CMYK Thursday, December 12, 2013
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Open house set. 5A
Jackson County has 4 highest performing schools By Katie Griffin
– highest performing and highest progress, and all four Jackson County schools were in the highest performing category. The Title I Rewards Schools are Benton Elementary School, East Jackson Elementary School, North Jackson Elementary School and West Jackson Elementary School. The state followed each school’s progress for three years and looked at all students in all subgroups. The certificates for this achievement will be presented in June. Mrs. Hartman also noted that only one other school system in the state had multiple schools recognized. “Nothing like this happens without great leadership, so we would like to recognize the principals from those four schools,” said Dr.
The Jackson County Board of Education’s Monday meeting was packed full of proud parents, students and teachers. There were several recognitions and reasons to celebrate. The first announcement was that the Georgia Department of Education Reward Schools recognized four of Jackson County Schools as part of the top 5 percent of highest performing schools in the state. “We know the effort that students, faculty and staff put into this achievement, so congratulations for a job well done,” said Gwen Hartman, Director of Special Programs. There are two categories for recognition
April Howard, Superintendent of Jackson County Schools. The second achievement is the perfect score for the Jackson County Department of Special Education which was recently evaluated and received a 100. “This is a significant achievement,” said Howard. The third announcement was the winners of the School Nutrition Essay Contest. Dr. Debra Morris, Director of School Nutrition, explained the students were asked to write about their favorite lunch of all time. They were told to do some research on the origin and the background of their favorite food and to include that in their essay. There was a significant amount of essays submitted and
each school received a first-, second- and third-place winner. “I would like to thank Mark Valentine from Tanger Outlets for making this possible, He sponsored this essay contest and gave each winner a gift certificate to Tanger Outlets,” said Dr. Morris. The board also introduced Anna Dodge as the new Assistant Financial Director. She will be taking Betty Varnadore’s place since Varnadore is retiring. “I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Jackson County, and I know I have very big shoes to fill,” said Dodge. Dr. Howard welcomed Dodge to her new position and encouraged everyone to do the same.
Braselton council approves change to PUD plans More than a dozen conditions requested to buffer neighborhood
Ho – Ho – Ho Helpers Village at Deaton Creek residents continue ‘Scrooge’ Christmas toy and food drive in founder’s memory By LEANNE AKIN
The Scrooge Christmas toy and food drive at the Village of Deaton Creek continued into this sixth year in memory of the late Walter Scott, a resident who, with his wife, Cindy, began the effort to support needy children. The Scotts headed the toy and food drive since they moved to Deaton Creek seven years ago and Cindy is carrying on the tradition in spite of her husband’s death. Mark LeClair, Lifestyle Director at Del Webb community, sent out the appeal to residents to honor “the late and great ‘Sir Walter Scott’, as I like to call him. In honor of Walter Scott, we will continue the amazing Scrooge Christmas toy and food drive. His vision and generosity lives on, and will live on.”
See DEATON CREEK, 2A LeAnne Akin The Paper
The Hall County Sheriff’s Office and CASA are assisting in getting toys and food donations collected by residents of the Village at Deaton Creek, including Bob Dienell at R, to children being served through Hall-Dawson Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program. Cindy Scott, top center, headed up this year’s collection which CASA’s Connie Stephens and Maj. John Latty and other Sheriff’s Office representatives received.
Proposed changes to themaster plan for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) in Hall County were approved by the Braselton Town Council although a dozen conditions were placed on Riverstone Park property. In changing from residential to commercial, the council accepted the recommended conditions from Planning Director Kevin Keller for the 20.45-acre parcel. Friendship Road Properties owns the property and Randall W. Herron made the application. Herron had met with residents of the subdivision and, apparently efforts to resolve expressed concerns were successful. Councilwoman Peggy Slappey did request the addi-
Appeal made for business licenses By FARAH BOHANNON
The December Hoschton City Council work session meeting kicked off with a business report led by Mayor Theresa Kenerly. She informed the council that there are several businesses in Hoschton lacking formal business licenses. “There are about 15 to 18 businesses that have not submitted their business licenses. I’d really like them to buy their 2013 and 2014 business licenses as soon as possible and I’d like the council to write a certified letter to each landowner that will hopefully give them a heads up to come get this done,” said Kenerly. There was no unfinished business to discuss. As for new business, Jim Cleveland from Post 6 said he is eager to restart award the Citizen of the Year and reminded other council members to think of possible nominations. The award is for an
Murder of 16-year-old is under investigation JEFFERSON – The results of an autopsy examination show the Dec. 4 death of 16-year-old Cheyanne N. Hair to be homicide, and a man is now charged in the case. Jonathan Michael Smith, 34, of Winder Hair Highway in Jefferson, was charged Dec. 6 with one count of murder and one count of feticide as Hair was pregnant.
INSIDE Business Church Entertainment Events
5A 7A 6B 4B
Santa shy The Hoschton Women’s Civic Club hosted Santa at the Hoschton Depot on Saturday, and Lillie Ingram was among the children visiting with Santa. Families were invited to bring their children to have photos made and select a toy. Children also received a goodie bag and all could enjoy refreshments during the Saturday morning outing. See more scenes at
Jackson County Emergency Medical Services had responded Thursday to a 9:43 a.m. call at 1127 Winder Highway in Jefferson and a female patient was transported to Athens Regional Medical Center where she Smith died. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the cause of Hair’s death is
See MURDER, page 2A
Volume 8, Number 6 Forum Obituaries Puzzles Sports
6A 4A 6B 1-2B
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tion of another condition which would make the sidewalk consistent with the existing sidewalk. Councilman Tony Funari recused himself from the vote. All the conditions can be found at In other business, the council approved a resolution for the North Georgia Hospital System deed which addressed a concern about the town’s easement should the property ever cease to be used as a hospital and sewer service is no longer needed. Attorney Gregory Jay said the resolution includes a standard clause which is usually in such documents. The council also honored Councilman Dudley Ray who is concluding his term of office.
The Paper P.O. Box 430 Hoschton, GA 30548