, Fuji and Ms. Karina, the beautiful gymnastic instructors led the entire members to move their body. This excitement didn’t stop because there were so many fun games waited for them such as; tarik tambang, mix games and pump it up. Next day, Bake Sale, with Retro


Go-go as the theme, burst a colorful atmosphere. It was held from 11th13th April 2011 and was extended till 14th April 2011. The main show in this event was Retrocoustic performance. In the Bake Sale, there were a lot of colorful and unique design stands from the second until the eighth semester. The customers were not only EED’s students, but also the people from others faculties. Besides, English contest was held for Junior High School on 11th April 2011 and Senior High School on 12th April 2011. The

English Contest ran well. For English Contest of Junior High School, the first winner was SMPN 1 Denpasar (Group A), second winner was SMPN 1 Denpasar (group B) and the last was SMPN 1 Singaraja. On the other hands, the winner from English Contest for Senior High School was SMAN 1 Denpasar, the second was SMAN 4 Denpasar and the third was SMAN 1 Amlapura. Another part of English Contest was English Education Department Debating Championship. It was held on 13th April 2011. In this event, all semesters of EED had to compete to be the best. Semester 4 as the first winner, the second one was Semester 8 and the third was Semester 6. Meanwhile, Poetry Reading Contest attracted so many elementary students though it was a new event in Social Gathering. At first, just few students enrolled in this competition. But, because of the hard work of the committees, the participants were more than their expectation. This series of event to celebrate EED’s anniversary didn’t stop until that point since there was Bakti Sosial. Bakti Sosial was held on 14th April 2011 in SD 4 Depeha because of some reasons; (1) The school hasn’t got any library, (2) The students are too poor to buy equipment for school. EED only wanted to help the government to improve the quality of the school. The donations were not only from the

committees, but also from the EED’s students. After Bakti Sosial, the next event was Classroom-Action Based Workshop for the teachers. It was held on 15th April 2011. It gave tips for the teacher to make a research. Prof. Padmadewi and Prof. Kerti Nitiasih were the speakers. Potlight Party and Alumni Gathering party on 17th April gathered EED’s alumnus and current students. This event was opened by a great MCs, Gustiana Mettaningrum and Agus Mahardana. In this event, several performances such as dances, video about the old building of Faculty of Language and Art and the new one, and the most shocking performance from our lecturers. The EED’s members came with their suitable suit of the 70’s style. Some of the alumni shared their own experiences especially from Mr. Antariksawan Jusuf

Social Evening

Potlight Party who becomes Manager of one private television in Jakarta and a head of IKA (Ikatan Keluarga Alumni). The last event was Social Evening with its theme, “Retro Glamour: A Night in Manhattan”. Why did the party take place in Manhattan? Based on the history, in 70s, Manhattan was a famous place with its Broadway. Opened with ‘surprising beer scolding’ by Mr. Japa, performances at this event were not less than an enormous show at Manhattan. All of the semesters showed their own talent. ‘Bukan Uya Kuya’ video might be an amazing video ever. Every people laughed and giggled happily. For the closing ceremony, the committees had already prepared the awesome and surprising fireworks. The colors of the firework represented the unity of differences among the EED students. Resita, Ayu S & Ratih


The Splash | MAY 2011


ENGAGING A COOPERATION WITH SANGMYUNG UNIVERSITY In order to improve the quality of Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) in providing services to society and its students, Undiksha has to reflect and cooperate in many aspects with certain institutions. One of the best ways that has been done by Undiksha is making cooperation with Sangmyung University in Korea, particularly in educational aspect. Delegation from Undiksha visiting Sangmyung University consisted of three people: Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sudiana, M.Pd as the rector of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, M.A., as the vice rector of Undiksha for Planning and Cooperation Affairs, Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.S., Ph.D from Cooperation Team Undiksha. The visit was done within 8 days from September 23rd – 30th 2009.


ssentially, the visit was about discussing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the proper study of the planned programs. Both of the institutions, Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) and Sangmyung University (SMU) dealt and succeeded in making and signing an agreement. This signed MOU is the basis, orientation, and an initial step for the next cooperation between the two institutions. Ultimately, both institutions got an agreement to do cooperation in educational aspect. Thus, a proper study on that planned program will be coming soon. The type of cooperation being conducted recently is the establishment of “Bali Multimedia and Digital Art Center” in Bali, as a part and development of Undiksha. MOU was signed by both institutions, SMU: Professor Hyun-Chong Lee, President of Sangmyung University, Professor

Soo Hong Kim, director of Council for Industry Academic Co-operation, Professor Hung Kook Park, Head of Computer Software and Media Technology, and from Undiksha: Prof. I Nyoman Sudiana, M.Pd as the rector of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, M.A., as the vice rector of Undiksha for Planning and Cooperation Affairs, and Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.S., Ph.D from Cooperation Team Undiksha.

The review of “Memorandum of Understanding” draft had been made up by Prof. Hung Kook Park from Sangmyung University, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, M.A., and Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.S., Ph.D from Undiksha. The discussion was held in Seminar Hall of College of Computer Software and Media Technology. In the review of the draft, it had been agreed that revision must be done substantially. The

result of the final revision was sent to Director of Council for Industry Academic Co-operation and President of Sangmyung University for approval. Afterwards, the next agenda is to visit KOCCA (Korea Creative Contents Agency) in Media Digital City and KNOU (Korea National Open University). (1) Korea Creative Contents Agency (KOCCA) Korea has a special location where ICT known as Digital Media City (DMC) is developed. It is the location of the centrals of research, development and application industry based on ICT. One of them is Korea Creative Contents Agency (KOCCA) which is a public organization owned by Korean government being specially built to


The Splash | MAY 2011 promote and develop Korean culture. KOCCA is a merger of five organizations coming from The Korean Broadcasting Institute, The Korea Culture and Content Agency, The Korea Game Development and Promotion Institute, The Culture and Contents Center, and Digital Contents Business Group of the Korea SW Industry Promotion Agency. “We were welcomed by President and CEO KOCCA, Lee-Jae Wong, and without wasting any time we directly declared the aim of our visit and were also given explanation about KOCCA. According to the president, KOCCA has a vision to make Korea as one of the big-five agencies which pays attention to the provision of contents by building supporting system needed to strengthen content industry. To reach that vision, KOCCA is supported by seven kinds of divisions: (1) Management Planning Division, (2) Broadcasting and Visual industries Division, (3) Game Industry Division, (4) Strategic Content Division, (5) Culture Technology (CT) Division, (6) Human Resources Development Division, and (7) Policy Research Division,” Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.S., Ph.D said. (2) Korea National Open University (KNOU) The government of Korea under The Ministry of Education has an Open University known as Korea National

University (KNOU) to serve unqualified students in college. The team of Undiksha and SMU was welcomed by International Relation staff who gave an explanation about KNOU by conducting two sessions of presentation. From the explanation having been presented, KNOU consists of Graduate School with 9 departments, Colleges with 4 colleges (22 departments), Administrative Organizations (3 offices and bureau with 10 divisions), Auxiliary Organization with 2 institutes, 4 centers and one library and also supported by 13 regional campuses with 36 study centers. There are two kinds of learning processes conducted in KNOU, such as: (i) Media Lecture covering TV lecture, Audio lecture, Multimedia lecture, and Web Based Instruction (WBI), (ii) face-to-face Lecture, through classroom lecture and video conference lecture. Other important agenda being followed such as: (1) A visit to Sangmyung University and (2) A visit to 4CSoft. (1) A Visit to Sangmyung University Sangmyung University has two campuses which are located in Seoul and Cheonan. The campus in Seoul is located in mountainous area with breathtaking scenery and cool climate, thus it is of course a conducive place to study. The building is well-

Departments in each college in Samyung University are as follows: (a) College of Humanities and Social Sciences 1. Department of Historical Content 2. Department of Geography 3. Department of Library and Information Center 4. Department of Family Welfare 5. Department of Law 6. Department of Public Administration 7. Department of Copyright Protection (b) College of Business 1. Department of Economics and Finance 2. Department of International trade and Business 3. Division of Business Administration (c) College of Education 1. Department of Korean Language Education 2. Department of English Language Education 3. Department of French Language Education 4. Department of Japanese Language Education 5. Department of Mathematics Education (d) College of natural Sciences

ordered in harmony with the geographical condition around it. It has several numbers of colleges, such as: (1) College of Humanities and Social Sciences, (2) College of Business, (3) College of Education, (4) College of Natural Sciences, (5) College of Computer Software and Media Technology, (6) College of Arts and Physical Education, and (7) College of Music. Meanwhile, the supporting facilities of education include: (1) The Administration Center, (2) The Central Library, (3) Auditorium, (4) Theatre, (5) Museum, and (6) Sport Facilities. (2) Creative, Competitive, Collaborative and Consistent Soft (4CSoft) 4CSoft is a company dealing with e-learning industry, with the range of work including e-learning solution, software and contents. 4CSoft is also a company which has the greatest quantities of programmers in e-learning, with the total number up to 75 people. Mission of 4CSoft is to provide creative, competitive, and collaborative e-learning s/w and solutions with consistent service to satisfy teachers, students, and service providers at the same time. “During the visit, we were given explanation about 4CSoft, elearning and development of learning industry in Korea,” Drs. I Wayan Muderawan, M.S., Ph.D said.

1. Department of Chemistry 2. Department of Life Science 3. Department of Industrial Chemistry 4. Department of Clothing and Textile 5. Department of Food Service Management and Nutrition 6. Department of Consumer and Housing Studies (e) College of Computer Software and Media 1. Division of Computer Science 2. Division of Digital Media (f) College of Arts and Physical Education 1. Division of Fine Arts 2. Division of Physical Education (g) College of Music 1. Department of Piano 2. Department of Vocal 3. Department of Composition New Media 4. Department of Orchestral Instrument -Komang Yudistira Adi Nugraha and Ayu Karlina Dewi-


The Splash | MAY 2011 HTC’s Sense UI and Samsung’s TouchWiz, that customize certain functions of the operating system. While this is not always a good thing, in some cases having a third party make improvements that can really make a device shine. Networking

Android vs BlackBerry Wondering whether to go for an Android phone or a BlackBerry? Check out this comparison of Android and BlackBerry devices across multiple categories, to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each platform.S Overview Research in Motion, the company that designs, manages and manufactures BlackBerrys, began making the devices in 1999. The first BlackBerry devices were simply two-way pagers, but by 2002 they had released one of the first true smartphones. Android began at a small software company called Android Inc, which was acquired by Google in mid-2005. Google came together with a number of other companies to create the Open Handset Alliance, a set of open standards for smartphone and the Android OS, the first product of the alliance. The operating system was first released on smartphone in 2008. Now, it is made based on a version on the Linux kernel. After stumbling out of the blocks, Android devices began to pick up speed in 2010. Today it becomes one of the most popular smartphone operating systems out there. Hardware While all smartphones including

Android and BlackBerry devices have a lot of similarities, it is largely different in the physical phones. Since BlackBerry devices are all made by one company, at any given time there are five or six active series of devices that you can choose from. A few of these series have devices that look and perform similarly, leaving you with only three or four real choices. You are far more likely to find a device that fits your personal preferences under the Android umbrella than you are looking at BlackBerry devices. OS Design The overall design of both the Android and BlackBerry operating systems are similar with a large page or pages of listed applications that the user can choose from. Android was designed from the ground up with a touchscreen in mind, so it tends to work seamlessly with touchscreen only devices. The BlackBerry OS, even the latest version, still supports devices that use a trackpad and QWERTY keyboard as input methods. If you require a physical keypad, this makes a BlackBerry a no brainer. If, however, you are ok with the use of a touchscreen device, navigating through an Android operating system is just a little bit simpler. Android also lets manufacturers create overlays, like

One of the biggest advantages of having a smartphone is the ability to connect with everything and everybody that you find important. Android excels in interfacing with social media programs like Twitter and Facebook, along with numerous other smaller ones. Android also gives you a combined inbox for messaging and email, so you do not have to keep searching for the right inbox for a given conversation. These applications are easy to use and come preinstalled. So you do not have to do anything other than to log in. BlackBerry has led in email delivery, especially when it comes to corporate email as many companies use BlackBerry Enterprise Server technology to manage a fleet of BlackBerry smartphone. When you want to back up or sync your device, there is nothing simpler than using the BlackBerry Desktop Software. The latest BlackBerry software also features the Social Feeds application, which integrates all of your social networking feeds into one simple application. Applications These days, the most important thing about smartphone is their access to applications. These apps are simply small programs that you can download through your device. They range in price from free to dozens of dollars, depending on what the creator wants to charge. Both BlackBerry and Android have a marketplace. BlackBerry has a good selection of applications and a central location online where you can browse all of the apps at your leisure. While Android lacks a central online location, it just has a list of top apps. The sheer number of apps available for Android devices leaves BlackBerrys in the dust. Some Android apps are only available


The Splash | MAY 2011 for certain types of devices, but most will work with any Android phone. The Android Market just keeps getting bigger, so Android wins the “Apps” category. If you don’t currently have a smartphone, either a BlackBerry or Android device will simply blow you away. They both offer all of the basic things that smartphone buyers look for.

BlackBerry devices do excel in a few important categories, but the overall smartphone experience comes through slightly better in Android devices. Like anything in life, change is the thing that always happens in the cell phone world. RIM is not blind to its loss of market share to Android and OS. So it will be interesting to see

their strategy for getting back to the top. Keep your eye on new BlackBerry releases for some interesting features, but if you need a smartphone today in the battle of Android vs. BlackBerry, I would kindly recommend an Android device. mawar

LUSTRUM of Ganesha University of Education,

A Step to be Professional and Unified “A university is also alive. The day when it was born would also have to be celebrated as a reflection or a step to be better than before”

A university is just like a human being. It grows and develops, thus it will become more perfect and mature in certain ways. This year is a special year for Undiksha because the fifth anniversary known as LUSTRUM is going to be carried out. For most of the academia, this event is not just an ordinary one. A lot of hopes and expectations have been echoed for the sake of this university of education. Quantitatively, Undiksha is still young. It is only five years since it legally become a university after previously it was just an educational institute. A lot of changes have been made in order to become a developed university. Several new departments and faculties are planned to be established. This proves that Undiksha is really serious to become one of the greatest universities in Indonesia. However, before making all of those plans come true, the committees of LUSTRUM Undiksha promise to make this year anniversary will not be easily forgotten, as the masterpiece of the

ability of a great university in making up its own event. “Dies Natalis (anniversary) in this year is really special. The committees have prepared everything maximally since four months ago. We hope the best for this year anniversary,” said Drs. Gunatama, M.Hum, the chairman of LUSTRUM Undiksha committee. Many events have been prepared to celebrate LUSTRUM. Those are the events hold regularly on its every anniversary. However, there are also some differences made there, for instance an exhibition which involves all of the departments throughout Undiksha. They are set to take place within April 28th until May 11th and categorized into nine different divisions, such as The Official Opening, Sport Competitions, Art Competition, Scientific Events, Exhibitions, Charity, Flag Ceremony, Puncak Dies and Malam Gelar Seni. “Those events are expected to build scientific ability among the academia as well as to improve the

solidarity, creativity and togetherness among the academia, for example through sport events,” said I Putu Arik Budiarsana, the chairman of HMJ English Education Department. LUSTRUM is truly a perfect moment to create solidarity and togetherness. Despite of the participants are representing different faculties and departments, they will participated under the roof of solidarity and togetherness. The competition is not aimed at winning the best faculty or department. In contrast, this LUSTRUM is aimed at increasing students’ creativity and soft-skill improvement. “As the other symbols of unity, a country may have its own independence day as an event to unite its citizen. In the same condition, LUSTRUM is the most appropriate event to unite large quantities of various students of Undiksha,” said Abdi, the chairman of BEM Undiksha. -yudistira-


The Splash | MAY 2011

Ganesha University of Education has six faculties as its main power. They are The Faculty of Languages and Arts, The Faculty of Social Sciences, The Faculty of Technique and Vocational, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The Faculty of Educational Sciences, and The Faculty of Sports and Health. Each of them has its own uniqueness and speciality as well as achievements. Let’s start from The Faculty of Languages and Arts. The faculty has prominent programs that involve not only the students from the faculty itself, but also from other communities. The Faculty of Languages and Arts has Ajang Kreativitas Mahasiswa (AKM) which is held annually in November. There are a lot of activities in AKM itself, such as Undiksha Debate Competition, Undiksha

partment Non Educational Diploma III Program. National seminar on the use of In-

in PIMNAS XXIII. Even more surprising, one of the English Education Department students managed to get a scholarship to study in America for 2 months. She is Maya Wirastuti, who has achieved scholarship from IELSP cohort 8. The second faculty is The Faculty of Social Science. The faculty consists of 8 departments namely Geography Education Department, Economics Education Department, History Education Department, Pancasila and Civics Science Department, Accountancy Non Educational Diploma III Program, Hotels Management Department Non Educational Diploma III Program, Management Department, and Accountancy Department. Accountancy Department holds GKM-POS (Gema Kreativitas Mahasiswa-Penalaran Olahraga dan


The Splash | MAY 2011 He became the first winner in Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa all around Bali last year. His name was also recorded as the finalist in Lomba Mading 2009, Lomba Majalah Kampus in 2010 and finally in Lomba Debat Aktivis in 2010. If we come to The Faculty of Technique and Vocational, we will find Family Welfare Education Department, Informatics Education Non Educational Diploma III Program, Electronics Department Non Educational Diploma III Program, Food and Beverages Non Educational Diploma III Program, and Informatics Education Department. The last faculty has some

dents and Fashion Contest for Kindergarten Students are events held by Young Learners Education Department. Technology Education Department also has Multimedia Contest in provincial level. The quality of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science can be seen from the scope of big events that they hold and also from the achievements that their students got. There are Biology Education Department, Mathematics Education Department, Physics Education Department, Chemistry Education Department, Oceanography Non Educational Diploma III Program and Chemistry

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Fakultas Ilmu Matematika dan Pengetahuan Alam

big events, like IT national seminar and IT Olympiad: School Animation Contest. One of the students, Mika Karmila, successfully gained achievement for the faculty by becoming the second winner of Student’s National Exhibition in Surabaya last year. The Faculty of Educational Science is also one of the faculties that exist in Undiksha. This faculty is located in southern The Faculty of Languages and Arts. National Academic Seminar and Lomba Berbudi Pekerti Tingkat SMA/SMK se-Bali are the big events of The Faculty of Educational Science. The huge events are not always hold by the faculty. Each department in the faculty also possesses many interesting occasions. PGSD has Lomba Lima Mata Pelajaran Tingkat SD and Province Academic Seminar, while Counseling and Supervision Department (BK) also has Province Academic Seminar. Colouring and Drawing Competition for Kindergarten Stu-

Analyst Non Educational Diploma III Program in this faculty. Almost all of them have big competitions that involve the students from elementary until senior high school all around province. The achievements from the students of this faculty are not far from academic sides, especially from scholarly papers. A lot of PKM and scientific papers have already been produced by the students. In this faculty, proud achievement has been gained by FMIPA with total 92 PKM-Hibah which are passed and will be funded by DIKTI. This becomes a better compared to which 50 PKM were funded and finally 3 PKM became the finalists in PIMNAS XXIII. The last but not least is The Faculty of Sport and Health. Throughout the years, the faculty which consists of Physical and Health Education and Recreation Department, Sportsmanship Education Department, Sport Training for Tourism Non Educational

Diploma III Program and Sport Training Education Department always take part in some competitions and gets many achievements. In this year this faculty has joined the L.A Light Basketball Competition and it got the first winner in basketball for men category and the second winner in basketball for women category. It also got the first winner in Hippocrates competition which was held by the Faculty of Medicines, Udayana University. In addition, it also got the first winner in Dean Cup of Pedagogic Department in a volleyball competition, the first winner in Dean Cup of The Faculty of Technical and Vocational

Great Faculties behind the Ganesha University of Education

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial

Fakultas Teknik dan Kejuruan

Photography Competition, and Short Movie Making Competition all around SMA/SMK/MA/University in Buleleng. The faculty consists of 6 departments; Indonesian Language Education and Literature Department, English Education Department, Fine Arts Department, English for Tourism Non Educational Diploma III program, Balinese Language Education Department Non Educational Diploma III Program, and Japanese Language Education De-

donesian language as cultural identity has been conducted last February by Indonesian Language Education and Literature Department. English Education Department will have an International Conference on English Across Culture (ICEAC) this year that involves many education practitioners throughout the world. The students of The Faculty of Languages and Arts are smart and talented. This year the faculty is sending 6 representatives

Seni), a huge event to show the students’ talents particularly in art and sport. Each department in FIS also has special events. Geography, for instance, has Earth Science Olympiad and Environmental Scientific Writing Competition for SMA/SMK all around Bali. Economics department holds Undiksha Economics Competition (UEC) gradually. Kadek Ryan Surya Negara is one of the students who contribute a lot of achievements for this faculty.

Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan in a badminton competition and the first winner in Dean Cup of The Faculty of Social Science in football. Surprisingly, this faculty always gets the first winner in Rector Cup of Ganesha University of education from year to year. And the most spectacular is that this faculty had sent delegation for SEA Games. Ganesha University of Education cannot stand gloriously without its students. It could be seen that all students in each faculty in Undiksha have their own qualities, their contribution toward their own faculty and also to their beloved university. The efforts to improve this university are showed by their work to hold those huge positive events and of course by the achievements that they can present for the campus. Ratna & Desak Indah


The Splash | MAY 2011


The Splash | MAY 2011


New Campuses, New Look Many new members of Undiksha’s family stand proudly and give more glories to the greatness of Undiksha. They give curiosity for everyone to sees them build their success slowly but surely.


ndiksha has shown so many improvements along with its dedication for advancing the world of education. Any new developments both in terms of quality and quantity of the campus have been added on its list of achievements. As a girl who is wearing make-up and make her face become more beautiful, Undiksha has changed its look with new buildings and provides more places and facilities to keep the advancement in producing high quality of graduates moving on.

Being planned since its name was still IKIP Negeri Singaraja, its actual-

ization could be enjoyed by the students now. As we can see on Ahmad Yani Street and Jatayu Street, the new buildings seem ready to welcome the new occupants. According to Drs. I Nyoman Jampel, M. Pd, the Vice Rector for Administration and Finance Affairs, in the middle of 2011 those new buildings will be ready to be used. On the 29th of May 2011, a ceremony called Meprayastita (Urip-urip or Pamaplaspasan Alit) was held on the side of the new buildings for the Faculty of Languages and Arts. After the ceremony, the buildings are ready to be used and the students can learn there on the next odd semester. The students of Elementary Teacher Education Department (PGSD) will all be moved to the Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU), to make them close to The Faculty of Educational Science (FIP), their home faculty. The new building on Jatayu Street will be used by the Elementary School of Undiksha’s Lab School. A modern building for the university’s top managements (Rectorate Building) will be erected on the present site of Lab School. Although the already-finished buildings at A. Yani Street are going to be used this year, the process of

constructing more new building will still be continued, such as the building for cafeteria and also the temple. What we see on Ahmad Yani Street is just the building for teaching and learning process. Meanwhile the other buildings will still be built. Similarly, more new buildings will also be built on Jatayu Street. This year it is the turn of Lab’s Elementary School to study at their new building. As the time moves on, the Lab School will all be moved to Jatayu Street and the present side

of occupied by Lab School will be changed into the head office of Undiksha ( Undiksha’s Rectorate). All of those buildings are planned to be finished in 2014. Mr. Jampel, who was born on the 10th October, also adds some information that there will be new faculties and departments in Undiksha. They may share the building of The Languages and Arts Faculty as there are so many rooms for teaching and learning activities there. He mentions that the department of graphic design and perhaps dance and art choreography department as new family members of the faculty. There will be also a plan to gather the five departments to add new faculty that is Faculty of Economics. There will be also new departments in the Faculty of Technics and Vocational (FTK), such as machine technique. Hopefully that thus new buildings increase the education quality in Undiksha in other hand as Undiksha societies should keep thus buildings and facilities to make them be able to be used for a long time. Finally, new campusses should be equal as the level of education in Undiksha. Dodo, Ngurah & Karlina

After the ceremony, the building is ready to be used and the students can learn there on the next odd semester.


The Splash | MAY 2011



painting in the room of the Dean of Language and Art Faculty (FBS) describes the smiling face of this man. On that painting, he smiles joyfully indicating that he is very happy. Perhaps, it is because of the fact that he is wearing complete toga which is supposed as the moment when he graduated from a university. Here he, the man in the painting, is Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M. Pd., the dean of Language and Art Faculty. Our mind just cannot forget a big day happening a few months ago to Mr. Sutama. On November 20th, 2010, he was declared as one of the professors in our beloved university.

Mr. Sutama has been the Dean of FBS since 2006. Under his leadership, FBS exists as the biggest and wellknown faculty in this university. He is the one who always supports and motivates student’s activities in arts and culture. When he was a child, he was a humble, vibrant and motivated boy. He was born in Ubud, 24th of April 1960. As a son of a teacher Mr. Sutama grew in great discipline and hospitality. A discipline was inherited from both of his parents, but the hospitality itself most came from his mother. Since elementary school, Mr. Sutama has loved painting so much. He used to go to his neighbor’s house to learn how to paint. After graduating from one of junior high schools in Ubud, he left his homevillage and attended Sekolah Pendidikan Guru Negeri Denpasar. As a young man, Mr. Sutama was active in some organizations in society. Once he had ever taken a decision regarding to art-activity in Banjar. He recommended that people should not pay for dance anymore in an anniversary of the banjar. Instead, he suggested the society to let their children be the participants of artactivity, in order not to recruit other children outside that Banjar. Unfor-


Luh Murniasih

tunately, his suggestion didn’t get good responses from some people. Finally, this decision became a beginning of art tradition among that society, because in fact people always did the same thing every year. Mr. Sutama’s love in art and teaching led him to enter FKIP Unud and took Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Department. His struggle did not stick at that point. So, he went to Malang to finish his Master and Doctor degrees at the same university, IKIP Malang. Now, we can see Mr. Sutama as one of the lecturers of Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia in Undiksha. Mr. Sutama is never tired in developing this faculty. He expresses his sincere willing to serve FBS through some achievements he has done since becoming the dean. One of them is when he represented an

art-activity especially playing the gamelan or “tabuh” in FBS, which had been disappeared in FBS for approximately 25 years. In 2007, the students of FBS could perform this gamelan attraction to the public. This reminds us to the same thing he had ever done when he was young. There have been a lot of significant changes we can see since his leadership. For his hard work until now, Mr. Sutama said that he never minds how


The Splash | MAY 2011

PKM is started from writing, writing, and writing, then start to write right now!


hile commonly, university students are likely to involve themselves in a demonstration, Luh Murniasih prefers to pour her creativity through PKM (program Kreativitas Mahasiswa). A lot of achievements in PKM have been gained. Many proposals of PKM had been made and some of them have passed the national selection done by Dikti (Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi) and some of them had been presented in PIMNAS (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional). Recently, she and her team proposed two different proposals and both are funded by Dikti.

many efforts he should devote for improving this faculty. He tries to work as well as possible. “Working is worship!” he said while urging us never to stop working for better achievement. Regarding to the new campus of FBS being in progress, Mr. Sutama thinks that it will be a new and good beginning for FBS. He is sure that good facilities provided in this new campus will be followed by the improvement of the quality of teaching learning process. (Suartini, Hari)

Murni, a nick name of Luh Murniasih, was born in Buleleng, 5 September 1989. Being born in a place which needs to be developed, Murni grew with a creative and innovative thought. After graduating from SD N 1 Tahun in 2011, she continued her junior high school in SMP N 3 Kubutambahan. Afterwards, she left her home to continue her high school in SMA N 1 Singaraja. Now, she is in Chemistry Department of Education, Undiksha, She is in the 8th semester. She likes writing very much. She has been fond of writing since she was at senior

high school. She spends her spare time on writing. However, at that time she never wrote a work of erudition (Karya Ilmiah). After being a student of the faculty of Math and Science, she learned to write such kind of writing. Going along with her creative and innovative thought, her hobby is being usefully directed to PKM activities. She knew PKM when she was at the second semester of her study. After some failures, she and her team surprisingly became the finalists of the best four presenters in KKTM (Kompetisi Karya Tulis

Mahasiswa) Perguruan Tinggi Tk. Nasional Wilayah Indonesia Timur 2008 in Bogor, after her proposal passed the

selection. KKTM is a kind of PKM at that time when the system was different in which the selection and evaluation were separated into three different areas and Undiksha belonged to Wilayah Indonesia Timur. Afterwards, a lot of achievements in PKM are gained along her study in Undiksha. According to her, her success is influenced by her lovely lecturer, Mr. Sudiana and also by her faculty. She said that Mr. Sudiana is a very great lecturer. He used to tutor her when she was writing the proposal of PKM. In addition, Murni also said that her faculty (FMIPA) has influenced her very much. In her faculty, she got something that she didn’t get in other faculties. She can sharpen her critical thinking and her logical reasoning. There are actually no special tips she uses in writing the proposal of PKM. She explained that the tip for writing PKM is just writing, writing, and writing, then start to write right now! She wishes that every student will like to write PKM since it is very useful and profitable for the students themselves. Besides, we can introduce Undiksha in national level. Her achievements give her a very great favor. She was selected as the leader of POKJA MIPA (Kelompok Kerja MIPA), an organization or program which facilitates students of MIPA to work together developing their creativity especially for PKM. Moreover, she is often asked to give a tutorial in some faculties and departments in Undiksha. - I Putu Arik Budiarsana -


The Splash | MAY 2011

The Use of Literature in Literature-Based EFL Writing Classroom By Kadek Sonia Piscayanti

Literature Literature is a verbal work of art. Since it is a verbal work, it involves language as the main point. Language is known as the material substance of all the literary works (Basuki, 1988). According to Tzvetan Todorov (in Basuki, 1988), literature is a kind of extension and application of certain properties of language. Since it is an extension and application of certain properties of language, the most fundamental asset of literature is that it provides the spoken and written story of human experience, the record of present and past, a paradigm on which to record the future (Sorensen and Lehman, 1995:xxii). The use of literature is to address a problem or issue, or stimulate thinking about values. Literature has a power to motivate the students to read, since it provides the stories of lives, or make up stories that builds the students’ curiosity. Everyone has their own story, so does the children. By reading literature or stories, they can feel the experience that the literature presented and they draw a line between the experience in the story and the experience in their lives. Moreover, by reading literature or stories, their emotion or feeling is managed because they can feel what the characters in the stories feel. When teacher implements literature-based instruction to young learners, it means that the existence of literature is the core of the lesson in the classroom. Routman (1988: 19 in Oktaviani, 2007) clearly states that: “Literature includes picture books for younger and older readers, traditional tales such as folk tales, fables, myths, fantasy (which includes old and new fairy tales), science fiction, poetry, contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction informational books and biography.” From the definition of literature above, the meaning of literature in this study is the core material used in the classroom in the form of narrative (fiction and non-fiction).

Literature-based instruction Literature-based instruction is the type of instruction in which author’s original narrative and expository works are used as the core for experiences to support children in developing literacy (Sorensen and Lehman, 1995). This kind of instruction relies on literature (text written to be read) instead of basals (text written to teach reading). Literary works used in teaching and learning contexts include a wide range of materials: picture books, big books, predictable books, folk tales, fables, myths, fantasy, science fiction, poetry, contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, nonfiction informational books and biographies (Routman, 1988 in Oktaviani, 2007:2). Literature-based instruction provides authentic learning experiences and activities by using literature to teach and foster literacy (Scharer, 1992 in Gambrell,, 2002). Literature-based instruction for second language learner has been practiced by teachers and has resulted in a good literacy achievement. One of the research done regarding to the effect of literature-based instruction in the second language learner was a research by Roser, Hoffman and Farest (1990 in Gambrell, et al, 2000). The result showed that the literature-based instruction can be implemented successfully in the elementary school that serves primarily limited English speaking children. Another research done by Kim (2009) showed that literature-based instruction worked well in an adult ESL classroom. Kim stated that the power of literaturebased instruction was found in the power of stories. As the core material of literature-based instruction, stories provide the ‘whole world’ to the students. Stories talk about life in a universal language. Stories also provide imagination that not many of writing types can have. The findings revealed that literature was used as the interactive teaching media that support student’s collaborative works. Kim

also found that the instruction help the students experience meaningful language learning that lead them to be better language users. Literature-based instruction has an ultimate goal, that is, meaning construction or comprehension (National Reading Panel, 2000a as cited in Cooper, 2003). In literature-based instruction, teachers and students plan together; students are active in self-evaluation, in stating their goals, and in deciding how to carry out the goals. The classrooms are communities of learners where teachers, serve as guides and facilitators, motivators, and mentors (Sloan in Sorensen and Lehman: 1995: 4). The community of practice approach to learning derives from a sociocultural perspectives and emphasizes the relationships between human action and social context in which the action occur (Lave and Wenger, 1991 in Richards, 2006). Literature-based instruction is a challenging strategy since the students will share their knowledge with their friends as well as to gather ideas and develop their ideas. This brings a lot of advantages in which the smart students will help the slow students. This is important since students have different ideas and knowledge. The share session enables the students to listen to their friends’ ideas as well as to give their friends information that they have. All students have an opportunity to share their thinking with at least one to other students, thereby increasing their sense of involvement. Students will be actively involved since it is done in a pair work. They will find and discuss the idea by sharing their knowledge with their pair. It is a simple strategy and this is one of the foundation stones of “cooperative classroom”. The teacher can ensure that each pupil help each other in the pair is given an opportunity to contribute and encourage the pupils to identify in what ways each has learned from the other. Furthermore, engaging students in individual or


The Splash | MAY 2011 small group activities pairs or trios especially is a low-risk strategy that ensures the participation of all. Using these strategies, or variations on them, or variation on them, ensures that we will hold our student’s attention in class. Then, it can be done in a big class. Literature-based classes fostered more social interaction (oral language) among peers and with the teacher in literacy instruction than skills oriented classes did. The literature-based instruction proved that the social skills of the students is improved since they undergo a learning process in a learning community that gives them not only the knowledge but also partners in solving problems. It will be very useful in their real life, to help each other, to understand each other. The active participation of students will improve their motivation in teaching-learning process, especially in reading and writing class. They become better readers since they are actively involved in the process of learning by sharing ideas with friends, discussing a certain topic on text or even arguing their friends’ opinion. Their thinking is developed when they are asked to speak about their own opinion. It stimulates their critical thinking and sensitivity, so they will become a better thinker, and readers. They also become better writer since they can share the topic that they are going to write. The discussion from the two heads is better than the thinking of one head. In sharing, there is a knowledge transfer in which the low students can learn from smart students. It broadens the idea that can be written. They will become better writer. The Nature of Writing Writing is the production of the written word that results in a text (Murcia and Olshtain, 2000:142). The production of the written word comes from a series of process. It also involves a complex skill. It is a skill like driving, typing or cooking and like any skills, it can be learned. Through writing, students can understand information at deeper levels. It helps students reflect on and determine how much they knew a topic. It can be seen as the

way the students explore their ideas and creativity toward a certain topic. Through writing, the teacher can see how deep the students understand the topic and how good their understanding is. Writing can be done by anyone, even by children, because it can be learned. It means that writing skill is not only needed by the advanced learner but also young learner. It can help the learner to understand a certain topic better. Thus, they can develop their understanding into a good paragraph. Through writing the learner can record what they see, hear, share their experience to the reader. It is the way to communicate in written form. Writing is a universal medium of communication. It has many uses that cut across occupations, academic disciplines, and areas of our lives. Overall, writing can be seen as a ‘product’ of thinking process and it will benefit the students in the way that the students will understand a certain topic better. It can also develop student’s creativity and critical thinking. The concept of writing in literature-based instruction The concept of writing in literaturebased instruction is responding to literature. Responding to literature is the way in which one reacts to something that has been read or listened to (Cooper, 1993). This process begins before reading as one thinks about what is to be read and continues during and after reading (Martinez & Roser, 1991 in Cooper and Pilkuski, 1997). This process enables the students to be engaged with the text as they know they are involving in a real language experience. Rosenblatt (1978 in Cooper and Pilkuski, 1997) has contended for many years that individuals construct their own meanings by transacting with the text. When response activities are the natural things one does with texts that have been read or listened to, they help students develop deeper understandings and help them relate what they have read to their own personal experiences that will finally construct their own concept of learning. It is through this process that individuals learn to con-

struct meaning or comprehend the text. This is where the real meaningmaking happens. Response activities provide students with the opportunities to relate narrative or expository text to their own personal experiences (Martinez & Roser, 1991 in Cooper and Pikulski, 1997). By experiencing language through literature, the children will involve in a world of imagination where they can relate their own experience with the story. The critical thinking will be developed as they analyze the story, such as why does it happen, and what is the relationship between the story and their own life. That is the way they respond to literature. Researchers have found that readers respond to literature in a variety of ways -- by retelling, summarizing, analyzing, and generalizing (Applebee, 1978 in Cooper and Pikulski, 1997). As students become more experienced readers and writers, they will develop their knowledge and language skills and at the end, they will be able to construct meaning by analyzing and evaluating literature. That is how they start to learn how to respond to literature. When responding to literature, students need to do something : think about it, talk about it, write about it, or do something creative with it involving art, music, or drama (Cooper, 2000). As the result of comprehending the story, the skills will be developed into the skills of analyzing and finally develop to the higher skills, writing. Their quality of analysis and comprehension will be seen through writing. By giving a written response to literature, students are learning to construct meaning through writing; they are further developing their ability to think critically (Tierney & Shanahan, 1991 in Cooper and Pikulski, 1997). The result of other research done by Morrow (1992) indicated that students who are taught by literaturebased instruction performed better in oral and written retelling stories than those who are taught by traditional teaching instruction.


The Splash | MAY 2011

Social Gathering 2011: Back to 70’s

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