The Paper April 24, 2014 Edition

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CMYK Thursday, April 24, 2014

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Rivers Alive cleanup held in Braselton. 3B

Commission will question weapon ban Law-abiding citizen says Bear Creek Reservoir ordinance violates state law, must be repealed By LEANNE AKIN

Keith McDonough of Bogart appeared before the Jackson County Board of Commissioners Monday to request the ordinance restricting law-abiding citizens from having a weapon in their possession while on the Bear Creek Reservoir property. The signage posted at Bear Creek Reservoir, which is located in Jackson County but owned by the Upper Oconee Basin Water Authority of which Jackson County is a member, restricts weapons unless the carrier is a law enforcement officer or has the permission of the manager to have a weapon, whether it is a gun, bow and arrow or other.

McDonald, who noted he is a member of GeorgiaCarry. Org, said as a law-abiding citizens who goes onto the Bear Creek Reservoir property to fish and visiting with friends and family noted that ordinance is “in violation of state law and needs to be removed immediately.” He said the ordinance is a violation of Georgia’s Preemption Law (OCGA 16-11173). “No county by resolution can restrict the possession, ownership ….” he said, appealing to the commission “to have that language stricken tonight.” Commission Chairman Tom Crow said the Upper Oconee Water Basin Water Authority is the legal entity responsible and the matter would be passed on the authority.

“I agree with you,” said Crow, noting he did not think one’s right to have a weapon on the property should be restricted. District 4 Commissioner Dwain Smith said he was also in agreement. Crow said, “Thank you for bringing this to our attention.” A call to the project’s management agent was not returned by deadline.

Jackson County will continue to outsource inspections, plan reviews Jackson County will develop a formal request for proposal for outsourcing its inspections and plan reviews after the Jackson County Board of Commissioners Monday determined that was the best option for the short-term. Proposals will be solicited for six-month

and annual contracts. Public Development Director Gina Roy said Bureau Veritas of Kennesaw is currently handling inspections and plan review. She noted while the building community was initially a bit nervous because of the outsourcing, the level of professionalism and level of service. The inspectors are checking for proper licenses so they are helping to weed out the unlicensed, she said. Jackson County had been utilizing services of the City of Jefferson until last fall when the city’s planning activities picked up and Jefferson could no longer provide the service. On short notice, the county found a private vendor to provide building inspection services on a temporary contracted basis. According to Poe, staff has been gathering information to come back to the commission


Relay For Life is Friday night at Hoschton Park

‘The future belongs to those who prepare for it.’ Jim Moran, 1918-2007

New club building dedicated

By Katie Griffin

Boys & Girls Clubs celebrate opening

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Jackson County held the Jim Moran Memorial Club dedication service at the new building on Gordon Street in Jefferson on Thursday, April 17 . There was a very large crowd full of community leaders and families. Capital campaign chairman David Varnadoe gave the welcome speech and then there were several speakers who discussed their Williams pathway to achieving the dream of the new building. “This facility will allow us to better serve the kids that need us most. It will help us to nurture, educate

them so that they will succeed in life,” said Varnadoe. State Rep. Tommy Benton said a few words of thanks to all the people who helped make the new building possible. He said that this new building will promote life enhancing programs that will build character, leadership skills, health, life skills, fitness and recreation as well. “The Boys and Girls Club is achieving goals one member at a time and enhancing the quality of life for all citizens of Jackson County,” said Benton. Jackson County Commission

Chairman Tom Crow said he is proud to be involved in the new building. He said Chief Professional Officer Michael Williams, who has 30 years of experience with the Boys & Girls Club organization, has been a great asset in this building and the county’s part has been small compared to volunteers. “Michael had the dedication, fire and enthusiasm to make it work. And he never took no for an answer,” said Crow. The next speaker was Jackson County Board of Education chairwoman Lynne Massey-Wheeler who spoke of the importance of this


Hoschton Park’s field will covered with team campsites and the track will be filled with walkers committed to helping find a cause for cancer during the Braselton-Hoschton Relay For Life which begins at 6 p.m. on Friday. Volunteers for the fundraiser for the American Cancer Society have taken to heart this year’s theme: Life is Sweeter Without Cancer and will be offering some tasty treats for you to purchase as you help continue pushing toward the fundraising goal of $60,000. Additional parking for the event is available for $1 in the front of Lawson Funeral Home on Highway 53. James Lawson says each dollar will be donated to Relay For Life. Survivors can be driven to the entry gate where transport to the 6 p.m. survivors’ dinner will be provided. The nation’s colors will be presented at 7 p.m. and opening ceremonies will begin at Charm McCall, left, visits with 7:10 p.m. with Northeast Georgia Medical Georgia Saunders, one of this Center and Safelite year’s honorary chairs for the BraAuto Glass representa- selton-Hoschton Relay For Life. tives speaking. Honor- Other honorary chairs are Ray ary chairs – Georgia Vaughn and Cheryl Witten. Saunders, Cheryl Witten and Ray Vaughn – will also be introduced. Saunders’ health may prevent her attendance but she will be well represented with honorary luminaries which will be lit around the track for the 9:30 p.m. luminary ceremony, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Braselton. Honorary and memorial luminary bags can be purchased for$5 bags and LED balloons are $25. A memorial garden of Knockout Roses placed in memory or in honor of a cancer survivor or caregiver will be displayed. Other fundraising potential will be found in the Begging Baby contest, the Ms. Relay pageant and the games and food and beverage sales at the tent campsite and the concession stand. See the event schedule on Page 8A and see more at and on the event’s Facebook page.

Hoschton hires new city clerk, gets water update By FARAH BOHANNON

Hoschton City Hall is expecting its newest employee at the beginning of May, and the council members and staff are eager to meet her. The Hoschton City Council convened in a called Monday session to approve the hiring of Jacqueline Crouse, who is expected to take over Ali Merk’s role as city clerk with great enthusiasm. She has experience in this field, so training shouldn’t be an issue. “We’re excited for Jacqueline to start,” said Mayor Theresa Kenerly. “She has experience with council meetings and minutes, so her first week should be smooth.

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She will be here just in time for our May city council meeting.” The salary will start at $45,000 per year, which was voted on by Hoschton’s council members. Hoschton residents should know that she will start as city clerk the first week of May. The April 7 council session was Merk’s last official meeting. She reported C&C Machining and Pearl Industrial are still waiting on their business license approval. She also reminded the city has a Relay For Life team and anyone who is not part of a particular team of their own is invited to join the city’s team. Relay For Life is April 25 at Hoschton Park. The monthly meeting also included an update from consultant

Volume 8, Number 26 Obituaries Puzzles Schools Sports

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Jerry Hood of Engineering Management Incorporated (EMI). He updated the group about the Winder water supply. He says the infrastructure is currently in place and everything is ready to go. “Every source of water you can hook up to is a good thing,” said Hood. “It will cost $2,500 to ensure that the control valve is functioning properly. The City of Winder has checked the bridge crossing and is good to go. There is no minimum purchase of water. I also wouldn’t mind being hooked up to at least five sources because more is better.” Hood says the rate is $2.80 per thousand gallons and mentioned that Winder’s water comes from the Mulberry River and City Pond

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“Every source of water you can hook up to is a good thing. I also wouldn’t mind being hooked up to at least five sources because more is better.” Jerry Hood Consultant with EMI as well as the treatment plant at Rockwell Church Road and Highway 53. Hood also updated the group on the Design Development Report (DDR), which will help the city get to a B2 status and will fix any problems that already exist or ones that may arise in the future. The city was selected for a $300,000 grant,

but it has not been approved as of right now. Hood mentioned it is currently earmarked, so the council members are optimistic about the outcome. However, council members Jim Cleveland and Scott Butler say they believe that any work that can be done in the meantime


The Paper P.O. Box 430 Hoschton, GA 30548



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