The Paper December 19, 2013 Edition

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CMYK Thursday, December 19, 2013

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Scouts create sweet memories. 3B

Resolution addresses county UDC issues Responding to concerns from residents and property owners in the Traditions of Braselton, the Jackson County Board of Commissioners Monday approved a resolution to change two articles of the Unified Development Code. The commission desired to provide exemptions to certain restrictions on issuance of building permits. The resolution calls for clarification of requirements for a nuisance involving overgrown vegetation and provides for a building permit to be issued when an existing structure is damaged in a noncompliant subdivision. The Monday meeting also included the commission’s approval of its consent agenda items:

· State-mandated readoption of building codes and optional codes. · The Urban Redevelopment Plan designating commissioners as an Urban Redevelopment Agency. · The annual cost-sharing intergovernmental agreement with Barrow County and with Banks County for respective portions of Juvenile Court services for Fiscal Year 2014. · A contract with the Correct Health to provide inmate medical services at the Jackson County Jail and the Jackson County Correctional Institution. · A contract with Trinity Services Group Inc. to provide meals for inmates at the Jackson County Jail and the Jackson County Correctional Institution.

The commission also approved the alcohol license renewal for Corleone’s Pizza at its Traditions Walk shopping center location. The board had approved other 2014 renewal applications listed below at its Nov. 18 meeting: · Country Corner Texaco, 2715 Highway, 124 West, Jefferson · Jackson Trail Food Mart, 4001 Highway 124 West, Jefferson · D’s Food Store Inc., 10141 Commerce Road, Athens · Jackson Food Mart, 8444 Jefferson Road, Athens · Traditions of Braselton Golf Club, 350 Traditions Way, Jefferson · Publix Super Markets Inc. #1188, 6055

Highway 124 West, Hoschton · Double Oaks Golf Club, Inc. 3100 lIa Road, Commerce · CVS Pharmacy #7637, 5848 Highway 124 West, Hoschton · Gresham Motorsports Park, 500 Lyle Field Road, Jefferson · BP Food Mart, 1406 Jackson Trail Road, Jefferson · Quick Shop, 6007 Highway 124 West, Hoschton · Laguna Mexican Grill, 55 Freedom Parkway, Suite 107, Hoschton · Our Store, 5241 Holly Springs Road, Pendergrass · KAR Food Mart LLC, 8033 Jefferson Road, Athens

Hoschton budget plans presented By FARAH BOHANNON

Katie Griffin The Paper

Jennifer Dees, center, was the recipient of the Community Leadership Award. She was congratulated by State Rep. TommyBenton, Braselton Councilman Tony Funari, Jefferson Mayor Jim Joiner and Jackson County District 3 Commissioner Bruce Yates.

Jackson County Community Outreach

Jennifer Dees honored for leadership in the community

By Katie Griffin

his desire for serving others is driven by his compassion for others. “The call to serve is so unique because you don’t The non-profit, Jackson County Community Out- get to choose who you serve. Public servants dedicate reach, held its 15th annual Achievement Awards their lives to serving strangers,” said Thurmond. Banquet which honored several community leaders He then asked all the school staff and adminison Saturday night. tration to stand up for applause, saying The banquet was a huge success, the atwhat makes a school successful isn’t just tendance was great and the food was dethe teachers and administration, it’s the licious. Mr. Lee Bryan, president of Tencafeteria workers, the bus drivers and Cate Geosynthetics thanked JCCO for its all the behind the scenes workers, too. He service. thanked everyone who stood for their serBryan explained they have many people vice in Jackson County. He then explained ask for TenCate’s support in the commuthat as a teacher, he has learned you teach nity but they consider three things before children but you also are called to love they choose to give their resources to them. He said that when he is in the classan organization: 1. Are they in Jackson room with his kindergartners, he doesn’t County and are they benefitting this comcare about who they are or what color their munity? 2. Are they focused on helping skin is or how much money their parents Gina Roy children and the youth of this county? 3. Is have, because, at the end of the day, all the leadership dedicated, passionate and they really want is a hug anyway so as a organized? teacher, he quickly learned to teach with He then answered with, “TenCate’s relove, giving each student the opportunity to sources and assets are well used at JCCO improve himself or herself. as they celebrate longevity and the good “We are to serve with a heart full of love works going on here,” said Bryan. and a soul generated by grace,” said ThurLindsay Slayton, 2012 recipient of JCCO mond. Scholarship and Tom Lewis Leadership He then repeated the above statement Award, spoke about her success at North and paused, letting the audience absorb it. Georgia College and State University. A He then explained he was raised by a man graduate of Jackson County Comprehenwho did not know how to read or write, sive High School, Slayton said she is now a and now he is the interim superintendent sophomore at North Georgia and lives on for the third largest school system in the Thurmond campus, but would have never been able to state. He urged the leaders and teachers afford living on campus had it not been for in the room to remember his success story the JCCO Scholarship she received. so that each of their students and children Brooks Benton then sang a beautiful can also dream big and work their way into Christmas song, transitioning the event to a life of success. Janet Adams, former director of Gordon After Thurmond’s speech, he received Street Regional Evening School. Adams ina standing ovation. Mrs. Mary Dixon, who troduced the keynote speaker saying that chairs the JCCO Scholarship Committee, she has known and worked with Michael presented awards to the leaders in the Thurmond in Jackson County for years community. The awards and their recipiand said that you learn very quickly after ents are: Community Leadership Award: meeting Mr. Thurmond, that he is a very Jennifer Dees; Humanitarian Award: Anintelligent man. nie M. Hughey; Young Adult Award: Jef“I’ve worked with Mike directly and inferson High School ROTC Honor Guard; directly and it’s very clear that he cares Bryan Certified Nursing Assistant Honor Awards: about people. We are blessed to be served DeShawn Reeves and Sophia Johnston of by him in the state of Georgia,” said Adams. Northridge Medical Center; and Award for ExcelThurmond’s speech was not only down to earth lence: Michael Thurmond. and full of inspiration for every county and state department there, but his speech made it obvious that See LEADERSHIP, 7A

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For 2014, the water and sewer revenue fund budget for the City of Hoschton is separate from the general budget. The Hoschton City Council held the first of two budget meetings on Monday. The next meeting is at 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 30. Garbage collection and water and sewer sales in the services portion of the income section of the budget are budgeted at $705,202.34 for 2014. Garbage collection is set at $98,500 while water and sewer is at $606, 702.34. Installation fees, reconnection fees and late fees are anticipated to add up to $78,300, an increase since there have been several disconnections and reconnections lately. Total income and gross profit, which includes all of the above, comes to $783,502.34. The expenses portion of the water and sewer budget include administrative, wages and benefits, maintenance, utilities and operations of $676,210.88. Administrative expenses will include professional fees which will be $20,000 – a number given directly from Jerry Hood of EMI that will be available for repairs of connection systems. Legal fees, insurance, workers compensation (GIRMA), prop-

erty and casualty, advertising, dues and subscriptions, continuing education for employees, postage, office supplies and uncollectable water and sewer accounts complete the administrative expense section of the 2014 water and sewer budget, which adds up to $56,338. Wages and benefits include salaries and wages, which includes that of wastewater manager Jim Sawyer and utilities clerk Karen Butler. Sawyer’s salary is set, while Butler has just received a 10-percent raise. This portion of the budget also includes Social Security, Medicare and retirement (city portion), adding up to $106,275.08. As for maintenance, a large portion must be set aside for repairs for items such as sewer repairs, testing and assessment of the sewer collection system, smoke testing, etc., as well as for vehicle and additional lab testing. Maintenance totals at $195,972. Utilities include electricity as well as cellular and telephone communications which comes up to $46,260. Lastly, operations includes several parts – PCS maintenance contract, contracted services, operating supplies, drinking water program, water purchases, garbage collection, waste container, gas, oil


Local company claims its trade secrets stolen

Design infringement by Nissan alleged in Jackson Co. lawstui A Jackson County motorsports company is seeking to bar Nissan from using vehicles with a design which company officials claim resulted from “theft of confidential and proprietary information, misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of contracts, unjust enrichment, fraud and negligent misrepresentation.” Delta Wing LLC, owned by Chip Ganassi, and Delta Wing Project 56 LLC, of which owners include Ganassi and Don Panoz, filed a lawsuit in Jackson County Superior Court late last month seeking damages and injunctive relief against the consortium’s former designer Ben Bowlby, now Nissan’s director of motorsport innovation, and others at Nissan. The complaint contends that

the Bowlby-designed Nissan Zero Emission On Demand Racing Car (ZEOD RC) Le Mans-style racecar and the Nissan BladeGlider concept vehicle, among other items, resulted from pirated trade secrets. The DeltaWing design is intellectual property, the suit maintains. In September, Autoweek reported that Panoz, founder of the American Le Mans Series, was talking with legal consultants about potential litigation related to alleged patent violations on the DeltaWing design. Named in the lawsuit in addition to Bowlby is Nissan global motorsports director Darren Cox, Nissan Motor Company Ltd., Nissan Motorsports Inter-


The Paper P.O. Box 430 Hoschton, GA 30548



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