The Splash September 2013

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HEADLINE REED 2013 The Spirit of Multicultural Tribe



OKK 2013 Campus Life Orientation Diary


RATAM FBS 2013 Show Your Art in Love Language










KKN 2013 A Priceless Study in the Community Three Students Go Overseas this Year


The Second Year of ICEAC


Seven EED Students Cannot Attend Graduation


MONEV, an Occasion to Build Your Passion




NEWS STUDENT'S CREATIVITY PROGRAM Recycling The Potential of Dry Clove Leaves into High Quality Clove Oil

DR. ASRIL MARDJOHAN, M.A. Right Chance, Right Time, Right Result FEATURE



Colorful Stories in Tri Yudha Sakti Monument REVIEWLANK>

FASHION Batik Goes to Campus, How to Apply it?

BULELENG FESTIVAL 2013 The Pride of Lion from North Bali NEWS

INTERVIEW DRA. LUH PUTU ARTINI, M.A., PH.D. International Publication Journal

CAMPUS CORNER PHOTO ESSAY A Peek to the Peak A Proposal of Vine Roof Parking Lot for Kampus Bawah Wi-Fi connection iS Getting Faster?




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DJOGJAKARTA Yoga Permana LIFE OF ROOT I Wayan Eri Kurnia HOMEBODY I Putu Agus Juli Sastrawan YOU I Gede Bhisma Griwanasta

Stuffs from the Staffs Five years have passed since The Splash was founded in March 2008. In these five years, we have published 11 editions, from a newsletter to a tabloid type and spread our wings through blog (http:// and online magazine publication ( This year is a hectic year for The Splash team. After publishing the January edition, the team kept covering news for the blog. First, we started from our beloved department only, but we attempt to spread into wider range. We joined Mini Newspaper competition on March 17 2013 in Akademika Press of Udayana University. We were talking about North Bali eco-tourism potential in our topic and we were diving into deep. From interviewing the regent of Buleleng until proceeding a case study right into Kubutambahan village. We won the first place and we came to recognize that our work might still far from magnificent but our team-work is amazing. Special report of Buleleng Festival 2013 is a refreshing start to show our gratefulness to Buleleng for providing us a place to become wiser, smarter and bolder. The competition also opened our mindset about college journalism. One of the presenter in Akademika said that college press is the only pure press in the world. It is not infected by certain political power and it is always independent. Hearing those words, we realized that we have to keep The Splash to always become an educational site to show student's improvement, to strengthen self-correct and to emphasize on process of learning and acquisition. Many young talents also appeared in several different aspects. Hendra Raharja, Kartika Dewi, Arya Bayu Permadi, Ida Ayu Putu Puspawati, Irmayanti Wiyasa, Eny Andreani, Apriliyani, Yeyen Andiani, and Dewi Sethyati joined The Splash since this year. Most of them are still first timer but their passion can be seen through their hard-working contribution. At the same time, senior contribution writers also dedicate their self improvement in this edition. As always, we deeply thank to our Head of Department, Mrs. Ratminingsih for helping us to create a chance of learning, our advisors, Mrs. Sonia Piscayanti and Mr. Hery Santosa for guiding us in every situation, all lecturers who have helped us in revitalize our development, all members of Student Association and all EED students. Staffs

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Chief editor

Ni Kadek Heny Sayukti

Executive Editor

Kadek Sonia Piscayanti S. Pd., M.Pd Made Hery Santosa, S.Pd., M.Pd.


I Putu Arik Budiarsana, Pande Putu Resita Wulan Prabhawati, Putu Chintya Dewi


I Putu Gede Hendra Raharja


Made Jane Purnama, Ni Ketut Ary Sri Prawrethy, Putu Rara Utari, Ni Wayan Sugitariani, Ida Ayu Putri Brahmantini, Ni Made Kartika Dewi, I Gusti Ngurah Arya Bayu Permadi, Ida Ayu Putu Puspawati, Putu Irmayanti Wiyasa, Made Eny Andreani Dewi, Ni Ketut Apriliyani, Yeyen Andiani, and Made Dewi Sethyati


Student Association of English Education Department

Cover photo by I Putu Adhi Wirayasa




Photo: Committtee's Archive

REED 2013

The Spirit of Multicultural Tribe “REED is an event of making a close relationship between you and us. We need to be close to one another because we can’t live alone,” said the head of English Education Department, Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A during the opening ceremony of recent REED 2013.


amah Tamah of EED (REED) has become a longstanding annual event to welcome the new comers in English Education Department. The event has been concerned with providing situation for the new comers to support their adaptability. In the other hand, it also provides a situation for the students to train their soft-skills by organizing a certain affair. Out of all the events held by the students, REED is the event requiring the longest preparation. It deals with a large scale

who did not attend last year REED. The lecturers of EED also attended it, they were Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, M.A., Dr. I Gede Budasi, M.Ed., Dra. Luh Putu Artini, M.A., Ph.D., Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., Kadek Sonia Piscayanti,S.Pd., M.Pd., Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd., I Gusti Ayu Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd., I Nyoman Pasek Hadi Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Putu Eka Dambayana, S.Pd., M.Pd., Luh Diah Surya Adnyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. and surely the head of English Education

After successfully rendering WALT DISNEY last year, this time REED raised cultural theme, TRIBES. TRIBES stands for Tough, Responsible, Intelligence, Behave and Emerging Solidarity. According to the chief committee, I Putu Anjas Widya Kusuma, the theme aimed at helping the new comers to adapt personally and socially. They were given group task and individual task. In brief, it can be called as a briefing before they enter the real campus life. It gave them chance to gain their sensitivity toward their own self and other people. They can work with their friends and boost creativity at the same time. At the same time, they can ask for comprehensive information to their seniors and lecturers.

Photo: Hendra Raharja

Photo: Hendra Raharja Photo: Hendra Raharja

of committee personnel and series of schedule. The purpose is always the same but the committees have to bring it in different packages every year. Last Saturday, August, 31st, 2013, REED 2013 was held at Tri Yudha Sakti Monument, Singaraja. There were 268 participants taking part in the event, 260 participants were new comers and eight participants were students

Department, Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A. The event was also attended by 8 students from Gorontallo who were currently pursuing SM3T program and learning in Undiksha Singaraja. However, the chief of Student Association, Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji could not attend the event because he participated in the student exchange program to China at that time.

Photo: Hendra Raharja

Previously, on Sunday, August, 25th, 2013, the committees gathered all the new comers to inform them about the preparation of REED. The participants were divided into 10 teams, namely Aztec, Apache, Pharao, Viking, Persian, Eskimo, Majapahit, Roman, Maya and Aborigin. For group task, they were asked to create their own cultural attributes like hat, stick, outfit, and bag. They were challenged to make it as unique as possible and based on their tribe character. For individual task, they were asked to write a short story and a fan letter that they could give to their favorite senior and a short story. The second one was that they had to bring several kinds of snack and food. Three days later, praying together was held in Kampus Bawah temple.




New Agenda: tion Tribe Family Photography Competi There were several things which gradually changing in REED. Previously, there were several games where seniors and newcomers could join together but these no longer existed. However, something comes and is gone. Last year, REED added Academic Adviser Meet and Greet session as the new agenda while REED 2013 had Tribe Family Photography Competition. Aborigin’s photo came out as the most creative photo, while Maya won the most hilarious photo. The group that won the most similar photo was Eskimo because their photo resembled a lot to the real Eskimo tribe. All groups competed against each other to show the most amusing photo they could make.The criteria were simple. All groups were asked to make one photo of them together full with their own tribe character attributes. The attributes included hat, outfit, stick, bag and hand accessories. All attributes were handmade. To avoid an excessive budget, the committee did not allow them to use expensive material like various kinds of clothes, jewelry and metal. Mostly, they were using many kinds of paper and plastic. Talking about the material of the attributes, Cross Culture Understanding lecturer, Dr. I Gede Budasi, M.Ed. expressed,”nowadays, Bali has Green Island project. The concept is to keep Bali green and beautiful. It is not merely a goverment’s project but all unit of society. Students have to contribute to it too. So, I think we need to reduce the level of plastic use. Maybe we can consider using palm leaves for the decoration of the head attributes, and traditional basket as the bag. We can also help our local economy by doing that.”

Photo: Committtee's Archive

Photo: committee's archive

King & Queen 2013 and Closing Ceremony Agus Dimas Darmawan was finally chosen as King EED 2013 and Ni Putu Intan Permatasari as Queen EED 2013. Dimas and Intan beat I Gede Shasy Bagus and Ni Luh Anis Widiastuti as the first runner up while Made Gede Viktor and Ni Made Mas Ariani in second runner up. During the talent performance, Intan chose to show her MC skill rather than singing like she wrote in her CV. In the other hand, Dimas showed his guitar skill by playing Adele’s Someone Like You cover. When The Splash team asked him about his opinion about REED 2013, Dimas said,”REED 2013 is really far from my prediction. I had a point of view that orientation session would be full of violence and strictness. However, this event disapproved my prediction. It turned out to be great and very useful. I had a lot of fun.”

In contrast to Dimas, the first runner up of King EED 2013, I Gede Shasy Bagus confessed that he was quite disappointed because his academic advisor did not attend the event during Academic Adviser Meet and Greet session. The same thing went to Luh Eka Sumaningsih.”However, I am glad that there are still some lecturers that share introduction about campus life. I think it’s very important to share more information about campus life, rule and studying condition,” she stated.

Photo: committee's archive

Accomplishment came to Aborigin team as The Most Creative Photo. Beside the value inside the photo, the creativity of using material to decorate the printed photo also determined the score. Photo: committee's archive

Photo: committee's archive

Photo: committee's archive

Maya team won The Most Hilarious Photo for their distinctive pose.

-Heny Sayukti-

Below is the list of winners in all competitions during REED: No. 1.

Category Quiz Contest

Rank First Winner Second Winner Third Winner

Winner Aztec Eskimo Aborigin


Photography Competition

The Most Creative The Most Hilarious The Most Similar LookAlike

Aborigin Maya Eskimo

3. 4.

Participant Chant Contest Committee Chant Contest

The best The best

Pharao Public Relation Division


Outbond Competition

First Winner Second Winner Third Winner

Majapahit Aborigin Eskimo


Head Accessories

The Best


Photo: committee's archive

Eskimo team might be possesed by the real soul of Eskimo tribe so they won The Most Similar Look-Alike Photo.

The closing ceremony started at 07.00 PM in the front open hall of Tri Yudha Sakti Monument. Everybody clapped their hands when eight lanterns flew to the starry sky as the symbol that inauguration ceremony started. As the tradition, it was started by showering the new comers one by one with water which was mixed with flowers. Then, they kissed Undiksha flag and EED flag as promise that they love their department and would do their best for Undiksha. All commitees lined up and shook hands to all new comers.




OKK 2013 Campus Life Orientation Diary


ew Student Orientation or Orientasi Kehidupan Kampus (OKK) began on 15th of August to 20th of August 2013 in Kampus Tengah Undiksha. The theme was “Harmonikan Adaptasi, Tingkatkan Motivasi, Raih Prestasi” (Harmonize the Adaptation, Improve the Enthusiasm and Reach the Prestige). The rector of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sudiana, M.Pd., officially opened the OKK by releasing the flying balloons to the air.

Photo: committee's archive

The First Day

The activities of OKK are not only outdoor but also indoo. The first day at the second half, it was extracuricular clubs or known as UKM performances to introduce all kinds of clubs to the new students. There are 24 extracuricular clubs in Undiksha but there were only 23 clubs performed on that day. Every extracuricular clubs held a parade demonstration in order to gain the new students’ interest before the recruitment began. The new students can join the extracuricular club which is suitable to their interests and talents.

The Second Day

At the second day, all of the new students were gathered at main field of Kampus Tengah at 5.30 am early in the morning. It was not long until they were

The Third Day

directed to the auditorium. There were presentations of Stadium General and leadership there. Stadium general was used to be presented by the rector but for this time, it was presented by vice rector I, Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. In the evening of the second day, it continued to the introduction of Students’ Creativity Program or known as PKM. All students are divided in several different rooms. Group A until Group I took place at Gede Manik Building, the second group took place at seminar room of FMIPA, the third group in seminar room of FIS, the fourth in auditorium, the fifth in lecture room of PGSD and the last but not least is in post-graduate building. They got material about PKM and learned to sing March of Undiksha and Anthem of Undiksha.

Third day of OKK was August 17th, 2013, The Indonesian Independence’s Day. There was no material given indoor. That day was specially used for national flag ceremony in the main field of Kampus Tengah. The second half, the committee invited the new students to clean UNDIKSHA environment together. This activity was usually called as ‘Ganesha Bersih’.

The Fourth Day

All activities in fourth day, at the first half are indoor. They were given many materials about Academic Activity Program of Undiksha, Student’s Role in National Development and Library Introduction by three speakers. In the evening, the orientation continued to the introducing all students organization suc ash MPM members, BEM’s member, chairmen of the senate in all faculties, all of the chairmen in their department, and all chairmen of UKM.

The Fifth Day

The fifth day and at first half of the last day were focused on further introduction about every faculties and departments. The students were divided to their own faculty and their department. There, they met with the dean of their faculty, head of their department and lecturers.

The Last Day

The last day, in second half was closing ceremony and inauguration. As a symbol of OKK 2013 was over, seven of the new students representative’s name tags were detached. The students were commanded to wear the alma mater coat and vice rector III of UNDIKSHA, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, M.Kes stuck a pin on the coat. -Dayu Puspawati-

RATAM FBS 2013 Show Your Art in Love Language! On August, 26th, 2013, there was something different in Auditorium Undiksha, every new student wore yellow clothes. It showed that they were from Faculty of Languages and Art. “Show Your Art in Love Language” was written on wall as the theme of Ramah Tamah of Faculty of Language and Art this year. On 04.00 pm the new student had already gathered at Auditorium yard. They looked really excited to take part of this event. The new students were divided into ten groups and they had to wear unique customs according to their name’s group. This year, the committees chose couples legend in the world. The costume creation would be contested and the team who created the best costume would get a special reward. Jayaprana and Layonsari group was crowned as “Kostum Tercetar” (The Most Sensational Costume) because of their magnificent creation. King and Queen Contest was waited by all the participants. The King and Queen finalists had to fulfill the requirements such as Brain, Beauty, and Behavior. So that the finalists had already interviewed by the committees, they also had to show their talents in front of all the participants. Finally, Gede Dharma Arya Wicaksana from English Education Department and Kadek Fiona Yunita Dewi from English Education Department were crowned as King and Queen

of Faculty of Languages and Art 2013. Same as the previous years, closing ceremony began with Comtemplation Night. The sky was getting dark, the light of the candles in the Auditorium yard made the atmosphere more emotional. Every new student sat on the ground and held a candle in their hands. It was designed by the committees to make them recalling some unforgettable moments about beloved people in their life. Some students could not hold back their tears. The last but not least, fantastic fireworks officially and beautifully closed Ramah Tamah of Faculty of Language and Art 2013. -Hendra RaharjaPhoto: committee's archive

Photo: committee's archive




Photo: committee's archive

Global Corps Program

Learning in the Real World


hirty students of Ganesha University of Education (UNDIKSHA) joined thirty two students of Northeastern University USA in Global Corps program on June, 3rd, 2013. Assisted by Bali Institute, this annual program has been done in Undiksha since last year. Those thirty Undiksha students came from different departments. After they passed the interview test, they were selected to join Global Corp classes. The class started at 09.30 am until 05.00 pm every Monday until Friday. It took place at Kampus Bawah, specifically at Theatre Room. The instructors came from Northeastern University, they are Prof. Denise Horn, Rossie and Molly Hagan. There were also three instructors from Bali Institute. According to the director of this program, Prof. Denise Horn, all students were divided into ten groups, each group consisted of Undiksha students and Northeastern University students. They learned both inside the classroom and outside the gate of the campus where the students directly went to the target

and making contact to the sourcers. They were challenged to create a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) to draw new program from numerous aspects of Buleleng local situation. They were supposed to bring solution of Buleleng local situation. The students chose the theme by themselves and they decided all the supported details. The idea could be about social, education, economy, environment, health and others. For example, Desak Made Indah Dewanti and her friends entitled their NGO as Biang Rare which dedicated to woman health. They raised an issue about decreasing the number of maternal deaths by decreasing the rates of high blood pressure levels in pregnant women. The solution was creating a healthy juice that is made of special ingredients. The final presentation was held on Tuesday, 25th of June 2013 in Rectory Building. All ten groups presented their proposal in bilingual language. Northeastern University students presented it in english while Undiksha students presented the same part

Photo: committee's archive

in Indonesian language. Each group prepared promotion videos as the introduction. Each video was produced based on three strategies of ‘how to connect to your audience’. One of EED students who joined the program, Ni Luh Ayu Kembarini said that there were three options that they got before they decided to create the video, they were ethos, pathos and logos. Ethos deals with ethical appeal to show the audience that is a credible source and is worth listening to (establishing credibility). Pathos is concerned to emotion appeal that will make the audience have an emotional response and connection. The last, logos is concerned with logic appeal to cite the fact and statistic. “This is a lesson that I cannot get inside the classroom,” Ayu added. Photo: Committtee's Archive

Surprisingly, the works were not merely graded by the instructors but it aimed to involve the students in multidisciplinary activity. “The realization of the proposal depends on the students. If they really want to make it real and happen, it will be shown from the way they work on the details like video promotion, logo, budget description, goals and solution. It’s really up to the students. They decide it themselves,” Denise explained. She also added that she would come to Undiksha again next year in Global Corps Program 2014. -Heny Sayukti-



Ni Wayan Sariani

Do the Best with Love “Do your best, everywhere and every time with everyone.” That’s the way how she steps on her life. Her love in taking any challenges have given her the best way to be strong and brave. “Our passion and the process in doing our best is the most important thing. No matter what is the result, we have to learn from our process as our guideline to step further,” She noted. Photo: personal archive


he is Ni Wayan Sariani, was born in July, 21st, 1991. Her love in English took her to English Education Department in UNDIKSHA. She really wants to be a teacher. She really admired her favorite teacher in her Kindergarten. She hopes that one day she will be an inspiring teacher or even a lecturer. She believes that English will give her chances to explore herself outside, joining some kinds of activity and event. English make her easier to communicate internationally. English also can give her a big chance to get any kind of job, as well as a teacher and lecturer. In another side, she realized that Bali is one of the most popular tourism island. “We need English to face the world’s challenge. Everyone knows Bali, everyone comes to Bali. How can we communicate with them without English?” Sani, The girl who love purple color is very active in many activities. In her Elementary School, she joined Basket club and Scout. When she grew up, she joined School Prefect and Marching Band, as well as Scout and Basket club in Junior High School 1 Gianyar. In her Senior High School, she continued to be the School Prefect, scout and basket club member. Stepping on her life in University, she dedicated herself to UNDIKSHA as her proud of being one of the student there. She joined Student Association of English Education Department, Senate of Language and Art Faculty, Scout club and also POKJA KIM UNDIKSHA. Learning from her experiences, Sani got a bunch of achievements. She had done a great job in developing her entrepreneurship. She has passed her PMW (Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha) and created Tela Krezz as her small business. In a couple of chances, she also succeed her PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa). In 2013, she was elected as The Best Achieving Student in UNDIKSHA and became one of 15 finalists in the national election. In the same year, she

Photo: personal archive

My family are my inspiring people but, Dad is the most inspiring person also joined The International Scout Peace Camp in Cibubur. Surprisingly, she was elected as the representative of Indonesia in Peace Ambassador Declaratory. All of her achievements are the symbol of her dedication to her University. All of those things were done with her love. “We have to do everything with our love. Without loving our jobs, they won’t love us too.” She always keep loving her job, keep moving without any doubt. “My family are my inspiring people but, dad is the most inspiring person,” she said. Her father, I Wayan Kundra is a person who has a glorious dream, seeing his children live happily. Beyond his weakness, he always cheers up and gives his support to everyone. Therefore, Sani always keeps trying for her best to reach her dream, making her father’s dream come true. In the other hand, her mother always gives advice to her daughter to do everything right, everything they love. “My family always supports me, as well as my sisters. I love them all very much.” -Arya Bayu-





Dra. Luh Putu Artini, M.A., Ph.D.

“INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION JOURNAL” “My dream now is to have a journal. We will collect ten best papers from the participants, invite editors, and then publish them internationally. Maybe it will be named ‘English Across Culture Journal’, that is the plan. I really want to have that,” Mr. Artini, the chief of last ICEAC (International Conference on English Across Culture) said enthusiastically when she was asked about her plan and expectation, on Thursday afternoon, August, 31st, 2013 at lobby, Kampus Bawah.

Photo: Yeyen

Why do you want to have an International Publication Journal for your next plan? Publication is now a new culture. Everybody in academic area is highly recommended to have a publication. According to the statistic, Indonesians do not have many publications in International Journal. We know it is not easy to have an International Publication Journal, but if we have any, that will bring many advantages, we will give opportunity to people to have any and the institution will have a better stand so we will be known better by other institutions.

What is the biggest challenge in making International Publication Journal?

There are many challenges, because I think if we are talking about the publication journal, our target readers come from all over the world. Therefore, they have an expectation to see high quality work and well-written article.


Yes, well written means it is inconformity with the international standard. Thus, that is not easy. It is very hard to publish it because we have to read, edit, send it to the external editor, and so on. We have to see the format, the language, the proportion of the introduction, the composition of the body, and the conclusion.

So, how to make Indonesian people feel excited to make or publish their International Publication Journal? The system has been better now from the government level, what have been done by the government is, they give incentive for everyone who have International Publication Journal, and also a recognition.

Journal’, which is very close to the situation in Asia or Indonesia. Are you a student? Are you a teacher? Are you a researcher? It does not matter, as long as your journal has high reputation and being the latest publication, not the old one.

What kind of recognition?

-Dewi Setyathi-

Whenever you have an International Publication Journal, maybe there is a newsletter around, ‘Congratulation for the work that have been published….’, something like that. Therefore, everybody would be aware, motivated and then realize that by having International Publication Journal, their name will come up in the Google scholar, it is prestigious.

You must be reading International Publication Journal frequently, so, in your perspective, how is a good journal like?

There are so many International Journals around the world and they are leveled. The highest level is the journal that is belongs to corpus. The second one is reviewed journal, which is reviewed by the International bond. The third one is pre-reviewed journal, only reviewed by a group of people who is maybe from the same region. However, what a good journal depends on who you are. If you are a researcher, a good journal is a journal that is relevant to your research. If you are going to be teacher then a good journal is about teaching strategy, for the example: ‘Asia TEFL

Photo: Yeyen



Students’ Creativity Program

Recycling The Potential of Dry Clove Leaves into High Quality Clove Oil Student’s Creativity Program or known as PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) is the program for developing student’s creativity that can be useful for government, citizen, and the student himself. Student found a good idea, then the student make a group consist of three up to five students who have the same perspective and support the same idea. They have to make a proposal about their creative idea based on Dikti’s rules. After it is approved, that means government will fund the activity. This year, EED students accomplished five titles of PKM to reach DIKTI approval. The Splash team decided provided a special review to one of them in this edition.

Photo: Personal Archive

In UNDIKSHA, there are many students’ proposal that approved by the DIKTI but most of them failed in administration stage as well as the continuation of the program. The purpose of that stage is to inform and convince the government about how far the ‘creative project’ can be actualized and whether the idea is success or not. One of the group from EED is Made Jane Purnama’s group. The title of their project is “Pelatihan Minyak Atsiri Daun Cengkeh sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat Desa Banjarasem Kecamatan Seririt.” It started from Jane’s experience. When she went home after the registration of new students and passed by Banjarasem village, she saw the farmers who abandoned most of the dry clove leaves. They did not use the leaves maximally and prefer to sold it with low prices about Rp 2.000,-/kg. Jane thought that if the farmers were able to turn the dry clove leaves into something more precious, it would help the farmers’ financial condition. During her way home, Jane’s father talked about the indication of clove oil and how expensive it was. The price of clove oil is about Rp 75.000,- until Rp 150.000,- ( Depends on the market’s demand ). After hearing the story, Jane had an inspiration to make this idea becomes a real one into PKM. Jane shared her idea with her friends and fortunately they agreed with that idea. They formed a group that consists of herself as the leader, Ni Gusti Ayu Kade Mas Mirah Dewi, Ni Luh Bendi Arfani and I Made Adi Kerta Yasa. The purpose of this PKM is to produce the high quality clove leaves

oil because it has many benefits for human’s health. Clove leaves oil can cure headache, teeth sickness, dizziness etc. Besides that, this oil has fixative essences that could produce good scent for perfume. Those benefits reveal that clove leaves oil can become more precious rather than the dry clove leaves.

Photo: Personal Archive

Photo: Personal Archive

Jane and friends worked with farmers in Banjarasem village, Seririt for 5 months, started on February until June 2013. They trained the farmers about the process of changing the dry clove leaves into the clove oil. However, before the training began, they already got some basic education and training about refining clove oil from the experts in order they will not give the wrong steps to the farmers. They divided the training into three sections. First, they gave the explanation about the process of refining clove oil. Second, they modeled the process. The third one, they let the farmers practiced it by themselves. Jane expressed that working on this program was not like a piece of cake. There were some obstacles. One of the most crucial problem was the schedule. First, the schedule of village’s ceremony in Banjarasem was the same as schedule asserted students’ in creativity program. In other words, the schedule became unwell-organized or out of expectation. Second, the

college schedule was very tight. Another obstacle was the track and bad road construction to Banjarasem village that made the students difficult to reach the place. The last one, the fund that was given from the government was late. They had to use their own money before the Dikti could return their cash. In the end, the program which cost Rp 9.000.000,- is still going as planned and it had undergone the monitoring stage that was executed by the Dikti reviewers on July, 24th 2013. Jane also added that the group keep monitoring the program once in two weeks. There is still a problem in providing the machine due to its expensive price, but the head of Banjarasem had already confirmed about their agreement related to this program. -Rara Utari-




Batik Goes to Campus Photo: Courtesy of Social Evening 2013

How to Apply it?


re you waiting for the most favorite section to come? As we know, fashion can be difficult to follow. Once a pattern and model of one fashion can be crazily hot but then it can be extremely out of date. We can take animal print as the example. Nowadays, people will think twice or more to wear any clothes with animal print pattern again. It has sunk through time.

Fashion and culture cannot be separated. Many designers have applied the uniqueness of one culture to their designs. For example, they have applied batik and “Endek” or Balinese batik. Endek and batik influence many designers to mix and match a traditional one to the modernity. It’s time for students of English Education Department to take a part in this fashion world. Some of those students involved to a fashion show in Social Evening 2013 as designers. They had to design clothes which were applied with the uniqueness of Endek and batik. They had designed clothes for college students, business woman, party, and so on. How to choose what kinds of batik or endek clothes which we want to apply is quite hard to do especially choosing those clothes to be worn for college students. We should consider several things before wearing batik or endek clothes at campus. 1. We may choose flora and fauna pattern which are matched with light color. So, it can make us more cheerful. 2. If we have quite big or round body, we may choose sufficient pattern and avoid choosing big or small pattern. Then, if we have skinny body, we should choose small pattern. 3. we may choose simple cut with attractive details. 4. We may choose batik or endek from cotton to make us feel comfortable. 5. We should explore our creativity. We may make or buy skirt which is made of batik or endek. It is not all about batik or endek shirt. Beside being fashionable, we can also keep batik or endek’s existence by wearing them in campus. -Putri Brahmantini-

Illustration: Courtesy of Social Evening 2013





A Proposal of Vine Roof Parking Lot for Kampus Bawah

A Peek to the Peak Eight students from Student Association of EED (HMJ) celebrated the independent day on the peak of Batur Mountain, Bangli. Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji, Gusti Ngurah Arya Bayu Permadi, Ida Bagus Putra Sahadewa, I Wayan Eri Kurnia, Made Pasek Suwarbawa, Dewa Putu Agus Baruna Widnyana, Gede Angga Pradipta Saputra and Made Jane Purnama left commendable photos to inspire the youth. -Arya BayuPhotographer: Gusti Ngurah Arya Bayu permadi Dry, windy and cold air became one. It attacked our body when we did our first time to climb Batur mountain, August, 17th, 2013. We survived with our dark-blue English Education Department alma mater jacket. We divided our strength for bringing heavy backpacks. With all of our limitations, we just kept our mind on reaching the top of the mountain. We believed we are strong enough to climb one of the greatest God’s creatures. There was no time to turning back because we had to race against the times, holding hands through extreme tracks.

Kampus Bawah has transformed into a fancy building and supported by green environment. Yet, to make it perfect is supposed to be completed by some facilities like convenient parking lot. Basement could not accommodate all of students vehicles again, therefore some of them have to let their vehicles overheated. Vice of Dean of Facility Planning, Drs. I Nyoman Adil, M.A. said “I have proposed a program to build a parking lot using vines as a roofs”. Moreover, he also proposed to add some studying facilities to support teaching and learning activities. Actually, some of facilities has been provided but are not working properly. -April-

Photo: Heny

Photographer: Made Jane Purnama “Indonesia raya merdeka merdeka, tanahku negeriku yang kucinta.” The most beautiful song that we had ever sung. Finally, we arrived in 1.717 m in height right on August ,17th, 2013. With all of our emotion,we waved Indonesian flag. Suddenly, all of our tiredness, sickness and coldness had paid. We will not know how huge our country until we do something different to appreciate our country.At that point, we realized that every single move that we do must be done with sincerity. Just a real action will bring our country to be better. We are proud for being Indonesian.

Photographer: Made Pasek Suwarbawa Thank you Sun, you still give your shine to us. Bright light, warmth, and spirit booster are the right words to describe your majesty. As a fate, I can feel and watch your magnificent freely. You become a silent witness for every single moment in this country. 68th is not a short period for you to rise and set faithfully, greet each new generation to stand for my lovely country named Indonesia. From the worst to the fine fettle, you will not leave us because you are our source of life.

Wi-Fi connection iS Getting Faster?

Twenty four hours of free Wi-fi is like a big magnet for students to spend their spare time at lobby KampusBawah. Unfortunetly, it is not provided in all rooms in Faculty of Language and Art. The connection will be down or errors because of an imbalance between the number of connections and users. Hence, Wi-fi will be expanded soon, so that the users can access the internet from the classroom, hall or Wantilan. “We have prepared the equipments but we have limited technicians,” the head of Communication Centre, Drs. I NyomanSuwindra, M.Kom.confirmed. Hopefully they can finish it soon, so the speed of connection will be faster. -April-




Photo: Heny


On August 23rd, 2013 for the first time Buleleng held a magnificent event named “Buleleng Festival” or “Bulfest”. The Sensational Festival ran with the theme “My City My Pride”. Why did they take “My City, My Pride” as the theme? Sure, It was because Buleleng has prides, and this event will bring back the pride of Buleleng culture. In short time, Bulfest became a hot topic for many people especially in Buleleng. The idea of this event came from the creative team. One of the creative team members, Kadek Sonia Piscayanti said, “Bulfest changes the old paradigm of “Pawai Pembangunan” which was held every year in Buleleng.”.

Photo: Heny

Zone A, Lion Statue as the main stage.

The Opening Ceremony

Bulfest was the starting point to dig up the culture, art, and education of Buleleng. The preparation had started in May 2013. The creative team of Bulfest learned from Denpasar Festival as one of the concept references. They held meeting with the government, sponsorships, and artists. After long steps, they declared this event would open for three days started from August, 23rd until August, 25th, 2013. It was promoted through social media, newspaper, radio, big banners and others.

On Friday, August 23rd 2013, around four o’clock, the citizens and tourists gathered at Main Stage, Tugu Singa Ambara Raja. This event was attended by some important guests including the regent of Buleleng, Representatives of Culture Department of Bali, DPRD Buleleng, and the iconic, Cinta Laura Kiehl as a Tourism Ambassador of Buleleng 2013. Photo: Heny

Bulfest had seven zone,

Photo: Dayu

-Zone A (Lion Statue)

Indonesian pop singer and actrees, Cinta Laura Kiehl.

-Zone B1 (Veteran Street) -Zone B2 (Sasana Budaya) -Zone C1 (Laksmi Graha)

-Zone D (Rumah Jabatan) -Zone E (Ngurah Rai Street). Zone C2 at Pahlawan Street, displayed handicraft

Photo: Heny

-Zone C2 (Pahlawan Street)


Photo: April

Zone B1 at Veteran Street, food courts lined up to serve Buleleng special cuisine.

Buleleng regent, Putu Agus Suradnyana delivered his speech before officially opened Buleleng Festival 2013.

Sweta Bangkaja that became an exclusive dance of Buleleng opened this glorious event. Fifty dancers participated in this dance which is created by I Gusti Ngurah Eka. “This event is one of the chances for all people in Buleleng to expand our creativity and innovation. On the other hands, this became a place for citizens to get more information about the result of Buleleng development.” The regent of Buleleng, Putu Agus Suradnyana delivered his speech and opened the event officially. Along Veteran Street, 300 dancers danced one of the best

masterpieces in Buleleng, Trunajaya dance. This remarkable traditional performance created a new history not only in Buleleng but also in Bali as the first dance that was performed by a troop of dancer. Moreover, it became more excited when Cinta Laura Kiehl walked in the middle of the dancers.

Photo: Heny

Jegeg Bagus Buleleng 2013. Jegeg Buleleng 2013, Luh Melin Udayanti (left) is currently studying in EED.

SPECIAL EVENT Miss Tourism Buleleng 2013


The Second Day On the second day, there were many agendas such as drawing competition, poetry reading contest, and fashion show. Visitors could enjoy the performance of Musical Poetry from Mahima Community, Cemara Angin, and Ampas Kopi. One of foreign visitors from Hungaria, Ester, said that all of the performances, dancing, and music were great and interesting. It could expand the potential of North Bali culture, and she hoped Bulfest became an annual event.

Photo: Dayu

Photo: Heny

A painting of Painting Exhibition in Rumah Jabatan. The artist came from different generation including students of Visual Art Department of Undiksha and senior Balinese artists.

The time flew fast in the opening ceremony, as spectators shouted louder and louder, because the following agenda was Miss Tourism 2013. The qualification of Miss Tourism 2013 started with physical test, language proficiency, talent show, and public speaking test. After all of the test that measured their ability in various aspects, eleven finalists of Miss Tourism 2013 were chosen. Surprisingly, four of the finalists are English Education Department’s students. Before they announced the big three, there was an awesome fashion design parade originally from one of Buleleng designers.

On the other zone, there were culinary food court which were coming from each sub-district in Buleleng, such as Sukasada, Tejakula, and many others. Foreigners and local people could taste Balinese traditional cuisine with a real cheap price. Undiksha also opened culinary food court named Boga Ganesha.

Photo: Heny

There was also cooking competition for Hotel and Restaurant in Rumah Jabatan. All participants were challenged to create a sensational taste of Balinese cuisine.

Besides culinary, visitors also could see exhibition of paintings and murals in Rumah Jabatan. In Zone C2, there was also other kind of exhibition. Undiksha also took a part in that zone. The stand provided all of the information about Undiksha and sold some souvenirs and books which were made by lecturers and students of Undiksha.

Photo: Irma

The Final Day

Photo: April

Time passed by, the presenter announced the top 3 of Miss Tourism 2013. The first name that was mentioned was Ratu Gistri Oktania, the second was Gina Wulandari, and the last finalist was Cok. Istri Agung Sri Wulandari. No wonder those three finalists were students of English Education Deparrtment. The big three had a chance to answer the same question which was asked about what they were going to do if they became Miss Tourism 2013 and all of them answered it with full of confidence.

On the last day, the event was getting more interesting. Visual Art Department of Undiksha students, had a chance to show their creativity through body painting session. They painted eight models’ body with different concept for each model.

While they were finishing the body painting, the audience could see modern traditional drama, entitled Jayaprana and Layonsari. Most of the actors and the actress were students of Undiksha.

Photo: Heny

Photo: Heny

Photo: Heny

A remarkable drama performance of Balinese famouse romance "Jayaprana and Layonsari". Layonsari was played by Made Githa Swami Mardawathi, Jayaprana was played by I Wayan Sumahardika and the King was played by I Made Pasek Suwarbawa. All of the lead roles are students of Faculty of Language and Art.

Photo: Personal Archive

Finally, the winner was announced. Cinta Laura Kiehl crowned Gina Wulandari right away as the Miss Tourism Buleleng 2013. “Thanks for God, my family, my friends and for all people here who have supported me. Thank you for special someone who is always beside me. I really love Buleleng because I was born here and I live here. In this chance, I can promote Buleleng,” Gina expressed her thankful speech after winning.

At the eleven o’clock, the event came to an end. The regent and the vice regent gave some rewards for all participants who took a part in this event. As the last report, there were more than 20.000 visitors had come to the event every day. There were also 23 ateliers, number of communities and plenty of artists took part in this event. Buleleng Festival became a big success eventhough it was the first time it was held in Singaraja. -Aprilyani & Irmayanti Wiyasa-

Photo: Irma



KKN 2013

A Priceless Study in the Community

Photo: Personal Archive


eventh semester were having a month experience with the others unknown students in two regencies, Bangli and Badung from 8th July to 10th August 2013. Those 2116 students were placed into 9 sub-districts, those were Abiansemal, Petang, Mengwi, Susut, Bangli, Kintamani, Gerokgak, Tejakula and Tembuku. Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Undiksha 2013 was done in 109 villages in those regencies and hundreds Banjar by groups of students. Through 5 themes provided; sanitation, education, social and culture, economy and beneficial technology, the students were expected to complement the skills they have in the community. The multidiscipline in KKN gives a chance to every student from different faculties and departments to overcome the problem where they were placed according to the themes. There are two kinds of programs the student must do, individual program and group program. Group programs must involve three of five themes or at least one theme for individual program. Their programs must be relevant with the condition and situation in the village. “We were placed

in a village with low sanitation, but it has a lot of students who wanted to study and learnt about culture. So, my groups took 3 themes as what the community needed,” said Kusumadewi, a student who have experienced a month living in Abang Batudinding Village, Kintamani.

Photo: Personal Archive

Her group cleaned up the area to the importance of cleanliness, Putri in their Posko and traditional market and her team thought the village needed beside. They did it every day. Sometimes,that. As we know, South Bali is the centre the villagers gave them some food to of tourism destination. So, the organic eat after that. Kusumadewi said, ”The and non-organic rubbish bins were villagers are friendly people and humble.highly needed there. But, their activities They gave us some cabbages, lettuces, didn’t stop until that point. The students and sometimes allowed us to take a bathmust make a daily journal, noting what in their home. It was such a great thing they’d done in a day. The challenge is, the that we found here.” journal is hand-writing. It is not allowed to type any, except the report. Yet, not all of the villages have the same condition and situation. In Petang, No pain, no gain. as the example, the village has already developed into the modern one. There They paid the activity in their tight are electricity, modern public places schedules by spending the time in some and estates. “It is our new challenge. tourism objects. Most of the students in We thought what we should do in this east of Bali travelled to Batur, prayed at village. So, we make some organic Batur temple, went to Trunyan Cemetery, and non-organic rubbish bins,” Putri had fun in Toya Bungkah, took some Saraswathy said as she had the great pictures in Penelokan and many more. time in Petang. In the southern side, they went to Taman

Ayun or spent most of the holy-day in Denpasar. It was a win-win solution where they could do travelling and relaxing as well without being forgetful with their duty. I Wayan Muliana as the Head of the Village said in the farewell party in Abang Batudinding village,” We are glad and thankful for the students having KKN in our place. We hope that we could do more to continue their program.” -Resita Wulan-

Although the village has awareness

Three Students Go Oversea this year Putu Chintya Dewi and Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji have greeted China this month. They become representatives of Indonesian student to China for eleven days, starting from August 30th until September 9th 2013. The information of this program was posted since April 2013 on social media and information board at campus. It is held by Ministry of Youth and Sport to find representative of tourism in each province in Indonesia. First, they were trained in Jakarta on 28 – 29 of August, 2013. Then, they go to Beijing for 11 days for learning about culture and entrepreneurship.

Photo: Personal Archive

Agung Riski and Chintya Dewi

Before going to Jakarta, Putu Chintya Dewi and Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji shared their experiences to The Splash team. Putu Chintya Dewi admitted that she had to change her destination from Australia to China because she couldn’t reach first position in Indonesia-Australia program. In the other side, Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji beat 25 finalists who are older and more experienced than him.

There were a lot of requirements. First, minimum TOEFL score was 500. Second, they have to capable in local art such as dancing, singing, painting and other kind of art from Balinese origin. Third, the students must have good general knowledge, passport, health information, and other kind of official documents. Both Cintya and Riski hope other students can grab this chance someday to learn precious thing and apply it back to the homeland. “When we don't have a door to be knocked by the chance, then we should build it by our own, “Chintya said. In the other hand, another EED student named Mey Mirah Mahadewi is also preparing for student exchange program to Canada this September. Photo: Personal Archive

-Rara Utari-

Mey Mirah Mahadewi



The Second Year of ICEAC

Photo: committee's archive


nternational Conference on English Accross Culture or usually called as ICEAC was held again this year on July, 31st till August, 1st 2013. This two days event took place on Faculty of Language and Art, Kampus Bawah, UNDIKSHA. The conference aimed to gather eligible speakers from all over the world to present their paper of the research, an opinion or an innovative idea. The major theme of the conference itself was about English language and culture, but it also wasn’t limited to the following topics of discussion, such as The Science of English Language, English Teacher

Education, Globalization and English Education Across Culture, TEYL (Teaching English for Young Learners), Curriculum and Teaching Learning Innovation, Multiculturalism/Cultural Diversity, and many more. The chairman of this conference none other was the beloved mother from English Education Department, Dra. Luh Putu Artini, M.A.,P.hD. There were about 38 speakers, 4 keynote speakers, 100 participants as well as 50 committees were joining this prestigious international event. Among these presenters, there were also some of EED lecturers that joined this conference as a speaker. Those were I.G.A Lokita Purnamika Utami, Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, Luh Diah Surya Adnyani, Dewa Komang Tantra, Ni Made Ratminingsih, I Putu Ngurah Wage Myartawan, Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, Luh Putu Artini, and I Nyoman Adi Jaya. Despite that, there were also 4 well-known yet qualified keynote speakers that came from abroad. Those speakers were Prof. Joseph A. Foley that came from Assumption University of Bangkok, Thailand, Prof. Lyn Parker from The University of Western Australia, Itje Chodidjah from University of Hamka, Jakarta and Kiki Arianti Soegeng from University of Indonesia, Jakarta. This conference was divided into 2 days. The first day session was executed at 08.30 AM. Presentation

session was started from Prof. Joseph A. Foley. For almost an hour and forty five minutes, the presentation was conducted in theatre room (or at that time was named as plenary room). After having lunch in the front of senate room, the participants and the speakers continued their agenda with the parallel presentation session. It was closed by having the gala dinner executed at the front of the open stage on 6.30 PM. The next morning, the conference was begun At 09.00 PM. The agenda was carried on to the Gamelan workshop by the head of Senate Faculty of Language and Art, Gde Nyana Kusuma as well as the head of Student’s Association of English Education Department, Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji. Both of them were giving a brief explanation about the name and the function of the Gamelan’s equipment as well as slight demonstration on how to play them. For about one hour, they guided the participants and gave them opportunities to try the instrument as well. To end this two-days-conference, the closing ceremony was held on 16.30 till 17.00 PM. One of the participant, Ni Wayan Monik Rismadewi, S.Pd.,M.Pd shared, “I enjoy my time being on this conference. Lots of improvements are needed to bring this event to be better than before. Hopefully, next time I attend this conference again, the theme and the paper that are presented by the speakers could be more interesting.” -Jane Purnama-

Seven EED Students Cannot Attend Graduation


hree days Commencement would be held in Kampus Tengah Undiksha to inaugurate undergraduate program students. It is a symbol for Undiksha graduates to restore their aircraft before they take off into the real world. However, these seven students already take off before their innauguration day. Eka Diah Prawitasari, Ni Nyoman Budiasih, I Gusti Nyoman Bali Karyadi, I Putu Arik Budiarsana, K. Wanda Riskaadi, Ida Bagus Gde Phalguna, and I Putu Juliarta Widana pursued SM3T program this year. SM3T stands for Sarjana Mendidik di Daerah Terdepan, Terluar dan Tertinggal which address

to undergraduate program graduates to participate in the education development in the leading regions, outermost and lagging areas for one year as a professional educator. Students who join this program are the selected students who pass through the various selections. Then, they have to follow preconditions training activities for two weeks since 31st of August to 12th of September 2013. For one year, they will be assigned in the province of NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur). They will take off around 18th and 19th of September 2013. When they reach there, they will be devided into two groups. One group will go to Alor regency and the other group will go to

Rote regency. The students admitted that it feels so hard for not coming to the graduation ceremony and celebrate the glory with friends and family. But in the other hand this will be an honor for them to carry out activities for educating people in remote and disadvantaged areas. “We will take our certificate earlier and skip the Commencement” said Ni Nyoman Budiasih. The same impression goes to I Putu Arik Budiarsana, he said that they feel happy and sad at the same time, because the most uneasy thing is being far from their family and their beloved one. Being apart for one year of course not an easy thing but they promised to survive and

become more independent. In the other side, Eka Diah Prawitasari confessed that the vision of the program is placed in more positive side. “We can increase our creativity and experiences that not every people can get through this program. Moreover, we will get many challenges such as teaching with finite equipment and face unfamiliar place and society. However, we will do it sincerely with unlimited spirit,” Eka added. -Ary Prawrethy-

MONEV, An Occasion To Build Your Passion


onev (Monitoring and Evaluation) is an event that was conducted by DIKTI to review Students’ Creativity Program (or known as PKM). It is an annual event that is waited by every students whose PKM passes the earlier selection. This selection is a must-thing-to-do because this event will determine whether you are able to go to PIMNAS (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional) or not. Monev took place in Auditorium Undiksha and had been held for 3 days from Tues-

day, the 23th of July till Thursday, the 25th of July 2013. This year, there are 132 PKMs that are needed to be monitored by the reviewers from DIKTI. The qualified reviewers who were in charged in Undiksha were Mr. Tendy Y. Ramadin, MT. and Mr. Sulistiono. Speaking about the assessment of this year’s selection, the reviewers themselves have already provided and possessed their own mark form to score the participants. Commonly, the assessment was based on the presentation, the progress of the pro-

gram and the output or the benefit of the program itself. At the end of the selection, one of the reviewers, Mr. Sulistiono, gave his positive impression about this year’s selection. “Monev in Undiksha was quite interesting” he said. He found out five major interests that commonly taken by the participants, those were about culture, poverty’s alleviation through innovation, technology development, medical and health, as well as environment. He said that those five major were all very appropriate to be implemented

because those suited the era’s development nowadays. He also stated that some of the proposals were good and there were quite opportunities to pass them to PIMNAS. -Jane Purnama-

Here are the EED’s students whose PKM is evaluated in Monev:




Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji

Inovasi Baru Baju Bertema Tarian Bali Sebagai Alternatif Bisnis Baju Berbasis Budaya Bali

PKM-K (PKM Kewirausahaan)


I Made Pasek Suwarbawa

Pelatihan Menari Bali Untuk Guru di Paud Widya Kusuma Desa Pekraman Laplapan Petulu, Ubud, Gianyar – Bali Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu dan Jiwa Kreativitas Anak Sejak Dini

PKM-M (PKM Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat)


Ni Luh Ayu Kembarini

Pengembangan Buku Dongeng dan Media Boneka Tangan: Pengenalan Bahasa Bali Berbasis Pendidikan Berkarakter Untuk Siswa TK Aura Sukma Insani

PKM-M (PKM Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat)


Luh Putu Widianingsih

Pelatihan Minyak Atsiri Daun Cengkeh Sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat Desa Banjarasem Kecamatan Seririt

PKM-M (PKM Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat)


Made Jane Purnama

Pelatihan Minyak Atsiri Daun Cengkeh Sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat Desa Banjarasem Kecamatan Seririt

PKM-M (PKM Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat)






Dr. Asril Mardjohan, M.A.

Through war situation during childhood, it made him grew up as a calm and collected man.However, by taking all the chances, this calm man succeed to be a senior lecturer in English Education Department, Undiksha.


obbery and house combustion made this man who was born in Padang Panjang, May 7th, 1951, moved from one school to other school. It caused a limited time to socialize and build a new environment. “At that time, life was hard for me. I had to move from a village to the other village then to a city. It was hard to adapt with my environment. Maybe that is the reason why I become a calm person. I didn’t have enough time to consort with my friends,” Asril brought the childhood memories. Started from a good mark in English,Asril followed the flow of his life. He said,“I didn’t have a steady dream in my life, I just followed the flow”. At first he never thought to be a teacher, until his lecturer asked him to teach in English Course then he found how fun teaching was. It began when he decided to enter IKIP Padang in

Photo: Eny

1974 then he took his doctoral degree at Malang Institute of Education. This first child from two children had to leave his beloved hometown, Padang and live apart from his parents. With his effort, he finished his education in 1977 and his struggle started here. “I applied to be a lecturer at Undiksha (Ganesha University of Education) in Singaraja in 1977.At the beginning, I didn’t enjoy my job. I wanted to move, soI applied as a teacher at some English Courses in Jakarta. Fortunately, they accepted me. I worked there just about a year then with some considerations I came back to Undiksha,”he shared his experience. Finally, he was officially accepted as lecturer in 1978. His first salary was justRp 10.000,00 each month. Itwas enough for him to fulfilled daily needs and paid the rent of his boarding house. While living in a boarding house,he also met Ni LuhSukraningsih, a woman from Badung which was working as a teacher in Singaraja. “We lived in the same boarding house then we fell in love and married in 1979”, bringing an old memory of the love of his life. First, he had a chance to continue his study in Australia, without thinking any longer, he took the chance and he was graduated from Dip. TEFL, Sydney University in 1980. He also finished his study from MA in Applied Linguistic in 1983 there. In 2007, he had a chance to do Postgraduate Studies in Linguistic at Udayana University and he finished it this year. He said,“Actually, it was a little bit hard for me to take this chance at my age but I took itbecause I like translating and linguistic. I want to learn more about it”. Now, Asril is a senior lecturer in EED, he has passed a lot of bittersweet in his career.However, there is only one principle he has, about right chance in the right time will end by a right result. “It is important to take all the chance but the most important thing is the timing.” thecalm man closed the conversation. -Eny Andraeni-

Photo: Hendra

Right Chance, Right Time, Right Result Colorful Stories in Tri Yudha Sakti Monument Couple of lovers spread everywhere. Fondle and flirt each other. They were really in love and it seems like the world belongs only to both of them. It is so awkward because actually it is not a city park, cinema, or place for dating but it is one of historical monument which exists at education town, Singaraja. Yes, it is Tri Yudha Sakti Monument. This historical monument is more familiar as recreation destination than historical place, which is known as Tugu Tiga. It is free to enter. No charges for the visitors. Most of people are going there for having fun with their friends, family, or even their lovers. Less of them went there to study historical aspects of this place whereas the history of this majestic monument is important for young generation. Tri Yudha Sakti Monument was built during Ketut Wirata Sindhu’s reign. This monument takes place at Sangket village, Sukasada subdistrict, directly in front of Sukasada’s police station. It is very spacious, approximately 2 hectare. It was built to commemorate the merit of Buleleng wariors who already fought against colonialist. There were many names of wariors who participated in the battlefield but there were only three wariors who took the main role among all of them. That’s why it was depicted by only three dashing heroic figure who stood facing north. They are Lieutenant Colonel Wisnu statue, Major Metra statue and Captain Muka statue. The other wariors’ name are mentioned in a small monument which surrounded by small pond in the middle of the monument areal. The historical monument consist of main building, garden, small gazebos, pavilion and many ponds. Main building is a multifunction building which usually uses for meeting. In this building, we can also see a short story of Buleleng warior’s struggle through dioramas which divided into eight parts. In contrast, the monument is also surrounded by shady plants and beautiful flowers that grow in the garden. It gave calm and elegant aura to the environment. When the visitors want to have a sit or a rest, gazeboes have been provided there. Not only place for meeting but also to perform any traditional performance in any particular events are the function of the pavilion. If we see further, Tri Yudha Sakti monument is able to be an assets of Buleleng’s tourism destinations. It has its own magnetism. The most special thing is seeing beach and hills panoramas only by standing on the top areal of this monument (in front of the three statues). This fact was known as Nyegara Gunung concept of tourism object. Nyegara came from the word “Segara” which meant ocean and Gunung means Mountain. So, people can see mountain and ocean at the same time when they stand on top of the monument areal. -Dayu Puspawati-



Warm Bodies : Zombie is Alive

“What is wrong with me? Why cannot I connect to people? Yeah, because I am dead.” A romance story between a zombie (Nicholas Hoult) and a human being (Teresa Palmer) catch everyone’s desires to see this remarkable movie. As normal girls, we always wish for a perfect relationship, holding hands, having dinner in a lovable place, receiving a bouquet of flower and so on. However, a different fate happened to Julie (Teresa Palmer). She had to throw away those every single girl’s wishes since she met R (Nicholas Hoult).

Director : Jonatahn Levine Writer : Jonathan Levine (screenplay), Isaac Marion (Novel) Starring : Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Analeigh Tipton,and other stars. Genre

: Horror, Romance


: PG-13

R and other zombies were living in an isolated place which was protected by a big wall to make distance between them and normal human beings. When Julie, Dave Franco (her boyfriend) and the rescue team observed something in that isolated place, they got sudden attacked from the zombie. Fortunately, Julie was saved by R, the one who ate her boyfriend’s brain. R started to have feelings towards Julie. It was because R had already eaten Julie’s boyfriend brain. After he was spending his time with Julie, R felt his body was changing. He started to dream, and felt his

heart was going to beat. He was not the one who felt his body changed, other corpses started to feel the heart beat also. Time passed by, R and Julie were in the odd relationship.


When R and Julie were going to confess their relationship to Julie’s father, the human living were going to be attacked by corpses and skeletons. Their life was in real critical situation. The soldiers of the rescue team were ready to take their arms up. In the battle field, the corpses were fighting with the skeleton. The corpses and the soldiers were allied to strive against skeleton. Actually the skeleton’s main target was Julie and R, but they could escape safely by jumping down into a small pool, underneath was Julie’s father, ready to catch them. He shot R in his chest. But when he was going to shot his head, Julie stood up in front of him and did not let her father to shoot R. She wanted to show his father that R was different, and he was changing. Astonishingly,

Length : 1 hour 37 min. Release Date: 1 February 2013 (USA)


R was bleeding. Her father was shocked and believed what his daughter had told him. Finally, the skeleton was exterminated; the corpses were changing and started to live side by side with human. Lastly, R and Julie live happily as a perfect couple. This movie is really touching and bumps your heart up with the romance scene between R and Julie. How they struggle their love in their differences, it also brings a precious lesson about appreciation. When the skeleton and the corpses are fighting, it promises a great visualization. It completes romance, horror and action at the same time. -Irmayanti Wiyasa-


TAMARA Made Metha Suadnyani

People passed our apartment today. They dressed in thick coat, scarf, and gloves. The chilling autumn wind was indeed freezing. I even wore my best thick coat with red huge buttons on the front. Holding my little brother’s hand, we were heading to the nearby playground from our apartment. “Wouldn’t Daddy be mad if we leave home?” he asked me. “Oh, no,” I answered with a high tone. “He wouldn’t. He would just shout like a dog.” “That means he’s mad,” complained. “I hate it when he hit me.”



I stopped and kneeled in his front. He was too short to look at my face when I am standing. “Oh, my sweet cupcake, you know I am always here with you all the time. If he comes to hit you again, just call me. I always have a set of kitchen utensils to backfire his actions.” My brother smiled cutely. “I know I can count on you, Tammy!” “You do know that, Tommy,” I replied, and smiled as cute as I could. That afternoon, we played in the playground

together, meeting some of our neighbors and chatting about why the flowers and leaves wither in autumn. Such a stupid topic, but my neighbors seemed to find it interesting. Being a nineteen years old girl, I had to be strong. Each time my so-called-father came home, he always brought a fistful of hatred for me and Tommy. Last night, he hit my little brother on his left arm. Tommy was six. He was too young to bear the pain that he cried all night in my room. Of course, I couldn’t let my brother suffer because of our father. I hit my father with a frying pan. He bled, and I laughed. I received a painful slap, and went to sleep without caring for the wound. Since the death of our mother, my father changed from a loving father to a complete bastard. He never brought enough money home. He never bought me any clothes—thanks to my part-time job that I was able to fund myself. He still funded my brother, though. Maybe it was because Tommy was too young to earn himself, and neglecting a kid his age could send him to jail. My father hated us. When he got home, he often hit me or my brother just for fun’s sake. Blood gushing from our mouth was the best humor for him. He once laughed so hard that it almost shredded my ear membrane. I kept trying to figure out what changed him to this kind of monster. Was this the death of our mother? Or was this his true self?

So we got home after getting tired of playing and chatting. Tommy sat on our dining chair, waiting for me to finish heating up some leftover red pepper soup I made this morning. We were so poor, that we always kept leftover in our cheap fridge. The food always tasted like fridge, but these were all we had. “Daddy hasn’t come home yet,” Tommy started as he played with his spoon. “I hope we don’t need to deal with him again like last night.” “We won’t,” I ensured him, pouring some heated up soup to a bowl. “I have given him enough lessons about hitting. My kitchen utensils army are on our side, so you don’t have to worry, Tommy.” “Then we can sleep peacefully!” Tommy laughed. We ate the leftover soup together. The clock was counting every second. The day was getting darker and colder. Our abusive father hadn’t come home yet. Did something happen to him? Was he hit by a truck on his way home? Oh, stop it. I shouldn’t have had those evil thoughts. Well, I couldn’t help. I hated him with all my life for his abusive manner. My eyes opened when I heard some roar of a car machine outside. It was our father’s car. He never let me drive his car—well, I couldn’t drive, actually. Then let me change the sentence; he never let me or


18 THE SPLASH | SEPTEMBER 2013 Tommy sit in his car. But who’s stupid enough to beg him to sit in the car? His car was not good in shape. It was a broken car, as a matter of fact. He bought it from a neighbor. Seventy percent lower than the real price. Still, our father loved the car like a Ferrari. I stayed still in my bed, locking my eyes to Tommy’s face. He was afraid to sleep in his room alone, so he wanted to sleep in my room. Father’s heavy footsteps were getting closer to my room, much to my surprise. I wondered who he was looking for. Me or Tommy? And why? Those questions filled my head, sending nauseas to my belly. My room’s door was opened. The bright ray from outside hurt my eyes. To pretend that I was asleep—and to avoid his abusive behavior—I squeezed my eyes close. Even blinded by my own self, I still had my hearing ability. I heard father approached my bed, and called for Tommy. I didn’t have enough courage to open my eyes. I was afraid. Yes, I did say that I would protect Tommy no matter what, but… I actually was afraid. “Tammy!” I forced open my eyes as I heard Tommy screamed my name. I got up, and saw father picking Tommy up. “Dad, where are you going to take him?” I asked harshly. Father glanced at me. “I want to have some time off with my boy. You stay home and don’t make any noise.”

brother. Father came home in the very first of the morning. Alone. When I asked him where Tommy was, he silenced his mouth. I thought Tommy was hiding inside the car, so I searched inside. There was nothing. I had this thought again that he might be hiding in the kitchen or his bedroom or the toilet or wherever. I searched for him. Days passed, but I found nothing. Tommy never came home. I couldn’t bear the pain of losing him. I kept believing he stayed somewhere in the city or someone rich and kind had adopted him due to his overloaded cuteness and kindness. But I still couldn’t let him all by himself with strange people. Father didn’t say a word since Tommy’s disappearance. I wanted to call the police, and told them that my father had drowned my brother in the lake near our city. But that was not the real reason behind his disappearance. I could be sentenced to jail for making a prank call then. In a time like today, no one is too young to be jailed. “You killed him, didn’t you?!” I finally got the guts to say that to father. My face was red in anger, head bloated with yearning that got too huge to be held by my skull. I gripped a floor lamp tightly, wanting to smash its shade to father’s white as a sheet face. His eyes turned around, escaping my piercing gaze. Our apartment seemed darker than before. I guessed an alien had eaten our lights.

white room and that man who was putting back the lamp washed all the grunge of the earlier atmosphere. “You were so hyper today,” he said, escorting me back to a white bed. I stared blankly at him. That face was not father’s. The face was a lot younger than his, a lot sweeter, and kinder. I thought I knew him. Well, give me time to remember who he was. “I took notes on everything you said just now,” he continued in a sweet tone. “So, it was a story about a father, a son, and a daughter. You are the daughter, am I right?” I nodded. “Uh-huh. I was about to kill the father for killing my brother.” “Did he really kill your brother?” he asked, preparing his pen on his notebook. I stared at the ceiling. “Uh, no. My brother is very cute, so father won’t kill him. So then he will come back after I kill father.” The man giggled. “You are always full of imagination, Tamara. I am proud of you.” “Oh, Mr. Sommerston, you are always full of sweet words!” Yes, his name is Mr. Sommerston. He is my

“At this hour?” I shouted. “Can’t you have your time off with Tommy after his school? Like other normal fathers will do?”

“You did that because you hate him, didn’t you?”


“Tamara, get real already!” he shouted at me.

Father sniffed. “Shut up already.” He walked away with Tommy still in his arms. The boy looked at me sadly, and his mouth mimicked something that read, ‘I need you.’

“Ah, so you dare shout back at me, huh?” I frowned in disgust, shaking my head. “There could be no excuse for you, dear father. Let me smash that ugly face of yours with my lamp!”

“Now, now, Tamara,” he said, putting his pen into his coat pocket, “take your medicine, and go to bed. I’m sure you are so tired of all the imagining today.” He took a brown bottle filled with crunchy tablets from an end table next to my bed, and gave me one of the tablets and a glass of water.

“Dad!” Though I shouted, he never stopped. I could only see them from my window; father putting Tommy to the backseat of his car, then he sat on the driver’s seat, and left.

“I said, get real, Tamara! You ran out of imagining time for today,” father told me.

It was in the middle of the night. It was freezing. It was painful to lie alone thinking of my

The man snatched my arm, and put back the floor lamp to its place. I blinked in confusion. What was happening? Everything turned completely different. The dark apartment swirled into a white and cold room. The stolen lights were back. I couldn’t feel the disgusting feeling of the apartment or the father anymore. This

Wait. That was not father.

“May I make a story again tomorrow?” I asked. tenderly.

“Oh, sure, darling.” Mr. Sommerston smiled

I don’t have any father. I don’t have any brother. I don’t live in an apartment. I just like making stories. “Good night, darling.” Mr. Sommerston turned off my room’s lamp, and left. I live here, in this white room under Mr. Sommerston’s care. This white room is only a small part of an enormous asylum. People are afraid of my hobbies; telling too much stories with actions including smashing or slashing. That’s why I was sent here, to this asylum. I met with people with similar manner as mine, and people who are willing to care for us and listen to our thousand stories with actions without shuddering in fear. I’m happy here. This asylum is my heaven. I can’t wait to tell more stories to Mr. Sommerston!

Illustration: Heny Sayukti



The Old Man under the Traffic Lights Luh Ayu Purnayatri the traffic lights?” I asked hesitantly.

At first, I didn’t notice the presence of the old man sitting under the traffic lights. I always grumbled every time I got stuck there; it was so hot, dusty, and, not to mention, sometimes there were some men who whistled or stared at me, as if they didn’t see the circular silver ring on my finger, or maybe they didn’t care. But over time, his presence began to bother me, and it caused a great curiosity because he was always there; whether it’s morning, noon, or night. What was he doing? He wasn’t a beggar; his clothes were pretty good. He wasn’t a busker; I never saw him playing guitar or singing to ask for money. He wasn’t a vendor, he wasn’t a scavenger, and he wasn’t a statue!

“The traffic lights in front of Kampus Bawah?”

“It was such a sad story. You want to hear it?”

My colleagues said that I had to stop riding a motorcycle to campus and began to drive a car instead, but I always found reasons to reject their advice. Sometimes I told them I couldn’t drive a car and some other times I said that I had an amaxophobia, but actually I didn’t have money! Yes, although my salary as a lecturer was quite good, a car wasn’t an affordable item for me. I had to skimp in order to take care of my little family; my twins who were both in kindergarten. They would graduate from kindergarten soon, and they would go to primary school. I really had to scrimp so that I could send them to a prestigious primary school.

My husband was an Army soldier. He always moved along with his fellows; sometimes he was assigned in Province A, a few months later he moved to Province B, and then to Province C, and occasionally he was sent overseas to help other countries which were at wars. He was busy, extremely busy! He didn’t have time for us, the people who really needed him. Battlefield was his home; firearms, gunpowder, and grenades were his family, meanwhile our sons and I were abandoned. He did write to us, but only once in a couple of months and only to notify us in which province he was. I twisted the silver ring which had bound my annulary for almost 7 years. I was so confused; should I take it off or let it do its duty to bind my heart? I loved my husband wholeheartedly; but was love enough? I knew our nation needed him, but I needed him more. It had been two years since the last time I saw him; his rare presence tortured me. I didn’t know if I could stand it any longer. I was at my mid thirties, not young anymore, but many men found me attractive, including my colleagues at Undiksha, one of them was Denny. He was a 38 year-old widower working as a lecturer and dean of one faculty at Undiksha. He gave me attention and affection which I never got from Wi Agus, my husband. He even said that he would propose me, and he promised that he would be a good father for my children.

I nodded once again.

“About 3 years ago that man and his wife had just returned from jogging when they wanted to cross Dewi Sartika Street at the traffic lights in front of Kampus Bawah. The man seemed to cross first, while his wife was still across the street. When she wanted to cross, there was a truck speeding from south. The truck hit the man’s wife, and before long, she was dead. Since that accident, that man went a bit crazy. He always thinks that his wife is still across the street, so he’s waiting, always waiting for her although she will never come back. His family forced him to stay at home, but it was useless, so they only take him home to bathe or eat.”

The red light turned green; the car behind me honked, waking me from my reverie. I rode my motorcycle slowly at the crossroad of Dewi Sartika and Ahmad Yani Street, straight south toward Kampus Tengah Undiksha, where I taught.

If only my husband had been there. Had he been on my side, everything would have been easier for me. I miss you, Wi; I really miss you....

I nodded.

I felt my eyes wet; two drops of tears fell down from the corner of them, “I am sorry.” I stood up, “I can’t leave my husband.” Denny looked dumbfounded; I knew it was so unfair for him. “You are a good man, Denny. I am sure you’ll find someone much better than me.” I caressed his hand, “I must leave now. Good bye.” I walked slowly toward the door, not having courage to look back at the man who really cared about me.

Illustration: Heny Sayukti

Without realizing it, I had taken off the ring from my finger. It fell on the floor, causing a small noise that startled me. Maybe I had to let him go. Maybe it was the perfect time to start a new life. I am sorry, Wi... **** That old man was still there, sitting under a frangipani tree near the zebra cross. He stared straight across the street, as if he was waiting for someone. At that time my curiosity was peaked. I pulled over and stopped a few steps from where he sat, and then I walked toward him.

“Good evening, Sir.” I said friendly.

He turned to me. I could see sadness in his old eyes. He kept on silent, making me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I shouldn’t have done this. I looked down. “Good evening.” His words made me lift my head. He greeted me back! “Sorry to bother you, Sir. I just wondered why I always saw you sitting here. What are you doing here?”

at, but I didn’t see anyone, only a few vehicles which were stuck at the traffic lights, “Where, Sir?” I asked.

“There! Right across the street.”

I looked carefully, but I couldn’t see anyone. I started feeling bad; maybe that old man was a crazy man. I got back to motorbike and rode it without saying a word. Why did Singaraja government let crazy people go around like that? Didn’t that old man have a family? I tried to kick the image of that old man out of my head. I was such a fool getting curious because of a crazy man. I accelerated the pace of my motorbike, heading south to a restaurant where I would have dinner with Denny. I’ve decided to start a serious relationship with him because there was no need for me to wait for Wi Agus. “Inten...” Denny waved at me. He sat at the table no. 5. I smiled and walked toward him.

My tears were still pouring like heavy rains. I felt ashamed; I felt despicable. Before Wi Agus proposed to me, he already reminded me that he was a soldier; he was the nation’s son who had great responsibility toward the nation. He told me that I could leave him if I didn’t want to sacrifice, but I convinced him that I was a strong woman. I assured him that I would understand him, I would never regret marrying him, and I would wait for him faithfully. I swore that I would protect the sanctity of our love. Where did the old me go?

I kissed the circular ring which was now on my finger, binding my heart. “You look pale; what happened?” I’ll be waiting for you, Wi.. I’ll always be He asked after I sat across the table. waiting for you...

“Nothing. I am good.”

That old man pointed across the street, “I’m waiting for my wife.” He answered.

“Oh come on, I’ve known you for a long time. I can tell that you are in trouble. Tell me; what happened? I’m your fiancée after all.” He squeezed my hand.

I looked at the place he pointed

I went to the parking lot and started my motorbike. I rode it to my house with tears that couldn’t stop flowing from my eyes. I rushed to my bedroom. I took my wedding ring and put it back on the annulary of my left hand. I felt so cheap, compared to the old man. He waited for his wife faithfully although he knew that she would never come back, meanwhile I fell for another man easily just because my husband was far away from me.

“Do you know the old man near


You of yours It started with a gentle smile ing that people called Wrapped with som“Beth onds” ds, the warmth of relationship You hold my han broke my tears off. my silent and thus I start to cry again in just some noisy brats back The two of us.. we’reTh en.. shining eyes and bright th wi The innocent ones smiles ses You and I change as the time pas nk in bli s of eyes We’re no longer red generation wly changing The you that I met that day slo my reach Your hands feel so far.. out of ger exist in the space The title “friend” isbetnowelon en us my sleep The present scares me even on realized it already The moon knows and the stars bonds anymore I’m not a boy whose looking for and the sad Thanks for everything, the joy woman Starting today I’ll see you as a anasta I Gede Bhisma Griw

Life of Root They are there Dance with the wind on They are held by the a place high above me tr And wait for beautif ee to enjoy the sunshine ul butterflies They are flo wers I am here Live, far down from th I am not the one held e world, down from them by And a ton of soil buri the tree, I hold es me I am a root They get the warmne ss the beauty of the them of the sun, se They have black, whi lves te, yellow, orange, blue green , and They are chosen by bu tterflies. I Wayan Eri Kurnia


Homebody This is not st ory about bu This is not st ilding ory about th e fl ow ers that adorn my h ome This is story about w m ness and togethernesar s This is my h ome This is m struggle thyisroom to get this life , to life and to fe el this life Shaded my dreams, sha ded m and shaded my destinyy daily You can talk everything ab out my home You can give anything ab out my hom But I am, I am e always pride with my home

See the stone , se the tree s and everything ein my home see The stone acc calling you an ost to you, the tree s d everythin g smile for you This is my h ome

I Putu Agus Juli Sastraw an



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