The Splash_Edition 8_November 2011

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Frozen time Four days in frozen time Before we melted into water ams Now floating in different stre of the sea Waiting to meet at the centre me and You Counting down the waves now With a watch without hands while Makes the soon foreign to a of the sea tre cen the at t mee we il Unt You and me e The dice lay still at the tabl board Our pieces travel across the e tanc Dis e tanc Dis tre of the sea There is dry water at the cen A frozen time of You and me - Emelie Franc

Griffith University

One Day (2)

by Kadek Sonia Piscayanti

One day You will be 68 I will be 52 And our daughter will be 29 Your hair will be grey or white and mine too And our little girl is no longer a little girl She could probably be a mom And we rarely see her Maybe she is not in the town Maybe she is in another place in another part of the world We could not ask her to live together as she grows and fly with her own wings And we are You are 68, I am 52,we look different as we are now,only we have the same smile and of course the same love As today I will still be there Be the first face you see in the morning,with my hand on your face And I say I love you Now and everyday And you smile Maybe you don't say I love you too Only I know you do,as much more than I do And that very early morning we have nothing to worry about Nothing Because we live a compLete life So complete with putu putik padi Who will always be our monumemt of love celebration,now and forever Age is only number Love doesn't count for number It counts for every memory we shared and kept... *For Putik Padi

y One DaPiscay anti by Kadek Sonia

pureheartedly, It was a long time ago when you smiled at me only, and I smiled back. Since then it was not a smile ry myste of world new a into come to offer but an on I know it was I was sucked into an open door of which later and never worry full of roses,that I can take as much as I want it is growing that it will probably the last roses I take. Cause one, it will let and growing a lot more and more, as if you take it more and more take you way that grow, to nd thousa er anoth ow hide And of course the beauty of the roses could someh to understand another real faces, but only you just too young world full of dreams and You think you are the luckiest girl ever in the by your side and. prince with hopes,and yes of course, completed name it, those and birds and flies butter and d aroun roses Yes with never existed bly proba that lf yourse d create beautiful creatures you In the whole world prince by your Only the mystery guides your hand to pick a because side with whom you choose your wedding ring to make a prince your and you for work will it e believ you just mystery the ate celebr to baby little a little house together and two of love and the miracle happens between you And it happens just like the way you dream But it is not something you wish It is different You know one day Life is pretty cruel You can't win everything You can't say and they live happily ever after Gosh it is a fairy tale! the couple get married? Do the fairy tales tell you what happen after Do they ever tell? No, they wanna amuse you That is all While life is not an entertainment It is neither an amusement story all at once It is a mystery that could kill you and your entire And one day This story will also remain as a story... ending! Not you,not even me myself,could decide the

Down the road You glance my way when you can’t see me. I live on that remote place where a text message exists when it has been sent but not yet received, on that mysterious road your voice travels during a phone call. I belong to that dynamic moment when ice turn into water. I am that turn, not ice, nor water, the turn. You know the colours you see in darkness, the wall of art painted inside your eyelid. A flicker, a turn, a potential.

- Emelie Franc Griffith University



4 EED’s heroes

Welcoming New Face, Welcoming New Spirit, and Welcoming New Appearance


overseas mobility program griffith university AT GANESHA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION


THE dos and dont’s


akm fbs 2011


The Splash | novEMBER 2011



Number Puzzle

HEADLINEs The Rising Sun Of Undiksha New Hope in The New Campus


events EED’s heroes campus life orientation (clo) 2011, Right Moment to Get Adjusted to the Campus Life Environment ratam fbs Find Your Character and Awaken Your Creativity

4 6 8

special event overseas mobility program griffith university AT GANESHA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION “4 Days with New Friends, New Knowledge and New Experiences”

FROM THE STAFFS We are glad to say that we have moved to new campus with some hopes within. Everything had changed; every laugh and smiles showed up when we saw the new building of our beloved Faculty of Languages and Arts. As the campus changed, there are many changes felt by the member of Faculty of Languages and Arts. The Splash team also goes along with that changes, feeling to be the insiders who see the real atmosphere inside. So then we have the new theme, new home, new hopes. It is through this magazine we hope we can give a highlight of the new campus from many viewpoint. Some members who come from the first semester also give the fresh ideas and the big contribution in writing some articles within this magazine. We also have contribution from Griffith University students who had a program entitled Overseas Mibility Program in English Education Department last October. The inspiring spirit was also brought by the seventh semester and our honorable lecturers who have helped us in editing and supervising our works. When everything had done, we felt pleasant and relieved. All of our hassles have paid! We thanked to the EED members who had done a great job, the honorable lecturers, and also our lovely readers who had supported us and make this happened. We serve a new ‘menu’ within this magazine to satisfy all of you here. A new Campus are being our headline and the hot news here. So, don’t miss it. Let’s check this out!

Chief editor

Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, S.Pd, M.Pd

Executive Editors

Drs. I Wayan Suarnajaya,M.A,Ph,D Made Hery Santosa, S.Pd., M.Pd


Komang Yudistira Adi Nugraha Desak Gede Chandra Widayanti

Lay Out

Herry “C” Sucahya

Photographer Ferry Sudantara


Desak Made Indah Dewanti I Putu Arik Budiarsana

Ratna Rima Asti Mawar Nurjannah Dodo Ivana Quiko I Gusti Ngurah Arya Pramana Putra Ayu Karlina Dewi Hari Setia Hati Ria Rarasati Pande Resita Wulandari Ni Luh Juniati Ratih Putu Agus Endra Susanta Wahyu Priantini Ni Wayan Adnyani Chyntia Dewi Andelina Veronica Jane Purnama Heny Sayukti Budi Suari


HMJ English Education Department

12 13

THE dos and dont’s


SEmdik eed 201 Lead the Students to Become a Successful English Private Tutor iceac i 2011 A Good Starting Point to be Continued

4 numbers


5 numbers

Can Indonesians Think?

a. 71388 b. 14808 c. 84400 d. 35120


10 11

16 18 19 20 23 23

akm fbs 2011 marching euphoria English Education Department’s Debate Club: Be Critical, Speak Up Your Mind THE ROLE OF LITERATURE (PROSE FICTION WRITING) TO BUILD STUDENT’S CHARACTER quiz SHORT STORY

page 14

EED’s HEROES page 4

THE DOs & DON’Ts page 12

page 16

a. 4145 b. 3920 c. 3003



AKM FBS 2011

a. 407 b. 333 c. 009

THE SANDALS special events



Fill in the blank with apropriate numbers according to the number of the column

3 numbers



PROFILE Prof.Dr.Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marheni, MA Putu Ayu Sutaningrat Puspa Dewi The Great Motivator behind an Extraordinary Woman

The Splash | novEMBER 2011



he sunburnt south coast is a burning hell-hole of wasted youth. The heat of the streets, of the stupid silver skyscrapers that drip-dry off the washed-out sky fills me with a hot, burning hate. The self-professed sun sand and surf city is far from beautiful. It’s too light and bright – blinding.

It hurts. I look for potential in this materialist Mecca, search desperately for something more, for anything - I find everything except myself. I make no mark on this world, leaving and meaning nothing. I’ve watched the city fade from a tiny plane window and it still doesn’t mean anything because even here I can’t escape it. I’m constantly caught up in the emptiness of it all – we might gather and laugh at our ridiculous Straya Day culture of flip-flops and Winnie Blues, pretending we’re above it all but really we’re here, we’ve come to Bali, traded our VB for Bintang – call it nationalism, call it mateship but we’re not really sure why. If only this was a different beginning. Or ending. My end is my beginning; the end is where I start from. But if it wasn’t; if there was no Earth, no air, no sky beyond it; if I was the single soul of existence – a giant, Balinese black, smooth-scaled serpent, surrounded by latent potentiality, maybe I’d be strong. Maybe I’d have smooth, soft skin that glides through the emptiness easily. Here the emptiness isn’t easy. It’s thick. It’s not an easy darkness but a heavy, saturated clay void of both darkness and light. Maybe I’d see myself. Maybe all I’d see was myself, and I’d be beautiful and know it to be true. But I’m not. This isn’t the begin-

d. 624 e. 039


d. 0123 e. 3663 f. 7840


e. 87747 f. 14389 g. 39401



Send the answer including your identity to until December 31, 2011. The quickest with the correct answer will get a surprising prize!


ning – it’s the end and I’ve spent four years with my fingers down my throat, staining porcelain with the shameful stench of stomach acid and thirsty, rusty razors, crying to quench a bloodlust. I’d cry out but I can’t, I can’t say I’m unhappy and this isn’t right, I’m lonely and it hurts because we’ve been taught to link pain with weakness, and weakness with difference, and difference with disease like these feelings are contagious, like speaking out only spreads the hurt. I’d do anything just to feel something. The showers running hot – not to muffle any sounds ‘cause I’m too good for that now, I draw it out longer every time just so I can hurt a little more – but I heard heat helps blood flow and I’ve got to get this flowing. Maybe I am a smooth serpent, having endured the darkness, searching for the light. Maybe if I meditated the four armed and faced spirit Brahman would materialize in front of me in infinite forms, in the conch of creation and the vacillating universe lotus, the trident bearing tiger spirits and the third reflecting eye. Even though they’d leave me I’d know the goodness, passion and darkness of life and I’d love it – I’d live just to feel it. I’ve have to trip to see that shit – I tried before, held the pills in my hand, counted them, felt their weight, their potential. I wasn’t in it for the high. A poetic way to go – flowing and uplifted, easy. I hoped I’d forget I couldn’t fly – die falling or drown in the surfer’s paradise. But the risk wasn’t high enough; I was too scared of survival to even try. They say the snake was so lonely she split herself in two– a raw tear right down my inside middle, two opposite and identical parts but one weak, crying, submissive and the

other yelling the constant mantra you’re not good enough, you’re not good enough, you’re not good enough. Rather than weakening her strength grew, doubled, both sides growing louder, out of sync, unstable like a heavy heartbeat, rebounding and colliding inside. The emptiness in me grew warm, grew hot until it burst into flames, burning the pieces of her snake soul and tearing through the void, flooding it, consuming it, turning the nothing into a burning red something, into a burning hot hate that started in the pit of my gut and heaved – heaved - heaved, corroding until it spewed out into the toilet, splashing the sides of the bowl and mixing in my mouth with blood from my knuckles and my sorry, salty tears. Brahma watched her from above, curious, heartbroken by her burning, by her longing for light and for love. He descended, through the flamefilled heaven and pink-purple perfume sky and took her fire. He tore it apart, casting the darkness down and lifting up the light. He burned for her. His flesh was charred and dying – he fell towards the Earth, and as he fell he crumbled, tearing into tiny black demons who took rule of the darkness, calling it night. She saw all of this, grateful and sad, and became lost in the night, but the night was a new darkness and when the night finally ended and the bright sun rose for the very first time, she fell blind and euphoric – there are no words for how she loved the sun, no words for the peace and the calm the sun was to her. She could only smile and cry and feel the rays upon her smooth dark face, so young and so old. I am left. I am not saved, and the demons lead me deeper into darkness. They suck me in and further un-

der, stealing me away from the inside. Makeup stains the teal-topped bench and the razor is cold in my hands. The air is damp. I wipe a clean strip down the middle of the clouded mirror, daring myself to blink. I toy with the blade in my fingers. I hold it against my hair, slowly dragging it upwards. Long, single strands break away and fall, lost to the floor. It’s easy. I feel nothing. I drag the razor back down, watching strand by lost strand leave me. Up and down, up and down. I press through my layers with ease. I move it all around my head, slowly, savoring the twisted beauty. Hair slithers down my back. It covers the bench. Loose locks tickle my toes. I drag it quicker. I cut with force. Nothing. I feel nothing. I cut more and more and there’s nothing to feel, it comes off so easily and all I want is to feel something. She slides her serpent self over her Earth, feeling it for the first time, again and again, forming the mountains and valleys and hills, slicing through the earth surface and death whispers my name. The razor itches and she feels it, she’s happy, meditates and she’s flushed and blushing – trembling, trembling – piercing deeper, a clean cutting wrist and splitting into a million pieces, rising into the skies, into the perfumed paradise, breaking, opening, flowers in full bloom, full crimson flooding and the red river drips down, falling to fingers so used to catching emptiness, so used to pain and acid and imperfection and darkness. The flame-filled heaven flares as the morning stars sing. And the screaming becomes silence – becomes nothing. Ashleigh Watson Ph: 0431 104 798 Email:

22 The Splash | novEMBER 2011 the explanation above, there are so many benefits that can be gained from prose fiction writing. Some of the prominent characters that can be built can be made in Table 1. Each of the characters can be explained as follows. Self-Awareness Self-awareness is the inside feeling about the existence of self. It is built through the process of writing because the writers will use five senses to absorb the detail information they will write. They are aware of what they know, what they intend to know, what they are afraid of, what they are capable of doing, and many other things. Selfawareness can be seen through their writing, because prose fiction is a work of art that involves intellectual and psychological state. By writing a prose fiction, they work intellectually and psychologically as they are aware of themselves and aware of being a writer that intends to build a meaningful story. Therefore, while they are writing, they are consciously or unconsciously aware of themselves, where they are, what they are, and how they are dealing with problems they face. Having selfawareness also helps the students become more focused, respectful, responsible and humble. Self-Sensitivity Sensitivity will be stimulated, explored, and built through prose fiction writing. Building up theme for example needs a self-sensitivity to capture the detail issues. It also involves feeling about those issues and working on it. Sensitivity about self and others can raise questions to be answered, worries to be solved, hopes to be reached. By having self-sensitivity, writer will consciously develop the story by using five senses. At last, they will have more sensitive hearing, sight, feeling, and deeper understanding about particular things. Self-sensitivity also develops the sympathy, empathy, love and care to others. Self-sensitivity is strongly needed when the students write about character. Being sensitive is really important for a writer, to catch and build the emotion and feeling of the character, to be able to see every detail in a vivid description and narration in order to impress the readers. If a writer does not have sensitivity, she/he may fails to describe and narrate the important detail with the fullest information that se/he will fail to impress the reader. Self-Discovery Writing a prose fiction is the same thing as discovering the new perspective of ourselves. Everytime the writers write the story, they discover new problems, new solutions, new version of perspective that they never have before. This is really important in building up a strong character. A strong character

The Splash | novEMBER 2011

HEADLINE appears only if the person has high intensity of discovering new experience everyday. It can also be said as self-reflection, that it involves the process of thinking, valuing, analyzing, criticizing, and questioning about the experiences felt or found. According to Langer (1997), literature allows students to reflect on their lives, learning, and language. These enable the students to be thoughtful and critical writers. Moreover, it builds not only self-discovery, but also the world discovery that originally found, created, and made up through the story. This is why the strong writers can ‘move’ people, or even the world, since they discover a new perspective of life, an invention that somehow can change the world. Students who have discovered themselves will be more respectful, responsible, caring and loving ones. This is where the writing process of prose fiction should be seen as the important matter in the character education. Creativity Creativity is the first key to be successful writer. Creativity includes every single process that builds the whole story. It comes out to be the prominent character that can be seen through the story. The readers can feel, see, and experience the writer’s creativity by reading the story. The ideas, language used, the style of speech, the detail of description, narration and exposition need creativity in the sense that they are the soul of the story. The creativity of the writers will build a singleness of impression on the readers’ mind. Usually, the more creative the writers, the better story will be, in the sense that it can give newly and creatively built theme, plot, language style, and character. Creative writers are usually the original creator, pure artist that can only satisfied by inventing new things instead of copying or rewriting the same stories of the other writers. According to one of the six pillars of character by Josephson (2011), the pursuit of excellence is one of the strong characters that will build self-integrity. In short, creativity and a pursuit of excellence will make a perfect result in building student’s self-integrity and trustworthiness. Imagination Among the others, imagination plays the most important character that should be existed within the writers before writing. Imagination is the best key success in creating the powerful story. Yet, imagination should be developed with creativity, sensitivity to details, and logical thinking. Imagination can be as ‘wild’ as possible, yet it should be rational and logical in the path of fiction. This makes imagination can never be a simple requirement to make a charming and impressive story, yet it should be strongly supported by rational and logical thinking to make it believable and convincing. The

most popular novel that is known worldwide, Harry Potter by JK Rowling for example, has impressed the world because of a newly invented magic world and characters that is invented by the author. What makes it special is not only about the imagination of the author, but also a deep and careful thought about whatever magic world needs to be appeared as a real ‘magic world’. As the result, this charming prose fiction work can be the best literary work accepted worldwide by all ages. Frankly, imagination together with rational and logical thinking can create an impressive literary work. A very famous quotation of Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. It means imagination should be widely opened, widely given an attention to be owned by students. Strong character starts from free thoughts, free minds, and a perfect imagination.

dynamic, and changeable, a step to learn more about characters of our own and others. Conclusions Prose fiction writing is all about building new perspective of life, building new self-discoveries, building characters within characters, and finally meet the most important product, a strong character. The elements of prose fiction such as theme, plot, character, characterization, setting, point of view and life values are areas to be explored and exposed as vividly and as convincing as possible. During the process of inventing and building characters of the story, the writers also build their own characters to be better. Prose fiction writers grow up with so many characters that are prominently appearing during the process of writing, namely self-awareness, self-sensitivity, selfdiscovery, creativity, imagination, logical thinking, sympathy and empathy.

Logical Thinking As it has been explained above, imagination comes together with logical thinking. It is highly required in order to create such a singleness of impression. Without the role of logical thinking, prose fiction will remain as an imaginative work that ends up as References nonsense. There are a lot of fiction works that have wild imagination yet failed to be big and impressive works Basuki, S. (1988). The anatomy of prose fiction. Jakarta: because they failed to answer the Departemen Pendidikan rational and logical sense. Sometimes dan Kebudayaan the imagination puts aside the sense Direktorat Jenderal of logic and it ends as a messed up Pendidikan Tinggi. story. A good work is always and should be creative, imaginative, yet logical, rational, and critical. Students Cornwall, K. (2005). The problem with character with good logical thinking will education. Patriotism manage their imagination and make for All. http://members. it perfect with the combination of creative ideas and rationality.


Empathy and Sympathy Last but not least, the empathy Josephson. M. (2011). Making and sympathy that will be built in ethical decisions: the six the student’s character. Empathy pillars of character The and sympathy are the feelings Six Pillars of Character. of ‘feeling other’s condition’, http://josephsoninstitute. putting ourselves in other people’s org/MED/MEDcondition. In creating characters 2sixpillars.html and characterization, students practice how to put one character Langer, J. (1997). Literacy in a situation and confront it with acquisition through opposing character. They should be literature. Journal of able to put those characters in way Adolescent and Adult that they have conflict and forced to Literacy, 40, 602-614. solve it. They create problems, try to solve it and end it with a sympathy and empathy toward one character. Oktaviani, E. (2007). A study During the process, the ideas grow on the implementation to be a deep thinking about who is of literature-based bad and good. They will practice the instruction on class ability to solve problems, the ability 4 dyatmika primary to see clearly what characters they are school in academic year writing about. Students who undergo of 2006-2007. Thesis a thorough experience in prose (Unpublished). Undiksha fiction writing will become more Singaraja empathic and sympathetic towards other’s condition. It builds caring and loving personality as it grows during the process of writing. Being more respectful, responsible and thoughtful are also characters that are built here. Therefore, literature can never be a closed system, it is open,


THE RISING SUN OF UNDIKSHA, NEW HOPE IN THE NEW CAMPUS Standing up proudly upon the renewal land. The scattered pieces of the broken building have been united into one. So huge and high, looks like a brawn. Though rest of drawn, still lay on gray lawn.

electricity that makes the learning process become difficult to be done. There is complaint of using a same building as a campus and as a senior high school in the same time too. Romi Lesmana and Eka


he coming of the new academic year is like a new piece of life for the dwellers of Language and Art Faculty. After approximately two years being separated with their “home”, the odd semester of academic year 2011/2012 comes up with fresh air from the renovated building of campuses. The desired thing comes. The dreamed and wished hope happens. Having waited for felt-like very long time, the new campus is finally ready to welcome the civilization of Language and Art Faculty. Looking so great from the outside, it stands up 3 times higher than people who pass around it and is decorated by the marvelous view of sky. Everybody who looks at the new campus would think how luxurious it is. From the outside, there are so many air condition devices that hang on every room. Moreover the impressive architecture makes the building looks like a five star hotel. It brings the image that being inside and doing any activities inside the building would be very comfortable and joyful. All the things that only could be imagined for so long time, now could be felt. Everybody was very enthusiastic to use the building as soon as possible. However, sometimes cover does not reveal the contents. The new campus, as it is new, still has lack of facilities inside it. Many

students who were interviewed stated that this building still needs to be equipped with more facilities. Luh Melin Udayanti, Gd. Yamadita Ardana Putra, Ayuni Wulandari, Bryan Permana Yasa, Artayoga, Eka Novitri, and many other first semester students of English Education Department argue that this campus still needs to be facilitated more with air conditioning, white board, and an audio lab. The students who have listening class still need to have a class in GKU because there is no audio lab in the campus of Language and Art Faculty. Astu Werdistira, Ni Nyoman Manik Puspita, and Pande Made Sugiri Adi Nanda, the third semester students of English Education Department also give the same comment. They have the same opinion that this building looks so good from the outside, but there is lack of chair, not only for students but also for the lecturers. The classes are very hot because there is no curtain that could protect the student from the hot sunlight and no AC for cooling down the room. Even, there is no LCD to be used in teaching and learning process. Both Dony Irawan, a fifth semester student of EED and I Gusti Agung Anom Maruti Putra, a third semester student of English for Tourism Department state that this building has not been ready to be used yet. They add that even there is no

from English for Tourism Department say that it is not comfortable to be united with junior high students. Not only facilities inside the building, the facilities outside the building also need to be improved. Numerous comments for the parking area also come from students, as what Ita, a student of Japanese Education Department and Wilia, a ninth semester student of Indonesian Language and Literature

Education Department pointed out. The capacity of the parking lot is still less than the appropriate capacity to accommodate all of the vehicles. Oka Suardana, a ninth semester student of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department and Komang Artana, the seventh semester student of Japanese Language Department suggest that this building still needs to be decorated with garden and green plantation, to make it look more beautiful and become fresher. Issue about cleanliness and the comfort of teaching learning process have also risen up. It would be very annoying to be in dirty surrounding, as what Ariesta, a first semester student of Eforism and Mala, a student of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department argue. There are also complaints about the noisy situation that often distracts the comfort of learning process coming from both lecturers and students. All of those opinions reflect the actual fact of the condition within the campus; the situation that is significantly different from what is expected by the civilization of Language and Art Faculty, when they firstly come again to their renovated home. However, it is not wise to keep in complaining and only see the situation from the negative side. It is obvious that the process of constructing new buildings still in progress. Hopefully, there would be excellent improvement in terms of quality and quantity of the new campuses. The improvement that would make the teaching learning process develop and trigger better education. (dodo)


The Splash | novEMBER 2011

The Splash | novEMBER 2011 fiction, but basically there are seven key elements of prose fiction that will be discussed in this paper, namely: 1. Theme Theme is the central idea of the story. Usually theme can be about everything related to human’s issues such as love, hatred, absurdity of life, sadness, madness, and many others. Among those themes, the love theme usually becomes the most favourite choice for the authors to develop. 2. Plot Plot is the arrangements of tiedtogether events in a story. It covers three main parts namely beginning, middle, and end. These three parts include conflict, crises, climax, and resolution. The other elements such as foreshadowing (the clue of what happens next), suspense (emotional climax of intensity) and surprise (the unpredictable happenings) needs to be built here. Therefore the writers need a lot of creativity and imagination in building up the plot. Here, the writers will learn how to handle the character’s problem, how to solve and how to end it. The quality of a story depends much on the plot development. 3. Character Character is the person, people or other beings that inhabits the story. There are many types of character. They are different types of character depend on different roles, the portion of characters in a story, and the sympathy gained from the readers. Based on the roles in a story,

Welcoming new face, welcoming new spirit, and welcoming new appeArance Newcomers had shown themselves as heroes in REED HEROES “Hospitality Event, Respect Other and Emerging Solidarity”.


he sky was still dark, cold, and silent. Looking at watch, it was still 2 o’clock in the morning, time to sleep, having a nice dream. But not for them, hundreds of “grey” people had stood up, without feeling the coldness, standing up waiting for the heroes to come. Finally, at almost 3 am the heroes came. Wearing their best costume, they

were really confident to face the “examination” given by the grey people. Yes, heroes were newcom-

ers of EED who will participate at Ratam EED (REED), an annual event for welcoming new family of EED. Held on August, 21st, REED was joined by hundreds of participants coming from new students of EED who were divided into 10 groups namely Fire Storm, Nursery, Batman, Doctor Fate, The Phantom Stranger, Mr. Miracle, Bloodwynd, Zorro, Static, Hawkman. On the other hand, the commitee who was wearing grey T-shirt came from third and fifth semesters. The sirene screamed, a sign that the participants were allowed to take position in front of lobby of Languages and Arts Faculty. Minutes after, the commitees checked all the given assignments and everything the participants brought. Squat-up and squat-walking were gifts for all participants who broke the rules. At 5 o’clock, checking time was finished, 14 buses were ready, the next step was directly blasted to Wisma Nangun Kerti to do the next agenda of REED HEROES. The journey of almost 1,5 hours in the road was not felt. Wisma Nangun Kerti was in front of our eyes. Surprisingly, it was very cold, everbody looked like locomotive, breathing smoke from their mouth and also


trembling but the activities were still going on. The events were officially opened with the flying balloons by the new students and cutting the ribbon by the chairman of EED, Drs. Wayan Japa, M.Hum. Then, for warming up, yells were ready to show up. It was shown by the new students from ten groups and the next chance was for the committees to show their yells. After showing yells, the agenda was fun games. It was joined by the new students, committees, our lovely sisters and brothers from 7th, 9th semesters, and graduated students. There were two games in this event. The first game was “Caterpillar Games” and the second game was “Pikagel Games”. These games demanded the participants to work together in order to be the winners. After having fun with games,

the new students were in charge of collecting the signatures from their seniors and lecturers. Absolutely the aim of this activity was introducing the new students to their seniors and their lecturers. It could build the relationship between new students and the members of EED. After that we had lunch together. The next agenda was King and Queen, an activity that is only created by EED. It was time to see, and finally chose who the King and Queen of EED were. They would be the representatives of EED in Putera-Puteri Undiksa. Becoming a king or a queen is not an easy thing. Not only having good physical appearance, king and queen must be smart and knowledgeable. Only five couples from hundreds of new students could stand on the hot stage and they had been

Elements of prose fiction

be categorized as protagonist and antagonist. 4. Characterization Characterization is how the character in prose fiction revealed through direct presentation and indirect presentation. The technique used for direct presentation is description, exposition or analysis about characters. Meanwhile the techniques used for indirect presentation are dialogue, monologue, or the character’s way of thinking, saying and acting. 5. Setting Setting is usually defined as the place and time – where and when the story takes place. However the function of setting is more than just telling the place and time, yet it is also used to create a unique atmosphere in the story. It can help to interpret the theme and tone of the story, whether it is about love, death, misery or others. It can be best shown through description, narration and exposition. Setting can also help the writers to build the philosophical background of the story by using names of places, time choice and others. 6. Point of view Point of view is the writer’s perspective of how to put the characters in the story. It can be written in the first person point of view (using ‘I’), second person point of view (using ‘you’) and third person point of view (using ‘she’, ‘he’ or ‘it’). The significant role of point of view is

The prominent characters built



• • •



• •

Imagination Creativity Logical thinking


• • • • • •

Self-discovery Self-awareness Self-sensitivity Creativity Imagination Sympathy Empathy



• • • •

Creativity Imagination Logical thinking Sympathy Empathy



• • •

Sensitivity about the surroundings Awareness about the surroundings Creativity Imagination


Point of view

• • •

Self-sensitivity Self-discovery Sympathy Empathy


Life values

All characters involved


characters can be categorized as major character and minor character. Based on the portion of characters in a story, characters can be categorized as round character and flat character. Based on the portion of characters in a story, characters can be categorized as round character and flat character. Based on the sympathy gained from the readers, character can

Self-awareness Self-sensitivity Creativity

to put the flow of the story and give the overall impression toward the story. 7. Life values Life values are the lesson that can be gained from a story. It can be found in the story as it develops a point of issue raised by the writers. Life values are simply about everything that comes within the

flow of the story, it can be felt and understood as the readers get the understanding of the whole story. Those seven elements can be developed through a good description and narration which involves creativity, imagination and logical thinking. It also builds self-awareness, self-sensitivity and self-reflection which strongly needed in the student’s character building. Each of the elements and its benefit to build student’s character can be explained as follows. BUILDING UP STORY= BUILDING UP CHARACTER Story and life are two interrelated direction that influence one to the other. Story is made up from the life reflection, it is the art that talks about human’s issues captured through the five senses and written through literature-prose fiction, a story. Building up story, we build up our own life, as what lies in the story is a deep reflection of life. Each of the elements of the story builds up character of the writer as it flows following the creativity of the writers. It builds self-awareness, self-sensitivity, uniqueness, and logical thinking, all at once. Therefore, creating a story can never be a simple process, yet it is challenging, interesting and motivating. Once the story is created, consciously or unconsciously, the writer grows to be a better person, a better character, a wiser writer. It can be seen through

Table 1. The elements of prose fiction and the prominent characters built the process of building up each of elements of prose fiction as follows. Theme is the central idea of the story. As it is explained above, theme talks about a particular issue raised from writer’s perspective on seeing things. In developing theme, students should have a strong selfawareness and self-sensitivity. It is to hear and feel what happens within him/her or what happens outside him/her that needs to be written up in the story. Plot needs a creativity, imagination, and logical thinking. As writers develop the plot, they develop themselves become the creators, the doers, as well as the decision makers. Plot is the most complex elements that it becomes the centre of whole impression. Plot has the biggest portion as it takes the beginning, middle, and end as one unity. The backbone of the story lies in the plot. The key of impression lies in the conflict, climax and ending. This is also the biggest challenge for the students to manage their creativity, logical thinking and uniqueness. As they are born with their own innate capacity and own uniqueness, building up plot will really explore their creativity,


uniqueness and logical thinking. Creating characters in a story also needs a deep observation, a keen awareness of the existence of other people around as well as a thorough experience in managing anger, hatred, love, silence, betrayal, and other feelings. This process will sharpen and deepen the writer’s empathy and sympathy towards other’s feeling. Characters creation also benefits the students that they can somehow reveal and discover part or parts of their own character. This can’t be avoided because part of the creators (the writers) involve in the way characters think, speak, and act. In other words, building up character in prose fiction means building up the writer’s character. Characterization is also the most important part of a story. It is the way how the writers convince the readers that the characters are lifelike and vivid as well as provoking readers to come inside the problems of characters. The specific character that can be built here is the creativity, uniqueness, and attention to details. The power of plot should be supported by convincing character and characterization in order that it creates a singleness effect of impression. Setting and point of view are two elements that will build the atmosphere of the story. The knowledge of setting will develop the writers’ awareness of surroundings and local environment. The closer and careful observation of the environment will be resulted in a vivid and convincing description. This helps the readers to feel the atmosphere of the story. Point of view, on the other hand will build student’s perspective about others. It can build student’s awareness of other’s existence such as using third point of view (she, he or it). Using third person point of view puts the writers as observer of the minds of others. Here, the character built is sympathy and empathy to others. The same thing happens if the writers use the second point of view (using you). Through the use of second and third point of view the writers put themselves as others’ position. However the use of first person point of view (using I) raises self-awareness. Life values, most importantly, are fully explored, exposed, and absorbed during the time of writing. This process of writing not only benefits the writers but also benefits the others to be a better person. CHARACTERS BUILDING Characters building in the writing process of prose fiction are undoubtedly important. The experience gained from the process gives a big effect on the personal development of the students. From

to be continued on the next page


20 The Splash | novEMBER 2011

The Splash | novEMBER 2011


Introduction Prose fiction is a prose in broad literary sense. It is prose in the sense that it is written in prosaic form rather than poetic. It has at least five elements; plot, character, characterization, setting, and point of view. Prose fiction is a made up story about character. It can be about human being or other inanimate beings, specifically focuses on a particular theme. Prose fiction is an imaginative work of art, yet the power of the language makes it vivid, believable, attractive, and impressive. However, the power of the stories depends very much on the writer’s skills to create a powerful plot and character. Therefore, short story writing involves not only a language skills, but also a metacognitive skills. The power of metacognitive skills include the psychological knowledge, such as the knowledge about character, characterization, and conflict. A short story writer, therefore should always be aware of the surroundings, sensitive and critical. Writing about character can never be an easy thing since it involves psychological state of the writer. The self-statement, self-perception and self-judgement of the writer can be clearly seen through the stories they write. As they write, they discover themselves, they face their own anger, madness, and solve their own problems. The process of writing is a reflection of one’s life journey, despite the made-up story and personal imagination. Here the writer will be able to see not only the story that works on the plot, but him/ herself that creates the story. Along the process, the writer will discover parts of him/herself dealing with the character’s conflict such as the complication, climax, and resolution. This process leads the writer to the journey of self-discovery and selfawareness. They build the characters of the story as they build their own character. This is why literature writing (prose fiction) could be the best way to build the student’s character. This paper will discuss about how prose fiction writing can build students’ character. THE CONCEPT OF PROSE FICTION AND CHARACTER BUILDING Prose fiction is derived from two words, prose and fiction. Prose is a literary work of art that is free from verse rules. It is written in prosaic form rather than poetic. It is fiction which means a made up story. Prose

people and surroundings from called character building. Character different perspectives. here refers to the emotional and psychological state of the writers 4. Understanding and empathy before the writing process, while – literature stimulates the writing and after writing. This is really children’s sympathy and important point in this discussion, empathy toward a particular that they are two terms of character character presented in the story. used. First, character in the story, it Understanding will be better if refers to the person or animate and they know how to relate their inanimate beings that becomes the understanding in the story with centre of the story. Second, character their own life. as the personality of the students 5. Heritage – literature is handed resulted from the prose fiction writing. down from one generation Character according to Cornwall to the next connecting the (2005) is a term with no agreed readers with the past and upon definition, even among the roots of human history. proponents of character education, Literature is a precious which, moreover, that confusingly heritage that should be blends personality and behavioral preserved by the young components. According to Josephson generation. The life values (2011) there are six pillars of and moral values in literature characters, namely; trustworthiness could give the best lesson for (including honesty, integrity, the young generation. reliability and loyalty), respect, 6. Moral Reasoning – literature responsibility, fairness, caring and is the best way to teach citizenship. Those six pillars of lesson on moral values. The character can be built through the characters in the story are process of prose fiction writing. The placed in the situations that writers consciously or unconsciously require them to make a moral build their own responsibility, respect, decision. How the characters caring and loving, as well as building take action, how the up their own integrity through prose characters behave, how the fiction writing. In terms of respect characters solve the problem, and responsibility, the students can are the lessons to be learned. write about everything with respect and responsibility that they write for 7. Literary and Artistic sharing their burdens or problems Preferences – the children that never been told before. This is who often read literature good for students to learn how to may have better literary and respect their lives and be responsible artistic preferences. They are to face it. able to choose the literary In a more focused discussion, works that are interesting I will try to elaborate some other to be read. They will be characters that can be built through more sensitive to the artistic the prose fiction writing. Here, what I preferences. mean by character is the personality components such as self-awareness, 8. Reading and Writing – as self-sensitivity, creativity, imagination, they read more literature, the logical thinking, sympathy and consequence is they get more empathy. Meanwhile the concept of ideas and to write. Reading and character building in this paper is the writing can not be separated 2. Imagination and inspiration process of inventing and exploring as one influences the other. – the students will actively the characters within the students Reading is a source for writing. take a part in listening to the through the process of prose fiction Writing is a response of reading story, valuing the story and writing. Character is built, developed, (the product of reading) and can responding. Imagination is and raised through prose fiction be a new reading source. the most important thing writing. The benefits of writing will to get the value of the story. Character, as one of help the students become more Inspiration, as the key factor elements in a prose fiction has an sensitive, creative, critical, logical, that leads them to a response. important role in the overall content sympathetic and empathic. This is So imagination and inspiration of the prose fiction. Character is the how the concept of prose fiction and are two basic factors that person, animate or inanimate things character building strongly related will lead the students to the that being discussed in a story. It is one to another. enjoyment of the story. built through imagination, creativity, critical and logical thinking to make the elements of prose 3. Vicarious experience – it convincing and lifelike. However, in fiction literature gives the children the process of developing characters different perspectives of the and plot of the story, at the same time There are a lot of sources telling world since they are presented the writers undergo a process sothe different elements of prose with world of imagination of

fiction is imaginative literature; it is literature that is not intended to be, and is not judged by the usual standars of truth and falsity. It is imaginative, in the sense that it is a work of imagination, which is different from an essay, which is also prose but not fiction (Basuki, 1988). Further, Basuki explains the five main characteristics of prose fiction. First, it is fiction in the broad literary sense, something invented, so it can not be judged be the standard of truth and falsity. Second, it is non dramatic. Meaning that it does not put main attention on dialogue and action as it is in drama, however its main attention is on description, narration and exposition. Third, it is narrative, it tells a story. The narration, description and exposition is used to tell the reader a story about a certain character in a certain setting, having a certain experience. Fourth, it is descriptive. In telling the story, the writer uses description of characters, situation, place and time. The fifth, it is prose. It is not written in poetic style, yet in phrases or prosaic style. In short, prose fiction is an imaginative work of literature that talks about human’s issues written in prosaic style. Using prose fiction as a medium of teaching writing in the classroom has many benefits to students. Lynch Brown and Tomlinson (2005 in Oktaviani, 2007) stated some of the values of using literature in classroom. 1. Enjoyment – the students will feel enthusiastic if they are attached with the experience described in the form of story. Children who have strong imagination and creativity will enjoy the learning by using literature since it develops their curiosity and motivation. Story can be funny, sad, or touching so that it can make them laugh, cry, or just smile.

selected by the committees. The event was opened by a dance performance from big five of King and Queen . Then, the top three couples of king and queen were announced. They were chosen based on interviews done on the previous day. After that, the three top of the king and queen were tested by asking them to answer provided questions which led them to do a public speaking. The three judges consisted of three lecturers who judged them. Finally, Ngurah Agung Riski Restuaji and Gusti Ayu Putu Diah Permata Sari AR. were choosen as 2011 King and Queen of EED. The sky was very bright and the weather was warmer; it was time for having outbond activity. Wow, it was so challenging. There were six posts and new students had to go through all the posts and each post had different challenges. They had to answer the questions, finishing the rubic test and finishing Eel game. Finally, it was closer to the end of activity. Firstly, the committee announced the winners in each

competition and then gave gifts to the winners. And also it was a moment to give appreciation for Pak Japa who always gave great contribution to EED. At 6, it was time to come back to Kampus Bawah. It was not the end of the event, as it continued by having dinner together and finally REED HEROES was closed officially by speech from pak Japa. The activity was ended by shaking hands between newcomers with the EED students and lecturers, kissing Undiksha and EED flag as promise that they loved their department and would do their best for the Undiksha. it as ended by fireworks performance. Ratam is an amazing event, where all the EED’s family can gather and respect each other. Hopefully, in our new home, we can build a new big thing for our department and our university, Undiksha. (Arya Pramana & Karlina)




The Splash | novEMBER 2011

campus life orientation (CLO) 2011,

Right Moment to Get Adjusted to the Campus Life Environment


LO 2011 was held on 6 to 11 August 2011. There were two periods each day, morning and afternoon. The morning period was started at 6.00 and finished at 11.30 with some exceptions on some particular days. The afternoon one was started at 02.00 and finished at 06.00. All the activities arranged in CLO 2011 was centered at Kampus Tengah Undiksha with exceptions for the afternoon time period of August 10 and the morning time period of August 11. On these two time periods, some students, especially those belong to Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, were brought to Kampus Bawah Undiksha to be introduced with the environment of the faculty and its departments. The committee of this event were the collaboration of all the students’ organizations in Undiksha commanded by Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) as

the executive committee. They collaborated with Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa (MPM), Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM), Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas (SMF), and also Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan (HMJ). UKM which were being parts of the committees were UKM Pramuka, UKM Menwa, and UKM Pers Mahasiswa VISI. SMF and HMJ specially sent some of their representatives as the committees. SMF sent three

and HMJ sent only one. The morning period of the first day of CLO was arranged to distribute the new students into some groups and to do a rehearsal

of the opening ceremony. To distribute them, the committees commanded the new students to find to what group they belong. They were directed to find some piece of papers that were patched on announcement board scattered around the parade ground area. There must be 26 groups, A-Z, and those all were listed on the papers on the announcement board. As they knew their group, they had to be lined up on the field based

on their own group. After all the students had been lined up, the activity was continued to the rehearsal of the opening ceremony. Afterwards, the morning period of the first day was ended by the announcement of some assignment that had to be done by the new students. The opening ceremony was the agenda of the afternoon period of August 6, 2011. After being lined up as they did at the rehearsal, the opening ceremony was ready to start. The Rector of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sudiana, M.Pd, welcomed all the new students through his speech. Besides, Mr. Sudiana, through his speech, also said that CLO should be a right moment for the new student to adapt themselves toward the life and environment of the campus. The event then was officially opened by releasing balloons into the air and pinning a nametag to the representatives of new students. The next day, on Sunday morning of August 7, the activity was continued to the parade performance of the UKM as the extracurricular organizations. With the time given, for about 6 minutes, the representatives of UKM tried to introduce their UKM and

also tried to attract the students in order to join them. The performance could be short drama, simulation or attraction regarding their UKM. There were totally 23 UKM presenting their UKM including the newest UKM, UKM Pelana. Starting from the afternoon period of August 7 until the afternoon period of August 8, the groups of the new students were distributed to some rooms to get some materials. The rooms used were Gedung Auditorium Undiksha, Ruang Seminar Undiksha, Ruang Seminar MIPA, Ruang Seminar FIS, Ruang Seminar Jurusan Manajemen, and Ruang Auditorium Pasca Sarjana. The materials taught were the Ethic and Academic Culture in Higher Education, The Way to Study at University (taught at afternoon period of August 7), Indonesian University, Academic Program (taught at morning period of August 8), Education of Library Use, and Introduction to Undiksha’s Mars and Hymen (taught at afternoon period of August 8). All the materials were taught by the lecturers of Undiksha. There was an interesting activity on the next morning. That was “Go Clean”. As its name suggests, the new students were

The Splash | novEMBER 2011


English Education Department’s Debate Club:

Be Critical, Speak Up Your Mind “On that point, Mam!” That was one statement that you would hear when you see the students in EED’s Debate Club practice. A club where the members like challenging and care to the current issues has existed in EED for two years. However, actually it has been here for years ago, but it was formally formed a year ago with Prof. DR Adi Jaya Putra M.A. as the counselor. This club is challenging because in debate we should do two things at the same and short time together, such as speaking and thinking. It is very good activity to improve our speaking skills as well as our knowledge because here we would debate a certain motion about the current issue that may not be our field, such as law; politics; socials; and many others. Therefore, speaking English well is not the only thing that could make you become a good debater. Now this club has more than twenty members with Mawar Nurjannah as the leader under the HMJ organisation. That number is very little if we compare to the total number of students in EED. That is normal because every student

has their own decision to choose club in EED. Actually, there are some students in EED who want to join this debate club, but they are too afraid to come. They still think that debate is hard because they are afraid to speak and state their mind about the motion. For information, the members of this club do not one hundred percent have experience in joining debate, whether it is debate club, debate competition or just watching a debate competition. They come to this club to learn together to improve their speaking skill and their confidence in speaking in front of people. As we know that students do not always have so much time to speak in the classroom, mostly they speak a lot in speaking class. Through this debate club, the students could speak a lot and state their mind. So we know some students like Dani Wahyudi Mandagiri S. Pd, Dian Sawitri S.Pd, and Gede Dudik Widiarsana S. Pd as our alumnus that have a very good achieve-

ment in National University English Debating Championship in 2009. They were at the big 25 of 90 participants. I Gusti Ayu Paramitha Eka Putri who always becomes the best speaker in debating competition, one of them is in Udayana University English Debating Competition that held every year; Herma Aryanthi and I Gusti Ayu Agung Adyatmika were the 1st winner in Ganesha University English Debating Competition 2010 and as the representatives of Bali in Universi-

ing Competition. However, we are not only active in joining the competition, but also hold some events, like EED Debating Competition for senior high students in Bali as a part of Social Gathering events in EED’s anniversary and Ganesha University English Debating Competition. Though they are not totally the EED’s Debate Club’s event, we always participate as the committee there and expect that we could hold them someday. Besides

ty English Debating Championship 2011 in Semarang together with I G A Paramitha Eka Putri; Mawar Nurjannah, Kadek Wiramarta, Rusanthi, Imroatun Nafiah, Putu Chintya Dewi, and Ria Rarasati who also got the best speakers row in Udayana University English Debat-

that, we hold some sparing train with some junior and senior high schools in Singaraja, like SMP N 1 Singaraja and SMA N 1 Singaraja. We train them to practice debate as the preparation for joining debating competition. The latest activity that we have just held in November, 15th 2011 became the consultant for SMAN 2 Singaraja in holding SMANDA EDITION ( English Debating Competition) 2011 for junior high school in Buleleng. In the future we want this club to be able to become an UKM in Undiksha, so that every student from all departments in Undiksha could join this debate club and become a great debater; because English is not only owned by EED; and hold our own debate competition that would be done just by us. If you want to improve your speaking skill and critical thinking you can join us in the club and have some serious fun. So,Debaters, be critical and speak up your mind. (maw)

18 The Splash | novEMBER 2011

The Splash | novEMBER 2011


Marching Euphoria


ugust is a glorious month for Indonesians, reminding as how the golden achievement scratches in the history of Indonesia’s nationality. August 17th, 1945 was a sacred date for Indonesian people when Indonesian fathers, Mr. Sukarno

and accuracy in time. The spirit and nationality atmosphere are really felt in every heart of the competitors and supporters. Team work emerges as a media to keep the values of Indonesian people who are known as a nation of people who love to work coopera-

coincidentally pass by will stop and take some pictures of them. Such a beautiful moment cannot be seen in other months among the year. Moreover, marching is not only a show to perform the ability to manage the steps and shout out loud. There is a philosophical mes-

all people can live in health, safety, comfort, and prosperity altogether. There is no disturbance which can threaten the unity and diversity of the republic of Indonesia. The most important thing regarding this event is the feeling of being proud delegating the good image of their institution to public. Members of the marching team are chosen through tight elimination processes. For those who have been chosen are the best in their institution. They are ordered to be able to show the best performance on the street. Every step they make represents their image. If a team wins this competition, public will spontaneously give applause to the institution they come from. But if they fail by showing a bad performance, public will deride and insult them. Thus, it sometimes becomes the battle of self price, as our ancestors tried to get freedom also for the sake of defending the prestige of our nation. However the way of the celebrating the of Independence Day should not only be seen from the physical activities and the euphoria along the activities, but deeper, it and Mr. Hatta, enfranchised Indotively, hand in hand together. In sage behind at. Through this activ- has to have special meaning that nesian from Japanese occupation Singaraja, marching competition ity, the members of team as the could be felt in every heart of Inby proclaiming the Declaration of has its own followers. The teams generations who were born after donesians. The freedom we could Independence. Annual celebraranging from students of elementhe colonialism era, work as mesget and feel is effortful achievetion is always held every August tary schools until government ofsengers. Certain feet steps teach us ment that has been scarifying lots as the celebration of the euphoria ficers enjoy following the competi- to be a responsible, discipline, and of perseverance. We have to thank of freedom that was reached by tion; those increasing the cheers of cheerful person. National songs to God for His great grace and scarifying lots of energy, blood and the celebration. and yells that they sing are voices also to our heroes who had never soul. The spirit of National heroes Some weeks before the day could be felt as the bravery and of competition, each team has purity flattered in front of every started to practise. They walk building along the streets. As we down along the street to try the always see in every celebration of routes which have been deterour Independent day, lots of activi- mined by the committee. They are ties are held to add the glow to not only measured in terms of acour National Party. One of waited curacy of their movement, but also moment every year is the competi- the count of time. Usually during tion of marching that is joined by their practices, they sing national all ages of society, from elemenIndonesian songs and screamtary students until the members ing yells that could enliven the of Dharmawanita. Through this situation of the city. Their shout activity, the spirit of nationality reverberate fulfills every corner of could be flamed, the fervors could town. The silence of the town is be enlivened, the society could be smeared by their voices. Drivers, enlightened, and the love for nabikers, or even people who are forming the heroes. These songs given up in struggling the destiny tion could be enriched. walking down the pavement will do not only tell how hard they of our beloved country. Thus, fillThere are many teams who stop for while just to see the teams have tried to get freedom from ing this independence with lots of fight to be the champion of this showing their performance on the the colonials, but also order us to development and innovations both competition. They compete with road. Sometimes, they become unite, maintaining the freedom in physics and mental still must be others to be the best team by interesting and beautiful object of Indonesia. Together we build a done. (ratna & dodo) showing team’s neatness, tidiness, to be photographed. Tourists who wealthy country, a country where

asked to clean some areas around the campus. Before that, they were divided first by the committees. They could be very happy in doing it since they were so enthusiastic. After the areas were cleaned, they assembled again in the center field of Undiksha. The activity continued to the spontaneous performance in order to kill the time off. Each group of new students presented their own amusing spontaneous

performance. The introduction to the student organizations was the agenda of the afternoon period of August 9. The first introduction was the introduction to BEM which was directly handled by the chairman of BEM. The introduction was continued to MPM, UKM, and SMF in series. At that time, there was also the submission of the form of interest and ability which had been filled by the whole stu-

dents. After collecting all forms, the students were directed to go to the place where their chosen UKM assembled them to have some announcement about that particular UKM. At morning period of August 10, the students were directed back into the rooms they used to have the materials. It was done after they did a competition of Undiksha’s Mars and Hymen which was just finished at 9. The materials they had were The Programs and Events of Students Section of Undiksha and The Danger of Drugs and Its Prevention within students. That day was ended by the collection of the assignments and announcement for the

next activity. As it is said above, at afternoon period of 10 and morning period of 11, the students were directed to their own faculty. They got the introduction of their own faculty and their department. The activities during these two periods were led by the committees of each faculty. The materials that the students got in these two days were Introduction to PKM, Introduction to PMW, Introduction to SMF, and Introduction to HMJ. The students went back to the center field of Undiksha to attend the closing ceremony. This activity probably was the activity that was being the most wanted activity. It

was which could end their struggles for about 5 days. After delivering speech, Mr. Sudiana officially closed the CLO 2011 by putting off the name tags of the representatives of the student and having the students wear the academic coat. The activity was then continued to hospitality activity. In that occasion, the committees horizontally stood in line and were ready for the hand shaking activity. After having been commanded, the students came in front and shook hands with the committees while giving a flower to a committee they liked. (Arik and Hary)



The Splash | novEMBER 2011


“Find Your Character and Awaken Your Creativity” A new semester has just begun. The fresh faces of the new FBS members will fulfill the odd semester. A hospitable and friendly event in welcoming the freshmen of FBS will open a new gate of spirit and hope. This is it Ratam FBS has started.


uite similar to the other faculties in Undiksha, Ratam of FBS aimed at giving orientation that was more specific to the new FBS’s members. Ratam FBS was held on August 16th 2011, and it stood with the theme “find your character and awaken your creativity.” Ratam FBS which was led by Komang Suarma from Eforism was created especially to bring the freshmen nearer to FBS and all of FBS’s members. This event became special because it showed the characteristics of FBS, which are creative and aesthetic. FBS does not only demand logic but also big creativity. Every year, it took a certain costume theme, and this year it took theme “film character,” such as Inuyasa, Kera Sakti, pirates of carribean, aladin, naruto, bleach, and sailormoon. This theme was chosen because it was in mutual accordance with the general theme, to build character and develop the creativity. The theme made the freshmen able to create sensational costumes only from simple materials. Besides the costume, the characteristic of FBS were showed from the stage design. The stage was designed appropriately to the general theme and the costume theme. Ratam FBS which took place in Undiksha Auditorium became very cheerful. This Ratam was opened by

dean of FBS, Prof. Dr. Pt Kerti Nitiasih, or Mrs. Titiek. A lot of activities in Ratam did not mean to give many loads to the freshmen,

and the committees, from yel contest, attractive games, intelligence contest, dance competition, and the most awaited was King and Queen Contest. The most interesting moment was the asking for committees’ signature. In an hour they were looking for signatures as many as they can, Auditorium was full of laughter because they made a lot of jokes. The success of Ratam was a result of students’ hard works. Preparing this Ratam to be very conscientious event was not an easy thing. The committees prepared this big event for three months and passed so many bittersweet things which tightened the confraternity among the com-

List of winner in Ratam FBS • Juara yel n pantun Inuyasa • Kelompok terbaik Kera Sakti • Kelompok terburuk Naruto Naruto, Pirate of Caribean, • Masuk-masuk ah Kera Sakti • Ember gila Bleach • Mari melangkah Avatar, Aladin, Naruto • Dance Avatar, Kera Sakti, Aladin • LCC Naruto & Sailor Moon • King Aladin • Queen Pirates of Caribean because ratam was also filled up with a lot of fun and attractive games and contests. The tasks given to them do not mean to press them, all of the tasks had its rational and they are aimed at making them be accustomed to lots of tasks of university students. Maybe, the first notion from the freshmen about Ratam was horrified or stress. However it was totally wrong because Ratam of Fbs gave more attention to the adaptation of the new students to the living of language and art faculty, and to make a harmonious relationship between new students and seniors of FBS. There were so many fun activities that could be enjoyed by new students

mittees. There were many funny and interesting moment, and also there were many obstacles as well. The problem of coordination was the main problem in this committee, but this problem could be solved well. Finally, Ratam was over, but it left unforgettable and everlasting memories. A rumination night closed this event and was followed by fireworks party. Ratam FBS was so wonderful and it will always in our hearts. Cheers! (maw & ratih)

The Splash | novEMBER 2011 was English Education Department with the title “Esok???”, the second position was achieved by Seni Rupa which had a title “Oh, Ternyata”, and the third one was Eforism entitled “Masa Depanku”. Besides all of the three champions, there was also one favorite movie which was selected by the judges. It went to SMKN 3 Singaraja. In celebration of Sumpah Pemuda day, Student Creativity Week also held a parade on October 18, 2011. The Bakti Pemuda Parade was followed by every department Languages and

Arts Faculty. Every department dressed in their own culture. The route of the parade was started from Kampus Bawah Undiksha then went to Dewi Sartika Street, Udayana Street, Sudirman street and stopped in Taman Makam Pahlawan. The first agenda was “tabur bunga” in the graveyard. The parade continued to the cross road of lion statue where the students of Indonesian Education Department performed an art theater. The last and peak event of the Student Creativity Week was Cultural Night, where many students from Language and Art Faculty gave their best performance and participation to entertain the audience and boosted up the show itself. This event was held on Singaraja’s City Park from 18.30

Bakti Pemuda

p.m until 01.00 a.m. The audience were not only the members of the campus but also Singaraja society. The opening ceremony was opened by the chief committee’s speech and directly followed by the speech from Language and Arts Faculty Dean, and UNDIKSHA’s Rector. The first performance was presented by FBS Dancer “Tari Sweta Bangkaja”, with an amazing-opening-fireworks shuttled, the shows continued to “Tari Telek” by Balinese representation and followed by “Graceful Dancer” from EED first semester student. There were also Indonesian Department (Basindo) students that showed “Perform Art Theater”. Besides, there were also doorprize and givingreward session to


the winner of Student Creativity Week competition. The next performance was called D’Acoustic, which presented an acoustic performance. UNHI (Universitas Hindu Indonesia) students from Denpasar didn’t want to lose their part too, they intensified the show by performed their “sendratari”. After UNHI’s performance, the agenda was “Iren Tingting” from Eforism and followed by”Pop-

Rector of Undiksha officially opened MGS FBS

Nigokasei Boy Dance

Indo” and “Pop Bali”. Seems that Iren Tingting performance wasn’t enough, the program was continued to “Nigokasei Boy Dance” from Japanese Department students and for about twenty minutes they rocked the

EED Recycled Sound

Fragmen Tari Taru pramana

stage with their dance performance. And then the show continued to “EED Recycled Sound” which was presented by EED students through some of their recycle music instruments. There was also “Fragmen Tari Taru Pramana” that performed in the final section. Finally at the top of the event, the committee lightened up the surprising fireworks to close the Student Creativity Week 2011. (Jane & Heny)

16 The Splash | novEMBER 2011


here was a big event held by Senate of Languages and Arts Faculty or FBS, Ganesha University of Education. With the new and passionate theme “Cross-BoundaryImagination” (Lintas Batas Imajinasi), Student Creativity Week was successfully held from September, 25th until November, 6th 2011. There were seven events


PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa)

guages and Arts Faculty. In the first day, Student Creative Program training opened the series of Student Creativity Week event. It was held in Seminar Room of Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences on Sunday, September 25, 2011. It began from 08.00 until 01.00 p.m. The participants of the event were the students that got the scholarships. The speaker of the training was guages and Arts Putu Ayu Sutaningrat Puspa Faculty, it is held Dewi. She’s one of the every year. We senior in English Educaused to plan to tion Department that hold something had followed PIMNAS new for this year (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa but then we deNasional) and her proposal cided to cancel it had passed the national seand run the prolection by DIKTI (Direktorat gram like what we Pendidikan Tinggi). did last year.” said Five days after Student Dewa Putu Aditya Creative Program training, it Purwa as the chief went into “Debate Competition” of senate of Lanthat was held in the meeting room of Languages and Arts Faculty. The competition was divided into two section, the first section was presentation and the second one was debate of two teams. There were 14 groups ran through the first election. They were 10 groups join to the presentation section, and finally remained 6 groups that joined the debate section. After the long sweated debate, finally English Education Department came as the winner, while

Debate Competition Debate Competition Academic Seminar

Photography Competition

listed in the agenda: Student Creative Program Training, Debate Competition, Academic Seminar, Photography Competition, Short Movie Competition, Bakti Pemuda Parade and Cultural Night. Committee tried to make amazing and memorable moments for both the students of Ganesha University of Education and the society in Singaraja as well. “Student Creativity Week is a part of our programme in student’s senate of Lan-

Short Movie Competition

Economic Education Department as the runner up and History Education Department as the second runner up. The third agenda was followed by Academic Seminar that was held on Sunday, 9th october 2011 in Undiksha Seminar Building with the theme “FBS Berkarakter Melahirkan Insan Muda Jujur dan Berkomitmen” . There were 80 participants involved into this event and they came from all departments in Language and Art Faculty with Gustiana Metaningrum, S.Pd and Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Adijaya Putra, M.A as the speakers. The next series of Student Creativity Week was




“4 Days with New Friends, New Knowledge and New Experiences”


Photography competition that was held in Seminar Room of Language and Art Faculty on October 15, 2011. The theme of the competition was “Student and Campus activity”. The winner was achieved by Putu Wijaya Guna, followed by Putu Ferry Sudantara as the runner up and Kade Yogi Sancaya in the second runner up. A day after the photography competition, ShortMovie-Competition, was held in Ganesha University of Education’s Seminar Building. There were six participants in this competition. They were English Education Department, English Diploma 3, Seni Rupa, PTI, SMK 3 Singaraja and Akademi Kebidanan Singaraja. The theme of the movie competition was “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”, and the maximum duration of the movie was 10-15 minutes in length. For the first winner

The Splash | novEMBER 2011

here was one moment in this September that will not be forgotten by most of The Splash Crews. As the journalist team of English Education Department, The Splash crews got a chance for welcoming and having shared events with some of the foreign students from Creative Writing and Literature Studies of Griffith University Australia. We took a part in their Overseas Mobility Program from September 21st until September 24th 2011. There was Sally Breen, the lecturer of Creative Writing and Literature Studies, with her 13 students who came to our university. They joined the seminar on Australian and Indonesian literature followed by workshop and write retreat. The committee of the workshop was from The Splash crews themselves. The workshop was conducted at lecturer’s meeting room in Faculty of Languages and Arts and was officially opened by Prof. Muderawan, The Vice Rec-

tor of Planning and Cooperation Affairs. The first speaker was Sally Breen, the lecturer of Griffith University. She gave us brief and valuable knowledge about Australian literature. The second speaker was Mrs. Sonia who explained about Indonesian literature and followed by Mrs. Karina who explained about Balinese folktales. After the lunch break, the workshop continued with the last session about poetry which was interactively given by Mrs. Lokita. There was an open forum discussion after every session for the participants if there was any question about the topic. Most of the questions were asked by the students from Griffith. They were so excited and active. On Thursday, 22nd September 2011, the event was writing retreat to Gedong Kirtya Library, Buleleng Museum and Buleleng Royal Palace. The students from Griffith were accompanied by our lecturers; Mrs. Sonia, Mrs. Lokita and Mrs. Karina, and also five represen-

tatives from the Splash crews. The guests were very interested in our traditional history and cultures. It could become their inspiration to write something about their visitation to Bali. The day after, on Friday, 23th September 2011, they came again to our campus and had a small discussion together with the Splash crews. We shared about our tabloid, about the articles and the publication process. They also shared about their literature product, named The Talent Implied. It was a compilation of the students’ short stories in Griffith. The closing ceremony was the dinner on Saturday, 24th 2011 at Banyualit Restaurant in Lovina. There were performances from both the participants of Griffith and Undiksha. The opening performance was presented by our friend Mey Mirah Mahadewi, who was so excellent to present Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken” in front of our guests. The lecturers also participated to

present an art performance for us. They presented a musical poem of A.E. Housman entitled “When I Was One and Twenty”. It was performed beautifully and attractively by Mrs. Sonia, Mrs. Lokita and Mrs. Karina. The last performance came from Anthonio Ruffino, the student from Griffith University, who played his acoustic guitar and showed his beautiful voice for us. It was such a wonderful night that will be always remembered by all of the participants. Finally, not just the dinner that was memorable, but all four days with the new experiences, new knowledge and new cultures from our new friends, Griffith University students. See you again in another great moment folks! (desak indah)

10 The Splash | novEMBER 2011



The Splash | novEMBER 2011


Can Indonesians Think?


Prof.Dr.Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marheni, MA Name

Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marheni, MA

Place of Birth

Klungkung, March 26th 1964


Perumahan Puri Asri Blok C.3, Desa Kerobokan


Reading Books

U.S.A for one and a half years. After she succeed in getting her master in 1996, she came back to eing born in an ordinary family, Ms. Agung is a very Indonesia and finally worked as a lecturer in EED. diligent person. She has Her willing to be a good lecproved to everyone that hard work is the most influencing factor of of turer was so fierce. She began to think to take her Doctor Degree afher success. She graduated from FKIP UNUD as a Bachelor in English ter some years of her Master. Then she finally did it in Universitas Education Department in 1987. She said that her interest of study- Negeri Jakarta in 2005. The youngest child of Alm. Jero Made Wiraga ing English was an un-purposeful. and A.A Gede Anom, had big moWhen she graduated from Senior tivation for High School, she was thinking to her success. be a Psychologist. Then she tried to take psychology as her major in college. However, since there was not psychology department at that time, she started to think of another job that was still had related to psychology. And the answer was being a teacher. She thought that being a teacher was the closest way to learn psychology even if she didn’t take a psycholShe said that “My student ogy department. So starting from must be better than me”. She there, she decided to take English mentioned the reasons why she as her major among the other wanted to study more was because majors that she didn’t really like. After experiencing about 4 years to she wanted to give the best that finish her bachelor, she graduated she could do for her students. So in that way, her students would as “The Best Graduate Student” achieve better than her. Working and got an offer to teach in UNDIKSHA in 1987. She was a curious as a lecturer for 21 years has made her feel the bitter-sweet of being a girl. She always wanted to learn teacher. She had some painful and more. She thought that getting a happy moments. The best gratiBachelor wasn’t enough for her. tude for her during lecturing for 21 She needed to learn more if she wanted to be a good lecturer. And years was the students satisfaction of what she has taught, forgetfor that reason, she rejected that offer and tried to find a scholarship ting about her discipline and strict characteristics that most students abroad for her Master. She then were afraid of. Her sacrifices for studied in Ohio State University,


her hard work didn’t run futile. She made some great achievement for decades until now. Besides succeeding as “The Best Graduate students”, she also made her achievement as “The Cumlaude Graduate students” in 1996 and 2005. She also takes a responsibility for Pasca Sarjana Department, and the newest achievement of hers that we should be proud of is, she is now The Head of Research Institute of Undiksha (Kepala

opinion, each of these substances has a powerful meaning. Basically, to make a university that has great quality, we need to have concept to a success and we need a competency to support it as well as connection, in that way we can be confident to introduce ourselves



My students

must be better than me

Lembaga Penelitian Undiksha). This really a great achievements, isn’t it? At the end of our interview, she told us some of her advices for Undiskha in general, and for EED specifically. To improve our quality as a university that has produced many professional workers, she said that we need to maintain the four basic things called 4C, which consist of: Concept, Competency, Connection, and Confident. In her

Made Hery Santosa

to the world that we are students from Undiksha. And these four basic things wouldn’t run smoothly if there is only one person who is concerned with it, we need everyone in Undiksha, especially EED to be responsible for the development of Undiksha. (cynthia)

ave you tried to find particular information using search engine available on the Internet and it ends at getting tons of answers within seconds? Indeed, the Internet can be very helpful, but it also can be overwhelming. With the vast development of ICT and information contained in it, finding information on almost about anything can be very quick and easy within seconds. However, provided with rich multiple perspectives which grow so fast on the Internet, students may find it difficult to effectively elaborate all relevant information for their purpose. This situation is concisely described by Rhynard (2002) and Bradshaw, et al. (2002). Rhynard (2002) mentions several weaknesses of using Internet search. First, the students often get so much information that they lose sight of the research objective. Second, information given is so broad that students have trouble shifting through it to decide what is useful. Third, determining whether the Internet source contains true or reliable information is another problem. Students tend to believe that everything on the


Internet is true. Fourth, students have limited time in the computer lab and may not have access to technology in the home to continue this research. Fifth is accessing appropriate sites. Although schools have filters, students can still contact some inappropriate sites. In addition, Bradshaw, et al. (2002) stated that there are three major problems associated with learning on the Internet; they are navigational disorientation, information overload, and distraction. As we know, zillions of information available on the Internet on a particular issue and this may create overload of information. It then usually creates disorientation where students may lose the focus of the materials search and become tired. Many times, web pages are unorganized because of nonlinear hypertext environment they have. These may create disconnection between students’ cognitive demands and learning of new knowledge (MacGregor & Lou, 2005 in Ikpeze and Boyd, 2007). In expressing ideas, for instance, given tons of information from the Internet can be somehow excessive for the students and may

disorient them. It is a matter of effectively selecting and organizing materials read. But how? Sometimes, students learning English (especially those in ESL/EFL context) find it difficult to state ideas and opinion in public, either in spoken or written means. Watson & Biggs (1996) describe this situation as students’ reluctance to paraphrase, especially if the original words are better in English compared to their imperfect English. One of the effects can be plagiarism and it is a serious matter since it deals with academic integrity/honesty. There are several effective ways to avoid plagiarism. Apart from having cognitive (over)load and information explosion, having a thinking framework will be very important in shaping thoughts. Apparently, it takes a lot of information gathering and reading. Taking notes on selected resources, putting the information on a table, or creating a mind map using software (i.e. Inspiration or FreeMind) can be helpful. Continuously checking the works using plagiarism detection tools, such as Plagiarisma, Viper, or Turnitin will make one realize that rich

The title is inspired by a book entitled Can Asians Think? By Kishore Mahbubani in 2002.

resources available in recent years need to be deeply elaborated and analysed to avoid copy. This is only a small thought for all of us to be more aware that this issue of “copy-paste” is something dangerously serious. The institution should have been developing a standard that applies to all components regarding with this matter. For now, after being more aware of this issue, to be effective in searching, internalising, and integrating information will be lots of practice. One cannot expect to have something good at first attempt, especially when it deals with academic contexts. Doesn’t it say that “practice makes perfect?” Well, can you think now? (and it is not simply copy-pasting).

Further Reading Bradshaw, A. C., Bishop, J. L., Gens, L. S., Miller, S.L., & Rogers, M. A. (2002). The relationships of the World Wide Web to thinking skills. Educational Media International, 39, 275-284. Ikpeze, C. H., & Byod, F. B. (2007). Web-based inquiry learning: Facilitating thoughtful literacy with WebQuests. The Reading Teacher, 60, 644-654. Rhynard, M. (2002). The WebQuest as an instructional strategy. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Watkins, D. A., & Biggs, J. B. (1996). The Chinese learner in retrospect. In D. A. Watkins & J. B. Biggs (Eds.), The Chinese learner: Cultural, psychological and contextual influences (pp. 269-285). Hong Kong/ Melbourne: Comparative Education Research Centre/Australian Council for Educational Research.


14 The Splash | novEMBER 2011 Semdik EED 2011

Lead the Student to become a Successful English Private Tutor


ecoming a good tutor in private English course should be a dream for the students of EED, since teaching students privately has become a part-time job they usually do

during their study time or after graduate. But sometimes their enthusiasm of teaching meets a

problem on designing a good and interesting private learning. That is why EED tries to organize a one day-seminar on the way to become a successful tutor in private English course. This seminar or the so-called Semdik (Seminar Akademik) is an annual program of EED which aims at giving the students additional knowledge which can not be gotten in the classroom. The topic discussed in the seminar usually refers to the need of the students. For this year, Semdik was held on 2 October 2011 at Gedung Seminar Undiksha, with the theme “How to become Successful Tutor in Private English”. The speaker in the seminar was one of EED’s lecturers, Dra. Luh Artini, M.A, Ph.D. The seminar that was attended by 125 participants was officially

opened by Mrs. Eka, as the secretary of the Head of EED. It was begun by singing national anthem Indonesia Raya, then continued to have a pray for the seminar. The participants who came from each class in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semester were very enthusiastic to follow this seminar. This was proven by big numbers of the rep-

resentative of each class. During the seminar, the participants were taught about some methods of creating an effective and interesting English private learning. Some questions were raised during the discussion, such as, the differences between teaching English in classroom and private, the needs of syllabus for English private, how to make the students not to be bored in the



he First International Conference English across Culture was successfully held in October 20 and 21, 2011 in Undiksha. All of the designed agendas were fully well-held. The two days conference has got appreciated by the participants and also the keynotes speakers.

stimulate the committees to keep holding the conference in the following years. The conference, however, did not fully pleased all the participants. Critics cannot be denied to pop up. One of the local participants from Undiksha S2, Dewi Somidiatri, suggested the committees

atmosphere, at once Mrs. Artini invited the student to sing English song followed by its body gesture. The seminar was finally closed by Mr. Pasek as the advisor EED’s student at 11.30 a.m. More students revealed that they were satisfied in joining this seminar since they did not only gain beneficial knowledge, but also got the great chance to be part of such a refreshing activity. (Hari and Ace)

to have a fixed schedule in the guidance book and announced the changes clearly. It was related to the cancelation of some speakers who did not inform that they were not there presenting their papers. She also felt it necessary to improve the quality of the speakers since the level of the conference was adorably international. Ruwena strengthened the opinion of Dewi. She felt that the organization of the room was a bit problematic. Though she liked the parallelism of the room, she felt so tired to move from Kampus Tengah to Kampus Bawah and then went back to Kampus Tengah. It was not like she got in the other conferences she attended. The weakness of this year conference should not break the enthusiasm of the committees to hold the conference in the following years. It was the first time for the committees to hold it. But now, they can learn from those weaknesses to hold better conference in the future. (Arik)

The Splash | novEMBER 2011


Putu Ayu Sutaningrat Puspa Dewi

The Great Motivator behind an Extraordinary Woman


ICEAC I 2011:

This first move is considered as a positive move that should be continued subsequently. This was said by Itje Chodidjah, one of the keynote speakers, who was invited by the committee. Itche, who is a teacher counselor and trainer, got good impressions of the organization of the conference. She suggested the committees to continue the organization of this conference because it is very good to help improving the quality of Indonesian teachers, especially English teachers. The same opinion comes from Rowena Nuera, who is a lecturer of The University of South Eastern Philippines. She said that the conference was held very greatly. She had attended many similar conferences and she felt that ICEAC could be considered as successful as other conferences in other countries. It was actually a very good achievement that should

private class, and other questions. Mrs. Artini tried to answer the questions as well as give solutions to overcome the problems the student faced in teaching English private. The participants seemed very enjoyable and excited to follow the seminar for many questions were continually offered during the discussion section. To jazz up the


er sweet smile during the interview represented her happiness when she was talking about her achievements. The lady with bright eyes named Putu Ayu Sutaningrat Puspa Dewi is known for her achievement in writing a scientific work. Several months ago, Puspa ---what she is always called along became one of the representatives of Bali with her friends at PIMNAS XXIV in Makassar. With 6 groups from Ganesha University of Education, Puspa went to Makassar for the second time. This gift can’t be released from her hard work and her interest in reading some motivation books and seminars that she usually followed. Puspa was born in Tajun, May 11th 1990. Her parents, Drs. Nyoman Susun and Ayu Komang Sukertiasih had taught Puspa to be a brave girl. It can be proved

She continued her study at SMPN 1 Singaraja. Different from her passion in writing at Elementary school, she preferred to join Marching Band and Mathematic Club. Afterwards, she spent her Senior High life at SMAN 1 Singaraja. There, Puspa began to try something new that can change her life.

had traveled much and met some new friends in new places. In addition, she gets friends around Indonesia. She also likes to attend International Seminar. “I will pay the high cost just for following the seminar because that is the investment for me,” she said. During her study at EED, Puspa also brings an honor into it by winning some competitions. This extraordinary woman is not only capable of writing something, she also has some talents. Her beautiful appearance turned out to be her path to win Jegeg Bagus Buleleng in 2009 as the 1st winner. Afterward, she went to Makassar as the representative of Bali on Kebaharian Kapal Pemuda Nusantara in 2010. She could sightsee some places in Indonesia with KRI War Ship from July-August. Puspa gathered with other people chosen as the highest nationalist. Then,

recipe to be a successful person? “The most important thing is that we must have a purpose and do everything which can help us to reach that purpose. Don’t forget to make a priority scale. Remember, that important and urgent things are different! I usually make my own “to do list” before I get sleepy, so I have what I must do tomorrow. By doing that, I know what I must do first. “said Puspa who also becomes one of “Buleleng Jengah” members in her Joining on Youth Scientist Work for for the second time, she left for BB group. the first time must be very hard Makassar to join PIMNAS XXIV To achieve success, she takes for her. Puspa felt it so challenging, with the other 6 teams from Unbenefit from the supports that she but it didn’t stop her passion on it. diksha. gets everywhere. Support from Her pure love in writing afPuspa isn’t only known for her her family and inspirations from terward led her to the History achievement. She was also very motivator made her keep going Oliympiad at UNAIJ with 2 teams. active at student organization as on. If we ask her who has inspired Puspa was very glad because she a Vice students’ organization in her most, she will confess that all could not only have sightseeing 2008 and became a Coordinator of motivators give her inspiration and some money; she also got an of 1 broad at Faculty of Language from their golden words, like Agawesome experience. Ganesha and Art Senate in the same year. nes Monica, Mario Teguh and also University of Education is her This Lemon Water’s lover told that Bob Sadino. “There is one quotachoice, especially English Educathere was a time that she could tion from Mario Teguh that I love. tion Department to provide a be active in organization. EnterHe said that the greatest person place for her amazing ability. For ing 2010, she began to decrease is someone who is great for their Puspa, writing has already become her activities in organization and environment.” she said to close her passion and thus she doesn’t started to concentrate to writing the interview section at that noon. find any difficulty in writing. She and another activity especially aca- (Resita & Yani) can write anywhere and anytime. demic activity. According to her, writing is very Puspa still creates so many advantageous. Besides bringing a achievements although she has a responsibility in her shoulder, she tight schedule. What is the great

This extraordinary woman is not only capable to write something, she also has some talents. by her achievement as a Model Student when she studied at SD 16 Dauh Puri, West Denpasar.


The Splash | novEMBER 2011

The Sandals




Everyone loves to wear sandals especially the girls. Don’t you feel using sandals which are made by ourselves is fun? Let’s make cuties sandals.



1 2 3




Hi boys and girls! Don’t you know appearance is very important for us who studying at Educational University like Undiksha. However it is not a motive for us to wear whatever we like to the campus.


i boys and girls! Don’t you know appearance is quite important for us who studying at Educational University like Undiksha. However it is not a motive for us to wear whatever we like to the campus. Everything has their own rules. There are also rules on how to wear good clothes at Kampus. Tight trousers, jeans, leggings, and any very tight trouser material are not allowed to be worn. Even though some GIRLS use dark jeans, it’s not going to change a thing. They are still jeans whatever their colors are jeans and they are banned to be worn at campus. University students are smart people being able to make the differences between shirt and T-shirt. Polo shirts are seldom worn by the students. Even though polo shirt has a collar, it is tight and it is not appropriate to be worn when we study at campus. For the girls, skirt is highly recommended to wear, BUT do not wear a very short skirt because it will make you looks so sexy. Moreover, it will make the boys happy at the same time. One thing that the girls should always remember, “Do

01&02: The DOs; wearing polite clothes. 03&04: The DON’T’s; wearing short skirt (for girls), wearing jeans (for both) and smoking are not allowed.

not make the boys happy to stay at campus because of your sexy thigh.” Let’s go to the top of our body. Hair is one of important things that we should be aware of. Everybody loves coloring their hair in order to make them look more beautiful. Hair extension is okay but coloring hair is not okay. For the boys, stop acting like you are “Kangen Band Vocalist”. Being aware of your long hair boys! We are not from our neighbor’s program who let the boys have a very long hair or even they could tie it!!! We are English Education Department, so be aware of it. A little bit closer from hair is our face. I believe every girl in EED is beautiful. You might apply make-up but don’t be too much. Everything we use more than it is needed is not good. Girls, you don’t have to apply very red blush-on on your cheeks, very pink lipstick on your lips, using imitation eye lash, and anything else


which is not appropriate to be used at campus. Exaggerating make-up is not good. Just be natural because being natural makes you look more beautiful. A few make-up on your face can only help you to show it. Not only from the outside, but also we’ all have to be aware at the inside. Nowadays, lots shirt are made from thin cloth. If one of you wear that kind of shirt, be aware of your underwear. For example, a white thin shirt which is combined with a red bra (for the girls) oh my god,, it is so eye catching. Make sure that your 04 underwear has good combination with your shirt and do not make any controversy for the others. Those rules are not only for the Girls but also for the Boys. Because sometimes, boys love to use the same types of clothes as the girls in order to look fashionable. Let’s be fashionable without breaking the rules of the University. Follow the rules and be fashionable. Yes we can!!! (veronica)



Prepare all materials and tools that we need such as sandals, flannel, ribbon, glue, scissor, rulers, and pencils.

Stick the flannel’s doll into the corner of the sandal’s cord with glue..

Ensure the sandals are in a good condition.


Twist the ribbon on around the sandal’s cord and stick the tip of the ribbon tightly and carefully.


Cut the flannel into a form that you like. For example, into a doll, circle or etc. Sew it if it is necessary.

Add some decoration around it to make it more colorful.

Your cuties sandals are ready to use.


The Cool Carbon & Krypton Headset for Gamers


re you fond of game? Have you ever played online game in the ‘warnet’. Recently, we can see that sometimes ‘warnet’ which provides game online facility is so crowded, noisy, and makes the customer feel uncomfortable. There will be better if the gamers use the special headset for playing. Therefore, Psyko Audio Labs has designed Carbon Headset and Krypton 5-Speaker headset for playing the games. Both of the gaming headset models have already been completed with PsykoWave technology which could provide

the accurate and clear quality sound. It will seem so real for the gamers when they are playing their favorite game. The gamers will feel like entering into the game world when they are listening to the clear sound effect. Definitely, playing becomes much fun. Each of the Psyko Carbon and Krypton gaming model has 5 speakers which are installed in some part of headset, not just in the ears part, but also above the head. The sound effects from this 0, 9 kg weight of headset will produce the real and booming sound in the ears. Besides, Psyko Ampli-

//GADGETS fier gives its own power to produce the best quality sound which can be heard when we are using it. The user can also turn the main part of the headset and use the microphone to communicate with the other members of online game team. The carbon model itself has already used untangled cable which is wrapped by golden layer connector. The price for this cool Carbon headset is about 199.99 USD (2 millions in rupiahs) or 149.99 USD (1,5 millions in rupiahs) for Krypton model. (desak indah)

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