Ch  teau in the Know

Château Élan Reso R t
Gene R al n umbe R 678-425-0900
Gua R d Gate a dd R ess 2585 Autumn Maple Drive
l e G ends Club h ouse 770-932-8653
s po R ts Club 770-867-1760
Woodlands Community m ana G e R
A new community manager is being selected, in the interim please direct any questions to your Woodlands HOA Board Members, which can be found on your Dwelling Live website.
e xe C utive e states hoa
Ron Eubanks | 770-310-9995 |
Count R y e states hoa
Ronald Patton | (540) 290-5999 |
l e G ends hoa
Suzanne Davidson | 404-202-9531 | sdavidson@ OR Alan Kloor
Cove R ed bR id G e hoa
Gwen Gibson | 470-429-2017 |
RF id Questions
Gate entrance tag for your vehicles
Gwen Gibson | 470-429-2017 |
$30 per sticker
Note: All resident vehicles, including golf carts, must be registered but RFID stickers are optional.
l e G ends m embe R ship
Wanda Anderson | 770-614-6929
Dave Zerfas |
The content of the newsletter is provided by the residents of the Château Élan neighborhood for no profit to ensure the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in and around the community.
The newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each resident from advertising revenue. We hope you do support the advertisers listed that make this publication possible.
All official HOA documents can be found on the Dwelling Live site.
If you would like to contribute to the contents of the newsletter or if you have ideas of content that should be included, please send an email to
responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the residents of Château Élan as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
ingredients :
4-(6 o Z) F illets o F wil D cau G ht salmon , seasone D with a P inch o F K osher salt
avocado salad :
1 aV oca D o , me D ium si Z e , D ice D
2 tomatoes , cho PP e D
1/4 cu P cho PP e D re D onion
1 G arlic clo V e , mince D
2 t B s P F resh B asil , cho PP e D
1 t B s P e V oo
1 t B s P o F B alsamic V ine G ar
salt 1/4 ts P + 1/8 ts P crac K e D P e PP er to taste
1 | Preheat air fryer to 400º degrees.
2 | In a bowl combine red onion, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, 1/4 tsp of salt, and pepper to taste. Let sit for 5 minutes.
3 | Then add in tomatoes, garlic, basil, avocado, with the remaining salt.
4 | Place salmon, skin side down, in the air fryer (might have to do 2 at a time unless you have a large basket). Cook for about 5 minutes or until the salmon flakes easily with a fork. Thicker cuts may take longer.
5 | Plate the salmon. Top with avocado salad and serve.
Log on to YOUTUBE and search “Julielinh Mouret” for all her recipes and follow the step-by-step directions
Brought to you by fellow Chateau Elan Resident, Julielinh Mouret
Spring is here and it is time for healthier dishes! This salmon recipe is easy and cooks in about 5 minutes in an air fryer.
If you don’t have an air fryer you can bake it at 400º degrees for 15 to 20 mins.
INSTAGRAM: @julielinhmouret
TIK TOK: @julielinhmouret
We are excited to provide an informational update to the current Chateau Elan Resident Discount program, including information on how to register for a resident discount card, where to pick them up, and an outline of the resident discount perks.
Residents of Chateau Elan Estates are eligible for a ‘Resident Discount Card,’ available for pick-up at the Chateau Elan Golf Clubhouse through December 31st, 2023. Once registered, the ‘Resident Discount Card’ allows residents to receive various discounts on offerings around Chateau Elan Winery and Resort. Residents who choose not to register for a ‘Resident Discount Card’ are not eligible to receive any discounts and must pay the regular fee for all programs and services throughout the resort. The ‘Resident Discount Card’ is completely optional and is not required for residents.
Chateau Elan residents must live within a qualified Chateau Elan neighborhood. Neighborhoods that are currently within the physical boundaries of Chateau Elan Winery and Resort are: the Legends, the Executive Estates, the Woodlands, the Village, Creekside Village, Oxley Village, the Country Estates, and the Manor Homes. Chateau Elan Winery and Resort will continue to assess this list on an ongoing basis. Even though licenses may reflect a Chateau Elan mailing address, residents must reside within the neighborhood limits listed above. If you have questions concerning your residency, contact the Chateau Elan sales office.
A ‘Resident Discount Card’ may be obtained at the Chateau Elan Golf Clubhouse with proof of license reflecting a valid Chateau Elan address and a current billing statement from cable television, utility, or voter registration card as proof of residency. Each household is eligible to receive one (1) ‘Resident Discount Card.’
Residents using this ‘Resident Discount Program’ will receive the following discounts when a valid resident card is presented at the time of purchase. Discounts may only be applied to goods and services for Chateau Elan residents. Residents may not use their ‘Resident Discount Card’ to discount goods and services for friends, non-residential family, and/or guests. Residents must be present with a valid ‘Resident Discount Card’ at point-of-sale to receive discounted offers. Discounts are subject to change and may not be used on holidays/ special event dates. Some items are exempt from the resident discount program – i.e. gift card purchases, packages, special events, wine tastings, wine tours, glasses of wine, alcohol, etc. Discounts may not be combined with other offers. Discounts are eligible through December 31, 2023.
• Food & beverage: 15% discount on all regularly priced food & beverage items (excludes alcohol, beer and wine)
• spa: 15% discount on all regularly priced spa services (Monday through Thursday)
• Golf: 15% discount at the golf clubhouse, regularly priced rounds of golf, regularly priced golf merchandise, and regularly priced food and beverage items at Sarazen’s Bar and Grille (excludes alcohol, beer and wine)
• Retail: 15% discount on regularly priced retail items at Le Petit Boutique, The Winery Market, and Spa Gift Shop
• tennis: Special membership rates for residents. 15% off pro shop merchandise
• Rooms: Special rates available at the Hampton Inn & Suites
“Every place where we feel safety is a treasure.”
Every day of life matters, especially as we get older. And our goal is to help you get the most out of each day. Whether that’s taking advantage of personalized fitness programs, on-site beauty salon and spa, specialized memory care, or our extensive social calendar and entertainment, there’s something to engage with everyone.
provides individualized care to ensure that every resident not only feels safe, but actually is. With our 24-hour staff available at all
“Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.”
— Auguste Escoffier
Nothing brings people together like good food.
seasonal cuisine, our chefs provide a variety of healthy, flavorful menus, with a number of options to suit your individual tastes. And your choices don’t end there. Dine in our restaurant-style dining room, outdoors on the veranda or make private dining arrangements. It’s up to you. Plus, you’ll always have 24-hour access to our onsite café!
A Sample Menu
Cinnamon French Toast
Milk, Juice, Coffee or Tea
Fruit & Cereal of your choice
“Active Lifestyle means giving my mind,
and soul the respect and care it deserves.”
We are industry leaders in joint replacement surgery of the hip, knee, shoulder, and ankle, serving as national leaders in the field.
Our surgeons utilize smaller incisions that cause less muscle injury and blood loss resulting in better recovery times. The team focuses on multimodal pain management to improve the recovery experience and minimize pain.
We offer the latest advancements in joint replacement surgery, including anterior hip replacement and robotic knee surgery, and are the industry leaders in rapid recovery, striving to get you home within hours of your surgery.
-Radon occurs naturally when uranium breaks down to form radon. Uranium is often found in high concentrations in granite rocky soils, as are common in northern Georgia counties. As radon is released into the soil, it can enter buildings through the foundation and well water, eventually building to dangerous levels.
- Radon kills nearly 21,000 people each year, more than 800 of them in Georgia, and is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States after tobacco smoke. Smokers are at an even higher risk of radon-induced lung cancer than nonsmokers.
- Your home can be tested for radon very easily and typically for less than $250 through a local company. Should your home require mitigation, typically the cost is less than $2,500 (depending on the size of the home, the layout and the radon level)
- EPA recommends homes be fixed if the radon level is 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) or more. Because there is no known safe level of exposure to radon, EPA also recommends that Americans consider fixing their home for radon levels between 2 pCi/L and 4 pCi/L. More information can be found on the EPA website,
Should you have questions of how it may affect the marketability of your home or recommendations on local radon testing/mitigation companies, please feel free to reach out to me via phone/text at 706-362-3309 or via email at