The Paper March 13, 2014 Edition

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CMYK Thursday, March 13, 2014

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2 companies pick Braselton for relocation A power tool maker which has been doing business in Jackson County for 15 years and a global leader in sports apparel, footwear and equipment will be relocating to Braselton, according to announcements made Tuesday. The former Home Depot facility in Braselton is about to get a dose of power tools as Hitachi Koki USA is moving its North American headquarters and distribution facility to Braselton Distribution Center One. The 540,000-square-foot facility in Jackson County owned by Hardie Real Estate Group will become the all-in-one facility for all-inone power tools. Mizuno USA announced Tuesday the relocation of all distribution facilities and manufacturing operations to a 520,000-square-foot

Hitachi Power Tools coming from Norcross this fall; Mizuno USA set to relocate by 2015 facility in Braselton by 2015. The facility will merge Mizuno’s two existing distribution center facilities to service all Mizuno USA divisions. Current Mizuno employees will transition to the new facility in late 2014 following building renovations. Hitachi will consolidate operations from various parts of Atlanta — including its current headquarters in Norcross and distribution centers in Pendergrass and Powder Springs — later this year, according to Hitachi’s Benjie Hopkins.

Consolidation will mean Hitachi will be moving out at Walnut Fork [Industrial Park], according to Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Josh Fenn, but the company’s decision to remain in Jackson County is a plus. It’s an expansion of an existing industry. “We feel that the space in Walnut Fork will go quickly,” said Fenn. “Count it as a chance to expand some companies we have busting at the seams in that industrial park.” The official announcements by Hitachi

ad Mizuno officials came just days after the town’s elected leaders held a strategic planning session. During the Friday day-long gathering which was facilitated by Northeast Georgia Regional Commission executive director Jim Dove and administrative assistant Mott Beck, elected and appointed officials assessed progress made toward last year’s goals and objectives and looked ahead to made shortterm and long-term goals. One of the new objectives spelled out was enhanced technology which would be beneficial for government, business and industry as well as households.



Sheriff Janis Mangum listens as one inmate shares her story and another tears up. A JCCI inmate spoke eloquently about time he’ll be without contact with his sons. Tear-filled eyes looked out into the packed Jackson EMC auditorium and a voice filled with emotion pleaded that those listening not make bad decisions that resulted in time behind prison bars. Three young ladies who had spent the previous night and much of the day assisting at the scene of a fire in downtown Clarkesville were among those speaking at the CHOICES Program hosted March 6 by Sheriff Janis Mangum and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. A 19-year-old and two 24-year-old ladies who will spend several years in prison because they made poor choices are on the fire team at Lee Arrendale Correctional Institute. They are trying to do something productive while they say life is passing them by. They also shared their stories in hopes of showing that the wrong choice can change your life. Sheriff Mangum said, “My intent was to send a clear message to parents and their children. The message

After CHOICES, times are tough Inmates urge teenagers to make smart decisions to stay of the trouble, prison was loud and clear.” The auditorium was in spite of the rainy evening with approximately 225 attending the program that allowed teenagers and young adults to describe the poor choices they made that resulted in life changing experiences for them, their families, their friends and, in some cases, ended the lives of others. Drug use, underage drinking, rebellious actions and improper lifestyles were the main focus of the program. Sheriff Mangum said, “This program was intended to educate our community about making good choices and the consequences of making bad choices.” Sheriff Mangum invited inmates from the Lee Arrendale Correctional Institution and Jackson County Correctional Institution along with several parents who have witnessed their children suffer with the destructive behavior to present their stories about the decisions that

changed all their lives forever. “Issues like these affect more and more families in our community and have recently become more prevalent,” she said. Stories were presented from the points of view of both parents and children. Those stories will be share in upcoming issues of The Paper. “The testimonies were very touching and emotional and appeared to have reached most in attendance hopefully inspiring parents to discuss alcohol awareness such as drinking and driving and other choices and their consequences,” said Sheriff Mangum. Represented at the program were Judges Billy Chandler, Joe Booth, Wayne McLocklin and Rob Alexander, law enforcement agencies including the Sheriff’s Office, Commerce, Jefferson and Arcade Police. Sheriff Mangum said, “If this program helps to influence the choices of just one person, we have accomplished something.”

Braselton marks completed work with Rockin’ the Streets events Rockin’ the Streets Week will kick off with a “Rockin’ the Green 5K” on Saturday, March 15. Rockin’ the Streets Week is being coordinated by the Braselton Downtown Development Authority to celebrate the grand reopening of downtown Braselton after completion of several road construction projects and the Streetscape project. On Monday at 9 a.m., a special ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held to celebrate the town’s Highway 53 Streetscape project. Joining Mayor Bill Orr and the Braselton Town Council will be special guests Congressman Doug Collins and representatives of the Georgia Department of Transportation. The event, which will be held at Brassie Lane and Highway 53 in front of Kristi’s Country Store & Café and the Braselton House of Clay, will be followed by a reception. Saturday’s Rockin’ the Green 5K is the first activity of the week-long celebration. It begins at 8 a.m. at the Braselton Brothers Store building which has been revitalized with a Community Development Block Grant and Town of Braselton funding. FernGully, Outdoor Advantage and YearOne are sponsoring the Rockin’ the Green 5K. Registration is $25, and each pre-registered runner receives a T-shirt. Electronic registration is available at www. Proceeds will go toward the Town Green project. Additional information on the race and about the DDA is available at or by calling Peggy Kriegel at 404-380-3299.

Sidewalk chalk art contest is March 18-20 Get ready to “Rock the Chalk” with a sidewalk chalk art competition being held March 18-20. People of all ages are invited to participate. There is no fee to enter and participants will be provided one piece of chalk but are encouraged to bring their own chalk supply. All registered entries will be judged and a People’s Choice award will be determined from postings on the Downtown Braselton Facebook page. Drawings are being judged on first impression, originality, creativity, skill and use of color.


Keep Jackson County Beautiful honored by state Commissioners are thanked for their support The Board of Directors of Keep Jackson County Beautiful recently presented a plaque to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners in appreciation of support received since Aug. 27, 2004. KJCB board chairman Mike Faulkner made the presentation on behalf of the full board. The Keep Georgia Beautiful affiliate will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and is readying for several upcoming events including Rivers Alive and the Great Jackson County Cleanup


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Keep Jackson County Beautiful was recently presented the Governor’s Circle Award. These inaugural, statewide awards were presented by Gov. Nathan Deal at the State Capitol as part of the Keep Georgia Beautiful fall conference. Upon presentation, Gov. Deal said the award was “In recognition of efforts to engage Georgians in taking greater responsibility for their community environments while maintaining the highest level of organizational standards.” Keep Jackson County Beautiful is one of 78 Keep Georgia Beautiful affiliates. Much like the Keep America Beautiful President’s Award, the Georgia Governor’s Circle Award

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gives a pat on the back to affiliates who work tirelessly in promoting a better environmental lifestyle for those they serve. Created by the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation in honor of its 35th anniversary, the Governor’s Circle Award recognizes exemplary performance by certified affiliates in reducing litter, minimizing waste and greening local communities. To qualify for the Governor’s Circle Award, affiliates must be in good standing with Keep America Beautiful; conducting an annual Litter Index, calculating the affiliate’s cost/ benefit ratio and engaging volunteers to take greater responsibility for their community environment. Addi-

tionally, the affiliate must be an active member of the Georgia network. “The affiliates receiving the Governor’s Circle Award represent the best of community improvement efforts”, said Sarah Visser, Executive Director of the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation. “They are doing the hard work every day to keep their communities economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable.” Keep Jackson County Beautiful marks its 10th anniversary on Aug. 27. Board members and volunteers focus on litter prevention, beautification, waste reduction and recycling.

LeAnne Akin The Paper

Susan Trepagnier, director of Keep Jackson County Beautiful, with the Governor’s Circle Award the Keep Georgia Beautiful affiliate recently received.


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