8:15 a.m.: Seniors Arrive 8:30 a.m.: Welcome Presentation
8:45 a.m.: Alumni Board Panel 9:25-9:55 a.m.: Session 1 10:00 -10:30 a.m.: Session 2 10:35-11:05 a.m.: Session 3
11:10 a.m.: Steward Trivia and Closing Presentation 11:45 a.m.: Senior Dismissal
Forrest Andrews works as a brand strategist within the Media & Creative Content division of Warner Music Group, which is essentially an in-house creative/ad agency that helps brands tap into the influence and reach of artists like Dua Lipa, Cardi B, and Bruno Mars, plus a family of digital publications like UPROXX, HipHopDX, and Lasso Nation.
The campaigns Mr. Andrews creates can take different shapes. Examples include a video series with Pinterest where artists find actionable inspiration to develop a new skill through the platform, or a mobile truck that pops up around Los Angeles on GRAMMY night with special performances and free Doritos merch. (Not all campaigns are quite that elaborate.)
om Steward in 2011 She earned her B A in in social enterprise entrepreneurship and t University in 2015. After graduation, Ms. Burgess moved to Austin, TX, where she worked in the marketing department at a national commercial real estate firm creating brochures, editing websites, and installing phone lines to storage units She trusted her gut and decided to leave the company with her manager to work at a gold company yes, you read that right!
At the gold company, she became a media buyer where she started the internship program, produced commercials, and analyzed data to buy national print and television advertisements
Ms. Burgess then decided to move back to Richmond, Va., and jump industries to work in financial services. In her first year at Raymond James, she supported one financial advisor; she now supports four financial advisors with over $290 million in assets She helps with a range of tasks, from daily client requests to transitioning teams from other firms.
Outside of work, Ms. Burgess loves seeing live music, traveling, working out, and spending time with family.
Emergency Medicine Resident Physician, Cooper University Hospital
dent at Cooper University chool for high school, graduating in 2013. He graduated from the University of Richmond in 2017 with a B.S. in biology and graduated from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 2022. As an emergency medicine physician, Dr. Cevallos sees patients of all ages. He treats conditions from a cold or a simple laceration to cardiac arrest or severe heart failure, and everything in between
Counselor, Therapist, Mental Health Professional, Former Steward Teacher
Amy Cooper is a student pursuing her M Ed in counselor education with a concentration in couples and family counseling at VCU Her program focuses on training to address personal and professional problems faced by individuals, couples, and families through a systemic framework. Before pursuing a degree in counseling, Ms. Cooper spent the majority of her career teaching Spanish at The Steward School. She holds a B.A. from Elon University, where she majored in Spanish, as well as an M A from Middlebury College
Entrepreneur and Head of Operations, iExcel
BradleydeWetisaclassicentrepreneur.Heiscurrentlytheheadofoperations foriExcel,anascentdigitalmarketingagency,andhasseveralsuccessful venturesalreadyunderhisbelt,includingtheTastingClub,ofwhichhewas CEOandfounder,andFiscalNote,wherehewasanenterpriseclientsuccess manager,plusotherrolesintheDCarea.
Mr deWetwasveryinvolvedinleadershiproleswhileastudentatVirginia Tech,wherehegraduatedin2010withaBA incommunications Heisbased inBlacksburg,Va.,butworksremotelywithclientsthroughoutVirginia.
Senior Disability Rights Advocate, disAbility Law Center of Virginia
Rachel Loria is a senior disability rights advocate at the disAbility Law Center of Virginia, where she has worked for over eight years She focuses on cases involving vocational services, pre-employment transition services, and assistive technology Mrs. Loria was born and raised in Richmond, where she also began her journey as a self-advocate. She has had the privilege of working with both the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities and the Partnership for People with Disabilities
Bella Metts is a self-employed copywriter and creative strategist who established her company, BCreative Co , shortly after graduating with her B A in English, writing track, from Furman University in 2019.
Collaborating with clients ranging from international corporations to sole proprietors, she helps them create copy that defines their company brand and market presence Her projects range from corporate press releases to social media posts in a wide range of industries, from iLottery to radio to auctioneering. Ms. Metts has been awarded on the state and national levels for her client work; most recently she was awarded the Creative Tactics award from Richmond PRSA, and the Print and Digital Marketing from NAA+USAToday
Outside of her passion for writing and obsession with the Oxford comma, Ms. Metts is passionate about her community and volunteers with the organization where she had her first writing internship: World Pediatric Project. She is also an active participant in the Richmond creative community through her friendships and her attendance at workshops and lectures In her free time, you can find her at a ceramics studio, reading, or enjoying time outdoors with her Bernese mountain dog, Peaches.
Meg Montgomery graduated from Steward in 2005, and after college she worked at Steward as the alumni coordinator. While she loved and enjoyed that job, she decided to take a different career path: real estate, starting with the commercial side She was in marketing and saw the ins and outs of major transactions. It was there that her mind started to focus on and think more about investing in real estate. She decided to leave the commercial side and become a residential agent.
As a realtor, Mrs Montgomery gets very excited helping people pursue their goal of homeownership and ultimately building wealth through equity One of her long-term goals is to invest in the very thing she sells: real estate. As an alum, she credits Steward with equipping her with the mindset to think for herself and pursue a career path that truly excites her. She credits her current success to that as well as to her unique gift of building relationships
FrazerOrgainisanexperiencedsalesleaderwithalongcareerinthemedical deviceindustry.Havingspentseveraldecadesinorthopedics,medicaldevices, accountmanagement,sales,andbusinessdevelopment,herecently establishedhisownconsultingfirm,ShakeaLeg,forwhichheservesas president.
Mr.Orgainearnedhisbachelor’sdegreefromVMIandhismaster’sdegreein experimentalpsychologyfromtheUniversityofRichmond.Healsoconsidered pursuinghisPhD atonepointearlyinhiscareer
Managing Partner & Financial Advisor, Financial Services of Virginia
AsapartneratFinancialServicesofVirginia,Jamesseizestheopportunityto helpclientsandthelocalcommunity Helpingthemaccomplishtheirgoals andbuildabetterfutureforthemselvesandtheirfamiliesisanintegralpartof hisrole.Workingwithclientswhoarejuststartingout,aswellasthose transitioningintoasuccessfulretirement,Mr.Schreiberandhispartnersutilize theirexperienceinordertoprovideasolutiontoeachuniquesituation
ARichmondnative,Mr.SchreibergraduatedfromTheStewardSchool,where hecontinuestobeanactivevolunteer.HeearnedhisB.S.inentrepreneurship andentrepreneurialstudiesfromHighPointUniversity.Heisinvolvedin numerousvolunteeractivitiesthroughouttheRichmondcommunity,most notablytheRichmondChapterofJuniorAchievementandtheRichmond Children’sMuseum.
IntherareeventthatMr.Schreiberisn’tworking,hecanbefoundtraveling, venturingtoLakeGaston,orsimplyenjoyingthepresenceoffamilyand friends.Spendingtimewithhiswife,twokids,andtwodogsisoneofhis greatestpleasures.
BrantleyScottisthedirectorofbusinessdevelopmentatThoughtLogicin Richmond.ThoughtLogicisatruebusinessconsultancythatpridesitselfon formingtrusted,enjoyableworkingrelationshipswithclientsandfitting seamlesslyintotheircorporatecultures.Webringauniquecombinationof domainexpertiseinsyncwithcoreconsultingcapabilitiestoaddresstoday’s biggestbusinessproblems,resultinginthedeliveryofrapidsolutionsto complexchallenges.WithanichemarketofFortune500companieslocatedin RVA,pastpositions,networking,andvolunteerworkhavebeencriticaltoMs. Scott'scareerachievements. marketingandcommunications.Shealsoplayedfieldhockeywhileincollege. SheisaformermemberoftheStewardAlumniBoard.
Elon University in 2006, where she majored in j f pywriter for a major retail company and then working in advertising for the Richmond Times-Dispatch, she began working at Capital One in 2012 as a technical editor for fraud and disputes customer service operations This evolved into a role as an instructional designer, where she created training content for newly hired frontline customer service agents, managed several large-scale training projects, and consulted with teams on how to problem-solve via new training methods. She is considered a subject matter expert for fraud and disputes-related credit card issues.
In 2022, she shifted to the corporate communications team, handling internal communications for 56,000 associates. Some of her responsibilities include sending communications from the CEO, managing a weekly newsletter, and most enjoyably, writing for a special team whose work highlights feel-good stories around the company
Ms. Weisiger is a past president of the Steward Alumni Board and former board member for the Junior League of Richmond; she currently sits on the Board of Associates for Peter Paul Development Center.