LOP News Nov 2018

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D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 • V O L . 4 7 , N O . 1 2 • O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E L A K E O F T H E P I N E S A S S O C I AT I O N

Coffee with the Manager


5th Annual LOP Holiday Craft & Fun Fest


Blood Drive


LOP New Year’s Eve Party


Save the Date: Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre


Wednesday, Dec. 19 2:00 p.m. Sports Lounge Meeting Room All offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 24, Tuesday, Dec. 25, Monday, Dec. 31 and Tuesday, Jan. 1. Happy Holidays! The 2019 Budget and Annual Disclosures were mailed/emailed 45 days prior to the end of the fiscal year. Please contact Administration if you have not yet received your copy.

Activities ......................3,5,8,12,21 Clubs...........................13-15, 18-20 County News ............................. 28 Food & Beverage..........10, 12, 18 Golf Pro ......................................... 6 Lost & Found .............................. 12 Parcel E......................................... 4 Recreation..................... 23, 25-26 Safety .....................................11-12 Service Teams .....................28-30 Sunrise/Sunset Chart ................ 4 Treasurers Report..................... 30

Winner, inaugural “Your Best Shot” Photo Contest: Tami Shoot. 2019 ASSESSMENT NOTICE

On October 17, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the 2019 Budget and the Annual Assessment of $2,868 per lot. Payments may be made either annually, semi-annually or monthly. Members will receive a notice of the assessment increase with a payment coupon book for 2019. Members who use ACH will not receive a coupon book since their payments are made electronically via automatic debit to their bank account.




PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By President, Terry Eberhardt The Holiday season is upon us once again. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am sure many of you enjoyed our first Turkey Trot/Walk for Toys for Tots on Thanksgiving morning. Many more events are planned for the holiday season here at Lake of the Pines, including the Annual Holiday Craft and Fun Fest with Santa in attendance on Saturday, Dec. 8, and the Annual Holiday Lighting Contest. Please check with Nicole Hurd, our Recreation Coordinator for more details. Many other holiday events are planned, so keep a look out for more details. The Board of Directors established a Food and Beverage Ad Hoc Committee at its October meeting. The committee has met every Friday for five weeks and will continue to meet to develop recommendations for the Board on improving Food and Beverage service for members of LOP. The Committee held a community-wide workshop on the issue on October 30 to gather input from members on issues concerning Food and Beverage. The turnout was tremendous, with around 200 folks attending, and a lot of good feedback was received by the Committee that will be used in their work. At the Lakes and Parks Committee meeting held on November 7, members reported out on the results of the NT-MAX sediment removal program. They reported on the findings of the Bathymetric Survey, which demonstrated that the program was very successful and had reduced the sediment levels in the lake by an average of 3.52 inches. The reduction varied around the lake, but it appears that NT-MAX is making an impact on sediment levels. As this is a three-year program, the next round of NT-MAX application will start next spring when the water temperature warms. The Long Range Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee met on October 30 to review the draft Administrative Strategic Plan provided by our consultant, Tanya

Sundberg. This is a very important step in the development of the plan. In early December, once the Committee’s changes are made, we will receive the draft Strategic Plan. It will be reviewed by all Board Committees and then we will hold a community-wide workshop tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019 to present the draft plan to members. Once feedback is received and recommended changes are made, the Board will adopt the plan. It has been suggested that, once the Board adopts the plan, we continue to have the Long Range Strategic Plan Committee meet to advise the Board on issues relating to the plan. The Clubhouse defects claim has finally been settled. Lake of the Pines will receive $100,470 for repairs to the building. An initial assessment will be conducted by staff to determine what defects need immediate attention and will be repaired. Other defects will await further assessment. All monies received from the settlement will be set aside for future Clubhouse repairs. The Board had asked the General Manager to assess ways in which non-golfers might have the opportunity to use the golf cart path when golf is not in play. At the November Board meeting, the General Manger recommended to the Board that, under a trial program, members be allowed to walk on the cart paths before the first golf starting time during the months of December, January and February. Walkers will need to be off the golf cart paths by the time the official golf start time at 10:00 a.m. The Board approved the recommendation, and this will be a trial program from December 1 through Feb. 28, 2019 to see if it can safely work for all. These times change by season, so good communication and cooperation by all is essential, if this process moves forward beyond the trial period. I wish you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season. May you all have a safe and fun Christmas, and may Santa bring all the things you were wishing for.

MANAGER’S UPDATE By General Manager, John Bowman

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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I want to tell you about a new opportunity to use the golf cart paths for walking. Earlier this year, the Golf Committee made a recommendation to allow walkers on the cart path before the course is open for play. At the November meeting of the LOP Board, the Board approved a trial program allowing non-golfers to walk on the cart path in the mornings. Starting December 1, LOP residents can walk on the golf cart paths each morning during the months of December, January and February, up until 10:00 a.m. This is a trial period only and any long-term program will depend on our experience during this time. Here are a few specifics that you need to know: • Walkers and golf balls don’t mix! If you choose to walk on the path during this trial period, you must be off the course before 10:00 AM. • You must stay on the path only. Do not walk on the turf or cut across the fairway. • If you bring your dog with you, your dog must be on a leash and you must bring a doggie bag and pick up after your pet. • As always, bicycles, scooters and skateboards are not allowed. •Keep your eyes open for golf carts and for maintenance vehicles. •Always use caution. Paths can be icy and slick this time of year. I have asked our Pro Shop staff and our Public Safety staff to help monitor this program. If you are a non-golfer and you are on the course between 10:00 a.m. and sunset, you should expect to be cited. Keep in mind that we advertise sunset hours for each month in the LOP News, so if you are unsure, check there for evening sunset times. I hope everyone takes advantage and enjoys the opportunity to use the cart path for some exercise each day. If this trial program

is something you appreciate, please drop me an email and tell me about it; or if you see folks who are not following the rules of this trial program, let me know about that too. You can email me anytime at GM@lop.org. I want to update you on the status of our Long Range Strategic Plan. One year ago, we started the process of developing our long range plan by holding two community town hall meetings where we brainstormed our visions for the future of Lake of the Pines. Since then we have conducted community surveys, focus groups and held several other open meetings. Between the hard work of our Long Range Plan Ad Hoc Committee and the help of our consultant, we now have a draft plan ready for comment. In early December, we will post the Public Comment draft of our plan on our website. Another Community Town Hall meeting is planned for the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 8, where we will present this plan and solicit your comments. Please watch our communications and make plans to join us on January 8. We want to hear your comments on what should become a guiding document for LOP for years to come. I want to thank the General Manager of Nevada Irrigation District, Rem Scherzinger for being my special guest at our November Coffee with the Manager. Many folks have told me that this was their favorite “Coffee” yet. My guests at the December 18 Coffee with the Manager will be the folks at Suddenlink who will be making a return visit. Suddenlink will report on how they are doing with Phase 1 of our system upgrade. Make plans to join us. We meet in the Clubhouse from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. I’ll bring extra doughnuts. Have a happy and safe holiday season. Many blessings to you and your family.

Board Highlights


11665 Lakeshore North, Auburn, CA 95602

By Administrative Manager, Donna Lowenthal

(530) 268-1141

Board Highlights is a summary of actions taken by

John Bowman General Manager/Editor 268-1141, ext. 2001, gm@lop.org

the Board of Directors at its meetings. Draft minutes, a summary of minutes or minutes of a meeting (other than executive session) are available to members within 30 days of the meeting. They may be obtained upon request and upon reimbursement of costs by contacting the Administration Office at 268-1141, ext. 2002. November 14, 2018 • Accepted GM Bowman’s recommendation to allow walking on the golf course cart paths prior to the first tee time on a trial basis from December 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019, including a temporary suspension of the rule prohibiting the same. Accepted the Lakes & Parks Committee’s recommendation to allow a variance for a Bass Tracker fishing boat and directed Lakes & Parks to edit the rules to allow this type of boat.

Winner, December 2018, “Your Best Shot Photo Contest”

Join us for our December “Coffee With the Manager,” Tuesday, Dec. 18 from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. Executives from Suddenlink will return to offer updates on their progress with upgrades, customer service issues and what to expect going forward. As always, we’ll have fresh coffee and donuts. Please plan to attend.

Lake of the Pines News is the official monthly publication (1) for notifying Lake of the Pines Association members of actions and proposed actions of the Board of Directors; (2) for informing members of changes to Association policies, procedures, rules and regulations; and (3) for notifying members about upcoming events and reporting on past activities. Copy deadlines are the 5th of the month prior to publication. LOP News is mailed bulk rate to all homeowners and renters in Lake of the Pines. Opinions expressed by contributing authors do not necessarily reflect those of Lake of the Pines Association, its Board of Directors or LOP management. The inclusion of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Lake of the Pines Association, its Board of Directors or LOP management of the products, services or views contained therein. Board of Directors 2018-2019 BOD@lop.org comments@lop.org President: Terry Eberhardt 278-3362 Vice President: Rick Fowler 401-5586 268-1141, ext. 2101 Treasurer: Ross Tokmakian (925) 202-8535 Secretary: Daryl Chandler (208) 661-9105 Director at Large: Rich Goldsberry (661) 478-3145 Director at Large: Jane Nole 278-3424 Director at Large: Robyn Rollins 278-3133 Management Staff: Chad Norrell - Operations cnorrell@lop.org Donna Lowenthal - Administration 718-2649, dlowenthal@lop.org Christine Shufelberger - EC 718-2673, cshufelberger@lop.org Mark Norman - F&B 798-4108, mnorman@lop.org Nicole Hurd – Recreation 999-2125, nhurd@lop.org Russell Graham - Accounting 491-2545, rgraham@lop.org

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Patrick Shaw - Pro Shop 999-2253, pshaw@lop.org

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Congratulations to Tami Shoot, winner of our inaugural “Your Best Shot” Quarterly Photo Contest. Tami’s winning entry was taken by her on the lake in April, obviously while doing one of the things she enjoys most about living at Lake of the Pines. What drew our judges to her photo out of the 30 entries received, was how it doesn’t just show us an image of kayakers in action, Submitted by Carol Cunningham or a stunning lake vista, but rather offers us a way to put ourselves in her place, with the kayak seemingly inviting us along for the ride. Thank you to all who submitted photos to the first quarterly contest. We had so many outstanding entries and it was difficult to select just one winner. Below are two of our runners up. We’ll showcase these and more of your photos in our communications in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for details on our next “Best Shot” quarterly contest, to start in late January. Submitted by Mark Randazzo

LOP News Submissions 268-1141, ext. 2014, lopnews@lop.org


REMAINING OPEN DATES AND TIMES FOR 2018 Parcel E is open on the first and third Saturday of each month from 7:00 a.m.-noon. Here are the remaining opening days for 2018: Dec. 1 and 15 As we’ve been advertising elsewhere, our Public Works team has conducted ongoing inspections of culverts and checked for overhanging trees and brush that may be obstructing walking paths or traffic. Residents either have or will be notified if their culverts are in need of repairs. We ask that you not blow leaves or clippings into the lake or waterways. While it is preferable that residents use their green waste bins for grass clippings and leaves, you may use Parcel E if necessary, provided you follow the guidelines below. Do

not blow leaves or grass clippings into the lake or waterways, as they create lake muck and reverse the hard work we’ve put in this past year via NTMAX applications and other efforts that have resulted in excellent lake quality levels. Please abide by the following Parcel E Rules & Regulations when disposing of your green waste. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and will allow us to keep Parcel E open for your use. 1. Material may only be deposited at Parcel E when the facility is open for access during the published open dates and times. 2. Parcel E is for green waste only; brush and tree limbs up to 6” in diameter.

3. No construction debris or garbage. 4. No root balls, sod or fill dirt. 5. Yard bags must be emptied and removed. 6. Pile your material as close to the brush pile as practical, or where directed by onsite staff. 7. Parcel E is only for material generated within LOP. No material may be brought into LOP for deposit at Parcel E. If material collected in LOP is taken outside of LOP, it may not be brought back into the community and deposited at Parcel E. Violations of Parcel E rules may result in fines, reimbursement assessments for the cost of correcting the violation and suspension of privileges for using Parcel E.


DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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Please use these times as guides to indicate quiet times on the lake, and openings and closures of the golf course.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

7:03 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 7:05 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 7:07 a.m. 7:08 a.m. 7:09 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:11 a.m. 7:12 a.m. 7:12 a.m.

Set 4:43 p.m. 4:43 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m. 4:42 p.m.






12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

7:13 a.m. 7:14 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:16 a.m. 7:17 a.m. 7:17 a.m. 7:18 a.m. 7:18 a.m. 7:19 a.m.

4:42 p.m. 4:43 p.m. 4:43 p.m. 4:43 p.m. 4:43 p.m. 4:44 p.m. 4:44 p.m. 4:44 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 4:45 p.m.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

7:19 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:21 a.m. 7:21 a.m. 7:22 a.m. 7:22 a.m. 7:22 a.m. 7:22 a.m. 7:23 a.m.

New Trial Program for Walking the Golf Cart Path Beginning Saturday, Dec. 1, non-golfers will be allowed to walk on the golf cart path in the morning before 10:00 a.m. and after Sunset through February 28, 2019. This is a trial program for non-golfer use of the cart path. It will be evaluated for possible long-term implementation. Here are a few specifics you need to know: • Walkers and golf balls don’t mix! If you choose to walk on the path during this trial period, you must be off the course before 10:00 a.m. • You must stay on the path only. Do not walk on the turf or cut across the fairway. • All dogs must be on a leash. You must bring a doggie bag and pick up after your pet. • As always, bicycles, scooters and skateboards are not allowed. • Keep your eyes open for golf carts and maintenance vehicles. • Paths can be icy and slick this time of year. Please use caution. The LOP Pro Shop and Public Safety staff will be monitoring this program. Non-golfers spotted on the cart paths between 10:00 a.m. and sunset will be subject to citation. If you have any feedback regarding the trial program, please email LOP General Manager, John Bowman at GM@lop.org

Set 4:46 p.m. 4:46 p.m. 4:47 p.m. 4:47 p.m. 4:48 p.m. 4:49 p.m. 4:49 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 4:51 p.m. 4:51 p.m.

The official Facebook Page for Lake of the Pines Association is now LIVE! Be sure to check out the “visitor guidelines” on the page under “Notes” when you stop by to friend and or follow us. You’ll find the new, official Lake of the Pines page through a search on Facebook for: @lakeofthe pinesassociation. See you on Facebook!

Lake of the Pines Board of Directors and Staff wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday season.


5 Annual LOP Sunday, Dec. 8 at the Clubhouse 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Decorate the outside of your home with holiday lights, features, sounds, favorite characters and more for a chance to win bragging rights for the Best Light display in LOP. Entry forms are in Admin. and must be filled out and turned in by Wednesday, Dec. 19.

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• More than 20 local craft vendors participating • Kids craft-making and activities, photos with Santa, purchase your own stuff-able animal and more!

Holiday Lighting Contest

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Holiday Craft & Fun Fest

STAFF at 10:00 a.m. Our four LOP men’s, and ladies club champions will hit By Golf Pro, Patrick Shaw, ceremonial tee shots. The day’s contests will include an annual 2019 PGA, A-1 course membership for a Hole in The happiest time One, and closest to the pin prizes. All of the year is here, with LOP members are welcome to join us pleasant music, family for this fun, community gathering to gatherings and cool celebrate this exciting course event! The Men’s Golf Club will host weather golf swings. We’ve got a fun-filled their annual Pancake Breakfast in month on tap. On Sat- the Sports Lounge (a favorite holurday, Dec. 1, our annual Pro Shop iday event) on Saturday, Dec. 15 at sale will take place from 9:00 a.m.- 8:00 a.m. It’s their last big hurray 2:00 p.m. It’s been a busy golf season for 2018! There will be an 18-hole and the shop is full of fantastic mer- scramble team tournament to follow chandise, great gift items for family, at 10:00 a.m., with plenty of prizes, friends, golfers or nongolfers alike. To and a few extra Santa surprises. We’ve had a wonderful year, full all those champion golfers: be sure to spread the wealth and spend those of fun and challenging golf tournaments. The Pro Shop staff thanks tour winnings in the Pro Shop! On Friday, Dec. 14 the LOP golf and appreciates all your support, and staff will host a grand opening of our wishes you all a very happy holiday remodeled Hole #7. The event begins season!

Pro Shop

From left to right, Coach Gayne Nakano, Hannah Prosser, Madison Templeton, Julia Pisenti, Kalei Owen, Dominque Peter, Corina Shaw, and LOP Pro Pat Shaw. (Photo Credit: Theresa Shaw.}

December 2018 110 a.m. Tee times 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Shop sale Christmas







10 a.m. Tee times

Member SG 10 a.m. 2p.m Tee times

Lady Niner 10 a.m. SG Fr. 9

WGC 18ers 10 a.m. SG

MGC 10 a.m. SG 2 p.m. Tee times

Men 9er Bk. 9 10 a.m. Tee times

10 a.m. Tee times








10 a.m. Tee times

Member SG 10 a.m. 2p.m. Tee times

Lady Niner 10 a.m. SG Bk. 9

WGC 18ers 10 a.m. SG

10 a.m. Tee times No sweeps

Men 9er Fr. 9 Guest Day

MGC Pancake Breakfast 10 a.m. SG








10 a.m. Tee times

Member SG 10 a.m. 2p.m. Tee times

Lady Niner 10 a.m. SG Fr. 9

WGC 18ers 10 a.m. SG

MGC 10 a.m. SG 2p.m. Tee times

Men 9er Bk. 9 10 a.m. Tee times

10 a.m. Tee times







10 a.m. Tee times

Member SG 10 a.m. 2p.m. Tee times

Christmas Course closed

10 a.m. Tee times Open play

MGC Sweeps 10 a.m. SG

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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Men 9er Fr. 9 10 a.m. Tee times

29 10 a.m. Tee times

STAFF The first ever Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot for Toys for Tots was hosted by the Recreation By Community Services Manager, department on November 22. Many of those who Barry Mickleburgh participated donated toys for the Toys for Tots program. Participants gave us great feedback and Public Safety would like to re- we hope to see you all back next year for a repeat mind everyone to bring in all pack- performance. Our annual Holiday Craft Fair will be held ages that are delivered during the on Saturday, Dec. 8. This event is a community holidays as soon as they arrive, when favorite for all age groups. Thanks again to Santa possible. I know it’s difficult if you’re and Mrs. Claus for all their efforts and bringing working or away from home. As a a smile to all of the faces of our attendees, both suggestion, perhaps a neighbor or young and old. friend may be asked to pick up packages for you. I have asked our Environmental Control staff We don’t have many incidents of theft of packages to look for opportunities to remind members to from front door porches, but let’s not give someone follow our Environmental Standards and Requirewho would steal a package the opportunity to. ments with the goal of bringing violators into It seems some of our guests and members need compliance with Association rules. Sometimes to be reminded that a school bus with flashing red a reminder is all that’s required. We’ll be gently lights and the stop sign extended from the bus reminding residents about things such as putting means you must come to a full and complete stop garbage cans away within a reasonable amount until the lights are turned off by the driver. Public Safety is following all school buses to ensure our of time on Fridays, seeing that leaves and pine needles are piling up and in need of being bagged children are safe as they enter and exit the bus. Public Safety also has been tasked with aug- up, and how about that boat sitting in a driveway menting the efforts of the golf marshal to address for longer that it should be? Examples of minor non-golfers on the course while golf is in play. violations such as these and others can be found Please remember that you cannot be on the course in your LOP Resident Packet. If you ever have a question about the EC Standards, please contact while golf is in play. our office. Happy Holidays to all!

Community Services

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BLOOD DRIVE Sponsored by the Pinesmen Sunday, December 9 NEW! This Blood Drive will be on Sunday from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. using two large Bloodmobiles located on the upper Marina parking lot. Bring photo ID. Reservations are preferred. Walk-ins are accepted, though reservations take priority. It takes approximately one hour of your time to give one pint of blood that will make a difference in someone’s life. Just do it!

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Page 7


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STAFF Need a few more gifts? Looking for some beautiful homemade, By Recreation Coordinator, handcrafted items? Join us for the 5th Nicole Hurd Annual Holiday Craft and Fun Fest, I hope you all had Saturday Dec. 8 in the Clubhouse. a wonderful Thanksgiv- Santa will be available for photos in ing with family, friends, the Clubhouse Multipurpose Room food and fun! We sure from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. More than had a blast at our In- 20 local craft vendors will be offering augural Turkey Trot for plenty of items on sale. There also will Toys for Tots. Thank be kids’ ornament craft tables and a you to Barry Mickleburgh, Public buy and stuff your own animal station. There will be food and bar service Safety staff, the Pinesmen and Admin Staff for volunteering for this event. in the Clubhouse bar. Volunteers are We couldn’t do these events without needed to help for one-to-two-hour our volunteers! Thank you to everyone shifts starting at 10:00 a.m. at the kids’ who participated and donated toys. If craft tables, in the photo room with you missed it, don’t worry we will do Santa helping with line management, and at the raffle/entry table. You can it again next year! Ho! Ho! Ho! The Holiday season volunteer in pairs or by yourself. If you is in full swing around the Lake. We are able to help, please contact me at: have so many fun things planned here 268-1141, ext. 2015 or send an email at LOP for you to squeeze into your to nhurd@lop.org. The Outdoor Holiday Lighting schedule for December. Contest is upon us. I hope you dust-


Your Lake of the Pines Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES)

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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CJ Jenkins

ed off your decorations, checked your light strands, and are ready to light up the night for LOP! If you wish to enter the contest, please pick up, fill out and submit your Outdoor Holiday Lighting Contest Registration Form to Admin by Wednesday, Dec. 19 by 5:00 p.m. LOP members, friends of the Sports and Activities Club and I will oversee the contest judging, but we’ll need help. If you are interested in being a judge, please contact me. Lastly, a “Save the Date” reminder for our annual Polar Bear Swim Event on New Year’s Day at noon on the Main Beach. Register at 11:30 a.m., swim out to the buoy and back if you can make it that far in the 40-45-degree lake at noon. There will be a registration form to fill out the morning of for participants. Bring your cheering party, a towel, a warm hat and family appropriate swimming attire. Children under 18 must have a parent or guardian in attendance during the

event. If you would like to register in advance, forms will be posted on our website under “Activities, Upcoming Events.” Please consult your physician before choosing to participate if you have health concerns related to swimming in cold water. Swim at your own risk. By the way: If you or someone you know may remember what year the First Annual Polar Bear Swim started and by whom, I would love to hear from you.

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STAFF Clean out gutters and downspouts. Getting those gutters cleaned out can also help you By Public Works Superintendent, save money and reduce safety hazards. Leaf Dave Reid and roof debris left in a metal roofing gutters will hold moisture and cause the inside of the The leaves have changed gutter to corrode and rust away. Gutters with colors and are falling. Some blocked downspouts can hold an enormous are hanging on for longer than volume of water. At 8.3 pounds per gallon, a others but eventually will drop clogged gutter could potentially hold hundreds as well. Dead limbs that have of pounds of water. I’ve seen plugged gutters held onto canopies will fall, be- torn from hips of structures due to the weight ing shaken loose by storms to of the volume of water they were holding. This come this winter. Along with all the beauty and of course could be a safety risk, and who wants the joy of the holiday season, it’s important not hundreds of gallons of gutter water to fall on to forget about maintenance around the house. their deck or walkway? There are a lot of maintenance chores to be Last but not least, as winter does take done this time of year. Although work around full effect be sure to winterize any outdoor the house isn’t always fun, it can save you a lot plumbing. Hose bibs, irrigation valves, and of money in repairs down the road. Here are a other outdoor fixtures can be susceptible to few tips I’d like to share with you as we prepare freezing and breaking. Often a frozen pipe for winter and colder, wetter weather. will not leak until it thaws, leaving you a rude Clean roof debris. Cleaning off roof de- surprise and sometimes resulting in costly rebris, such as pine needles, leaves and twigs can pairs. Broken water lines this season can also save you thousands of dollars in roof repairs create ice patches on walkways, which can lead due to water damage. Pine needles and leaves to injuries. that settle into valleys and saddles on the roof I hope my tips have been of some help tops can cause leaks that eventually turn into and I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday expensive repair jobs. season.

Public Works


By Operations/Special Projects Manager, Chad Norrell The Holidays are upon us and it’s nice to have cooler weather again. It’s been very busy around the community this month. We started lowering the lake on October 22 and brought it down successfully 31 inches in ten days. We have put a big focus on the front entrance by aerating the turf, fertilizing, over seeding and added fall colors to the flower beds. We have replaced the fountain lights and are in the process of painting the entrance fence line. Striping around the community went well and has made a big improvement on our roadways. Public Works has been diligently pruning the road ways for line of site and overhanging branches. We will start removing leaves and pine straw from the road way drainage within the next week. Please drive carefully and watch out for our guys. Hole # 7 is just about ready for play and looks amazing! For those who deep fry turkeys for the Holidays, remember to place the turkey in the pot first, fill with water with one inch above the turkey, then remove the turkey, mark your waterline so you will know the proper amount of oil to use. Pour out all water and wipe down the interior to make sure it’s dry. Now you have a correct fill line for your preferred oil. I have witnessed many fires due to overfilling the pot with oil and once the bird is lowered into the pot, the excess oil overflows and ignites. Remember to keep your fryers at least 30 feet from any structure. See you around the community.

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Page 9


I’m small enough to know you and big enough to serve you.

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Is your home ready for the hustle & bustle of the holiday season? Let us help!

Get the best value, technology, and service in town, and ask how you can get a Google Home Mini!

STAFF popularity of the department, without compromising the highBy Executive Chef, Joe Lynch quality standards our guests have Happy Holidays come to enjoy. Our current endeavor is to from the Food and increase guest use by expanding Beverage department! Another year has our cuisine to meet the needs of the passed very quickly for broad range of patrons who live in the Food and Beverage our community—to broaden our family. There have been quite a few base, so to speak. My personal goal changes to the department over the is to offer a high-quality menu along last year, and I see us going in the with weekly dinner specials that will right direction. The new Food and entice the entire community to be Beverage Ad Hoc Committee has proud of and want to enjoy your hit the ground running, working to amenities right here at LOP. We help set the course for the future of know you have choices, and we want the department. With our General to be at the top of your list. One of Manager, John Bowman and our our goals is to re-tool our offerings Food and Beverage Director, Mark to offset current department Norman at the helm, I’m confident subsidies. We have a full calendar of we will have a plan in place to meet Christmas events. all the desires of the community. On Saturday, Dec.1 we will It’s a balancing act, but the bottom host another karaoke night at the line is to protect the integrity and

Food and Beverage

Turning 65 soon?

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 10

Thanks to all of my clients for a wonderful 2018. Here’s to a healthy & prosperous 2019!

LOP Resident

Kathy Carey-Mayberry Real Estate Broker/ Owner for 28 years

(916) 691-2288

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Sports Lounge featuring our special karaoke menu, dinner specials, pizza, our regular menu and a full bar. Come join us for some tasty food and drink with another entertaining night of song and dance. On Monday, Dec. 31 we will host the New Year’s Eve 2018 Party at Magnolia Pointe Grille. This is the Crown Jewel event of the year and it always sells out. Tickets will be available in Admin beginning Monday, Dec. 3. Tickets are $65

dollars and include a multiple course meal, entertainment, party favors and balloon drop at midnight. The party is available only to dinning guests, so we do not exceed maximum room capacity. Formal or semi-formal attire is requested. Finally, I want to thank the residents of our beautiful Lake of the Pines community for having me as your Executive Chef. I wish you all Happy Holidays and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!

EC does have a few plans for acceptable enclosures and materials. All four sides will be required. If you By Compliance Coordinator, feel your tank cannot be seen from Christine Shufelberger any common areas or neighboring properties, you may submit to the Happy Holidays! ECC for approval for less than Where did 2018 go? four sides. When screening four Let’s recap the sides with approved materials, the EC department can approve your last few articles: In September, we submission. In October, we discussed EC discussed screening for propane tanks, Inspections. As the EC Coordinamaterials and growth used for tor I wanted to take some time to screening or surrounding the review what happens when we are requested to do an EC Inspection. screening. The items listed below have When a house is listed, we go out been summarized from the (1998) to properties looking to make sure California Fire Codes and the everything we can see is in compliHiggins Area Fire Protection ance according to our current guidelines and Environmental Standards. District. We review items such as address (b) Clearance to Combustibles: sign at the street, if the driveway is Weeds, grass, brush, trash or paved, if the propane tank is propany flammable or combustible erly screened, if there is a garage material must be kept not less or shed on property, their condition than ten (10) feet from any and location and existing fencing. Remember: all fencing is conLPG container, piping, or sidered temporary. We also check regulators. (UFC 8209). to see that all unsightly debris is (f ) Enclosures: Shall be in removed, weeds are cut, dead trees accordance with all codes in- are dealt with and, if needed, cut cluding any enclosure must be and removed, and if the property is constructed of non-flammable in need of maintenance. Property and/or non-combustible mate- maintenance would be any outward rials such as rock, brick, con- signs of stress, chipping or peeling crete blocks, metal, or wood paint, broken gutters, etc. In November, we discussed frame with stucco covering screening of many items. Screening both sides. (UFC 8209).

Environmental Control

STAFF is a term used for the concealment of any stored item, including but not limited to: wood piles, trash containers, lawn and garden equipment and any other items that may be considered a visual nuisance. Inappropriate or poorly maintained screening in itself may be a visual

nuisance; so, all screening requires ECC approval. The Association may view all properties from all streets, lakes, neighboring properties and common areas. Please remember blue tarps are not acceptable. You may use brown, dark gray or black.

LOP Lowdown By, Administration

This space is designated for Administrative updates and clarifications on seasonal changes, annual renewals, and more. Please feel free to submit suggestions or questions to LOPNews@lop.org for consideration for future issues.

Car Decals: As a reminder, vehicle decals will not adhere to windows if they are applied during certain weather conditions. We can only apply vehicle decals when the outdoor temperature is 50 degrees or higher, no higher than 89 degrees, or provided it is not raining or there is no moisture in the air. If you are unsure if decals can be issued on a specific day, just

call our office ahead of time at 2681141, ext. 2000 to inquire.

Public Safety/ Community Service

2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday. Roadside parking is permitted Friday through Sunday, and on major holidays, or the night before and the night after a major holiday. You can find the rules pertaining to parking online at: http://www.lop.org/picture/ Parking_Rules-Eff_04.15.18.pdf

By Lieutenant, Michael McLaughlin

Money Monday every week

Wishing you peace & joy this holiday season!

Merry Christmas! Trina Laird LOP Resident and California Realtor #01066113

Call or Text 916-532-6271

Great Gift Ideas Cooking Classes Chef’s Tables Gift Cards Wine Club


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Page 11

Check out The Union’s

Continued to page 12

your holiday gift shopping destination

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

A few months ago, the LOP rules regarding roadside parking were changed. The new rules prohibit on- street parking between the hours of

Upcoming Holiday Closures: Lake of the Pines offices will be closed in observance of the following holidays: December 24 Christmas Eve December 25 Christmas Day December 31 New Year’s Eve January 1, 2019 New Year’s Day


STAFF Continued from page 11

When residents are holding a gathering at their home and there are insufficient parking areas to accommodate their guests, Public Safety should be contacted in advance to assist the resident in determining appropriate and safe parking alternatives. Please feel free to contact us if you face a possible temporary parking problem and need assistance with finding short term alternatives.

One last reminder: make sure your vehicles are locked and secured when not in use and please do not leave anything of value in your vehicles. Also, make sure to not leave any outgoing mail in your mailboxes overnight. Please take advantage of using the secured mailbox along the exit lane next to the Public Safety Gate for any outgoing mail. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season with friends and family, and we will talk to you again in 2019!

October 2018 Incidents October 7, 2018 – A male subject was arrested by the California Highway Patrol for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs following a traffic accident that occurred in the 11000 block of Torrey Pines Drive. October 22, 2018–A street sign on Sunset Ridge Drive near the entrance to the 3rd hole of the golf course was found spray painted.

LOST & FOUND The following items have been turned in to the Public Safety Office. If you are missing any of these items, please come to Public Safety to claim them.

Realtor key lock Two inner tubes, one pink and one white Specialized mountain bike, black Honda car key, black Vans shoes, maroon size 7.5 Golf clubs Bike helmet, silver

U-line water bottle Children’s sandals Keys with orange tag Beaded bracelet Green raft Golf cart key with blue bottle opener Tent stakes Samsung cell phone

Apple iPad in case Network Systems ID card Black sunglasses Timberland Sunglasses, black Sunglasses, brown Floatation device, pink and pastel Toddler Shoes, pink

Reading glasses White blanket and blue plaid comforter Camelback Scout Pack, red House keys Samsung tablet, black Single slalom ski

LOP New Year’s Eve Party Monday, Dec. 31 From 6:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m., New Year’s Eve Magnolia Pointe Grille

Entertainment to be determined. Tickets will be available in Admin beginning Monday, Dec. 3. Cost: $65 dollars; includes a multiple course meal, entertainment, party favors and balloon drop at midnight. The party is available only to dinning guests, so we do not exceed maximum room capacity. Formal or semi-formal attire is requested.

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 12

6:00 p.m.- Doors and bar open 6:45 p.m.- Seating and first appetizer served 7:00 p.m.- Music and dancing begin for the evening Midnight balloon drop First Course ‘Sterling’ Dry Aged Vol Au Vent – A Puff Pastry Shell Filled with a Sliced Ny, Sauteed with Mushrooms, Garlic and Fresh Herbs, Finished with a Dried Cherry Cabernet Demi Glace Second Course Dinner Salad of Escarole & Bib Lettuce with Candied Pecans, Roasted Apples, Mandarin Supremes and Gorgonzola Crumbles Tossed in an Orange Blossom Honey Herbed Vinaigrette

Entrée Choices


1. Flame Broiled Prime Grade Angus New York Steak Topped with Mushroom Zinfandel Demi Glace with Augratin Potatoes and Roasted Cauliflower 2. Herbed Garlic Butter and Parmesan Panko Crusted Halibut Filet with Shallot Prosecco Burre Blanc Accompanied by Roasted Cauliflower & Winter Rice Pilaf

3. Pan Seared Crispy Chicken Breast, Stuffed with Emmenthaler Cheese, Prosciutto and Fresh Sage, Finished with Prosecco Sage Burre Blanc Accompanied by Roasted Cauliflower and Winter Rice Pilaf 4. Winter Squash Gnocchi with Pecans, Cauliflower & Italian Micro Greens In Brown Butter Pan Sauce Dessert: TBD

CLUBS Sports & Activities Club By Dee Demorest

Happy Holidays! Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and gatherings with friends and family are almost here. Little kids are so excited they can hardly stand it. Some of you will be traveling away from the lake. Before you are completely swamped with things to do and places to go, take a few minutes to reflect on how lucky we are to live in our beautiful little spot “above the fog and below the snow.” SAC is growing! We started 2018 with 12 groups. We are ending it with 18. Amazing. A big Welcome to our newest group: “Wines in the Pines.” They have their first event in a few days. Check out the information below now, as reservations are needed to attend. Remember, if you live in Lake of the Pines, you are a member of SAC. No dues, just new friends and great activities and sports waiting out there for you.

nicate with one another with respect to common interest development living and for social, political and educational purposes. LOP Voice benefits members by giving them current information and a platform to make suggestions and benefits the Association by giving the board and management an insight to what the members want. Log into Facebook, search for “LOP Voice” and ask to join. We do ask for name, street name (only) and lot number to verify you live here but we do not save this information. We look forward to seeing you on LOP Voice.

equipment will be provided. If you have seen or heard about pickleball, this is a great opportunity to come out and give it a try. Open drop-in play is still daily from 9:00 a.m.-11a.m. at Hazel Park. Equipment is provided and experienced; friendly players will be on hand to help anyone new in learning the sport. It is great exercise, social, and, most importantly, a whole lot of fun! If you have any other questions or need more information, please contact Sean Tener at: (916) 208-8751.

Golf Tournament 1st Place: GROUP 6-A (Photo Credit Sean Perez) Pickleball Fall Social (Photo credit: Ginni Green)

1ST Prize TOSHIBA 50” TV Raffle Drawing Winner-Denise Mascari (Photo Credit Sean Perez)

LOP Fishing Group Thank you for helping us surpass our goal during the LOP Fishing Golf Tournament in October! The Lake of the Pines Fishing Group Golf Tournament Committee would like to extend our sincere thank you and appreciation to all the sponsors, LOP member and

Tournament Results 1st Place: GROUP 6-A (Eddie Pena, Andy William, Gioni Bianchini and Dino Vittoria) 2nd Place: GROUP 4-A (Dave Maronic, Parris Krygsman, Damon Lazalier and Tom Daley) 3rd Place: GROUP 5-A (Steve Drew, Ted Smith, Dave Holub and Steve Shure) Contest Games: Putting Contest: Maryrose P. Barnhurst (1’ 2 ¾ “) Closest to the Pin: Steve Shure (6’ 5”) Longest Drive Men: Jack Wood Longest Drive Women: Carolyn Bechley Continued to page 14

The Sports & Activities Club invites you to join


A Facebook Group Created by LOP Members for LOP Members Discuss Community Issues, Provide Feedback, and Stay Informed in Real Time

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News Page 13

Pickleball News Flash! Chris Mayberry and Robbin Maloney took home a Bronze Medal at the Indian Wells National Pickleball Championships in November. It’s the fastest growing sport in the world and it’s growing rapidly here in LOP too! Last month was the annual Rusch Park Fall Tournament held in Wines in the Pines Citrus Heights. We had several LOP We’re excited to announce our players compete and they did very well. newest group: Wines in the Pines. Our Chris Mayberry took gold in the 4.5 group aims to bring in featured winer- men’s doubles. Dan Busch and Joe ies every month for wine tastings and Giovacchini paired up to win gold mededucation. Our first event will be Tues- als in men’s 3.5 doubles, and, in her first day, Dec. 4, from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in 3.5 mixed doubles tournament, Bonnie the Clubhouse. Seating and food sales Bates was able to carry her partner Dan begin at 6:00 p.m. Participants will bring Busch to the bronze medal! Congratutheir own wine glass for tasting and a lations and well done. Chris Mayberry and Dan Busch nice bottle of wine to share. This is a also have qualified for and will be playfree event; however, there will be an art ing at the USAPA National Finals held show, drawings for prizes, charcuterie at Indian Wells in Palm Springs. This is and cheese plates available for purchase one of the largest and most prestigious and “Wines in the Pines” merchandise. tournaments in the country, and LOP Seating is limited and must be re- is well represented. served in advance! To reserve, please send Here at the lake we have had clinics an email to: winesinthepines@gmail. and socials, as well as our regular daily com. If you have further questions, please play. The next clinic will be for begincontact Paul Petrali at: (916) 628-7285. ners on Saturday, Dec.8, at Hazel Park at 11:30 a.m. This clinic is open to evLOP Voice eryone regardless of experience, but it LOP Voice is a forum to enable will be geared toward new players. All members and residents of LOP to have the basics of pickleball will be taught, the ability to exercise their rights under including rules, scoring, and game play. law to freely and respectfully commu- There is no charge and all necessary

non-member golfers, donors, and benefactors for your commitment in making this event so successful. Without your contribution, the LOP Fishing Golf Tournament on October 14would not have been the huge success that it was. In addition to our major sponsors, Cody Meyer and Tackle Tours, we had more than 19 groups of foursomes, and 44 tee sponsors. We could not have done it without your help. It really turned out to be an enjoyable and exciting day. It was a great day for fun and fundraising. Together, with your support, we hope to make this an annual event that will bring the community together and raise funds for this important organization every year. Your participation means a lot. Your generosity allowed us to meet and even surpass our fundraising goal, which will be used for stocking trout in our beautiful Lake.. The tentative date for the “Trout Stocking” is Saturday, Dec. 15, and we hope to make this a community event.

CLUBS Continued from page 13 Pine Needlers The Pine Needlers are a group of ladies who meet weekly to share their passion and exchange ideas and techniques in all areas of needle art. Our members have varied talents: hand and machine sew, cross-stitch, knit, crochet, quilt, and embroidery – just about anything crafty. Over the past few months, some of the ladies have been working on handwork including knitting, needlework, while others are sewing quilts. Lately, there has been a lot of interest in knitting and a group of 12 have been taking knitting classes at Auburn Needleworks. Carol Hunter has been diligently making Bucilla felt Christmas stockings and, to date, has made six (pictured below). Recently, a “Newcomers Welcome So-

Carol Hunter’s beautiful Bucilla felt Christmas Stockings (Photo Credit: Gwen Tillisch)

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 14

cial” was held at the Clubhouse and a few of the Pine Needlers were there to represent our group. We had a beautiful display of some of the work our ladies have made. Lots of residents stopped by and were in awe of our crafts. The Pine Needlers meet at the Yacht Lounge on the first and third Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.to work on our hand projects or sew with our ma-

chines, and sometimes have classes. We also meet at rotating members’ homes on the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons of the monththroughout the year. We are also excited that our group is experiencing membership growth and welcome our new members. To accommodate this growth, we have added a second group for new members. They meet on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the Yacht Lounge or at members’ homes. If you are interested in knowing more about our group, please contact Gwen Tillisch at: 728-3048. LOP RV Ramblers With the cool weather of winter upon us, we can look back on the great times we had traveling together last year and start planning for more in 2019. Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to do more and have more fun in 2019? Add the LOP RV Ramblers to your to-do list! Be on the lookout for a survey to get your opinions and interest collected for sharing at our first meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sports Lounge Meeting Room. LOP RV Ramblers is your club and we want to hear from you. We will be planning our trips and getting excited about places to go and things to do. If you like to “camp” (RV, travel trailer, popup, tent, cabin, yurt) join us in January to help us plan for the new year. I am sure that all of the Ramblers want to send Fred and Diane Friedberg our most heartfelt thanks for their leadership over the last few years. They have given so much to this group. They will still travel with us; and if you know them, will often be the life of the party. For more information about this great group, please contact Cheryl Sinsel at: cherylsinsel2014@gmail.com or 728-3103.

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Line Dancing Line Dance lessons are available in the Clubhouse on Mondays. Beginners class is from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.; Improver/Intermediate class is from 5:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. There is a suggested $1 donation. For more information, please contact Karen Mills at: karen.mills@ yahoo.com or (916) 677-7393. Tai Chi Our Tai Chi group, which includes beginners to advanced participants, continues to meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at the Clubhouse (occasionally displaced due to other scheduled events). Unless you have already made arrangements, we currently are not taking new members except anyone already familiar with the 24-movement style of Tai Chi. Normally, Ed de St. Maurice assists with teaching, which allows me to work with newcomers. However, Ed will be away on an extended trip. You may check with us at the beginning of the year if you would like to learn this popular activity that works on balance, coordination, flexibility, posture, proper breathing and even your memory. For more information about Tai Chi, call Louise Chan at: 268-8606. Ukes of the Pines Group The Ukulele group is meeting in the Yacht Lounge twice a week on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. for teaching new players, and Fridays at 1:00 p.m. to have fun and play and sing songs. There are 25 players participating. Contact Pat Brothen at: 268-9113. Cocktails and Coloring Come for the Cocktails and Coloring, stay for the socializing! We have a great group of ladies who gather together on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at the home of Peggy Fenstermacher. Coloring books and gel pens are provided to firsttime participants. Please contact Peggy for additional information at: (925) 980-1220 or Peggy.fenst@att.net. Hope you’ll join us! Improv Class Do you want to escape from reality and have some fun for an hour or two? Then come to the Improv Class. No acting experience needed, just a desire to have fun. For information, please contact Lynn Pennington at: 268-2798.

Healthy Living Join your friends to learn about the latest research on the best ways to exercise, eat, and de-stress, while sharing ideas and recipes. Contact Lynn Sullivan at drsullyls@gmail.com. Aerobics Aerobics classes are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m9:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. The cost is $1.00 per class. LOP Game Days LOP Game Days is a group of individuals interested in having an enjoyable afternoon in the Sports Lounge, socializing with your neighbors, challenging your brain skills, learning new games and refreshing your memory of old ones. We play card games, dice games, board games and domino games. Skill level required: None. All games are started from the basics. We have introduced over 24 games in the past two years. Please join us on Wednesdays from noon to 1:00 p.m. for lunch, followed by games from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. For more information, contact Russ Lewis at russ4sales@earthlink.net. Horseshoes Horseshoe pits are in Shadow Cove Park/Park 2. Equipment may be checked out from the Sports Lounge Bar. Contact Larry Hardy at: 268-0158 or by email to 2hardy@att.net. Qigong Qi is the Life Force Energy that powers your heartbeat and gives us strength. Gong is the Practice of increasing our life force energy for a better quality of life. Qigong is an age-old Chinese healing and therapeutic modality, which uses breathing techniques, postures and special movements that harmonize blood flow to calm the heart toward boosting the clarity of mind to help us with everyday decision making and memory retention. Few types of exercise can match Qigong’s blood circulatory boosting effects. Special hand and body movements generate and strengthen our bodies magnetic field and acupuncture meridians, which, in return, heal and protect our body and mind. Qigong offers powerful benefits that other exercises cannot. Qigong is for all ages, so if you are ready for a fantastic change in your lifestyle and want more energy and agility, come and join us at the Yacht Lounge on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. For information, please email Keith at yenzef@bellsouth.net.

CLUBS Bear River Garden Club By Betty Koski

December has arrived, and along with it the exciting news that our holiday luncheon will be a potluck held at Terri Tucker’s home at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 7, a week earlier than our usual meeting time. There will be a gift exchange. If you are interested in participating, please bring a wrapped gardening gift worth no more than $15. Also, the usual raffle will occur. Terri will send an e-card reminder for this event Please RSVP to either Terri at: 278-3404, or me at: 268 2416, letting us know what dish you will bring to the luncheon. Terri’s home is located at 11196 Lakeshore South and is easily accessible by golf cart or car. As far as other December plant information goes, Eisley’s has al-

ready had a poinsettia talk, which featured light colored poinsettias to adorn Thanksgiving tables. Some 15 varieties of poinsettias are available, as well as unique Christmas cacti plants and a large assortment of colorful cyclamen plants. Featured in the garden section of a recent Sacramento Bee was an article on using planter boxes mounted on patio railings. These could be planted with numerous winter salad plants, such as colorful edible nasturtiums, violas and pansies, as well as cooking herbs, such as tarragon and thyme. I am looking forward to seeing and dining with all of you inventive LOP gardeners and sharing information about how you have used greenery and pine or other cones to enhance your hearths and doorsteps this December. See you at Terri’s on December 7 at 11:00 a.m.

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at LOP

Comings and Goings:

since 1978

Well, its another GOODBYE and it’s to a couple that I have known for nearly 40 years. Ralph (Tig, nickname) and Wanda Duxbury lived at 13936 Torrey Pines Drive, but before that, I sold them a lot up on Madrone Court in 1979. I then sold the home they built in 1983. They built the home I just sold for them in 1983 and now they will be moving to the Eugene, Oregon area, because their son and grandchildren live in that area. Their other son lives in Portland, Oregon, so not that far away. They plan on taking a little time off and visiting Wanda’s sister and her husband for a couple weeks, then go Georgia to visit LONGTIME friends AND past clients of mine, Dick and Johnnie Gilardi. They will then begin their search for a home in the Eugene area. Their dream is to find two homes on one property, so that they can have their son and grandchildren live on the same property. The new buyers’ last name is Williams, yes, it’s such a popular name.

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Page 15


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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

IT’S GOODBYE TO DEAR FRIENDS - Steve and Shirley Jairett just sold their GORGEOUS home at 12520 Wanderer Rod. They have been close friends for a number of years and it really saddens Terry and I to see them leave LOP. They bought a 5th wheel and got the “itch to do some traveling.” They will be checking out some other areas to land permanently, but at the time they left, they had no idea where that would be. They have two sons living in Texas, so that may be where they land. They both said they have loved LOP, so maybe they will end up here again after they get the traveling itch out of their system. Besides this home, I was their agent that handled two other sales for them in LOP. Terry and I are so grateful for their confidence in handling their Real Estate business. This one was a hard one to say goodbye to.

Each day is full of new possibilities.


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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 16

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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News


Page 17


Pinesmen By Jim Nachtigal

In our November newspaper we thanked everyone who attended our Oktoberfest event. As this was our first Oktoberfest, we had no idea how many would attend, and we were overwhelmed by the turnout! For the record, we supplied 160 sausages, 40 hamburgers, 40 hot dogs, six turkey burgers, sauerkraut, 24, five-liter kegs of German beer, 70 domestic beers, and a few glasses of wine. Next year we will be prepared to have enough for all attendees. Again, we would like to thank everyone who turned out for our event, and congratulate the Best Costume winners, The Busa Family: Justin, Meghan, Breck, Jameson and Gaven. Our plan on New Year’s Day is to host a burrito and mimosa breakfast at Park 4. Stay tuned for more details. Speaking of staying tuned, here are some avenues to stay informed with The Pinesmen Activities throughout the year: LOP News, Pines Times, the weekly e-blast and Facebook. Also, look for our signage at the entrance of the main gate and outside the gate for special events. Winners of the Pinesman Octoberfest Best Costume Award: The Busa We hosted our “We Haul” day on November 10. Many Family, Meghan and Justin, and their boys from left to right, Breck, Pinesmen volunteered their time to help residents with their James and Gavin. green waste disposal. application form and contact information along with photos Finally, if anyone is interested in joining the Pinesmen, and a schedule of events. contact us by going to pinesmen.org. There you’ll find an Enjoy the Holidays and we’ll see everyone next year.

(530) 269-CARE Preschool & Child Care Center

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 18

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CLUBS Sons in Retirement (SIR) By Duane Heaton

In October, we had Mark Stuart, SIR Regional Director and Pete Morelli, Regional Golf Chair attend our meeting. Pete recognized our State SIR four-man scramble first place winners. Our guest speaker, Captain Dave Gates, spent his working life as a merchant seaman, ship captain and pilot. He has sailed to four continents on five oceans and three seas. He has been a ship pilot in the ports of Baltimore and Los Angeles. In 1990 he became a San Francisco Bar Pilot where he worked for 20 years. He has battled pirates in Nigeria and been held hostage by terrorists in Los Angeles. John O’Halloran gave the “Oath of Office” to our 2019 Branch Executive Committee. John is a past Big SIR in 1999 and 2000. The following is an excerpt from Big

Pete Morelli, Joe Nunez, Peter Voskes, Allen Bolen and Pat Graham. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

Sir, Bob Chan: “This will be my last Big SIR article. I would like to recognize a few individuals who worked diligently on carrying out the mission of SIR. Roger Pope has been our food chair. He has done a tremendous job in keeping our luncheon costs down. He has assisted me in preparing the menu for

the July Couples luncheon for the past two years and has taken charge of the dinners for our annual Fun Day. Rich Hobbs, our Bulletin editor, has expanded coverage of our Branch activities, as well as the sharing of our publication with the regional branches. He has done a fantastic job in publicizing what Branch 170 is all about.

Our golfers have been well- represented and successful in all the local and regional tournaments, largely due to the leadership of our golf chair, Ron Wolyn. Marc Loranger was one of our newest members. He was willing to volunteer from day one and he took over as chair of Continued to page 20


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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Let our family bring your family home.


Mark Stuart, SIR Region One Director, Bob Chan, Big SIR (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)


Andy Ameigeiras, Little SIR, Guest Speaker, Captain Dave Gates and Bob Chan, Big SIR. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

Continued from page 19 the Beer Tasting and did an awesome job finding breweries for us to try, as well as arranging for dinners afterward.

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Page 20

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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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LocaL neWs cLassifieD LocaL sports

Thanks to Ron Trimble, George Siffri, Robin Friesen and Glenn Delisle for their support and doing an excellent job this year. Finally, there is one individual who

SIR 2019 Branch Officers and Directors. Andy Ameigerias, Charlie Sundblom, Robin Friesen, Bob Chan, Jim Goetsch, George Siffri, Phil Jones, Allen Bolen, Bob Cunningham, Terry Eberhardt and Dennis Camarlinghi. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

worked behind the scenes during the majority of our activities and guided us with his outstanding organizational and computer skills: Hal Hawthorne, our info tech guy and web master. Thanks, Hal for

the time and efforts you give on behalf of Branch 170. Remember, we also need volunteers for our committees, so please step up next year and be an active member.

Firebelles By Pam Harley

Our November Fashion Show was, as always, a delightful event. We had a wonderful afternoon watching our friends dress beautifully and modeling the wonderful clothing donated to the American Cancer Society. Of course, the marvelous hats, scarves, jewelry and accessories provided, with the vision (and closet) of Anne Conley, transformed every model into a stylish and lovely vision of herself. Anne says that the experience of being a model for this show is a special time, when women walk in front of friends, feeling special and beautiful. The bonus is offering the clothing for sale to Firebelles who raise a goodly amount of money for the American Cancer Society--a win for everyone! Your Firebelles board decided that it would be wise to offer our Fiesta Night celebration next spring instead of the originally planned date of November 10. The holiday season keeps us all busy with gatherings with family and friends, and Fiesta Night is too much fun to be missed. So, mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4 and join us for salsa dancing, and a Latin-inspired buffet dinner. It will be a really fun evening! We would like to welcome Mary Chakurian to our Firebelles team. Mary has volunteered to be the chair of our Spring 2019 Home Tour. We are look-

From left to right: Elena Vaculin, Julie Keith, Mary Ann Gallina, Dorothy Muenster, Sandy Darby, and Louise Leonard. (Photo credit: Pat Evans.)

ing for one or two other volunteers who would like to assist her in a co-chair position. Many thanks to Christy Swider for all her fine work on the excellent Home Tours of the last two years. If this is for you, please call Pam Harley at: 906-8005. We are also looking for someone with a flair for advertising that would be willing to serve as a Special Events Promoter. This position is to advertise our special events at the various LOP venues, and work with the LOP communications coordinator to ensure they are also published in all the appropriate places. Call Pam Harley to volunteer, and thanks in advance! For the last several months Firebelles have been working to create “Helping Hands.” This is a way for Firebelles to give temporary assistance to members of the community in their time of need, such as rides to LOP social events, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, hair

appointments and more. We are looking for volunteers to offer these services as well as meal set up and delivery, and general assistance in small tasks, including taking out trash cans—all of which can be a tremendous help to our LOP neighbors. We are also offering drop-in visits, emails and phone calls to offer friendship and encouragement. If you are interested in volunteering or wish to request service, call Jeannie DePalma at (310) 963-3322. You will notice a change in your 2018-2019 Firebelles roster. Our Birthday Bear has been retired after a long and faithful career! The new roster shows the month of the member’s birthday underneath their name. The next roster will have the date, as well. Be sure to check the directory for names of your favorite Firebelle friends and send them a card! Wishing everyone a very blessed Holiday Season!


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Page 21

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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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RECREATION Men’s Niners Golf

(which is par for the back nine). October 19, Front Nine - 2-man Alternate Shots – Low Net

By Eric Jacobsen

The Men’s Niners have elected a new round of officers who will assume their roles beginning in January. They are as follows: Steve Rosenblum, Captain, Jack Kaiser, Secretary/Treasurer, Robin Friesen, Starter, Don Stevens, Outside Play and Special Events, Eric Jacobsen, Publicity/News Jim Goetsch, is still willing to continue compiling the scores and assessing each member’s handicap. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of these individuals for their willingness to volunteer their time and effort to ensure the success of the Niners. The Men’s Niners is a relaxed group of about 50 golfers who meet on Fridays. It is rare we have all 50 members playing. Generally, depending on weather, there are about seven groups to start -- one group after the other. There is no shot-gun start or need to make a reservation;you just sign up at least a half-hour before starting time and you will be assigned to a group. Our next guest day is Friday, Dec. 14. If you would like to join us for a round of golf just talk to any member

(Left to right) Don Stevens, Special Events & Outside Play; Jim Goetsch, Handicapper; Robin Friesen, Starter; Eric Jacobsen, Publicity; Jack Kaiser, Secretary/Treasurer; Steve Rosenblum, Captain

or come to the Pro Shop before 9:30 am and talk to the Starter. The cost for the green fees is only $5 as a guest. October Results: October 5, Front Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Daryl Chandler Net 30 Second Place: Rick Stolz Net 31 Flight “B” First Place: Robin Freisen Net 28 Second Place: Jim Wilkinson Net 31 Birdies Rich Hibbs #Alt9, Dave Medlicott #4, Lloyd Raether #8, Mark Wuelfing #8 There were 10 members out of 21

playing who recorded net scores of 35 or less. This is par for the front 9 with the addition of the new tee location on Hole 6. October 12, Back Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Duane Heaton Net 33 Second Place: Lloyd Raether Net 37 Flight “B” First Place: Mark Loranger Net 30 Second Place: Ken Svanum Net 34 Birdies None While it was perfect day for golf, only three players had net scores of 36

Women’s Golf Club By Carol Cunningham

The Overall winning team in the WGC Fall Fore Golf Invitational: Kay Nunez, Lynette Matheson, Kathy Southgate and Diana Garza (Photo credit: Carol Cunningham)

the winning team was Cheryl Baker, Terry Karnezis, Deborah McGrath and Nancy Meyer. Second went to the team of Peggy Brewer, Carol Cunningham, Chris Brown and Karen Holdsworth. After the round on Tuesday, there was a filly race in the afternoon for the top 12

Upcoming Dates: December 11 - Christmas Party December 14 - Guest Day teams, the “Fall Downs.” This was an alternate shot format, played on holes 15 through 18, with teams being eliminated on each hole until a winner was determined on hole 18. The winning team was Donna Hay, Val Lanza, Maureen Mazzocco and Janice Pucci. Congratulations to all of the winners in the tournament! After Tuesday’s golf, there was a gathering at the Clubhouse with hors d’oeuvres and entertainment by Midnight Sun. Wednesday afternoon was the luncheon and drawings for prizes. A huge thank you goes to Jan Schulte, who did a great job of organizing the event. Also thank you to the many people who helped in a variety of ways. Another fun event in October was the Halloween Guest Day. This year Halloween actually fell on a Wednesday. There was a good turnout, including 10 guests, lots of orange and black, and some cute accessories. The game Continued to page 25

Page 23

Linda Hefti, Pat Seeley, Linda Hunter and Jackie Baxter. First place in the second flight went to Kathy Belding, Jeannette Kelley, Nancy Mitchel and Diane Timko. In second place was the team of Kathy Bow, Denise Mascari, Paula Glass and Joanne Zemetra. In Flight 3,

October 26, Back Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Dennis Camarlinghi Net 33 Second Place: Rick Stolz Net 35 Flight “B” First Place: Jim Wilkinson Net 31 Second Place: Al Cash Net 34 Birdies Steve Rosenblum #13 There were 25 members playing on a perfect golf day.

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

The highlight of October for the Women’s Golf Club was the Invitational, taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 9 and 10. The theme for the tournament was “Fall Fore Golf,” with cute fall decorations (mostly by Cheryl Baker). Many people wore fall colors and also decorated their carts. There were 18 teams, with 72 players from 16 different clubs. On both days, the two best net Stableford/par points were used, playing from the green tees on Tuesday and the red tees on Wednesday. The overall winning team was Diana Garza, Kay Nunez, Lynette Matheson and Kathy Southgate. In the separate flights, the Flight 1 winning team was Sandie Runte, Jo Walker, Cecy Mullins and Karen Anderson. Taking second was

Flight “A” First Place: Dennis Camerlinghi & Pat Graham Net 27.5 Second Place: Jim MacWilliams & Rich Hibbs Net 32.5 Flight “B” First Place: Dave Finck & Jack Kaiser Net 26 Second Place: Al Cash & Jim Goetsch Net 33 The team of Dennis Camerlinghi & Pat Graham blew out the completion with one birdy and six pars.

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 24

RECREATION The Tennis Racquet

continuing to serve as vice-president and secretary. They were sworn in at By Janet Trimble the Awards and Installation Dinner, We hope everyone enjoyed their held on Sunday, Nov. 18. Due to vacation plans, current Thanksgiving holiday, and now the President, Fred Friedberg gave his hustle and bustle of the Christmas “farewell” address at the October dinner, season is upon us. But don’t forget that the courts are wide open, waiting for all thanking the club for their support. you tennis players to take a break from And on behalf of the club, Jeanne gave shopping and get on down to enjoy a Fred a special thank you gift for all he’s done for the organization. So how great activity. The Octoberfest dinner turned much do you know about this young out to be an enjoyable event, thanks to man? Fred was raised in the Bronx, and The Fall Downs filly race winners: Maureen Mazzocco, Donna Hay, Janice Pucci, and Val Lanza Peggy Smith and Jeannie Tulipanin, received his college degree at Stony with some help from Diane Friedberg. (Photo credit: Carol Cunningham) After a great German buffet meal, the Brook University. Though he eventually Continued from page 23 was Jo Walker with a 67. Nice going! three of them led us into some crazy found his way to California, you only Coming up! Don’t forget that the games. There was a lot of laughing need to hear a couple of sentences to was Trouble, with each foursome receiving a bag of candies and sweeps annual holiday luncheon with the 18ers going on; we were having too much know he is a New Yawner. In his other life, Fred worked as a money. The first player kept the bag un- and 9ers will take place on Thursday, fun! computer consultant for Wells Fargo, til she got into trouble, like a hazard or Dec. 13 at the Clubhouse. The Election of 2019 Officers was which is where he met and married his The next general meeting will be also held that evening, and we are happy a three-putt, then passed the bag to the lovely wife, Diane. They moved to Lake next person. Whoever ended up with on Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 8:30 a.m., to announce that Laura Goldscheider the bag got to keep it, though along before golf in the Sports Lounge meet- and John Finnell will serve as co- of the Pines in 2004, where they both the way whoever had the bag could eat ing room. This will be an important presidents, and Val Lanza will take have been an integral part of Lake of meeting, as we are voting for the new on the duties of treasurer. We thank the Pines and the Tennis Club. some candy. Was a fun day! Fred is a Pinesmen in charge of Low net for the month of October officers for 2019. Jeanne Duggan and Carl Paquin for Continued to page 26  NOVEMBER AD PROOF  Corrections/OK Due By: Today if possible! No later than MON . NOV. 13

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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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Lady Niners

Continued from page 25

multi-media. When you can hear the music or announcements loud and clear during our 4th of July celebration, you can thank Fred for his hard work setting up the speaker system. He also is part of the Poker Club, and he and Diane helped get the RV Ramblers on the road, so to speak. Previously, he was very involved as an editor for the Channel 7 News Program, as well as a part of the LOP Twi-lite Bowling group. Hope we haven’t missed anything. Fred is one of five members of LOPsided. It started as a garage band, and now, over five years later, is one of the most requested bands to play at Lake of the Pines’ functions, as well at venues outside the gate. But what about tennis? He may have started playing tennis when he moved to California in 1979, but he certainly is into it now. When asked about Fred’s strokes in tennis, the number one answer was “unorthodox.” What about his serve? “Unorthodox”. But, they add, he’s a

i n g . .. c u d o r Int

Vice President Jeanne Duggan presents outgoing President Fred Friedberg with a thank you gift from the Tennis Club” (Photo Credit: Diane Friedberg)

quick and smart player. In the Tennis Club, Fred has been captain for both the Tuesday Advanced Men’s league, as well as the Friday Mixed Doubles. He has served on the Executive Board since 2009, as director of communications, membership, vice president and president. Fred, we all think you’re the greatest!

The New Club Car:


DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 26

Purchase a 2018 Club Car Onward with your choice of custom metallic paints! TRADE-INS AND FINANCING AVAILABLE

respectively. Mona Stolz took first in the second flight; Joyce Lewis was second. By Lee Hicks The Third Flight was won by Sharon Cowles; Camille Bastian taking second. Results of the Fall Twilight Tourney, Pat Wilkinson and Sonda also known as the Past Captains’ Sandstedt each chipped in during the Tourney, are in and are as follows: Throw Away Game played on October Closest to the Pin in one shot on #2, Jay 23. Cassi Bassolino won the Red Flight, Fahlstrom; on #15, Larry Estes. Closest Lynne Sullivan was second. Terry to the pin on second shot on #2, Ed Roberts won the Gold Flight; Janet Pena; on #15, Bev Barnett. The accuracy Trimble took second. Playing from the shot on #9 was won by Patti Abbott, Green/Combo tees, Kathy Bolen and and on #16, Eileen Mullins. Bev Barnett placed first and second The first place honors for the respectively in the first flight. Lynn Ladies Flight, playing a scramble, went Marshall and Joyce Lewis took first to the threesome of Trish Miller, Janice and second respectively in the Second Lambert and Sonda Sandstedt, scoring Flight. Third Fight was won by Camille 17. Playing on the front nine, in a Bastian, Eileen Pena, second. Scotch twosome, the first-place team of Halloween was celebrated by the Aanensons and Tozers won with a score Niners with lots of fall colors worn of 50. Placing second was the team of adorned with pumpkins and goblins Fahlstroms and Penas with 53. Playing and a Devil’s Choice Game. Janice on the back nine, first place went to the Lambert and Janet Jacobsen both team of Cowles, Abbott and the Hauts, scoring 60. Placing second was the team carded chip-ins. Sara O’Reilly and Mary Maguire placed first and second of the Estes and the Morrill couples. Following awards, the respectively in the First Flight, red tees. entertainment of the evening was Joyce Hopkinson took first place honors a recap more than 35 years of Niner playing from the gold tees, followed in history as seen through the eyes of the second by Lu Anderson. Joan Denzler honorees, past Niner Captains. Who took first playing from the green/combo knew that Judy Morrill was really a tees, with Phyllis Sorenson, second. stand-up comedian in disguise and Lynn Marshall was first in the Second that she was personally responsible for Flight; Kay Knowlden was second. losing hole #2 for a whole year during Third Flight winner was Camille Bastian; Sharon Cowles was second. her tenure? Following their win over Cold Playing an October Low Springs in the River Valley Division Net Game, Lauren Dummer and Team Play Championship at the Suzie Estes placed first and second challenging Del Rio Country Club, respectively in the flight playing from the Team Play trophy has returned the red tees. Kimberly Lane and Joyce to take up its rightful position in the Hopkinson placed first and second in the Gold Flight. Playing in the Lake of the Pines trophy case. Thanks Green/Combo Flight, Joan Denzler to Captain Sonja Lane and her traveling and Lois Laird placed first and second team. You have made your club proud!

Lady Niners Honor Past Captains


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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News


COUNTY NEWS District II Government Update By Supervisor Ed Scofield

Now with the Election a little more than a month ago, I thought I would give you a brief insight on how I saw the recent election impacting our County. On the State level, I’ll just say I’m a registered Republican. Read what you want into that, but what is frustrating to me is those who automatically make me the opposition based on my party preference. As a Supervisor, when a constituent calls me with an idea or a concern, I don’t ask what party they belong to, or even if they are a registered voter. I simply ask, how can I help? There were several propositions that would have had a major impact if passed. The one of most interest to me was Proposition 6. This was the repeal of the gas tax passed under SB1 in 2017. If passed, this would have had a tremendous impact on every County in the State. The gas tax brings in approximately $3M per year to the County for road projects and maintenance. There are good arguments on both sides of the issue, and my party strongly supported the repeal. I, as your Supervisor, have watched the gas tax revenues decline dramat-

ically since being elected in 2009. I refer you to the 2018 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment Report which can be found at www.counties.org. It shows the condition of roads through a Pavement Condition Index (PCI). With 0 to 49 a “poor” index and 100 to 86 being “excellent,” Nevada County had a PCI of 71 to 85 putting us in the category of “good” in 2008. With declining revenues over the last ten years, our PCI lowered to 50 to 70 putting our roads at an index of “at risk“. That annual $3M will allow County roads to return to the “good” level, and will allow the completion of major road projects, several of which are in our South County. I note the Combie Road Project is already funded and would not have been impacted by the proposition, should it have passed. One of the races that I watched the closest in our local election was the election of the new Sheriff. During this past year, I’ve found myself leaning towards endorsing one or the other candidates. I finally decided that I liked both candidates. Each person brings different qualifications to the position, and no matter who was the winner, it was clear that either one would have brought the respect or professionalism needed to the Sheriff ’s position. I would recommend that both Lake of the Pines and Alta Sierra reach out to the new Sheriff with invites for public forums. And while we’re discussing the Sheriff, I’d like to give a big

thank you to Keith Royal for his 20 years of service to our County. Last but not least, both our Supervisors were elected in the Primary Election. Dan Miller will serve another term representing District 3, and with Supervisor Weston retiring, Susan Hoek will represent District 4 beginning in January 2019. I’ve known Sue for a number of years through the Farm Bureau, and the Nevada County Fair. She will bring Agriculture as one of her top priorities. She’s been introduced to County staff and has been following and involved with the current issues. She will be an excellent addition to our Board of Supervisors. Ricki Heck was elected to the NID Board in June. This will impact the County in that she will be resigning her position as the District 1 Planning Commissioner. Supervisor Hall will be naming Marty Coleman-Hunt as Ricki’s replacement. Marty was best known as the Executive Director of the Bear Yuba Land Trust. She brings good skills and knowledge of our County to our Planning Commission. I’d like to commend all of the candidates running for our local positions. We have experienced meaningful and respectful campaigns. I believe we will see that same respect and professionalism brought to all of Nevada County’s Boards and Councils.

SERVICE TEAMS Firewise By Toni Boyer

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 28

It’s hard to believe I am beginning my second year on the Firewise Committee. In the past year, the committee has met every month, as opposed to the previous year’s bi-monthly meetings because there has been so much happening. The committee held several clean-up days last winter and spring to trim trees and clear brush in some of our common areas. This was followed up by a visit from many hungry goats in a few areas including the back side of the dam. Two committee members, Steve Chandler and Glen McGuire, performed 73 defensible space inspections this past year to help homeowners identify ways to make their own property more firesafe. They also have partnered with the area realtors to have these inspections performed at the time a home is put up for sale. Two additional committee members have recently been trained to perform inspections. If you would like to obtain a

free inspection resulting in recommendations specific to your property, contact the Nevada County Firesafe Council at:272-1122. Members of the LOP Firewise Committee will call you to arrange an appointment at a convenient time to inspect your property. Another important function of the committee is educating the community on firesafe practices. This was done by hosting a successful Fire Safety event in August with information and demonstrations provided by the Higgins Fire Department, PG&E, the Office of Emergency Services, Cal Fire, State Farm Insurance, Gold Country Garage Doors and Suburban Propane, who also provided participants with a great barbeque lunch. We also had a table to disseminate information at the Music and Art in the Park in May and during the Fourth of July celebration. In October we assisted with the community event at the Higgins Fire Station. Yes, it’s been a busy year. We look forward to another busy year continuing our fire safety efforts, finalizing an emergency evacuation plan, and working closely with the Neighborhood

Watch program to keep our community safe. Our committee members are meeting and keeping busy scheduling and performing defensible space property inspections throughout LOP. Inspections are also being done on LOP community property so corrective actions can and are being taken by the association. This is so beneficial to keeping our community firesafe and minimize the risk of property damage, should a wildfire occur. Do your part to keep your property and our community firesafe! Even with all our efforts to prevent fires, the most important thing we can all do is be prepared in case an emergency evacuation is necessary. The committee is reviewing and making recommendations to LOP to purchase more visible signage marking the emergency exits. Be sure you know where the exits are located. Also review the information available on the LOP website under the Emergency Preparedness tab and pick up a handout in the Administration Office on evacuation preparedness and Red Flag Warnings.

REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS – December 2018 Club


Bear River Garden Club Couples Bridge Duplicate Bridge Firebelles Board Mtg. Firebelles Luncheon Lady 9ers Board Mtg. Lady 9ers General Mtg. Men Fellowship MGC Board Mtg. MGC Pancake Open Men Niner Quarterly Mtg Men Niners Annual Christmas Party (MBS) Military Bull Season Pinesmen Board Mtg. Pinesmen Bingo Pinochle Poker

Friday, Dec. 14 Tuesdays Thursdays Thursday, Dec. 6 Thursday, Dec. 13 Monday, Dec. 10 Tuesday, Dec. 11 Tuesdays Wednesday, Dec. 5 Saturday, Dec. 15 No Meeting in Dec.

Tuesday, Dec. 11 Thursday, Dec. 13 No Meeting in Dec. ----Fridays Tuesdays Wednesdays Sports & Activities Mtg No Meeting in Dec. SAC Bocce Ball No Meeting in Dec. SAC Fishing Group Tuesday, Dec. 4 SAC Healthy Living Monday, Dec. 10 SAC Pine Needlers Tuesdays SAC Ukulele Group Mondays & Fridays SIR Board Mtg. No Meeting in Dec. SIR Christmas Dinner & Dance Wednesday, Dec. 5 Tennis Club Board Mtg. Tuesday, Dec. 4 WGC Exec. Board Mtg. Thursday, Dec. 27 WGC Gen’l. Mtg. Wednesday, Dec. 5 WGC & Lady Niners Christmas Luncheon Thursday, Dec. 13 Women’s Fellowship Wednesday, Dec. 12



9:30 a.m. 6:15-10:00 p.m. 6:30-10:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 2:30-4:30 p.m. 8:00-10:00 a.m. 7:00-8:00 a.m. 3:00-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. -----


5:00 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. --------6:00-10:00 p.m. 7:00-10:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. --------7:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. ----4:00 p.m. 4:00-5:30 p.m. 9:00-11:00 a.m. 8:30-10:00 a.m.


9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Fitness & Rec CLASS SCHEDULE – December 2018 Date



Aerobics Line Dancing LessonsBeginners Improver Intermediate LOP Sliders – Salsa Lessons Pickleball – Drop-in Open Play (all players)


8:30-9:30 a.m.


Mon. Mon. Mon. Tues.

4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:15-6:15 p.m. 6:30-8 p.m. 6:30-9 p.m.


Mon.-Sat. Sun. Tues./Thurs.

8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Hazel Pk Hazel Pk CH/MPG

Tai Chi

COMMITTEE MEETINGS – December 2018 Club

Tuesday, Dec. 11 Monday, Dec. 3 Wednesday, Dec. 12 Monday, Dec. 17 Tuesday, Dec. 4 Tuesday, Dec. 18 Wednesday, Dec. 5 No Meeting in Dec. No Meeting in Dec.

Time 6:00 p.m 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. ---------


By Mike Callahan

Nuts and Bolts

Because of the very limited space in the weekly editions of Pines Times, it has become increasingly difficult to list the various shows playing on Suddenlink CH. 7. This problem does not exist for the same shows playing at www.lop.org. This month’s column will outline the differences between these two methods of propagating important information to the LOP community. Each broadcast begins with a concept developed into an actual show. Bi-weekly news shows require a full script read by the anchors and enhanced with interviews, graphics, and other elements edited into an interesting whole. The show originating on a Friday near the middle of the month contains the Board Report—our most important service to the members. The general manager adds details to this essential viewing experience. Other shows may provide coverage of an event at LOP, such as the 4th of July celebration, the Firebelles’ Follies, or another upcoming “Coffee with the Manager,” with Suddenlink executives as special guests. These and other options always appear at both the LOP website and at Suddenlink Ch 7. After you go to lop.org and scroll down the home page to “Watch CH 7,” click on it and then on the Big 7. This reveals icons corresponding to the current CH 7 News and to at least a half dozen other productions. Click on the one you wish to watch and it will

begin to play on your computer or mobile device. Pausing the playback for a few seconds will allow buffering and a smoother video. Technically, we have uploaded an .mp4 file of the edited show to an Internet provider that beams the video to you all the way from England. However, we have also delivered a DVD of the same show to the local Suddenlink office which they take to their satellite station in Dark Horse, where becomes part of their regular programming. Though Suddenlink’s CH 7 can broadcast up to four different shows a day, you cannot tell what they currently offer or when. The latest CH 7 News always plays at the odd hours from 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Beyond that, we try to fit as many viewings of the other shows into the remaining time slots as possible. For much of November, we had a total of only 8½ minutes during the twohour time period between CH 7 News shows without one of the other broadcasts playing. The weekly e-blast, “This Week on the Lake,” has been moved for delivery on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays. This allows for more time to include any details from Wednesday’s Board meetings, where appropriate. Going online to lop.org and signing up for the e-blasts from Admin not only provides more information on our programs, but also bulletins about such dangers as mountain lions and nearby fires. To join our team, email Janet Trimble at Jaytee@cebridge.net. Meanwhile, I’ll keep trying to tell you when and what to watch.

Channel 7 • Channel 7 News

• On Suddenlink TV: The News airs on Suddenlink Ch.7 at 9 & 11 a.m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 p.m. • Check The Pines Times for other videos playing on Suddenlink Cable Channel 7. • On Demand, anytime, any place on your computer or mobile device: watch on high speed Internet at www.LOP.org, scroll down to the big 7 against a lake background and click on the arrow or scroll past the arrow to the six icons below for additional video options.

• Join our News Team!

Be a writer, videographer or video editor. Volunteer at least 10 hours of time for one week a month. Contact Janet Trimble at jaytee@cebridge.net or 268-1917.

Page 29

Covenants Darkhorse Ad Hoc Environmental Control Finance Firewise Golf Lakes & Parks Tennis Yacht Lounge Bldg Ad Hoc


Channel 7

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News



SERVICE TEAMS Neighborhood Watch By Toni Boyer

Most of the Block Captains have contacted their area neighbors and held their first block meetings. Some, however have not yet had an opportunity to do so. We are establishing a good team with lots of positive energy and ideas to share. November began with 35 Block Captains, but

many areas are still not covered. If you want your area included and you are willing to be a Block Captain, please email me at neighborhoodwatch@ lop.org, or stop by Admin and complete a Block Captain application. You can also contact me at: 728-3148 if you have questions or want more information. With the holidays upon us we can expect an increase in deliveries by both the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and private delivery companies. To

reduce the opportunity for theft, pick up delivered packages as soon as possible or ask a neighbor to pick them up when you are not around. This applies to your daily mail, as well, if you have an unsecured mail box. Only send outgoing mail in secured boxes, especially if it contains checks or personal information. Request a mail hold from USPS if you will be gone for more than a couple of days. Enjoy the holidays. Stay safe, be kind, and watch out for your neighbors.

TREASURER’S REPORT By Treasurer, Ross Tokmakian

Pocket-handy Decoder (PhD) for the Reserve Study

DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 30

The 2019 Lake of the Pines Annual Disclosures was recently sent out to all members of LOP (thank you, by the way, to the 700 of you who have elected to receive it electronically, as it is expensive to print and mail hard copies). The Reserve Study starting on page 15 of the Disclosures is often viewed as a complex bunch of numbers that requires a CPA, MBA, or PhD to understand. Here it is, your PhD: What is the Reserve Study? – The listing and aging of the major assets of the Association, which have a remaining life of less than 30 years (561 of them!) – with a few exceptions, such as buildings and the dam. This is the study behind the funding of the Capital Reserves, which pays for Major Repairs and Replacements (MR&R). Why aren’t major amenities like the Clubhouse or the Golf Course listed (Page 18)? – This grouping of the assets is by type of item, so Clubhouse decks are listed in a different place from Clubhouse mechanical equipment. Similarly, the Golf Course is in multiple places, including Paving, Landscaping and Structural Repairs. The full study (478 pages), available as a link on the LOP.org website (Association,Association Documents,Reserve Study 2019), shows the grouping by major amenity. What is the Fully Funded Balance? – This is the sum of the depreciated amounts of all the assets. If an item such as paint is expected to last ten years and it is two years old, then this is 1/10th times 2 or 20% of today’s full replacement cost. The total of $8.6 million is what it would cost to bring all of our assets back to new condition (not really something we could do,after all, how do you complete 20% of a paint job?). Why aren’t we fully funded (page 20)? - Are we really going to be at the threshold of “Poor” financial condition in 2022, as indicated on page 2 of the full (online) report? No. The scale on page 2 is a one-size-fits-all indicator. Your Board of Directors, management and auditors are confident that, given the large size and diversity of our asset base, and the partially discretionary timing of replacement needs, we are not at significant risk of running out of Capital Reserves funds. Why are we showing a current deficiency (page 20)? – This is the additional amount each homeowner would have to contribute to bring us to “fully funded.” Your Board believes that you’d rather keep this money yourself than have it sit in an LOP account when there is an extremely low possibility we’d ever use it (see prior point). If we don’t need so much, why do we have over $5 million in the fund

in the future (page 21)? – This growth reflects inflation in expected asset replacement costs and the cyclical spending profile for repairs. (See page 68 of the full report for more details). For those of you so inclined, you can further your education by attending the Finance Committee meetings where we can provide you with an MD (More Decoder), or send an email to me asking for more clarification. Financial Results: YTD October 2018 Lake of the Pines of the Pines IncomeLake Statement Income Statement For the 10 Months Ended October 31, 2018

For the 10 Months Ended October 31, 2018 TOTAL OPERATIONS

Actual vs. Budget Actual Budget Better/(Worse) Actual vs. Budget 5,465,954 Actual $ 5,428,575 Budget $ 37,379 Better/(Worse) 5,425,165 $ 5,465,954 5,409,744 $ 5,428,575 $(15,421) 37,379 40,789 $ 18,831 $ 21,958


Revenue Expense Revenue Operations Net Gain (loss)

$ $

Expense Operations Net Gain (loss)


5,425,165 40,789 $

5,409,744 18,831 $

Major Repair and Replacement Spending 2018

Major Repair and Replacement Spending 2018 Spending


Actual (10 Mo. YTD) Full Yr. Budget Full Yr. Forecast $ 780,558 $ 1,603,018 $ 901,357

(15,421) 21,958

Full Year Forecast vs. Budget Better/(Worse) Full Year Forecast $ 701,661 vs. Budget

Actual (10 Mo. YTD) Full Yr. Budget Full Yr. Forecast $ 780,558 $ 1,603,018 $ 901,357

Better/(Worse) $ 701,661

Year-to Date Highlights are as follows: • Overall Operations results are over $21,958 better than budgeted. This positive variance continues to decline. The current expectation is that yearend results will be close to budget. • Improving Food and Beverage results is the focus of a newly formed Food and Beverage Ad Hoc committee by the Board. October again showed a significant improvement versus earlier months, with a $6,006 favorable variance compared to budget. • Major Repair and Replacement (MR&R) spending forecast for the year is well below budget levels. Most of this is due to deferred spending, due to both projected longer lives and project timing issues. I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday season and that those so severely impacted by the Camp Fire find their way to recovery through the support, encouragement and love extended their way.





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DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

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Healthy Living Sponsored by:

www.snmh.org • (530) 274-6000

Give the gift of good health By Amy Abt Special to The Union


DECEMBER 2018 Lake of the Pines News

Page 32

ospitals play an important role in any city. However, rural hospitals often serve as the heart of small towns, in charge of constantly checking the pulse of the surrounding community and providing resources, outreach and lifesaving services whenever they are needed. Dignity Health Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital embodies this fact. Being the only hospital for quite some distance, SNMH staff, physicians and round-the-clock emergency care provide members of our community comfort and healing when it’s needed most. But SNMH can’t do it alone. Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation relies on the generosity of our local community to help provide our hospital qwith the state-of-the-art equipment, cutting edge services and local outreach and education needed to keep the more than 75,000 residents healthy. During this week of Thanksgiving, we want to express our deepest appreciation to our community for consistently coming together during tragedies – such as the recent Camp Fire – to donate time and resources. While the day to day function of a hospital is to care for patients, it also plays a key role when tragedy and disaster occur. Your local hospital sent multiple ambulances to the town of Paradise and surrounding areas to assist with the Camp Fire evacuation process. SNMH also hosted a donation drive on Sunday, Nov. 11 (see below). Hospital employees and local residents also donated hundreds and hundreds of dollars in gift cards. This year on Giving Tuesday (Nov. 27), we invite you to make a gift for our hospital. “Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration, SNMHF Executive Director Kimberly Parker commented. “Celebrated in the United States on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.” No amount is too small and you can rest assured that one hundred percent of your gift will go toward the area that you designate. Not one penny is used on administrative costs. With the landscape of health care dramatically changing, we need your support now more than ever. SNMHF is currently working on a

campaign to transform SNMH’s Emergency Department by raising $2 million — $1.3 million of which has already been committed – to renovate a vital area of the hospital that cares for up to 35,000 patients annually and often sees 100 patients a day. This transformation touches all corners of the Emergency Department. While caring for critical patients in crisis must always be the highest priority of emergency personnel, this project will add two Rapid Treatment Units to provide an expedited pathway for less urgent medical needs; additional patient beds; a quiet and safe environment for patients in crisis; a family counseling room for when difficult discussions become necessary; closer access for stroke care; and more.

Give a Giving Tuesday Gift Visit www.supportsierra nevada.org/donate and select which area of the hospital is near and dear to your heart. You can also mail a check to SNMHF, PO Box 1810 Grass Valley, CA 95945. For questions, please call SNMHF at 530-477-9700. In addition, SNMHF successfully raised more than $700,000 for life-saving equipment including an MRI, CT and nuclear medicine area that will ensure a greater capacity of care for patients needing diagnostic services. Since SNMH opened its doors in 1958, our community has helped to provide state-of-the-art technology, life-saving equipment, important education, and community outreach in almost every corner of our hospital. Achievements such as our nationally accredited Community Cancer Center, award-winning Women’s Imaging Center, our Cardiac Center and Cardiac Rehab program and our one-of-a-kind Crisis Stabilization Unit can be directly tied to our community’s incredible generosity. Residents of our rural region expect and deserve the very best in medical care. Whether it’s caring for those escaping wildfire, caring for an injured child, a sick parent or needing help for yourself, you can count on Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital to be there. This Giving Tuesday, help us continue our 60-year-long mission of providing quality, community health care to western Nevada County by making a gift today toward our Emergency Room transformation, or another area of the hospital of your choosing.

You’re a person first, patient second. At Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, we see you as more than your diagnosis. Our commitment to treating the whole person— physically, emotionally, and spiritually—is embodied in our multidisciplinary approach. Our specially trained nurse navigator works alongside our physicians to guide you through the whole process and connect you to valuable community resources and support, so you can focus on healing—mind, body and spirit. Learn more at dignityhealth.org/sierranevada.

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