CMYK Thursday, April 17, 2014
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Master Gardener is BULLI instructor. 3B
Jefferson supporting Internet options By LEANNE AKIN
Windstream representatives have agreed to attend the Jefferson City Council meeting of April 28. At Monday’s work session, an Internet service update was provided as momentum has continued to build for a choice of service providers for the community. Currently, Windstream Communications, the Little Rock-based internet and telephone provider for much of the Jackson and Barrow areas, has come under fire. The company was recently penalized financially in a false advertising lawsuit. The Governor’s Office of Consumer Protection took Windstream to task for promoting certain Internet speeds that it could not provide.
Windstream representatives plan to address Jefferson citizen concerns at April 28 meeting
Jefferson residents Clint Roberts and Dana Phillips are the major organizers behind the Jackson County push for an expanded choice in Internet service. An online petition and a Facebook page with a growing following is driving the effort. The City of Jefferson has been exploring the potential for other services with staff and elected officials making contact and holding meetings with other companies and also seeking to get a commitment for improved service from Windstream. Mayor Roy Plott said he has written a letter of support for a joint development authority’s
grant application for fiber to close the loop from the Royston and Hart County area to Atlanta. That loop would result in dark fiber running through Jackson County. Plott said if the grant is approved, the community could then work with the North Georgia Network on engineering. “They have got the route planned,” said Plott, who indicates a one-year buildout is anticipated. “They would go through us to Gwinnett and we could have access to it.” He said the community would have to contract with someone else “to install what we’d need.” Plott said a grant announcement is ex-
pected in June. City Manager John Ward said Windstream representatives will attend the 6 p.m. April 28 meeting at the Jefferson Civic Center. “We have asked Windstream to present their planned upgrades, to provide a schedule of when the work will be completed and to give everyone an overview as to what speeds they should experience once the work is done,” said Ward in an update to citizens. “Additional discussions with other possible providers also continue.” A request for Windstream representatives to attend a public meeting to address the concerns with local citizens in a face-to-face informational format was made during a March 25 meeting.
Highway 98 sign is unveiled by Ricky Fitzpatrick By Katie Griffin
Katie Griffin The Paper
Eggs-citing happenings: Like manna from heaven
An estimated 10,000 plastic eggs were dropped from a helicopter Saturday during an Easter event at Crossroads Church of Jackson County’s property on Highway 124. Sunny skies and smiles could be found as food, inflatables and games also added to the festivities. This was the second time a helicopter egg drop was held by Crossroads Church. Another egg hunt was also held for younger children. Look for other Easter egg hunts to be held this weekend with April 20 being Easter. See other Holy Week happenings in Church News on Page 4A. See more scenes at
The Georgia Department of Transportation erected the commemorative signs this week on Highway 98 in Commerce and Danielsville honoring singer and songwriter Ricky Fitzpatrick’s song “Highway 98.” The unveiling ceremony took place Saturday, April 12, at the Commerce location. The sign was uncovered by LeAnne Akin The Paper Fitzpatrick and he Ricky Fitzpatrick removes the black plastic from gave a few com- the new highway signage on Highway 98 durments and then was able to meet ing Saturday’s afternoon ceremony. everyone there. “The event left me with the feeling of fulfillment,” said Ricky Fitzpatrick.
Pilot safely lands troubled plane on Highway 441 From regional reports
A single-engine Cessna plane forced to make an emergency landing on U.S. 441 in Commerce on Sunday morning appears to have run out of gas. Pilot Donald Moffett was flying the airplane with an adult, August Curcio, and two juvenile passengers aboard from Charleston, S.C., to Gainesville when he began experienc-
ing engine trouble. Moffett, unable to make it to the Jackson County Airport, landed the plane on the highway and rolled to a stop in the turn lane of W.E. King Road. “The plane did make a safe landing and none of the four passengers on the plane were injured,” Jackson County Emergency Services Director Steve Nichols. “Luckily, at the time of the incident, traffic was very light
and no damage was reported.” The passengers were reportedly returning from a Boy Scout event. According to a Commerce Police Department incident report, a representative from the Federal Aviation Administration assessed the scene and recommended the plane be removed from the road without further investigation. Moffett was given a ride to a local gas sta-
tion to fill an empty tank, and with the assistance of the Department of Transportation, he taxied the plane north to Ga. 59 and parked it in a pasture behind a tractor business overnight. Moffett reportedly contacted a company in Griffin to transport the plane on Monday. He was then given a “courtesy ride” to the nearest Taco Bell, according to the incident report.
Passion for purple
Braselton-Hoschton Relay For Life gearing up for April 25 fundraiser for American Cancer Society
Sweets are right up Lucy Hinson’s alley – just ask any of the regulars at the Hoschton Café. For $2 a ticket, you can have a chance to win featured sweets, such as cupcakes on a recent week. Red velvet cupcakes and strawberry and champagne creations are also favorites along with the peanut butter cake. She’s been making the peanut butter cake for four
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years and it’s a huge favorite. This year’s theme, “Life will be sweeter without cancer” certainly ties in with the fundraising effort of Hoschton Café. Paper cupcakes you can purchase with a donation to Relay For Life will be added to the window of the restaurant which is also sporting a purple ribbon which are part of the Paint the Towns Purple effort for April. “I chose to do my homemade, creative cupcakes in hopes to raise as much money and more this year,” said Hon-
Volume 8, Number 24 Health Obituaries Pastor’s Pen Puzzles Sports
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son. “It really ties into our theme for Relay and gives me a creative outlet to focus my energy on.” This is the second year Hoschton Café has been a part of the Braselton-Hoschton Relay For Life efforts and this year, there is an even more important reason to Relay. Lucy’s grandmother, her father’s mom, was diagnosed recently with pancreatic cancer. But cancer has been peppered throughout her life since 2006.
LeAnne Akin The Paper
Lucy Hinson at Hoschton Cafe is committed to stamping out cancer which has been peppered throughout her life since 2006. She is helping paint the town purple.
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