CrossRoads Vol.8 Fall-Winter 2007-2008

Page 1

路 . mission statement The Steward School's Mission is to prepare each child for college and for life. Our core character values are honor, responsibility, and achievement, balanced by caring and respect for one's self and for others. Steward is committed to small classes and to small overall size, which allow for discovery and development of each student's unique talents and passions, while providing more opportunities for individual participation. We believe an environment with a diversity of talents, abilities, cultures, and backgrounds provides the richest and most fully rounded educational experience.

Corrections In t he "Then and Now" sect ion of the last issue of Crossroads, the editors misspelled alum nus Gray Tuggle's name; additionally, we pri nted t he graduation year of th e first class as 1976, when it shou ld have been 1977. We apologize for these errors. In t he last edi ti on of Crossroads, the editors inadve rtently om itted Kendall Huennekens's name fro m the 6th-grade Head master's Ust. We apologize for this omission.

The Steward School admits students without regard to sex, race, color, religion. or national or ethnic origin

to aU the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school


Published by THE STEWARD S C HOOL 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23238 (804) 740-3394


Kenneth H. Seward Headmaster Carolyn Brandt Assistant Head of School Lisa Dwelle Director of Finance Sarah Melvin Director of Development Scott Moncure Directoro!Admissions

Wyndi Carnes Director of Marketing and Communications Dan Frank Head of Upper School Mike Maruca Head of Middle School Deborah Hanger HeadofloWf!r School

Publication Staff

Tracy Lynch Copy Editor

Sherilyn Smail Design Editor


~e tt e r

Paul Busse, Glenn New, Caston's Photography

Studio Contributing photographers

From the Headmaster

Printing Total Printing Company



The editors have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of information reported in this publication We apologize for any inadlolertent errors

Spartan Golf Classic

)aul Cramer: The Heart of Steward


[he Faces of Steward


Parents' Association Spaghetti Supper Visit us on the web at

www.stewardschool .org


'partan Spirit Wee kend



LETTER FROM THE HEADMASTER At this time in our chool's histo ry, noth ing co uld be more fi tting than focusing on Paul Cramer. For starters, this will be the year we are evaluated for re-accreditation by the Virginia Association oflnd ependent Schools (VAlS) and the year we will officially la unch a major capital ca mpaign to strengthen our endowment and make the first significant improve ments to our campus since 2003.

Paul Cramer was a master at growing self confident children and in guiding their parents and his faculty toward doing jus t enough to support, but not too much so

The first step in the VAlS process will be to examine a "document box." Quite literally they will read everything we say about ourselves, from the Mission Statement and Educational Philosop hy to the current Strategic Plan, Vision 2011, to curri culum gu ides . They will examine school composition-who the stude nts are, how we admit them, and where they go after they grad uate; the school's resources-whether they are adeq uate to accomplish our goals ; and the trustees, parents, and alumni-whether they are informed and supportive . In my very first conversa tion with Paul , I as ked him ro describe the single most important aspec t of a Steward education. His answer was clear and unhesitaring: growing self-confident children. Children who through a se ries of age-appropriate challenges in th e classroom, on the stage, in the arts stu dio, in their service to others, or on the playing field, encounter problems to solve-<Jnes that stretch them just enough; ones that are worthy of their sustained attention and sincere engage ment; ones that demand cre ativ ity, resourcefulne s, resilience, patience, and persistence. Paul knew that self-confidence cannot be bestowed upon children by their parents or their station in life; it can only be ea rned through each child's efforts. Parents, teachers, adv isers, and coaches need to be parmers and allies, not adversa ries, in constructing those challenges and in gu iding children's effortS. Paul Cramer was a master at growing self-confident children and in guiding their parents and his faCldty towa rd doing just enough ro support, but not too much so as to enable. VAIS will be here to determine to what extent the school is still dedicated to accomp lishing this mis ion and to creating the reso urces necessaty to include, challenge, and support stud ents, one by one-each with a range of talents, energies, interests, and abilities-in academics, the arts, athleti cs, character, and service. Together, T kn ow that we can continue ro fulfill this mission, each day, in all that we do for ourselves, for each other, for our community, and for the world in whi ch we live.

as to enable. Ken Seward

Paul Cramer touched hundreds of lives during his time as Headmaster of The Steward School. And before. And after. Inside the halls of the School and outside its walls. His legacy can be characterized in any number of ways-as a dedicated educator; an inspiring leader; a staunch believer in doing the right thing; a humanitarian; a supporter of the arts; a lover of athletics; and a proud, loving father, husband, and grandfather. Each person who had the privilege of knowing Mr. Cramer celebrates his memory, his life, and his legacy for his or her own reason. I was fortunate to meet him just once, in my office. I celebrate Paul Cramer for the time he took to get to know me, to ask me questions, to offer me congratulations for the impact I was having at the school- an impact I had considered small, but one that he made clear he celebrated for me. He left my office, and I felt a little bit prouder. I felt I was making a difference. From what I hear, he had that impact on lots of folks. Why do you celebrate Paul Cramer? Let us all remember to do so as we remember him .

He was a wonderful leader and mentor. - From A, Scott Moncure '84, alumnus and Director of Admissions

Left: Former Headmaster, Roger Coulor Mr, Cramer, and Board member Ferd Bo holding the SIS-million anonymous gift check to The Steward School in 1997

............................................................ Paul would walk outside of the doors where the playground was, and every time he walked out, 10 or so kids would run to him, grab his legs, and hug him. He'd stand there and say, "Good morning," and "Hello, there," and ask how they were-and he knew each child's name. The kids just loved him. He'd make a point to notice the details [at a performance or a game] and then be sure to thank faculty and students for our work, mentioning the specific things he noticed. He made everyone feel special.

I celebrate Paul Cramer for a whole host of reasons. For starters, Paul reali zed how important Steward was for this community, even though the community, and many parents whose children have benefited immensely, failed to appreciate how unique and incredibly ambitious The Steward School's mission was and continues to be. Paul was about bringing out the best in every child, seemingly undistracted by any baggage or peer pressure. He once wrote me saying, "Wit h my educational background, I was geared, programmed, what-have-you, to the elite-type schools. For some reason, I came to rea lize that t hose of us who had the benefit of such good education shou ld take 'it ' to another clientele rather than keep it in a narrow band of people already 'blessed.' Noblesse Oblige, I thin k they called it." Paul dedicated his life to others. He left th is world a much better place fo r all his wisdom, his perseverance, his genu ine warmth, and his love fo r children, Heaven's a better place for his being there. I feel blessed to have known Paul and will miss him immensely. - From Ferd 8aruch, friend and forme r chairman of the Board of Trustee

- From Rugene Paulette, art teacher and visual arts chair


celebrate Paul Cramer because he was a true gentleman, a g and dedicated leader and a visionary. He had what I call presence"-when he spoke, you listened. And he commanded es[)ect. When he walked into a room, the room belonged to im; he made sure he knew who everyone was and that, in urn, made people feel special. I was always in awe and a little fraid of him at the same time. Today, whenever I hear his I smile and think about the many lives he touched and he treated everyone as an individual. -From Linda Dunville, Lower School division assistant

I can tell you that he had the most incredible memory for names / faces / peopLe. He greeted everyone by his or her first name with a smiLe, and he never made a mistake or hesitated ... what an amazing memory! -From Kerry Blum, Lower School teacher

Mr. Cramer helping studentjamie Brock '93 on her science fair project in 1991

his shoulders square and his carriage tall and proper. He commanded respect. I try to walk with pu rpose with each step, but sometimes the shy girl kicks in, my shoulders drop, and my head drops so my eyes can focus on the floor.


purpose. " all of us read from the book and to this day, I cherish the compliment he gave me.

Mr. Cramer's voice makes me stand tall. My husband once commented that I was the most confident person he had ever met; I quickly told him that Mr. Cramer taught me well. Mr. Cramer became a second father to me following my father's death. He took a more active role in the lives of my brother

He told me that I read very well. Big deal, right? Well, for a girl who would rather

and me, and he often kept the older two of us out of trouble. I still remember his subtly raised eyebrow when I attended a

spend a day at the dentist having root canals

school dance with my first boyfriend. He

than to speak in public, his compliment gave me enough self-confidence to join a Literary and Debating Society in college ten years later. Before I read my short

did not say a word, but the eyebrow spoke volumes. I know Mr. Cramer raised far many more than his four kids.

Captain of the Cheerleading team, dram geek, and President of Model UN at oth schools, but I was one of many at Steward. Steward and Mr. Cramer gave me the confidence to excel and try everything at Steward. I still have that confidence 17 years after leaving as a student. As I begin my 14th year as an emplo) of the school, my goal is simple. I want the kids to experience the same school Mr. Cramer's Steward. I treat my stude as equals, and I try to re-create the typ of classroom that he created for us-a class that taught us a subject, but that

Following graduation from college, I returned to Steward as a tutor. I saw the school from an entirely different perspective, and I started understanding

taught us much more about life.

the unique role of Steward in the community and Mr. Cramer's influence

the Word of the Week; or the time he stumbled into US assembly wearing a

on the School. He was able to find students who would have done fine at

jean jacket, bandanna and an earring mumbling something about oversleepi

later that I truly understood what he

other private schools in the Richmond area but excelled at Steward. It is not

(not so subtly sending the seniors a message to be on time), and I know hi:

meant. When Mr. Cramer walked down the halls, his head was always held high,

very often that you can find a student who was President of Student Council,

legacy lives on in the lives he touched.

story to the Society (a requirement of membership), I thought of the day ten years before and started reading my story with confidence. One comment he made sticks with me each day as I walk down the colonnades to and from my car. He said, "Always walk with purpose." It was not until years

I think back to coming to Steward ar seeing Mr. Cramer's office moved to th parking lot as a joke; being called on fo

He was one of the nicest men I have ever known. I will never forget that from the first time I met him, he had a tremendous quality of treating you like a best friend and also like you had known each other for a long time. - From John T. Leitch, CPA, parent and Spartan Club board member

Above: Mr. Cramer speaking on Waddell Terrace atJanet Rice 's surprise party in 2006

1once told Paul that I was impressed that he placed so much value on the music program. His answer was one 1will NEVER forget: "A singing school is a happy school," he told me. "I want to hear music in the halls!" Here was a visionary, in my book. So 1proceeded to question Mr. Cramer as to where 1 would be located and what methodology 1would use [when 1was hired]. 1was pointed to the lunch room, which at that t ime was our auditorium/ lunch room , and given a cardboard box full of slightly damaged rhythm instruments and told, "GROW a program" for Steward. And so we did. 1 always felt that 1was given the utmost support and encouragement. - From Bonnie Anderson, music teacher

One thing that stands out for me was Paul's concern for all of the kids here. Whether they were struggling or doing well-anything-it didn't make a difference. He just treated them as equals and made a point of doing that . . . that was a unique ability that he had . -from Ian Coddington, Upper School Dean of Students

7 F.all'Winter 2007路'2COO

Left: Mr. Cramer congratulating a student at an athletics award ceremony

I celebrate Paul Cramer because he reminded all of us to strive for balance in our lives . .. I'll always be indebted to him for really affecting my life and my children's lives. -From Robin Ricketts Lower School teacher

Futli~'II\It:r 2007'2008


Weren't abLe to attend the Cramer CeLebration of Life? log on to inside/CeLebrateCramer.php t o see more of t he event.




aul's family, and especially [his wife] arge, who in every respect partnered with Paul in guarding the school for almost two decades, shared him with und reds of others-children, faculty, staff, and parents-who needed him each day as much as his family did. -From Ken Seward, current Headmaster

28 . 2007

He accepted o ur quirks and appreciated our efforts. He trusted those he hired, and he was always willi ng to let us try new things-and the exponential growt h of the program of the school was due to that fact . .. He taught us to love the school, and we never doubted his love for the school. He taught us to care because he cared . - From Carolyn Brandt, Assistant Head of School

The Lower School faculty dons their best pi nk duds to show their support of breast cancer research and thei r teammate, Jane Whitely.

A Whole is Worth the Sum(mer) of Its Parts The Lower School Faculty celebrates the

flew over England, or met up in France

by curious students on any given day.

idea of teamwork year 'round . In the past

with Robin Ricketts (who had also been to

Melanie Casper completed an

year, they've been on an overnight retreat;

Italy and Switzerland). Others vacationed

administrative internship for her master's

participated in a "field trip" to a local

right here in the United States: Kate

degree, while Afi Farjadi worked toward

pharmacy to learn about holistic healing

Strickland to Boston; Lyn Lunsford to

her certification in children's yoga. Mansa

and wellness; and worked together in

Houston, South Carolina, and New York;

Riverson researched modern language

various ways to raise money and awareness

Bonnie Anderson to Myrtle Beach; and

teaching methodology; Chris Tickle

for breast cancer in support of one of their

Marty McMullin to New Hampshire.

received a photography grant to focus on

cowo rkers, Jane Whitely, who is currently battling the disease. For these dedicated teammates, the summer offered more than just extra pajama time.

Fo r many LS teachers (and teachers throughout Steward) the summer offered something even more valuable: the opportunity to explore new teaching

Virginia history; fellow teachers Ke rry Blum and Bev Fox worked together to write a unit on Shakespeare. Other teachers (too numerous to name) devoted their time to campers right here on campus.

Sure, they had their fair share of fun ,

methods, trends, topics, and projects-

which-like any good summer-included

which they in turn have brought back to

travel galore. Estelle Grossman had a trip

share with coworkers and students. The

all of the Lower School teachers are

she'll never forget to Africa. Catherine

enjoying their students and the fruits of

Hathaway traveled west to Wyoming,

Kindergarten team worked on a math grant. Members of the first- and second-

while Kerry Blum traveled east to

grade teams, thanks to a grant, were able

time fits quite nicely into the weekends.

Germany, France, and Spain. Perhaps she

to research and develop the Bird and

waved to Katherine Goodpasture as she

Butterfly Garden, which is now surrounded

And that's just to name a few. Currently,

their summer labor. And the extra pajama

Senior Cameron Scales signs his National Letter of Intentfor Elon University asjanet Rice, Ken Seward, Bruce Secrest, and his parents (Richard and Diane Scales) look on.

Favorite hobby: Reading (favorite book: The Sun Also Rises, by Hemingway) When not holding a bat you may find him: Playing video games (favorites: Madden and NBA2K) Coach Bruce Secrest has known Cameron Scales since he was in the womb . No, really. He hasn't just coached Cameron since he was "this high "-Bruce is Cameron's uncle. Now Bruce is one proud uncle and coach, as Cameron just signed his National Letter of Intent with Elon University in North Carolina-the first baseball player in the young Steward program to be recruited by and move on to a collegiate program. Cameron credits Steward for his steady improvement through the years . "From the time I was a freshman, I was able to compete at the Varsity level," he explains, "so I had to always strive to improve and to keep up." He feels prepared for college on and off the playing field, explaining that "Steward has exposed me to a broad range of opinions, ideas , and ways of looking at things." Cameron speaks of literature, baseball, and video games with equal knowledge and excitement, but his "renaissance man" qualities don't surprise Uncle ... I mean, Coach Bruce. "He's a great player and has great baseball intelligence. But I'm going to miss his character just as much . He's steady as rain ; the kind of guy who makes others around him better." Is that what he'll contrib ute at Elon? "Definitely," Secrest nods, "He' ll give all that and more."

Front row, L to R: Carter Fitzgerald, Kemis Noble, Dana Powell, and Elizabeth Hickman Back row, L to R: Coach Rice, Jamie Adams, Beth Dixon, Amy Bisger, Mary Martha Delaney, and Coach Soucek

The Steward Varsity Girls' Field Hockey

The girls chose 8 members to serve as captains (see photo). Two girls (Carter

championship awards ceremony, the

this falL That's exciting enough, but throw

Fitzgerald and Jamie Adams) went on to

coach of Fredericksburg Academy handed

in the fact that it's their second

be named All-liS players; Jamie Adams

the award to Coach Rice and spoke for a

championship in a row, and you realize

was also named to Second Team

few minutes about the Steward Field

that this team is made of something

All-State. Recently, Jamie received another

Hockey program-specifically about how

honor: she was named to the Richmond

they had modeled their program after

Times-Dispatch 's 1st Team All-Metro.

Steward's. That was especially touching,

speciaL "We had a good season, yes," explains Coach Janet Rice, "But it has been a great

explains Rice, considering that theirs was

It's not the accoLades that

team-in the truest sense of the word." On and off the field, the girls simply


meshed to make an already strong

proudest-it's the way the

program even stronger. Their relationship

girLs worked together.

Szilassy 'B6 and two members of the U.S . National Field Hockey Team, and Coach Rice recognized immediately that the

"To be recognized as a consistent performer in the highly competitive League of Independent Schools bodes well for the future of our expanding field

Additionally, the team appeared in the

hockey program. And it says a whole lot

state tournament. But it's not the

about the Steward athletic program as a

accolades that make Coach Rice the

whole-it makes us all proud."

bonds formed would complement the

proudest- it's the way the girls worked

girls' competitive natures welL


fall Winter 2(\); '200~

the team Steward had defeated to win the

make Coach Rice the

started at a camp coached by Sandy


And others are taking notice. At the

team won the LIS Division II championship

I Crossing Paths I

New Faculty and Staff

George Bland George comes to Steward this year from Christ School in Asheville, NC, where he was the Assistant Director of Student Life, Assistant Head Football Coach, baseball coach, and dorm parent. George graduated from Randolph-Macon College with a degree in Business/Economics and received a Master of Liberal Arts Degree from The University of Richmond. He is our new Assistant Dean of Students in the Upper School; additionally, he teaches Economics and coaches baseball and basketball. George and his wife, Clare, have two boys Andrew (age 4) and Ryan (age 2). Fun fact about George : Before he entered the world of education, he was the Sunday cook at Roy's Big Burger in Middle School and High School (looks like we found our new Field Day grillmaster) . Michael Buchanan Michael is a native of Richmo nd and has lived here all his life. He received his bachelor's degree from Randolph -Macon College in math and his master's in education from Virginia Commonwealth University in math education. Michael most recently taught full-time at Heritage Christian Academy and served as an adjunct at J.S. Reynolds Community College. He has been married for five years to Tatiana, who is from Brazil and fluent in three languages. They have a "dynamic" 3-year-old boy. Michael joins the math department and teaches fin ite math, honors algebra II, and two sections of algebra II. Fun fact about Michael : His wife is gradually teaching him to speak Portuguese. Maddi e Chasen Madd ie serves as our new Middle and Upper School Counselor for 2007-0B. She has an undergraduate degree from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts , and a graduate degree from Northeastern University in Boston. Maddie has spent the past six years as a counselor for local public schools and is excited to be with us this year. She is married with two sons, 3ges 8 and 6. Fun fact about Madd ie: Her jog is named Neuman , after the infamous ;einfeld character.

Dan Frank Dan joins us as our new Head of the Upper School. From 1999-2007, Dan worked at Cushing Academy, a 9-PG independent coeducational boarding school an hour outside of Boston. Prior to that, he worked at several schools both domestically and overseas. Dan received his master's in teaching from the School for International Training and has been a Fulbright and E.E. Ford Fellow. He moved to Richmond this summer with his wife, Robin, and their three ch ildren (Glenn, Mike, and Will). Fun Fact about Dan: In the course of a single calendar day, he was able to walk on the Great Wall of China, explore the Forbidden City, and be at home in time to put his kids to bed. Susan Johnst on Susan is originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and has recently moved to Richmond from Danville, Kentucky. She received her bachelor's degree in history from Wake Forest University and a master's degree in Classics from U.Ya. Susan teaches Latin part-time at Steward while her daughte r attends Atlee High School and her husband serves as the dean of Randolph-Macon College . Fun Fact: Susan loves old movies, and Ben Hur is one of her favorites. Sara Montg omery Sara Montgomery joined The Steward School in May 2007. A native Richmonder, Sara attended The Collegiate School and College of Charleston. She received a B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. After college , Sara moved to Manhattan, where she worked in the fashion industry. Fun Fact: The youngest of 24 grandch ildren, Sara spent her childhood weekends on the family farm with no television or phone. Mark Nugen t Mark comes to Steward from Discovery School in Dillwyn , an Outward Boundstyle school for troubled Middle and Upper School students. Mark has an undergraduate degree from Villanova University and is working on his master's degree in Education, concentrating in

mathematics. Fun fact : Mark joined us straight from his honeymoon (he was married in the middle of August). Debbie Robson Debbie comes to a middle school math teaching position after eight years of tutoring at The Steward School. She graduated from Duke University with a degree in psychology and education. Debbie's family has lived in Richmond for 13Y, years and moved here after living in southern California for 12 years. Debbie is married with two sons, Kip (18) and Andrew (16). Fun fact about Debbie: A favorite past-time of hers is playing tennis with our very own Louise Robertson. Nicole Thu rston Nicole graduated magna cum laude this past spring from Virginia Wesleyan College with a double major in Political Science and Spanish . All four years, Nicole played basketball. A self-described "military brat," she spent most of her t ime growing up overseas living in Germany and Spain. Nicole teaches Spanish in the Upper School this year, and she coaches Middle School volleyball and Upper School basketball. Fun fact about Nicole: The base she grew up on in Germany was in the movie Air Force One. Jennif er Walke r Jennifer is Steward's new Lower School Spanish teacher. She joins us from UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she earned a bachelor of arts in Spanish and Political Science, as well as a master of arts in teaching. Jennifer spent a year teaching first grade at a bilingual school in the Dominican Republic, and last year she taught Spanish at Southwest Elementary in Durham, North Carolina . Fun fact about Jennifer : She climbed and jumped down 27 consecutive waterfalls in the Dominican Republic.

The Upper School has a few new team members. Two of the three are in their first year here at Steward-Dan Frank is the US's new Head and George Bland is the new Dean of Students. Ali Thompson is in her second year, currently as the Dean of Student Life. Among their various other responsibilities large and small, these administrators are leading the charge to enhance the "character" component of Upper School students' education. "They are bringing all of their experiences together, and we are benefitting from a rich mix of people with experience in other schools," says Headmaster Ken Seward. Combined, the three have more than 50 yea rs of teaching experience and bring different coach ing, theoretical, experiential, international travel, and independent and pub lic school education perspectives. They are working with t he ir Upper School teammates to broaden current programs and introduce in it iatives designed to prepare US students for next steps beyond Steward. One such initiative, led by Thompson, involves introducing students to relevant and t imely news topics , debates, and political issues through a series of special guest speakers. This fall , for instance, Upper School st udents participated in a panel on gun control laws and safety in the wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy, during wh ich a panel comprising state senators answered student-generated questions. "We place a strong emphasis on developing our students into active membe rs of their communities," explains Thompson. Judge Dennis Soden, of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts in Henrico County, was the speaker for the Honor Code signing; and Grady Wilson Powell, a well-known educator and minister, will join us as our Martin luther King , Jr., Day speaker. "They accomplished more in the first summer than I thought they would in the first year," said Seward earlier th is year, reflecting on the team 's arrival. luckily for the Upper School students, much more is undoubtedly ahead.

I Upp er U Mid dle Sc=hool Cou nsel or I

Ma dd ie Ch ase n Childho od crush: Shawn Cassidy Hobbie s: Definitely read ing-in fact, I've been in the same book club for more than 10 years . Middle School Maddie Chasen is excited about her new role as Steward 's Upper and s, she speaks student counsel or; when I ask about working with Middle and Upper School d she discusses with obvious passion about the opportu nities she has already had-an lessons with mental develop on future plans with enthusi asm. Currently, she is working such as decisionMiddle School student s through the health curricu lum-co vering topics proud of the small-g rou l making skills, healthy relation ship build ing, and self esteem . She's ips, and knowing counsel ing session s (held on topics such as stress manage ment, friendsh their own. yourself) and of their popular ity with the student s, who sign up on -workin g Meeting with student s through a se ries of freshma n orienta tion classes introdu ction an Maddie through the transition to Upper School, for instanc e-has offered the student s," she of her own to Upper School student s. "I'm enjoying getting to know they move through as e says, "And establis hing relation ships with them will be so valuabl the years at Steward ."


This card trumps any other

April 5, 2008

Aun/e~~JV~ on ~ :7curte.J~ gg~

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Save the Date


Spartan Spirit Pep Rally, The Gre

ailgate, and Spartan Spirit Day ~Ii

Spartan Golf Classic '07

Parents' Association Spaghetti Supper '07


Convocation '07


R. Crame


of the Steward School 'COII"ge Preparatory 'Character Values ' Small Size

" ndl '~dmi\l' Classes

" uat U . • ' nlqlleness


"We believe in the educational opportunities that The Steward School offers our th ree children. We realize, t hough, that t he tu ition we pay does not cover what it truly costs to have our children attend Steward and benefit from the very best facu lty, programs, and facilities in th e Richmond area. That's why we give."

......... ... ...

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.. .. .. .. .. ....



... .

DAN & SALLY CALDWELL Parents of three current Spartans (and one future one) Nonprofit Organization

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THE STEWARD SCHOOL 11600 Gayt on Road · Richmond, VA 23238 (804) 740-3394 •

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