The Paper December 26, 2013 Edition

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CMYK Thursday, December 26, 2013

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Hoschton hosts holiday event. 5B

Jackson County road planning shifting By Jeff Gill

Regional staff

Jackson County leaders said they think joining with Hall County will work in their favor when it comes to road planning. The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization is expanding its transportation planning area next year to include a couple of areas in Jackson County, particularly fast-growing Braselton and Hoschton. “There’s some things that Jackson County has — Interstate 85, (parts of) U.S. 129 and our rail access — that we need to bring up and really plan for that Gainesville-Hall hasn’t looked at before,” said Gina Roy, director of Jackson County’s public development department.

Three urbanized areas of Jackson County are moving into Gainesville-Hall MPO from ARC

“I think we’ll bring some new light and new ideas and hopefully broaden (GainesvilleHall’s) region.” When the 2010 census was released, it showed Jackson had experienced urbanized growth in three areas: a small portion near the East Hall border, the Braselton-Hoschton area of West Jackson and a small area on the Clarke County border. Jackson County has signed an agreement with the Athens-Clarke County MPO to include the area on the Clarke side in that MPO’s transportation planning efforts.

The portion near East Hall would be considered part of the Gainesville-Hall MPO and the Braselton-Hoschton area would be in the Atlanta Regional Commission. “We sat down, met with and discussed with all three MPOs about what would be the best advantages for us and where we would get more out of our transportation planning,” Roy said. “Even though we have a larger portion with ARC, we’re still so far out of metro that I’m afraid we ... would be just a minor blip on their big agenda,” she added. “I don’t think

we would get a full benefit.” To take care of road planning in the remaining areas, Roy said, two agreements would have to be signed, including one among Jackson, Gainesville-Hall MPO and ARC that says ARC relinquishes the Braselton-Hoschton planning area to Gainesville-Hall. The other one would be between Jackson and Gainesville-Hall MPO to do planning in the Jackson County areas. The Georgia Department of Transportation “hasn’t set this drop-dead date that we have to (complete the agreements),” Roy said. “We know that we need to do it. That’s why we’ve been working on it. It’s been kind of a slow process.”


New Year’s Day Program in 87th year

Santa’s been here and school’s out Santa Claus stopped off at the Braselton Library on Dec. 19 to visit with children and field some last-minute requests so that his Christmas Eve delivery would be just right for those who have been nice. See more scenes from Santa’s afternoon storytime with Santa at and see the Braselton Library’s Facebook

page. Below: On the final day of school before the holidays, there was a festive mood at West Jackson Intermediate School where student showcased their work for parents and celebrated the season. Mike Black joined daughter Alex for some Christmas crafts and Tatum Wiley was dressed in holiday fashion in Mrs. Gooch’s room.

The 87th annual Jackson County New Year’s Day Program will be held at 9 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2014, in the auditorium of the Jackson County Administrative Building. The first New Year’s Day Program was held in 1927 with Judge W.W. Dickson presiding. This year, Pastor Darrel Rewis of Corner-Stone Church located in Highway 11 in Jefferson, will be the featured speaker. He will be introduced by Tax Commissioner Don Elrod. Jackson County Clerk of Superior Court Camie Thomas will provide the invocation and Mrs. Mary Burley will sing “God Bless America.” Magistrate Judge Billy Chandler will introduce county officials and guests. “Everyone is invited to the program which is held for the purpose of thanking God for the blessings of the past and seeking divine guidance and blessing for the coming year,” said Jackson County Solicitor Don Moore. TeenPact, a Jackson County organization dedicate to preparing students for business and political leadership, will again host the event and provide coffee and doughnuts.

Hoschton budget being studied By FARAH BOHANNON

The City of Hoschton held its first meeting Dec. 9 to discuss the 2014 budget. It was a successful meeting led by Mayor Theresa Kenerly and City Clerk Ali Merk. With the budget package presented, there will be another meeting to vote on the official budget set for 6 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 30. “I’m really excited for a successful 2014,” said Kenerly. The discussion began with General Fund, with the first reading with a starting point of total income. In 2013, the city had $8,000 set aside for cemetery lot sales, but anticipate to generate $10,000 for 2014. “James Lawson [of Lawson Funeral Home in Hoschton] is bringing in a lot of cemetery sales. He


Schools’ graduation rates rank above state average By Katie Griffin

Georgia’s 2013 public high school graduation rate increased almost 2 percentage points over the previous year, from 69.7 percent in 2012 to 71.5 percent in 2013. Even better, the rates have increased by more than 4 percentage points since 2011. The graduation rates for all of the schools located in Jackson County are listed below. Jackson County High Schools: East Jackson Comprehensive High School: 2013’s four-year rate is 79.4 percent, down 4 percentage points from 2012’s five-year rate

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of 83.4 percent. Jackson County Comprehensive High School: 2013’s four-year rate is 81.8 percent, which is up 1percentage point from 2012’s five-year rate of 80.5. The Jackson County School System’s average graduation rate for 2013 is 80 percent, which is well above the state average of 71.5 percent. The 2012 system average was 81.8 and the state average for 2012 was 71.6, so the average of both the state and Jackson County School System’s graduation rate has slightly decreased. “We are proud of the progress our district is making. However, we are keenly focused

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on increasing our graduation rate so that every single student leaves college, career and life ready,” said Dr. April Howard, Superintendent of Jackson County Schools. Seeing that both Jackson County high schools are well above the state average graduation rate is something to be proud of. Jackson County Comprehensive High School’s increase in graduation rate is certainly a great accomplishment and, with great new leadership at East Jackson Comprehensive High School, there is high hope the graduation rate there will increase in the coming years. “Innovative learning environments that

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promote engagement and personalized learning will be among the most important strategies we implement,” said Howard. “We are pleased that the graduation rates continue to go up. We are proud of our staff and the effort they give to each individual child to help them do their best, we are also extremely proud of our graduation coach who helps students with special difficulties to reach that graduation goal and obtain that degree,” said Jackson County Comprehensive High School Principal Scott Smith.


The Paper P.O. Box 430 Hoschton, GA 30548



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