Steward offers multiple merit grants per year for students entering for the first time in ninth-eleventh grades. The main award criteria are the student’s character and leadership skills, which will be evaluated based on references and involvement in service and extracurricular activities. Distinguished academics and innovative accomplishments are also considered.
APPLY TODAY stewardschool.org/meritscholarships
Merit grant applicants may apply for VARIABLE TUITION. Merit grants may be awarded alone or in conjunction with Variable Tuition, increasing accessibility for students. MERIT GRANTS
A full scholarship for a ninth grader who is rising, in every sense of the word.
This scholarship provides four years of full tuition for a new rising ninth-grade student who has distinguished themselves academically and in extracurricular areas such as athletics, arts, innovation, or community service.
All required documents must be submitted by JANUARY 31.
Decisions will be made by mid-March. We are pleased to offer this opportunity for a distinctive and personalized independent school education in honor of a woman who made a significant impact on The Steward School.